Forensic Schedule Information Modeling F
Forensic Schedule Information Modeling F
Forensic Schedule Information Modeling F
Muaz Fagiar
Doctor of Philosophy
Construction Engineering and Management
University of Alberta
A review of state-of-the-art research and practice has revealed that while the incidence of claims
in the construction industry is increasing, current analysis practices are failing to accurately
analyze and evaluate contemporaneous project data. The most common types of construction
disputes relate to schedule impacts, or time claims caused by various controllable and
uncontrollable events that prevent projects execution from being performed as originally planned
either positively or negatively. Yet, they are the least understood and most complex disputes in the
construction field. In an attempt to overcome the issues, various analytical methods were
developed and used, nevertheless there are shortcomings to these methods that remain unresolved.
A key element in connection with time claims analysis is that project information is often scattered
in various contemporaneous records such as daily progress reports, meeting minutes, diaries,
emails, etc. This information is required to verify and assess time claims; however, the inadequate
organization and overload of information often lead to inaccuracy and discrepancy in progress
timelines as well as inefficiency in the process to reach accurate analysis results and claim
Driven by the author’s practical experience in construction claims analysis, this research identified
various administrative and technical shortfalls associated with the practice of time claims analysis
from theoretical, technical and professional literature. The identification of these deficiencies led
ForSIM, for analysis of time claims. ForSIM framework focuses on integrating impact of events
with the schedule to reflect the changes on activities durations and the overall schedule. It utilizes
the principles of window-based analytical techniques and employs time-step simulation approach
to model project data, achieve the automated data processing, analyze time claims, and quantify
both acceleration and time extension award along with detailed demonstration of causation.
ForSIM proposes a novel data organization scheme, schedule of events (SoE), for documenting
details of project evens that have potential impact on a project schedule. The structure of the event
schedule is standardized to facilitate automated retrieval of information and analysis, and it can be
implemented in any computer interpreted format, including spreadsheets and database formats.
Along with the SoE, ForSIM relies on existence of a mutually agreed upon planned schedule and
schedule updates, if available. ForSIM models the dynamic of schedule changes through an entity
information model that records all the schedule relevant data, and an entity lifecycle model that
imitates the possible routes an entity instance might maneuver through in a schedule network
model, simultaneously responding to schedule logic and invoking duration changes. ForSIM can
be described as “data-centric” as it places emphasis on events data and how it impacts project
schedules. This entity-centric approach facilitates the analysis of time claims in ways that current
approaches do not.
A prototype of ForSIM was developed and tested for concept validation, with different case studies
used to demonstrate its merits over existing analytical methods. The study reveals that application
of ForSIM would significantly improve industry practice and help achieve more efficient and
accurate assessment of time claims in construction projects. The benefits of ForSIM framework
This thesis is an original work by Muaz Fagiar. Some of the research conducted for this thesis has
been published or will be published, and represents collaborative work done with Dr. Yasser
A summarized version of Chapter 3 of this thesis has been published as Fagiar, M., Mohamed, Y.,
& AbouRizk, S. M. (2019). Simulation-Based Framework for Construction Delay Analysis. 7th
International Construction Specialty Conference jointly with the Construction Research Congress.
I was responsible for the data collection and analysis as well as the manuscript composition. Dr.
Yasser Mohamed and Dr. Simaan AbouRizk were the supervisory authors and was involved with
To my father’s soul
First and foremost, all praise and thanks to Allah, who gave me health, strength and patience to
I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to my supervisor Dr. Yasser
Mohamed for his great support, supervision and continuous suggestions throughout this research.
His encouragements inspired me and kept me highly motivated throughout the study. Special
thanks also to my co-supervisor Dr. Simaan AbouRizk for his guidance and support in my study.
I would like to express my sincere thanks and gratitude to my mother, sister and extended family
for their continuous supports and encouragements to sustain the pursuit of my PhD study. Special
thanks to my lovely wife for her unconditional love, endless patience and support since the first
Finally, I would also like to thank all my friends, colleagues and individuals who supported me
Table of Contents
List of Tables ........................................................................................................................... xi
List of Figures......................................................................................................................... xii
Chapter 1. General Introduction ...........................................................................................1
1.1. Introduction to the Research Topic ............................................................................1
Chapter 3. Critical Review of the Limitations in Time Claims Practice ............................ 60
3.1. Chapter Introduction................................................................................................ 60
Chapter 4. A New Simulation-Assisted Framework for the Analysis of Time Claims ......81
4.1. Chapter Introduction................................................................................................ 81
5.2.1. Initialization....................................................................................................... 106
Chapter 6. Application of ForSIM for As-Built Schedules Development and Time Claims
Analysis 116
6.1. Chapter Introduction.............................................................................................. 116
6.2. Automated Development and Analysis of As-Built Schedules Using ForSIM – A Case
Study 116
6.3. Time Claims Analysis Using ForSIM – A Case Study ........................................... 127
7.2. Conclusions ........................................................................................................... 147
7.2.3. ForSIM – Proposed New Framework for Time Claims Assessment.................... 148
7.4. Research Limitations and Recommendation for Future Research and Development
References.............................................................................................................................. 156
List of Tables
Table 2-1: Source data for the various delay analysis methods................................................... 48
Table 6-1: Extracted events relevant to the case study ............................................................. 130
Table 6-2: Capability comparison of ForSIM and daily window analysis method .................... 138
List of Figures
Figure 1-1: Research Methodology..............................................................................................8
Figure 2-1: Major causes of productivity losses other than change orders (Leonard, Fazio, &
Figure 2-2: Factors negatively influencing change order impact (Leonard, Fazio, & Moselhi, 1988)
................................................................................................................................................. 24
Figure 6-4: Simulated activities information for the tunneling segment ................................... 121
Figure 6-5: Illustration of the critical activities of the tunneling segement ............................... 122
Figure 6-7: Breakdown of event impacts ................................................................................. 131
Figure 6-9: Liability allocation from the Systems Contractor’s perspective ............................. 133
Figure 6-10: Liability allocation from the Owner's perspective ................................................ 134
Figure 6-12: Illustrative case study for inaccuracy of daily window analysis ........................... 140
Figure 6-14: Illustrative case study of the impact of disruption on delay analysis .................... 143
Chapter 1. General Introduction
At the initiation of a construction project, numerous resources are invested to ensure development
of an accurate and reasonable execution plan to the greatest extent possible. One critical element
of this effort includes the development of project schedules to aid in defining the scope of work
and setting completion timelines (Ahuja, Dozzi, & AbouRizk, 1994; Newitt, 2008). However,
changes to project schedules are inevitable due to various controllable and uncontrollable events,
and these changes often lead to disputes among the contracted parties time claims. Along with
deteriorating economic conditions, delay claims have become an integral part of the construction
industry and are steadily increasing in both number and frequency (Levin, 2016). This situation is
unlikely to change within the foreseeable future; therefore, accurate analysis of claims is of
Time related claims are the most common type of dispute because they are associated with
damages and financial impacts for all contracted parties (Keane & Caletka, 2015). Thus, most
standard forms of contracts include provisions which anticipate delays caused by actions taken by
and/or inaction of owners or contractors, as well as events outside the control of both parties.
Contractors are often excused from consequences and/or provided with financial compensation
when delays result from circumstances or events beyond their control. Contractual provisions also
allow owners to recover liquidated damages from contractors when they fail to deliver projects
within the agreed contract duration (Keane & Caletka, 2015). Disagreement in any of these
instances leads to a claim. Delay analysis then plays a vital role in resolving and settling these
Analysis of time claims is often a study in the relationship of cause and effect, which can be
demonstrated in many forms, such as comparisons of cost/value recovery against the contract
baseline, labor histograms and cash flow curves (Gibson, 2008). Many delay analysis techniques
have been developed; however, most of these techniques are based on manual processes and they
do not take into account concurrent delays situations, critical path changes (Yang & Tsai, 2011),
quantification of liabilities at the subcontractor level, partial delays (Hegazy & Zhang, 2005), or
uncertainty associated with the impact of an event. However, the most critical drawback to existing
delay analysis techniques is that they rely on the experience and subjectivity of the analyst. These
Although new analysis techniques have partially addressed some of these limitations, the need for
an integrated and comprehensive framework that performs delay analysis in a realistic and timely
The practice of claim management is ever-increasing. Whereas in the past claims have been
managed by parties external to projects, there is an indication that both owners and contractors are
mainly to handle this work. However, the task of forensic schedule analysis is onerous (AACE
International, 2011). Contractors perceive most delays as being the owners’ responsibility in order
to establish entitlement of compensation while owners often view delays as the responsibility of
contractors, third parties or events beyond the control of parties involved in projects.
A major development that has occurred in construction generally over the past several decades is
the introduction of simulation technologies that are capable of analyzing complex operations
(AbouRizk S. , 2010). The construction industry has been using simulation for designing, planning
and analyzing construction operations. Over the past three decades, various types of simulation
methods have been developed to cope with different system behaviors, including Monte Carlo
simulation, discrete event simulation (DES), and system dynamics (SD). These methods are being
widely used to study and model construction operations, such as tunneling operations (Rahm,
Duhme, Sadri, Thewes, & König, 2013; Ebrahimy, AbouRizk, Fernando, & Mohamed, 2011),
scheduling problems (Araúzo, Pavón, Lopez-Paredes, & Pajares, 2009; Tang, Mukherjee, &
Onder, 2013), and earthmoving operations (Marzouk & Moselhi, 2004; Zhang H. , 2008; Hsiao,
Lin, CT., Wu, & Cheng, 2011; Mohamed & Ali, 2013).
However, despite the proven benefits of simulation applied to the construction industry and the
need to develop new delay analysis methods, the application of simulation to delay analysis is
limited. Overall, the industry is slow to embrace and benefit from the numerous simulation
advantages in claims management flowing from computation, accuracy, scenario analysis, etc. The
tendency to use DES in claims analysis focused on modeling different scenarios under different
conditions to analyze and evaluate changes in system behaviour (AbouRizk & Dozzi, 1993; Al
Malah, Golnaraghi, Biok, Elfaizy, & Zayed, 2013). SD models have also been used in the claims
analysis process because the use of concepts and arrows in qualitative models provide clear
argument routes and makes things easier to understand than quantitative models (Howick, 2003;
A thorough review of academic, technical and professional literature revealed the extent of the
problem from theoretical and practical perspectives and confirmed the existence of many
shortcomings. The deficiencies are predominantly in the area of time claims, where there is a focus
on analysis of project schedules and simulation of different delay scenarios. Schedule overrun is
worldwide problem and, consequently, responsible party or parties are obligated to meet this
liability. Therefore, more accurate and timely approaches for the analysis and quantification of
time claims are critical in the construction industry. This research aims at exploring how analysis
of time related claims could be improved by taking full advantage of the time-step simulation
Unsettled claims lead to the development of dispute and restricting resolution to involving a third
party through alternative dispute resolution (ADR) mechanisms. All of these factors contribute to
lengthy processes and substantial cost expenditures prior to reaching a conclusion. The most
common types of construction disputes are related to schedule impacts, or delay claims (ASCE,
2017). They relate to unanticipated events that extend the project and/or prevent its execution from
being performed as originally planned. Yet, they are the least understood and most complex
Previous studies have focused on the development of technical solutions to facilitate conclusions
regarding construction disputes; however, they fail to address some critical administrative issues
relative to the management of time related claims. These issues include lack of standardized
documentation processes, need for specific delay analysis skills, information overload and lack of
data organization and disintegrated claims management processes. Subsequently, various methods
for analysis of schedule delays have been developed (Arditi & Pattanalitchamroon, 2006; Gibson,
2008; AACE International, 2011). Among these methods, window-based delay analysis methods
have been identified as being the most credible; however, they still have functional limitations and
user prerequisites. For instances, window-based analysis methods do not consider partial delay
analysis nor allocate delays at a micro-level (subcontractor, suppliers, etc.) (Hegazy & Zhang,
2005). These drawbacks of existing methods form the objectives that are to be addressed in this
research. Furthermore, this research highlights additional technical issues that were not previously
addressed, including inadequate testing and use of alternate technologies, subjective interaction
Thus, the need for a new approach to perform construction schedule analysis and quantify
extension of time (EoT) in a more realistic and efficient manner is apparent and imperative. From
this perspective, and to improve overall construction delay analysis practices, new avenues related
to recent advances in simulation can be explored and tested. This research aims to explore how
quantification of time extensions related to delay claims can be improved by taking advantage of
improved simulation techniques. It will introduce the concept of Forensic Schedule Information
Modelling (ForSIM) that integrates all the main delay claim management phases in one
quantifies time extension awards and provides feedback for delay analysts using graphical and
statistical tools.
schedule information and updates, it will provide an improved basis for quantifying the impact of
changes or interferences in the construction progress and enable a focused analysis process.
Moreover, the integrated approach for managing time can expedite the dispute resolution process
1.3. Research Objectives
In view of the problems identified earlier, the following objectives have been formulated
commencing with investigations into current theory and practice. These objectives are:
information and analysis of time claims: This objective involves studying the structure
techniques to the organization and retrieval of project data. This objective requires the
which might impact project schedules, through a standardized set of attributes that
comprehensively describe these events. Thus, the following research question could be
o What formal data schema is suitable for modeling project planning, progress and
control information to ensure efficient and accurate delay analysis? How can the
maximized to include the analysis of schedule delays and facilitate the smooth
basis of a new framework for time delay claims in the construction industry. This new
approach should also integrate the main phases of claims management, including delay
level, under one environment. The impact quantification will include uncertainty modeling
and mathematical models designed to investigate different causes and impact scenarios.
Thus, this research objective strives to answer the following research questions:
during delay analysis process? How should different schedule change factors be
3) To develop, test and evaluate ForSIM prototype through a number of case studies and
to identify its limitations and advantages. This objective involves implementing the
on a new standalone modeling environment supported with different sets of services, such
as uncertainty modeling and mathematical model functions. These services allow for
integration of all different phases of time claims management. ForSIM prototype will then
be tested on different case studies and compare its results with the current
o What is the degree of confidence that ForSIM brings to claims analysis? what
The principle investigation methods comprised literature review and case studies, as they are able
to capture the forms of the research questions. The research methodology is designed in such a
way as to progressively meet the research objectives, while building on each completed task and
deliverable in an integrated manner that will optimally use available research resources. Figure 1-1
shows the overall approach, which will be detailed with reference to each of the research objectives
1.4.1. Exploration
This phase aimed to identify the shortcomings in existing claims analysis practice from theoretical
and empirical evidences. This aim was accomplished by conducting a thorough literature review
in the field of time claims analysis and management, analyzing current practices employed by
industry practitioners and identifying problems experienced. The literature review exercise also
quantification of impact on project activities and the methods used to estimate the cumulative
impact of these factors on the project. A thorough review of simulation advancements and
applications areas in the construction industry was also completed. The phase also included
gaingin a hands-on experience on analysing time related claims to incorporate the practicality
element to the framework. Furthermore, this phase provided an up-to-date appraisal of the
Also, over the last four years, the author engaged in many time claims analysis cases of which
significant hands-on and best practices experience was gained. These claim cases varied in nature
and complexity; and some of them were settled while others still ongoing and expected to be settled
in court due to their high complexity. This experience also helped in including the practicality
element in the design of the proposed framework in order to encourage acceptance by industry
The critical review outcomes and deductions established from the analysis, Chapter 3, coupled
with the underlying principles and themes derived from the literature review and industry
practices, have led to the formulation and development of a simulation-assisted framework for
time claims analysis and the prototype of ForSIM (Objective 1 and 2).
The shortcomings identified in this process were used as design criteria for the development of the
➢ Tracability of events impact and liability, and
Detialed description and rationale for the selection of these design critera is discussed throughout this
Because of the significance of docuementation to successful claims submission and analysis, the
required attributes for adequate docuemention of project events have been identified through a
thorough review of literture and case studies (Objective 1). Peer reviewed conference papers, journal
papers, best practices and professional reports were reviewed. Although this research focused only on
identifying attributes that relate to time claims management, the framework is designed for easy future
expansion and incorporation of additional attributes that can be used for other project management
functions, such as risk and cost management. In total, 11 attributes were identified namely: ID,
description, cause, quantification type, start time, parameters, impact type, responsible party, impacted
activities, reference and issue date. Some of these identified attributes facilitate a better understanding
of the event circumstances (e.g. description, cause and start time) while others are used for impact
quantification (e.g. impact type, duration and impacted activities). Detialed description of these
The conceptual design was undertaken to determine the specifications and behaviour of the main
components of the simulation model, together with a high-level of the simulation flow (Objective 2).
The creation of concepts and designs of the model components to be presented were integral part of
the simulation model. Flow charts and sequense diagrams were used for representing the flow logic
and communication protocols between the model components for analyzing time claims using
simulation paradigms.
The use of simulation modeling is mainly due to the high complexity of time claims. It is very powerful
technique for gaining insights into how construction schedules that are characterized by dynamic
changes progress over time. Time-step simulation was adopted in this research as approach for
analyzing time claims because it is very difficult to comprehend large amount of information generated
throughout a construction project and observe changes in the critical path of project schedule. It was
also adopted to model the principles and computation of the critical path method (CPM).
The conceptual and detailed design was then presented to experts in the field in the form of flowcharts,
activity charts and traditional concept models discussed in Section 4.3 to assess whether the modeling
and abstraction level fits the problem. These conceptual and detailed models are further detailed and
The development of the ForSIM prototype followed a systematic approach to ensure efficient and
accurate implementation. To model time claims analysis using simulation, the development required
certain knowledge and skills including, but are not limited to, computer simulation modeling, computer
programming as well as analysis of time claims. The knowledge of simulation modeling proved to be
essential, mainly in two main areas of simulation i.e. continuous simulation and discrete event
simulation. Also the knowledge of computer programming proved to be vital for the development of
the prototype. Visual Studio version 2017 was used in the development of the simulation model and
user interface in the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application which served as means for
entering the simulation model inouts and viewing its outputs after simulation. Further details on the
prototype development is provided in Chapter 5. Last but not least, a hands-on experience in analyzing
time claims using different techniques also came in handy especially when selecting the tools and
At this stage, and to verify and validate the proposed model (Objective 3), several case studies
were modelled and analyzed to determine if the use of ForSIM results in a significant difference
in the analysis process for time claims. A detailed description of verification and validation process
is provided in Section 4.4. Simulation features such as the events trace were used to confirm that
the logical sequence of events matched the intended sequence. Also, actual project performance
The flow of the methodology described in Section 1.4 is used to report the research work that
includes this thesis. The thesis is based on a traditional formats, and organised into seven related
• Chapter 1 provides an overview of the thesis including a brief introduction to the research
topic as well as the statement of problems under investigation. It also presents the research
and factors impacting construction schedules, delays in construction and simulation modeling
paradigms. The review covers relevant analytical techniques and currently known issues with
• Chapter 3 outlines the finding of the literature review, identifies gaps in the body of
knowledge and makes deductions establishing the scope and nature of the theoretical and
• Chapter 4 considers the shortcomings of current practices related to both theoretical and
practical aspects. From this, the concept of time-related claims was defined as a problem that
solution was formulated, in form of an alternative approach which would improve the
• Chapter 5 covers the detialed design and implementation of ForSIM prototype. It also
highlights the limitations of the developed prototype and provided recommendations for future
• Chapter 6 reports on the issue of time claims management in greater details through the
application of ForSIM on a real life and hypothetical simple case studies. This chapter also
discusses the capabilities of ForSIM in comparison to the daily window delay analysis
• Chapter 7 describes the findings of this research and states its conclusions, contributions,
limitations and the recommendations for further research on the subject matter.
Chapter 2. Literature Review
This chapter provides a review of literature related to the development of project schedules, delay
analysis methods, and factors impacting project schedules; additionally, this chapter discuses the
different types of simulation modeling paradigms and their application in the construction domain.
The discussion on project schedules commences by highlighting principles for establishing the
project timelines and benchmarks to measure progress and performance as well as the dvelopment
including concurrent delay, float ownership, and time at large. The discussion enumerates the
currently available methods for analyzing delay, their limitations, and current research directions
A review of the impact of changes on a construction project schedule is also provided by discussing
common productivity factors as well as quantification models for both single and multiple factors.
This chapter concludes with discussion of simulation in construction. The discussion introduces
computer simulation types, such as: Discrete Event Simulation (DES), Monte Carlo Simulation,
and Dynamic Systems. Practical applications are reviewed for feasibility in the domain of
Project scheduling determines and communicates project requirements, procedures, timelines, and
resources needed to manage, execute, and control the work (PMI, 2017). The project scope and
deliverables are broken down into manageable components with what is known as Work
Breakdown Structure (WBS). The WBS helps define the scope of the project carried out during
the construction stage to be completed as deliverables (Ahuja, Dozzi, & AbouRizk, 1994; PMI,
2017). Accordingly, the project activities are defined with estimated resources and durations, and
are logically sequenced to achieve project completion. Often, contractors are required to submit
their preliminary schedule as part of the bidding package and, within a month or two (depending
of project size), they must submit the baseline schedule for the project. The baseline schedule
There are many techniques available for scheduling project activities. Initially, bar charts were
used to generate construction schedules by forming lists of activities along with their start and
finish dates plotted on a time scale (Gibson, 2008). More sophisticated scheduling techniques were
then introduced, such as: Line of Balance technique, Project Evaluation Review Technique
(PERT), and Critical Path Method (CPM) (Ahuja, Dozzi, & AbouRizk, 1994; Newitt, 2008). A
description of these techniques and their computation as well as their benefits and limitations are
CPM is an industry-wide accepted method for delay analysis; moreover, many forms of
commercial software are available that facilitate its computations, including Oracle’s Primavera
(Oracle, 2019) and Microsoft Project (Microsoft, 2019). CPM is used to logically sequence project
activities and identify the shortest time in which the project can be finished (i.e. the critical path).
From a scheduling perspective, total float refers to the allowable time that an activity can be
delayed without impacting the project completion. Activities on the critical path have zero total
float; non-critical activities have a positive total float. Activities with a total float of zero form a
chain of activities that represent the shortest possible time to complete the project and are referred
to as the critical path. Any delay to any one of the critical activities will directly impact the project
duration and the completion date of the project, as well as the other projects constraints (cost,
quality, and scope). The calculation necessary to determine the start and finish date of activities
(forward and backward paths calculations) are very simple arithmetic and have been discussed
Contractors are usually required to submit baseline schedules that demonstrate their intended plan
for delivering projects, as well as providing periodic progress updates during the execution phase.
The updates are usually provided in different forms, such as daily site reports, monthly progress
reports, meeting minutes, updated schedules, etc. This information becomes part of the project
contract and is generally used for resolving relevant claims. Ultimately, this scattered information
is gathered and transformed into as-built schedules which represent the actual durations and
execution sequences of activities following CPM principles. All project changes should be
considered when developing such schedules: this includes but is not limited to scope, schedule,
and resource allocation changes (Knoke & Jentzen, 1996; Hegazy, Elbeltagi, & Zhang, 2005;
A project schedule can be represented as a system consisting of many work packages and activities,
with durations that are subject to changes (Gibson, 2008). These changes could be triggered by
different factors that interact and systematically impact activity durations. The impact could be in
the form of variance in productivity and/or increase or decrease in scope of work (AACE
International, 2004). Examples of change triggers include change orders, weather conditions,
and/or any other matter that requires management attention (either contractor or owner) and
subsequently results in managerial action or inaction which then affects jobsite conditions. For
instance, a delay in a decision could cause stop-and-go work, which in turn could result in
A construction project consists of various elements that interact with one another; however, there
is a misconception in dealing with changes – i.e., that a change is a simple additive or deductive
process (Lee S. , 2007). When a change occurs, the original sequence of work might need to be
altered, eventually leading to work being done out of sequence, all of which may cause
productivity losses and delays. Managerial strategies like acceleration might be used to make up
for a delay (directed acceleration) or to accommodate increased scope that is added by change
project prior to the scheduled completion date, while constructive acceleration occurs when an
owner refuses a time extension request for an excusable delay. Contractors may also voluntarily
accelerate the project either to make up for delays caused by their own fault, such as
compensation cannot be made for voluntary acceleration impact. The most common form of
acceleration is increasing labor-hours either through the use of overtime, shift work, out-of-
sequence work or running concurrent operations; however, these might impact productivity
understanding of the interrelationship between these factors. Some relationships are easier to
identify than others. For instance, the relationship between overtime and fatigue is evident, while
the relationship between change orders and productivity loss is implicit, and thus harder to identify.
Recognizing all likely relationships is difficult; however, a framework demonstrating the flow of
influences from root causes to schedule impact can be valuable (Tsehayae, 2015).
Researchers study these factors in the context of productivity, and they are commonly known as
productivity factors; however, these factors are different in nature (Lee S. , 2007). Some of these
factors are explicit in meaning, others implicit. The impact of some factors on activity durations
can be direct or instantaneous, others can be indirect impacts or after a time lag. The time of
occurrence of these factors can be either before the project start, usually at the planning stage (e.g.
underestimated bid, unusual weather conditions, labor outflow), or during project execution. Some
of these factors can be managed by the project participants, while others may be out of their control
(e.g. strikes and force majeure) and result in undesirable consequences such as out-of-sequence
work. Some factors simply reflect situations (disruptions), and others are consequence of actions
Managerial actions either control changes or cause further disruption to work. Disruption causes
poor adeptness, lowered motivation, lost learning curve, and other impacts to workers, which
immediately affects productivity. Although reduced productivity may not cause a delay, it often
Also, certain factors can be considered in two distinct cases. For instance, weather conditions can
uncommonly heavy rainfalls or unexpected freezing temperatures; however, in other cases these
can be categorized as disruptive events in the case that delays or changes caused by some party or
action resulted in work being pushed back and executed during unfavorable weather conditions.
The impact of change on schedule is noted in this study to provide an emphasis on causation and
the fact that multiple factors might be combined to quantify impact of changes on activity
durations. While the problems and limitations of quantifying the impact of factors are
comprehensively noted in other studies, it is important to note that the redundancy of impact
calculation when multiple factors are combined remains as a critical issue. For instance, when
overtime and fatigue are considered, summing their impact could result in over-quantification,
since the impact of overtime may have been accounted for when quantifying the impact of fatigue.
Although it is not always the case, many schedule delay claims are caused by productivity loss due
to disruptions. Analyzing entitlement and, in some cases, impact of lost productivity are the focus
of schedule analysis. The relationship can be described as follows: When there is productivity loss
during project execution, the durations of impacted activities increase. Consequently, other
activities may also be impacted. For instance, increase of duration may result in resequencing of
activities to meet planned schedule milestones, or some activities may be pushed into undesired
weather conditions. Courts acknowledges that there is no need for contractors to prove their work
was extended beyond the contracted completion date in order to claim for compensation of lost
productivity (SAUER INC. v. DANZIG, 2000). However, it is likely that contractors would suffer
productivity loss if there were re-sequenced activities or a shift due to the weather. There can be a
ripple effect on non-impacted activities. The onus, then, is on the claimant to recognize and define
the ripple effect, demonstrate entitlement and causation, and quantify as well as document the
when quantifying productivity loss impact; developing such a method is not the intent of this
research. Rather, this research demonstrates that there is a relationship between labour productivity
and projects schedules, and it highlights and discusses some of the methods that can be integrated
with the proposed delay analysis framework at the analyst’s discretion as the upcoming chapters
will show.
productivity are numerous, dynamic, complex, and inconsistent from one project to another
(Thomas, et al., 1990; Moselhi, Charles, & Fazio, 1991). Previous studies have identified
numerous variables influencing construction productivity, most of which relate to human effort
and performance (Arditi & Mochtar, 2000; Ibbs, Nguyen, & Lee, 2007; Jarkas & Bitar, 2012;
Nasir, Haas, Caldas, & Goodrum, 2015; Naoum, 2016). Many of the previously developed
productivity models focus on one specific condition at a time, including weather conditions,
project location, and contract type. The implementation of previous models has been restricted to
the data used in their development. Recent studies have sought to collectively quantify the impacts
of multiple changes, and many of these employ statistical analysis techniques and artificial
intelligence (Lee S. , 2007). The applicability of these studies, however, is limited by the scope of
Quantification of the impact of these factors can be grouped into two categories as follows:
Single factor models are discrete methods that focus on analyzing and quantifying the impacts of
one specific factor at a time, irrespective of other factors. A review of the most noted factors and
20 Overtime
Overtime refers to the extension of working hours beyond the norm. It is one form of acceleration
and it is commonly used to complete projects earlier than planned, handle unexpected work, or to
complete critical work. One drawback of overtime is the physical fatigue that discourages workers,
and which creates a loss of efficiency. Some researchers also noted that management and
supporting operations usually do not keep up with overtime through their inability to provide
equipment, tools, materials, and so on in a timely manner. Thus, overtime may result in errors,
rework, or poor quality of work. Examples of quantification models for the overtime impact are
provided by Hanna and Sullivan (2004), Hanna, Taylor and Sullivan (2005) and Somez (2007).
Overmanning refers to either allocating more than typical or optimum manpower to a jobsite or
increasing the crew size. Hanna, et al. (2005) argue that the overmanning approach can achieve
higher progress rates than overtime without causing productivity loss; however, other researchers
argue that this approach results in congestion, supply chain deficiencies, decreases in the learning
curve (due to reduced repetition and participation per worker), limited work space, higher accident
rates, and higher cost per unit-hour (Gunduz, 2004). Another term often confused with
overmanning is trade stacking. The key difference is that overmanning refers to workers within
the same trade while trade stacking refers to a situation where different trades work in the same
workspace, often due to out-of-sequence work or concurrent operations. Examples of the impact
quantification models can be found in Hanna, Chang and Lackney, et al. (2007) and Ibbs (2005).
21 Weather Conditions
One of the most notable factors in productivity loss is adverse weather conditions (Moselhi & El-
Rayes, 2002). Typical weather conditions are usually considered during the planning stage of
projects. Unexpected weather conditions like heavy rainfall, unusual freezing temperature, or any
other force majeure incidents can also occur, causing productivity loss. For many reasons such as
delay, changes, or scope creep, projects may be forced into continuing during unplanned weather
conditions. The impact of weather on productivity is direct and is felt mainly in the areas of the
workers mobility, motivation, or physical capacity to complete tasks (Ibbs, 2005). The
quantification of weather impact on productivity is relatively easy when compared to other factors.
Examples of the quantification models can be found in El-Rayes and Moselhi (2001), Moselhi and
The term “learning curve” refers to many different concepts including but limited to: time
reduction curve, improvement curve, experience curve, startup curve, cost reduction curve, and
efficiency curve. Although a learning curve does not directly cause productivity loss, it is the main
factor causing fluctuation in productivity in any repetitive operations. The concept is based on the
theory that performance in repetitive tasks improves due to several factors, such as: better
coordination, familiarity with tasks, and effective use of tools and methods. Contractors leverage
their learning curve in productivity improvement when bidding on similar activities, while owners
leverage it for bids and change order evaluations; it is later used in price negotiation (Raman &
Varghese, 2016). Examples of quantification models can be found in Lee, et al. (2015), Grosse, et
22 Change Orders
Leonard et al. (1988) studied the effects of change orders on labour productivity, which is deemed
orders on productivity. This study is cited frequently in academia as well as in industry (Leonard
C. , 1988). Data from 90 projects in Canada were categorized into different sets according to the
types of work (e.g. electrical, mechanical & civil), types of construction (e.g. commercial,
institutional and industrial), and the major causes of impact. Acceleration, poor scheduling and
sequence changes are all identified as the most influential factors with different frequency of
35% 29%
25% 19%
15% 11%
10% 8% 6% 4% 2%
Figure 2-1: Major causes of productivity losses other than change orders (Leonard, Fazio, &
Moselhi, 1988)
The authors indicated that contractors can accommodate change orders without affecting the work
if the hours total range between 10-15% of the contract hours. Higher percentages of change result
rhythm, demotivation of work force, unbalanced crews, excessive labor fluctuations, and
unbalancing of successive operations. The study also identified factors that decrease productivity
due to change orders. All of the factors and their frequency of occurrence are shown in Figure
2-2.The study stated that some of the factors are more influential to electrical and mechanical work
than to civil and architectural work, such as complexity of the work, interdependency among
activities, and intensity of the work. Other factors cited in the literature include, but are not limited
to: absenteeism, availability of skilled labor, competition for craft labor, craft turnover, defective
engineering, dilution of supervision, material shortage, tools and equipment shortages, poor morale
of craft labor, out of sequence work, rework and errors, and site conditions (AACE International,
2004; Ibbs, 2005; Moselhi, Assem, & El-Rayes, 2005; Hazrati, 2016).
70% 65%
60% 50%
50% 40%
40% 30%
30% 25%
20% 10%
Figure 2-2: Factors negatively influencing change order impact (Leonard, Fazio, & Moselhi,
Leonard’s study had been criticized by many researchers as all of its data comes from projects
under dispute, raising concerns on how productivity losses were measured from the sample data
(Hanna, Camlic, Peterson, & Nordheim, 2002; Ibbs, 2005; Harmon & Cole, 2006a; Harmon &
Cole, 2006b). Although the study indicates data adjustments using methods such as measured mile
analysis and modified/total cost approaches, the details of the modification process are not
disclosed, and no examples are shown. As such, concerns about its reliability and accuracy are
rightfully raised.
Some studies demonstrate that the Leonard’s charts are representative and reasonable. A
comparison study by McEniry (2007), for example, demonstrates strong similarity between the
data points of Leonard to those of Ibbs (2005), strongly supporting the rationality of the Leonard
In situations where there are multiple concurrent factors occurring, three core types of model
Composition can be used to accumulate a set of autonomous but interacting models that run in
parallel or sequentially, and that capture different components of the productivity system. Singh
(2001) provides a case study to show an example of how to utilize existing indices to combine the
quantified effects of individual factors. Although the article shows that it is possible to foresee
specific types of disruption and estimate their impact, the study falls short in formalizing the
composition process.
Weaving can be used to incorporate cross-cutting concerns into the productivity system. Some
models may alter the behaviour of others in response to different overarching concerns. In other
words, any redundancy in impact caused by productivity factors needs to be tested before
determining which factors will be considered. For instance, whereas overmanning and congestion
are identified as causal factors for lost productivity in some situations, the impact of overmanning
may have already included the effects of congestion; thus, combining both impacts may result in
overestimation of the true impact. Likewise, overtime impact probably includes the fatigue impact,
Merge can be used to build a comprehensive view of a set of overlapping models that capture
different perspectives of the productivity impact. Some researchers have tried to develop models
that quantify the cumulative impact of multiple productivity factors collectively. Although these
studies are limited, the most commonly cited studies include the factor model theory (Thomas &
Yiakoumis, 1987), Productivity forecasting model (Thomas & Smith, 1990) and some industry
studies that quantify productivity losses due to multiple change orders or various factors induced
by the change orders. The studies most commonly referred to include the Mechanical Contractors
Association of America (MCAA) Labor Estimating Manual (MCAA, 1994), National Electrical
Contractors Association (NECA) Manual of Labor Units (NECA, 2003), and the US Army Corps
of Engineering’s Modification Impact Evaluation Guide (ACE, 1979). The MCAA and NECA
manuals are developed by contractor groups and the Corps manual is developed by an owner (Ibbs,
When multiple inseparable changes occur, they cause productivity loss in the form of a ripple
effect when interdependency exists between changes and the original contracted work. A key
condition of the impact multiple changes have is that they are often unexpected at the time of
occurrence and can only be recognized retrospectively. This inability for individuals to recognize
the full impact of these changes is recognized by courts, which consequently allows contractors to
claim cumulative impact claims, even if they have waived the right to claims. This is conditioned,
however, upon the owner having initiated multiple excessive changes as main cause cited in the
claim. The methods for measuring the impact of such claims are limited and vary in their accuracy.
The traditional methods reviewed include the total cost method, modified total cost method, jury
verdict, actual cost method, and measured mile analysis (Long & Lane, 1990; Finke, 1998;
Schwartzkopf & McNamara, 2001; Caplicki III, 2003; Sanders & Nagata, 2003). Some of these
methods have been used frequently and successfully, while others have been criticized for their
lack of reliability and accuracy. Among these methods, the measured mile method has been widely
used in the industry and accepted by courts. To overcome some limitations of the measured mile
method, some researchers have developed improved methodologies, including: Thomas’s baseline
method (Thomas & Zavrski, 1999), Gulezian and Samelian’s statistical process control method
(Gulezian & Samelian, 2003a; Gulezian & Samelian, 2003b), and Ibbs and Liu’s statistical
Most of the literature recognizes the value and importance of as-built records for the analysis of
delay claims as they can be used to validate as-built dates and evaluate the performance of
contractors (Mbabazi, Hegazy, & Saccomanno, 2005; Long R. J., 2018; Avalon, 2014), as well as
being used as a reference when developing new project schedules. On the flipside, they can also
be used to defend and validate time-related claims, as they form the basis for most delay analysis
methods (AACE International, 2011). However, analyzing as-built schedules is difficult for many
reasons, including inaccuracy of CPM calculations (Hegazy & Menesi, 2010) and lack of site event
documentation (Hegazy, Elbeltagi, & Zhang, 2005), all of which limits the utilization of as-built
As-built schedules can be categorized either by the time of development or the level of detail
(Shrestha & Jeong, 2017). As-built schedules can be developed throughout the construction phase
of projects in the form of schedule updates to reflect the progression of completed work to date,
also called as-built to date schedules, which are usually used for project controls. The latest project
schedule update, also called the final as-built schedule, reflects the actual sequence and duration
of project activities. It is this final as-built schedule that is usually used to evaluate project
performance and/or to validate delay claims. From the level of detail perspective, as-built
schedules can be developed at the project level, reflecting the start and completion date of projects,
or at the activities level, reflecting the timeline and sequence of activities. However, experts in this
field acknowledge that it is impossible to have a perfect as-built schedule and recommend that
both parties agree on the as-built dates prior to claims analysis (AACE International, 2011). The
recommended practice is that significant activities should be accurate to within one working day,
while the dates accuracy of less significant activities should be 5 working days or less.
As-built schedules are usually developed using existing commercial scheduling tools that rely on
CPM principles, such as Microsoft Project or Primavera. However, these schedules are difficult to
analyze due to many factors that influence the accuracy and repeatability of scheduling
calculations. For instance, CPM only record the latest status of activities (Kahler, 2012), and is
incapable of reflecting soft human elements (e.g. fatigue) or managerial actions taken to mitigate,
delay or accelerate construction projects (Eden, Williams, Ackermann, & Howick, 2000). CPM is
also limited in that it cannot be used to identify alternative emerging critical paths when an
unexpected disruption has occurred in the as-planned schedule (Tang, Mukherjee, & Onder, 2013).
Additionally, the scheduling flexibility that is offered by existing scheduling tools and the need to
accommodate inevitable project changes have led to misleading scheduling practices, all of which
results in manipulated schedules. These include the use of complex relationships (e.g. start-to-start,
SS, and finish-to-finish, FF) (Lu & Lam, Transform Schemes Applied on Non-Finish-to-Start
Logical Relationships in Project Network Diagrams, 2009), excessive use of leads and lags
(Wickwire & Ockman, 2000), use of multiple calendars (Scavino, 2003), use of multiple
constraints, and out-of-sequence progress (Herold, 2004). All of these misleading practices
ultimately result in inaccurate schedule calculation and unrealistic activity durations. When such
schedules are used in delay claims investigation, these manipulations may lead to inaccuracies
while analyzing delays, determining the responsibility of the different parties and quantifying time
extensions. Also, the existing scheduling tools do not determine the critical path on the past portion
of the data date. Therefore, the usefulness of as-built schedules is limited to representing the actual
dates and sequence in which projects are completed. Although several scheduling alternatives have
been introduced, such as the use of simulation based systems (Sawhney, Mund, &
Chaitavatputtiporn, 2003), a logic diagramming method (Ponce de Leon, 2008) and critical path
segments (CPSs) (Hegazy & Menesi, 2010), their application is yet to be integrated with as-built
schedule development.
In general, as-built schedules are developed either by creating an as-built schedule from scratch
using progress records or modifying a fully progressed schedule update as needed (AACE
International, 2011). A subset of this approach is to create the as-built schedule by fully
progressing a baseline schedule. To qualify as an as-built schedule from the delay analysis
perspective, the schedule must contain as-built dates that are as accurate as possible, be capable of
simulating CPM functionality, and show the delay causation in some form (AACE International,
To develop an as-built schedule, a collection of activity progress data over time is required. More
importantly, if as-built schedules are to be used for delay analysis, a history of events that took
place during the project execution phase should be documented and readily available.
Several studies have addressed the development of as-built schedules from contemporaneous and
unstructured site records (Knoke & Jentzen, 1996; Kahler, 2012). Such records include daily
progress reports, testing records, meeting minutes, change orders, submittal logs and payment
records. Through these records, the timelines of activities and milestones (start and finish dates)
can be extracted manually, along with inference of activity sequence logic. The extracted data are
then entered into a scheduling tool to develop a bar chart that visually presents the as-built record
of the project schedule. Elkass et al (1995) introduced a computerized delay claim analysis
(CDCA) system that integrates traditional scheduling tools with a delay expert system. The study
proposed an approach that exports progressing activities into an editable format that is later
manipulated by the user to determine the liability associated with a delay. The updates are then
imported back into the scheduling tool and stored as a new schedule (schedule update). The
schedules are then used to compare adjusted as-planned work with previous schedules (Alkass,
Mazerolle, Tribaldos, & Harris, 1995). A similar tool was later introduced by Al-Gahtani, Al-
Sulaihi, & Iqupal (2016), which focused in implementing as-built vs. as-planned delay analysis.
The proposed tool was integrated with Primavera and also developed as a web application. The
main challenges addressed by previous studies are the lengthy manual process, as well as the need
for additional resources to capture and sort the data. Moreover, manual collection of the data has
some limitations, because data is often incomplete, and their quality and accuracy depend in large
part on the data collector (Hegazy, Elbeltagi, & Zhang, 2005). Elzouni & Salem (2010) developed
a pattern recognition approach to measure and monitor schedule progress. The study used neural-
network pattern recognition (NN-PR) and statistical pattern recognition (S-PR) techniques, which
map the CPM schedule, to classify planned progress patterns at a certain date and use the
In attempts to overcome these problems and improve as-built schedule development, other studies
generate as-built schedules. These studies rely on impractical data collection practices, including
daily capturing of the percent completed of ongoing activities, emails or interactive voice response
(IVR). Hegazy, Elbeltagi and Zhang (2005) have introduced an intelligent bar chart (IBC) that is
made of spreadsheet cells in which activity durations are represented as groups of cells rather than
bars to facilitate delay analysis. Each cell is then used to store the daily percentage complete for
activities, general activity information and other data relevant to delays. Navan and Haskaya
(2006) have developed a tool to generate monitoring and control information. The tool relies on
information from a computerized daily site report (DSR) that records the number of workers,
number of hours spent on activities, material delivery times, the type and number of any equipment
used, weather conditions, percent complete, contractors or subcontractors, etc. The tool uses this
information to generate actual progress information that is later transformed to schedule updates
using scheduling tools (Navon & Haskaya, 2006). The model then compares planned dates with
actual performance and issues warnings when there are deviations, so that corrective measures can
be taken. It also includes a database to store this information for future use and control purposes.
The study presented partial implementation of the model and set the stage for future studies.
In another study, Hegazy and Abdel-Monem (2012) developed an email-based framework for
progress tracking. The framework automatically sends daily emails to supervisors requesting as-
built information for ongoing activities. The emails are sent in the form of a check list with possible
events that are filled in by supervisors. Once the forms are sent back, the system automatically
reads the responses and updates the schedule with the recorded as-built information. The
framework was later used to facilitate progress tracking and control of linear projects (Hegazy,
Abdel-Monem, & Saad, 2014). Further enhancements to the framework were later introduced by
the researchers by utilizing a cloud-based interactive voice response (IVR) technology to capture
as-built information. Using the same principles, the system captures as-built records by either
receiving update calls from supervisors or initiating automatic update calls for ongoing activities.
The voice responses are saved as emails which are then read by the system and used to update the
To automate the schedule updating process, Chin et al. (2008) proposed using radio-frequency
identification (RFID) technology and 4D CAD models to monitor progress. In this approach, steal
components are weighted and marked with RFID tags. Once steel components are installed and
the tags are scanned, the progress of the relevant 4D CAD model is measured by comparing the
total installed weight to the total planned weight. Although RFID technology proven its usefulness,
the manual tagging and scanning process limits its functionality for this application.
To improve data collection efficiency, other studies proposed using digital cameras or laser
scanner technologies. One study used digital images and AutoCAD as a means of producing as-
built schedules of work progress (Memon, Abd-Majid, Yusoff, & Mustaffar, 2006). In principle,
the study simulates 2D images or photos of the construction scene and uses them to make a
comparison to the 3D CAD model in order to calculate the progress of the work. The measured
progress is then shown in bar-chart format using Microsoft Project. Another study proposed
superimposing site camera images on views of 3D models to recognise installed building structural
components (Rebolj, Babicˇ, Magdicˇ, Podbreznik, & Pšunder, 2008). The study measures
progress through user intervention to extract site images and compare them to the 3D model view
in order to determine constructed components. Another study used a fixed position camera to take
a sequence of images at different times, with the differences between consecutive images analyzed
and compared to the 3D as-planned model (Ibrahim, Lukins, Zhang, Trucco, & Kaka, 2009). A
similar approach, also based on recognizing the difference between images, was used by Zhang et
al. (2009).
Golparvar-Fard et al. (2009) proposed generating a 3D point cloud from a large number of daily
site images and then align and compare it to an as-planned 4D model to identify constructed
components. In another study, researchers used a Bayesian probabilistic model to measure the
differences between planned and actual progress (Golparvar-Fard, Peña-Mora, & Savarese, 2015).
However, these studies failed in producing as-built schedules, so they can not be used for delay
analysis. This failure is mostly due to the fact that the project schedules are defined at a different
level of detail than the building components (e.g. formwork, steel bars, concrete pouring, etc. on
the schedule, instead of a column, which is visible as a building component). To overcome this
problem, Turkan et al. (2012) proposed an approach that integrates 3D point clouds, 4D CAD
models and 3D sensing technologies to automate progress tracking and schedule updating. In this
approach, the coordinates of the 4D CAD model are compared with site condition data that are
captured using a 3D laser scan to extract as-built objects, measure progress and automatically
update the project schedule (Turkan, Bosche, Haas, & Haas, 2012). However, the dates of the
updated schedule were found to be incompatible with traditional scheduling software such as
Microsoft Project or Oracle Primavera. Following the same principles, Son, Kim and Cho (2017)
used the 3D registration method proposed by Kim et al. (2013), which employs a laser scanner to
obtain a 3D point cloud that is later compared with the 4D building information modeling (BIM)
to identify the constructed components. The Kim et al. (2013) study also has proposed an as-built
Although prior studies mainly focused on developing as-built schedules from existing data or
automating data processing, almost all of the proposed solutions focused on the prospective
development of as-built schedules that serves the project control aspects of a project. Subsequently,
prior studies failed in recognizing the need to automate the retrospective development of as-built
schedules. Only one study by Shrestha and Jeong (2017) has focused on automating as-built
schedule development for highway projects from previously collected field data. The data was
collected by State Highway Agencies (SHAs) using a daily work report (DWR) system and
includes ongoing construction activities, equipment types, labour and equipment hours, quantity
of work performed, etc. (Jeong, Gransberg, & Shrestha, 2015). The proposed framework filters the
data of a certain project and processes activity duration and quantity of the work performed, and
evaluates contractor performance and develops a visual as-built schedule accordingly (Shrestha &
Jeong, 2017). However, the schedule produced has serious limitations, including a restricted
application area, lack of CPM functionality and lack of planned schedule consideration.
The duration of construction contract directly affects projects’ and stakeholders’ profitability.
Most standard forms of contracts include provisions that anticipate delays caused by actions and/or
inactions of owners, contractors, or events outside the control of both parties. Contractors are often
excused from the consequences and/or allowed financial compensation when delays result from
circumstances or events beyond their control. Contractual provisions also allow owners to recover
liquidated damages from contractors when they fail to deliver projects within the agreed duration.
A delay could be defined as the time during which a project execution has been extended or
interrupted due to unforeseen events (Bramble & Callahan, 2017). Delaying incidents can originate
from different sources including, but are not limited to the following: contractors,
Williams, Ackermann, & Howick, 2000). Many unique circumstances may arise during a
construction contract execution which will increase the duration of any given activity or the entire
agreement period. The most common causes of schedules delays may include, but are not limited
to: changes in the work, site access restrictions, mismanagement and misadministration, under-
estimation of jobs in hand, labor productivity issues, permits and approvals, defective plans and
weather, force majeure events and testing/inspections (Gibson, 2008). A considerable degree of
understanding of the construction method is required to assess entitlement of the extension of time
in each case. If a delay is granted, it relieves the claimant from automatic deduction of damages
Keane (1994) defines claims as "the assertion of a right to payment arising under the express or
implied terms of contract, other than under the ordinary contract provisions for payment of the
value of work.” In practice, claims are used by contractors to describe an application for extension
of time award, reimbursement of expense and or other losses that arise other than those that exist
under the ordinary provisions of a contract. Claims are used by owners to describe an application
Semple et al. (1994) studied 24 claim reports and found that the majority of claims involved some
delay, and that the delay duration exceeded the original projects duration by more than 100% in
many cases. The claim values varied from 30% to 60% of the original contract value.
Claim management is defined as "the process of employing and coordinating resources to progress
a claim from identification and analysis through preparation, and presentation, to negotiation and
settlement” (Keane P. j., 1994). In the event of failure to reach settlement, arbitration or litigation
takes place.
Analysis of a claim is often a study in the relationship of cause and effect, which could be
demonstrated in many forms such as ‘S’ curves comparisons of cost/value recovery against the
contract baseline, labor histograms, and cash flow curves (Gibson, 2008). Grounds upon which a
claim may be rejected are the failure to show that the damages are directly caused by the event(s)
(Hackett, 2000). Essential to establishing the cause and effect relationship regarding delays is the
Besides the difficulty of isolating cause and effect, apportioning liability is often unclear (Keane
P. j., 1994). For example, the fault of contractor will have a contributory factor from the owner or
its representative, and vice versa. Thus, in such cases, responsibility allocation will have to be
Points of contention relative to schedule delay claims are as follows: whether an event impacted
the critical path of the project, its root-cause, the delay quantification, and entitlement to a time
allocation nor delays evaluating methods are specified on most of construction contracts (Kim,
Kim, & Shin, 2005). Quantifying a delay’s impact on a project’s total duration in an accurate, fair
and reasonable manner is vital subject when delay claims occur. A systematic approach to measure
delays and allocate liability is invaluable. The following is a detailed literature review analysis to
There are many issues noted in the literature relevant to delay analysis problems. It is easy to
identify a cause of a delay and its effect in the case of total work stoppage; a labor strike, for
instance. Connecting alleged/proved causes of delay with actual critical effects of a delay in
problems have been classified into two main situations, namely: simple and complicated situations
Simple cases result from simple delay problems (independent delay or serial delay), in which
liability can easily be attributed to a project participant and further to a single activity. Depending
on the liability allocation, delays are classified into three types, namely: Excusable Compensable
classification describes events attributable to owner’s actions or inactions for which the contractor
is entitled to time extension and reimbursements. EN describes events that are attributable to
neither the owner nor the contractor, and for which the contractor is entitled to time extension only.
for which the contractor is not entitled to time extension or compensation; furthermore, the owner
is entitled to make a claim for liquidated damages (Gibson, 2008). It is crucial for all parties to
understand the basis of the agreement and what constitutes compensable or excusable delays.
37 Complicated Situations
Complications arise when changes to the critical path(s) occur; when non-critical activities become
critical, for example. Other complications arise in a situation of concurrent delays: missing
activities from as-planned to as-built schedules, pacing delays, and losing productivity disputes.
In such cases traditional delay analysis methods become impracticable to assess damages and time
extensions (Arditi & Pattanalitchamroon, 2006). Accordingly, delay analysis methods should
consider critical path(s) fluctuation as events evolve on site, including sensitivity to the
acceleration or slowdown events that occur during the activity execution (Hegazy & Zhang, 2005).
Other issues include float ownership and utilization, concurrent delay, and time at large. The
ownership of float is unclear in most of the standard contract forms; however, there is a common
understanding the project owns the float, and all contracted parties can use it (Keane & Caletka,
2015). Contractors argue that they should own the float as it helps them in planning for the project
execution, controlling the time and budget, as well as allowing latitude for unforeseen events that
may occur during the project. Owners, on the other hand, argue that the float forms an assurance
against delays to the project completion, and helps them to accommodate change order-impact.
This disagreement in float ownership represents the absence of industry-wide practice; the float
issue is a common source of disputes in time related claims. Most construction contracts do not
define the ownership and consumption of floats, which is critical for delay analysis. Several studies
have proposed alternatives for total float allocation, ownership, sharing. and management
Ambani, 2007); however, they do not provide an approach that can be used in schedule analysis.
A concurrent delay occurs when two or more delay events caused by different parties (owner(s),
contractor(s) or neither) overlap and prolong the project duration (Arditi & Pattanalitchamroon,
2006; Mohan & Al-Gahtani, 2006). Having a true concurrent delay is uncommon as delays usually
occur consecutively unless there are multiple critical paths running in parallel. A closer look at
root-causes usually shows that one delay occurred before another, which indicates that one delay
is impacting the critical path while the other was using float caused by the first event. Importantly,
time extension claims only concern delays that occur on the critical path or a path that has become
The time at large refers to situations when an owner causes a delay event and there is no contractual
mechanisim to set new completion dates (Gibson, 2008). This does not releive contractors from
their duty to complete the work. In fact, contractors have to complete the project within a
reasonable amount of time, and owners are no longer able to claim liquidated damages. Most
modern contracts now contain clauses that allow extension of time awards; however, completion
dates may become at-large due to either improper enforcement of contracts. To determine a
reasonable time to complete the project, a delay analysis method such as impacted as-planned,
time impact method, or collapsed as-built methods can be used (Gibson, 2008).
The delay analysis is generally classified by industry, based on when the analysis is performed,
into prospective and retrospective analysis (AACE International, 2011). Prospective analysis is
performed during the project execution either prior to the delay or at the time of delay occurrence.
To facilitate the evaluation of time extension in this form of analysis, contract provisions typically
impose the analysis to be performed in prospective mode through specified methods, often called
Time Impact Analysis (TIA). Retrospective analysis is performed retroactively after the impact is
known; however, it may be performed prior to or after the completion of a project. This form of
analysis allows the analyst to take advantage of as-built documentation for factual investigation;
however, this is often accompanied by a change in personnel: the project scheduler who worked
under the prospective mode and the analyst who works in retrospective mode.
The delay methods could also be classified, based on the analyst’s interaction with the schedule,
into observational and modeled basic methods (AACE International, 2011). In the observational
method, the analyst examines only existing scheduling data without making any changes to
simulate a specific scenario. A common delay analysis example that falls under this analysis form
is as-built vs. as-planned. The modeled method allows the analyst to create schedules that simulate
different scenarios with subsequent interpretation and evaluation of each scenario. For comparison,
schedules are created by either inserting or extracting activities that represent delay events. The
collapsed as-built, and the impacted as-planned events are common examples that fall under the
modeled basic method. A distinction of the observational method can be made based on the
schedule logic. Static Logic Observation considers only the original schedule logic. Dynamic
Logic Observation considers schedule updates that add sets of progressive schedule logic. A
distinction of the modeled method can be made based on the modeling approach, depending on
whether activities are added to a baseline schedule (Additive Modeling) or subtracted from an as-
built schedule (Subtractive Modeling). The impacted as-planned events are an example of the
additive modeling method, while the collapsed as-built events are an example of the subtractive
modeling method.
There are three types of activities monitored during delay analysis, namely: delayed activity, actual
duration activity, and actual time-shortened activity. Most of the focus is on the delayed activity,
while the effect of time-shortened activity on the project duration is often ignored (Kim, Kim, &
Shin, 2005). The basis for current delay analysis methods is information and evidence of delay(s),
usually represented by different kinds of documents, records, and schedules during the
construction phase.
Various analysis methods have been developed to facilitate delay analysis, such as global impact,
as-planned, impacted as-planned, net impact, time impact, collapsing, isolated delay type, snapshot
and window analysis (Mohan & Al-Gahtani, 2005). These techniques can be grouped into two
categories 1) non-CPM based techniques and 2) CPM based techniques. Guidance on the
application of various techniques has led to the establishment of best practice documents, the most
notable of which are the “Recommended Practice on Forensic Schedule Analysis” developed by
the Association for Advancement of Cost Engineering International of the USA (AACE
International, 2011) and “Delay and Disruption Protocol” developed by the UK’s Society of
A third source that provides guidelines for best practices for project schedules is published by the
US Government Acquisition Office and known as the Schedule Assessment Guide (GAO, 2015).
A fourth source for best practices in scheduling is the US Defense Contract Management Agency
(DCMA). DCMA has developed and released a 14-Point Assessment Check protocol to be used
for CPM schedules that undergo reviews by the agency. The protocol is not published as a standard
external document, but rather used internally as a guideline for schedule reviews and as a training
guide provided to commercial contractors. Another publication by the American Society of Civil
Engineers is the “Schedule Delay Analysis” standard (ASCE, 2017). It provides 35 guidelines for
best engineering principles associated with delay analysis of construction projects. While a number
of published guidelines have been provided, it is a fact that a single methodology has not been
Most delay analysis methods have the capacity to solve simple delay situations, but some are
inadequate for solving complicated delay problems. Different techniques give different results
(Stumpf, 2000). Selecting the most appropriate methodology depends on accessibility to the
project control documentation, time, and available resources (Bubshait & Cunningham, 1998).
Arditi and Pattanalitchamroon (2006) proposed a checklist with schedule-type and information-
type documents that aid the selection of the as-planned vs. as-built, impact as-planned, collapsed
as-build and time impact methods. The windows analysis methods, however, have been recognized
as the most creditable methods for delay analysis (Gothand, 2003; Kim, Kim, & Shin, 2005).
Discussion of the main available delay analysis methods is provided in the following sections.
The impacted as-planned method, sometimes referred to as the “what-if” method, is among the
very first delay analysis techniques to utilize a CPM schedule (Alkass, Mazerolle, & Harris,
Construction Delay Analysis Techniques, 1996). In this approach, the claimed delays are
“inserted” into a contractor’s original as-planned CPM schedule to simulate their effect on the
critical path. The original as-planned schedule and the impacted version are then compared, and
any resultant additional time is allocated to the delays inserted into the schedule. This approach,
however, has several limitations: it ignores the as-built critical path of the project and is predicated
on the invalid assumption that the project was built strictly in accordance with the as-planned
schedule (Bubshait & Cunningham, 1998). As a result, the discrete “what-if” event fails to account
for the entirety of the as-built events and contemporaneous schedule adjustments and logic changes
made during the project execution. As a result, the impacted as-planned technique has been
characterized as a heoretical approach that overlooks actual job history, and thus, it is recognized
To undertake the collapsed as-built method, also referred to as the “but-for” method, a complete
project as-built schedule must be developed either from contemporaneous project schedule updates
or through an after-the-fact review of project records. The delaying events are then removed from
the as-built schedule, thereby “collapsing” the schedule to show what would have occurred on an
as-built basis “but-for” the claimed delays (Bubshait & Cunningham, 1998). Although the use of
an as-built schedule provides the benefit of utilizing actual durations and sequences of all
This method is associated with several kinds of subjectivity; creating an as-built schedule relies
heavily on the precision and correctness of the analyst’s interpretation of project data. The nature
and quality of the subjective determinations of the preferential logic (choosing the delay issues to
address, creating a fragnet to represent those issues, determining how those fragnets connect and
impact the project, and then eliminating the delays in a sequence chosen by the analyst) are all
major concerns that arise with the use of a collapsed as-built method to determine responsibility
for delays (AACE International, 2011). The collapsed as-built method also has been criticized for
(i) failing to consider the as-planned schedule; (ii) failing to look forward, or in a chronological/
cumulative sequence; and (iii) utilizing after-the-fact logical ties or assumptions that may fail to
reflect the contractor’s actual views during performance (Alkass, Mazerolle, & Harris,
43 As-Planned Versus As-Built
The as-planned vs. as-built method involves a retrospective analysis of the project record to
determine the identity, cause, and effect of project delays. Therefore, a detailed as-planned
schedule is required to serve as an analytical baseline schedule. An accurate as-built schedule must
also be developed either from the contemporaneous updated CPM schedule or through detailed
project records such as daily logs, time sheets, and other similar project records. Both schedules
are then compared to identify and scrutinize the differences between the planned and actual
progression of the work (Alkass, Mazerolle, & Harris, Construction Delay Analysis Techniques,
1996). A proper comparison allows for the determination of the project’s as-built critical path, and
While this approach is very practical, it is not scientifically precise. The comparison process can
be subjective when determining the actual as-built critical path and the extent to which the
there is deficiency in the contemporaneous record keeping, there can be difficulty in reconstructing
a fully accurate day-by-day historical as-built scenario, since no one can tell the actual restraints
The windows analysis method, also known as the contemporaneous analysis method, is similar to
the overall approach of as-planned versus as built approaches described above. The key difference
is that the windows analysis method divides the project duration, as given by as-planned schedule,
into digestible time periods called windows. It then identifies and analyzes delays that arise in each
window and determines through the CPM whether their effects are liable to the project owner, the
contractor, or to any other party (Hegazy & Zhang, 2005). Windows analysis also enables the
assessment of the effect of different rates of progress in different phases of the project. The
selection of the window size is usually based on either major project milestones or major delays.
Starting from the planned schedule, each window is analyzed separately by introducing
contemporaneous site information on the schedule, including an activity’s actual start, actual
finish, and delays. Delays are usually introduced as new activities linked to impacted activities.
This forms as-built events that stretch to the end of the window. The residual part of the schedule,
until the end of the project, remains unmodified (without delays). If the project duration changes,
the critical activities are analyzed to allocate liability. If there are concurrent delays, both parties
share responsibility and no damages can be covered. This process continues until all windows are
analyzed, forming the as-built schedule. At the end of the analysis, the total project delay is the
Although windows-based analysis methods have many benefits and they have been recognized as
being the most credible (Gothand, 2003; Kim, Kim, & Shin, 2005), a set of serious drawbacks
• The as-built schedule is usually developed manually and after the project completion which
makes it subject to errors and omissions that hinder the accuracy of the delay analysis
• The analysis focuses on the critical path(s) that exist at the end of each window, thus,
ignoring critical path fluctuations that typically occur as events evolve on site.
• Contemporaneous schedules and updates should be used as they are prepared, reviewed, or
accepted because they are used as the basis for managing and decision-making throughout
the project. Although, these schedules might not be perfect, they are the most
analyst must manually and subjectively modify the schedule logic, which may result in
A modified windows analysis method was later introduced by Gothand (2003). The key difference
is that the modified method explicitly assigns delay liabilities to the project participants prior to
the analysis through a meaningful negotiation that distributes responsibility of the delay values.
To overcome the inadequacy of concurrent delay and acceleration, Kim, Kim and Shin (2005)
proposed a delay analysis method using delay section (DAMUDS). The method proposes dividing
the delay duration into a “single delay” and “two or more delays”. The proposed method evaluates
The windows-based techniques require intensive computation, and window spans may vary; i.e.
short or long periods may be used. It is also important to note that short periods require more
computational resources and long window periods fail to account for changes in the critical path(s)
as events evolve, and the schedules can be manipulated by constraints and logic changes.
Moreover, according to the window size, they usually produce different results.
To overcome these drawbacks, Hegazy and Zhang (2005) proposed a daily window delay analysis
that considers one 24-hour day as the unit for analysis. The study introduces an intelligent bar chart
(IBC) as a new form of representing progress information combined with delay data. IBC is made
of spreadsheet cells in which activity durations are represented as group of cells rather than bars.
Each cell is then used to store the daily percentage complete values for activities, delays, the
responsible party and other delay-related data. It then calculates delay liabilities based on the day-
by-day delay analysis on critical path(s) along the project duration. Such an approach resolves
problems of consideration of critical paths fluctuation that occur as events evolve within the
analysis period on construction sites without losing sensitivity to the events of speeding or
slowdown (Hegazy & Zhang, 2005). However, the proposed daily window analysis method tends
to be time consuming. The daily window delay analysis method was later expanded to consider
multiple baseline updates and resource overallocation (Hegazy & Menesi, 2008). Abu-Osbeh
(2011) proposed an Isolated Daily Window Analysis Technique (IDWAT) that applies the
systematic approach of IDT on a daily window span with the addition of cost-quantification.
The time impact analysis is similar to the windows analysis method; however, it focuses on a
particular delay, not on a time period containing delays. The intervening event is applied to an
updated schedule that represents the status of the project immediately prior to the event occurring
(AACE International, 2006). Upon the immediate occurrence of an impacting factor such as a
change or delay, an activity representing the impacting factor is entered into the schedule logic
network between the appropriate predecessor and successor. The activity duration is set at zero
and the schedule is calculated to (re-)establish the completion date and critical path. The next step
is to enter the duration of the impacting activity into the schedule and then recalculate the schedule
to see what the result would be in terms of time extensions or changes in the critical path.
Table 2-1 shows source schedules required to implement the basic protocol for each delay analysis
Table 2-1: Source data for the various delay analysis methods
Source of Schedules or Data
Baseline Schedule ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Schedule Updates ✓ ✓
As-Built Record ✓ ✓
Alkass, Mazerolle and Harris (1996) proposed Isolated Delay Technique (IDT) that combines the
traditional windows analysis approach with the delay scrutinizing ability of the “but-for”
technique. It determines a delay’s liability to project participants before analyzing the delay events.
This method is most appropriate for after-the-fact analysis (Alkass, Mazerolle, & Harris,
Ibbs and Nguyen (2007) examine how a project may be delayed further due to impractical resource
the authors recommended additional steps to enhance the current window analysis, including:
allocation (Ibbs & Nguyen, 2007). Although the study considers impractical resource allocation
Nguyen (2007) later proposed a new schedule-analysis technique called FLORA that, as its name
suggests, captures changes in Float, Logic, and Resource Allocation. The proposed technique
relies on a set of rules that are customizable by the contractual parties. The proposed technique
starts by defining the baseline schedule, then allocates total float of all activities to the owner and
contractor based on a previously agreed-upon apportioning of the total float. It also follows Al-
Gahtani and Mohan’s (2007) principle of total float entitlement, which states that the responsible
party will be discredited any change of total float on the affected activity, and gain or lose in the
total float of successive activities (Nguyen L. D., 2007). Another rule is the codification of current
practice such that the contractor will be granted a time extension if a third party caused a delay;
meanwhile, the owner gains or loses total float for excusable and non-compensable delays. A
A shared weakness in the aforementioned delay analysis methods is their oversight on the dynamic
nature of the activities’ production rates; they assume a linear relationship between time and the
number of produced units. To overcome this problem, Lee and Diekmann (2011) propose a method
called the delay analysis considering production rate (DAP), which incorporates the learning curve
effect. First, they determine the type of production curve for the activities delayed. Then, they
calculate learning and production rates. Activities’ learning rates are established and converted to
a man-hour estimate in order to calculate the activities’ production rates for three sub-phases,
namely: learning, production, and closing. Production rates are distributed over the activities being
reviewed before using window analysis, or the “but-for” method, to determine liability and
quantify delays (Lee & Diekmann, 2011). Not only does DAP over-simplify the production
computation, but it also does not consider productivity changes due to many other factors
influencing productivity. Klanac and Nelson (2004) also emphasised this weakness by stating that
identifying the factor causing productivity variance - of the many factors influencing productivity
- is critical in delay claims analysis when determining liability and remains challenging when using
The industry as led by AACE international, on the other hand, classifies and discusses the
methodologies for forensic schedule analysis with a stated desire to minimize disagreements over
schedule-implementation and to provide a unifying technical reference for the forensic application
of CMP (AACE International, 2011). Moreover, AACE international identifies the various
methodologies employed in litigation for cost recovery in lost productivity claims (AACE
International, 2004). These include, but are not limited to: Earned Value Method, Comparable
Work Study, Comparable Project Study, and Measured Mile Method. Among the above-
mentioned techniques, the Measured Mile Method is considered the most accurate as it uses the
actual data of contractor’s performance, which brings creditability to its calculation (Williams
Ibbs, 2012). Importantly, it requires utilized man-hours, comprehensive cost reports, and installed
The author notes that the current delay analysis literature available is very limited when compared
to other research areas such as productivity and safety. This is mainly due to the sensitivity of the
subject and availability of research data. Therefore, the development of new analysis methods is
also lacking despite the increased number of claims noted in the construction industry.
Shannon (1975) defines simulation as a process of designing a model for real system then
strategies for its operation (Shannon, 1975). The construction industry has been using simulation
commonly used in research to study large, complex systems not suitable for conventional analytic
Over the past three decades, various types of simulation methods have been developed to cope
with different systems behaviors, including but are not limited to, Monte Carlo simulation, discrete
event simulation (DES), continuous simulation and agent-based simulation. The following section
Monte Carlo simulation is a technique that is utilized to model uncertainty and it is suitable for the
analysis of stochastic and static systems or processes (Mitchell, 2017). Typically, predicting the
behavior of such systems is difficult as they produce different outputs for the same inputs,
moreover, due to their static nature, the outputs are contingent on the inputs values at the time,
irrespective of previous and future input values. Hence, Monte Carlo simulation has the capability
to cope with solving problems that are related to complexity and randomness.
DES models the behavior of complex operations as a discrete sequence of events that typically
take place at given time intervals where in the occurrence of an event triggers a change in the state
of the modeled operation (Lu, 2002). A system is usually modelled through number of variables
that also reflect its state. As the simulation time only advances when the next event is due to occur,
it is logical to conclude that DES are event driven systems (Bandyopadhyay & Bhattacharya,
2014). Typical domains of DES include: customer waiting time, hauling operations, and
its state at specific time interval. In a model of a customer-serving system, for instance, a
customer order (an event) can be simulated by releasing an entity into the model.
and movement of entities are controlled by the modeler. As entities route through the
• Simulation clock: The simulation time can be measured through different units as deemed
suitable for the system being modeled. In DES, the simulation clock skips to the start time
• Control components: These include: (1) an initialization routine, which configures the
model prior to the simulation execution (at time 0); (2) a timing routine, which schedules
event occurrences and types as well as advancing the simulation clock; (3) event routines
that define the event’s logic, constraints, resources, and so on; (4) the main program, which
pseudorandom numbers is very beneficial as simulation models are typically used to test
52 Continuous Simulation
Unlike DES, continuous simulation represents systems whose states continuously change.
Variables define the state of system change continuously at constant time intervals, such that the
modeller creates artificial events or pseudo-events to analyze and the behaviours and state of the
wherein the time-steps are equal in size (Bandyopadhyay & Bhattacharya, 2014). There are two
forms of continuous simulation, namely: dynamic systems and system dynamics. In dynamic
systems, the state variables change continuously in synchronized fashion and, unlike other
systems, they are not intensely inter-related. Thus, they do not have feedback loops within them.
System dynamics, on the other hand, are used to understand the behaviour of a system over time.
The main component of system dynamics is to model the relationships between variables and to
observe their influence on the behaviour of a system over time using elements like stocks, feedback
In contrast to DES and system dynamics, agent-based simulation centres on individual components
within a system (agents) and focuses on their behaviour and their interactions (Railsback &
Grimm, 2011). It combines elements of complex systems, multi-agent systems, game theory,
making components in a simulation system. Agents have various characteristics including, but are
not limited to, autonomy, adaptability, cooperation, proactiveness, mobility, learning, and
2.4.2. Applications Areas in Construction
Traditionally, the approach used to model construction processes has been discrete event process
1963) and queuing theory (Gaarslev, 1969) to study earth-hauling systems. The first application
(1973), which relies on a simple diagram flow methodology, and which facilitates the modelling
of repetitive processes to identify output productivity and potential imbalance in the use of key
resources. This approach is used in modelling construction operations, such as concrete batch
plants (Lluch & Halpin, 1982) and tunnelling (Martinez & Ioannou, General-purpose Systems for
Similar approaches were proposed to optimize earth-moving operations and to minimize costs by
designing optimal fleet configuration and considering the dispatching time required to move the
fleet from one site to another (Marzouk & Moselhi, 2004; Zhang H. , 2008; Mohamed & Ali,
2013). Moreover, researchers used tracking technologies to capture detailed motions of trucks and
excavators and to enhance the accuracy of identifying the state of equipment (Vahdatikhaki &
Hammad, 2014). Global Positioning Systems (GPSs) were also used to collect data from receivers
attached to equipment, using them as an input to the simulation model (Alshibani & Moselhi,
Other modelling systems, such as Simphony, offered advantages for use in industry by enabling
increased modeling and simulation capability to facilitate more complex model development;
providing more flexible user interfaces and explicit modelling of simulation entities and resources,
and allowing user-written code to provide extensibility and hierarchy in model development.
Special Purpose Simulation (SPS) (Hajjar & AbouRizk, 1996) modeling, and the Construction
Synthetic Environment (COSYE) (AbouRizk & Hague, 2009) are modelling environments that
use a set of icons, associated with different construction processes and predefined by designers, to
represent various construction resources and resource-flow path indicators to build the simulation
Ebrahimy et al. (2013) modelled the supply chain of a real-life tunnelling construction project to
capture and analyse variables affecting productivity using the Simphony environment. Moreover,
Al-Bataineh et al. (2013) used Simphony to develop a special purpose simulation for tunnelling
applications to explore different construction scenarios during the planning and execution stages.
Hybrid simulation, which considers both strategic and operational aspects, can produce complex
models better attuned to construction projects than non-hybrid models. Simulation development
has also focused on integration of simulation with other tools, particularly visualization. Zhang et
al. (2013) integrated AutoCAD models with Simphony process models for visualization purposes.
based on High Level Architecture (HLA) standards and COSYE, was used to model and visualize
earthmoving operations realistically and quantify some of the performance indicators such as
trucks’ fuel consumption, emissions, and production rates continuously throughout the simulation
Other researchers have used simulation approaches to develop training tools to control heavy duty
machines, such as a PC-based excavator simulator (Ni, Zhang, Yu, Zhao, & Liu, 2013) and a 3D
physics-based excavator simulator (González, Luaces, Dopico, & Cuadrado, 2009) that simulates
terrain excavation, loading and unloading processes, and events such as excavator slippage on
sloped terrain using real-time simulation techniques. Current research focuses on integration of 3D
modelling with real-time updates for a four-dimensional approach, as well as hybrid modelling for
model for a tunnel boring machine (TBM) that considers the effects of geological conditions and
Some researchers have used simulation algorithms to address scheduling and resource leveling
problems. One study explored how an Interactive Construction Decision-Making Aid (ICDMA)
schedule-simulation platform can improve the scheduling process (Tang, Mukherjee, & Onder,
2013). The study argues that CPM cannot be used to identify alternative emerging critical paths
when unexpected disruption occurs in the as-planned schedule. The research used ICDMA to
identify activities most likely to become critical and concluded that scheduling based on
production is better equipped for capturing the critical changes as compared to schedules based on
time. Another study explored the use of agent-based modeling for scheduling resources for
multiple projects. Araúzo et al. (2009) propose a multi-agent system for online dynamic scheduling
that completes the following: it allocates resources dynamically for a multi-project environment,
considers project value when deciding what projects to be accepted or rejected, and also discovers
the most valuable resources to be added to the firm. For their study, Araúzo et al. represent projects
and resources as agents and use auction-inspired mechanisms for agents to negotiate resources
Tang, Cass & Mukherjee (2011) argue that regardless of the construction strategies used, different
scheduling approaches impact the project greenhouse gas (GHG). The study applied two
construction strategies (Control and CatchUp) to complete highway construction projects using
both CPM and Linear Scheduling Method (LSM). The Control strategy aims at managing
schedules with minimum actions in dealing with interruptions, while the CatchUp strategy focuses
on managing schedules to minimize delays. When using the CatchUp strategy, both scheduling
practices showed good performance in reducing GHS emissions. When using control strategy,
however, CPM showed a better performance (Tang, Cass, & Mukherjee, 2011).
Despite the wide usage of simulation in construction processes, its application in claims analysis
is very limited. DES use tends to be focused on modeling different scenarios under different
conditions so that changes in time and productivity can better be analyzed and evaluated. For
instance, AbouRisk and Dozzi (1993) used DES during a dispute-mediation process to verify extra
cost claims. Two simulation models were developed, the first modeled and estimated operation
cost at the time of contracting based on the construction method specified in the contract. The
second modeled and estimated actual operation costs. Man-hours required to complete the
operation under the two scenarios were then used as the bases to estimate a reasonable cost to be
awarded to the claimant. A similar approach was followed by Al Malah et al. (2013) to demonstrate
and analyze the conflict between the as-planned and the as-built conditions at the construction site
for a tunneling project. The authors first created a stochastic as-planned model to represent the
time required to complete the project during the planning phase. They then added the impacted
processes to the original duration. The required time extension was estimated by comparing as-
built data to the impacted model (Al Malah, Golnaraghi, Biok, Elfaizy, & Zayed, 2013).
Systems Dynamics models have also been used in claims analysis processes because the use of
concepts and arrows in qualitative models provide clearer argument routs and makes it easier to
understand than the quantitative models (Howick, 2003). Cooper (1980) used SD to settle a $500
million claim in the Ingalls Shipbuilding’s case against the US Navy. William et al. (1995) also
used SD to study the impact of design changes and delay on the project costs. Williams,
Ackermann, and Eden (2003) introduced an approach for structuring a delay and disruption claim
using cognitive maps and system dynamics. Specifically, the approach demonstrates causality,
responsibility, and quantum of over-spend/time over-run of a claim. The cognitive maps are
generated through interviews with the project team members by analyzing a draft of the claim
document, all of which can be used to identify the disruptive triggers and to model the lines of
arguments from causes to consequences. The authors emphasized making a detailed explanation
of the triggers to enhance the understanding of their meanings and their interrelationships. When
two triggers overlap, the study noted two additional phenomena (Williams, Ackermann, & Eden,
2003). The first is called the “portfolio”, where the overall effect of many factors is larger than
their individual sum. In such a case, clarification is required on how the magnitude of the overall
effect is larger than the sum of the individual effects. The second is called “feedback.” Feedback
describes the phenomenon when tracking the immediate consequences of individual factors to
subsequent consequences reveals positive and negative feedback loops. Once the SD model has
been built representing the project as a bid, all the disruptive events are modeled by replicating the
cognitive maps. The model is run twice: the first run replicates how the project should have
occurred (all triggers are switched off), and the second run shows the impacts of a subset of triggers
upon the project plan. The model can also be used to show the effect of individual triggers as well
as their combined effects to demonstrate what would have been the effect had these triggers not
occurred. Thus, the difference between the planned run and disrupted run becomes the total claim.
While SD can capture soft human elements and managerial actions, it is incapable of capturing
detailed operational issues at the activities level (Rodrigues, 2000). To overcome this limitation,
integration with CPM might be required so that the weaknesses of SD would be covered by the
A comprehensive literature review was presented in this chapter. Topics covered include: project
scheduling principles used in the construction industry to properly set timelines for project
completion. This chapter also covers the inevitable changes that usually occur during project
execution, such as: severe weather conditions, learning curves, and change orders as well as their
implications in terms of time extensions and liability. The causes of changes were expansively
studied, and their impacts on the project schedule were discussed. Although the quantification of
change impacts is not the focus of this research, a review of quantification models was conducted.
As it is presented in the following chapters, quantification models could be integrated with the
An overview of the delay analysis methods was also presented describing procedures, limitations,
and solutions proposed by other researchers. The review concluded that window delay methods
are the most reliable and accurate analysis methods; however, they still have some limitations that
were overcome in this study through an introduction of a new delay analysis approach. The chapter
concluded with a review of simulation modeling paradigms, their types, and application in the
construction industry.
Chapter 3. Critical Review of the Limitations in
In Chapters 1 and 2, the issues associated with claim management in general and delay analysis in
particular were discussed and identified. This derived as a result of researching existing academic
This chapter contrasts and expands on the findings of the above research. The current research has
demonstrated that existing delay analysis practices have several shortcomings that prolong the
analysis process, inflate analysis cost, lead to inaccurate results, and constrain their use by industry
This phase of research involved further investigation of the problems/issues faced in claim
management and delay analysis in order to identify particular problems for which solutions could
be developed. Ultimately, this approach led to the formulation of the proposed simulation-assisted
approach to forensic schedule analysis and delay assessment for use in the construction industry.
According to the literature, claims have become an essential part of construction projects. It is
therefore logical that claims management should also become part of the overall management
process: furthermore, due to the large sum of money at stake, this aspect of the project must be
given equal priority. In addition, there is a noticeable lack of criticism noted in the literature
involving the role of claims management in reaching a satisfactory conclusion; however, there is
clearly space for improving the practicality of the process by focusing solutions on at least some
There are many claim types that arise during construction projects; however, one of the most noted
topics in both the literature and industry practice is delay to the progress of contracted work. As
delay claims are both the most frequently occurring claim type and likely to significantly benefit
from improvement (Gibson, 2008), this research concentrates on addressing the shortcomings in
delay claims and providing concrete practical solutions, ultimately yielding considerable cost
It is therefore the theoretical and practical basis of shortcomings in delay analysis process that this
chapter seeks to identify and describe under the description of issues in time claims practice.
Through a detailed analysis of the literature, the following two pertinent areas of limitation were
1. Claim Administration
In brief, this area concerns the difficulties claimants encounter when managing a time claim
documentation, delay identification, and analysis skills, as well as processing time, all of
which contributes to disintegration in the management process. It also includes the critical
2. Technical Analysis
This area encompasses the difficulties associated with the quantification process related to
time claims. This encompasses all technical and applications issues, such as CPM
application, as-built schedule development, practicality of the process, accuracy of results,
While the above-mentioned issues are clearly not an exhaustive list of the problems that arise in
delay analysis practice, they are identified as the factors which most contribute to shortcomings in
the analysis of delay claims. These issues are explored in greater detail in the following sections.
Claims are generally understood to be simple disputes over facts. While, in principle, the facts may
documentation are often not clear. For delay claims, in particular, obtaining evidence is a necessity;
this evidence gathering is often followed by thorough analysis by experts. A major area of concern
with regards to claim administration is the often lengthy and costly process before a conclusion
can be reached, from the initial claim identification through data capture and organization to
Several issues may arise during the execution of a project that cannot be resolved among the project
participants. These issues could have positive (acceleration) or negative (delay) impact on the
schedule, all of which must be supported by factual evidence. Typically, the resolution of such
issues results in time extension and/or compensation through additional requests for additional
costs, which are referred to as claims. If such claims are granted, the issues are resolved. However,
unsettled claims lead to disputes, and restrict the route of resolution, often involving a third party
through alternative dispute resolution (ADR) mechanisms such as mediation, arbitration and
litigation, all of which result in a lengthy process and substantial cost expenditures prior to reaching
a conclusion (Fenn, O’Shea, & Davies, 1998; Hackett, 2000; Gibson, 2008).
As previously discussed, the claim management process includes four main stages, namely: delay
identification, impact quantification, causation demonstration and claim documentation. For delay
claims, events that impact the project schedule are identified and then their criticality is assessed.
Delay identification requires individuals with sufficient knowledge of the contracted work,
including scope, responsibilities and the agreed contract terms, in conjunction with identification
of any variation that may occur or any activity that is viewed as extra, which would then require
contract adjustment (Keane & Caletka, 2015). It also requires project scheduling skills, as the
criticality of events is determined through CPM calculation, since delay claims can only be pursued
When there is an event that potentially could have an impact on a project schedule, a claimant
should document all aspects of the event to prove occurrence, timelines, entitlement, damages and
retain all supporting documents. However, events impacting a project schedule vary in nature and
complexity, and when they occur, they are often captured and documented inadequately. This is
mainly due to the fact that there is no standardized set of attributes used to document events.
Although one could argue that most of impacting events are usually documented in the
contemporaneous records of projects, the form in which these events are documented neither
guarantees comprehensive documentation of all prerequisites needed to perform delay analysis nor
If a decision is made to pursue a claim, the claimant analyzes the project documentation with
respect to occurring issues and investigates what to include in a claim document to substantiate his
or her case. The claimant should understand the grounds of the claim and be very familiar with the
available project documents, including schedules, letters, drawings, etc. However, by nature, a
huge volume of documentation is usually generated during the course of a construction project.
This is further compounded by the diverse nature of the documents. For example, there is tender
management documents, and, finally, cost control documents. Thus, when events related to the
claim take place on even a moderate scale, say, for instance, a $5 million infrastructure project
over a two-year period, the extent of documentation that may need to be reviewed can be daunting.
Many document management systems (DMS) are being used to store, track and organize project
documentation, such as SharePoint, WorkflowMax, Procore and Skysite (Astor, 2017). Most of
these systems are designed to improve access to project information and reduce time spent on
filing and searching for documents through use of a centralized system. Although some systems
are capable of producing reports, claim evidence requires careful presentation, because without
the proper organization of contemporaneous records needed to establish the claim, even simple
claims would lead to an expensive process. While establishing chain of events and documentation
may seem to be an easy task, there are notable cases where evidence documentation related to a
The outcome of the identification process is the statement of claim, in which all alleged events are
outlined, along with the supporting documents. For delay claims, analysts are mainly concerned
with a matter of what event impacted the project schedule, or what caused a given delay to the
project completion or any other milestone date, the time of occurrence, the impact of event on the
project schedule and the responsible party (Keane & Caletka, 2015). Such information is not
readily available through existing project control measures or the DMS, and it must be extracted
meaningfully to be used in the damage quantification process. Therefore, time and resources are
required to review and analyze records thoroughly when pursuing delay claims which costs money
that many claimants cannot afford and deny themselves opportunities for potential compensation.
Perhaps it is the nature of the problem and lack of a standardised format for documentation that
For reasons already given, including the quantity and diversity of construction documents and the
failure to have organized data, the ready availability of evidence to prove causation is lacking. The
consequence is a lengthy and costly process to prove a claim. In other words, current project and
document control practices do not provide a direct link between impacting events, their context,
and the responsible parties, all of which is mandatory for delay analysis.
Another issue is that the impact of events on a project schedule can either be certain, uncertain, or
expressed mathematically. For instance, the impact of activity stoppage due to safety concerns or
a delay in material delivery is usually known and easy to quantify. However, in retrospective
situations where there is no accurate contemporaneous record available, the extent of the impact
of such events is uncertain and can only be expressed in the form of a range (for instance, two to
three days). The mathematical models used in these cases are similar to the productivity loss
models discussed in Chapter 2 of this thesis. A good example is the occurrence of severe weather
conditions: to determine the impact of weather conditions, an analyst needs to use an impact curve
and quantify the productivity loss, depending on the weather condition at the time, and then re-
estimate the duration of impacted activities or preferably add activities to the schedule to reflect
the corresponding productivity loss. One issue resulting from adding activities to the schedule to
reflect the impact of an event is that it requires logic modification, which makes it a subjective
process. Therefore, depending on the type of the event, the impact quantification stage itself may
have two distinct substages: these are the quantification of the impact of events and then integration
of impacts into the schedule to assess the overall impact of the events on the schedule.
A further problem is that, depending on the time at which a delay is analyzed and perused (either
prospectively or retrospectively), various delay analysis methods can be used, all of which often
require extensive knowledge and expertise. Therefore, third-party experts are often involved. This
change of personnel potentially can result in knowledge loss, an additional review process of
contemporaneous records and inaccuracy in the analysis process. Thus, this disintegration in delay
claims management further results in a lengthy, costly and inaccurate process: moreover, it further
some of the impact might be lost during the process. Therefore, it is logical to conclude that any
This issue concerns the difficulties associated with the quantification process of a delay claim,
including the shortcomings of tools and techniques used for the analysis and inaccuracy of the
outcome. Once a delay claim is identified and pursued, the next step is to quantify it in terms of a
time extension and damage compensation. The process uses a cause-and-effect approach to
determine the full effect of the claimed activity on the contracted work.
CPM has proven to be the most effective technique for project management despite its many
weaknesses that are extensively noted in literature. It used by practitioners to manage all aspects
of a project, including planning, execution, control, and progress tracking to increase the accuracy
of a project’s timeline, cost estimate and resource utilization, and to gain insight into existing and
In assessing current and past accepted industry practices and standards, it has been generally
established by various construction claims experts, government agencies and organizations that
using the CPM as a tool for delay analysis is acceptable, subject to a number of principles. Levin
(2016) summarizes the basic principles set out by various US courts and boards which are used as
industry guidelines when undertaking a delay analysis. These principles are as follows:
1. The baseline and update schedule have been established as reasonable and accurate.
2. The schedule has been updated and maintained during construction in accordance with the
concurrent delays.
4. A cause –and-effect relationship between actual events and delays to the job is shown.
A key limitation of applying CPM to construction schedules is that schedules are often generated
manually by using scheduling tools. Those tools are capable of intensive CPM computations and
offer sophisticated scheduling flexibilities, however, this has led to misleading scheduling
practices and also resulted in manipulated schedules. These practices include, but are not limited
to, missing logic, late date scheduling, actual date manipulation, and out-of-sequence activities, as
well as excessive use of leads, lags, constraints and negative floats. When such schedules are used
in delay claims investigation, these manipulations may lead to inaccuracies in analyzing delays
and quantifying time extensions, all of which add to the existing functional limitations of current
delay analysis techniques that are noted in this study. Moreover, traditional schedueling tools only
reflect the latest status of activities progress and do not capture how an activity evolved throughout
the course of a project. More importantly, most of the tools do not demonstrate the critical path of
the project of completed work which is critical for delay analysis as entitlement and compensation
are only granted for delay that associated with the critical path of the project.
A point that should be noted at this stage is that scheduling tools utilize CPM to provide time and
cost management solutions throughout project execution, not to measure impact of events
responsible for delays and acceleration. The absence of practical alternatives, the intensive
computation required by CPM, and the large amount of information that needs to be processed
during the delay analysis process compels industry practitioners to use available scheduling tools.
Reiterating the first principle, there is a requirement to demonstrate that baseline schedule and
updates are reasonable and accurate. Baseline schedules demonstrate the contractors’ intent, based
on their knowledge of the project at the pre-contract stage, and therefore, form the basis for
assessing project progress. As far as contracts are concerned, delay claims usually involve a
progress comparison with respect to the original (baseline) schedule. In this respect, CPM provides
procedures and method. Generally, when more detail is included in a construction schedule, it is a
better reference point from which variations and delays can be measured.
In reference to the second principle, there is a requirement to demonstrate that the schedule was
updated and maintained during construction in accordance with the specifications. Most
construction contracts require contractors to constantly update schedules, document progress and
notify owners of any changes. One major concern is that as the project progress, contractors
deaccelerate the progress of activities, and, in doing so, either risk, or divert from, the logic set in
the baseline schedule. Schedule logic may change throughout the project due to one of, or a
combination of, the following factors: (1) scope changes (increase or decrease in project scope),
(2) activity resequencing, or (3) incorporation of delays into the schedule. When delays occur,
impacting events are usually modeled as fragnets in the schedule. To do so, the scheduler or analyst
needs to identify an appropriate logic for these fragnets in order for them to be linked with the
incorporate impacting events. The result of applying such modifications to a schedule is that a new
critical path may be developed that differs from the critical path included in the planned schedule.
A relevant point of discussion is the developmenet of as-built schedules that are commonly used
to analyze performance and validate claims. Previous research focused on either 1) manually
developing as-built schedules from unstructured project data (Knoke & Jentzen, 1996; Kahler,
2012) or 2) automating the as-built schedule development process (Mbabazi, Hegazy, &
Saccomanno, 2005; Chin, Yoon, Choi, & Cho, 2008; Rebolj, Babicˇ, Magdicˇ, Podbreznik, &
Pšunder, 2008; Golparvar-Fard, Peña-Mora, & Savarese, 2009; Ibrahim, Lukins, Zhang, Trucco,
& Kaka, 2009; Zhang, et al., 2009; Turkan, Bosche, Haas, & Haas, 2012; Hegazy & Abdel-
Monem, 2012). The first approach is impractical, tedious, and time consuming, because it requires
a substantial effort to thoroughly review mass project documentation to sort and determine events
that occurred during the project (Hegazy & Ayed, 1998), and it often suffers from inaccuracies
due to lost information (Memon, Abd-Majid, Yusoff, & Mustaffar, 2006; Elazouni & Salem,
2010). Moreover, a standardized process for extracting meaningful data from the scattered project
data is lacking, and consequently this results in a significantly prolonged process and augmented
cost. A rule of thumb in claims preparation is that 70% of the time is spent on searching for and
organizing information, while the analysis process takes the remaining 30% (Alkass, Mazerolle,
Tribaldos, & Harris, 1995). This demonstrates the undervalued importance of as-built schedules
The second approach relies on tracking technologies (digital cameras, laser scanners and
radiofrequency identification [RFID] sensors) and building information models (BIMs). Such
technologies can be used to identify variation between actual and planned progress, so correction
measures can be taken for either schedule recovery or expenditure adjustment. Although this
approach can improve the efficiency of collecting as-built data from construction sites, the as-built
schedule development was secondary, as most of the research focus was on progress monitoring
and project controls. Additionally, switching to these new systems would be an expensive process,
because their application imposes new means of data collection and restricted project control tools.
The current state of the art practice, represented by the previously discussed studies on as-built
schedule development and delay analysis, has a number of gaps in knowledge that hinder the
efficient utilization of as-built schedules for delay claims analysis. The methods reviewed do not
meet the increasingly tight timelines for delay claims and the need to integrate heterogeneous
project data sources and schedule updates, complying with CPM principles. It also worth to note
that there are no means for considering the unvailaility and inaccurcy of project data records when
developing as-built schedules. For instance, when extracting activities duration from
sources of information. Current approachs fall short in addressing this uncertainty of activities
duration which lead to inaccurate as-built schedules and delay analysis conclusions. Table 3-1
summarizes the capabilities of existing research and indicates the identified gaps in each of the
Table 3-1: Summary of previous studies
As-built Features
Main Research Focus Basic Enhanced/Advanced
Progress Monitoring
Events Traceability
Data Uncertainty
As-built schedule
Data Structure
Delay Analysis
As-built dates
(Elkass, Mazerolle, Tribaldos, & Harris, 1995) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
As-built Features
Main Research Focus Basic Enhanced/Advanced
Progress Monitoring
Events Traceability
Data Uncertainty
As-built schedule
Data Structure
Delay Analysis
As-built dates
(Kahler, 2012) ✓ ✓
Previous studies failed collectively to provide all the desired features of as-built schedules which
would ultimately add to their value in claims analysis. Since all such information required for as-
built schedule development is already available in different forms, automatic generation of as-built
schedules can be achieved if standardized organization of these data is established, coupled with a
The third principle involves a requirement that the analysis is employed in an accurate and
adjustments for contractor-caused and concurrent delays. Many delay analysis techniques have
been developed addressing challenges such as concurrent delay, critical path fluctuation, and
One of several approaches that is widely recognized and used by the construction industry is
window delay analysis, nevertheless, it has some flaws. The technique requires intensive
computation and the window spans may vary in short and long periods. Long window periods fail
to account for changes in the critical path(s) as events evolve, and schedules can be manipulated
by constraints and logic changes. A study by Hegazy and Zhang (2005) addressed the critical path
fluctuation flaw by proving that smaller window spans would result in more accurate delay
analysis. Furthermore, the study proposed a daily window delay analysis technique using an
intelligent bar chart (IBC) that is made of spreadsheet cells in which duration of activities are
represented as group of cells rather than bars (Hegazy & Zhang, 2005). Each cell is then used to
store daily percent complete values for activities, delays, responsible parties and other data related
to any delay.
The proposed practice is designed to be used on a day-to-day basis as the project evolves, which
makes it suitable for prospective delay analysis. The researchers acknowledged that the proposed
IBC is not a substitute for the traditional means of site data collection. Moreover, it is important to
note that construction activities vary in nature (e.g. design activities, management activities, etc.),
therefore, measurement procedures could be different and may require a different skill level. Thus,
activities, a daily estimation would necessitate additional resource deployment from both the
contractor, to estimate the progress, and the owner, to verify the estimate. Likewise, if this
technique were to be used for retrospective analysis, reconstruction of the project schedule with
daily records would be a resource-intensive and costly process. Therefore, a simpler solution that
can maximize the utilization of currently available tools and practices would be invaluable and
There are further problems related to the method: the researchers acknowledged that the proposed
method needs refinement, as it still falls short in addressing some major delay issues, including,
but are not limited to, considering partial daily delay, owner-requested versus contractor-owned
acceleration, and apportioning delays at the subcontractor level (Hegazy & Zhang, 2005). The
study also acknowledged that the reliance on spreadsheets makes it only suitable for small and
medium-size projects, and that large and complex projects would need a more powerful method
for implementation. Despite all these drawbacks related to window delay analysis techniques, the
literature review reveals that relatively little has been published on the subject of using alternative
techniques, such as simulation, to manage construction claims and dispute resolution, despite the
actual events and delays to the schedule is shown. Many of the existing delay techniques fulfill
such requirements at the owner and contractor level, including the daily delay method. However,
establishing causation and apportioning delays at the subcontractor level is yet to be investigated.
At this point, it might be useful to note the following interim conclusion – that is, that considering
the improper application of CPM and shortcomings of delay analysis methods, leveraging
is indispensable.
Another problematic issue that forms a key point of most disputes is liability allocation between
the involved parties: each party involved blames the other, and presumably completes a delay
analysis and submits an alleged claim. For instance, in a situation where a delay in design
completion of non-standard products occurs, a contractor would claim that the owner’s actions
caused the delay to the design completion, while the owner could claim that the design submission
was unsatisfactory and, therefore, resulted in a prolonged design process. Such issues are usually
resolved through the involvement of experts in the subject matter, and a verdict passed by a ruler
(referee or arbitrator, etc.) could potentially involve shared liability. However, a scenario such as
this could be further exacerbated when there are multiple points of dispute. Therefore, current
delay analysis practices limit the rulers’ options to either accept the outcome of an analysis as-is,
request reanalysis of claims based on a reallocated liability, or make a conclusion based on their
Another relevant issue besides liability allocation is that current delay analysis practices mainly
focus on quantifying time extension. Although these two elements are key in resolving time-related
claims, the analysis is not expanded to include other aspects, such as having independent events
analysis that is independent of the schedule analysis. For instance, available delay analysis
techniques do not analyze the magnitude of an impact at the event level, which is more important
in concurrent delay analysis situations. Such an approach would offer professional ruling on claims
a new means for their ruling and allow project participants to learn from the claim process for
future projects.
3.3. Deductions
Following the review of literature in Chapter 2 and discussion of issues presented in this chapter,
a summary of the immediate deductions relating to the delay analysis issues is set forth as follows:
variations and potential schedule manipulation, and scheduling skills to assess the impact
on project schedule. Moreover, depending on the timing of the delay analysis (prospective
or retrospective) and the availability of contemporaneous records, there are many delay
any of these methods requires extensive knowledge and expertise, which often requires the
involvement of different parties than those involved in the project (third-party experts)
➢ Project control practices have been continuously developed, yet they do not truly align and
support the claims management process. Records gathered during the execution of a project
are organized in a way that does not align with the delay analysis process. Delay analysts
still need to review project documents to extract delay information, identify delay events
and quantify their impact. This, consequently forms an unavoidable data organization
process and adds significant cost and time to the analysis process. The identification of
events that impact a project schedule is not an easy task, because events vary in nature and
complexity. Moreover, when such events are identified, there is no standardised set of
➢ Delay identification and quantification processes are isolated and usually treated as
independent processes accomplished by third party experts; mainly due to the skills and
expertise required for the analysis process. This disintegrated approach impedes the
process of demonstrating causation, which in turn drives up the cost of the process and
➢ Advancements in simulation techniques have been occurring for decades, mostly related
However, these capabilities have not been fully utilized by either researchers or
practitioners for the delay quantification process, despite the proven benefits associated
Inefficient and inaccurate development of as-built schedules and analysis of time claims
➢ There are many challenges associated with the development of as-built schedules and time
claims analyis that include 1) lack of uncertainty modelling for inaccurate or unavailable
project data records, 2) lack of a structured approach for automated retrospective project
data integration with project schedules updates used by delay analysts to either test
different delay scenarios or verify and quantify delay claims, 3) a relatively long as-built
schedule development time compared to the short decision making window that governs
traditional scheduling tools, i.e. how an activity evolved throughout the course of a project,
➢ As project progress, inevitable modifications to the project schedule are made to reflect
progress, acceleration or delays, resulting in deviation from the project plan. However,
some of the delay analysis methods requires retrospective interaction with projects’
schedule to model delays which is undesirable and questionable during a delay analysis
process. Pursuing alternative means of change modelling without altering project schedules
is invaluable.
Impractical solutions
➢ Although researchers are successfully developing new tools and forcing new requirements
exacerbate the problems and do more harm than good. This is a very true in claims
by many existing challenges, including data availability, accuracy of data collection, and
subjectivity, among others. Any additional demands from industry practitioners contribute
to the identified problems. A more practical approach would involve less complexity and
would, furthermore, present opportunities for improvement. A simulation-assisted
modelling approach, comprising all essential stages, from initial data gathering and
organization through to liability allocation, would greatly improve the delay claim process.
➢ The duration of delays to construction activities vary in length. Some delays last for long
periods, (days, weeks, or even months), while some last for hours (e.g., windy conditions
during a crane lift). Current delay analysis methods do not accurately consider such short
periods of delay, as they are either ignored completely or represented as a full day.
➢ Usually delays are apportioned among the owner, contractor and external reasons (i.e., at
the macro level). All contractors and their subcontractors are grouped under the term
contractor, without directly allocating the delay to the incumbent contractors and/or
subcontractors. This further complicates the process of establishing a link between the
liable party and the party who is required to compensate for the delay.
➢ Currently, available delay analysis techniques mainly focus on liability allocation and time
extension quantification, which limits both the ability of a ruler to evaluate the claim and
options to reach conclusions efficiently and accurately. Moreover, none of the available
analysis methods allow for event-based analysis, which would be beneficial to both claim
3.4. Summary and Conclusions
This chapter concludes the background research portion of this study. The contrast between
literature review and industry practice has been completed to identify issues related to the current
practice of delay analysis that are leading to inefficiencies and inaccuracies in the quantification
This review and analysis reveal that there are clear shortcomings in the current practice, prompting
a need for a new approach to the management and analysis process of time-related claims.
Chapter 4. A New Simulation-Assisted Framework
Chapter 2 set out in detail the findings of the literature review of current delay and time extension
problems in the construction industry, as well as the existing analysis methods and their
limitations. It also discussed the limited use of simulation in addressing time claims analysis and
how productivity impacts construction schedules. In Chapter 3, the academic and practical aspects
of current delay analysis practice were contrasted, identifying inherited issues. The key problem
areas were generally classified under two main headings, namely: administrative and technical
This Chapter states a composite problem that is defined and derived by the deductions of the
critical review of time-claims practice and uncovered shortcomings. It also proposes a framework
comprehensive solution to time claims problems, including: information overload, accuracy, and
This research has revealed that time claims are complex and have become an inevitable part of
construction projects. Together with the increased complexity of construction projects and tight
The failings and shortcomings of the overall management, analyses, and assessment of time
claims, as well as the need for improvements, are formulated as a problem with a simulation-
The problem is defined under two key issues identified earlier in our investigation, namely: claims
administration and technical analysis issues. External factors contributing to the defined problem
include sensitivity of the subject, lack of knowledge on how claims evolve (understanding the
potential implications of simple actions made on a project), how they are analyzed and settled,
This section proposes a solution to the defined problem in the form of a new simulation-assisted
framework for time claims analysis, which seeks to address the administrative and technical issues
identified earlier. This framework seeks to eliminate the deficiencies of current practice.
In order for the framework to achieve its goals, its design is based on knowledge-discovery
principles. This begins with data organization in which raw data are prepared to extract meaningful
information (targeted data) through to knowledge discovery by virtue of a unique data mining
Many of the proposed framework’s components are similar in principle to the traditional
The key differences between the proposed framework and the existing delay analysis approaches
are as follows. In the proposed framework heavy emphasis is placed on integrating the main
quantification (converting lost productivity into delay duration), analysis and evaluation into a
simulation-assisted system.
From the technical perspective, the proposed framework addresses the critical interface between
the documentation and organization of the contemporaneous data processes, and the claim
management process—a significant departure from the current practice. The proposed framework
also addresses the matter of liability allocation, and analysts’ interaction with schedules for delay
analysis purposes.
The proposed solution takes the form of a Forensic Schedule Information Modeling framework
for analysis of time claims; abbreviated hereafter as ForSIM. The development of ForSIM is
based on the concept of time-step simulation where the analysis result of a time-step forms the
basis for the successor time-step. It is composed of four main components: (1) data organization
and filtration, (2) initialization and data pre-processing, (3) simulation-assisted data integration
and transformation and (4) analysis and results compilation. Figure 4-1 illustrates a high-level
structure of ForSIM.
Provisions Simulation Outputs
Initialization Integration
Emails, Letters
Reports, Minutes, etc.
Events Impact Schedule
Impacts &
Events Schedule Updates
Algorithm Results
The dynamics of schedule changes are modeled by extracting schedule activities and their logic
based on a predefined time-step of one entity, integrating the impacts of the events relevant to the
entity into the CPM computation, and lastly analyzing the data and providing results. To enable
this process, conceptual entities are generated that represent time units such as minutes, hours,
It is important to note the distinction between an entity and an event. While an entity is an
object of time unit, an event is an instantaneous incident that change a state of project
The entity movement is facilitated through two main constructs, 1) an entity information model
that contains relevant information of events and schedule activities, and 2) an entity lifecycle model
that defines possible routes which an entity can go through a schedule network. Detailed
description of these constructs is provided in Sections and of this thesis.
4.3.2. Provisions
While gathering and presenting evidence is a vital element in claims management, delay analysts
are often overwhelmed with information. Construction projects, by nature, generate huge amounts
of documentation. The sheer amount of documentation alone makes the analysis process daunting,
particularly for retrospective analysis. The provisions of ForSIM help in establishing formal
means of data documentation and organization, so a more focused analysis can be executed.
ForSIM relies on data from three sources, which serve as inputs: the baseline schedule, schedule
updates, and the schedule of events. Transforming these inputs into the acceptable framework
specification is based on a combination of actions from the analyst, along with automated
represents a time-frame that provides the start and finish dates for all project activities, taking their
relationships, constraints, and other project characteristics into consideration to reach a certain
project objective. It is important to note that baseline schedules are based upon the knowledge at
the pre-contract stage. If the baseline were contrasted with the 'as-built schedule, then a factual
progress record of could be provided. Notably, it is incorrect to base a delay claim analysis on a
schedule that was not adhered to, or that could not be adhered to.
Claims usually compare actual events (what happened) with baseline(s) (what was intended to
happen). ForSIM utilizes the baseline schedule as initial reference to measure time extension or
acceleration and to allocate liability and support the as-built vs. as-planned analysis. The baseline
schedule is used to model the planned sequence of activities, estimate activities’ duration, logical
constraints, and project calendars, which are all used to calculate the start and finish dates of
activities as per the CPM computation. ForSIM also supports available schedule updates to reflect
inevitable schedule changes. For instance, if changes are made to a schedule (such as change to
logic, activities’ duration, constraints, and so on), all of these changes will be reflected on the
simulation model at the time the changes are made. It is important that schedules used in the
Organizing project data, particularly data related to claims, would make that data more useful.
Organized data results in better understanding of the claim under investigation, considerable time
saving, as well as focused analysis. The framework proposes using a well-structured event
The Schedule of Events (SoE) lists all events that might impact the project schedule, including but
are not limited to: approved time extensions, unsettled time extensions requests, daily site events,
and so on. Impacting events are sorted by reference to the date of occurrence, duration, impacted
activities, and liable parties for the delay. ForSIM requires certain attributes of an event to be
captured in a firm format for it to be considered as an event. Descriptions of these attributes are
listed as follows:
➢ ID: Each event is assigned a unique ID once it is entered into the event schedule. At the
initiation, identifiers are also used to track events and configure their impact quantification.
➢ Description: A detailed account of the event that describes its circumstances. A well
described event would help the claim analyst to better understand the event, resulting in a
well-informed quantification.
➢ Cause: A concise description of the event’s cause in a few words; brief but comprehensive.
Ideally, it should provide the analyst with a high-level categorization of delay events.
➢ Quantification type: ForSIM support the following three types of impact quantification:
o Fixed: The event’s impact assumed to be certainly known; this method is used where
contemporaneous records of the event’s impact on the schedule are available and
o Formula: The event’s impact is modeled as a mathematical model that expresses the
models have been developed where each model quantifies the impact of a certain factor,
➢ Start time: This refers to the specific starting time for the event occurrence. Considering
the time-step concept adopted in this framework, the start time refers to the time on which
➢ Parameters: There are various factors influencing productivity and activities duration.
Many models quantifying the impact of each factor have been developed and require
certain parameter inputs. Having identified which factors to consider and model, the actual
data (inputs) required for predicting the production ratio is captured under the Parameters’
column. Considering the three quantification types supported by ForSIM, the parameters
o Fixed: the parameter reflects the duration of the event as per the time step unit, e.g.
o Uncertain: the parameters reflect the inputs required for the selected distribution by the
o Formula: the parameter(s) reflect the input variables specified by the analyst when
➢ Responsible parties: The person or entity responsible or liable for event’s occurrence.
ForSIM supports the cases where there is more than one party liable for the event. Notably,
the SoE is designed for delay quantification from the claimant’s perspective. Disagreement
➢ Impact type: An event could have different types of impacts on the schedule. ForSIM
defines and models two types of impact that are either Global or Task-specific.
o Global Impact: refers to an event that impacts the whole project. This case is modeled
by integrating the impact of the event into all the activities occurring on the modeled
time instanse. For example, if there is a labor strike on a project, all the project activities
will be impacted.
o Task-specific: this refers to an event that impact certain activities. This case is modeled
by integrating the impact of the event into the activities that are only occurring on that
modeled time instanse out of predefined activities. The predefined activities are captured
by listing their IDs in the field under the Impacted Activities IDs column. For example,
➢ References: This refers to source documents supporting the occurrence of events. This
helps in organizing and retrieving project files later used in demonstrating entitlement.
➢ Issue Date: This refers to the date in which supporting documents of events are issued.
Construction contracts usually include provisions for when claims notices are submitted,
otherwise, claim entitlement could be dismissed. Therefore, this attribute could be used to
The SoE could be implemented in variety of ways; however, it must be in a computer- interpretable
format such as a database, Excel sheet, and so on. Table 4-1 depicts a populated sample of the
SoE. It is also important to note that the currently included attributes concern delay events, and the
SoE can be extended to other attributes as necessary (e.g. cost, additional resources, equipment,
and so on).
4.3.3. Simulation
Construction schedules are constantly subject to changes, depending on internal and external
factors, such as planned activities, resource availability, approvals and weather conditions. As
such, a time-step simulation approach would be suitable to model the dynamics of CPM networks.
It is reasonable that entities may represent time units. The entity could represent any unit of time
(hours, days, weeks), based on the desired level of abstraction. This poses certain modeling
requirements, including: (1) that each entity must be distinct and represent unique and active
event(s), and (2) there must be capability to route through Active activities, so that duration
adjustments can be made where applicable. The Active status of an event or an activity refers to
the occurrence of the event or activity at that entity instance. These requirements will be addressed Initialization
The initialization starts with interpreting and storing the framework’s required inputs. All the
information stored in the project schedule and SoE are captured and preprocessed, so it can be
manipulated through libraries written in programming languages, such as Java and .Net for delay
analysis purposes. The initialization would depend on the programming language used as well as
specific qualities (type, storage class) of the attribute (object). The initialization, as shown in
Figure 4-2, includes quantifying the impact of events, defining the network structure, and setting
ForSIM supports three ways of quantifying an event’s impact: fixed, formula, and probability.
Events with fixed impact do not require impact quantification as the impact is assumed to be
known. Events with probability impact are those that have uncertain impact durations; accordingly,
ForSIM supports using probability distributions such as uniform, triangular, or beta distributions
to capture uncertainty of the event’s impact. Methods like Monte Carlo simulation or the Inverse
transformation method can be used to quantify these events. For events with impacts that can only
be expressed formulaically, ForSIM enables the analyst to define the quantification model and
then compute the event’s impact. To avoid subjectivity issues, the quantification models could be
set or agreed upon prior to the project start, and perhaps outlined in the Project Agreement (PA).
At the end of the initialization the calculated impacts of events are used to calculate the end dates
of events. At time zero (τ0=0), the starting simulation date and time are initiated as the earliest
start time in the project schedule. Then, the simulated time will be incremented by a predefined
time-step throughout the simulation of the entire schedule. As it has been noted in previous
research (Hu, 2013), using large time-steps results in fast but inaccurate/unstable simulations.
Using small time-steps leads to more precise simulations but takes longer to process.
The CPM is the foundation of ForSIM, and for most other delay analysis techniques. Activities
information that are embedded at compiled time (τ0) are used at the initialization to model the
network of the project and perform CPM calculations. The modelled CPM is executed at the
initiation stage to set up the delay measurements, which include identifying the critical path
The outcomes of this impact initialization are the final impact duration of all events listed in the
SoE and their calculated end dates, which refer to the specific finishing time for the occurrence of
the events.
Entities in the simulation model are initiated equally by default. In order to make them
representative of distinct times, some key events and activities information must be carried by the
entities. This often refers to descriptive attributes such as event ID, cause, and impact. To enable
entities to carry both event and activity-related information, an integrated entity information model
(EIM) is designed. Figure 4-3 illustrates the components of an information model, which include
(i) simulation run-time data; (ii) impacting events data, and (iii) other project control data. The
EIM is a record type where each of the fields is either a record of an attribute or collection of
… …
… …
… …
As sown in Figure 4-3, the EIM is broken into three categories. The Simulation time attributes
holds information about the simulation time of an entity instance, including the most current
simulation timestamp as per the entity instance, cycle number, and the entity instance label
(working or non-working day). The event attributes hold information about the occurrence
impacting events relevant to the entity instance, including event ID, cause, description, impact
value (derived), impact type, and applicable impacted activities ID. A given event occurrence
might be relevant to multiple entity instances; in such cases, events’ attributes will be recorded on
all the entities. This means the event span is larger than an entity instance. Nesting events is
supported and executed in parallel. When there are multiple events relevant to an entity instance,
EIM will contain records of all events, route through all active activities, and accordingly trigger
change to their duration. The project control attributes are currently not implemented in ForSIM;
however, they are shown to demonstrate how the information model can be expanded to hold other
Figure 4-4 shows the topmost levels, referred to as stages, of the entity lifecycle. The entity
lifecycle model specifies the activities that an entity can be involved in as the entity routes through
its lifecycle. It is specified using stages, where each stage consists of one or more guards. A guard
is a condition (possibly a triggering event) that, when activated, enables entities to route through
the network model and then trigger changes into the activities’ duration. The guard’s conditions
range over the information model of the entity instance and are expressed using if/then rules. When
these rules are evaluated to be TRUE (satisfying the condition under consideration), the guards
become OPEN, allowing a set of associated actions, (changes to activities’ duration) and other
rules to be executed. For instance, if there was an Active Event at an entity instance, the Events’
Schedule guard would become OPEN, allowing the entity to pass through to collect records of that
Active event.
93 Run-time Engine
The time-step simulation allows both events that occur at specific times and periodic events to be
modeled. The run-time engine (RTE) is responsible for controlling the simulation execution,
creating the simulation environment, initiating entities with a timestamp, cycle number, and label,
as well as advancing the simulation time. At time zero (τ0=0), the starting simulation date is
initiated as the smallest early start time in the project schedule. In other words, the simulation sets
the starting simulation date as the earliest start time (𝐸𝑆𝑖 ) of the first activity in the project. The
simulated start date will then be incremented by one entity throughout the simulation of the entire
In order to reduce the modeling complexity of an event so that it will be easy to integrate into the
project activities, one approach is to break the event into smaller events (events slicing), which are
referred to as E-bites in this framework. The event slicing transforms events into E-bites by using
the entity span as slicing criteria to identify E-bites relevant to an entity instance. All E-bites inherit
the attributes of their parent events. The generation of E-bites starts by defining the slicing criteria,
which are the time spans represented by the entity instance. Each E-bite is tagged with a timestamp
and includes a Boolean attribute, which holds its status. This is initialized at CLOSE and becomes
ACTIVE once its guard becomes OPEN. The guard status changes as per the status of its parent
event. For example, if an entity was released and a parent event was active, the guard becomes
OPEN. This means the entity will route through the event’s schedule and its information model
94 Network Model
Initial values of activities attributes (ID, name, duration) embedded at compile time (τ0) are used
to model the network of the project. ForSIM relies on basic CPM principles discussed at length in
the literature, including modeling precedence relationships, leads and lags, calendars, as well as
both forward and backward passes computation through the schedule network. As schedule
updates become available, they are used to update the activities attributes and execution logic.
depending on preference. ForSIM is mainly concerned with having a fully functional CPM
calculation of the project attributes, regardless of the modeling approach. The modelled CPM is
executed at the initiation stage to establish the planned project timelines. The framework supports
continuous critical path identification and calculation at every time-step, as delay is only measured
against critical path activities at the time. It is important to note that executing the CPM at the
A similar approach to the events slicing is used for the schedule activities where the durations of
activities are broken down into smaller activities, referred to as A-bites. Each A-bite represents an
entity span ; its status attributes change as per the release of a matching entity. The Network model,
however, has a guard for the network and guard for each activity. The network guard becomes
OPEN once the status of a parent activity becomes ACTIVE, which allows the entity instance to
route though the Network model. The activity guards become OPEN only when the network guard
is OPEN, and the status of the A-bite becomes ACTIVE. In such a case, the entity routes through
the parent activity and triggers changes to its duration as per the attributes of the relevant E-bites.
The final portion of the entity lifecycle model is the compiler, described in section 4.3.4.
95 Data Integration
As shown in Figure 4-5, the integration process starts by advancing the simulation time from day
zero (τ0) to the starting simulation date (τ1). The RTE then releases the first entity instance tagged
with working or non-working labels as per the project calendar. When an entity instance is
released, it may result in a series of changes in the status of parent events, E-bites, parent activities,
When τ1 is a non-working day, the entity routes to the compiler without triggering any changes in
the CPM network model; otherwise, the simulation explores the event’s schedule to check if there
is any ACTIVE event relevant to the entity instance through an event-to-event sequence. In such
a case, the event’s guard becomes OPEN, allowing the entity instance to route through the event’s
schedule. When there is an ACTIVE E-bite, the simulation updates the EIM; otherwise, the entity
simply routes to the compiler. For ACTIVE E-bites with global impact type, the impacted activities
field in the EIM will be updated to include all the ACTIVE A-bites. Also, for ACTIVE E-bites
with a task-specific impact type, the impacted activities field in the EIM will be updated to include
τ = τ + TS Release Entity
Is τ1 working
Is there Is there
ACTIVE E-bite? ACTIVE A-bite?
Yes Yes
Update duration of
parent activities
The entity instance then transfers to the network model stage. When there is an ACTIVE parent
activity, the network guard becomes OPEN, allowing the entity instance to route through the
network model. The activity guards become OPEN when there are ACTIVE A-bites, which allows
the entity to trigger changes to the duration of parent activities as per the impact field of EIM.
Durations of all Active parent activities are updated simultaneously, and the CPM model will be
accordingly executed. Thereafter, the entity routes through the compiler and the simulation
advances to the next time step (TS) by following the same updating process. Thus, it shifts from
one entity to the next until it passes the timestamp of last ACTIVE E-bite. If at any time during
the simulation a guard has CLOSED status, the entity routes to the compiler without triggering
any changes in the network model. It is important to note that an activity’s duration is only updated
to a maximum of one entity span (a time-step). The update could either be positive or negative.
Once the impacts of all active events at an entity instance are applied, the CPM is executed to
analyze the impact of events on the critical path in comparison to a calculation of the previous
entity instance. Changes in activities’ durations may result in either extension or compression
(acceleration) to the project schedule, or formulation of an entirely new critical path(s). The
simulation, therefore, re-identifies the critical path of the schedule and the overall project duration.
If the CPM execution results in no changes in the critical path, active events would be labelled as
non-impacting events and the simulation would advance its time to the next entity instance. When
changes to the critical path exist, however, ACTIVE events are labeled as impacting events and
responsibility (liability) counters are initiated for every unique associated responsible party. When
there is extension to the critical path, active events are labeled as delay events, and would undertake
further categorization as discussed in section; however, when there is compression to the
critical path, ACTIVE events associated with reduced activities duration are labelled as
acceleration events.
98 Delay Events Categorization
Delay events fall into one of three fundamental categories: excusable compensable, excusable
non-compensable, and non-excusable. To categorize delay events, the claimant must be set at the
beginning of the analysis. This framework can be used by any party involved to determine liability
of other parties. To enable an event’s categorization and liability allocation, the claimant must be
set at the initiation of the simulation model. The rules for delay-event-categorization can be
ForSIM imitates the dynamic of the project schedule without committing real resources. As a
result, it extracts useful and sometimes hidden information from large project data and
➢ As-built Schedule and Time Award: One of the simulation outputs is an as-built
schedule, which is a result of incorporating all the impacting events into the durations of
the base schedule’s activities. Then, a comparison of the as-built schedule and the baseline
is quantified by subtracting the simulated project duration from the planned project
➢ Micro-Liability Allocation: Each delay event has one or more responsible parties who are
all traced and assigned with liability counters. Liability is computed throughout the
simulation, and the counters are continuously updated and presented at the end in tabulated
➢ Micro-Causation: Unlike establishing causation traditionally, the proposed system
establishes the cause-and-effect at the events level. Through the use of simulation, impacts
of events that have caused change to the project’s critical path are quantified and traced
separately. As such, the impact of each event (time extension or acceleration) are
The verification and validation of simulation models is extremely important, so it can be used
within the academia and industry. Therefore, many methods were proposed for developing valid
and credible simulation models (Law, 2006; Martinez, 2009; Lucko & Rojas, 2009). As
recommended by these studies, the verification and validation process of ForSIM was carried as
Due to the large complexity of the ForSIM, it was undertaken progressively through a stepwise
representative sample of the systems of interest (Anastasi & Urbina, 1997). Simulation studies
commence with abstraction of a real-world systems or process. The precision of the modeling
process determines the validity or invalidity of the model. The first aspect of abstraction pertains
to the fixation of the model boundaries that involves determining which constructs of the system
to include in the modeling process. The selection of ForSIM’s constructs was guided by the
research objectives and underlying assumptions. This phase of the validation process was carried
After ForSIM boundaries were defined, the selected constructs were mapped to a time-step
simulation paradigm. Constructs validity concerns with assessing the appropriateness of the
simulation method used to model the abstracted constructs. This process requires domain experts
to confirm the design and analysis of ForSIM. To ensure the validity of ForSIM constructs, the
• Simulation and construction knowledge acquisition through readings, courses and projects
• Design representation; a number of design aids were used to represent and communicate
ForSIM design such as flowcharts, algorithms, activity charts and concept schematic layouts.
• Scrutiny of ForSIM design by the research supervisors and colleagues within the group
construction research group. This was a continuous process that led to significant
Face Validation is a technique used to assess whether a model appears to be suitable or unsuitable
representation of the process of interest. ForSIM conceptual design was validated through
discussions with professors in the research group, experts in the field of delay claim analysis as
well as a lawyer, all of whom provided feedback on the validity of ForSIM based on its face value.
The subject matters confirmed the reasonableness of ForSIM design and modeling approach.
4.4.4. Results Verification and Validation
ForSIM prototype is being developed and studied in several ways. The prototype model was tested
with complex scheduling scenarios, including leads, lags, different relationship settings (Finish-
Earlier Than, Finish No Later Than, Must Finish On, Must Start On, Start No Earlier Than, Start
No Later Than).
As indicated earlier, ForSIM calculates start and finish dates of activities using CPM principles
and are driven by the activities duration and constrains as established in the planned schedule. To
validate ForSIM, the modeled planned start and finish dates outputs are closely compared to those
from the planned schedule dates. Each scheduling scenario was verified and validated
independently, and then the validity of all scenarios together was made. The comparison confirmed
that ForSIM CPM calculation is valid under all the tested scheduling scenarios with exception of
one scenario that is the use of different working calendars within the project. A comparison
example is shown in Section 6.2.3. Lastly, to verify the data integration process and delay analysis,
event traceability during ForSIM execution was used to observe changes to activities’ durations
and timelines as well as delay liabilities. An example of a simulation log for tracing changes to
This chapter considered the academic knowledge and practical aspects of time claims analysis, the
inherent shortcomings therein, and has defined such deficiencies as a problem that in need of
A promising solution to the defined problem was proposed in the form of a Forensic Schedule
related factors under one environment, using simulation to analyze construction time claims and
allow analysts to make well-informed judgements. ForSIM also simultaneously quantifies the time
extension and/or acceleration award and provides feedback for the delay analyst in graphical and
statistical fashion. The framework was comprehensively described. This systemized and
automated approach to the modeling, analysis, and quantification of time claims is based on
research, analysis, and assessment of state-of-the-art research as well as industry practice, and will
be beneficial to disputing parties. Additionally, the verification and validation appoach followed
The detialed design of ForSIM framework and algorithms used to develop ForSIM prototype are
discussed in Chapter 5.
Chapter 5. ForSIM Prototype Model Development
and Implementation
Chapter 4 describes the research problem and provides conceptual design of ForSIM framework
as promising solution. The architecture of the siulation model, inputs and outputs were all
This Chapter describes the development of ForSIM concept proving prototype to support scenario
experiments and implementations. The current implementation of the framework supports both the
automated generation of as-built schedules and time claims analysis. The prototype model uses
Excel for the event schedule and MS Project for the planned schedule, as well as front-end data
processing through Visual C# .Net. MS Project data is manipulated and transferred automatically
The implementation of the ForSIM prototype is based on a .NET framework and is written using
the C# computing language. It also uses MPJX library to model project schedules (Packwood
the .Net environment. Specifically, through the use of MPJX, ForSIM supports Microsoft Project’s
(MPP) schedules format, which is Microsoft’s proprietary way of storing the project data. The
As proof of concept, the Event’s Schedule is made using Microsoft Spreadsheet. To document
each project event, the attributes requied are extracted from the project contemporanous records
and entered into the spreadsheet in the same order shown in Table 4-1. For fields that require
multiple variables (parameters of the probability distributions, IDs of impacted activities, and
names of responsible parties) the current implementation enables analysts to simply list all the
The author emphasizes that since the schedule of events is independent from the simulation model,
it can be implemented in any other computer interpreting format (e.g. database) as deemed suitable
Initiate new
Advance simulation time to
simulation start date (τ)= τ1
Is there a schedule No
update? No Is τ1 working time?
Yes Yes
CPM Analysis
Compile results
Delay Events
End Categorization
The overall simulation architecture, as shown in Figure 5-1, is composed of four main components
that include initialization, impact integration, CPM network analysis, and events categorization.
In the current implementation of ForSIM, entities are chosen to represent days as they are the most
common time unit currently used by scheduling practitioners in the industry; however, the author
Through these constructs, each entity will have a life cycle that starts by traversing into the model,
causing various changes to schedule activities, and triggering re-execution of the CPM algorithm.
5.2.1. Initialization
The initialization of ForSIM begins by declaring the claimant. The claimant is then used to set the
benchmark for analyzing and categorizing liabilities of other parties involved in the project. The
initialization, as shown in Figure 5-2, follows three main processes: impact quantification, network
ID = ID1+1
Network Modelling
Is Model forward path
Assign Impact value as
Yes quantification type computations
listed in parameter column
Pre-process impact quantification
Model backward path
Is Yes
Model selected distribution quantification type Model critical path
and calculate impact probability ? computation
No Is IDi = IDn?
106 Impact Initialization
As previously mentioned, ForSIM supports three ways of quantifying impact: fixed, formula and
probability. The impact of events with fixed quantification type is known and their values are
assigned as listed under the parameter column in the delay log, while events with formula and
probability impact types require computation to determine the value of the impact.
At initialization, the impact is calculated of those events with undetermined impact values. When
uncertainty exists in an impact of event (uncertain impact value), a probability distribution can be
used to reflect uncertainty. Although, there are many probability distribution generators that can
be used, identifying or examining the accuracy of these methods is not the focus of this research.
ForSIM prototype supports a continuous uniform distribution to represent the impact where all the
outcomes (in a range between a minimum and maximum impact values) are equally likely. The
distribution is defined by two parameters: a and b. These parameters are the associated minimum
and maximum duration of an event’s impact. This scenario is usually caused by a lack of accuracy
in data capturing, or inability to determine the exact impact of events. In such case, ForSIM
For the impacting events in which their quantification is expressed as formula, the ForSIM enables
the claim analyst to set up the impact quantification formula through a user interface. The
framework leaves the choice of the quantification model to the analyst’s discretion by enabling the
analyst to express the model mathematically. From delays analysis perspective, it is recommended
to use higher-level factors as they can easily be identified and linked to responsible parties. Low-
level factors do not necessarily prove one party is responsible for the event, as it may be that these
factors are themselves not the cause of the event, but rather the consequence of higher-level factors.
For instance, congestion reduces productivity. Congestion, however, can be caused by several
different triggers like poor coordination, concurrent operations, and overmanning. Once the
analyst defines a model that best reflects the impact of each unique event, the simulation then
computes the impact and returns its value for each event based on the configuration set by the
ForSIM relies on basic CPM principles, which include modeling precedence relationships, leads
and lags, calendars, both forward and backward passes, computation through the schedule
At compile time (τ0), the MPJX library is used to read the attributes of the project activities,
including: task ID, name, duration, precedence relationships, as well as leads and lags which their
values are all stored in dictionaries. The precedence relationships between the activities are
modeled by an integer matrix, shown in Figure 5-3, whose row and column indices indicate the
This relationship matrix is used to programmatically model the forward and backward passes
calculations as per the formulas described in Section 2.2 of this thesis. Upon initiation, these
calculations are executed to identify the critical path and set the benchmark of the project timelines
accordingly. The calculation results should match the timelines of the project baseline.
108 Time-step Initialization
The simulator component is responsible for controlling the simulation execution, creating the
simulation environment, extracting relative activities and their logic based on a pre-defined time-
step, integrating delays occurring during that time step into the schedule, and lastly analyzing the
At time zero (τ0=0), the starting simulation date is set as the earliest start time (𝐸𝑆𝑖 ) of the first
activity in the project. The simulated date will be incremented as per the entity span size throughout
the simulation of the entire schedule. As it has been noted in previous research, using large time-
steps results in fast, but inaccurate/unstable, simulations. Small time-steps lead to more precise
simulations, take more time. ForSIM prototype is developed using an entity instance of one day as
prof of concept, however, the author emphasis that a smaller time-step can be modeled.
Impact integration is the process of updating project activities to reflect the impact of occurring
events and, subsequently, investigating whether they had positive or negative impacts on the
overall schedule. The integration process starts by advancing the simulation time from day zero
At τ1, the simulation explores the SoE to see if any active events (occurring at the date being
simulated) take place during this time interval through a next-event (or event-to-event) model.
When an active event is identified, the simulation updates the duration of impacted activities
according to the type of the impact and its quantified value. For events with a global impact type,
durations of all active activities (ongoing activities under simulation) are updated according to the
quantified impact. For events with a task-specific impact type, only the impacted activities
associated with the event are treated as ACTIVE activities. Their durations are updated
accordingly. Thereafter, the simulation advances to the next active event, and follows the same
updating process. Thus, it shifts from one event to the next until the last ACTIVE event. All active
events that take place during that interval are treated as if they occurred simultaneously, and the
durations are only updated to a maximum of the entity span. The update could either be positive
or negative. Figure 5-4 shows the proposed algorithm for impact integration.
Is there
τ = τ + TS No active events (E-bites) in the
Initialization Events Log
Initiate new
Advance simulation time to
simulation start date (τ)= τ1
E-bite i =
E-bite i +1
Is there a schedule No impact type NO
update? No Is τ1 working time? Yes
Delay Events
End Categorization Is E-bite i = E-bite n?
Once all active events’ impacts at an entity instance are applied, the CPM is executed to identify
the project’s critical path and to analyze the impact of changes, if any, on the overall project
schedule. If there are no changes to the project duration when compared to the calculation of the
previous entity instance, ACTIVE events are labelled as non-impacting events. However, if there
are changes to the project duration, each active event will be labelled as either a delay or
acceleration; moreover, liability counters will be initiated for every unique responsible party. A
delay refers to the situation where there is in increase in the project duration while acceleration
refers to the situation where the project duration is decreased. Illustration of the proposed process
Initiate new
Advance simulation time to
network Is there
simulation start date (τ)= τ1 change in the project
Yes No duration? Yes
Temporary liability counters are initiated for responsible parties associated with any of the delay
events. By using the claimant declared at the initialization of the simulation model as the
benchmark, delay events are checked then against three scenarios. First, if the claimant was not
listed as the responsible party of an event, then the event will be categorized as excusable and
compensable. Second, if there were multiple parties responsible for an event and the claimant was
one of them, then it will be categorized as excusable but not compensable. In such a case, the
framework assumes equally shared responsibility between responsible parties associated with the
event. Lastly, if the claimant was the solely responsible party of an event, then the event will be
categorized as not excusable. This categorization process continues for all delay events; however,
it is important to note that liability is allocated to a maximum of the entity span. Figure 5-6 shows
Initiate temporary
liability counters (TLC i)
Is the
Initiate new claimant list as responsible
Advance simulation time to
network No party? Yes
simulation start date (τ)= τ1
Label active event as
there multiple responsible
Is there a schedule No excusable compensable
parties? Yes
update? No Is τ1 working time?
The integration process continues by incrementing the simulation time to the next time step and
repeating the impact integration, criticality analysis, and event categorization processes at every
time interval. Finally, the simulation is terminated when the simulated date is beyond the end of
5.2.4. Outputs
The last stage in the entity lifecycle is the compiler responsible for capturing the information
recorded in each EIM, for compiling the results of the CPM, and for identifying the critical path
at every interval. Once the simulation is complete, the compiler uses this information to generate
the as-built schedule, which is a result of incorporating all of the impacting events into the
durations of the base schedule’s activities. The planned and simulated timelines for each activity
are recorded along with the history of the evolved events relevant to the activity. Then, a
comparison is visualized of the as-built records and planned schedule of critical activities in a
graphical and statistical fashion. The compiler also traces the liabilities of all responsible parties
listed in the schedule of events a long with cauastion of each event as per their criticality to the
project schedule.
Lastly, these detailed algorithms were translated into a prototype model that made up the envisaged
design. ForSIM was then tested with hypothetical cases as well as real-life projects, as shown in
Chapter 6. To verify its results and demonstrate its merit, simulation features such as events-trace
will be used to confirm that the logical sequence of events matched the intended sequence.
It is important to note that ForSIM prototype is developed as a proof of concept. The developed
- The developed prototype is based on a spreadsheet for the event schedule and MS Project
for schedules. Future implementation could be based on more user-friendly interface of the
events schedule. Moreover, to support large projects, a database could be developed and
used to document events attributes in more efficient manner. The prototype could also be
- The prototype only supports uniform distribution for modeling uncertainty of events’
timelines, and for simplicity, it uses the mean as representation of the event duration. Future
- The developed prototype currently supports schedules with one calendar due to technical
difficulties with MPJX library. Although this is an implementation limitation that can
easily be addressed in the future, it is important to note that it might impact the analysis
- The prototype does not model resource constraints on activities progress. Previous research
highlighted the dynamic availability of resources might impact delay analysis conclusions.
Therefore, future research should focus on integrating resource constraints and the
dynamics of their availability in flexible time units and quantifying their impact on the
project schedule
- As noted in this research, the impact of productivity on schedules is noted in this study to
productivity factors, quantify their impact using mathematical models and integrate their
quantified impact on project schedules, the selection of the mathematical models is left at
5.4. Summary and Conclusions
This chapter provides detailed description of ForSIM design and implementation by transforming
the conceptual design into algorithms. Each of the simulation constructs was described separately
as per the simulation flow from initialization and impact integration to analysis and results
compilations. This chapter also discusses the simplifications made in the course of developing the
ForSIM prototype and served as basis for future implementations and recommendation for further
The findings of the trial runs for the ForSIM prototype, and their integration into real construction
Chapter 6. Application of ForSIM for As-Built
Chapters 4 and 5 present the conceptual and detailed design of ForSIM framework. In order to
evaluate whether ForSIM would work effectively, it was necessary to test and validate ForSIM
prototype. The evaluation comprised trial runs in two real life case studies, the results of which
were discussed, analyzed, validated and are commented upon on this chapter. The first case study
segment and the second case study is used to test ForSIM on a time claim scenario. For reasons of
confidentiality, the names of parties involved in these case studies and the actual project context
This chapter also includes discussion of two simple hypothetical case studies to demonstrate
To verify the framework functionality, the prototype model has been applied to a number of
hypothetical case studies with various scheduling scenarios. Initial results have shown that the
framework has several benefits due to the added features for as-built schedules. To demonstrate
the observed benefits, the prototype has been applied to a segment of a real-life tunneling project.
The segment includes the excavation of a 162-meter tunnel using a tunnel boring machine (TBM)
and construction of a removal shaft. This segment was expected to be completed over 44 working
days (59 days including weekends). The breakdown of activities involved in this segment and their
Another project schedule, as shown in Figure 6-2, was later provided by the contractor to
accommodate a TBM alignment check that took 25 days and was accepted by the owner as
contemporaneous evidence providing as-built information for evaluating schedule delay and
Ideally, as-built schedules will have been prepared and maintained prospectively during project
execution as it is often easier to compile contemporaneous records when progress can be physically
are not limited to, monthly reports, subcontractor reports, meeting minutes, valuations/application
for payment/invoices, site diaries, photographs, etc. The level of detail required for an as-built
schedule depends on the level of detail of the baseline/planned schedule and the purpose of the
analysis. Once the as-built data have been collected, they are typically represented in a spreadsheet
to show the start and finish dates of each activity, including activities that are included on the as-
planned schedule and those added subsequently. Sources of documentary evidence which identify
start and finish dates, and/or the duration of activities should also be properly recorded to provide
an audit trail of the data relied on to prepare the contemporaneous record. Once this data is
compiled, it is usually imported into project planning software and integrated with the as-planned
To develop the as-built schedule for the case study, ForSIM relied on daily progress reports and
monthly progress reports that were available from the project. These contemporaneous records
were organized and sorted as per the format and attributes of SoE. This process helps with
organizing the scattered project information, and subsequently, enables the automatic development
of as-built schedules at any time; prospectively and/or retrospectively. The framework, then,
automatically integrates the contemporaneous records with the preliminary schedule that was
developed by the contractor at the start of the project as per the data integration algorithms
discussed in Sections and 5.2.2. In modelling the project schedule and logic changes, the
framework also considers the updated schedule that was issued at a later date to accommodate the
alignment check on the TBM. As the simulation progress and once a schedule update became
avalabile, the schedule netwrok, activities durations and schedule constraints are updated as per
The system flow to generate the as-built schedule for the project can be explained in five steps.
The user executes ForSIM, and once the graphical user interface (GUI) opens as illustrated in
Figure 6-3, the user sets the total float value that is to be used as criterion for identifying critical
activities (1). The user also chooses the event schedule file in .xlsx format (2) and the planned
schedule for the project in .mpp format (3). In the case where schedule updates are available, the
user can choose all the schedules at once, and a pop-up window opens in which to specify the dates
on which each schedule was made available (4). Then, by clicking the run button (5), the proposed
system automatically executes the simulation model, integrates events into the schedule, updates
the activity timelines (start and finish dates), records impacting events for each activity and
identifies critical activities for the whole project, including both completed activities and activities
remaining. After the process is complete, all this information is compiled and presented in a
Figure 6-3: Start page on GUI of proposed framework
The activities information window provides a tabular view of the project activities on the left and
the information associated with a selected activity on the right (Figure 6-4). The predecessor and
successor tabs on the bottom right show the active relationships driving the calculation, while the
impacting event tab shows the events that have impacted the activity, if any. As can be noted from
Figure 6-4, tunnelling through the first 68m of sandstone was impacted by three events which
Figure 6-4: Simulated activities information for the tunneling segment
One of the main objectives when analyzing delay claims is establishing a factual matrix and a
precise chronology of events that impacted the project activities, and subsequently, the overall
project schedule. A review of the as-built schedule provides an overall view of the delays to the
project from the planned start date to the finish date. To analyze the activities of the as-built
schedule, it is important to identify the critical activities that drive the schedule. However, critical
activities on the past portion of the date on which the schedule status is being reported (data date)
cannot be identified through the use of conventional scheduling tools, consequently, the critical
activities of an as-built schedule are called controlling activities and are identified either through
the baseline schedule or schedule updates. In the absence of schedule updates, the identification of
controlling activities becomes a subjective process that is based on the opinion of the project
participants. To overcome this problem, ForSIM is capable of CPM functionality and
The Critical Path Info window, as shown in Figure 6-5, illustrates bar charts for the critical
activities at the time of analysis. For each activity, the planned duration and simulated duration are
plotted with blue and red bars, respectively. Details of the planned duration and simulated duration
of an activity can be observed by hovering a cursor over the desired activity bars. This helps
analysts identify and isolate critical activities with large delays and allows for more focused delay
One form of analysis is based on an as-planned versus as-built schedule delay analysis method. It
against the as-built schedule. The as-built schedule reflects the progress of all activities and
milestones throughout the project and provides verification of the driving activities that make up
the critical path of the schedule. ForSIM facilitates as-built vs. as-planned analysis by
automatically providing activity information (e.g. planned and actual date) along with a detailed
Some of the other observed benefits of the proposed approach to the as-built schedule development
• The method takes into account the uncertainty of event timelines. Previous studies show that
the data capturing process is subject to inaccuracies that usually result from human factors (e.g.
work load, experience, fatigue, etc.), the unavailability of contemporaneous records and
specifically, in the case of this case study, some daily site reports were not available. This was
mainly due to the fact that some reports were never sent, or, in some instances, the wrong
reports were sent (for instance, the report of the previous date was sent as second time, resulting
in duplicate reports). This negligence resulted in uncertainty with the timelines used when
developing the event schedule. In these cases, the proposed framework, as it is based on
simulation technologies, enables the use of distributions to model the uncertainties associated
with the timelines: for this case study, uniform distributions were used.
• The method limits the level of scheduling skills required for the development of as-built
project documentation and establish the activity execution sequence. The current system
eliminates this subjective process and in contrast helps inexperienced schedulers to have a
• The proposed method limits the need for balancing between purpose of analysis and as-built
schedule preparation cost. Typically, delay analysts are constrained by the need to strike a
balance between the objective of the analysis and the cost of preparing an as-built schedule.
For instance, in the case of retrospective delay analysis, the time required to identify the start
and finish dates for all activities on a large schedule is disproportionate in terms of the cost and
time required, especially when delay events impacted a small portion of the activities.
Practically, therefore, analysts compromise by collapsing activities that are pertinent to the
analysis process into a single activity or bar when illustrating as-built schedules. When such a
balance is made, analysts are required to demonstrate that the omission of identifying actual
dates of non-critical work was not intentional to avoid contradictory or negative evidence that
does not support the conclusion of the analysis. On the contrary, the proposed framework
eliminates the need of this subjective and judgmental balancing process by enabling analysts
to focus on identifying the actual dates of events that might have impacted the project schedule
rather than wasting the effort on identification of actual dates for all activities. Similarly, this
approach eliminates the difficulties of identifying conclusive start and finish dates for
activities. This assures higher accuracy of the as-built schedule and enables a more focused
analysis process.
as-built schedules are created either from scratch or a fully progressed schedule update and
then modified or augmented as needed. Both approaches require analyst interaction with the
schedule, which makes the development process subjective and easily to manipulate. To this
end, the proposed framework eliminates any interaction with the schedule by fully progressing
the planned / baseline schedule with contemporaneous records while simultaneously modelling
The proposed modelling approach would potentially enable other forms of delay analysis. More
specifically, future research will address current problematic areas related to window-based delay
analysis techniques currently used in industry and improve the overall analysis process.
To validat ForSIM’s results, as discussed in Section 4.4.4, a comparison between the simulated
planned dates with those on the baseline schedule and schedule update can be drawn. The tabulated
view window in ForSIM, as shown in Figure 6-6, provides a tabular view of tunneling segement
activities, reflecting both the simulated project plans and as-built records. As it can be noticed, the
planned timelines of the “Sandstome 68 m” activity as well as as the planned early start date of
“Sandstone curve 32 m” activity are matching with those indicated in the baseline schedule (Figure
6-1) mainly because the simulation model was initialy based on the baseline schedule. Once the
schedule update became availabe, ForSIM updated the network model to reflect schedule changes
(TBM alignement check). Consequently, it can be noticed that the planned timelines of remaining
activities are matching with those indicated in the updated schedule (Figure 6-2).
Figure 6-6: Tabulated view of simulated activities information
Moreover, the simulated as-built timelines can be validate at activities level by comparing events
information with simulated timelines. For instance, the “Sandstome 68 m” activity, as shown in
Figure 6-4, was impacted by three events that contributed to total of 5 days of delay to its planned
completion date. It is also noticable that the durations of unimpacted activites remain unchanged
while the start and finish timelines were automatically updated based on the modeled CPM
calcuation. These comparisons show that ForSIM can successfully generate as-builts schedules. It
also provides schedules analyst with information needed for better understanding of projects
execution. It is important to note that ForSIM is currently limited to one calendar per schedule due
to technical difficulties with the MPJX library which can easily be addressed in future
implementation of ForSIM.
6.3. Time Claims Analysis Using ForSIM – A Case Study
In order to assess the effectiveness of ForSIM, the prototype was tested on an abstract scenario
drawn from an actual case study. For reasons of confidentiality the actual project context, names
of disputing parties and all other bodies involved in the project will not be identified in this thesis.
The results of the trial run were analyzed, evaluated, and discussed, along with a description of the
process and controls employed. It should be noted that while ForSIM may be used both
prospectively and retrospectively, throughout the trial run it was solely used for retrospective
analysis to identify the causes of a contract period overrun, quantify their impact and allocate
The construction project involved the design-build construction of a distribution facility, with an
additional storage facility. The scope of work was broken down into two contracts, accordingly,
the owner (the “Owner”) entered into a contract with a civil and structures contractor (the “Civil
and Structures Contractor”) and another contract with a systems contractor (the “Systems
Contractor”). The project was planned with one year of construction. Unfortunately, the project
did not progress as either of the parties expected, as it experienced about two months of delay.
The Systems Contractor submitted a claim attributing the delay to numerous actions by the Owner,
• Delays attributed to site access: The contract set forth specific milestone dates for the Civil
and Structures Contractor to achieve certain construction objectives. The Contractor was
supposed to finish work on the storage facility by the end of July 2019 and then hand over the
site to the Systems Contractor to perform his work, however, the Contractor failed to complete
the work and hand over the site as per the milestone set by the contract.
• Delays attributed to the design review process: The design process consisted of two packages;
a civil and structures design and systems design. Each of these packages included a three-
stage review process, 60%, 90% and 100% final design submissions. The review process
focused on general conformance with contract requirements, and was conducted through a
structured framework of workshops, review periods of three weeks for each submittal, and
acceptance and closeout process. As is typical in projects, the 60% design requirements called
for a high-level overview of the conceptual and provisional design. The documents would
become more detailed as the 90% and 100% final design review phases progressed. The
Systems Contractor alleged that the Owner’s actions, including setting different expectations
for the design level of details, failure in administrating the review process and late submission
• Delays attributed to scope changes: During the course of the project, the Owner decided to
expand the size of the storage facility, which necessitated additional expansion to the storage
facility. The Systems Contractor alleged that this scope increase impacted the design and
procurement process.
The Civil and Structures Contractor also alleged that severe winter weather conditions caused
The Owner submitted a counterclaim for liquidated damages, alleging that the reasons for the delay
and additional costs incurred by the Owner were mainly attributable to management and
coordination issues caused by the Systems Contractor. The Owner noted that management and
workers and poor performance were key reasons for the delay.
6.3.1. Analysis and Results
As previously noted, ForSIM requires the development of the SoE, therefore, the initial analysis
There was only one project schedule available for the analysis. Therefore, the analysis relied on
the baseline schedule, contemporaneous records and project contracts to identify delays attributed
to the design, all of which were used to progress the baseline schedule accordingly. Delays
attributed to the Systems Contractor were identified by using design duration as specified in the
contemporaneous records were used to identify delays to the design activities beyond the timelines
set in the baseline schedule. A similar approach was used to identify delays that were attributed to
the Owner for the time spent on the design review process beyond the three-week period set in the
project contract, delays attributed to contractor performance, and delays that were beyond the
control of any of the parties involved in the project. As shown in Table 6-1, events that are relevant
to the dispute were extracted and recorded in the format used by ForSIM.
Table 6-1: Extracted events relevant to the case study
Event Responsible Party Start Date duration
Delay in issuing Notice to Proceed (NTP) Owner 2019-01-01 5
Delay in providing comments on the 60% Systems design package Owner 2019-04-29 (5, 6) Uniform
Change Order (CO) for storage facility expansion – Civil design update.
Owner 2019-05-21 14
The CO granted an extra 14 days for the 100% design submission.
Delay in providing comments on the 90% Systems design package Owner 2019-06-18 4
Figure 6-7 shows a breakdown of the impact of each of the events on the project schedule. As can
be noted from the figure, ForSIM distinguishes between two types of impact: time extension and
acceleration. The impact of each event was incrementally traced according to its criticality for the
schedule. At every entity instance (time step), ForSIM examines the impact of events, if found, on
the critical path of the schedule. A negative impact is reflected as a time extension, while a positive
impact is reflected as an acceleration. Through this detailed breakdown of events, ForSIM can be
used as a new project control mechanism to demonstrate the schedule impact at the events level,
which can be used to analyze and verify contractor performance during the project.
The events breakdown shows that despite the 20 days of delay to the 60% system design
submission, as indicated in Table 6-1, it only contributed to a total of 7 working days of delay to
the project. The main reason for this minimal impact is that the 60% system design submission
activity was not a critical task when the delay occurred, and this only became critical during the
last working days of the design. Also, the model shows that the delay in providing access for the
systems installation did not have an impact on the overall project schedule asshown in Figure 6-7,
therefore, the Systems Contractor is not entitled to any time extension. On the contrary, working
double shifts during the construction of the storage facility led to an eight-day acceleration to the
project completion. Figure 6-8 illustrates the impact of these events on the critical path of the
project at the time of the analysis. It specially shows the changes in planned duration of the project
Figure 6-9 and Figure 6-10Error! Reference source not found. show the liability impact from
both the Systems Contractor and Owner perspectives while simultaneously quantifying the
liabilities of all parties involved in the project (micro liability allocation). It is important to note
that the liability allocation represents working days while the delay shown represents calendar
days. This was implemented intentionally to demonstrate that even a small impact associated with
an event could have severe consequences: for instance, a delay that shifts the project to the off-
From the Systems Contractor perspective (Figure 6-9), the results show that the project
encountered 54 days of delay beyond the planned completion date of the project. It also shows
that, out of the 54 days of delay, the System Contractor was only responsible for 11 days of delay,
in the project and bad weather conditions. However, the results in Figure 6-10 also show that the
Figure 6-10: Liability allocation from the Owner's perspective
One could also observe that the Civil and Structures Contractor liability changes from 5 days in
the scenario where the Systems Contractors is the claimant to 1 day in the scenario where the
Owner is the claimant. This is due to the acceleration credit the storage facility construction that
has shared reposibilities between the Owner and Civil and Structures Contractor. However, if the
Civil Contractor was claiming a time extension, a time extension equal to the concurrency period
would have been granted. Likewise, the excusable delay also changed from 30 days to 22 days
mainly due to the accleration credit given to the Owner. It is important to note that ForSIM supports
shared liability for concurrent delays. Unlike other delay analysis methods, ForSIM enables the
analysis of such scenarios, which would usually take a long time and be undertaken by an
expensive team of analysts, to be completed in very short time: depending on the schedule size
and project duration, this simulation process may only take a few minutes.
One significant observation is that Change Orders (CO) involving scope increases or changes
typically necessitate changes to the project schedule by adding new activities to the schedule, along
with logic modification. More importantly, if these activities were added to a schedule
retrospectively, it would require subjective interaction with the schedule. Moreover, COs usually
specify a time extension for the project as a whole, which is not an accurate result, as the criticality
of events may change as the project progresses. In such a situation, the time extension granted
should be invalid, however, this invalidity is usually not realized. On the contrary, ForSIM allows
a time extension to be granted at the activities level without schedule modification or the
interaction of the analyst(s) with the schedule, thus, this process ensures more accurate analysis.
This benefit was observed on this case study, as the expansion of the storage facility is modelled
as an event impacting the 100% design submission for both the Systems and Civil scopes of work.
Overall, this approach minimizes the need for modifying the project schedule or issuing updated
To validate ForSIM analysis results, events tracability feature that is associated with simulation
models is used. Figure 6-11 shows the simulation log of the trial run which traces the calculated
changes in the project duration, extension of time or acceleration award and liability allocation
Figure 6-11: Snapshot of ForSIM’s simulation log
As it can be noticed, the owner’s delay in issuing the notice to proceed on the first day of the
project has resulted in delay of 3 calendar days to the overall completion of the project. As the
simulation advanced, the results of every time step was used as basis for measuring changes in the
following time step while cumulatively tracking time extension or acceleration and liability of
project participants. These changes could aslo be cross-referenced with the events impact (Figure
6-7) as well as the simulated activities information (e.g. total float, duration, etc.).
6.4. Discussion
The proposed framework shares similarities with daily window analysis methods; however, it is
expected to have more capabilities. Table 6-2 shows a comparison of capabilities for the two
methods in resolving complicated delay situations. Both methods provide real-time critical path
analysis and are capable of analyzing concurrent delays. However, the daily window analysis
method is mainly designed for prospective delay analysis, and the nature of its required inputs
(daily progress percentage at the activities level) makes it nearly impossible to apply to
retrospective analysis. Under daily window analysis, liability allocation is quantified at a very high
level (owner, contractor or neither), while the proposed framework allocates liability according to
every unique responsible entity listed in the SoE by taking advantage of the traceability feature in
the simulation. Moreover, daily window analysis is limited when modelling partial delay
situations, as they can only be represented using a low progress percentage or a rounded full day
work stoppage. On the contrary, the proposed framework could be implemented in very small time
steps (e.g. minutes, hours, etc.) if needed, which would enable more accurate representation of
partial delay situations. Another advantage of the proposed framework is the possibility of
modelling the uncertainty associated with the impact of events on scheduled activities using
probability distributions.
Table 6-2: Capability comparison of ForSIM and daily window analysis method
✓ ✓
Real-time critical path
Concurrent delay ✓ ✓
Prospective analysis ✓ ✓
Retrospective analysis - ✓
Liability allocation at micro
It also important to note that identifying delay events is not an easy task, as it requires considerable
experience as well as a thorough understanding of the project and schedule. The proposed
framework eliminates such a requirement, because its algorithm is designed to analyze events
regardless of their impact and criticality. Consequently, there is a significant cost savings that
would usually be spent on acquiring external experts to perform the delay analysis. Lastly, the
proposed framework automatically integrates delays into the schedule, which eliminates the
interaction of analysts with the schedules being analyzed. This is vital in retrospective delay
analysis, as it allows the analysis to be completed without the schedule modification that is usually
6.4.1. Analytical Procedure Comparison
Generally, all types of windows delay analysis techniques share a similar analysis procedure. The
key difference exists in the analysis time frame. Daily window analysis method uses a daily
window, while other methods either choose analysis time frames randomly or based on significant
events that took place during the project. Although ForSIM framework is flexible in determining
the window time frame, which enables analyst to examine the sensitivity of the selected time frame
on the results at no cost, previous research has indicated that the smaller the window size, the more
accurate the results will be. A key distinction of ForSIM is that it has an additional layer to quantify
As discussed previously, windows delay analysis methods generally produce more accurate delay
analysis results than other techniques, with daily window analysis being the most accurate
technique. However, the proposed framework is expected to have even more accurate analysis
One significant inaccuracy of the daily window analysis is the negligence of potential activity
acceleration. To illustrate this inaccuracy, a hypothetical case study, as shown in Figure 6-12, has
been developed.
Duration in days
Activities Predecessors 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
50% 50%
Activity A
50% 50%
33% 33% 33%
Activity B Activity A
C C 33% 67%
50% 50%
Activity C Activity A
O O O O 50% 50%
50% 50%
Activity D Activities B & C
50% 50%
Planned Actual
Figure 6-12: Illustrative case study for inaccuracy of daily window analysis
Figure 6-12 shows the as-planned versus the as-built schedules for a simple four-activity project.
The plan was to complete these activities in seven days, however, the as-built shows that it took
ten days to complete these activities. To analyze the delay liability using daily window analysis, a
total of 10 windows are analyzed, as shown in Figure 6-13. The critical path of the planned
schedule was A-B-D. In the first two days, the project advanced as planned, without any change
in the total project duration. In the third window (Figure 6-13[a]), both Activities B and C
encountered delays, leading to one day delay to the project completion. As Activity B was critical
at the end of the third window, the Contractor (C) becomes liable for this one day delay. Continuing
to the fourth window, the critical path is subject to another one day delay that is also attributable
to the contractor, leading to a total delay of two days to the project. In the window of the fifth day
[Figure 6-13(c)], Activity C continued to contribute delays attributable to the owner (O), leading
to the creation of parallel critical path to the project (A-B-D and A-C-D), but the project duration
remained nine days. If delay analysis was conducted prospectively prior to the completion of
Activity B, daily window analysis would proactively allocate this delay to the contractor, which
would deny him the opportunity to accelerate Activity A and finish it as planned. This inaccuracy
also demonstrates the unsuitability of using the conventional CPM method for prospective delay
analysis. The implication of this inaccuracy is illustrated in the analysis of the remaining windows.
In the window of Day 6 [Figure 6-13(d)], while the contractor accelerated Activity B, Activity C
continued to encounter owner-attributable delays, leading to one critical path (A-C-D). However,
due to the change in the critical path, the owner becomes liable for one day of delay while the
contractor remains responsible for two days of delay, despite the fact that the completion of
Activity B was only delayed by one day. The main reason for this inaccuracy is that rather than
proactively assigning delays to activities, delays should only be considered when activity durations
exceed the planned duration. It is important to note that contractors usually control the means and
methods for projects execution and such inaccuracy denies them the opportunity to recover from
schedule delays.
Although this is a hypothetical case, the magnitude of such an inaccuracy could be costly in a real-
life scenario. To avoid this inaccuracy, the ForSIM framework allows the analyst to assign delay
One critical limitation in daily window analysis is the lack of consideration of disruptions when
analyzing the impact to the schedule. To articulate this limitation, it is important to highlight the
difference between a delay and disruption. Delay refers to the critical effect of events on activity
progress, meaning that the activity will not be completed as planned or on time, while disruption
refers to the occurrence of events that cause inefficient activity progress. To better demonstrate the
implications of this limitation, a simple hypothetical case study, as shown in Figure 6-14, has been
Duration in days
Activities Predecessors 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
33% 33% 33% Pl anned
Activity A -
20% 20% 20% 20% 20% Actual
33% 33% 33% Remai ni ng
Activity B Activity A
33% 33% 33%
50% 50%
Activity C Activity A
50% 50%
40% 60%
Activity D Activities B&C
40% 60%
Figure 6-14: Illustrative case study of the impact of disruption on delay analysis
As can be noted from the figure, Activity A was to be completed in three days with 33% production
every day: however, due to a slow start, only 40% production was achieved by the end of the
second day. The daily window analysis method calculates the remaining duration based on either
the planned or actual production, resulting in a forecasted duration of five days for Activity A,
and, consequently, resulting in a two-day delay to the project. It also relies on IBC that requires
the recording of the responsible party on the bar chart as either “O” for owner liability, “C” for
contractor liability, “N” for delays that not liable to owner or contractor, or a combination of any
of these three letters to represent shared responsibilities. Therefore, in such scenario where there
is disruption in activities progress (slow progress), the daily window analysis method is limited to
two options, either ignore the disruption impact or consider it as a full day of delay, which lead to
The implementation of any windows-based delay analysis techniques is costly and time
consuming. Although the daily window analysis technique saves considerable time on the analysis
the contrary, the ForSIM framework only requires project information, which is typically captured
in different forms, such as daily reports, logs, letters, etc., to be organized in a specific format to
facilitate the analysis at negligible cost. Additionally, the use of simulation enables the analysis of
analysts invest numerous time and cost to review this documentation to identify route causes of
problems, i.e. demonstrate causation. This lengthy and costly process is not considered by any of
the current claims analysis methods. Unlike other analysis methods, ForSIM considers the issue
and offers a mechanism for reducing the number of documents under consideration through its
Impacting Non-Impacting
Events Events
Delay Events
Although, events captured in the SoE of a project impact project activities, they might not impact
the overall project duration. Reviewing documentation of events that do not impact the project
schedule in time claims situations becomes unnecessary. However, the overall categorization
process, as shown in Figure 6-15, helps in filtering and reducing project data to identify causes of
delay and their impact (causation) on the construction schedule. The framework uses traceability
feature to filter those events with no critical impact and track those events which have actually
impacted the project critical path as well as their impact label (delay or acceleration). Once these
events are identified, analysts can review their documentation by referring to the associated
reference field in the SoE that captures source of documentation. Therefore, the author argues that
ForSIM finds hidden relationships between events and schedule timelines, which allows focused
analysis and concentrates efforts on the relevant points in dispute negotiation and settlement.
This chapter contained the analysis and results of two trials implementation of ForSIM, together
with discussion on simple hypothetical case studies. Based on the findings of these trial runs,
ForSIM was found to be capable of successful development of as-built schedules and analysis of
a live time claim situation typical in nature and complexity to many of today’s construction
projects. This chapter also describes the procedure and methodology undertaken to verify and
validate the results of the impplementatio. The advantages and features that ForSIM brings to the
Chapter 7. Conclusions and Recommendation for
Future Research
This thesis is organized into seven chapters, Chapters one introduces the research problem,
Chapters two and three cover literature review on topics relate to the study and analyzing
deficiencies in the industry practice and the remaining chapters covering reports of further research
activity completed concerning the findings of chapters two and three. This chapter outlines a
number of academic and industry contributions and finally list further research areas worth
To ensure a logical progression of research, a number of research objectives were set as follows:
2. Develop Forensic Schedule Information Modeling (ForSIM) framework for the analysis of
time claims.
3. To develop, test and evaluate ForSIM prototype through a number of case studies and to
Later in this chapter, the findings of the study and contributions will be matched, or linked, to the
7.2. Conclusions
The literature review was conducted to explore state-of-the-art information and practices related
to the research topic and form the theoretical basis of the research problem. This exercise revealed
that despite considerable resources invested in the planning of construction projects, changes to
planned project timelines are inevitable. Previous research has focused on aspects of claims
analysis with an emphasis on resolving some technical issues for methods used in delay analysis.
Less emphasis has been placed on achieving an efficient administrative process in the approach to
time claims assessment, and even less on exploring alternative means of time claims analysis. The
literature also showed that, despite the considerable effort expended on identifying and quantifying
factors impacting productivity, these studies are not integrated with the time claims management
Following the literature review exercise, and preliminary findings, critical problematic issues were
observed in connection with the administrative process in which time claims are assessed,
specific set of skills for delay identification and analysis, as well as the disintegrated management
process, all of which can result in a lengthy and costly resolution process. Also, other problematic
areas in connection with the technical analysis of time claims were identified regardless of previous
research efforts, including inadequate testing of alternative means for claims analysis, inefficient
and inaccurate development of as-built schedules and analysis of time claims, subjective
interaction with project schedules, impractical solutions, inability to account for partial delays,
failure to allocate liability at micro levels (subcontractors, suppliers, consultants, etc.) and
When the findings of the theoretical and practical review were contrasted, it was observed that the
limitations identified as being critical were found to have theoretical basis. This, in turn, resulted
that there is a need for a new approach to analyze construction schedules and
The failings and shortcomings of the overall management, analyses, and assessment of time
claims, as well as the need for improvements, are formulated as a problem with a simulation-
The new approach takes the form of a Forensic Schedule Information Modeling framework for
The key differences between the proposed framework and existing delay analysis methods is that
the proposed framework places considerable emphasis on integrating the four main components
From the technical perspective, ForSIM addresses the critical interface between the documentation
and organization of contemporaneous project data and simulation assisted assessment of time
claims, which is a significant departure from the current practice. It is particularly important to
organize information (upon which the analysis and assessment are based) in a standardized format
that can facilitate an automated analysis process, along with providing accurate and efficient
conclusions. In addition, ForSIM addresses the matter of allocating liability among all parties
involved, and at the same time limits the interaction of the analyst with schedules for claim analysis
purposes which eliminates some of the subjectivity associated with the analysis of delay claims
using other methods. A detailed specification of ForSIM, including conceptual and detailed
architectures, was included in Chapters 4 and 5. The conceptual architecture provided the skeleton
upon which the functionality of ForSIM is built, while detailed design provided specialized
Assessment and testing of ForSIM was completed in two stages. The first stage involved testing
the prototype model on a segment of real tunnelling project to develop an as-built schedule. The
observed benefits of the application of ForSIM in the first stage of testing were fully discussed in
Chapter 5. The second stage was comprised of a trail run on a an abstract claim situation based on
a scenario encountered in an actual project. The capabilities of ForSIM in analyzing and assessing
time claims in comparison to other methods were discussed in Chapter 6. The overall conclusion
from these findings was that ForSIM has the potential to significantly improve current practice
and help achieve a more efficient and accurate assessment of time claims in construction projects.
If a contract specifies that ForSIM is to be used for claim submission and assessment, contracted
parties would have a standard basis for ensuring that claims are made transparently and with
7.3. Research Contribution
Considering the importance of time claims in the construction industry, as well as the degree of
financial implications, improving industry practice related to delay claims is beneficial to all
practitioners. This research presented a simulation assisted framework that is relevant to both
academic researchers and industry practitioners. The summary of contributions to the body of
ForSIM overcomes many deficiencies of methods for claims analysis and provides
enhancements to the practice of time claims analysis through computational speed and
processes. The framework will enable analysts to assist clients to resolve complex issues
rather than being observers and decoders of project schedules complexities. Since it is
based on simulation technologies, the system has a wide array of proven benefits that are
o Simplifying complex claims: ForSIM has the ability to digest a large amount of
information that may not easily be understood by the parties involved in claims
analysis situations.
o Traceability of events and activity progress: Existing scheduling tools only reflect
the latest status of activities, which limits the analysis process. On the contrary,
ForSIM provides a history of events that took place during the execution of
activities, along with a simulation log of calculations and outputs which can be used
to demonstrate mitigation and/or acceleration measures that were taken during the
of events discretely based on their criticality to the project, which enables liability
due to many factors, specifically on events timelines that are critical to claims
o Facilitating integrated claim management process: ForSIM integrates all the main
quantification, analysis without the need of special skill set and assessment of
centralized and practical claims analysis system, ForSIM offers an integrated time
claims analysis system that is much more viable for claims assessment than other
methods that were available previously, thus considerably minimizing the expense
existing delay analysis techniques and principles, and its implementation can be
based on commonly used tools, such as Microsoft Excel and MS project, all of
to understand and expand. Obviously, the underlying principles and techniques for
analyzing time claims take time to understand, but developers should be able to
understand the workflow of the system and then fill in details as necessary. The
proposed data structure of the event schedule is simple, logical, and allows the delay
analyst to set different scenarios easily and efficiently. The cost of organizing the
project data into the proposed event schedule format is negligible when compared
to the cost of involving external parties. Moreover, the overall model architecture
enables easy expansion of the framework by either adding new attributes to the
project management.
ForSIM promotes organization of project data through the schedule of events, which can
also be used for other project controls aspects: The event schedule format is simple and
since it is aligned with automated time claims analysis, the value of data organization can
finally be realized.
liability allocation. It also eliminates the tedious and labor-intensive process of as-built
prospective or retrospective development of as-built schedules. This means that more time
submissions, and most likely, comply with any restricted timelines prescribed by
contractual provisions. This also eliminates the need for scheduling skills that are usually
required for the development of as-built schedules and the need for balancing between the
• Separating the analysis of events from schedule impact, i.e., independent events analysis:
Claims reflect the claimants’ perspective and they are usually met by disagreement and
analysis of claims which limits the ruling to one of the following: accept the outcome of
the analysis as is, request reanalysis of claims based on a reallocated liability, or make a
identify points of difference or dispute quickly and easily, so the modelling inputs can be
separating events from the schedule analysis, ForSIM enables liability allocation
scenarios, all of which helps in focusing disagreements on facts rather than subjectivity.
This also eliminates the need for analyst interaction with project schedules, resolving
problems associated with the subjectivity and potential manipulation of the process.
The broad focus of this research was on problems arising with claims analysis. Research eventually
addressed the administrative and technical problems related to time assessment claims. Although
the primary aims of this study were achieved, it has a number of limitations. These limitations and
recommendations for future research to further advance the body of knowledge are as follows:
• The construction industry is ambivalent towards the application of simulation in claims
analysis. While simulation models might eliminate the need of understanding the behavior
quantification process. This might hinder achieving transparent quantification and foster
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