FDA ISO Gap Analysis Checksheet - Upgrade
FDA ISO Gap Analysis Checksheet - Upgrade
FDA ISO Gap Analysis Checksheet - Upgrade
Target date for completing changes to Current quality management system meets which requirements?
current quality management system:
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The purpose of this gap analysis is to help identify potential gaps in the current quality management system that meets FDA 21 CFR Part 820,
and the requirements of ISO 13485:2016. There are many similarities between the two, however there are some differences in requirements. As
the FDA moves to harmonization with the ISO standard it is important any current gaps be identified and resolved.
This gap analysis checklist will be updated with specific details once the released FDA QMRS is finalized. You will receive this update once its
First column; shows the current FDA 21 CFR Part 820 element number and title. The specific requirements are not included and refer to
your copy of the regulation for details. The exception is where an abbreviated requirement is shown for clarity in the difference with
ISO 13485:2016. Exact requirements will be clarified with the release of the new QMRS and as I mentioned will be forwarded to you.
Second/Third column’s is where you can indicate if there are gaps (Yes or No) in your current QMS that need to be filled to meet ISO
13485:2016 and the FDA QMRS.
Fourth column is the equivalent or closest equivalent ISO 13485:2016 element. Notes are added here to indicate if the elements are
significantly the same as FDA 21 CFR Part 820 and if there are differences. You should refer to your copy of the ISO 13485:2016 Standard
for details. Where risk is mentioned in this gap analysis, it is highlighted in blue font as this is a significant change from the current QSR.
Overall in ISO 13485:2016 risk is mentioned 100 times compared to one time in the QSR.
Fifth column is where you add notes as appropriate. These notes can show a brief description of any gaps and actions that need to be
taken. For reference you can add any appropriate documented procedure number that is applicable to that element. Also for reference is
the number of the Fast-Track QMS Consultants procedure number if you did purchase this from us.
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Note; refer to 820.130 for detailed 7.3 Design and development Your current SOP:
requirements. 7.5.1 Control of production and
(ref. procedure template; SOP-731-01 & SOP-731-02)
service provision
7.5.11 Preservation of product
No significant difference in
requirements and included as part
of product in elements shown
a) ….When the quality of product 7.5.11 Preservation of product Your current SOP:
deteriorates over time, it shall be
(ref. procedure template; SOP-751-03)
stored in a manner to facilitate proper ISO 13485:2016 does not include
stock rotation, and its condition shall a specific requirement for stock
be assessed as appropriate. rotation.
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d) …In addition to the information 8.2.3 Reporting to regulatory Your current SOP:
required by 820.198(e), records of authorities
(ref. procedure template; SOP-823-01)
investigation under this paragraph
shall include a determination of: ISO 13485:2016 does not include
specific details that are detailed in
(1) Whether the device failed to meet CFR 820 and just states that: If
specifications. applicable regulatory
requirements require notification
(2) Whether the device was being of complaints that meet specified
used for treatment or diagnosis; and reporting criteria of adverse
events or issuance of advisory
(3) The relationship, if any, of the notices, the organization shall
device to the reported incident or document procedures for
adverse event. providing notification to the
appropriate regulatory authorities.
e) Note; refer to 820.198(e) for detailed 8.2.2 Complaint handling
requirements. 7.2.3 Communication
ISO 13485 requires complaint
handling records to be maintained
but does not include the detailed
requirements same as 21 CFR
f) When the manufacturers formally 8.2.2 Complaint handling
designated complaint unit is located
at a site separate from the ISO 13485:2016 does not have a
manufacturing establishment, the comparable requirement. see
investigated complaint(s) and the 4.2.5 for details on all quality
record(s) of investigation shall be records!
reasonably accessible to the
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a) Note; refer to 820.200 (a) for detailed 7.5.4 Servicing activities Your current SOP:
requirements. No significant difference in
general requirements. Does
require analysis of records of
servicing activities to determine if
the information is to be handled
as a complaint.
b) Each manufacturer shall analyze 7.5.4 Servicing activities
service reports with appropriate
statistical methodology in accordance 8.1 Measurement, analysis, and
with 820.100 improvement. General
Similar requirement for use of
appropriate statistical techniques.
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