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Group standard PV 5507

Issue 2021-12
Class. No.: 8BV14

Descriptors: boot, component, grommet, humidity, leak-tightness classification, longitudinal water tightness, plug,
sealing, vehicle electrical system, water tightness

Leak Tightness in the Vehicle Electrical System

Test and Function Requirements for Sealing Parts/Components in the Vehicle
Electrical System

1 Scope ......................................................................................................................... 3
2 Definitions .................................................................................................................. 4
3 Symbols ..................................................................................................................... 4
4 Abbreviations ............................................................................................................. 4
5 Designation ................................................................................................................ 5
6 General ...................................................................................................................... 5
7 General testing conditions .......................................................................................... 5
7.1 Standard atmosphere ................................................................................................. 5
7.2 Rounding of numerical values .................................................................................... 5
7.3 Vehicle-specific release .............................................................................................. 5
7.4 Test matrix/test scope ................................................................................................ 5
7.4.1 Test scopes for longitudinally sealed vehicle cables .................................................. 6 DUTs .......................................................................................................................... 8 DUT preparation/number of DUTs .............................................................................. 8
7.4.2 Test scope of cable bundles and wiring-harness mounted parts ............................... 9 DUTs ........................................................................................................................ 12 DUT preparation/number of DUTs ............................................................................ 12
8 Temperature classes ................................................................................................ 12
9 Tests ......................................................................................................................... 13
9.1 General information .................................................................................................. 13
9.2 Salt spray test with Nordic country salt solution/NaCl solution ................................ 13
9.3 Environmental cycle test .......................................................................................... 14
9.4 Constant damp heat ................................................................................................. 14
9.5 Thermal shock test ................................................................................................... 14
9.6 Long-term aging/component compatibility (3 000 h) ................................................ 14
9.6.1 Longitudinally sealed vehicle cables, sealed contacted/manufactured cables ........ 14
9.6.2 Cable bundles and wiring-harness mounted parts to the body and water
tightness of wiring-harness mounted parts to the body (grommets, boots,
sealing plugs, etc.) ................................................................................................... 14
9.7 Short-term aging/component compatibility (240 h) .................................................. 14
9.7.1 Longitudinally sealed vehicle cables, sealed contacted/manufactured cables ........ 14

Always use the latest version of this standard.

This electronically generated standard is authentic and valid without signature. A comma is used as the decimal sign. Page 1 of 27
The English translation is believed to be accurate. In case of discrepancies, the German version controls.

All rights reserved. No part of this document may be provided to third parties or reproduced without the prior consent
of one of the Volkswagen Group’s Standards departments. | internal
© Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft VWNORM-2020-10
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PV 5507: 2021-12

9.7.2 Cable bundles and wiring-harness mounted parts to the body and water
tightness of wiring-harness mounted parts to the body (grommets, boots,
sealing plugs, etc.) ................................................................................................... 14
9.8 Vibration load ........................................................................................................... 15
9.9 Leak test ................................................................................................................... 18
9.9.1 General data and correlation between pressure and water column height .............. 18
9.9.2 Positive air pressure leak test .................................................................................. 19
9.9.3 Air vacuum leak test ................................................................................................. 20
9.9.4 Longitudinally sealed vehicle cables, sealed contacted/manufactured cables ........ 20 Leak-tightness classification for positive pressure (air pressure) ............................. 20 Leak-tightness classification for vacuum (air pressure) ........................................... 20
9.9.5 Cable bundles and wiring-harness mounted parts to the body and leak
tightness of wiring-harness mounted parts to the body (grommets, boots,
sealing plugs, etc.) ................................................................................................... 21 Leak-tightness classification for vacuum (air pressure) ........................................... 21 Test procedure ......................................................................................................... 21
9.10 Bending load ............................................................................................................ 22
9.10.1 Bending load, longitudinally sealed vehicle cables,sealed contacted/
manufactured cables ................................................................................................ 22
9.10.2 Bending load, cable bundles and wiring-harness mounted parts to the body
and water tightness of wiring-harness mounted parts to the body (grommets,
boots, sealing plugs, etc.) ........................................................................................ 22
9.11 Electrical testing ....................................................................................................... 23
9.11.1 General requirement ................................................................................................ 23
9.11.2 Dielectric strength for longitudinally sealed vehicle cables, sealed contacted/
manufactured cables ................................................................................................ 23 Test procedure ......................................................................................................... 23 Test requirement ...................................................................................................... 23
9.11.3 Dielectric strength for cable bundles and wiring-harness mounted parts to the
body and water tightness of wiring-harness mounted parts to the body
(grommets, boots, sealing plugs, etc.) ..................................................................... 24 Test procedure ......................................................................................................... 24 Test requirement ...................................................................................................... 24
10 Applicable documents .............................................................................................. 26
Appendix A Cable insulation materials for producing DUTs ........................................................ 27
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1 Scope
This standard describes requirements and testing of parts/components with regard to leak tight-
ness in damp/wet areas (see table 1) for:
– Longitudinally sealed vehicle cables, sealed contacted/manufactured cables that are used for
Longitudinally sealed vehicle cables are cables that are sealed in the longitudinal direction
without any additional aids/seals (anticapillary cables).
– Water tightness in the cable bundle (longitudinal water tightness between the cables)
– Water tightness of wiring-harness-mounted parts to the body and connecting parts such as
grommets, boots, sealing plugs, sealed fasteners
The water tightness of wiring-harness-mounted parts to the body and connecting parts such as
boxes with circuit traces/printed circuit boards (PCBs)/electronics (e.g., fuse box, electronics box,
main distributor box) and parts/components without circuit traces (relay fuse box, battery box, ple-
num chamber box) are tested as per Volkswagen standard VW 80000.

Table 1 – Examples of parts/components for use in the damp/wet area

Area of use: Part: Example part:
of use:
Longitudinally sealed Anticapillary cables Longitudinal water tightness
vehicle cables

Gaps filled with sealing ma-

Cable bundles Sealing elements Butyl seal
(between the cables)
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Table 1 (continued)
Area of use: Part: Example part:
of use:
Cable bundles and Sealing plug Sealing for/of interface op-
wiring-harness-mounted tions
parts to the body
and connecting

Grommet Tailgate-/trunk-lid-to-body

Feed-through grommet

Sealed fastener Cable tie with seal

Bundling part with seal (ca-
ble tie with mounting base,
cable tie assembly [ASSY])

2 Definitions
Purchaser Vehicle manufacturer
Contractor Contracting partner of the purchaser
In accordance with sample Material-dependent and sample-dependent properties that are recor-
ded as measured values and must be reproducible in repeated tests. The
measurement results must be documented for verification.
Nominal diameter Nominal inside diameter as per drawing [mm]

3 Symbols
Tmax,s Maximum short-term temperature
Topmax Maximum long-term service temperature
Topmin Minimum service temperature

4 Abbreviations
DUNS Data Universal Numbering System
GADSL Global Automotive Declarable Substance List
HV High voltage
IMDS International Material Data System
OK Test passed
MISS Material Information Sheet System
SA Standard atmosphere VW 50554 – 23/50-2
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PET Polyethylene terephtalate

TG Test group
DUT Device under test
RT Room temperature VW 50554 - 2

5 Designation
Example of a drawing note:
Leak tightness in the vehicle electrical system as per PV 5507

6 General
The supplier of the sealing part/component must initiate the release tests. Required manufactured
parts must be manufactured under production conditions.
Test reports will be accepted if the tests were performed by an independent institute that is accredi-
ted as per DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 and are not older than 10 years. Missing results must be provi-
ded later.

7 General testing conditions

7.1 Standard atmosphere

Unless a different test atmosphere is defined, testing is performed in a standard atmosphere as per
VW 50554 – 23/50-2.
ISO 19642-2 (see test item „Ovens“) applies to ovens.

7.2 Rounding of numerical values

The determined numerical values must be rounded to the number of digits used to specify the de-
sired values as per the drawing and/or applicable specification as per DIN 1333.

7.3 Vehicle-specific release

If additional leak tests are necessary for a vehicle-specific release, these will be initiated by the

7.4 Test matrix/test scope

Table 2 shows the necessary number of DUTs.

Table 2 – Test matrix for sealing parts/components

Raw materi- Requalifica- Requalifica-
Leak-tight- Location
Release testing al tion tion
ness test
changes test test
test group
A1 A2 A3, B2, C2 B1 C1 Da) Eb)
TG L1 X - - - X X b)

TG L2 X - - - - - b)
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Table 2 (continued)
Raw materi- Requalifica- Requalifica-
Leak-tight- Location
Release testing al tion tion
ness test
changes test test
test group
A1 A2 A3, B2, C2 B1 C1 Da) Eb)
TG L3 X - - - - - b)

TG L4 X - - - - - b)

TG L5 X X - X - - b)

TG L6 X X X X X X b)

a) Performed regularly, at least after 5 years each, by the part/component supplier

b) The supplier of the sealing part/component defines the test scope for the test accompanying the manufacturing process.

TG L1 to L6: Leak-tightness test group n (consecutive number)

The tests marked with X must be carried out by a testing laboratory that is accredited as per

7.4.1 Test scopes for longitudinally sealed vehicle cables

A precondition for testing longitudinally sealed cables is that the contained single-core cables must
already have been released as per VW 60306-1.
Examples of use:
– Anticapillary cables
– Sealed contacted/manufactured cables:
– End connections (end splice, end crimp, end crimp with cap)
– Ground connection (ring/tubular cable lug) with heat-shrink tubing
– Splice with heat-shrink tubing
The necessary tests must be taken from the combination of table 2 and table 3.
Explanations for table 2 that apply for longitudinally sealed vehicle cables

Test scope A1:

Testing for the main place of manufacture during presentation of:
– New cables or
– Existing cables using a new compound
For each compound, an A1 test must be performed at a cable with the smallest wall thickness un-
less otherwise specified in the pertinent test descriptions. The test is preferably carried out on high-
voltage cables (orange-colored). If no high-voltage cable is available, the test can be performed at
a cable with any color.
A high-voltage cable (for high-voltage applications) can only be released if it is used to at least car-
ry out an A2 test.

Test scope A2:

The smallest cable cross section with a wall thickness different from test scope A1
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Test scope A3:

All other cable cross sections with the same wall thicknesses as test scopes A1 and A2

Test scope B1:

Identical compound, but different place of manufacture of same supplier It must be tested at a ca-
ble cross section with the smallest wall thickness of each compound unless otherwise specified in
the pertinent test descriptions.

Test scope B2:

For all other nominal diameters/wall thicknesses

Test scope C1:

If the compound composition is unmodified and at least one of the following applies:
– Chemically identical raw materials supplied by other subcontractors
– Change of place of manufacture for compound
It must be tested at a cable cross section with the smallest wall thickness of each compound un-
less otherwise specified in the pertinent test descriptions.

Test scope C2:

At all other cable cross sections

Test scope D:
Requalification testing
Regularly performed by the supplier, at least every 5 years. The requirements as specified in
IATF 16949 apply.

Test scope E:
Testing during manufacturing process (monitoring conformity of production)
The test during the manufacturing process is carried out for batches or continuously. The supplier
is responsible for process reliability.
The part/component manufacturer must specify the scope of the testing during the manufacturing

The documentation for the tests as per A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, C1, and C2 must be sent to the pur-
chaser. For test cases D and E, the supplier is responsible for documentation and archiving; sub-
mission to the purchaser is only required upon request.
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Table 3 – Test scopes for longitudinally sealed vehicle cables

Longitudinally sealed vehicle cables, sealed contacted/manufactured cables
Test sequence/test groups (TG)
For explana- Test
tions, TG L1 TG L2 TG L3 TG L4 TG L5 TG L6
Section 9.2 Salt spray test with Nordic country salt
- - - 2 - -
Section 9.3 Environmental cycle test 4 - - - - -
Section 9.4 Constant damp heat 2 - - - - -
Section 9.5 Thermal shock test (as per VW 75174,
- - - - 2 -
B 19.1)
Section 9.6 Long-term aging/component compatibility (3 000 h)
Section 9.6.1 Longitudinally sealed vehicle cables,
sealed contacted/manufactured - 2 2 - - -
Section 9.7 Short-term aging/component compatibility (240 h)
Section 9.7.1 Longitudinally sealed vehicle cables,
- - - - - 2
sealed contacted/manufactured cables
Section 9.8 Vibration load - - - - 4 -
Section Leak-tightness classification for positive
1,3,5 1,3,5 1 1,3 1,3,5 1,3,5
Section Leak-tightness classification for vacuuma) - - 3 - - -
Section 9.10.1 Bending load, longitudinally sealed vehicle
cables, sealed contacted/manufactured ca- - 4 - - - 4
Section 9.11 Electrical testing 6 6 4 4 6 6
a) The last water-tightness test in each test group is performed with vacuum only up to class E.

The meaning of the numbers in columns TG Ln (Ln = 1 to 6) corresponds to the sequence of the
tests to be performed or the consecutive test sequence.
New DUTs must be used for each test group. Within a test group, the tests are performed on the
same DUT, as per the specified sequence. DUTs
Only released vehicle cables may be used (see appendix A, table A.1).
The DUTs must be made under production conditions (e.g., with machinery), and the production
parameters for the DUTs must be documented (temperature, time, etc.).
The DUTs are provided by the contractor. DUT preparation/number of DUTs

The vehicle cables that are sealed between the strands and the insulations during the cable manu-
facturing process or afterwards must be connected with the matching contacts. The cable length is
approx. 400 mm.
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The smallest, largest, and average cable cross section must each be tested. Various material and
temperature classes must be considered (see VW 60306-1 and appendix A, table A.1). 3 DUTs for
each type must be tested.
If no more than one of the 3 DUTs of a test group fails a test, the test must be repeated with
10 DUTs. In this case, all of the 10 DUTs must then pass the test; i.e., the test is not passed if one
DUT fails the repeat test.
If more than one DUT per test group fails, the test is deemed failed, and it is not permissible to
repeat the test with 10 DUTs.
The DUTs are aged in the oven freely hanging, as horizontal as possible (see figure 1).

Figure 1 – DUT in oven

7.4.2 Test scope of cable bundles and wiring-harness mounted parts

Testing of cable bundles and of wiring-harness mounted parts to the body as well as connecting
parts such as grommets, boots, sealing plugs, sealed fasteners
Unless otherwise described, the leak tests must be performed with cables:
– Longitudinal water tightness in the cable bundle
– Leak tightness between grommet and cable bundle
– Leak tightness between grommet and body
– Leak tightness between sealed boot and body
– Leak tightness between sealing plug and body (without cables)
– Leak tightness between fastener and body
The necessary tests must be taken from the suitable combination of table 2 and table 5.
Explanations for table 2 that apply to cable bundles and wiring-harness mounted parts:

Test scope A1:

Testing for the supplier's main place of manufacture when new sealing parts/components are pre-
For each compound, an A1 test must be performed at the part with the smallest size of each geom-
etry (see table 4), unless otherwise specified in the pertinent test descriptions. The test must be
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performed with high-voltage components (orange-colored parts). If no high-voltage part is availa-

ble, the test may be performed on a part of any color if the color stability for high-voltage applica-
tions of the vehicle electrical system sealing parts/components has been verified (e.g., high-voltage
component test report).
A high-voltage component (for high-voltage applications) can only be released if it is used to at
least carry out an A2 test.

Table 4 – Geometry
Two parts with the same geometry but different sizes:

Test scope A2:

Must be performed with all other sizes with the same geometry as A1.

Test scope A3:


Test scope B1:

Same compound, same design (geometry), other place of manufacture of the supplier
Must be performed on the smallest geometry unless otherwise specified in the pertinent test de-

Test scope B2:

On all other sizes

Test scope C1:

With unchanged geometry of the component and chemically identical raw materials from different
subcontractors or change of raw material place of manufacture
Must be performed on the smallest geometry unless otherwise specified in the pertinent test de-

Test scope C2:

On all other sizes

Test scope D:
Requalification testing
Regularly performed by the part/component manufacturer, at least every 5 years. The require-
ments as specified in IATF 16949 apply.
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Test scope E:
Testing during manufacturing process (monitoring conformity of production)
The test during the manufacturing process is carried out for batches or continuously. The supplier
is responsible for process reliability.
The supplier of the sealing part/component defines the test scope for the test accompanying the
manufacturing process.

Table 5 – Test scope of cable bundles and wiring-harness mounted parts

Test sequence/test groups (TG)
For explanations, Test
Section 9.2 Salt spray test with Nordic country salt
- - - 2 - -
solution/NaCl solution
Section 9.3 Environmental cycle test 4 - - - - -
Section 9.4 Constant damp heat 2 - - - - -
Section 9.5 Thermal shock test (as per VW 75174,
- - - - 2 -
B 19.1)
Section 9.6 Long-term aging/component compatibility (3 000 h)
Section 9.6.2 Cable bundles and wiring-harness moun-
ted parts to the body and water tightness of
- 2 2 - - -
wiring-harness mounted parts to the body
(grommets, boots, sealing plugs, etc.)
Section 9.7 Short-term aging/component compatibility (240 h)
Section 9.7.2 Cable bundles and wiring-harness moun-
ted parts to the body and water tightness of
- - - - - 2
wiring-harness mounted parts to the body
(grommets, boots, sealing plugs, etc.)
Section 9.8 Vibration load - - - - 4 -
Section Leak-tightness classification for vacuuma) 1,3,5 1,3,5 1 1,3 1,3,5 1,3,5
Section 9.10.1 Bending load, cable bundles and wiring-
harness mounted parts to the body and
water tightness of wiring-harness mounted - 4 3 - - 4
parts to the body (grommets, boots, seal-
ing plugs, etc.)
Section 9.11 Electrical testing 6 6 4 4 6 6
a) The last water-tightness test in each test group is performed with vacuum only up to class E.

The meaning of the numbers in columns TG Ln (Ln = 1 to 6) corresponds to the sequence of the
tests to be performed or the consecutive test sequence.
New DUTs must be used for each test group. Within a test group, the tests are performed on the
same DUT, as per the specified sequence.
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PV 5507: 2021-12 DUTs
The DUTs must be made under production conditions (e.g., with machinery), and the production
parameters for the DUTs must be documented (temperature, time, etc.).
The contractor provides the DUTs for the test. DUT preparation/number of DUTs

The DUTs must be made under production conditions.
Due to the large variation options of part use, 3 DUTs each with maximum possible part use with
maximum fill and 3 DUTs each with a minimum part use with minimum fill must be produced and
tested. In doing so, the manufacturer's specifications on fill and processing must be observed/ad-
hered to.
(100% fill corresponds to the maximum use diameter specified by the manufacturer, i.e., without
widening for assembly.)
The DUT configuration and the fill must be documented in the test report.
The cable lengths are approx. 400 mm.
Unless otherwise required by the purchaser, boots and tailgate-/trunk-lid-to-body grommets must
only be tested at maximum fill.
The cable length must ensure at least 150 mm of cable protrusion at the ends of the boots and
tailgate-/trunk-lid-to-body grommets.
If no more than one of the 3 DUT variants of a test group fails a test, the test must be repeated with
10 DUTs of the failed DUT variant. In this case, all of the 10 DUTs must then pass the test; i.e., the
test is not passed if one DUT fails the repeat test.
If more than one DUT per test group fails, the test is deemed failed, and it is not possible to repeat
the test with 10 DUTs.

8 Temperature classes
The temperature classes (see table 6) are determined in the tests as per section 9.

Table 6 – Temperature classes

Short-term tempera-
Long-term service temperature
Class as per Temperature ture
3 000 h
ISO 19642-2. class 240 h
(Topmin °C to Topmax °C)
(Topmax +25 °C)
A T 85 -40 °C to 85 °C (110 ±2) °C
B T 100 -40 °C to 100 °C (125 ±3) °C
B (105) T 105 -40 °C to +105 °C (130 ±3) °C
C T 125 -40 °C to 125 °C (150 ±3) °C
D T 150 -40 °C to 150 °C (175 ±3) °C
E T 175 -40 °C to 175 °C (200 ±3) °C
Txyz -40 to xyza) xyz
a) Txyz: Classification of intermediate temperatures and higher temperatures (examples: T 105/B [105] and T 135/C [135]), in agree-
ment with the purchaser
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9 Tests

9.1 General information

During aging, the DUTs must be set up in a way that allows liquids to drain. The test setup must be
documented in the test report with at least one image.
The DUTs of wiring-harness mounted parts described in section are set up in a sheet test
The panel thickness must be taken from the standard values. Due to the additional corrosion test
to be performed, the panel must be made of stainless steel (see figure 2). The hole size must be
produced, e.g., by milling or lasering. The maximum hole size (hole diameter) must be chosen as
per part specification, since this is the more critical case for sealing.

Figure 2 – Sheet test panel/sheet test panel on vibration mount

In order to ensure leak tightness during the salt spray test (section 9.2), environmental cycle test
(section 9.3), and constant damp heat (section 9.4), the DUT including the sheet test panel must
be mounted on a dedicated test box (see figure 3). This box simulates the vehicle interior during
testing. The test box must be made of non-corrosive material. The sheet test panel must be fas-
tened to the test box with a sealed threaded connection. It must be ensured that no medium can
penetrate from the outside via the test setup inside the test box. Any open cable ends or damaged
spots in the cable insulation on the outside of the test box must be sealed accordingly.
In the case of longitudinally sealed cables, the cable ends must remain open. They must not be
additionally sealed.

Figure 3 – Example of a sealed test box

9.2 Salt spray test with Nordic country salt solution/NaCl solution
Salt spray test as per PV 1210, 15 cycles with Nordic country salt solution as per VW 75174,
PG18C: (3% salt solution with 95% NaCl + 2,5% MgCl2 + 2,5% MgCl2)
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If there is a failure during the Nordic country salt test, the test must be performed additionally with
5% NaCl solution (VW 75174, PG18A).

9.3 Environmental cycle test

Environmental cycle test as per PV 1200, 30 cycles

9.4 Constant damp heat

Constant damp heat test as per ISO 6270-2 (500 h), test type CH (constant condensation-water
See figure 3 for the test setup.

9.5 Thermal shock test

Thermal shock test as per VW 75174, B 19.1
Duration: 144 cycles
Temperature: -40 °C/Topmax as per table 6 15 min each
Transfer time: 10 s maximum
Temperatures as per VW 75174, B 19.1, but not higher than Topmax of the weakest component

9.6 Long-term aging/component compatibility (3 000 h)

9.6.1 Longitudinally sealed vehicle cables, sealed contacted/manufactured cables

Of all possible cable cross sections and insulation materials, 3 longitudinally sealed vehicle cables
or sealed contacts each must be produced. The DUTs must be aged for 3 000 h at Topmax (see
table 6) as per figure 1, freely hanging, as horizontal as possible.

9.6.2 Cable bundles and wiring-harness mounted parts to the body and water tightness
of wiring-harness mounted parts to the body (grommets, boots, sealing plugs,
DUT production as per section
The DUTs must be aged for 3 000 h at Topmax as per table 6 and figure 1, freely hanging, as hori-
zontal as possible.

9.7 Short-term aging/component compatibility (240 h)

9.7.1 Longitudinally sealed vehicle cables, sealed contacted/manufactured cables

Of all possible cable cross sections and insulation materials, 3 longitudinally sealed vehicle cables
or sealed contacts each must be produced. The DUTs must be aged for 240 h at (Topmax °C +25 °C)
as per table 6 and figure 1, freely hanging, as horizontal as possible.

9.7.2 Cable bundles and wiring-harness mounted parts to the body and water tightness
of wiring-harness mounted parts to the body (grommets, boots, sealing plugs,
DUT production as per section
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The DUTs must be aged for 240 h at (Topmax °C +25 °C) as per table 6 and figure 1, freely hanging,
as horizontal as possible.

9.8 Vibration load

Testing as per VW 75174, TG 17, severity 2, without electrical monitoring
See figure 4 to figure 10 for the test setup.
For testing small cable cross sections (e.g., 0,35 mm2), a single-core cable (support cable) with a
cross section ≥ 2,5 mm2 and at least the same temperature class must be fastened to the DUT. For
fastening in the mounted position, a PET adhesive fabric tape (as per VW 60360-1 with adhesive
on acrylic ester base) must be used, temperature-resistant and functional from -40 °C to 150 °C.
The support cable may also be coated on one side with adhesive on rubber or acrylic ester base.
The support cable must be fastened in the mounted position (temperature-resistant and functional
from -40 °C to 125 °C).
The wrapping must be produced with a tape width ≥ 9 mm as a spiral wrapping without overlap (if a
9-mm tape width is not available, the next higher tape width must be used, e.g., 15 mm or 19 mm).

Figure 4 – Longitudinally sealed cable/wiring harness

The setup is protected against mechanical stress at the fastening point by a 3-layer wrapping with
PET adhesive fabric tape as described above.

Figure 5 – Sheet test panel/sheet test panel on vibration mount

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Figure 6 – Double-sided boot

Figure 7 – One-sided boot

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Figure 8 – Angled boot

Figure 9 – Plug
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Figure 10 – Double-sided boot grommet

The fastening on the shaker table must be implemented in agreement between contractor and pur-
chaser and as per VW 75174, appendix B.

9.9 Leak test

9.9.1 General data and correlation between pressure and water column height
See table 7 and figure 11.

Table 7 – Pressure and water column

Pressure Water column
[bar] [m]
0,003 0,03
0,010 0,10
0,250 2,55
0,500 5,10
0,700 7,14
1,000 10,19
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PV 5507: 2021-12

Figure 11 – Water column height h as a function of pressure p

9.9.2 Positive air pressure leak test

In low-surface-tension water (1 to max. 5 drops of dishwashing detergent per liter of water), the
DUTs are exposed to the positive pressure levels in table 8 for 60 s each without interruption and in
succession. In other words, the test must be performed in ascending sequence from class A+ to
class F+ or failure.

Table 8 – Leak-tightness classification for positive pressure

Leak-tightness classification for air pressure (+ positive pressure)
Current barometric pressure without positive pressure (e.g., 1,013 bar, starting
B+ Pressure increase of 0,01 bar above starting pressure
C+ Pressure increase of 0,25 bar above starting pressure
D+ Pressure increase of 0,50 bar above starting pressure
E+ Pressure increase of 0,70 bar above starting pressure
F+ Pressure increase of 1,5 bar above starting pressure
The classification is assigned according to the lowest achieved leak-tightness class of all DUTs
(example for positive pressure: 2 DUTs leak-tightness class D+, 1 DUT leak-tightness class C+
corresponds to class C+).

The required positive-pressure leak-tightness class for the respective sealing component must be
taken from the pertinent drawings, if available. The achieved leak-tightness classification must be
at least in accordance with the sample, depending on material and use case.
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No air bubbles must escape at the connection point.

The test pressure must be applied into the cable without loss (no leaks).
Visual irregularities must be documented.

9.9.3 Air vacuum leak test

In low-surface-tension water (1 to max. 5 drops of dishwashing detergent per liter of water), the
DUTs are exposed to the vacuum levels in table 9 for 60 s each without interruption and in succes-
sion. In other words, the test must be performed in ascending sequence from class A- to class E-
or failure.

Table 9 – Leak-tightness classification for vacuum

Leak-tightness classification for air pressure (- vacuum)
Current barometric pressure without vacuum (e.g., 1,013 bar, starting pres-
Class A-
Class B- Pressure reduction in container of 0,01 bar below starting pressure
Class C- Pressure reduction in container of 0,25 bar below starting pressure
Class D- Pressure reduction in container of 0,50 bar below starting pressure
Class E- Pressure reduction in container of 0,70 bar below starting pressure
A higher classification does not make technical sense for vacuums.
The classification is assigned according to the lowest achieved leak-tightness class of all DUTs
(example for vacuum: 2 DUTs leak-tightness class D-, 1 DUT leak-tightness class C- corresponds
to class C-).
The class specified above is achieved if, after the vacuum pump is switched off, no air pressure
increase is detectable within 60 s. The leakage airflow rate due to the system must be subtracted
from the result and must not exceed 3% of the test pressure.

The required vacuum leak-tightness class for the respective sealing component must be taken
from the pertinent drawings, if available. The achieved leak-tightness classification must be at least
in accordance with the sample, depending on material and use case.
Visual irregularities must be documented.

9.9.4 Longitudinally sealed vehicle cables, sealed contacted/manufactured cables Leak-tightness classification for positive pressure (air pressure)

The test must be performed as per section 9.9.2. Leak-tightness classification for vacuum (air pressure)

The test must be performed as per section 9.9.3.
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9.9.5 Cable bundles and wiring-harness mounted parts to the body and leak tightness
of wiring-harness mounted parts to the body (grommets, boots, sealing plugs,
etc.) Leak-tightness classification for vacuum (air pressure)

The water-tightness test of body/part and longitudinal water tightness (see figure 12) can be per-
formed at the same time with a suitable test setup.
The DUTs must be exposed to the vacuum levels as per section 9.9.3 without interruption and in
succession. Test procedure

In order to be able to test the leak-tightness classification as per section and
section, the DUT with the sheet test panel must be mounted on a dedicated test box. The
appropriate vacuum or positive pressure is introduced into this test box. The sheet test panel must
be fastened to the test box with a sealed threaded connection. It must be ensured that the whole
test setup is pressure-tight and pressure-resistant. Any open cable ends or damaged spots in the
cable insulation on the outside of the test box must be sealed. After fastening the sheet test panel,
the DUT must be covered on the outside completely (+20 cm above the DUT's upper edge) with
low-surface-tension water. This makes escaping air under positive pressure visible. Under vacuum,
the water can penetrate everywhere on the DUT, and in the event of a leak the water can be seen
in the test box.
The pressure change caused by the water column must be taken into account and compensated
for during the respective positive pressure/vacuum exposure (see table 9).
The applied water column (height difference) causes a pressure difference at the lower and upper
part of the DUT (e.g., grommet). The leak tightness for both areas must be tested consecutively,
starting with positive pressure.
The results of the lowest pressure resistance of the DUT are decisive for the leak-tightness classifi-
cation. The pressure resistance for both areas must be documented in the test report.

1 Test box
2 Sealed single cable or wiring harness
3 Grommet, boot, or sealing plug
4 Test fluid
5 Vacuum/positive pressure application
Figure 12 – Examples of a water tightness test device
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9.10 Bending load

9.10.1 Bending load, longitudinally sealed vehicle cables,sealed contacted/manufactured

The test must be performed as per VW 75174, B23.1.
Longitudinally sealed vehicle cables without contacts must be bent both ways 5 times without ten-
sile load (see figure 13). The bending apex must be in the center.

Figure 13 – Bending load of longitudinally sealed cable

9.10.2 Bending load, cable bundles and wiring-harness mounted parts to the body and
water tightness of wiring-harness mounted parts to the body (grommets, boots,
sealing plugs, etc.)
The test must be performed as per VW 75174, PG23 B23.1 (see figure 14).

Figure 14 – Bending load example for grommets

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9.11 Electrical testing

9.11.1 General requirement

All cables must be electrically OK after testing. Any irregularities such as cracks, blisters, discolora-
tions, deformations, or other function-relevant changes must be documented in the test report.

9.11.2 Dielectric strength for longitudinally sealed vehicle cables, sealed

contacted/manufactured cables Test procedure

The test must be performed as per ISO 19642-2 (for different test setup, see figure 15).
Immerse the DUTs in a 3% NaCl solution for 4 h at room temperature.
Then apply a test voltage between the end of the cable and the copper electrode (> 1 cm2). First,
test all DUTs up to 3 kV with a voltage increase of 0,5 kV/s. Hold the voltage at 3 kV for 1 min.
Then increase the voltage to 5 kV with a voltage increase of 0,5 kV/s. Hold the voltage at 5 kV for
5 min.
This loading with 5 kV is used for verification of suitability for high-voltage applications.
Figure 15 shows the test setups for sealed cable connections and end splices.

1 Copper electrode
2 High voltage
3 3% NaCl solution
4 Sealed cable connection, e.g., grommet
Figure 15 – Test setup for sealed cable connections, e.g., longitudinally sealed cable Test requirement

Requirement for 12-V/48-V applications:
– There must not be any dielectric breakdown for 1 min at 3 kV.
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Requirements for high-voltage applications:

– There must not be any dielectric breakdown for 5 min at 5 kV.
– If only 3 kV are reached, the test is considered passed for the 12-V/48-V vehicle electrical sys-

„Met“ or „Not met“ must be specified in the test report together with the test voltage. Special irregu-
larities must be recorded in the test report.

9.11.3 Dielectric strength for cable bundles and wiring-harness mounted parts to the
body and water tightness of wiring-harness mounted parts to the body
(grommets, boots, sealing plugs, etc.) Test procedure

The test must be performed as per ISO 19642-2 (for example test setup, see figure 16).
Immerse the DUT for 4 h in a 3% NaCl solution at room temperature so that all openings of the
DUT are completely exposed to the liquid.
Then apply a test voltage between the end of the cable and the copper electrode (> 1 cm2). First,
test all DUTs up to 3 kV AC with a voltage increase of 0,5 kV/s. Hold the voltage at 3 kV AC for
1 min.
Then increase the voltage to 5 kV AC with a voltage increase of 0,5 kV/s. Hold the voltage at
5 kV AC for 5 min.
This loading with 5 kV AC is used for verification of suitability for high-voltage applications.

Figure 16 – Test setup, example for grommet Test requirement

Requirement for 12-V/48-V applications:
– There must not be any dielectric breakdown for 1 min at 3 kV.
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Requirements for high-voltage applications:

– There must not be any dielectric breakdown for 5 min at 5 kV.
– If only 3 kV are reached, the test is considered passed for the 12-V/48-V vehicle electrical sys-

„Met“ or „Not met“ must be specified in the test report together with the test voltage. Special irregu-
larities must be recorded in the test report.
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10 Applicable documents
The following documents cited in the standard are required for the application of this standard:
Some of the cited documents are translations from the German original. The translations of Ger-
man terms in such documents may differ from those used in this standard, resulting in terminologi-
cal inconsistency.
Standards whose titles are given in German may be available only in German. Editions in other
languages may be available from the institution issuing the standard.

PV 1200 Vehicle Parts; Testing the Environmental Cycle Resistance

(80 °C/-40 °C)
PV 1210 Body and Add-On Parts/Hang-On Parts; Corrosion Test
VW 50554 Standard Atmospheres and Room Temperatures; Requirements on
Standard Atmospheres
VW 60306-1 Electrical Cables in Motor Vehicles; Part 1: Copper Cable; Single-Core,
VW 60360-1 Protection Systems for Wiring Harnesses in Motor Vehicles Adhesive
Tapes; Test Guideline
VW 75174 Motor Vehicle Connectors; Tests
VW 80000 Electrical and Electronic Components in Motor Vehicles up to 3,5 t; Gen-
eral Requirements, Test Conditions, and Tests
DIN 1333 Presentation of numerical data
DIN EN ISO/IEC 1702 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration labo-
5 ratories
IATF 16949 IATF 16949: Quality management system requirements for automotive
production and relevant service parts organisations
ISO 19642-2 Road vehicles - Automotive cables - Part 2: Test methods
ISO 6270-2 Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to humidity - Part 2:
Condensation (in-cabinet exposure with heated water reservoir)
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Appendix A (informative) Cable insulation materials for producing DUTs

Table A.1 – Part numbers for cross sections and cable insulation materials to be
used for producing DUTs
Volkswagen standard-part numbers for insulation materials, type (released cable)
PVC/T105 XPE/T125
FLRY (for FLR2X (for ETFE or FEP/T
Cross section PP/T125 TPS-SBS/T125 XPE/T150
0,13 mm2: 0,13 mm2: ≥ 150 FLR7Y
[mm2] FLR9Y FLR31Y FLR2X
FLCuMg02R FLCuMg02R2 or FLR6Y
Y/T105) X/T125)
0,13 N 039 030 N 039 230 N 039 230 - - -
N 037 690 or
0,35 N 037 090 N 037 990 N 037 990 N 057 290 N 037 990
N 037 590
N 037 600 or
0,5 N 037 000 N 037 700 N 037 700 N 057 200 N 057 900
N 037 500
N 037 610 or
0,75 N 037 010 N 037 710 N 037 710 N 057 210 N 057 910
N 037 510
N 037 620 or
1,0 N 037 020 N 037 720 N 037 720 N 057 220 N 057 920
N 037 520
N 037 630 or
1,5 N 037 030 N 037 730 N 037 730 N 057 230 N 057 930
N 037 530
N 037 640 or
2,5 N 037 040 N 037 740 N 037 740 N 057 240 N 057 940
N 037 540

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