Fin-B 439 (2021)
Fin-B 439 (2021)
Fin-B 439 (2021)
This is a dynamic subject which aims to provide insights into and understanding of theories and
practices relating to financial intermediation and the risk management techniques currently being used
in major banks throughout the world. Most of the current developments of banking and financial
institutions will be discussed in this subject.
● Understand of the theories of financial intermediation, concepts and practices relating to the risk
● Understand of recent developments in financial risk management and regulation, including credit
1. Knowledge PLO
CLO1 Discuss and evaluate key theories relating to the role of banks as financial PLO2
CLO2 Discuss and evaluate the risks which banks face and explain how these PLO4
risks are managed, with particular focus on techniques of asset and liability
management, and credit risk measurement and management
2. Skills
CLO3 Demonstrate the research skills and the effective use of MS Office in PLO6
CLO4 Demonstrate interpersonal skills such as motivating, leadership and PLO10
project management in various activities during the course
3. Attitudes
CLO5 Perform active and voluntary participation in learning activities during the PLO11
course to approach new knowledge.
4. Autonomy
CLO6 Develop a strong sense of personal and professional development, PLO11
responsibility, lifelong learning, and self and time management.
Primary teaching materials
[1]. Frederic S. Mishkin (2016). The economics of money, banking and financial markets (11th
edition.). Pearson.
[2]. Don M. Chance and Robert Brooks. (2016). An introduction to derivatives and risk management
(10th edition). Cengage Learning.
[3]. Hopkin, Paul (2018). Fundamentals of risk management: understanding, evaluating and
implementing effective risk management (5th edition). Kogan Page.
WEEK 1 04
Chapter 1. Money, Banking and Financial Markets
● Identify capital market interest rates
WEEK 2 04
Chapter 4. The meaning of interest rates
● Explain the effect of global financial crisis and the Baa-Trasury spread
WEEK 3 04
Chapter 8. An economic analysis of financial structure
WEEK 4 04
Chapter 9. Banking and the management of financial institutions
WEEK 5 04
Chapter 10. Economic analysis of financial regulation
Midterm examination
WEEK 6 04
Chapter 11. Banking industry: Structure and competition
WEEK 7 04
Chapter 12. Financial crises in advanced economies
WEEK 8 04
Chapter 13. Financial Crises in Emerging Economies
WEEK 9 04
Chapter 14. Central banks: a global perspective
● Explain central bank behavior
WEEK 10: 04
● Final Exam
Note: The total hours for self-study are 80 hours (8 hours/week)
Type of Method/
Content CLO Weight
assessment Tool
Class Participation 5,6
Formative (1) 20
assessment (2) Group project Presentation & written 3,4 30
Summative (4) Midterm exam Multiple choice 1,2 20
assessment questions, Written
(5) Final exam Multiple choice 1,2 30
questions, Written
Total: 100%
Week 1
Hours: 04 Lecture/...Lab
Implement CLO1, 2
Assessment (1)
Teaching contents:
Financial markets, financial institutions and banking, money and money policy, international
Learning activities:
⮚ Read
1. Chapter 1, 2 – Frederic S. Mishkin (2016). The economics of money, banking
and financial markets (11th edition.). Pearson. (page 48-91)
⮚ Discuss
1. Are U.S Capital Markets Losing their edge?
⮚ Practice
1. Problems 2,3,5,8 – Frederic S. Mishkin (2016). The economics of money,
banking and financial markets (11th edition.). Pearson. (page 92-93)
Week 2
Hours: 04 Lecture/...Lab
Implement CLO1, 2, 3
Assessment (1)
Teaching contents:
Interest rate and its behavior, default risks
Learning activities:
⮚ Read
1. Chapter 4,5,6 – Frederic S. Mishkin (2016). The economics of money, banking
and financial markets (11th edition.). Pearson. (page 110-180)
⮚ Discuss
1. Does a higher rate of growth of the money supply lower interest rates?
⮚ Practice
1. Problems 2,3,4,5,9,10 – Frederic S. Mishkin (2016). The economics of money,
banking and financial markets (11th edition.). Pearson. (page 159-160)
Week 3
Hours: 04 Lecture/...Lab
Implement CLO1, 2, 4
Assessment (1)
Teaching contents:
Financial structure around the world
Learning activities:
⮚ Read
1. Chapter 8 – Frederic S. Mishkin (2016). The economics of money, banking and
financial markets (11th edition.). Pearson. (page 208-227)
2. Chapter 2 – Don M. Chance and Robert Brooks. (2016). An introduction to
derivatives and risk management (10th edition). Cengage Learning (page 26-
⮚ Discuss
1. Are U.S Capital Markets Losing their edge?
⮚ Practice
1. Problems 2,3,5 – Frederic S. Mishkin (2016). The economics of money,
banking and financial markets (11th edition.). Pearson. (page 231)
Week 4
Hours: 04 Lecture/...Lab
Implement CLO1, 2
Assessment (1)
Teaching contents:
Bank balance sheet, bank management, credit risk, interest rate risk
Learning activities:
⮚ Read
1. Chapter 9 – Frederic S. Mishkin (2016). The economics of money, banking and
financial markets (11th edition.). Pearson. (page 232-255)
2. Chapter 3 - Hopkin, Paul (2018). Fundamentals of risk management:
understanding, evaluating and implementing effective risk management (5th
edition). Kogan Page (page 34-41)
⮚ Discuss
1. How a capital crunch caused a credit crunch during the global financial crisis?
⮚ Practice
1. Problems 2,3,6 – Frederic S. Mishkin (2016). The economics of money,
banking and financial markets (11th edition.). Pearson. (page 259)
Week 5
Hours: 04 Lecture/...Lab
Implement CLO1, 2, 3
Assessment (1)
Teaching contents:
Financial regulations
Learning activities:
⮚ Read
1. Chapter 10 – Frederic S. Mishkin (2016). The economics of money, banking
and financial markets (11th edition.). Pearson. (page 261-273)
⮚ Discuss
1. Where is the Basel Accord Heading after the Global Crisis?
⮚ Practice
1. Problems 4,5,6,7 – Frederic S. Mishkin (2016). The economics of money,
banking and financial markets (11th edition.). Pearson. (page 278)
Week 6
Hours: 04 Lecture/...Lab
Implement CLO1, 2, 5
Assessment (1)
Teaching contents:
Banking system development, shadow banking system, bank consolidation
Learning activities:
⮚ Read
1. Chapter 11 – Frederic S. Mishkin (2016). The economics of money, banking
and financial markets (11th edition.). Pearson. (page 280-308)
⮚ Discuss
1. Compare banking structure of U.S and abroad
⮚ Practice
1. Problems 2,5,8 – Frederic S. Mishkin (2016). The economics of money,
banking and financial markets (11th edition.). Pearson. (page 311)
Week 7
Hours: 04 Lecture/...Lab
Implement CLO1, 2, 3
Assessment (1)
Teaching contents:
Financial crisis, the great depression
Learning activities:
⮚ Read
1. Chapter 12 – Frederic S. Mishkin (2016). The economics of money, banking
and financial markets (11th edition.). Pearson. (page 313-334)
⮚ Discuss
1. Was the Fed to blame for the housing price bubble?
⮚ Practice
1. Problems 1,2,4 – Frederic S. Mishkin (2016). The economics of money,
banking and financial markets (11th edition.). Pearson. (page 336)
Week 8
Hours: 04 Lecture/...Lab
Implement CLO1, 2, 4
Assessment (1)
Teaching contents:
Financial crises in emerging economies and the ways to prevent them
Learning activities:
⮚ Read
1. Chapter 13 – Frederic S. Mishkin (2016). The economics of money, banking
and financial markets (11th edition.). Pearson. (page 338 -357)
⮚ Discuss
1. How to prevent the financial crises in emerging economies?
⮚ Practice
1. Questions 1,2,3,4 – Frederic S. Mishkin (2016). The economics of money,
banking and financial markets (11th edition.). Pearson. (page 358)
Week 9
Hours: 04 Lecture/...Lab
Implement CLO1, 2, 3
Assessment (1)
Teaching contents:
Central banks and its behaviors
Learning activities:
⮚ Read
1. Chapter 14 – Frederic S. Mishkin (2016). The economics of money, banking
and financial markets (11th edition.). Pearson. (page 360-382)
⮚ Discuss
1. Should the Fed be independent?
⮚ Practice
1. Problems 2,3,4,6 – Frederic S. Mishkin (2016). The economics of money,
banking and financial markets (11th edition.). Pearson. (page 384)
Week 10
Hours: 04 Lecture/...Lab
Implement CLO1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Assessment (1)
Teaching contents:
Group project presentation
Learning activities:
● Final examination
- Students are not allowed to use mobile phone in class.
- Students who are absent for more than 4 classes without permission will get a fail grade.
- Students are not allowed to submit exercises late.
Dr. Kang Seung Won Dr. Huynh Cong Minh Dr. Vu Thi Hong Nhung
not successfully
Teamwork skill (20%)
CRITERIA Unsatisfactory Developing Satisfactory Exemplary Maximu
m points
(1 points) (2 points) (3 points) (4 points)
Complete Always rely on others to Rarely do the assigned Usually do the assigned Always do the assigned 4
assigned do the work. work – often needs work – rarely need work without being
work reminding. reminding. reminded.
Contribution Rarely provide useful Sometimes provide Usually provide useful Routinely provide useful 4
ideas. May refuse to useful ideas. Do what is ideas. A strong group ideas. A leader who
participate. required. member who tries hard. contributes a lot of effort.
Problem- Do not solve or help Do not suggest solutions, Refines solutions Actively looks for and 4
solving others solve problems. but is willing to try out suggested by others. suggests solutions to
solutions suggested by problems.
Attitude Often have negative Sometimes have Often have positive Always have positive 4
attitude about the tasks negative, sometimes have attitude about the tasks attitude about the tasks
and other members. positive attitude about and other members. and other members.
the tasks and other
Work with Rarely listen to, share Sometimes listen to, Usually listen to, share Almost always listen to, 4
others with, and support other share with, and support with, and support other share with, and support
members. other members. members. other members.
Total 20
Please refer to the assessment rubric in each quarter for answers.