MPC 204

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M. Sc. (Semester II) Open Book Examination 2 0 2 0 – 2 1

Paper No. MPC-204 : Elements of Nuclear Physics
Time : 4 hours 30 minutes Full Marks : 70

Instructions :

(i) The Question Paper contains 08 questions out of which you are required to
answer any 04 questions. The question paper is of 70 Marks with each
question carrying 17·5 Marks.
àíZnÌ _| 8 àíZ ny±N>o J`o h¢ {OZ_| go 4 àíZm| H$m CÎma XoZm h¡& àíZnÌ 70 A§H$m| H$m
h¡, {Og_| àË`oH$ àíZ 17·5 A§H$ H$m h¡&
(ii) The total duration of the examination will be 4·30 Hours (Four Hours and
Thirty Minutes), which includes the time for downloading the question
paper from the portal, writing the answers by hand and uploading the
hand-written answer sheets on the portal.
narjm H$m Hw$b g_` 4·30 K§Q>o H$m h¡ {Og_| àíZnÌ H$mo nmoQ>b
© go S>mCZbmoS> H$aHo$ nwZ…
àíZm| H$m hñV{b{IV CÎma nmoQ>©b na AnbmoS> H$aZm h¡&
(iii) For the students with benchmark disability as per Persons with Disability
Act, the total duration of examination shall be 6 Hours (Six Hours) to
complete the examination process, which includes the time for downloading
the question paper from the portal, writing the answers by hand and
uploading the hand-written answer sheets on the portal.
{Xã`m§J N>mÌm| Ho$ {b`o narjm H$m g_` 6 K§Q>o {ZYm©[aV h¡ {Og_| àíZnÌ H$mo nmoQ>©b go
S>mCZbmoS> H$aZm Ed§ hñV{b{IV CÎma H$mo nmoQ>©b na AnbmoS> H$aZm h¡&
(iv) Answers should be hand-written on plain white A4 size paper using black or
blue pen. Each question can be answered in up to 350 words on 3 (Three)
plain A4 size paper (only one side to be used).
àíZm| H$m hñV{b{IV CÎma gmXo g\o$X A4 gmBO Ho$ nÞo na H$mbo AWdm Zrbo H$b_ go
{bIm hmoZm Mm{h`o& àË`oH$ àíZ H$m CÎma 350 eãXm| VH$ VrZ gmXo n¥ð> A4 gmBO _| hmoZm
Mm{h`o& àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Ho$ {bE Ho$db EH$ Va\$ Ho$ n¥ð> H$m hr Cn`moJ {H$`m OmZm Mm{h`o&

D1(260)—100 (Turn Over)


(v) Answers to each question should start from a fresh page. All pages are
required to be numbered. You should write your Course Name, Semester,
Examination Roll Number, Paper Code, Paper Title, Date and Time of
Examination on the first sheet used for answers.
àË`oH$ àíZ H$m CÎma Z`o n¥ð> go ewê$ H$aZm h¡& g^r n¥ð>m| H$mo n¥ð>m§{H$V H$aZm h¡& N>mÌ H$mo
àW_ n¥ð> na àíZnÌ H$m {df`, go_ño Q>a, narjm AZwH«$_m§H$, àíZnÌ H$moS>, àíZnÌ H$m
erf©H$, {XZm§H$ Ed§ g_` {bIZm h¡&

Q.1. (a) Write the properties of compound nuclear reactions and derive the
expression of Breit-Wigner single level formula for cross-section of
compound nuclear reactions. 12½

(b) Estimate the relative probabilities of ( n, n’ ) and ( n,  ) reactions using

Indium nucleus. Indium has a neutron resonance at 1·44 eV with a  of
0·1 eV and cross-section of 2  8  10 4 barns. (Assume (    ) 5

Q.2. (a) In beta decay process, why the energy of the emitted beta particles has a
continuous spectrum with a maximum end-point energy? Using Fermi’s
theory explains this feature and also deduces the expression for the
beta decay rate. 11½

(b) Explain the degree of forbiddenness in the following given beta decay
nuclear transitions : 6
1 3
(i) 2
 2

5 7
(ii) 2
 2

1 3
(iii) 2
 2

3 9
(iv) 2
 2

Q.3. (a) Explain the phenomenon of internal conversion in nuclei. Define the
internal conversion coefficient. Also discuss under various conditions
when internal conversion process becomes important. 8½
(b) The first three energy levels of 10 B are 3  (ground state), 1 ( 0  717 MeV),
0  (1  740 MeV). Find the multipolarities of the possible electromagnetic
transitions between these states. Also suggest the relative strengths
(qualitatively) for these transitions. 9

D1(260) (Continued)

Q.4. (a) Explain the mechanism of the electric and magnetic multipole radiation
transitions in nuclei. Also explain the Weisskopf estimates for the
nuclear transitions by the electric and magnetic multipole radiations. 12
(b) With proper experimental evidences explain the tensor nature of nuclear
forces. 5½

Q.5. (a) Explain the basic properties of various fundamental interactions. How
elementary particles are classified on the basis of the fundamental
interactions and also on the basis of spins? 10
(b) Why the colour quantum number was assigned to quraks? With the
help of suitable example show that colour is a conserved additive
quantum number. 7½

Q.6. (a) What are the basic properties of K -mesons  hyperons which were
determined from the study of their decay? What was the puzzle behind
their decay and how it was resolved? 10
(b) Explain about the baryon resonance decouplet which were predicted by
the SU3 symmetry. Explain it with weight diagram. Also explain the
interesting fact about this predicted resonance decouplet diagram. 7½

Q.7. (a) Describe the functioning of NaI scintillator detector while specifically
explaining the purpose of activator used in NaI. Explain it with proper
diagrams. Also explain about the energy resolution of a NaI detector. 10
(b) Explain the basic principal of particle accelerators. Which types of ion
source are used in accelerators? Also describe about the role of magnets
in particle accelerator. 7½

Q.8. (a) Solve the Schrödinger wave equation for the deuteron considering
spherical symmetric potential. Determine the relation between range
and depth of the potential. Using this relation, estimate the value of
potential depth if the range of the potential is 2 fm. 12
(b) Explain the nature of deuteron wave functions for ground state and first
excited state. 5½


D1(260)—100 OBE 038243

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