Example-01 Cantilever Retaining Wall

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Guidelines for Design of Abutments and Retaining walls in Bridges

Example No. :01 Sheet No. : 1 of xx Rev No. : R0

Title of Worked Example
Design of RCC Cantilever Retaining Wall with Open Foundation

PROBLEM STATEMENT 1 : Design a RCC Cantilever Retaining Wall retaining Non-Cohesive soil of a 10 m high
road embankment situated in seismic zone- IV with the following salient data.
Salient Parameters :

Angle of internal friction of soil (f) = 30 deg

Unit Weight of soil (gs) = 20 KN/m
Soil Cohesion (C) = 0 KN/m
Slope of earth fill (b) = 0 deg
Unit Weight of Concrete (gc) = 25 KN/m3
Net Safe Bearing Capacity of Soil (S.B.C) = 300 KN/m2
Friction Co-efficient rock & concrete (m) = 0.7 (refer cl. 706.3.4 of IRC:78-2014)

Retaining Wall Dimensions :

Height of Abutment Wall (H) = 10 m

Width of Retaining wall along road (W) = 30 m

Crash Barrier


Backfill 10.0 m


Heel Toe

Cross Section-R.C.C Retainig wall

Solution :
1. Assuming all the dimensions of the elements of retaining wall :
Thickness of Stem at Base/Top = 1m say (0.1 of H)
Thickness of Base Raft = 1m (same as stem base thickness)
Length of Base Raft = 7m say (0.5 to 0.7 of H)
Length of Heel = 4m say (0.4 to 0.5 of H)
Length of Toe = 2m say (0.3 to 0.4 of H)
Guidelines for Design of Abutments and Retaining walls in Bridges
Example No. :01 Sheet No. : 1 of xx Rev No. : R0

Title of Worked Example
Design of RCC Cantilever Retaining Wall with Open Foundation

2. Load Calculations :


9.0 m

10.0 m


4.0 m 1.0 m 2.0 m

2.0 m
1.0 m

7.0 m O
CL of base raft

Dimensions of RCC Retaining Wall

(i) Self Weight of Structure

S.No. Element Volume (m3) Unit Weight(KN/m3) Load (KN)

1 Shaft 9x1x1 25 225
2 Base Raft 7x1x1 25 175
3 Soil above heel 9x4x1 20 720

(ii) Earth Pressure

a) Active Earth Pessure
Angle of friction between the wall and earth fill
= 20 deg (2/3 of f, max. 22.50)
Angle which earth face of the wall makes with
= 0 deg
the vertical (a)

Ka = x /

Ka = 0.297
Guidelines for Design of Abutments and Retaining walls in Bridges
Example No. :01 Sheet No. : 1 of xx Rev No. : R0

Title of Worked Example
Design of RCC Cantilever Retaining Wall with Open Foundation

Force due to active earth presure

Fa = 1/2 KagsH
= 0.5 x 0.297 x 20 x 10
= 297.31 KN
Earth Pressure Force Componets :
Fah = Horizontal Force
= Fa cos(d)
= 279.38 KN
Fav = Vertical Force
= Fa sin(d)
= 101.69 KN

Point of Application: The centre of pressure exerted by the back fill is located at an elevation of 4.2 m
(0.42H) above the base of the wall
b) Live Load Surcharge

Δ Ka x Υs x heq

= 7.14 KN/m2

Force due to Live Load Surcharge

Fsur. = DxH
= 71.36 KN

Live Load Surcharge Force Componets :

Fsur.(h) = Horizontal Force
= Fsur. cos(d)
= 67.05 KN
Fsur. (v) = Vertical Force
= Fsur sin(d)
= 24.40 KN

Point of Application: The centre of pressure exerted by the back fill is located at an elevation of 5 m (0.5H)
above the base of the wall

c) Dynamic Earth Pressure

Horizontal Seismic Coefficient for

= 0.12 (Z/2 i.e 0.24/2)
zone-IV (Ah)
Vertical Seismic Coefficient (AV) = 0.024 Ah x (2/3) x 30%
Guidelines for Design of Abutments and Retaining walls in Bridges
Example No. :01 Sheet No. : 1 of xx Rev No. : R0

Title of Worked Example
Design of RCC Cantilever Retaining Wall with Open Foundation

&'( )
Ca = x /
) ) *

Case-I : If Av is positive Case-II : If Av is negative

Ah Ah
λ tan λ tan
1 0 Av 1 2 Av

= 6.68 = 7.01
Ca = 0.389 Ca = 0.375

Whichever is greater
Ca = 0.389

Total dynamic force due to dynamic active earth pressure(force):

(Paw)dyn = 1/2 wh Ca = 388.51 KN/m

Dynamic Force Component in horizontal Direction :

(Paw)dynh = 1/2 wh2CaCos(d) = 365.1 KN/m

Total Static active earth pressure(force) :

Obtained by puttting Ah = AV = l = 0 in eq.1

Ca = 0.297

(Paw)static = 1/2 wh2Ca = 297.31 KN/m

Static force in Horizontal Direction
(Paw)static h = 1/2 wh2CaCos(d) = 279.38 KN/m

Dynamic increment in active

= (Paw)dynh - (Paw)statich
earth pressure(force)
= 85.7 KN/m

Point of Application: The horizontal Static component of the total active earth pressure(force) i.e 279.38
KN/m will act 3.33 m (h/3) from base of the wall and the point of application of the dynamic increment i.e
85.696 KN/m shall be assumed to be at 5 m (h/2) of the wall.
Guidelines for Design of Abutments and Retaining walls in Bridges
Example No. :01 Sheet No. : 1 of xx Rev No. : R0

Title of Worked Example
Design of RCC Cantilever Retaining Wall with Open Foundation

(iii) Seismic Force

Total Weight of the structure (including soil = 1120 KN

above heel), W
Z Sa I
Horizontal Seismic Acceleration (AH) = x x
2 g R

Where Z = 0.24
Sa/g = 2.5
I = 1.2
R = 3

AH = 0.12

Horizontal Seismic Force (Fs) = W x AH

= 1120 x 0.12
= 134.4 KN

Vertical Seismic Acceleration (Av) = 2/3 x AH

= 0.08

Vertical Seismic Force (FV) = W x AV

= 1120 x 0.08
= 90 KN
Combination of Components Motions

100 % Seismic Force in Transverse Direction + 30% FST = 134 KN

Combination-1 Seismic Force in Longitudinal Direction + 30% FSL = 40 KN
seismic Force in Vertical Direction FSV = 27 KN
30 % Seismic Force in Transverse Direction + 100% FST = 40 KN
Combination-2 Seismic Force in Longitudinal Direction + 30% FSL = 134 KN
seismic Force in Vertical Direction FSV = 27 KN
30 % Seismic Force in Transverse Direction + 30% FST = 40 KN
Combination-3 Seismic Force in Longitudinal Direction + 100 % FSL = 40 KN
seismic Force in Vertical Direction
FSV = 90 KN
Note :
Vertical Component can act in upward or downward Direction, whichever is critical.
Seismic Force acts at the c.g of the entire structure.
Guidelines for Design of Abutments and Retaining walls in Bridges
Example No. :01 Sheet No. : 1 of xx Rev No. : R0

Title of Worked Example
Design of RCC Cantilever Retaining Wall with Open Foundation

3. Stability Check :
a) Against Sliding

(i) Basic Case

Total Applied Horizontal Force = (Fah + Fsur.(h)) cosd
= 346.44 KN

Frictional Force = mR
= 0.7 x (225 + 175 + 720)
= 784 KN

Factor of safety against sliding = 784


= 2.26

Minimum Factor of safety against

= 1.5 (Without seismic case)
sliding as per clause. 706.3.4 of IRC : 78-

Hence the Strcuture is safe against Sliding

(ii) Seismic Case (Combination-1)

Total Applied Horizontal Force = (Fah + Fsur.(h) + Fdyn. Incrt.) cosd + FST
= 566.53 KN

Frictional Force = mR
= 0.7 x (225 + 175 + 720 - 27)
= 765.184 KN

Factor of safety against sliding = 765.184


= 1.35

Minimum Factor of safety against

= 1.25 (seismic case)
sliding as per clause. 706.3.4 of IRC : 78-

Hence the Strcuture is safe against Sliding

Guidelines for Design of Abutments and Retaining walls in Bridges
Example No. :01 Sheet No. : 1 of xx Rev No. : R0

Title of Worked Example
Design of RCC Cantilever Retaining Wall with Open Foundation

b) Base Pressure Check

Maximum Base Pressue (Pmax) = P/A + MT/ZT + ML/ZL

Minimum Base Pressure (Pmin) = P/A - MT/ZT - ML/ZL

A = Area of Footing = 7x1
= 7 m
1.0 m

CL of base raft
Transverse Direction
7.0 m
Foundation Plan

Section Modulus in Transverse Direction (ZT) = bd2/6 = 1x72/6 = 8.17 m3

Section Modulus in Longitudinal Direction (ZL) = bd2/6 = 7x12/6 = 1.17 m3

(i) Basic Case

Distance B/w c.g of load and centre of base

S.No. Element Load (KN) Moment (KNm)
1 Shaft (4+1x0.5) - 3.5 = 1.0 m 225 225
2 Base Raft (7x0.5)- 3.5 = 0.0 m 175 0
3 Soil above heel (4/2)-3.5 = -1.5 m 720 -1080
4 Earth Pressure 0.42 x 10 = 4.2 m 279.38 1173.41
5 Live Load Sur. 0.5 x 10 = 5.0 m 67.05 335.26
The Vertical component of earth pressure, Live load surcharge and soil above toe are ignored
Total = 1120 KN 654 KNm
Note : Sign Convention considered as Clockwise Moments are Positive and Anticlockwsie are negative

Maximum Base Pressue (Pmax) = 1120/7 + 654/8.17

= 240.0 KN/m
Hence the base pressure is less than the Safe bearing capaity of soil.
Minimum Base Pressure (Pmin) = 1120/7 - 654/8.18
80.0 KN/m2
Hence the Strcuture is safe against No- tension as base.
Guidelines for Design of Abutments and Retaining walls in Bridges
Example No. :01 Sheet No. : 1 of xx Rev No. : R0

Title of Worked Example
Design of RCC Cantilever Retaining Wall with Open Foundation

(ii) Seismic Case (Combination-1)

Distance B/w c.g of load and centre of base

S.No. Element Load (KN) Moment (KNm)
1 Shaft (4+1x0.5) - 3.5 = 1.0 m 225 225
2 Base Raft (7x0.5)- 3.5 = 0.0 m 175 0
3 Soil above heel (4/2)-3.5 = -1.5 m 720 -1080
4 Earth Pressure 0.33 x 10 = 3.3 m 279 921.97
5 Live Load Sur. 0.5 x 10 = 5.0 m 67 335.26
6 Dyn. Increment 0.5 x 10 = 5.0 m 86 428.48
7 Seismic Trans. c.g of load to Bottom = 4.7 m 134 631.68
8 Seismic Long. c.g of load to Bottom = 4.7 m 40 190
9 Seismic Vertical c.g of load to centre line = 0.8 m +/- 27 +/- 22
Note : Sign Convention considered as Clockwise Moments are Positive and Anticlockwsie are negative
The Vertical component of earth pressure, Live load surcharge and soil above toe are ignored
Consider Seismic Vertical force negative when acting upward. M in Trans. direc.
Case-1 : When vertical Seismic Force is acting Upward = 1093 KN 1484 KNm
Case-2 : When vertical Seismic Force is acting Downward = 1147 KN 1630 KNm

Case-1 : When Vertical Seismic Force is acting upward

Maximum Base Pressue (Pmax) = 1093/7 + 1484/8.17 + 190/1.17
= 499.8 KN/m2

Minimum Base Pressure (Pmin) = 1093/7 - 1484/8.17 - 190/1.17

-187.4 KN/m2

Case-2 : When Vertical Seismic Force is acting downward

Maximum Base Pressue (Pmax) = 1147/7 + 1630/8.17 + 190/1.17
= 525.4 KN/m2

Minimum Base Pressure (Pmin) = 1147/7 - 1630/8.17 - 190/1.17

-197.7 KN/m2

b) Against Over-Turning
(i) Basic Case
Unstabilising Moment due to earth
i) = Fah x 0.42H
= 279.38 x 0.42 x 10
= 1173.41 KNm
Guidelines for Design of Abutments and Retaining walls in Bridges
Example No. :01 Sheet No. : 1 of xx Rev No. : R0

Title of Worked Example
Design of RCC Cantilever Retaining Wall with Open Foundation

Unstabilising Moment due to Live Load Fsur.(h) x 0.5H

ii) =
= 67.05 x 0.5 x 10
= 335.26 KNm

Total unstabilising Moment = 1173.41 + 335.26

1508.67 KNm

iii) Stabilising Moment due to self weight of Retaining Wall at point O

S.No. Element Load (KN) Lever Arm (m) Moment(KNm)

1 Shaft 225 2.5 562.5
2 Base Raft 175 3.5 612.5
3 Soil above heel 720 5 3600
The Vertical component of earth pressure, Live load surcharge and soil above toe are ignored
Total Stabilising Moment = (562.5 + 612.5 + 3600) = 4775

Factor of safety against Overturning = 4775


= 3.17

Minimum Factor of safety against

= 2 (Without seismic case)
sliding as per clause. 706.3.4 of IRC : 78-

Hence the Strcuture is safe against over-turning

(ii) Seismic Case (Combination-1)

Unstabilising Moment due to earth

i) = Fah x 0.42H
= 279.38 x 0.42 x 10
= 1173.41 KNm

Unstabilising Moment due to Live Load Fsur.(h) x 0.5H

ii) =
= 67.05 x 0.5 x 10
= 335.26 KNm

Unstabilising Moment due to dynamic

iii) = Fdyn. Incr.(h) x 0.33H
= 85.7 x 0.33 x 10
Guidelines for Design of Abutments and Retaining walls in Bridges
Example No. :01 Sheet No. : 1 of xx Rev No. : R0

Title of Worked Example
Design of RCC Cantilever Retaining Wall with Open Foundation
= 282.80 KNm

Unstabilising Moment due to Horizontal

iii) = FST x c.g of load from fonding level
seismic Force
= 134 x 4.72
= 634.4 KNm
(iv) Unstabilising Moment due to Vertical
= FSV x c.g of load from tip of toe
seismic Force
= 27 x 4.26
= 115 KN KNm

Total unstabilising Moment = 1173.41 + 335.26 + 282.8 + 634.4 + 115

2540 KNm
iii) Stabilising Moment due to self weight of Retaining Wall at point O
S.No. Element Load (KN) Lever Arm (m) Moment(KNm)
1 Shaft 225 2.5 562.5
2 Base Raft 175 3.5 612.5
3 Soil above heel 720 5 3600
The Vertical component of earth pressure, Live load surcharge and soil above toe are ignored
Total Stabilising Moment = (562.5 + 612.5 + 3600) = 4775
Factor of safety against Overturning = 4775

= 1.88

Minimum Factor of safety against

= 1.5 (seismic case)
sliding as per clause. 706.3.4 of IRC : 78-

Hence the Strcuture is safe against over-turning

4) Design of Base Raft

(i) Load Combinations for design of base raft- ULS (as per table B-2 of IRC-06 2017)

(a) Basic Combination-1

S.No. Element Load factor Lever arm Load (KN) Moment (KNm)
1 Shaft 1.35 1.0 m 225.00 303.75
2 Base Raft 1.35 0.0 m 175.00 0
3 Soil above heel 1.35 -1.5 m 720.00 -1458
4 Earth Pressure 1.5 4.2 m 279.38 1760.12
5 Live Load Sur. 1.2 5.0 m 67.05 402.31
The Vertical component of earth pressure, Live load surcharge and soil above toe are ignored
Total = 1512 KN 1008 KNm
Note : Sign Convention considered as Clockwise Moments are Positive and Anticlockwsie are negative
Guidelines for Design of Abutments and Retaining walls in Bridges
Example No. :01 Sheet No. : 1 of xx Rev No. : R0

Title of Worked Example
Design of RCC Cantilever Retaining Wall with Open Foundation

(b) Basic Combination-2

S.No. Element Load factor Lever arm Load (KN) Moment (KNm)
1 Shaft 1 1.0 m 225.00 225
2 Base Raft 1 0.0 m 175.00 0
3 Soil above heel 1 -1.5 m 720.00 -1080
4 Earth Pressure 1 4.2 m 279.38 1173.41
5 Live Load Sur. 1.2 5.0 m 67.05 402.31
The Vertical component of earth pressure, Live load surcharge and soil above toe are ignored
Total = 1120 KN 721 KNm
Note : Sign Convention considered as Clockwise Moments are Positive and Anticlockwsie are negative

(c) Basic Combination-3

S.No. Element Load factor Lever arm Load (KN) Moment (KNm)
1 Shaft 1.35 1.0 m 225.00 303.75
2 Base Raft 1.35 0.0 m 175.00 0
3 Soil above heel 1 -1.5 m 720.00 -1080
4 Earth Pressure 1.5 4.2 m 279.38 1760.12
5 Live Load Sur. 1.2 5.0 m 67.05 402.31
The Vertical component of earth pressure, Live load surcharge and soil above toe are ignored
Total = 1260 KN 1386 KNm
Note : Sign Convention considered as Clockwise Moments are Positive and Anticlockwsie are negative

Load Combination Pmax Pmin Unit

Basic Combination-1 339 93 KN/m2
Basic Combination-2 248 72 KN/m2
Basic Combination-3 350 10 KN/m2

Heel Toe

10 KN/m2
350 KN/m2

Shaft Face

Base Pressure (s) Distribution

Guidelines for Design of Abutments and Retaining walls in Bridges
Example No. :01 Sheet No. : 1 of xx Rev No. : R0

Title of Worked Example
Design of RCC Cantilever Retaining Wall with Open Foundation

Design Bending Moment and Shear Force

(a) Heel Slab
Base Pressure at Tip of Heel = 10 KN/m2
Base Pressure at face of shaft towards heel side = 204.25 KN/m
Force acting due to base pressure = 429.02 KN
C.G of load from face of shaft towards heel side = 1.397 m
Moment due to base pressure = 599.40 KNm
Self Weight of soil on heel = 720 KN
C.G of load from face of shaft towards heel side = 2 m
Moment due to soil above heel = -1440 KNm
Self Weight of heel = 135 KN
C.G of load from face of shaft towards heel side = 2 m
Moment due to self weight of heel slab = -270 KNm

Net Moment at face of shaft towards heel side = 1111 KNm

Shear Force at face of shaft towards heel side = 426.0 KN

(b) Toe Slab

Base Pressure at Tip of Toe = 10 KN/m2

Base Pressure at face of shaft towards toe side = 252.74 KN/m2
Force acting due to base pressure = 263.01 KN
C.G of load from face of shaft towards toe side = 1.007 m
Moment due to base pressure = -264.75 KNm
Self Weight of soil on toe = 0 KN
C.G of load from face of shaft towards toe side = 1 m
Moment due to soil above toe = 0 KNm
Self Weight of toe = 67.5 KN
C.G of load from face of shaft towards toe side = 1 m
Moment due to self weight of toe slab = 67.5 KNm

Net Moment at face of shaft towards toe side = 197 KNm

Shear Force at face of shaft towards toe side = 196 KN

Guidelines for Design of Abutments and Retaining walls in Bridges
Example No. :01 Sheet No. : 1 of xx Rev No. : R0

Title of Worked Example
Design of RCC Cantilever Retaining Wall with Open Foundation

Type HEEL SLAB UNITS IRC : 112-2011
1 Moment 197 1111 KN-m ---
2 Shear Force VED 196 426 KN ---
5 Characteristic strength of reinf. (fyk) 550 550 MPa Table 18.1
6 Partial factor for steel (γs) 1.15 1.15 --- Cl 6.2.2

7 Design yield strength of reinf. (fyd=fyk/γs) 478.3 478.3 MPa Cl 6.2.2

8 Modulus of Elasticity of Steel (ES) 200 200 GPa Cl 6.2.2

Characteristic compressive strength of concrete
9 MPa Table 6.5
(fck) 30 30
10 α 0.67 0.67 --- Cl

11 Concrete material factor (γm) 1.50 1.50 --- Cl

Design value for concrete compressive strength
12 13.40 13.40 MPa Cl
(fcd= αfck/γm)
13 Width of Slab/Beam (b) 1000 1000 mm ---
14 Total depth of Slab/Beam (D) 1000 1000 mm ---
15 Clear Cover to Reinforcement (c) 75 75 mm ---
16 Dia of Reinforcement (φ) 16 20 mm ---
17 Spacing of Reinforcement (s) or 100 100 mm ---
18 Number of Bar (n) 10.00 10.00 Nos ---
19 Area of provided reinforcement (At) 2011 3142 mm ---
20 Reinforcement (%) 0.222 0.347 --- ---
21 Effective depth of section (d=D-c-φ/2) 907.0 905.0 mm ---
22 Depth of N / A from compression flange (x) 89.7 140.2 mm ---
23 λ 0.80 0.80 --- Eq A2-33 & 34
24 η 1.0 1.0 --- Eq A2-35 & 36
25 Depth of stress block (λx) 71.8 112.1 mm ---
26 Stress on stress block (η fcd) 13.40 13.40 MPa ---
27 Total Compression Force (FC=λx.ηfcd.b) 962 1503 KN ---
28 Total Tension Force (FS=fyd At) 962 1503 KN ---
29 Diff (FC-FS) 0.0 0.0 KN ---
30 Depth of Lever arm (z=d-λx/2) 871.1 848.9 mm ---
31 Moment of Resistance (Fc z) 837.7 1275.5 KN-m ---
32 Status O.K. O.K. --- ---
Guidelines for Design of Abutments and Retaining walls in Bridges
Example No. :01 Sheet No. : 1 of xx Rev No. : R0

Title of Worked Example
Design of RCC Cantilever Retaining Wall with Open Foundation

Concrete Shear capacity
40 0.33 278 321 KN Cl 10.3.2
VRd.c =[0.12 K(80ρ1fck) +(0.15σcp)]bwd
Min Concrete Shear capacity
41 274 274 KN Cl 10.3.2
VRd c min = (nmin + 0.15 σcp) bw d

42 Concrete Shear Capacity (Max of VRd.c,VRd.cmin) 278 321 KN Cl 10.3.2

43 K=1+Sqrt (200/d) <= 2 1.470 1.470 --- Eq 10.2

3/2 1/2
44 nmin= 0.031 K fck 0.302 0.303 MPa Cl 10.3.2
45 σ cp (subject to maximum of 0.2 fcd) 0.0 0.0 MPa ---
46 ρ1=At/(bd) <= 0.02 0.002 0.003 --- ---
d. d
47 Status (R/f not req =0; R/f req .=1) 0 1 --- ---
48 VED <= 0.5*b w *d*v*f cd 3293.3 3286.0 KN ---
49 Status OK OK --- ---
50 Dia of Shear Reinforcement (φ) 10 10 mm ---
51 Number of Legs 2 2 Nos ---

Spacing of Reinforcement (s) 191 199 mm ---
53 Area of Shear Reinforcement (ASW) 157.1 mm ---
Design yield strength of Shear Reinf.
54 478.3 MPa ---
(fywd = fyk/γs )

Cot θ 2.5 2.5 --- ---
56 Depth of Lever arm z (Restricted to 0.9d) -35.9 814.5 mm ---
Shear Resistance with shear reinforcement
57 768.7 KN Eq 10.7
VRd.s=(ASW/S)z fywd cot θ
58 V 0.542 0.542 --- ---

59 αcw 1.0 1.0 --- ---

Max Permissible Shear capacity
60 2039.6 KN Eq 10.8
VRd max.=αcwbzv1[fcd/(cotθ+tanθ)]
Design Shear Resistance with shear 768.7 KN
reinforcement (Min of V.Rd, VRd max )
Min. Shear Reinforcement OK --- ---
62 (0.072 sqrt(fck)/fyk)*b 7.89 cm /m ---
63 Provided Shear Reinforcement 7.89 cm /m ---
34 Status OK --- ---
Guidelines for Design of Abutments and Retaining walls in Bridges
Example No. :01 Sheet No. : 1 of xx Rev No. : R0

Title of Worked Example
Design of RCC Cantilever Retaining Wall with Open Foundation

(ii) Load Combinations for design of base raft- SLS (as per table B-3 of IRC-06 2017)

(a) Rare Combination: For Stress Check

S.No. Element Load factor Lever arm Load (KN) Moment (KNm)
1 Shaft 1 1.0 m 225.00 225
2 Base Raft 1 0.0 m 175.00 0
3 Soil above heel 1 -1.5 m 720.00 -1080
4 Earth Pressure 1 4.2 m 279.38 1173.41
5 Live Load Sur. 0.8 5.0 m 67.05 268.21
Total 1120 KNm 587 KNm

Load Combination Pmax Pmin Unit

Rare Combination 232 88 KN/m2

Heel Toe

88 KN/m2
232 KN/m2

Shaft Face

Base Pressure (s) Distribution

(a) Heel Slab

Base Pressure at Tip of Heel = 88 KN/m2

Base Pressure at face of shaft towards heel side = 170.26 KN/m2
Force acting due to base pressure = 516.86 KN
C.G of load from face of shaft towards heel side = 1.788 m
Moment due to base pressure = 924.27 KNm
Self Weight of soil on heel = 720 KN
C.G of load from face of shaft towards heel side = 2 m
Moment due to soil above heel = -1440 KNm
Self Weight of heel = 100 KN
C.G of load from face of shaft towards heel side = 2 m
Moment due to self weight of heel slab = -200 KNm
Guidelines for Design of Abutments and Retaining walls in Bridges
Example No. :01 Sheet No. : 1 of xx Rev No. : R0

Title of Worked Example
Design of RCC Cantilever Retaining Wall with Open Foundation

Net Moment at face of shaft towards heel side = 716 KNm

(b) Toe Slab

Base Pressure at Tip of Toe = 88 KN/m
Base Pressure at face of shaft towards toe side = 190.78 KN/m
Force acting due to base pressure = 278.95 KN
C.G of load from face of shaft towards toe side = 1.063 m
Moment due to base pressure = 296.51 KNm
Self Weight of soil on toe = 0 KN
C.G of load from face of shaft towards toe side = 1 m
Moment due to soil above toe = 0 KNm
Self Weight of toe = 50 KN
C.G of load from face of shaft towards toe side = 1 m
Moment due to self weight of toe slab = -50 KNm

Net Moment at face of shaft towards toe side = 247 KNm

S. No. TYPE UNITS IRC:112-2011
Load Data
1 Moment 247 716 KN-m ---
Material Data
2 Grade of Steel Fe 550 Fe 550 --- ---
3 Characteristic strength of reinforcement (fyk) 550 550 MPa Table 18.1
4 Partial factor for steel (γs) 1.15 1.15 --- Cl 6.2.2
5 Design value for tensile strength (fyd=fyk/γs) 478.3 478.3 MPa Cl 6.2.2
6 Modulus of Elasticity of Steel (ES) 200 200 GPa Cl 6.2.2
7 Grade of Concrete M 30 M 30 --- ---
8 Characteristic compressive strength (fck) 30 30 MPa Table 6.5
9 α 0.67 0.67 --- Cl

Concrete material factor (γm)

10 1.5 1.5 --- Cl
Design value for concrete compressive
13.40 13.40
11 strength, (fcd= αfck/γm) MPa Cl
12 Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete (Ecm) 31 31 GPa Table 6.5
Geometric Data
13 Width of Slab/Beam (b) 1000 1000 mm ---
14 Total depth of Slab/Beam (D) 1000 1000 mm ---
15 Clear cover 75 75 mm ---
16 Dia of Reinforcement (φ) 16 20 mm ---
17 Effective depth of beam/Slab (d) 907 905 mm ---
Guidelines for Design of Abutments and Retaining walls in Bridges
Example No. :01 Sheet No. : 1 of xx Rev No. : R0

Title of Worked Example
Design of RCC Cantilever Retaining Wall with Open Foundation
18 Spacing of Reinforcement (s) or 100 100 mm ---
18 Number of Bar (n) 10.0 10.0 Nos ---
19 Area of Reinforcement (At) 2010.62 3141.59 mm2 ---
20 Reinforcement (%) 0.22 0.35 --- ---
Stress Check
21 Concrete Cross Sectional Area (AC) 1000000 1000000 mm2 ---
22 Perimeter in contact with atmosphere (u) 4000 4000 mm ---
23 Notional Size (=2AC/u) 500 500 mm ---
24 Age at Loading 90 90 days ---
25 Relative humidity 57 57 % Table 6.9
26 Final Creep Co-efficient of 28 days (φ) 1.80 1.80 --- Table 6.9
27 Effective Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete (Eeff) 11071 11071 MPa Cl
28 Modular ratio (m) 18.065 18.065 --- ---
29 Allowable stress in Steel 440 440 MPa Cl 12.2.2
30 Allowable stress in Concrete 14.4 14.4 MPa Cl 12.2.2
31 Position of neutral axis from comp. face (x) 222.9 268.7 mm ---
32 MOA of Compression area 2.48E+07 3.61E+07 mm2 ---
33 MOA of Tension area 2.48E+07 3.61E+07 mm2 ---
34 Diff. 0 0 --- ---
35 MOI of cracked section 2.07E+10 2.94E+10 mm4 ---
36 Stress in tension reinf. 147.2 279.4 MPa ---
37 Status OK OK --- ---
38 Stress in concrete 2.7 6.5 MPa ---
39 Status OK OK --- ---

(b) Quasi-permanent Combination: For Crack Width Check

S.No. Element Load factor Lever arm Load (KN) Moment (KNm)
1 Shaft 1 1.0 m 225.00 225
2 Base Raft 1 0.0 m 175.00 0
3 Soil above heel 1 -1.5 m 720.00 -1080
4 Earth Pressure 1 4.2 m 279.38 1173.41
5 Live Load Sur. 0 5.0 m 67.05 0.00
Total 1120 KNm 318 KNm

Load Combination Pmax Pmin Unit

Quazi Combination 199 121 KN/m2
Guidelines for Design of Abutments and Retaining walls in Bridges
Example No. :01 Sheet No. : 1 of xx Rev No. : R0

Title of Worked Example
Design of RCC Cantilever Retaining Wall with Open Foundation

Heel Toe

121 KN/m2
199 KN/m2

Shaft Face

Base Pressure (s) Distribution

(a) Heel Slab

Base Pressure at Tip of Heel = 121 KN/m2
Base Pressure at face of shaft towards heel side = 177 KN/m2
Force acting due to base pressure = 595 KN
C.G of load from face of shaft towards heel side = 1.875 m
Moment due to base pressure = 1116.62 KNm
Self Weight of soil on heel = 720 KN
C.G of load from face of shaft towards heel side = 2 m
Moment due to soil above heel = -1440 KNm
Self Weight of heel = 100 KN
C.G of load from face of shaft towards heel side = 2 m
Moment due to self weight of heel slab = -200 KNm
Net Moment at face of shaft towards heel side = 523 KNm
(b) Toe Slab
Base Pressure at Tip of Toe = 199 KN/m2
Base Pressure at face of shaft towards toe side = 176.71 KN/m2
Force acting due to base pressure = 375.70 KN
C.G of load from face of shaft towards toe side = 1.020 m
Moment due to base pressure = 383.13 KNm
Self Weight of soil on toe = 0 KN
C.G of load from face of shaft towards toe side = 1 m
Moment due to soil above toe = 0 KNm
Self Weight of toe = 50 KN
C.G of load from face of shaft towards toe side = 1 m
Moment due to self weight of toe slab = -50 KNm

Net Moment at face of shaft towards toe side = 333 KNm

Guidelines for Design of Abutments and Retaining walls in Bridges
Example No. :01 Sheet No. : 1 of xx Rev No. : R0

Title of Worked Example
Design of RCC Cantilever Retaining Wall with Open Foundation

S. No. TYPE UNITS IRC:112-2011
Load Data
1 Moment 333 523 KN-m ---
Material Data
2 Grade of Steel Fe 550 Fe 550 --- ---
3 Characteristic strength of reinforcement (fyk) 550 550 MPa Table 18.1
4 Partial factor for steel (γs) 1.15 1.15 --- Cl 6.2.2
5 Design value for tensile strength (fyd=fyk/γs) 478.3 478.3 MPa Cl 6.2.2
6 Modulus of Elasticity of Steel (ES) 200 200 GPa Cl 6.2.2
7 Grade of Concrete M 30 M 30 --- ---
8 Characteristic compressive strength (fck) 30 30 MPa Table 6.5
9 α 0.67 0.67 --- Cl
10 Concrete material factor (γm) 1.5 1.5 --- Cl
Design value for concrete compressive
13.40 13.40
11 strength, (fcd= αfck/γm) MPa Cl
12 Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete (Ecm) 31 31 GPa Table 6.5
Geometric Data
13 Width of Slab/Beam (b) 1000 1000 mm ---
14 Total depth of Slab/Beam (D) 1000 1000 mm ---
15 Clear cover 75 75 mm ---
16 Dia of Reinforcement (φ) 16 20 mm ---
17 Effective depth of beam/Slab (d) 907.0 905.0 mm ---
18 Spacing of Reinforcement (s) or 100.0 100.0 mm ---
19 Number of Bar (n) 10.00 10.00 Nos ---
20 Area of Reinforcement (At) 2010.62 3141.59 mm2 ---
21 Reinforcement (%) 0.22 0.35 --- ---
Stress Check
22 Concrete Cross Sectional Area (AC) 1000000 1000000 mm2 ---
23 Perimeter in contact with atmosphere (u) 4000 4000 mm ---
24 Notional Size (=2AC/u) 500 500 mm ---
25 Age at Loading 90 90 days ---
26 Relative humidity 57 57 % Table 6.9
27 Final Creep Co-efficient of 28 days (φ) 1.8 1.8 --- Table 6.9
28 Effective Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete (Eeff) 11071 11071 MPa Cl
29 Modular ratio (m) 18.065 18.065 --- ---
30 Allowable stress in Steel 440 440 MPa Cl 12.2.2
31 Allowable stress in Concrete 10.8 10.8 MPa Cl 12.2.2
32 Position of neutral axis from comp. face (x) 222.9 268.7 mm ---
33 MOA of Compression area 2.48E+07 3.61E+07 mm2 ---
34 MOA of Tension area 2.48E+07 3.61E+07 mm2 ---
35 Diff. 0 0 --- ---
Guidelines for Design of Abutments and Retaining walls in Bridges
Example No. :01 Sheet No. : 1 of xx Rev No. : R0

Title of Worked Example
Design of RCC Cantilever Retaining Wall with Open Foundation
36 MOI of cracked section 2.07E+10 2.94E+10 mm4 ---
37 Stress in tension reinf. 199.0 204.3 MPa ---
38 Status OK OK --- ---
39 Stress in concrete 3.6 4.8 MPa ---
40 Status OK OK --- ---
42 Wk = Sr,max (esm-ecm) ---
43 ae = Es/Ecm 6.45 6.45 ---
44 depth hc,eff 232.5 237.5 mm ---
45 Eff area of conc in tension surrounding reinf Ac,eff 232500 237500 mm ---
46 preff 0.0086 0.0132 ---
47 fctm 2.5 2.5 Mpa ---
48 fct,eff 2.9 2.9 Mpa ---
49 kt 0.5 0.5 ---
50 (esm-ecm)= {ssc - kt(fct,eff/pr,eff)(1+aepr,eff)}/Es 0.0001 0.0004 ---
Cracked Cracked ---
51 0.6*ssc/Ec 0.0006 0.0006 ---
52 (esm-ecm) 0.0006 0.0006 ---
53 K1 0.8 0.8 ---
54 K2 0.5 0.5 ---
55 Minimum clear cover c 40 50 mm ---
56 Srmax = 3.4c+0.425k1k2f/preff 451 427 ---
57 Wk = Sr,max (esm-ecm) 0.269 0.262 mm ---

5) Design of Shaft

(i) Load Combinations for design of shaft- ULS (as per table B-2 of IRC-06 2017)

Force due to active earth presure

Fa = 1/2 KagsH2
= 0.5 x 0.297 x 20 x 9
= 240.82 KN
Earth Pressure Force Componets :
Fah = Horizontal Force
= Fa cos(d)
= 226.30 KN
b) Live Load Surcharge

Δ Ka x Υs x heq

= 7.14 KN/m2
Guidelines for Design of Abutments and Retaining walls in Bridges
Example No. :01 Sheet No. : 1 of xx Rev No. : R0

Title of Worked Example
Design of RCC Cantilever Retaining Wall with Open Foundation

Force due to Live Load Surcharge

Fsur. = DxH
= 64.22 KN

Live Load Surcharge Force Componets :

Fsur.(h) = Horizontal Force
= Fsur. cos(d)
= 60.35 KN
(a) Basic Combination-1
S.No. Element Load factor Lever arm Load (KN) Moment (KNm)
1 Earth Pressure 1.5 3.8 m 226.30 1283.13
2 Live Load Sur. 1.2 4.5 m 60.35 325.87
Total 412 KN 1609 KNm

(b) Basic Combination-2

S.No. Element Load factor Lever arm Load (KN) Moment (KNm)
1 Earth Pressure 1 3.8 m 226.30 855.42
2 Live Load Sur. 1.2 4.5 m 60.35 325.87
Total 299 KN 1181 KNm

Type Shaft UNITS IRC : 112-2011
1 Moment 1609 KN-m ---
4 Design Shear Force 412 KN ---
5 Axial force, NEd 0 KN ---
6 Characteristic strength of reinf. (fyk) 550 MPa Table 18.1
7 Partial factor for steel (γs) 1.15 --- Cl 6.2.2
8 Design yield strength of reinf. (fyd=fyk/γs) 478.3 MPa Cl 6.2.2
9 Modulus of Elasticity of Steel (ES) 200 GPa Cl 6.2.2
Characteristic compressive strength of concrete
10 30 MPa Table 6.5
11 α 0.67 --- Cl
12 Concrete material factor (γm) 1.5 --- Cl
Design value for concrete compressive strength
13 13.40 MPa Cl
(fcd= αfck/γm)
14 Width of Slab/Beam (b) 1000 mm ---
15 Total depth of Slab/Beam (D) 1000 mm ---
16 Cover to Reinforcement (c) 50 mm ---
Guidelines for Design of Abutments and Retaining walls in Bridges
Example No. :01 Sheet No. : 1 of xx Rev No. : R0

Title of Worked Example
Design of RCC Cantilever Retaining Wall with Open Foundation
17 Dia of Reinforcement (φ) 25 mm ---
18 Spacing of Reinforcement (s) or 100.0 mm ---
19 Number of Bar (n) 10.00 Nos ---
20 Area of provided reinforcement (At) 4909 mm ---
21 Reinforcement (%) 0.546 --- ---
22 Effective depth of section (d=D-c-φ/2) 899.0 mm ---
23 Depth of N / A from compression flange (x) 219.0 mm ---
24 λ 0.80 --- Eq A2-33 & 34
25 η 1.0 --- Eq A2-35 & 36
26 Depth of stress block (λx) 175.2 mm ---
27 Stress on stress block (η fcd) 13.40 MPa ---
28 Total Compression Force (FC=λx.ηfcd.b) 2348 KN ---
29 Total Tension Force (FS=fyd At) 2348 KN ---
30 Diff (FC-FS) 0.0 KN ---
31 Depth of Lever arm (z=d-λx/2) 811.4 mm ---
32 Moment of Resistance (Fc z) 1904.9 KN-m ---
33 Status O.K. --- ---
Concrete Shear capacity
22 0.33 371 KN Cl 10.3.2
VRd.c =[0.12 K(80ρ1fck) +(0.15σcp)]bwd
Min Concrete Shear capacity
23 273 KN Cl 10.3.2
VRd c min = (Vmin + 0.15 σcp) bw d
Concrete Shear Capacity
24 371 KN Cl 10.3.2
(Max of VRd.c,VRd.cmin)
25 K=1+Sqrt (200/d) <= 2 1.472 --- Eq 10.2
3/2 1/2
26 Vmin= 0.031 K fck 0.303 MPa Cl 10.3.2
27 σ cp (subject to maximum of 0.2 fcd) 0.0 MPa ---
28 ρ1=At/(bd) <= 0.02 0.005 --- ---
d d
29 Status (If 0 = R/f not req ; for 1 = R/f req .) 1 --- ---
30 VED <= 0.5*b w *d*v*f cd 3264.2 KN ---
31 Status OK --- ---
32 Dia of Shear Reinforcement (φ) 10 mm ---
33 Number of Legs 2 Nos ---
34 Spacing of Reinforcement (s) 199 mm ---
35 Area of Shear Reinforcement (ASW) 157.1 mm ---
Design yield strength of Shear Reinf.
36 478.3 MPa ---
(fywd = fyk/γs )
37 Cot θ 2.5 --- ---
38 Depth of Lever arm z (Restricted to 0.9d) 809.1 mm ---
Shear Resistance with shear reinforcement
39 763.6 KN Eq 10.7
VRd.s=(ASW/S)z fywd cot θ
40 V1 0.542 --- ---
Guidelines for Design of Abutments and Retaining walls in Bridges
Example No. :01 Sheet No. : 1 of xx Rev No. : R0

Title of Worked Example
Design of RCC Cantilever Retaining Wall with Open Foundation
41 αcw 1.0 --- ---
Max Permissible Shear capacity
42 2026.1 KN Eq 10.8
VRd max.=αcwbzv1[fcd/(cotθ+tanθ)]
Design Shear Resistance with shear 763.6 KN ---
reinforcement (Min of V.Rd, VRd max )
Min. Shear Reinforcement OK --- ---
44 (0.072 sqrt(fck)/fyk)*b 7.89 cm /m ---
7.89 2
45 Provided Shear Reinforcement cm /m ---
46 Status OK --- ---

(a) Rare Combination: For Stress Check

(a) Basic Combination-1
S.No. Element Load factor Lever arm Load (KN) Moment (KNm)
1 Earth Pressure 1 3.8 m 226.30 855.42
2 Live Load Sur. 0.8 4.5 m 60.35 217.25
Total Moment acting at the base of shaft = 1073 KNm

S. No. TYPE Shaft UNITS IRC:112-2011

Load Data
1 Moment 1073 KN-m ---
Material Data
2 Grade of Steel Fe 550 --- ---
3 Characteristic strength of reinforcement (fyk) 550 MPa Table 18.1
4 Partial factor for steel (γs) 1.15 --- Cl 6.2.2
5 Design value for tensile strength (fyd=fyk/γs) 478.3 MPa Cl 6.2.2
6 Modulus of Elasticity of Steel (ES) 200 GPa Cl 6.2.2
7 Grade of Concrete M 30 --- ---
8 Characteristic compressive strength (fck) 30 MPa Table 6.5
9 α 0.67 --- Cl
10 Concrete material factor (γm) 1.5 --- Cl
Design value for concrete compressive
11 strength, (fcd= αfck/γm) MPa Cl
12 Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete (Ecm) 31 GPa Table 6.5
Geometric Data
13 Width of Slab/Beam (b) 1000 mm ---
14 Total depth of Slab/Beam (D) 1000 mm ---
15 Clear cover 75 mm ---
16 Dia of Reinforcement (φ) 25 mm ---
17 Effective depth of beam/Slab (d) 899 mm ---
18 Spacing of Reinforcement (s) or 100 mm ---
18 Number of Bar (n) 10.0 Nos ---
19 Area of Reinforcement (At) 4908.74 mm2 ---
20 Reinforcement (%) 0.55 --- ---
Stress Check
Guidelines for Design of Abutments and Retaining walls in Bridges
Example No. :01 Sheet No. : 1 of xx Rev No. : R0

Title of Worked Example
Design of RCC Cantilever Retaining Wall with Open Foundation
21 Concrete Cross Sectional Area (AC) 1000000 mm2 ---
22 Perimeter in contact with atmosphere (u) 4000 mm ---
23 Notional Size (=2AC/u) 500 mm ---
24 Age at Loading 90 days ---
25 Relative humidity 57 % Table 6.9
26 Final Creep Co-efficient of 28 days (φ) 1.80 --- Table 6.9
27 Effective Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete (Eeff) 11071 MPa Cl
28 Modular ratio (m) 18.065 --- ---
29 Allowable stress in Steel 440 MPa Cl 12.2.2
30 Allowable stress in Concrete 14.4 MPa Cl 12.2.2
31 Position of neutral axis from comp. face (x) 320.3 mm ---
32 MOA of Compression area 5.13E+07 mm2 ---
33 MOA of Tension area 5.13E+07 mm2 ---
34 Diff. 0 --- ---
35 MOI of cracked section 4.06E+10 mm4 ---
36 Stress in tension reinf. 275.8 MPa ---
37 Status OK --- ---
38 Stress in concrete 8.5 MPa ---
39 Status OK --- ---

(b) Quazi-permanent Combination: For Crack width Check

(a) Basic Combination-1
S.No. Element Load factor Lever arm Load (KN) Moment (KNm)
1 Earth Pressure 1 3.8 m 226.30 855.42
2 Live Load Sur. 0 4.5 m 60.35 0.00
Total Moment acting at the base of shaft = 855 KNm

S. No. TYPE Shaft UNITS IRC:112-2011

Load Data
1 Moment 855 KN-m ---
Material Data
2 Grade of Steel Fe 550 --- ---
3 Characteristic strength of reinforcement (fyk) 550 MPa Table 18.1
4 Partial factor for steel (γs) 1.15 --- Cl 6.2.2
5 Design value for tensile strength (fyd=fyk/γs) 478.3 MPa Cl 6.2.2
6 Modulus of Elasticity of Steel (ES) 200 GPa Cl 6.2.2
7 Grade of Concrete M 30 --- ---
8 Characteristic compressive strength (fck) 30 MPa Table 6.5
9 α 0.67 --- Cl
10 Concrete material factor (γm) 1.5 --- Cl
Design value for concrete compressive
11 strength, (fcd= αfck/γm) MPa Cl
Guidelines for Design of Abutments and Retaining walls in Bridges
Example No. :01 Sheet No. : 1 of xx Rev No. : R0

Title of Worked Example
Design of RCC Cantilever Retaining Wall with Open Foundation
12 Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete (Ecm) 31 GPa Table 6.5
Geometric Data
13 Width of Slab/Beam (b) 1000 mm ---
14 Total depth of Slab/Beam (D) 1000 mm ---
15 Clear cover 50 mm ---
16 Dia of Reinforcement (φ) 25 mm ---
17 Effective depth of beam/Slab (d) 899.0 mm ---
18 Spacing of Reinforcement (s) or 100 mm ---
19 Number of Bar (n) 10.00 Nos ---
20 Area of Reinforcement (At) 4908.74 mm2 ---
21 Reinforcement (%) 0.55 --- ---
Stress Check
22 Concrete Cross Sectional Area (AC) 1000000 mm2 ---
23 Perimeter in contact with atmosphere (u) 4000 mm ---
24 Notional Size (=2AC/u) 500 mm ---
25 Age at Loading 92 days ---
26 Relative humidity 57 % Table 6.9
27 Final Creep Co-efficient of 28 days (φ) 1.80 --- Table 6.9
28 Effective Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete (Eeff) 11071 MPa Cl
29 Modular ratio (m) 18.065 --- ---
30 Allowable stress in Steel 440 MPa Cl 12.2.2
31 Allowable stress in Concrete 10.8 MPa Cl 12.2.2
32 Position of neutral axis from comp. face (x) 320.3 mm ---
33 MOA of Compression area 5.13E+07 mm2 ---
34 MOA of Tension area 5.13E+07 mm2 ---
35 Diff. 0 --- ---
36 MOI of cracked section 4.06E+10 mm4 ---
37 Stress in tension reinf. 220.0 MPa ---
38 Status OK --- ---
39 Stress in concrete 6.7 MPa ---
40 Status OK --- ---
42 Wk = Sr,max (esm-ecm) ---
43 ae = Es/Ecm 6.45 ---
44 depth hc,eff 226.6 mm ---
45 Eff area of conc in tension surrounding reinf Ac,eff 226551 mm2 ---
46 preff 0.0217 ---
47 fctm 2.5 Mpa ---
48 fct,eff 2.9 Mpa ---
49 kt 0.5 ---
50 (esm-ecm)= {ssc - kt(fct,eff/pr,eff)(1+aepr,eff)}/Es 0.0007 ---
Cracked ---
51 0.6*ssc/Ec 0.0007 ---
Guidelines for Design of Abutments and Retaining walls in Bridges
Example No. :01 Sheet No. : 1 of xx Rev No. : R0

Title of Worked Example
Design of RCC Cantilever Retaining Wall with Open Foundation
52 (esm-ecm) 0.0007 ---
53 K1 0.8 ---
54 K2 0.5 ---
55 Minimum clear cover c 50 mm ---
56 Srmax = 3.4c+0.425k1k2f/preff 366 ---
57 Wk = Sr,max (esm-ecm) 0.263 mm ---

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