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Lower South Creek Treatment Program

Aconex User Guide

Table of contents
Related Documents ........................................................................................................... ii

Terms and definitions........................................................................................................ ii

1. Introduction ....................................................................................................... 1

2. Procedure .......................................................................................................... 2
2.1 Introduction 2
2.1.1 Overview 2
2.1.2 Accessing Aconex 2
2.2 A Quick Tour of Aconex 2
2.2.1 Module Button Descriptions 3
2.2.2 A Tour of the Tasks Module 3
2.3 User Preferences 4
2.3.1 Change Account Contact Details 4
2.3.2 Create a Project Mail Signature 5
2.3.3 Reset Your Password 6
2.4 Documents and the Document Register 7
2.4.1 Searching for Documents 7
2.4.2 To View a Documents Review History 8
2.4.3 Uploading of Documents 9
2.4.4 Transmitting a Document 9
2.5 Mail 9
2.5.1 Mail Types 10
2.6 Document Reviews/Workflows 11
2.6.1 Opening a Workflow 11
2.6.2 Conducting the Review 12
2.6.3 Supplementary Files 13
2.6.4 Conducting the Review – Viewing Comments 13
2.6.5 Conducting the Review – Viewing Documents 14
2.6.6 Completing the Review 14
2.6.7 Attach supplementary files to a workflow 15
2.6.8 Workflow Delegation 16

List of appendices
Appendix A Quick Notes

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Related Documents
This document must be read in conjunction with, but not limited to, other project specific manuals,
specification or procedures that are applicable to this project. The table below lists the relevant

Document Reference Title Author

110A-PROMGT-Y-STN-0001-0001 Document Numbering Standard ADAPT JV

110A-PROMGT-Y-MAN-0001-0001 Project Document Management & Aconex Configuration ADAPT JV

Terms and definitions

The terms, abbreviations and definitions below are used in this plan.

ADAPT JV ADAPT JV is the registered business partnership name for Parsons

Brinckerhoff Pty Ltd & UGL Engineering Pty Ltd

ADI Sydney Water Asset Data and Information

Controlled Document Any document where its revision and distribution are recorded to
ensure that ADAPT JV Employees / Consultants / Contractors etc.
automatically receive all future revisions.

DC Document Control

Document Any item of information e.g. letters, faxes, drawings, specifications,

reports, manuals, standards, publications, software etc.

Document Control The systematic registration, dissemination, control, status reporting

and storage of ADAPT JV information.

Document Register An electronic registry of all documents that have been uploaded by
your organisation or received by transmittal from other organisations.

DP Delivery Partner

EDMS ADAPT JV’s Electronic Document Management System

Document Number A unique number allocated to a document. Note: A single document

may comprise multiple files but not recommended.

LSCT Lower South Creek Treatment (Program)

Master Document The original, wet signed document which resides or must eventually
be retained in an ADAPT JV filing system.

Metadata Metadata summarizes basic information about the document, which

can make finding and working with documentation easier

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Native File The revisable file in it’s native format (i.e. Word (*.doc), Excel (*.xls),
AutoCAD (*.dwg), etc.)

PDF A secure copy of a native file for issue to Third Parties (Transmittal),
Squad Checking and loading onto the ADAPT JV Intranet/Internet in
the Adobe Acrobat ® *.pdf format.

Revision Controlled Any document, drawing, report, register or task including but not
Deliverables limited to drawings, reports, specifications, calculations, lists,
manuals, datasheets, vendor data, etc. that is required or contracted
to be delivered to ADAPT JV.

Third Party Any entity not associated with ADAPT JV.

Uncontrolled Document Any copy of a document where its distribution may or may not be
recorded, and subsequent revisions will not automatically be issued to
copy holders.

VDR Vendor Data Requirement used to code supplier documents.

Working Document The main working copy of an original document where proposed
changes are recorded for incorporating into subsequent revisions.

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1. Introduction
The Lower South Creek Treatment Program comprises four projects involving the following works:
n Project 1 – Riverstone WWTP Stage 1 amplification and upgrade, which includes a new
biological nutrient removal (BNR) plant.
n Project 2 – Reliability and renewal works at the St Marys WRP (including a new anaerobic
digestion and energy recovery facility sized to treat sludge production from both the St Marys
WRP and Quakers Hill WRP and with flexibility to implement co-digestion).
n Project 3 – A new BNR plant with primary sedimentation at the Quakers Hill WRP.
n Project 4 – A new 12 kilometre sludge transfer pipeline from the St Marys WRP to the Quakers
Hill WRP.

The program will be delivered by the ADAPT Delivery Partner (DP). ADAPT comprises UGL
Limited and WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff working in collaboration with Sydney Water.
ADAPT will be engaged to manage multiple contracts for professional services, suppliers and
contractors who will construct the various new treatment plants and pipelines.

This document provides a guide to the use of Aconex on the Lower South Creek Treatment
Program (LSCTP) project.

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2. Procedure
2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 Overview

Aconex provides a fully integrated project information management tool including:

n an automated document register
n fully tracked correspondence management
n detailed reporting facilities
n document approval workflows
n approvals, preferences and other administrative tools

2.1.2 Accessing Aconex

To access Aconex you simply require an internet connection and the latest internet browser
installed on our computer.
Aconex does not require you to install any licensed software to access the system.
Aconex recommends the use of broadband internet to optimize the Aconex experience, in
particular where downloading and uploading of large files is required.

NOTE: There is no file size restriction when using Aconex.

2.2 A Quick Tour of Aconex

Each page in Aconex has:
Module Menu: To access the different modules available to you in Aconex, double-click
the module button. The active module is orange.
Module Sub Menu: To access actions that are available in a module, click the module button
and click the action on the sub menu.

User Information: Your organization and your name.

Project Selector Logout Link Module Menu

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2.2.1 Module Button Descriptions

Tasks – Create, managed and monitor tasks. Includes project mail and transmittals

Documents – Search and access all documents in your document register.

Mail – Read and send project mail. Run project mail reports.

Tender (bid) Management - Manages the tender process electronically

*Not available on LSCT Program

Workflows – Create, manage and respond to incoming tenders.

Directory – Search for Aconex users and/or organisations.

Reports – various pre-set reports within each project

Setup – Mange project settings including user preferences (your personal details), software
downloads, and so on.

2.2.2 A Tour of the Tasks Module

The ‘Tasks’ module (page) is basically your Aconex home page. It lists the tasks that you need to
action, which projects you are on and provides shortcuts to come common actions. A task is an
item that requires action or attention from you.

Key things to remember about your tasks:

n Click the arrow icon to expand or collapse your list or group of tasks.
n The number in the bracket shows how many items you have tor a task type (like unread mail).
n You can always come back to the tasks page by double clicking Tasks from the Module Menu.
n The project you are in is highlighted in blue on the left.

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2.3 User Preferences

Users can set their preferences to suit their own particular requirements. These changes will affect
only that user.

2.3.1 Change Account Contact Details

Update many of your personal details such as your address, phone number and email address.

NOTE: Any changes you make won’t be visible until you log out and then log back in.

1. Click the Setup button on the Module Menu, and under User, click Account Details.

NOTE: Depending on your user role, you may not have access to all the above options

2. Edit the information in the user information fields as required.

NOTE: You must complete all mandatory (yellow) fields to be able to save your changes.

3. Click the Save button to ensure your changes are saved.

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2.3.2 Create a Project Mail Signature

Create a signature or copy your existing signature from another application to use when you create
a project mail.

You can have more than one signature if required.
If you have more than one signature, you can choose which signature appears in all your mails by default.
When creating a mail, you can choose another signature from the Signature list.

1. Click the Setup button on the Module Menu, and under Configure, click Preferences.
2. On the User tab, scroll down to the Personal Settings, Mail, Configure mail signatures.

3. Select one of the following:

a) New – HTML button – to create a formatted signature, selecting font, colour and so on….
b) New – Plain Text button – to create a signature with no formatting.

The following example uses the New – HTML option (red box).

4. Enter a name in the Signature Name field (blue box) to identify the signature. Use a meaningful name if using
more than one signature.

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5. Complete the Signature field (purple box). You can type directly into the filed or paste from another application IE
6. Click the Save button (orange box).
7. Click the OK button in the confirmation message.
8. To set a default signature:
a) Select the signature in the Signature Name list.
b) Click the Set To Default button (green box).

2.3.3 Reset Your Password

If you have forgotten your password or are locked out of your account, you can request a password
reset yourself to quickly get back into Aconex.
1. Click the Forgotten your Login Name / Password? Link on the Aconex login page.

Your Org Admin can also reset your password, or call the Aconex Helpdesk.
Your new password must conform to the password rules on the Password Change pate to be able to save it.

2. Either enter your:

a) Login name, OR
b) Email address
3. Click the Go button. You will be sent an email with reset instructions.
4. Click the link in the email and complete the new password details.

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2.4 Documents and the Document Register

When a document is uploaded a lot of information about that document is gathered and
maintained. This is the metadata.

Only document control can upload or supersede documents
You can only see documents in our register
You cannot access the designers, contractor’s or supplier documents unless they are transmitted to us

Uploading of a document will automatically put it in the Document Register. The register manages
the metadata to ensure that version control is maintained, and that project-wide, all users can
follow the audit trail of that document.

This metadata also allows searches to be made using many different aspects of the document. For
example, you can search for all procedures that have been uploaded to Aconex for a particular

2.4.1 Searching for Documents

Document search criteria fields are used to find document’s in the document register.

The Search – Documents page remembers the search terms you last used in the current session.
Click the Clear button to clear all search fields and enter a new criteria.
Leave all fields blank and click the Search button to see all documents in your Register.
Add more search criteria and click the Search button to refine your search.

1. Click the Documents button on the Module Menu, and then under Search, click Document Register.
2. Complete one or more search criteria files. In the example below the Type = Drawing and the Status = For
Information have been used.

3. Click the Search button.

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4. Left click anywhere after the document title (blue text) in the search result row for the document you want to open,
and choose one of the following options:
a) Open – to open the file in the associated application installed on your computer, or save the file locally.
b) Online Viewer – Read-only Mode – to view the document in the online viewer.
c) Online Viewer – Markup Mode – to open the document in the online viewer and add markups.
d) Event Log – Details all actions pertaining to the document.
e) Transmittal History – Provides the transmittal history for this document.
f) Properties – to view information about this document.
Step 4

2.4.2 To View a Documents Review History

The Event Log lists all events related to the document in your organisation.
1. Search for the relevant documents using the steps in Section 2.4.1.
2. After Step 4, select Event Log from the drop down list. This will bring up a screen that details all events related to
the document.

NOTE: Depending on your user role, you may not have access to all the above options

The text in blue is a clickable link to the event. i.e. the blue text in the above example will open the Transmittal
(TRANSMIT) that this document was included in.

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2.4.3 Uploading of Documents

Documents can only be uploaded by DC.

Documents requiring upload MUST be sent to DC using the Document Control Action mail type
and relevant Form Fields option. Failure to complete all mandatory fields will result in your request
being rejected.
All mails for DC action must be addressed to ADAPTJV Document Control from within the LSCT
project. Emails/mails sent to individual DC team members will not be actioned.

2.4.4 Transmitting a Document

In order for members from another organisation to view a document the document will need to be
transmitted to them.
As documents can only be transmitted by Document Control (DC) all requests for transmittals are
to be sent to the DC using the Aconex Mail Type Document Control Action (refer further details
in Section 2.5.1).

NOTE: Do not send DC email requests to individuals as they may not get actioned due to absences, etc.

2.5 Mail
The Mail Module has the same search functionality as the Document Module where you can
complete as many or as few search fields as needed to assist in locating a particular mail.

If you just want to see mail that has been sent to you, check the My Mail Only box.
To search for particular mail, type some words from any part of that mail into the search bar, then
click Search. (Blue Box)
To filter the results, make changes in the relevant column headers (purple box). To see more
filters, click the Advanced Search button (red box) and select the filters you want from the list.

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2.5.1 Mail Types

Some of the available mail types on this program. Common mail types include:
n Document Control Action
n Document Error
n Internal Correspondence
n Request for Information
n Response to RFI
n Transmittal

All mail you create will need to be approved prior to being released therefore ensure you allow
sufficient time for the approval process – i.e., do not wait until the last minute to prepare a mail that
requires an immediate response (the approval process may change further into the project).
Once a mail is sent the recipient has it and it cannot be deleted or recalled
Mails may be used in court so keep your content formal
There is no need to send acknowledgement of mail receipt
Aconex mails are not to be used for social reasons or meeting invitations

Document Control Action

To be used when requesting actions from the DC Team.

e.g. – new document numbers, upload of a document, document transmittal, document reviews,

Document Error

Primarily used by DC to advise of an error in regards to a document submitted or action request.

Internal Correspondence

For all internal mail.

Request for Information

Use this mail type when requesting information or for technical queries. This mail type MUST have
a Response by date stipulated.

Response to RFI

This mail type MUST be used for all responses to an RFI mail type. Responses to RFIs must be
done within the original RFI mail thread.


Used to send documents from our register to external parties. Documents, once transmitted will
always reside in the recipients register and available for all within that organisation.

NOTE: Transmittal mails can only be created by DC.

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This mail type is not an available mail type and is only generated when a Workflow is generated.

2.6 Document Reviews/Workflows

Document reviews (including drawings) for the Program are completed via Aconex using
Workflows (WF).
In short, WF’s use a series of steps for the review and approval process. This ensures that the
review and comment history for each document is maintained with the document.
Workflows are initiated by Document Control; therefore it is important that any documents requiring
review are sent to the Document Controller who will ensure the appropriate disciplines, etc. are
included in the review and that outcomes of the review are returned to the originator.
Workflows are used within the organisation only and not between organisations. The only
exceptions to this maybe workflows involving both ADAPT JV and Sydney Water personnel.
Workflow templates are created to ensure a standard approach to review similar documents
required for review by the same review teams and authority signatories.

Creation of templates and workflows can only be done by the DC team
Reviews are NOT to be conducted via email or General Correspondence as this does not record the review and/or
change history for the document.

2.6.1 Opening a Workflow

Workflow transmittals are listed on the My Tasks page under Documents in the Awaiting Your
Review task list. These tasks remain in the list until you action them.
1. Click the Workflow button on the Module Menu, and under Standard Searches, choose Assigned to me.

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2.6.2 Conducting the Review

1. To review all documents click the pages/glasses icon:

2. From this screen you can:

a) Open document
b) Access document metadata
c) See the revision number
d) Provide review outcome
e) Add additional comments
f) Open document to markup
g) See the date it is/was due
h) View Supplementary files, etc

The use the ‘Upload Replacements’ function has to be managed carefully as this will replace the document in Aconex
that the next reviewer will see in their review and any comments made by previous parties may be lost.

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2.6.3 Supplementary Files

You don't need to review supplementary files, however they may contain information to help you complete your
If supplementary files are attached to the workflow, a number will appear beside the Supplementary Files tab.

1. Click the Supplementary Files tab

2. Then:
a) download files as a single zip file: select the files you want to download, then click the Zip button, OR
b) open a file: click on the file icon next to the name of the file.

3. If you cannot complete the review at this point you can save your changes without completing the workflow by
clicking the Save and Continue button (top right of screen).

2.6.4 Conducting the Review – Viewing Comments

To view the comments made by previous reviewers click the magnifying glass icon

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2.6.5 Conducting the Review – Viewing Documents

1. To view a document without adding comments/markups – click the PDF icon

2. Once open you can simply view the document, save it and/or print and manually markup

If opening the document using the above method you may not be able to see the comments added by previous
If you have marked up the hard copy you will need to scan this and attach to the workflow as a Supplementary File
unless you have included all previous review comments. The same applies if you have marked up an electronic copy
saved outside of Aconex.

2.6.6 Completing the Review

1. When you have completed the review you need to complete the workflow for the selected documents:
a) Select the checkbox of each document you want to complete the workflow step for
b) Select the outcome of this review step in the Review Outcome list
c) Type any comments regarding your review in the Comments field, if required

2. Select the documents you have completed and click the Submit Selected Documents button.

Comments, although optional, are recommended and should be used for:
- Comments you have about your review
- To refer to files you may have attached.

3. Click the OK button in the confirmation message.

You do not have to complete all documents before submitting one that you have completed the review on. Simply select
the document that is complete and click Submit Selected Documents.

Reminder: If you cannot complete the review you can save your changes without completing the workflow by clicking
the Save and Continue button.

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2.6.7 Attach supplementary files to a workflow

1. Click the Supplementary Files tab.

2. Click the Attach File button.

3. To attach files from your computer or local network:

a) Click the Local Computer/Network button.
b) Click the Browse button and find the file you want to attach.
c) Click the Open button.

d) To add another file, click the Attach Another File link and return to step b.

e) Click the OK button to upload all of the selected files.

4. To attach documents from your register:
a) Type your search criteria into the Super Search field.
b) Click the Search button.
c) Select the checkbox for each document that you want to attach.
d) Click the OK button.

5. Type any comments you need to add into the Comments field for each attachment.
6. Click the OK button.

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2.6.8 Workflow Delegation

You can delegate an individual or multiple documents within a workflow assigned to you.
Delegating a workflow transfers the review to someone else and removes it from you review list

Once delegated, you will not be able to retrieve the document/s that you have delegated.
You can delegate each document within a workflow to different people.

1. Open the workflow (refer section 2.6.1

2. Opening a Workflow)

3. Select the documents that you want to delegate

4. Click the Delegate button
5. Complete the fields you need in the Transmittal Settings section.
6. Add any recipients that you want copied on the final transmittal in the Final Transmittal – Additional Cc
Recipients field
7. Enter the name of the person you wish to delegate to in the …with* field and click OK.

Your name

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Appendix A
Quick Notes
Lower South Creek Treatment Program
Aconex User Guide

n Our organisation is ADAPT JV and includes the integrated team of Parsons Brinckerhoff & UGL Engineering.
n Aconex guidelines and other helpful documents can be found on your Aconex TASK page
n Each Aconex project is self-contained. Documents/mail cannot be sent between Aconex projects

n All mail requires approval and release – will not automatically be sent
n Mail cannot be deleted
n Be formal, mails may be used in court
n ALL contract related correspondence between us and contractors MUST be done within Aconex
n Everything sent outside of the organisation needs a reason
n Correct mail types MUST be used
n Close out mail to ensure accurate reporting and tracking of overdue/outstanding items
n When sending responses or replying to mails always use that mail thread. Do not start new mails for related
n You can only see mail and documents in OUR register

n You cannot access contractors documents/mail unless they are sent to us
n Documents can only be uploaded or superseded by the document control team
n Document reviews are only to be conducted using Workflows

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