Puisi, Bahan Ajar
Puisi, Bahan Ajar
Puisi, Bahan Ajar
Tujuan Pembelajaran :
Menangkap makna , menganalisis, dan menyimpulkan secara kontekstual , fungsi social,
struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan teks sastra berbentuk puisi dan menuliskan isi puisi
dalam bentuk prosa.
Alur Tujuan Pembelajaran (ATP) :
1. Mengidentifikasi ciri/karakteristik sebuah puisi (fungsi/tujuan, struktur dan ciri
2. Mengidentifikasi gambaran umum sebuah puisi
3. Menemukan informasi tersirat dalam sebuah puisi
4. Menangkap makna kata atau frase dalam sebuah puisi.
5. Menyimpulkan isi sebuah puisi
6. Membaca sebuah puisi dengan lafal dan intonasi yang tepat
7. Mengubah sebuah puisi menjadi prosa.
1. Definition :
Poem is describe as a piece of writing that expresses emotions, experience, and idea,
especially in short line using word, that rhyme (end with same sound).
2. Structure :
A poem consists of rhyme, tone, theme, stanza, and imagery.
3. Social Function :
To share feeling, tell a story, send a message, be humorous,and provide description.
4. Language Feature :
Rhythm, sound, imagery, and form
Example of Poem :
1. ‘Remember’, written by Christina Rossetti (1830-1894) when she was still a teenager, is a
classic Victorian poem about mourning and remembrance. It was written in 1849 but not
published until 1862 when it appeared in Rossetti’s first volume
Remember me when I am gone away,
Gone far away into the silent land;
When you can no more hold me by the hand,
Nor I half turn to go yet turning stay.
Remember me when no more day by day
You tell me of our future that you plann'd:
Only remember me; you understand
It will be late to counsel then or pray.
Yet if you should forget me for a while
And afterwards remember, do not grieve:
For if the darkness and corruption leave
A vestige of the thoughts that once I had,
Better by far you should forget and smile
Than that you should remember and be sad.
2. "Love Came Down at Christmas" is a Christmas poem by Christina Rossetti. It was first
published without a title in Time Flies: A Reading Diary in 1885. It was later included in the
collection Verses in 1893 under the title "Christmastide"
2. ‘Tree at my Window’.
Many of Robert Frost’s greatest poems feature trees and woods, and many of his poems take as
their starting-point a simple observation of nature that then prompts a deeper meditation. (We
might compare his friend Edward Thomas here.)
Frost begins by addressing the tree in tautological terms which almost recall a child’s song: ‘Tree
at my window, window tree’. The last two lines add nothing to the meaning of the first four, but
they set the blithe, relaxed tone that dominates the whole poem. The poet tells this ‘window tree’
that he lowers his sash window when night comes, closing it, but he doesn’t like to draw the
curtain across the window to block out the tree.
The final stanza earns this short poem its place on this list: it sees Frost identifying his ‘window
tree’ as a kindred spirit, with the tree concerned with ‘outer’ and Frost with ‘inner, weather’
Tree at my Window
by Robert Frost
Structure In Poetry
What Is Structure In A Poem?
The structure of a poem refers to the way it is presented to the reader. This could include
technical things such as the line length and stanza format. Or it could include the flow of the
words used and ideas conveyed.
Line length
Line length shows the reader how it should be read. Short lines are usually read faster, with more
emotion. Longer lines slow down the pace of a poem. Choosing appropriate line breaks gives a
reader a chance to take a natural breath.
Stanzas, the groups of lines, are like paragraph in prose. They contain a central idea. Having
multiple stanzas gives readers a chance to focus on multiple ideas. Think about a page with
writing. Is it more manageable to read it if all the words flow together as one paragraph or if they
are broken apart into appropriate paragraphs? The same works with poetry.
Structure also refers to the consistency used throughout the poem. An author might start each
line with a certain part of speech, or a repeated line or phrase is used at the same spot in each
When a poem has a strong sense of structure, it flows from beginning to end, and the ideas are
easily conveyed.
In Your Heart
Swoosh, Boom, Crunch, Howl
If Only I Knew
I Wish He Knew
Inside Out
Life Without You
How Can I Forget?
When I Am With Her
Phenomenal Woman
An Ocean of Memories
But You Didn't
Every Day My Love For You Grows
The One
Just Like
In Your Heart
I Love You, Son
Stanzas give poems structure and organization. They break apart different parts of the
poem based on rhyming scheme or thoughts. Stanzas of 2 lines are called Couplet, Stanzas
of 3 lines are called Tercet and Stanzas of 4 lines are called Quatrain.
A couplet is a set of two lines that usually rhyme.
One More
© Maranda G. Brice
A tercet is a set of three lines that may or may not rhyme.
A Minute
© Patricia A. Gordon
A quatrain is a set of four lines that may or may not rhyme.
The Butterfly
© Andres Diaz
Using the five senses (taste, touch, sight, smell, and hearing) in poems creates a stronger image
in the reader’s mind.
Five Senses In Poetry
Taste, touch, sight, smell, and hearing.
Your five basic senses help you take in information from the world around you. These senses are
also a powerful tool to use when you're writing. They help convey a message to readers by
providing a strong image in their heads.