Annual Pedagogical Plan 2024 - JNV Darrang

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Annual Pedagogical Plan for Leading Learning

School Name: J.N.V.Darrang, Assam.

Affiliation Number: 240007
UDISE Number:
Academic Session: 2024-2025
Principal's Name: Mayavan Gandhi

Descriptor 1: Engaging Teachers Professional Development

School’s Vision Statement:
Creating a community of lifelong learners who contribute positively to society by embodying the values of empathy, integrity, and
social responsibility, while mastering 21st-century skills such as creativity, collaboration, communication, and critical thinking.

School’s Values:
Respect: Valuing diversity and treating all individuals with dignity.
Integrity: Upholding honesty and strong moral principles.
Excellence: Striving for the highest standards in academic and personal endeavors.
Responsibility: Taking ownership of one's actions and their impact on the community.
Collaboration: Working together to achieve common goals and foster a supportive environment.
Creativity: Encouraging innovative thinking and problem-solving.
Empathy: Understanding and being sensitive to the feelings and experiences of others.
Perseverance: Demonstrating resilience and determination in the face of challenges.
Lifelong Learning: Promoting a continuous pursuit of knowledge and self-improvement.
. Social Responsibility: Committing to actions that benefit society and the environment.

Areas of strengths:
1. 40 acres of lush green land
2. Good Residential School Environment
3. Holistic Education
4. Quality Teaching Staff
5. Innovative Teaching Methods
6. Inclusive Education:
7. Strong Community and Alumni Network
8. Focus on Physical Fitness
9. Moral and Ethical Values
10. Bharat Scout & Guide, NCC

Areas of improvements:
1. Infrastructure Development: Upgrading and expanding school facilities, including classrooms, laboratories, and sports
facilities, to accommodate increasing student numbers and integrate modern educational technologies.
2. Teacher Training: Regular professional development and training programs for teachers to stay updated with the latest
teaching methodologies, educational tools, and subject knowledge.
3. Extracurricular Activities: Expanding the range and quality of extracurricular activities offered, including clubs, arts, music,
drama, and community service programs, to provide holistic development opportunities for students.
4. Parent and Community Engagement: Increasing involvement of parents and the community in school activities and
decision-making processes to create a stronger support system for students.
5. Alumni Involvement: Enhancing engagement with alumni to leverage their experiences and resources for mentoring
current students, providing internships, and supporting school initiatives.
6. Environmental Sustainability: Implementing green practices and sustainability initiatives within the school campus,
including waste management, energy conservation, and environmental education programs.
By focusing on these areas, JNV Darrang can enhance its educational offerings, support the overall development of its
students, and maintain its reputation as a leading institution not only in the District but also in the whole region.
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
ACTION Where are we now What do we need to How will we achieve Who is responsible? What is the timeline What will the
ABLES as a school? do in the coming what we want to do? for implementation? impact look
year? like?
No seminar or Identification of the School level Principal, Vice Principal Once in two months This will help
program is areas of professional workshop/seminar/w in the current teacher in
organized at school needs of teachers ebinar from academic year professional
level  Renowned development
t in the area
from industry
 Expert from
 Teachers
specialized in
the area
Life skills for 21st Workshop/Seminar/  Open Principal, Vice Principal, 1st April’24 to 28th This will help
century need to be Quizzes/ Group discussions/S Counselor, Teachers Feb’25 in inculcating
developed discussion on 21st eminar/Work the 21st
1. Critical century life skills shop will be century life
thinking organized skills
2. Creativity  Developing a
3. Collaboration CREATIVE
4. Communicati CORNER(Dis
on play Boards)
5. Information where
Literacy students/teac
6. Media hers can
Literacy share their
7. Teaching views class-
Literacy wise (one
8. Flexibility class per
9. Leadership week)
10. Initiative  Role plays /
11. Productivity short skits
12. Social skill can also be
taken up to
the need and
use of life
skills. This
can be done
morning or
Need to focus The school should Adopt Advanced Principal, Vice Principal, Throughout the year. By focusing on
Quality result enhance its quality Teaching Tools: Counselor, Teachers, these areas,
of education by Integrating more Alumni, Parents JNV Darrang
integrating technology and can continue
advanced teaching innovative teaching to provide
technologies, methods can high-quality
strengthening enhance the learning education and
teacher training experience. produce
programs, and Focus on Mental excellent
expanding student Health: results.
support services Strengthening
mental health and
counseling services
can ensure students'
Expanding the
variety and quality of
activities can further
support holistic
Regular upgrades to
the school's
infrastructure can
provide a more
conducive learning
Strengthen Career
Guidance: More
robust career
counseling and
placement services
can better prepare
students for their
future educational
and career paths.

Descriptor 2: Initiating Innovations in Schools

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
ACTIONAB Where are we now as What do we need How will we achieve Who is What is the timeline What will the impact
LES a school? to do in the coming what we want to do? responsible? for implementation? look like?
There have been very Develop a Principal, Vice Throughout the year -Students will learn
-Cultivate a culture of
little innovations in conducive Principal, Teacher to think out of the
creativity and
school. Innovation atmosphere for In-charge. box.
experimentation among
opportunities need to innovation.
students and staff.
be provided by -They will gain
creating an Atal Tinkering Lab -Invest in state-of-the- knowledge on latest
environment for art educational innovations. They
developing scientific Education tour to technologies and will also learn to
temperament. IIT’s, NIT’s and resources. accept that failure is
Scientific institutes. -Provide ongoing the pillar of success.
opportunities for
teachers to stay
updated with
innovative teaching
-Foster collaborative
projects and
partnerships with
educational and
institutions to promote
innovation and
knowledge exchange.

Descriptor 3: Leading the Teaching Learning Process

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
ACTIONA Where are we now as a What do we need How will we Who is What is the What will the impact
BLES school? to do in the achieve what we responsible? timeline for look like?
coming year? want to do? implementation?
"The teaching-learning Developing Principal, Vice Throughout the The impact of effective
process in our school is standardize Setting Clear Principal, All year teaching and learning
characterized by Competency Bases Objectives: teachers on a school is profound
dynamic engagement, Lesson Plan Define specific and far-reaching:
personalized learning
instruction, and Organizing objectives and
continuous educational trips outcomes that Student Achievement:
improvement to foster for experiential guide the Effective teaching leads
student growth and learning teaching process to improved academic
success. and provide clarity performance among
Creative learning to students about students, resulting in
resources corner in what they are higher test scores,
the class expected to learn. increased graduation
rates, and overall
Engagement and
Motivation: academic success.
Capture students'
interest and Positive Reputation:
motivation by Schools known for their
presenting effective teaching and
content in a learning practices gain
relevant and a positive reputation
engaging manner, within the community
using varied and beyond. This
instructional reputation attracts
strategies, students, parents, and
incorporating educators seeking a
real-world high-quality education.
examples, and
encouraging Teacher Satisfaction
active and Retention:
participation. Effective teaching
practices contribute to
Assessment for teacher satisfaction and
Learning: Use a retention. When
variety of teachers see positive
formative outcomes in student
assessments such learning, they feel
as quizzes, valued and motivated
discussions, and to continue their work,
observations to leading to lower
monitor student turnover rates.
progress, identify
misconceptions, Parental Engagement:
and provide Parents are more likely
timely feedback to be engaged and
that guides supportive of the
further instruction school when they see
and supports the positive impact of
student growth. effective teaching on
their child's learning.
Student- This leads to stronger
Centered partnerships between
Approach: Place the school and the
students at the community.
center of the
learning process, Student Engagement
valuing their and Behavior: Effective
perspectives, teaching methods
interests, and increase student
prior knowledge, engagement in
and empowering learning and foster
them to take positive behavior in the
ownership of their classroom. Students
learning through are more motivated to
self-directed participate, cooperate
inquiry, with peers, and take
exploration, and responsibility for their
reflection. learning.

School Culture and

Climate: Schools with
effective teaching and
learning practices have
a positive school
culture and climate
characterized by
mutual respect,
collaboration, and a
focus on continuous
improvement. This
creates a conducive
environment for
teaching, learning, and
personal growth.

Preparation for the

Future: Effective
teaching equips
students with the
knowledge, skills, and
attitudes they need to
succeed in higher
education, careers, and
life. Students are better
prepared to face the
challenges of the
future and become
productive members of

Closing Achievement
Gaps: Effective
teaching helps narrow
achievement gaps
among students from
diverse backgrounds.
By providing equitable
access to high-quality
education and support,
schools can ensure that
all students have the
opportunity to

Innovation and
Excellence: Schools
that prioritize effective
teaching and learning
are more likely to
foster innovation and
excellence in
education. They
continuously seek out
new teaching methods,
technologies, and
approaches to improve
student outcomes and
stay ahead of the

. Long-Term Impact:
The impact of effective
teaching and learning
extends beyond the
immediate school
environment to have a
lasting impact on
students' lives and
society as a whole.
individuals contribute
positively to their
economies, and the
world at large.

Descriptor 4: Developing a Learning culture

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
ACTIONA Where are we What do we need to How will we achieve Who is What is the timeline What will the
BLS now as a school? do in the coming what we want to do? responsible? for implementation? impact look like?
- Need to access To develop a strong  A parent’s Principal, Throughout the year This will help in
existing learning learning culture in the council of Vice building a good
environment, coming year, several progressive Principal, rapport and
including key steps can be parents will be Teachers and strong trust
teaching taken: established. Counselor between students
practices,  Depending on and school.
student Assessment and the area of their
engagement, Planning: expertise,
and attitudes parents will be
towards learning. Conduct a invited for a talk
comprehensive with students.
assessment of the  During PTC and
-Need to engage current learning PTM, session
student centered culture within the scan be held for
learning school, including advocacy on
environment that teacher practices, various issues
promotes active student engagement, like mental
participation, and parent health,
inquiry-based involvement. adolescence
learning, and education,
Identify strengths and
critical thinking. impact of
areas for
digitization and
improvement based
children, digital
on the assessment
parenting style
Develop a strategic etc.
plan outlining specific
goals, objectives, and
action steps to
cultivate a more
robust learning


Provide targeted
opportunities for
teachers to enhance
their instructional
practices, promote
student engagement,
and foster a growth
Offer training sessions
on student-centered
learning approaches,
instruction, and
technology into the
collaboration among
teachers through peer
observations, learning
communities, and
sharing of best

Student Engagement
and Empowerment:

Implement strategies
to increase student
engagement and
ownership of learning,
such as project-based
learning, student
choice in assignments,
and opportunities for
self-directed inquiry.
Foster a positive
learning environment
where students feel
safe to take risks, ask
questions, and explore
new ideas.
Provide leadership
opportunities for
students to contribute
to decision-making
processes and
initiatives within the

Parent and

partnerships with
parents and the
community to support
student learning both
inside and outside the
Organize workshops,
information sessions,
and parent forums to
educate families
about the importance
of a learning culture
and ways they can
support their child's
education at home.
Engage community
members as mentors,
guest speakers, or
volunteers to provide
real-world context
and relevance to
students' learning

Curriculum and

Review and revise the

curriculum to align
with the goals of
developing a learning
culture, emphasizing
critical thinking,
problem-solving, and
inquiry skills.
projects, hands-on
activities, and
authentic assessments
that promote deeper
understanding and
application of
Provide resources and
support for teachers
to implement
innovative teaching
practices and
instruction to meet
the diverse needs of

Feedback and

Establish regular
mechanisms for
gathering feedback
from students,
teachers, and parents
about their
experiences and
perceptions of the
learning culture.
Encourage reflective
practices among all
opportunities for self-
assessment, peer
feedback, and goal-
Use feedback to
inform ongoing
improvements and
adjustments to
initiatives aimed at
developing a learning

By focusing on these
areas and
targeted strategies,
the school can create
an environment where
learning is valued,
celebrated, and
supported by all
members of the

Descriptor 5: Building an inclusive culture

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
ACTIONAB Where are we now What do we need to do How will we achieve Who is What is the What will the impact
LES as a school? in the coming year? what we want to do? responsible? timeline for look like?
Create an To build an inclusive To achieve an Principal, Throughout the An inclusive culture in
environment of culture in the coming inclusive culture in Vice year a school can have
acceptance is year, the following steps JNV Darrang, these Principal, several positive
occasionally can be taken: key points: Teachers, impacts:
observed Counselor
Diversity Training and Cultivating and students Sense of Belonging:
Awareness: Awareness and Students feel valued,
Understanding: respected, and
Provide training sessions accepted for who they
and workshops for staff Implement regular are, leading to a
to increase awareness workshops and stronger sense of
and understanding of training sessions for belonging and
diversity, equity, and staff, students, and connection to the
inclusion (DEI) parents focused on school community.
principles. diversity, equity, and
inclusion (DEI) issues. Improved Academic
Incorporate culturally
responsive teaching Foster an Performance:
practices and materials environment where Inclusive
that reflect the diverse differences are environments
backgrounds and celebrated and promote equity and
experiences of students. respected, promoting access to learning
understanding and opportunities for all
Foster open dialogue students, resulting in
empathy among all
and discussion about improved academic
members of the
diversity-related issues performance, higher
school community.
and create a safe space graduation rates, and
for sharing perspectives Provide educational greater academic
and experiences. resources and achievement.
materials that
Promotion of Equity highlight diverse Enhanced Social and
and Access: perspectives, Emotional Well-
histories, and cultures,
being: Students'
Review and revise ensuring that the
social and emotional
school policies, curriculum reflects the
well-being is
procedures, and experiences of all
supported in an
practices to ensure students.
inclusive culture,
equity and accessibility leading to reduced
for all students, Promoting Equity
instances of bullying,
regardless of race, and Access: discrimination, and
ethnicity, gender, socio- exclusion. This creates
economic status, ability, Review and revise a safer and more
or other factors. school policies, supportive learning
procedures, and environment for
Implement strategies to
practices to ensure everyone.
address systemic
they are equitable
barriers and promote
and inclusive for all Cultural Competence
inclusivity, such as
students, regardless and Understanding:
of background or Exposure to diverse
identity. perspectives and
removing bias from
assessments, and Implement strategies experiences fosters
fostering a sense of to address systemic cultural competence
belonging for barriers and promote and understanding
marginalized groups. access and among students,
opportunity for preparing them to
Collaborate with thrive in an
marginalized groups,
community increasingly diverse
including students
organizations and world and become
from rural areas or
stakeholders to identify global citizens.
and address inequities
in the broader Promotion of Equity
community and Offer support services and Social Justice:
promote social justice and resources to Inclusive cultures
initiatives within the meet the diverse challenge systemic
school. needs of students, inequalities and
including academic promote equity and
support, counseling, social justice within
and accommodations the school and
for students with broader community.
disabilities or special This empowers
needs. students to become
advocates for positive
Building a change and fosters a
Supportive commitment to
Community: fairness and equality.

Foster a sense of Preparation for a

belonging and Diverse Society:
connectedness Inclusive cultures
among students, staff, prepare students to
and families, creating navigate and thrive in
a supportive and a diverse society by
inclusive school promoting empathy,
culture. tolerance, and
understanding of
collaboration and others. This equips
cooperation among them with the skills
and attitudes needed
students through
to build inclusive
group activities, team
communities and
projects, and peer
contribute positively
mentoring programs.
to society.
Engage parents and
the broader Overall, an inclusive
community in culture in a school
promoting inclusivity creates an
and diversity environment where all
initiatives, seeking students feel valued,
their input and supported, and
involvement in empowered to reach
decision-making their full potential,
processes and school leading to positive
events. outcomes for
individuals and the
community as a

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