Unit 8

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i. Purpose of Meetings
ii. Notice
iii. Agenda
iv. Minutes
By the end of the topic, you should be able;
i. Explain why meetings are important
ii. Describe the role of the chairperson in meetings
iii. Convene and conduct meetings effectively
iv. Write minutes of a meeting correctly

Meetings are convened to involve people in fact finding and decision making, whereby hoping
to gain peoples commitments. Daves and Shapel (1800) defined a meeting as “coming together
of two or more people for any lawful purposes, between groups of people with an intention to
socialize or for any other purpose. It can be political, economical, religious etc. Meetings must
be properly convened, constitute and held. Meeting to be legally constituted means that;
• There must be a proper quorum’
• There must be a proper chairman.
Quorum means the minimum number of members who must be present at a meeting
as required by law/rules.
Everybody concerned must attend; thereby a notice is necessary to be given beforehand.
The planning of a meeting should be based on these five items.
1. Notice
2. Agenda
3. Leadership/chairperson
4. Correct action by the secretary(minutes must be written).
5. Behavior required of the members.
(i) Socializing
(ii) Solving problems affecting the people involved.
(iii) Provide information to a group of people.
(iv) Report on some activity or an achievement /problem.
(v) Coordination and arranging activities within an organization.
(vi) To obtain assistance.
(vii) Put forward ideas/grievances for discussions.
(viii) Create involvement and interest

Figure 2—purpose of meetings

The following figure illustrates the purposes of a meeting.

To coordinates or to give information to a group

arrange activities of people

to report on some to obtain assistance

activity or experience MEETINGS

to put forward ideas or to create involvement

grievances for discussion and interest

Any organization which has a number of members needs to hold regular meetings of various
• To bring members together.
• To exchange ideas.
• Solve problems.
• Take or make decisions.
• Make sure that each section/department knows what is going on in other areas of the
Meetings can take shortest or longest time depending on the agenda of the meeting.
E.g. if he purpose of the meeting was to pass information it can take the shortest time.
It can take the longest time if the purpose of the meeting involves open discussion.
To safeguard against poorly run meeting which are lengthy, dull and controlled by people who
like the sound of their own voices, it is essential that members involved in a meeting have clear
idea of the purpose and should contribute fully and effectively to the discussion.
The planning and control of the meeting should be based on five items which are discussed

This is sent to everyone required to be present and in time for him/her to arrange and prepare
for the meeting. Messages should be sent through phones, text messages, making calls, letters
The rules that govern the organizations stipulates minimum time given, A notice of a meeting
should be seven days (one week), in most cases, unless it is a special, an extraordinary meeting
or impromptu meeting which requires a special notice.
In the notice, there must be date, time and place/venue of the meeting.
The notice enables one to prepare for the meeting and it prevents members from considering
the meetings invalid.
This is an internal form of written communication that is displayed on the notice board.

Purposes of Notices
- To invite people for meetings
- To inform staff members of forthcoming events
- To convey urgent messages
- To advertise vacancies internally
Advantages of Notices
- Convenient for urgent messages
- Can be read by everyone in the office
- Saves the costs of writing and circulating individual correspondence

Disadvantages of Notices
- Are easily ignored
- Lack of feedback
- Can be pulled out before being read by all
- Can only be used to pass general information
- Are impersonal

Features of Notices
- Messages short be short and clear
- Heading should be large a vivid
- Text should be well spaced out
- Colour display and graphic designs can be used to attract attention
- Writing should be large enough to be seen from a distance
- It should be dated and signed


It means “things to be acted upon” which are scheduled in the order in which the meeting will
deal with them. It also means documents that outline the content of the functioning meeting.
It means list of items to be discussed sometimes they can be sent out with notice of the meeting.
The agenda gives members an option to consider in advance what they feel they should ask,
say, do. An agenda is very useful why because it is circulated in advance and this helps the
members to prepare for the meeting since moist agendas has set order.
For most meetings it is essential to let participants know the content of the meeting before
they arrive. The agenda may contain items which members would like included for
discussion in the meeting .Such items should reach the secretary in time for inclusion in the
The agenda contains standard items and particular / new items to be discussed

Standard agenda items

- Apologies for absence

- Confirmation of previous minutes
- Matters arsing
- Correspondence
- Any other business
- Date and time of the next meeting
A particular / new items are items to be discussed in that particular meeting

Agenda of an AGM

- Confirmation of previous minutes

- Matter arsing
- Chairpersons report
- Treasures’ report
- Elections
- Declaring dividends
- A.O.B

Importance of Agenda
- Let the members know in advance in order to prepare
- Guide the proceedings of the meeting
- Guide in minute writing
- Provide future records

It helps the chairman to conduct the meeting smoothly and orderly. The agenda also ensures
that only relevant matters to the particular meeting are discussed. It ensures that every point is
properly taken.
It facilitates preparation of minutes.
N/B: the Agenda generally defines the purpose of the meeting. The simplest form of agenda
will consist of list of items, typed underneath each other and numbered in order in which they
will be taken by the chairman more elaborate agenda will include:-
1. Confirmation of previous meetings
2. Matters arising
3. Any other business (AOB).

Example of Agenda and Notice;

A meeting of the Sports Social Club will be held in the Conference Suite A on Friday 14
May 2015 – at 1800 (Notice states place, day, date and time of the meeting)

1. Apologies for absence
2. Minutes of last meeting
3. Matters Arising - (no. 1 – 3 are included on every agenda)
4. Chairman’s Report
5. New Keep-fit Classes
6. Purchase of Tennis Equipment (no. 4 – 6 are special business
listed separately)
7. Any other Business
8. Date of next Meeting (no. 7 – 8: finish all agendas with these

This has alternative names for the chairperson e.g. chair, chairman, chairperson, chairlady
etc. the effectiveness of the meeting depends on the leadership of the chair and will relate to
the knowledge of his/her duties and like any good leader he/she should think in advance about
the characteristic of the people he/she has to control and the situation. The chair needs to
prepare himself/herself about the agenda and try to forecast on any opposition/involvement of
the member and how to deal with them in the event of controversy. The chair is also responsible
for ensuring that the meeting is conducted in accordance with standing orders (set of rules).
Most meetings are formed and run according to written set of rules known as standing orders.
In some cases they are laid by law and in others by circumstances.

Duties of the chairman

1. Declaring the meeting open and welcoming the members.
2. To call the secretary to read the notice of the meeting if necessary.
3. Ensure that they require quorum is present. Ask for apologies and the secretary
4. Ensure members have copies of the previous minutes, read through them.
5. Indicate what the items of the agenda are to begin/end (calling the meeting to
6. To ensures that each member has an opportunity to speak and encourage the
members to speak.
7. Ensure members behave impartially.
8. Controlling the meeting how? Ruling the irrelevant remarks disallowing items not
in the agenda.
9. Maintaining order (dealing with unruly members and calm down disputes).
10. His/her authority is absolute and should insist that all the remarks should be
made through the ‘chair’.
11. Clarify contributions by members so that each is understood by all (can summarize
discussion for the benefit of all).
12. Needs to be conciliatory and accommodating.
13. Ensure that the secretary has the opportunities to take notes.
14. The date of the next meeting should be arranged by mutual consent of the chair.
15. The chair is to declare the meeting closed/ended and thank the people for attendance.

Duties Of A Secretary
Fulfills a very different role from that of the office secretary. He is often in a senior position in
an organization. After the chair, the secretary is easily the next most important member of a
meeting. It has responsibilities which are essential to the efficient function of the committee
and its duties include:
1. To send out notice of the meeting in good time to all members.
2. Requests ad receives items for discussion at each meeting.
3. He draws up and agenda in conjunction with the chair.
4. Circulate among the members any document which may be necessary to enable to
contribute fully to discussion of matters listed on the agenda.
5. Makes arrangement for accommodation of members if necessary.
6. Ensures that a room is available for each meeting pens, papers and their requisition
are available of members (water, glasses)
7. Draws up special agenda for the chair include details that will help him/her
conduct the meeting satisfactory.
8. During meetings he sits by the chair to give any assistance required.
9. Records details to what takes place during the meetings.
10. After meeting, writes up the note into a formal recording and circulates this among
members after gaining approval from the chair.
11. Deals with any correspondence recurred by the community and secretary roles include;
considerable planning and organizational skills and the ability to communicate
well both orally and on paper.
Many committees have treasurers and their main role is to take care of financial aspect of the
committee operation. Treasurer report includes such meetings. Financial statements given by
the treasurer details financial positions of the meeting or the organizational represents (He
provides balance sheet, income and expenditure for a state period). Has powers specified in
standing orders. Concerning funds belonging to the committee. He takes care of payments that
have to be made. He takes part in meetings like other members.


1. Formal
2. Committee
3. Command
4. Informal

• Follow set procedures either in public meetings established by precedent or private
(standing order of public authority).
• Public meetings are held in public places and private in private premises and limited to
• They include meeting of registered bodies e.g. Trade unions company clubs etc.
• Formal meetings include;
✓ Annual general meeting
✓ Extra ordinary
✓ Board of directors
✓ Departmental committee
✓ Command etc
• Their rules are laid down in the article of association or constitution or standing orders i.e.
they are subject to body of law.
• Any one responsible for convening or conducting meetings should acquit themselves with
both the general role and the particular role and particular rules under which they operate.


Regulations prescribe the way in which meetings are to be convened and who is entitled to
attend them. With the aim of being fair, reasonable and open, notice should be given quorum
and must be present and accurate pictures of eh matters to be discussed given (a formal
record of each meeting kept). It’s necessary to ensure that there is stick adherence to any
stipulated procedures. The chair should be familiar with the regulations of the body over which
he is presiding to oversee the following;
(i) The meeting is properly convened.
(ii) Procedure laud down as follows.
(iii) The agenda is adhered to.
(iv) All members present to contribute or participate.
(v) Proceedings are orderly.
(vi) Proper records of minutes are kept.
• A chair should therefore be a person of infinite, trust patience possessive and of Judicial
mind and able to command the meeting.
• Rules should prescribe how officials are to be appointed, period form of notice,
adjournment e.g. in case of quorum, state orders of business define those items to be
considered as ordinary business or special.
• Meetings also proceed from motion, amendments, resolutions, debate, voting according to
rules, regulations or body of laws.
May concern either the business before meeting or procedure by which it’s translated.
• Rules should state if motion should be in writing or purpose orally on meeting.
Language used should be simple, clear and affirmative.
They are proposed by members who wish it’s discussed and if rule so require it
should be seconded.
• If put to note and carried it becomes a solution.
• Resolutions are introduced with the word “To… ........................... ”
• A motion is merely a proposal which should be clear, concise written and remains a
motion until it’s resolved.
• Amendments are attended whenever their doubts in a motion and should be death within
logical order.
• Should not take meeting out of the agenda.
• Change in wording in a proposed motion which slightly alters its meaning after making it
more specific or precise e.g. engaging.
• The motion engaging with a communication consultant to deal with press during current
take over crisis to be amended by inserting “for the period of not longer than one calendar
month be inserted at the end of proposal.”
• Any member propose amendment and it must be formally proposed and seconded in the
same way as any kind of motion to which they refer.
• The chair conducts a vote in the amendment and if carried revised motions put to the vote
in the usual way.
• Amendment inserts words, phrases, sentences into original emotions and deletes others.
• Purpose to clarify original motion so that it’s adapted. Rider – Add fresh facts or
recommendations. Motion – continuation.
• Every motion, inform prescribed by the rules and within eth scope of the meetings. Motion
should begin with the word e.g. that a committee hire a communication.


1. It is necessary to ensure that there is strict adherence to any stipulated

The chain should be familiar with the regulation of the body over which he’s
presiding to oversee the following:-
(i) Meeting is properly convinced.
2. Procedures laid down are followed.
(i) The agenda is adhered to,
(ii) All members resent have to contribute/participate,
(iii) Proceedings are orderly,
(iv) Proper records are kept.


• Every firm is required to hold Annual general meeting at least once in a year.
• Ordinary business transactions of general meetings include reports of directors, auditors,
declaration of dividends, elections of director’s appointment.
Statutory meeting by law
Every company is required to hold a meeting of members of the company called statutory
meeting within a period of six months form date on which it was entitled a commence business.
• 21 days notice should be given with a statutory report to members containing no of
shares, name, addresses, particulars of any contract etc.
• The statutory meeting is held to give stakeholders an opportunity to know companies
preparation discuss prospects etc.
Board meeting
• Held as offering of the undivided of an organization as requires they are attended by the
directors and chaired by the chairman of the board.
• Not restricted by some rules.
• They take the form of transforming discussion, session with no strict agenda/minutes kept.
(Prepare meeting) record purpose.
• However it is a good practice to have an agenda and keep minutes (prepare meeting) record
Management meeting
Attended by a group of managers who may need to discuss special matters, report on progress
or receive progress reports e.g. marketing, managers, sales, production manger meet todiscuss
levels of a new product being launched soon.
Committee meeting
• A small body of people appointed by parent body to meet to discuss certain matter with a
view of making group discussions on behalf of group recommendations to the parent body.
• Such committee may have members of similar interest on status mixed or joint by
management staff.
• His helps in improving communication in forms. We have different types of committees.
(a) Executive
• Elected from the members at annual general meetings.
• Power comes from parent’s body and required to give account of the activities at
regular intervals.
(b) Advisory
• It consists of experts or people representing different groups of interest. The function
is to advice and do not take of implement decisions nor do they enjoy any right to
(c) Standing Adhoc committee
• Standard committee is permanent committee empowered to take or make
management decisions they undertake. Example finance committee, salary and
academic etc.
• A committee that constitutes for a specific purpose and dissolves when the purpose
has been achieved is known as adoc/temporary committee.
(d) Formal committee/informal
• The above committees are formal, they are formally constituted and
responsibilities/duties are specified.
• Informal committees are formed for purpose of collective thinking.
• No fixed agenda, not formal authority.
• They just advice on discussed problems.
(e) Line/staff
• This is an advisory committee that appraises the management on the views of the
• It has the power to take/make decisions with regard to employees who are
responsible to it.
• A committee meeting requires a full range of oral communication skills from it
members being part of the team and coming up with best possible decisions a group
discussion on achieve.
Command meeting
• Within any form of public authority when managers are aware of the importance of
• A large no. of formal meetings will take place between managers and there subordinate such
meetings have various names in various organizations e.g. stact meetings, managers
meetings, command etc.
• Command meeting are meant to declare policy and issue instructions where meetings are
called to issue instructions, announce a policy, it will take a different tone.
• It will flow in one direction followed by questions and clarification by answers.
• The following however essential where considering them:
1) Is the meeting the best means of issuing instructions if they are complex or controversial,
the quiz may be too easily lead to confusion.
2) Is there an assembly of mixed grades? Which may despise the senior members?
3) The opportunity to handle instructions on their own as they are meant to delegate work
for which they will be accountable.
4) Written confirmation of instruction may be required for issue meeting may not be the best
mean to do it.
We have two types of command meeting
1) Extended command
2) Immediate command meeting
Extended command
It’s a meeting called by manager so that he can communicate orally to all those under his
He may issue instructions announce policy/policy changes and the meeting will be that of
choir taking while members listen.
One way of communication members only communicate or participate by asking questions or
asking for obligation when unclear, large meetings require good public speaking.

Immediate command meeting

These are meetings between the manger and those directly responsible to him. They are called
whenever the manager feels the need to explain to sound opinion or to exchange information
more rapidly than is possible by writing e.g. department meetings.
Before calling an immediate command meeting, a manager must be clear in mind what he
wants (purpose) to tell to discuss or to consult.
Informal meetings of this kind are often not minutes and agenda may only be in the mind of
the convent.
It should however, make every effort however to create/procedure a friendly atmosphere where
different rank between himself and the group is not permitted to shift the free giving ofviews.
He should also ensure that the meeting doesn’t move go outside the area of concern line which
he is the person to make decision e.g. assembly.
The higher the level of manager who is convening the meeting the more formal it binds to
become e.g. executive meeting, departmental managers, meting (HOD’s meeting). They will
have typed the agenda/minutes taken by secretary.
These helps in preservation of records of decisions reached and to show that such decisions
were reached by the groups.
It tends to have words such as “The ales manager decided that ................... unlike other types
of minutes.
Departmental meetings
They are called by the head of department or manager of a certain section. All the staff members
are invited to attend so that information can be passed on or reports received from some
members of staff regarding a specific project.
Preparations for a meeting

- Determine the meetings objectives

- Prepare an agenda that will achieve the set objectives
- Select participations
- Determine the location/venue and book it or arrange it
- Make arrangements for light refreshments or entertainments if appropriate
- Determine seating needs e.g. seats only or table and chairs
- Prepare the needed stationery e.g.folders name tags.
- Determine whether the lighting ventilation acoustics & temperatures of
the room is appropriate
- Check for any equipment that may be needed e.g. P,A projector computers
for PowerPoint presentations

- Begin and end the meeting on time

- Control the meeting by following the announced agenda
- Encourage full participation
- Sum up decisions actions etc
Follow up
- Distribute minutes of the meeting on tie
- Ensure the follow-up tasks assigned are carried out
- Solicit feedback before the next meeting
How to make a meeting effective

- Set objectives and make them clear to the participants

- Give adequate notices meeting should not be abrupt unless its an
emergency agenda too should be given
- Have suitable venue / accommodation .
The venue should be convenient accessible comfortable ,quiet and
chosen according to the needs of the participants

- Time – time should be convenient for all concerned. The duration should
be specified if possible but should not take too long.
- Prepare adequately–gather the necessary materials and information in
Essentials of a valid meeting

- It should be properly convened i.e. by giving a notice

- Should be properly constituted there should be a quorum and the right
person should chain in order to lead the group
- It should follow the set agenda with little or no deviation
- It should follow set rules and regulations i.e. constitution

Accurate written record of meetings is essential no only for those who attended the meeting
but those who were unable to attend. Begin by stating the name of the organization type of
meeting when and where the meeting was held then members present and those absent with
apologies. All agenda items are then recorded along with resolutions passed.

Purpose of Minutes

- To provide a written account of a meeting

- For future reference
- Follow up of any decisions / resolutions passed
- Fulfill legal requirements
Components of Minutes

- The title of the meeting together with the data and venue of the meeting
- Members present
- Absent members
- Confirmation of the previous minutes
- Matters arising
- New business
- A.O.B
- Date and time of next meeting
Essential features of Minutes

- Brief & concise

- Complete
- Accurate
- Same as order ad agenda
- Follow regulations governing the meeting


Minutes must be written in past tense and reported speech.

For example:

AT 6.00PM
1. (start with chairperson)
(Special guests)
The meeting started with……………
The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the secretary and confirmed as true record
by …….this was seconded by……….
Questions left pending during the previous meeting can be discussed here.


Announcements from members in the meeting.
State date of next meeting and what time the meeting ended.

Revision Questions
1) Njuguna is expected to chair a meeting of the Young Farmers Association.
Advice him on what is expected of him during the meeting.
2) Meetings, unless well planned are a waste of time. Discuss.
3) You are the secretary to the students’ union group. The chairman called you
and said:
“The meeting is next Friday in the main hall. We need to discuss the
lunch-time queues in the dining hall that are now very frustrating.
There is also the matter of student lockers to be resolved because since
the double intake the lockers are not enough. The students’ common
room also needs redecorating so we should discuss what needs to be
done and elect a project manager. Apart from the usual items, that is
all.’ Prepare the agenda for the next meeting.
4) Study the Chairman’s Agenda below and write minutes from the Chairman’s
a. Apologies for absence – James, Johnson
b. Minutes of the last meeting – OK
c. Matters Arising – none
d. Hospital visit – Derek, took flowers and received letter of thanks
e. End of Year Party – 22 December 11 pm committee appointed – Green,
Johnson and Parker. To work out details and report back in 1 week)
f. Any other business
g. Date of next meeting


Suggested Answers to Revision Questions

Revision Questions
1. Njuguna is expected to chair a meeting of the Young Farmers Association. Advice
him on what is expected of him during the meeting.
• Declaring the meeting open and welcoming the members.
• To call the secretary to read the notice of the meeting if necessary.
• Ensure that they require quorum is present. Ask for apologies and the secretary
• Ensure members have copies of the previous minutes, read through them.
• Indicate what the items of the agenda are to begin/end (calling the meeting to order).
• To ensures that each member has an opportunity to speak and encourage the members
to speak.
• Ensure members behave impartially.
• Controlling the meeting how? Ruling the irrelevant remarks disallowing items not
in the agenda.
• Maintaining order (dealing with unruly members and calm down disputes).
• His/her authority is absolute and should insist that all the remarks should be made
through the ‘chair’.
• Clarify contributions by members so that each is understood by all (can summarize
discussion for the benefit of all).
• Needs to be conciliatory and accommodating.
• Ensure that the secretary has the opportunities to take notes.
• The date of the next meeting should be arranged by mutual consent of the chair.
• The chair is to declare the meeting closed/ended and thank the people for attendance.
2. How to make a meeting effective:

- Set objectives and make them clear to the participants

- Give adequate notices meeting should not be abrupt unless its an emergency
agenda too should be given
- Have suitable venue / accommodation.
The venue should be convenient accessible comfortable, quiet and chosen
according to the needs of the participants

- Time – time should be convenient for all concerned. The duration should be
specified if possible but should not take too long.
- Prepare adequately–gather the necessary materials and information in
3. Agenda
a. reading and confirmation of previous minutes
b. matters arising from previous minutes
c. lunch-time queues in the dining hall that are long and frustrating.
d. student lockers - since the double intake the lockers are not enough.
e. the students’ common room needs redecorating - discuss what needs to be
done and elect a project manager.
f. Any Other Business
g. Adjournment
1. James XXX
2. Johnson XXX


The minutes were read by XXX and confirmed as true record by XXX. This
was seconded by XXX.
There were no queries or clarifications with regards to the minutes of the
previous meeting.
Derek visited Njuguna in hospital and took flowers and received letter of
thanks from Njuguna who appreciated the gesture.
Was scheduled for 22 December 11 pm. In order to facilitate
arrangements, a committee was appointed to work out details and report
back in 1 week. Members are – Green, Johnson and Parker.
7. Any other business
8. Date of next meeting

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