Chapter 14
Chapter 14
Chapter 14
Reading: Part 5
(Incomplete Sentences)
Reading Part 5: Incomplete Sentences
1. German Auto is well-known for their 3. In 2003, the unemployment rate fell
outstanding ------- to customer ------- 2.3 percent, its lowest level
service and the unrivaled quality of in 10 years.
their cars. (A) to
(A) commitment (B) at
(B) commit (C) in
(C) committed (D) on
(D) committing
(D) herself
5. The manufacturing process of DCD 8. William Higgins, CEO of Higgins
Electronics is ------- monitored Group, said he is ------- with the
บทที่ 14
by our managers and customers. results of the survey regarding
(A) closely customer satisfaction.
(D) please
(D) continuous
------- the instructions for 10. ------- cars are now more energy
assembling our products are too efficient than before, overall fuel
(D) Moreover
ACTUAL TEST แนวข้ อสอบจริง (ชุ ดที่ 2)
1. Considering the labor costs for the 4. The vegetarian diet is more likely
repair, buying a new machine part to meet the government -------
would be ------- than repairing it. for daily meals.
(A) efficient (A) recommendations
(B) efficiently (B) recommendable
(C) more efficiently (C) recommending
(D) more efficient (D) recommend
2. The department is finally able to 5. The new business plan that was
------- the products at the service sent yesterday contains a -------
center, even though there were sales plan.
some complications. (A) proposed
(A) repaired (B) proposal
(B) repairing (C) proposes
(C) repair (D) proposing
(D) repairs
7. RightSoft program is used to help 9. The facility manager is ------- to
students correct their common reduce energy costs, increase
บทที่ 14
spelling mistakes by -------. productivity and reduce green
(A) their house gas emissions.
(D) requiring
(D) deliverer
ACTUAL TEST แนวข้ อสอบจริง (ชุ ดที่ 3)
After, Before ก็ ม� มี if คื อ ถ้ �
เผื่ อว่ � in case
2. ------- the meeting, topics will be 4. The monthly UHR Conference will
discussed by CEO and his secretary be held at the newly ------- Hilton
5. ------- iTech Corp is rumored to 8. Almost 20 percent of our customers
acquire Retro Studios by next month, ------- responded to the survey
บทที่ 14
the actual plan has not been said that our services exceed their
confirmed. expectations.
6. Over the past 30 years, the funds 9. The newspaper editor, Sarah
Foundation. of jackets.
(D) innovatively