Building Permit Order
Building Permit Order
Building Permit Order
Address: 501, Dev Dhanuka Prestige, Road no. 12, Banjara Hills
Sir / Madam,
Sub: Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation - Construction of Residential consisting of BUILDING (CLUB HOUSE) (1 Ground + 4 upper floors)
BUILDING (TOWER 1) (3 Cellar + 1 Ground + 17 upper floors) BUILDING (TOWER 2) (1 Ground + 17 upper floors) , to an extent of
13026.3, situated at GAGAN PAHAD Locality, RAJENDRANAGAR Mandal, Rangareddy District Issued - Reg.
Ref: 1. Your Application dated: 13 April, 2023
2. G.O.Ms.No.168 M.A., dt. 07-04-2012 and its time to time amendments.
Your application submitted in the reference 1st citied has been examined with reference to the rules and regulations in force and permission is hereby
sanctioned conditionally as detailed below:
1 Name of Applicant M/s Devansh Infra LLP Represented by Sanjay Kumar Bansal S/o Tarachand Bansal
2 Represented By
3 Developer / Builder M/s. Devansh Infra LLP. Rep. by Sri Sanjay Kumar Bansal Lic.No. BL/4202/2021
4 Licensed Technical Person/Architect Rajeev Kumar Sharma Lic.No. CA/2004/34682
5 Structural Engineer Zaki Ahmed Lic.No. 47
6 Others NA
1 T.S. No./Survey No./Gramkhantam/Abadi 221
35. In respect of All Non Residential Buildings and Residential Building in plot of 500 Sq.mts / 600 Sq.Yds and above, the Applicant shall comply with the
provision of Telangana State Cool Roof Policy 2023-2028 and the same is mandatory for issuance of Occupancy Certificate(OC).
36. A dual piping system is a type of plumbing system where two separate sets of pipes are installed to distribute water in a building. One set of pipes carries
potable or drinking water, while the other set of pipes carries non-potable or reclaimed water. The potable water pipes are connected to the main water supply
and distribute water for drinking, cooking, and bathing. The non-potable or reclaimed water pipes carry water that has been treated and recycled from sources
like rainwater, greywater from sinks and showers, or treated wastewater.
37. Parking places in buildings shall be provided with Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure as per Central Electricity Authority (CEA) Technical Requirements
for Connection of Distributed Generation Sources, CEA Measures of Safety Regulations, 2010 and Ministry of Power Consolidated Guidelines and Standards for EV
Charging Infrastructure, as amended from time to time".
38. For Constructions over 10,000 and above and in case of Group Housing Buildings where there are 100 units and above, the plumbing arrangement
shall be made in a way that the potable water shall be used for drinking, cooking and bathing only and for rest of the uses, provision for dual piping system shall
be made.
39. New building constructions shall have to properly demarcate sections within buildings and on rooftops for housing Broadband/digital connectivity
infrastructure / antenna. These areas should have access to power supply for reliable, always on services. Further, Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) of a
building shall include the common duct to access the common space used as telecomn room inside the building.
40. Occupancy Certificate to a building shall be granted only after ensuring that the CTI as per the prescribed standards is in place and an undertaking is given
by the Architect or Engineer certifying that building has ensured common access to all digital infrastructure to all Service providers in accordance with plan of
creation of CTI.
Yours Faithfully