Yemmiganur Municipality: Town Planning Section Building Permit Order
Yemmiganur Municipality: Town Planning Section Building Permit Order
Yemmiganur Municipality: Town Planning Section Building Permit Order
Sri/Smt. BA. File No. : 1018/0279/B/YM/GAND/2018
Sir / Madam,
Sub: Building Permission - sanctioned - Reg
Ref: Your Application dated: 10 September, 2018 u/s 209, 210 & 227 of A.P. Municipalities Act, 1965 and A.P. Building Rules 2017.
Your application submitted in the reference has been examined with reference to the rules and regulations in force and permission is hereby sanctioned
conditionally as detailed below:
By order
This is system generated report and does not require any signature. This is authorized document under rule 23 of AP building rules. For further confirmation
anyone can access the department website with file number.