Model QP 7

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Course Name: CHEMISTRY-1 Course. Code: BS-CH101 Full Marks: 70


Q1. Multiple choice questions each carry one mark [10x1=10]
(Answer any ten questions)

(i) Which of the following statements are true for a proper quantum mechanical wave function?
a) It must be single valued. b) It must be continuous.
c) It must not blow up as the co-ordinate approaches ±∞. d) All the above.

(ii) The highest occupied molecular orbital in H 2 is

a) Bonding b) Antibonding c) Nonbonding d) None.

(iii) CFSE of transition metal complexes can be determined by

a) UV-visible spectroscopy b) IR spectroscopy
c) Microwave spectroscopy d) NMR spectroscopy

(iv) Among the species O2+, O2, and O2-, the order of first ionization energy is
a) O2+ < O2 < O2- b) O2- < O2 < O2+ c) O2- < O2+ < O2 d) O2+< O2- < O2

(v) The hybridization of [Co(NH3)6]3+ complex ion is

a) sp3d b) sp3d2 c) d2sp3 d) sp2d2

(vi) In a given shell the order of screening effect is

a) f>s>d>p b) p>s>d>f c) d>p>s>p d) s>p>d>f

(vii)The most stable carbocation is

a) (CH3)2CH+ b) Ph3 C+ c) CH3CH2+ d) CH2=CH-CH2 +

(viii) The ideal gas is rushing into vacuum is

a) Reversible process b) Irreversible process
c) Some time reversible & some time irreversible d) None of these

(ix) Which of the following is true for the Galvanic cell?

a) The cell potential is always negative b) The product are less stable than the reactants
c) △G for the cell reaction is positive d) Chemical Energy is converted to Electrical Energy

(x) SN2 reaction is highly favoured in

a) Polar Solution b) Non Polar Solution c) Highly Polar Solution d) None of these

(xi) Which of the following is the enantiomer of following substrate?


H CH3 Br H H
Br , H I II

a) I b) II c) I and II d) It does not have a non-superposable enantiomer.

(xii)Which molecule is a meso compound?

H Br H3C OH H 3C F

H Br H CH3 H F

a) I b) II c) III d) More than One of the above

Short Questions each carry 5 marks
(Answer any three questions)

2. a) Derive the time independent three dimensional Schrödinger equation H  ( x, y, z )  E ( x, y, z ).
b) What is the significance of Ψ2? [4+1]

3.a) Draw the molecular energy level diagram for O 2 .

b) Explain the paramagnetic behavior of O2 under the light of MO theory as an evidence of failure of VBT. [3+2]

4. Explain Why?
a) [Ni(H2O)6]2+ is green.
b) [Ni(CN)6]2- is colourless. [2.5+2.5]

5. Briefly explain the various steps when an ideal gas is carried through a Carnot Cycle and Calculate the
efficiency of it. Prove that the efficiency of Heat Engine is always less than one. [5]

6. Predict the Hybridization and Shape of the Molecule PCl5, NH3, CO2, SF6 and BCl3. [5]

7. Explain the following statement:

a) Benzene is Aromatic.
b) HBr addition to F3C-CH=CH2 gives anti-Markownikoff’s product. [3+2]

Long Question carrying 15 marks
(Answer any three questions)

8. a) State Hund’s rule of spin multiplicity and Pauli Exclusion principle. Write down the electronic configuration of Fe (Z=26).
b) Calculate the effective nuclear charge of 4s electrons of Fe (z=26) with the help of Slater’s rule.
c) Define Pauling’s Scale of electronegativity.
d) Electron affinity of Cl is greater than F explain the phenomenon.
e) Between Becl2 and Bacl2 which one has more melting point and why?
f) Show the hybridization and calculate the CFSE of [Fe2+(H2O)6]2+ and [Fe3+(H2O)6]3+ complex ions. [(1+1+1) +2+2+2+2+4]

9. a) 2-bromo butane is treated with alcoholic KOH and then the product is reacted with alkaline KMnO 4.
What is the product of the reaction and fined out the absolute configuration?
b) What will be the product if we treat a di ester by strong base followed by acidification in reaction given below?
Explain with mechanism.

1. Base
O 2. H+

c) What will be the product when an asymmetric epoxide undergoes solvolysis in basic methanol and acidic methanol
in following reaction? Explain in terms of regioselectivity of the reaction. [5+5+ (2+3)]
H2SO4 H3C H Na+ -OCH3

10. a) Show that for a free particle in One-Dimensional box of length ‘L’, the wave function ‘ψ’ is represented as,

( )= sin ( = 1, 2, 3 … )

b) Calculate the expectation value of position x (<x>) of a free particle in One-Dimensional box of length ‘L’.
c) Find the energy required to promote an electron placed in a 1-dimensional box of length 2 A◦ from ground state
to the first excited state. Express the result in eV.
d) The relative penetration power of different orbital belonging to the same value of n is s> p> d> f –
Explain this fact using plotting between radial probability density function 4 ( ) and distance r. [5+3+3+4]

11. a) Derive the Nernst’s equation from Gibbs reaction isotherm.

b) How do you measure the pH of unknown solution using calomel electrode?
c) What type of storage cell is used in your mobile cell?
d) Calculte the equilibrium constant for the reaction at 25 ◦C.

Cu 2   Zn  Cu  Zn 2  , Given: E o Cu 2  / Cu  0 .337 V ; E o Zn 2  / Zn   0 .76V

e) Explain Galvanizing process to protect Iron from corrosion with a schematic diagram.
f) One mole of an ideal gas is allowed to expand against a piston that support 0.4 atm pressure.
The gas is expanded suddenly from initial pressure 10 atm to 0.4 atm. Pressure. The temperature kept
constant at 0°C. Calculate the Work involved here. [3+3+1+3+3+2]

12. a) Define the following elements of symmetry with a suitable example in each case:
i) Rotational axis of symmetry
ii) Plane of symmetry
iii) Centre of symmetry
iv) Alternating axis of symmetry
b) What is Beer-Lambert law? Show that absorption is linearly proportional to concentration of the solution.
c) Explain- trans-Stilbene absorbs at a longer wavelength than cis-Stilbene. [(4x2)+(2+3)+2]

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