Dark Blue Modern Programming Presentation

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This project is a user-friendly web application where you can
securely sign up, log in, and create folders to store your images. It
offers advanced features like extracting text from images and a
smart search function to help you quickly find images based on
their content. Perfect for organizing and retrieving important
photos with ease.

01 Personal Document
Management 02 Project

Description: Easily store and Description: Share project-related images

organize personal documents like and documents with team members by
IDs, licenses, and certificates. organizing them into folders.
Benefit: Efficiently manage and access
Benefit: Quickly find important project resources, enhancing teamwork and
documents using content-based productivity.
search without remembering file

03 Academic Research 04 Small Business Administration

Description: Store invoices, receipts, and

Description: Save research
other business documents.
materials, notes, and references in
Benefit: Streamline administrative tasks
designated folders.
and ensure quick retrieval of documents
Benefit: Retrieve specific
during audits or reviews.
documents based on the content,
making research more organized
and accessible.

Secure Sign-Up

User Registration: Users start by creating an account with their first name, last

name, email, and a strong password.

Password Protection: Passwords are securely hashed before being stored in the

database, ensuring that even if the database is compromised, the original

passwords remain protected.

Error Handling: The system checks for existing accounts to prevent

duplicateregistrations and provides clear error messages for any issues

encountered during sign-up.


Secure Login

User Verification: Users enter their email and password to log in. The system
verifies these credentials against stored data.
Password Comparison: Entered passwords are compared with the securely
hashed versions in the database to authenticate users.
Token Generation: Upon successful login, a JSON Web Token (JWT) is
generated and sent to the user. This token includes user-specific information
and is used for subsequent requests to verify the user's identity.

Token-Based Authentication

Token Storage: The JWT is stored securely on the client side (in local storage )
to be included in future requests.
Protected Routes: Access to certain parts of the application (like the home
page) requires a valid JWT. The backend verifies the token to ensure the user is
Token Verification: Each time the user makes a request to a protected route,
the token is sent along with the request. The backend verifies this token to
confirm the user’s identity and grant access.

Folder Creation and Management
Create Folders : Users can create
folders to organize their images
Rename and Delete Folders : Users
have the flexibility to rename or
delete folders as needed, allowing for
easy reorganization and cleanup.

Optical Character Recognition

Image Upload and Storage
Single Image Upload: Users can
Automatic Text Extraction: Uploaded
upload images one at a time, ensuring images are processed through Tesseract
each image is processed effectively by OCR to automatically extract text content
the OCR engine. This approach also from the images.
helps users accurately categorize and Content-Based Search: Extracted text
store images in the chosen folder. allows users to search for images based
Secure Storage: All images are on the content within them, making it
securely stored, ensuring that personal easy to find specific documents without
and sensitive information is protected. remembering file names.
Next Page

Smart Search Functionality
Fuzzy Search: Advanced fuzzy search
algorithms enable users to find images
and documents even if the search terms
are not exact matches.
Enhanced Accessibility: Users can
quickly locate important documents and
images using keywords related to the
content, such as "license" or "invoice."

User-Friendly Interface
ntuitive Design: The application
features a clean, intuitive user
interface that makes navigation and
use straightforward, even for non-
technical users.
Responsive Layout: The interface is
designed to be responsive, providing a
seamless experience across different
devices and screen sizes.

Freemium Model:
Basic features available for free.
Advanced features (e.g., increased storage, enhanced search
capabilities) available through a subscription plan.

Paid Model:

Charge a one-time fee or subscription for access to the full suite

of features.
Open Source:

Provide the core system as open source to encourage

community contributions and adoption.
Offer paid support and additional services.


People who want to manage their personal photo collections and documents efficiently.


Small to medium-sized enterprises looking for a reliable system to manage their digital assets.

Educational Institutions:

Schools, colleges, and universities needing an organized system for managing educational


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