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2023-2024 AnySearch (Seo) Tool

The brief introduction of the AnySearch Tool about its features and also different task allocation
and exploration with files, disk and manipulation of it, etc.

1.1 Introduction
In today's digital landscape, efficient organization and retrieval of local files are paramount for
individuals and businesses striving for productivity and workflow optimization. However,
navigating through the labyrinth of files stored on local disks can often be a daunting task,
hampering productivity and causing frustration. To address this challenge, Anysearch emerges as
a beacon of innovation, offering a Python-based desktop search tool tailored explicitly for local
disk exploration and management.

Unlike conventional search engines primarily designed for web content, Anysearch focuses on
empowering users to efficiently navigate their local file systems with precision and ease.
Leveraging the versatile capabilities of Python and modules such as os and tkinter, Anysearch
embodies a fusion of functionality and user-centric design, providing a seamless experience for
searching, browsing, and accessing files stored on local disks.

At the heart of Anysearch lies the os module, which serves as the backbone for interacting with
the underlying operating system, enabling seamless file manipulation and directory traversal.
Users can effortlessly perform tasks such as searching for specific files, copying, moving, or
deleting files, and organizing directories with unparalleled efficiency. Additionally, Anysearch
harnesses the power of the tkinter module to create an intuitive graphical interface that simplifies
the user experience, making local disk exploration a breeze for users of all skill levels. With
Anysearch, users can unlock the full potential of their local file systems, streamlining their
workflow and enhancing productivity like never before.

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2023-2024 AnySearch (Seo) Tool

1.2 Problem Statement

Navigating and managing files stored on local disks can often present significant challenges for
users, particularly in environments where large volumes of files are stored across various
directories. Traditional methods of file management, such as manual searching through file
explorer interfaces, can be time-consuming, inefficient, and prone to errors. Additionally,
accessing specific files buried within nested directories can prove to be a cumbersome task,
especially when users are unaware of the exact file paths or filenames. Furthermore, existing
desktop search tools may lack the flexibility and customization options required to effectively cater
to the diverse needs of users in accessing and managing their local disk content. While some tools
offer basic search functionalities, they may fall short in providing intuitive navigation features or
fail to support advanced search queries. Additionally, the lack of integration with the operating
system's file management functionalities can limit users' ability to perform actions such as file
opening, copying, moving, or deleting directly from the search tool interface. Moreover, users
often encounter difficulties in locating specific folders or directories within their local file systems,
especially when dealing with complex directory structures or when attempting to search within
specific directories. Without efficient directory search capabilities, users may resort to manual
browsing or rely on external tools, leading to inefficiencies and frustration. Therefore, there exists
a pressing need for a comprehensive desktop search tool that addresses these challenges by offering
robust search functionalities, intuitive navigation features, seamless integration with file
management actions, and efficient directory search capabilities. Such a tool would empower users
to efficiently explore, manage, and access files stored on their local disks, thereby enhancing

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2023-2024 AnySearch (Seo) Tool


The Concept scope of the Search engine tools to depict the different features of it.

2.1 Concept Statement

Anysearch is a Python-based desktop application designed for efficient local disk
exploration and file management. Leveraging the os and tkinter modules, Anysearch provides
users with intuitive search functionalities, allowing for quick and precise retrieval of files stored
on their local disks. With features such as clickable files for instant access, customizable search
options, and seamless directory navigation, Anysearch simplifies the process of finding and
organizing files, enhancing productivity and workflow optimization for users across various
2.2 Scope of Study

The scope of the computer department website using web development includes the
following aspects:

 User Interface Design: Investigate user interface design principles to ensure

Anysearch provides an intuitive and user-friendly experience for users of all skill

 Python Programming: Explore Python programming concepts, focusing on the

utilization of modules such as os and tkinter for efficient file management and
graphical interface development.

 File System Navigation: Study techniques for navigating and accessing files
within local disk directories, including methods for searching entire disk structures
or specific directories.

 Search Algorithms: Research and implement various search algorithms to

enhance search efficiency and accuracy, catering to diverse user search queries and
 Integration with Operating System: Investigate methods for seamless integration
with the underlying operating system to enable file management actions such as
opening, copying, moving, and deleting files directly from the Anysearch interface.

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2023-2024 AnySearch (Seo) Tool

2.3 Technologies Used

 Python: The core programming language used for developing Anysearch, offering
versatility, ease of use, and a vast array of libraries for various functionalities.

 Os module: Utilized for file management and directory traversal, enabling Anysearch to
interact with the operating system for tasks such as searching, copying, moving, and
deleting files.

 Tkinter: Employed for developing the graphical user interface (GUI) of Anysearch,
providing a platform-independent solution for creating intuitive and visually appealing

 Subprocesses: Integrated for executing external commands or subprocesses within

Anysearch, enhancing functionality by enabling interactions with external tools or

 Threading: Implemented for managing concurrent operations within Anysearch,

optimizing performance by allowing multiple tasks to be executed simultaneously without
blocking the main application thread.

 Datetime: Utilized for handling date and time-related operations within Anysearch,
facilitating functionalities such as file timestamp comparisons or displaying timestamps in
search results.

 Pyinstaller: Employed for converting the Python script into a standalone executable (exe)
file, simplifying distribution and installation of Anysearch across various platforms
without requiring users to install Python or dependencies.

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2.4 Functional Requirements

 File Search Functionality:
o Allow users to search for files by name, extension, or content.
o Provide options for advanced search parameters such as file attributes or metadata.
o Support fast and accurate search algorithms for efficient file retrieval.

 File Navigation and Management:

o Enable users to browse and navigate local disk directories seamlessly.
o Implement functionality for opening, copying, moving, and deleting files directly
from the application.
o Support the creation, renaming, and organization of folders within the file system.

 Graphical User Interface (GUI):

o Design a user-friendly GUI using tkinter for intuitive interaction with the application.
o Implement a menu bar with options for New, View, Search, Edit, Help, About,
Bookmark, and other relevant functionalities.
o Include a toolbar with quick access buttons for common actions such as opening files,
searching, and managing bookmarks.

 Specific Directory Access:

o Allow users to specify a directory or path for targeted searches or navigation.
o Provide options for bookmarking frequently accessed directories for quick access.

 Search Performance Optimization:

o Implement multithreading to optimize search performance and responsiveness,
allowing concurrent search operations.
o Utilize efficient search algorithms and indexing techniques to minimize search time
and resource usage.

 File Preview and Quick Access:

o Enable users to preview file contents directly within the application before opening.

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o Implement features for quickly accessing recently opened files or bookmarked

locations for enhanced user convenience.

 Help and Documentation:

o Provide comprehensive help documentation and tooltips to assist users in navigating
and utilizing the application effectively.
o Include an About section to display application information, version details, and

 Error Handling and Feedback:

o Implement robust error handling mechanisms to gracefully handle exceptions and
unexpected scenarios.
o Provide informative feedback to users regarding search results, file operations, and
any encountered errors or warnings.

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3.1 Here is the implementation of the mini project with help of python language
import os
import subprocess
import shutil
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk, filedialog, messagebox, simpledialog
import datetime
import threading
import webbrowser
import qrcode

from PIL import Image, ImageTk

# Global variable to store the last search query

last_query = ""

def list_files(directory, max_depth=3, current_depth=0):

files_list = []
if current_depth > max_depth:
return files_list
for file in os.scandir(directory):
if file.is_file():
elif file.is_dir() and not'.') and not
files_list.extend(list_files(file.path, max_depth, current_depth
+ 1))
except (PermissionError, FileNotFoundError):
return files_list

def search_files(query, files_list):

matching_files = []
for file in files_list:
if query.lower() in file.path.lower():
return matching_files

def filter_files(filter_type, files_list):

filtered_files = []
for file in files_list:
if filter_type == "Everything":

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elif filter_type == "PDF" and".pdf"):
elif filter_type == "Video" and".mp4",
".avi", ".mkv")):
elif filter_type == "Audio" and".mp3"):
elif filter_type == "Photo" and".jpeg",
".png", ".jpg")):
elif filter_type == "Word" and".docx"):
elif filter_type == "Excel" and".xlsx"):
return filtered_files

def open_selected_file(event):
selected_item = result_tree.focus()
if selected_item:
selected_file = result_tree.item(selected_item)['values']
if event.num == 1: # Left-click
subprocess.Popen(["start", " ", selected_file[1]], shell=True)
elif event.num == 3: # Right-click
subprocess.Popen(["explorer", os.path.dirname(selected_file[1])])

def perform_search(event=None):
global last_query
# Get the query from the entry
query = query_entry.get()

# If query is empty or hasn't changed, return

if not query or query == last_query:

last_query = query

# Perform search in a separate thread

search_thread = threading.Thread(target=do_search, args=(query,))

def do_search(query):
files = []
search_directory = search_entry.get()
if search_directory and os.path.isdir(search_directory):

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for drive in range(ord('A'), ord('Z')+1):
drive_letter = chr(drive) + ":\\"

matching_files = search_files(query, files)

# Filter files based on selected filter option

filter_type = filter_var.get()
filtered_files = filter_files(filter_type, matching_files)

# Schedule the update of result_tree in the main thread

root.after(0, update_result_tree, filtered_files)

def update_result_tree(matching_files):
if matching_files:
for file in matching_files:
size_mb = round(os.path.getsize(file.path) / (1024 * 1024), 2)
mod_time =
result_tree.insert('', 'end', values=(, file.path, size_mb,
result_tree.insert('', 'end', values=("No matching files found.", "", "",

# Function to handle "New" command

def new_command():
subprocess.Popen(["python", ""])

# Function to handle "Open" command

def open_command():
selected_item = result_tree.focus()
if selected_item:
selected_file = result_tree.item(selected_item)['values']
subprocess.Popen(["start", " ", selected_file[1]], shell=True)

# Function to handle "Exit" command

def exit_command():

# Function to handle "About" command

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def about_command():
about_text = """
Welcome to the AnySearch Tool!

This tool allows you to search for files on your computer.

You can perform a search using the search bar, and the results
will be displayed in a table format below.

Menu Bar Commands:

- File: New, Open, Exit
- Edit: Cut, Copy, Paste
- View: Toggle Hidden Files
- Search: Search Everything
- Bookmarks: Add Bookmark
- Tools: Options
- Help: About

The Developers are Aaditya Sirsath, Ayush Ther, Ayush Shirbhate, Jay Gulhane,
Mayur Uparikar, Soham Sawalakhe!!!

Have a great time using the AnySearch Tool!

messagebox.showinfo("About AnySearch Tool", about_text)

# Function to handle "Cut" command

def cut_command():
selected_item = result_tree.focus()
if selected_item:
selected_file = result_tree.item(selected_item)['values']

# Function to handle "Copy" command

def copy_command():
selected_item = result_tree.focus()
if selected_item:
selected_file = result_tree.item(selected_item)['values']

# Function to handle "Paste" command

def paste_command():
query_entry.delete(0, 'end')
query_entry.insert('end', root.clipboard_get())

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# Function to toggle hidden files visibility

def toggle_hidden_files():
pass # Implement this function to toggle visibility of hidden files

# Define a global variable to store bookmarks

bookmarks = []

# Function to add a bookmark

def add_bookmark():
selected_item = result_tree.focus()
if selected_item:
selected_file = result_tree.item(selected_item)['values']
messagebox.showinfo("Bookmark Added", "Bookmark added successfully.")

# Function to view bookmarks

def view_bookmarks():
if bookmarks:
bookmarks_info = "\n".join([f"{index + 1}. {bookmark[0]}: {bookmark[1]}"
for index, bookmark in enumerate(bookmarks)])
messagebox.showinfo("Bookmarks", f"Your Bookmarks:\n\n{bookmarks_info}")
messagebox.showinfo("Bookmarks", "You have no bookmarks yet.")

# Function to delete a bookmark

def delete_bookmark():
if bookmarks:
selected_index = simpledialog.askinteger("Delete Bookmark", "Enter the
index of the bookmark you want to delete:")
if selected_index and 1 <= selected_index <= len(bookmarks):
del bookmarks[selected_index - 1]
messagebox.showinfo("Bookmark Deleted", "Bookmark deleted
messagebox.showinfo("Bookmarks", "You have no bookmarks to delete.")

# Function to handle options menu

def show_options():
messagebox.showinfo("Options", "Options menu")

# Function to change GUI theme to a professional color scheme

def change_theme():
# Change theme to a professional color scheme
root.tk_setPalette(background='#ECECEC', foreground='#333333',
activeBackground='#CCCCCC', activeForeground='#000000')

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# Function to share selected file via Gmail

def share_via_gmail():
selected_item = result_tree.focus()
if selected_item:
selected_file = result_tree.item(selected_item)['values']
file_path = selected_file[1]"mailto:?subject=File%20Attachment&body=Please%20find%20
messagebox.showerror("Error", "No file selected.")

# Function to delete selected file

def delete_file():
selected_item = result_tree.focus()
if selected_item:
selected_file = result_tree.item(selected_item)['values']
file_path = selected_file[1]
messagebox.showinfo("Success", "File deleted successfully.")
perform_search() # Refresh search results after deletion
except Exception as e:
messagebox.showerror("Error", f"Failed to delete file: {e}")
messagebox.showerror("Error", "No file selected.")

# Function to rename selected file

def rename_file():
selected_item = result_tree.focus()
if selected_item:
selected_file = result_tree.item(selected_item)['values']
source_file = selected_file[1]
new_name = filedialog.asksaveasfilename(title="Enter New Name",
if new_name:
os.rename(source_file, new_name)
messagebox.showinfo("Success", "File renamed successfully.")
except Exception as e:
messagebox.showerror("Error", f"Error renaming file: {e}")

# Function to copy selected file to a destination directory

def copy_file():
selected_item = result_tree.focus()

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if selected_item:
selected_file = result_tree.item(selected_item)['values']
file_path = selected_file[1]
destination_folder = filedialog.askdirectory(title="Select Destination
if destination_folder:
shutil.copy(file_path, destination_folder)
messagebox.showinfo("Success", "File copied successfully.")
except Exception as e:
messagebox.showerror("Error", f"Failed to copy file: {e}")
messagebox.showerror("Error", "No file selected.")

# Function to move selected file to a destination directory

def move_file():
selected_item = result_tree.focus()
if selected_item:
selected_file = result_tree.item(selected_item)['values']
file_path = selected_file[1]
destination_folder = filedialog.askdirectory(title="Select Destination
if destination_folder:
shutil.move(file_path, destination_folder)
messagebox.showinfo("Success", "File moved successfully.")
perform_search() # Refresh search results after moving
except Exception as e:
messagebox.showerror("Error", f"Failed to move file: {e}")
messagebox.showerror("Error", "No file selected.")

# Function to create a new folder

def create_new_folder():
destination_folder = filedialog.askdirectory(title="Select Destination
if destination_folder:
new_folder_name = simpledialog.askstring("New Folder", "Enter the name of
the new folder:")
if new_folder_name:
new_folder_path = os.path.join(destination_folder, new_folder_name)
messagebox.showinfo("Success", "Folder created successfully.")
except Exception as e:

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messagebox.showerror("Error", f"Failed to create folder: {e}")

# Function to analyze disk usage of a directory

def analyze_disk_usage():
directory = filedialog.askdirectory(initialdir="/", title="Select Directory
to Analyze")
if directory:
total_size = 0
for root_dir, dirs, files in os.walk(directory):
for file in files:
file_path = os.path.join(root_dir, file)
total_size += os.path.getsize(file_path)
total_size_mb = total_size / (1024 * 1024)
messagebox.showinfo("Disk Usage Analysis", f"The total disk usage of
{directory} is {total_size_mb:.2f} MB.")
except Exception as e:
messagebox.showerror("Error", f"An error occurred: {str(e)}")

def change_theme(default_theme='gray'):
# Create a new window for theme customization
theme_window = tk.Toplevel(root)
theme_window.title("Customize Theme")

# Define variables to store selected colors

background_color = tk.StringVar(value=default_theme)
foreground_color = tk.StringVar()
button_color = tk.StringVar()

def apply_theme():
# Get selected colors
bg_color = background_color.get()
fg_color = foreground_color.get()
btn_color = button_color.get()

# Apply selected colors to the root window

root.tk_setPalette(background=bg_color, foreground=fg_color,
activeBackground=btn_color, activeForeground=fg_color)

# Create labels and color pickers for each element

bg_label = tk.Label(theme_window, text="Background Color:")
bg_label.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=10, pady=5)

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bg_picker = tk.ttk.Combobox(theme_window, textvariable=background_color,

values=("white", "black", "gray", "blue", "green", "red"))
bg_picker.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=10, pady=5)

fg_label = tk.Label(theme_window, text="Foreground Color:")

fg_label.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=10, pady=5)
fg_picker = tk.ttk.Combobox(theme_window, textvariable=foreground_color,
values=("black", "white", "gray", "blue", "green", "red"))
fg_picker.grid(row=1, column=1, padx=10, pady=5)

btn_label = tk.Label(theme_window, text="Button Color:")

btn_label.grid(row=2, column=0, padx=10, pady=5)
btn_picker = tk.ttk.Combobox(theme_window, textvariable=button_color,
values=("blue", "green", "red", "yellow", "orange", "purple"))
btn_picker.grid(row=2, column=1, padx=10, pady=5)

apply_button = tk.Button(theme_window, text="Apply", command=apply_theme)

apply_button.grid(row=3, columnspan=2, padx=10, pady=10)

# Function to display the contents of a text file

def preview_text_file():
selected_item = result_tree.focus()
if selected_item:
selected_file = result_tree.item(selected_item)['values']
file_path = selected_file[1]
if file_path.lower().endswith(".txt"):
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
file_contents =
# Display file contents in a popup window
preview_window = tk.Toplevel(root)
preview_window.title("Text File Preview")

text_preview = tk.Text(preview_window, wrap="word")

text_preview.insert("1.0", file_contents)
text_preview.pack(fill="both", expand=True)
except Exception as e:
messagebox.showerror("Error", f"Failed to preview file: {e}")
messagebox.showinfo("Information", "This feature only supports
previewing text files (*.txt).")
messagebox.showinfo("Information", "No file selected.")

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# Function to generate and display the QR code with download link

def generate_qr_code():
selected_item = result_tree.focus()
if selected_item:
selected_file = result_tree.item(selected_item)['values']
file_path = selected_file[1]

# Generate download link for the file

download_link = f"file://{os.path.abspath(file_path)}"

# Generate QR code
qr = qrcode.QRCode(version=1,
error_correction=qrcode.constants.ERROR_CORRECT_L, box_size=10, border=4)

# Create QR code image

qr_image = qr.make_image(fill_color="black", back_color="white")

# Display QR code image in a dialog
messagebox.showerror("Error", "No file selected.")
# GUI setup
root = tk.Tk()
root.title("AnySearch Tool")
root.geometry("1200x800") # Set initial window size

# Set default theme to gray


query_frame = tk.Frame(root)
query_frame.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=10, pady=5, sticky="w")

label_search = tk.Label(query_frame, text="Search Query:")

label_search.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=5, pady=5, sticky="e")

query_entry = tk.Entry(query_frame, width=30)

query_entry.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=5, pady=5)

search_label = tk.Label(query_frame, text="Search Directory:")

search_label.grid(row=0, column=2, padx=5, pady=5, sticky="e")

search_entry = tk.Entry(query_frame, width=30)

search_entry.grid(row=0, column=3, padx=5, pady=5)

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search_button = tk.Button(query_frame, text="Select Directory", command=lambda:

search_button.grid(row=0, column=4, padx=5, pady=5)

def select_directory():
# Clear existing entry
search_entry.delete(0, 'end')
# Insert selected directory
search_entry.insert('end', filedialog.askdirectory())

filter_var = tk.StringVar()

filter_options = ["Everything", "PDF", "Video", "Audio", "Photo", "Word",

filter_dropdown = tk.OptionMenu(query_frame, filter_var, *filter_options)
filter_dropdown.grid(row=0, column=5, padx=5, pady=5)

result_tree = ttk.Treeview(root, columns=("Name", "Path", "Size (MB)", "Date

Modified"), show="headings")
result_tree.heading("Name", text="Name")
result_tree.heading("Path", text="Path")
result_tree.heading("Size (MB)", text="Size (MB)")
result_tree.heading("Date Modified", text="Date Modified")

# Center-align "Size (MB)" and "Date Modified" columns

result_tree.column("Size (MB)", anchor="center")
result_tree.column("Date Modified", anchor="center")

result_tree.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=10, pady=5, sticky="nsew")

# Expand widgets within the grid cell

root.grid_rowconfigure(1, weight=1)
root.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)

# Bind search function to KeyRelease event of search entry widget

query_entry.bind("<KeyRelease>", perform_search)

# Bind double click and right-click events

result_tree.bind("<Double-Button-1>", open_selected_file)
result_tree.bind("<Button-3>", open_selected_file)

# Menu Bar
menu_bar = tk.Menu(root)

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# File Menu
file_menu = tk.Menu(menu_bar, tearoff=0)
menu_bar.add_cascade(label="File", menu=file_menu)
file_menu.add_command(label="New", command=new_command)
file_menu.add_command(label="Open", command=open_command)
file_menu.add_command(label="Exit", command=exit_command)

# Edit Menu
edit_menu = tk.Menu(menu_bar, tearoff=0)
menu_bar.add_cascade(label="Edit", menu=edit_menu)
edit_menu.add_command(label="Cut", command=cut_command)
edit_menu.add_command(label="Copy", command=copy_command)
edit_menu.add_command(label="Paste", command=paste_command)

# View Menu
view_menu = tk.Menu(menu_bar, tearoff=0)
menu_bar.add_cascade(label="View", menu=view_menu)
view_menu.add_command(label="Toggle Hidden Files")
view_menu.add_command(label="Change Theme", command=change_theme)

# Search Menu
search_menu = tk.Menu(menu_bar, tearoff=0)
menu_bar.add_cascade(label="Search", menu=search_menu)
search_menu.add_command(label="Search Everything", command=perform_search)

# Add "Bookmarks" menu to the menu bar

bookmarks_menu = tk.Menu(menu_bar, tearoff=0)
menu_bar.add_cascade(label="Bookmarks", menu=bookmarks_menu)
bookmarks_menu.add_command(label="Add Bookmark", command=add_bookmark)
bookmarks_menu.add_command(label="View Bookmarks", command=view_bookmarks)
bookmarks_menu.add_command(label="Delete Bookmark", command=delete_bookmark)

# Tools Menu
tools_menu = tk.Menu(menu_bar, tearoff=0)
menu_bar.add_cascade(label="Tools", menu=tools_menu)
tools_menu.add_command(label="Options", command=show_options)

# Help Menu
help_menu = tk.Menu(menu_bar, tearoff=0)
menu_bar.add_cascade(label="Help", menu=help_menu)
help_menu.add_command(label="About", command=about_command)

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# Share Menu
share_menu = tk.Menu(menu_bar, tearoff=0)
menu_bar.add_cascade(label="Share", menu=share_menu)
share_menu.add_command(label="Share via Gmail", command=share_via_gmail)

# Add "File Operations" submenu to the menu bar

file_operations_menu = tk.Menu(menu_bar, tearoff=0)
menu_bar.add_cascade(label="File Operations", menu=file_operations_menu)
file_operations_menu.add_command(label="Delete", command=delete_file)
file_operations_menu.add_command(label="Rename", command=rename_file)
file_operations_menu.add_command(label="Copy", command=copy_file)
file_operations_menu.add_command(label="Move", command=move_file)

# Add "New Folder" option to the "File Operations" menu

file_operations_menu.add_command(label="New Folder", command=create_new_folder)

# Add "Analyze Disk Usage" option to the "Tools" menu

tools_menu.add_command(label="Analyze Disk Usage", command=analyze_disk_usage)

# Change theme to a professional color scheme

root.tk_setPalette(background='white', foreground='black',
activeBackground='#87CEEB', activeForeground='black')

# Add "Preview" button to the GUI

preview_button = tk.Button(query_frame, text="Preview",
preview_button.grid(row=0, column=6, padx=5, pady=5)

# Add "Generate QR Code" option to the "Tools" menu

tools_menu.add_command(label="Generate QR Code", command=generate_qr_code)

# Run the GUI


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4.1 Graphic User Interface

This is the interface of the desktop application which is anysearch tool which is
interactive and responsive.

Fig 4.1. GUI

4.2 Search Result

In this field there the search result is shown of the app which give the fast as well
depthness in the searches.

Fig 4.2.a Search Result

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2023-2024 AnySearch (Seo) Tool

In this field there the search result is shown of the app which give the fast as well
depthness in the searches using the directory button to select particular folder.

Fig 4.2.b Search Result using Directory

4.3 Menu Bar Functionality

In this field the responsiveness of the menu bar is given as there functions fields such as
file,edit,view,,tool,share.file operation and the sub parts of them.

Fig 4.3.a. Menu Bar Functinality

In this field the responsiveness of the menu bar is given as there functions and using the
commands of it as funncitons which are helpful in manipulation of files and folders.

Fig 4.3.b. File Operation Functions

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2023-2024 AnySearch (Seo) Tool

In this field the about page is shown in under the help button where the application
discription is given as well how to use it.

Fig 4.3.c. About page

In this field the share button and its functionality is shown as to share any file directly
from the app.

Fig 4.3.d. Share button functionality

4.4 AnySearch Tool

In this field there is the icon shown of the anysearch tool desktop application

Fig 4.4. AnySearch Tool

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2023-2024 AnySearch (Seo) Tool

4.5 File Filtering option

Just like in the app there is slider option for the filtering for the searches as video, pdf,
text, audio and everything etc

Fig 4.5. File filtering

4.6 Disk usage Analysis

In this feature the disk usage of the particular file or directory is shown in the analysis
disk portion.

Fig 4.6. Disk Usage Analysis

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2023-2024 AnySearch (Seo) Tool

4.7 Qr code generator+

In this feature by selecting the particular file the qr code is generated of it through which
the file location is send.

Fig 4.7. Qr code generator

4.8 Text Preview

In this feature we can see the text in the app itself and we don’t need to open it in a other
app or something.

Fig 4.8. Text Preview

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2023-2024 AnySearch (Seo) Tool

4.9 Customize Theme

In this feature the theme of the app can change by the choice of the user it is customizble
as we need.

Fig 4.9. Customize Theme

4.10 Bookmark option

In this option there is the add bookmark , view bookmark and delete bookmark option

Fig 4.10. Bookmark option

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2023-2024 AnySearch (Seo) Tool


These are some of the advantages and disadvantages of the Anysearch Seo Tool in which there is
pros and cons of it

5.1 Advantages
 Efficient File Management: Anysearch streamlines file management tasks, facilitating
quick and organized access to files stored on local disks.

 Intuitive User Interface: The user-friendly GUI of Anysearch ensures ease of navigation
and interaction, catering to users with varying levels of technical expertise.

 Customizable Search Options: Anysearch offers advanced search parameters and

filtering options, enabling users to refine search queries for precise results.

 Enhanced Productivity: By simplifying file navigation and search processes, Anysearch

enhances user productivity, saving time and effort in locating and accessing files.

 Quick File Preview: The ability to preview file contents before opening improves user
efficiency and reduces the need to open multiple files to find the desired information.

 Optimized Performance: Through multithreading and efficient search algorithms,

Anysearch delivers fast and responsive search results, enhancing overall performance and
user experience.

 Cross-Platform Compatibility: Anysearch's Python-based nature and tkinter GUI

framework provide cross-platform compatibility, allowing users to access and utilize the
tool across different operating systems seamlessly.

 Community Support: Being developed in Python, Anysearch benefits from a large and
active Python community, providing access to extensive documentation, tutorials, and
community forums for support and troubleshooting.

 Scalability: Anysearch's modular architecture allows for scalability, enabling future

enhancements and feature additions to accommodate evolving user needs and
technological advancements.

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2023-2024 AnySearch (Seo) Tool

5.2 Disadvantages
 Learning Curve: Users unfamiliar with Python or desktop search tools may require
some time to learn how to utilize Anysearch effectively, potentially hindering immediate

 Dependency on Python Environment: Anysearch relies on the presence of the Python

environment, which may require additional installation steps for users who do not already
have Python installed on their systems.

 Limited Platform Compatibility: Anysearch's compatibility may be limited to

platforms supported by Python and tkinter, potentially excluding users on certain
operating systems or environments.

 Potential Complexity: Advanced features and customization options in Anysearch may

introduce complexity for some users, requiring additional learning or configuration effort
to fully utilize the tool's capabilities.

 Resource Consumption: Running Anysearch alongside other resource-intensive

applications may lead to increased system resource consumption, potentially impacting
the overall performance of the user's system.

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2023-2024 AnySearch (Seo) Tool


The Anysearch tool depicts the future scope about more Digital era with a proper
conclusion to it.
6.1 Conclusion
Anysearch revolutionizes desktop search technology, offering a seamless solution for
local disk exploration and file management. Harnessing Python's versatility and modules
like os and tkinter, Anysearch embodies functionality and intuitive design. Its user-centric
interface, featuring a menu bar and toolbar, simplifies navigation and boosts productivity.
Advanced search parameters empower users to refine queries, enhancing file retrieval
efficiency. Anysearch's preview feature and specific directory access streamline file
management, ensuring quick access to frequently used files. With multithreading and
efficient search algorithms, Anysearch delivers fast results while minimizing resource
usage. Despite a potential learning curve, Anysearch's benefits outweigh drawbacks. Its
cross-platform compatibility and scalability make it adaptable to diverse environments.
Supported by the Python community, Anysearch offers ample support and room for future
enhancements. In conclusion, Anysearch epitomizes Python's prowess, empowering users
to navigate local file systems effortlessly and optimize productivity.

6.2 Future Scope

Anysearch has significant potential for future enhancements, including the
integration of machine learning algorithms to personalize search results and predictive
suggestions, as well as the implementation of natural language processing for more
intuitive user interactions. Furthermore, expanding Anysearch's capabilities to include
collaboration features for shared file management tasks and integration with cloud storage
services for seamless access to both local and cloud-based files would greatly enhance its
utility. Additionally, the development of a mobile version of Anysearch and integration
with productivity tools could extend its accessibility and usefulness across various
platforms and work environments. Strengthening security features, such as encryption and
access controls, would address concerns regarding data privacy and confidentiality.
Overall, Anysearch has a promising future with opportunities for continued innovation and
enhancement to meet the evolving needs of users in file management and exploration.

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