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Mark Scheme (Results)

January 2022

Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Level

In Further Pure Mathematics F1
Edexcel and BTEC Qualifications

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January 2022
Publications Code WFM01_01_2201_MS
All the material in this publication is copyright
© Pearson Education Ltd 2022
General Marking Guidance

• All candidates must receive the same treatment. Examiners must

mark the first candidate in exactly the same way as they mark the
• Mark schemes should be applied positively. Candidates must be
rewarded for what they have shown they can do rather than
penalised for omissions.
• Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme not according
to their perception of where the grade boundaries may lie.
• There is no ceiling on achievement. All marks on the mark scheme
should be used appropriately.
• All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be awarded.
Examiners should always award full marks if deserved, i.e. if the
answer matches the mark scheme. Examiners should also be
prepared to award zero marks if the candidate’s response is not
worthy of credit according to the mark scheme.
• Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will provide the
principles by which marks will be awarded and exemplification may
be limited.
• When examiners are in doubt regarding the application of the mark
scheme to a candidate’s response, the team leader must be
• Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the candidate has
replaced it with an alternative response.

General Instructions for Marking

1. The total number of marks for the paper is 75

2. The Edexcel Mathematics mark schemes use the following types of marks:

• M marks: Method marks are awarded for ‘knowing a method and

attempting to apply it’, unless otherwise indicated.
• Amarks: Accuracy marks can only be awarded if the relevant method (M)
marks have been earned.
• B marks are unconditional accuracy marks (independent of M marks)
• Marks should not be subdivided.

3. Abbreviations

These are some of the traditional marking abbreviations that will appear
in the mark schemes.

• bod – benefit of doubt

• ft – follow through
• the symbol will be used for correct ft
• cao – correct answer only
• cso - correct solution only. There must be no errors in this part of the
question to obtain this mark
• isw – ignore subsequent working
• awrt – answers which round to
• SC: special case
• o.e. – or equivalent (and appropriate)
• d… or dep – dependent
• indep – independent
• dp decimal places
• sf significant figures
•  The answer is printed on the paper or ag- answer given
• or d… The second mark is dependent on gaining the first mark

4. All A marks are ‘correct answer only’ (cao), unless shown, for example,
as A1ft to indicate that previous wrong working is to be followed
through. After a misread however, the subsequent A marks affected are
treated as A ft, but manifestly absurd answers should never be awarded
A marks.

5. For misreading which does not alter the character of a question or

materially simplify it, deduct two from any A or B marks gained, in that
part of the question affected.

6. If a candidate makes more than one attempt at any question:

• If all but one attempt is crossed out, mark the attempt which is NOT
crossed out.
• If either all attempts are crossed out or none are crossed out, mark
all the attempts and score the highest single attempt.

7. Ignore wrong working or incorrect statements following a correct answer.

General Principles for Further Pure Mathematics Marking
(But note that specific mark schemes may sometimes override these general principles)

Method mark for solving 3 term quadratic:

1. Factorisation

( x 2 + bx + c) = ( x + p )( x + q ), where pq = c , leading to x = ...

(ax 2 + bx + c) = (mx + p )(nx + q ), where pq = c and mn = a , leading to x = ...

2. Formula

Attempt to use the correct formula (with values for a, band c).

3. Completing the square

 b
Solving x + bx + c = 0 :
 x ±  ± q ± c = 0, q ≠ 0 , leading to x = ...
 2

Method marks for differentiation and integration:

1. Differentiation
Power of at least one term decreased by 1. ( x n → x n −1 )

2. Integration
Power of at least one term increased by 1. ( x n → x n +1 )
Use of a formula

Where a method involves using a formula that has been learnt, the advice
given in recent examiners’ reports is that the formula should be quoted

Normal marking procedure is as follows:

Method mark for quoting a correct formula and attempting to use it, even
if there are small errors in the substitution of values.

Where the formula is not quoted, the method mark can be gained by
implication from correct working with values but may be lost if there is
any mistake in the working.

Exact answers

Examiners’ reports have emphasised that where, for example, an exact

answer is asked for, or working with surds is clearly required, marks will
normally be lost if the candidate resorts to using rounded decimals.
Question Scheme Marks

1. det M = 3x × ( 2 − x ) − ( 4 x + 1) × 7 =... M1

−3 x 2 − 22 x − 7 or 3 x 2 + 22 x + 7
= A1

= ( −3x − 1)( x + 7 ) 0 ⇒ x =...

−3x 2 − 22 x − 7 0 ⇒= M1
−3 x 2 − 22 x − 7 > 0 ⇒ "− 7" < x < "− " M1
1 1
So range is −7 < x < − or ( x ∈)  −7, −  A1
3  3

(5 marks)


M1: Attempts to expand the determinant of M. Allow with + between the 2 products.
A1: Correct simplified quadratic with = or an inequality sign or neither
M1: Attempts to solve their three term quadratic, any valid means (usual rules – see front pages).
Correct answers seen implies correct method. Can be awarded even if the roots are complex.
M1: Chooses the inside region for their roots, accept with strict or loose inequalities.
A1: Correct answer. Accept x > −7 ∩ x < −
Question Scheme Marks




(b) (i) =| z1 | 32 + 52
= 34 B1


(ii) z1 3 + 5i −2 − 6i
= × = ... M1
z2 −2 + 6i −2 − 6i
−6 − 18i − 10i + 30
= A1
3 7
= − i A1
5 10
(c) z1 −7 −7 7
= arctan
= 10 arctan
= ... but allow arctan for M1 M1
z2 3 6 6
= −0.86 or 5.42 (awrt) A1
(8 marks)

M1: Points in correct quadrants - z1 in quadrant 1 and z2 in quadrant 2. Must be clearly labelled
either eg z1 or 3 + 5i or correct numbers on the axes. (Accept with vector arrows.)
A1: Correct diagram, z1 in first quadrant further away from real axis than imaginary and z2 in
second quadrant, closer to imaginary axis but above z1 OR correct nos on their axes (imag axis may
include i), but not dashes w/o any indication of scale.
Allow M1A0 for points unlabelled but diagram otherwise correct.
B1: Correct modulus. Must be evaluated to 34 Question says “without using your calculator” so
decimal answers can be ignored (isw) but exact answer must be seen somewhere.

M1: Multiplies numerator and denominator by the conjugate of their denominator.
A1: Correct unsimplified (or simplified) numerator, with the i2 correctly dealt with, and correct
6 7
A1: Correct answer. Allow as shown, − i , or 0.6 - 0.7i.
10 10
 7  7
M1: For arctan  ± " "  (not necessarily simplified to this) or tan α =± α=... This mark is
 6  6
 6 
available if answer is given in degrees. Can use arctan  ± " "  provided a complete method to
 7 
reach the correct arg is seen.
A1:For awrt −0.86 or awrt 5.42 Must be radians.

ALT for (c):

M1: Use argz1 – arg z2 correctly
A1: Correct answer
Question Scheme Marks

3(a) 9 
 ,0 B1
2 

(b) PS = 9 B1
9 9 9  9
xP =−= + 9 = ⇒ OP   + 18 ×  ...
2 2 2  2

9 9 5
So perimeter = " "+ "9"+ " " dM1
2 2
27 + 9 5
= oe A1

(5 marks)


B1: Correct coordinates.
B1: Deduces PS = 9 from the focus directrix property (may be implied by seeing it embedded in an
expression for the perimeter). May find coordinates of P first and then attempt Pythagoras theorem –
must be correct. May be seen on the diagram. Allow even if incorrect value used later.
M1: Uses distance from directrix to find x coordinate of P and goes on to find OP by Pythagoras
(with a plus sign).
dM1: Sums their three side lengths. Extras – including 0 – score M0. Depends on the previous M
A1: Correct answer. Equivalents must be in simplified surd form.
Question Scheme Marks

4(a) 4 − 3i B1


(b) ( x − (4 + 3i) ) ( x − ( 4 − 3i ) ) =
... M1

x 2 − 8 x + 25 A1
(c) 225
E.g. Product of roots is 225, so product of real roots is =9
25 M1
Or x + Ax + Bx + Cx + 225 = ( x − 8 x + 25 )( x + ... + 9 )
4 3 2 2 2

Hence (as root is positive) repeated real root is 3 A1


(d) (x 2
− 8 x + 25 )( x 2 − 6 x + 9 )
=x 4 − 6 x 3 + 9 x 2 − 8 x 3 + 48 x 2 − 72 x + 25 x 2 − 150 x + 225
=x 4 − 14 x3 + 82 x 2 − 222 x + 225 Two correct middle term coefficients A1

SoA = −14, B = 82 and C = −222 (or accept in the quartic) A1

(8 marks)
B1: For 4 – 3i
M1: Correct strategy to find a quadratic factor. May expand as shown in scheme, or may look for
sum of roots and product of roots first and then write down the factor.
A1: Correct quadratic factor. Can be written down – give M1A1 if correct, M0A0 if incorrect.
Ignore “= 0” with their quadratic factor.
Alt for (b):
M1: Product of complex roots is 25, so product of real roots is = 9 , so the (positive) real root is
“3”, hence quadratic factor is ( x − "3")

A1: x 2 − 6 x + 9 or ( x − 3)

M1: A complete strategy to deduce the real root or its square. May consider product of roots, as in
scheme, or may first attempt to factorise/long division to find the other quadratic factor – award at
the point the quadratic factor with real roots is found. May have been seen in (b)
A1: Real root is 3. (No need to see rejection of the negative possibility.)
Not a “show that” so award M1A1 if correct root is written down with no working.
M1: Attempts to expand the two quadratic factors – one of which must have a repeated root, so
( x 2 ± 9 ) scores M0. (Alternative, may apply –(sum of roots) to find A, pair sum to find B etc –
accept method for at least two constants.)
A1: Two correct values of the three. Accept as embedded in a quartic equation.
A1: All three correct. Accept as embedded in their quartic equation.
If their answers are wrong a correct method would get M1A0A0 but w/o some working score M0
Question Scheme Marks

5(a) π 
Two of: Rotation; about O; through 60°   (anticlockwise) M1
π 
All of: Rotation about O through 60°   (anticlockwise) A1

(b)  0 −1
  B1
 −1 0 

(c)  1 3

 0 −1  2

2 
R =  M1
 −1 0   3 1 
 
 2 2 
 3 1
− − 
= 2 2
QP correctly found A1
 1 3
 − 
 2 2 

(d)  3 3 3 
− − 
3R =  2 2 
or correctly deals with 3 as a multiple. B1ft
 3 3 3
 − 
 2 2 
Required matrix is
3 3 3 
 
1  2 2  = ..
( 3R ) =
 3 3  3 3   3  3  3  3 3
−   −  −  −   − 
 2  2   2  2   2 2  M1
 3 1 
 
1 2 2  = ..
Or ( R ) =
 .
 3  3   1  1   1 1 3
−   −  −  −   − 
 2   2   2  2   2 2 

3 3 3   3 1
  − − 
1  2 2   6 6
( 3R ) =
= A1
−9  3 3 3  1 3
 −   − 
 2 2   6 6 
(8 marks)

M1: Two aspects of the type, centre of rotation and angle correct. Accept equivalent angles or angle
in radians. (E.g. 300° clockwise is fine). Assume anticlockwise unless otherwise stated.
A1: Fully correct description. Accept just 60° for the angle, but 60° clockwise is incorrect
B1: Correct matrix.
M1: Attempts to multiply Q and P in the correct order.
A1: QP correct
B1ft: Multiplies all elements of their matrix by 3, or multiplies all elements of their R−1 by
M1: Attempts the inverse of their 3R or R. This must be a complete method – ie must transpose and
evaluate the determinant and use it. Alternatively, they may attempt an inverse from first principles.
Award this mark if a slip is made in solving their simultaneous equations.
A1: Correct answer. Accept alternative forms
Question Scheme Marks

6(a) 5
(i) α + β =− B1
(ii) αβ = − B1

(b)  3  3 α + β  5  −5  − A
α −  +  β −  =(α + β ) − 3  =− − 3  × M1
 β  α  αβ  A  A  12
5 15 5
− ...
− =⇒ A = dM1
A 12 4
A = −2 A1

(c)  3  3 9 12 9
α − =   β −  αβ − 6 + − −6+
−12 M1
 β  α αβ A
12 9"− 2" B
− −6− = ⇒ B = ... dM1
"− 2" 12 4
B=6 A1


(8 marks)


(i) B1:Correct expression for α + β
(ii) B1:Correct expression for αβ
M1:Attempts the sum of roots for second equation in terms of A using results from (a). Allow slips
in signs.
dM1: Equates the sum of roots to and solves for A. Depends on the previous M mark.
A1:A = −2
M1:Attempts the product of roots for second equation in terms of A using results from (a). Allow
slips in signs. May be using their value of A or A itself
dM1: Equates the product of roots to and solves for B using their value of A. Depends on first M
mark of (c).
A1: B = 6
Question Scheme Marks

7(a) dy 36
= − 2 oe B1
dx x
36 16 4
− 2 ⇒ mn =
mt = = M1
4 36 9
Normal is y − 9= ( x − 4) M1
⇒ 9 y − 81 = 4 x − 16 ⇒ 4 x − 9 y + 65 = 0 * A1*


(b) 36 36
Normal meets H again when 4 x − 9 × + 65 = 0 or 4 × − 9 y + 65 =
0 M1
x y
⇒ 4 x 2 + 65 x − 324 =
0⇒ x=
... or 9 y 2 − 65 y − 144 = ...
0⇒ y = dM1
 81 16 
⇒ Q = − , −  A1
 4 9
81 dy 36
At x = − , = − ... so tangent is
4 dx  81 

− 
 4 M1
 16  64   81  
y −  −  =− x −− 
 9 729   4  
64 32
− x− A1(5)
729 9
(9 marks)

B1: Correct expression for , or any equivalent correct expression including it, such as
dy dy 1
x +y= 0 or = − 2
dx dx t
M1: Attempts negative reciprocal gradient at the point P
M1: Uses their normal (changed from tangent) gradient and P(4,9) to find the equation of the
normal. Look for y= − 9 " mn " ( x − 4 ) Working must be shown for their constant if =
y mx + c is
used as this is a “show that” question.
A1*: Correct equation achieved from correct working with intermediate step.
M1: Substitutes hyperbola equation into the given normal to obtain an equation in one variable.
Other valid means of obtaining an equation in a single variable are acceptable.
dM1: Gathers terms and solves the 3 term quadratic to find a value ≠ 4 for x or ≠ 9 for y. Solution by
calculator allowed if correct roots (or values ≠ 4 for x or ≠ 9 for y) are shown
A1: Correct coordinates of intersection.
M1: Uses their x value to find the gradient at Q and then uses the intersection point with their
gradient to form the equation of the line.
A1: Correct equation.
Question Scheme Marks

x 1 2 3 4 5 One correct B1
f(x) 0.5 −1.2401 −0.2885 0.1508 0.5840 Both correct B1

(b) Identify an interval where the sig changes and mention the change of sign M1

f is continuous on [3,4], not on [1,2] hence the root is in [3,4] A1

(c) −0.064... < 0 so root in [3.5,4]
f (3.5) = M1
f (3.75) 0.0435... > 0
= M1

Hence root is in the interval [3.5, 3.75] A1

(d) f (−0.5) − f (−1) f (−0.5) − 0 β − (−1) β − (−0.5)
E.g. = or = etc M1
−0.5 − (−1) −0.5 − β 0 − f (−1) 0 − f (−0.5)
0.5 × f (−0.5) −0.5f (−1) + f (−0.5)
⇒β =−0.5 − = ... or β = ... etc
= dM1
f (−0.5) − f (−1) ( f (−1) − f (−0.5) )
0.5 × 0.5786...
= −0.5 − −0.699 (awrt)
−0.6990... =
= A1
0.5786... − (−0.875)
(10 marks)
Accept open or closed intervals throughout the question where relevant and intervals
described by inequalities.
B1: One correct value of the two missing.
B1: Both values correct.
M1: Identifies at least one of the intervals on which a sign change occurs – must mention sign
5 5
A1: Correct interval with reason given. Accept reasons such as f not defined at in [1,2] or x =
3 3
is an asymptote as reason for dismissing this interval.
M1: Evaluates f at the midpoint of their chosen interval from (b) and selects interval of length 0.5 in
which the root lies. This mark can be awarded if the interval was incorrect (even if no change of sign
in that interval)
M1: Evaluates f at the midpoint of their interval of length 0.5, and considers the signs or chooses the
“correct” interval of length 0.25. There must have been a change of sign in their initial interval for
this mark to be awarded.
A1: Correct interval selected with all values correct to at least 1 s.f. rounded or truncated. No extra
intervals included.
M1: Correct interpolation strategy. Accept any correct statement such as the one shown. Sign errors
imply an incorrect formula unless they follow a correct general statement.
dM1: Rearranges to find β and evaluates.
A1: Accept awrt −0.699 following correct working.
Question Scheme Marks

∑ r = 1 and
9(a) 1 2 1
For n = 1, 3

(1 ) (1 + 1) = ×1× 4 =1

4 B1
r =1

So true for n = 1

(Assume the result is true for n = k , so =r3

∑r =1
1 2
k ( k + 1) )

k +1
∑ r =1
1 2
k ( k + 1) + ( k + 1)
2 3

1 1
( k + 1)  k 2 + 4(k + 1)  = ( k + 1)  k 2 + 4k + 4
2 2
= M1
4 4
= ( k + 1) ( k + 2 )
2 2
 1
( k + 1) ( (k + 1) + 1) 
2 2
 4  A1
Hence result is true for n = k +1. As true for n = 1 and have shown if true
for n = k then it is true for n = k +1, so it is true for all n ∈  by induction.
n n

∑( ∑
r r + 1)( r −=
1) r3 − r B1
=r 1 =r 1

1 2 1
n ( n + 1) − n ( n + 1)
= M1
4 2
(Please note the mark above is incorrectly labelled as A1 on e-PEN)
1 1
= n ( n + 1)  n 2 + n − =
2  n ( n + 1) (n + ...)(n + ...) M1
4 4
= n ( n + 1)( n − 1)( n + 2 ) A1

(c) 1 1 M1
=r2 (2n) ( 2n + 1)( 2(2n) + 1) − (n − 1)(n) ( 2(n − 1) + 1)
6 6 A1
r =n

n 2n

=r 1 =r n
∑( r r + 1)( r − 1) =
∑ r2

3 17 dM1
⇒ n ( n + 1)( n − 1)(
= n + 2) n ( 2(8n 2 + 6n + 1) − (2n 2 − 3n + 1) )
4 6
⇒ 18 ( n + 1)( n − 1)( n +=2 ) 68 (14n 2 + 15n +=1) 68 (14n + 1) (n + 1)
⇒ 18 ( n − 1)( n +=
2 ) 68 (14n + 1)
⇒ 18n 2 − 934n − 104 = 0 ⇒ n = ...
n = 52 A1
(14 marks)
B1: Checks the result for n = 1. Should see a clear substitution into both sides, accept minimum of
1 1 1
seeing ×1× 4, or ×1× 22 , or ×1× (1 + 1) =1 for right hand side.

4 4 4
M1:(Makes or assumes the inductive assumption, and) adds (k + 1)3 to the result for n = k
M1: Attempts to take at least ( k + 1) as a factor out of the expression. Allow if an expansion to a

quartic is followed by the factorised expression.

A1: Reaches the correct expression for n = k + 1from correct working with sufficient working seen,
so expect at least seeing the quadratic before a factorised form.. Need not see the “k+1” explicitly for
this mark.
A1: Completes the induction by demonstrating the result clearly, with suitable conclusion conveying
“true for n = 1”, “assumed true for n = k” and “shown true for n = k + 1”, and “hence true for all n”.
All these statements (or equivalents) must be seen in their conclusion (not simply scattered through
the work). Depends on all except the B mark, though a check for n = 1 must have been attempted.
B1: Correct expansion.
M1: Applies the standard formula for
∑ r and the result from (a) to their sum.

If the expansion is given as ∑r 3

− r 2 , allow the use of ∑r 2
instead of ∑r
M1: Takes out the common factors n and ( n + 1) and attempts to simplify to required form OR
factorises their quartic.
A1: Correct answer. (Ignore A, B and C listed explicitly.) Correct answer can be obtained from a
cubic or a quartic. Award M1A1 in either of these cases.
2n 2n n −1

M1:Attempts to apply =r
∑ ∑ ∑ 2

=r n =r 1 =r 1
r − r 2 with the standard result for
∑r 2
Accept with n

instead of n − 1 in second expression.

A1: Correct expression for the RHS seen, no need to be simplified.
dM1:Applies the summations to the equation in the question and cancels/factorises out the factor n.
Depends on the first M mark of (c)
ddM1: Simplifies the quadratic factor of the right hand side and cancels/factors out the n+1 and
solves the resulting quadratic. Note M1M1 is implied by sights of the correct roots − ,52, 0, −1 of
the quartic. Depends on both previous M marks in (c)
A1: Correct answer. Must reject other roots. The correct answer obtained from a quartic or cubic
equation solved by calculator gains all relevant marks.
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