On The Shear Strength of Some Soil - V. G. BEREZANTZEV

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V . G . B E RE Z A N T Z E V , D r S c (Eng). Profenor
I n s tiru te o f R a i l w a y E n g i n e e r s , L e n i n g r a d
A . A. M U S T A F A Y E V , D r . S c . ( E n g . ), P r o f e s s o r
A z e r b a i j a n P o l y tec h n i c a I I n s t i t u t e , B a k u
N N . S I D O R O V , A si i start t P r o f e s s o r
IV. KOVALYOV, A s s i s t a n t P r o fe s s o r
I n s titu te of Ra i I w a y E n g i n e e r s , L e n i n g r a d
S. K . A LI E V , E n g i n e e r
A z e r b a i ¡ a n P o l y tec h n i co II n s t i t u t e , B a k u
The nonlinear law cf the shear resis­
tance of sands, earlier determinate ty ex­
periments, Is explained in the first part
of the paper (authors: 7.G.Berezantzev,
H.H.Sidorov, I.V.Kovalyov) by the analysis
of shear sand psrosity's change.
The parameters of the function ^ ^ ( P )
approximated by the parabolic one are de­
The solution of Sokolovsky's equations
is received by numerical method. The calcu­
lations of limit load on the soil under
foundation, for slope massif, of earth
pressure on retaining walls are fulfilled.
The consideration of non-linear law is
extremely important at estimation of ^he
stability of soil massifs by the results of
small models tests.
The second part (authors: Uustafaev
A.I., Aliev S.K.) gives Borne problems of
loess slump soil strength. The slump soils
are considered homogeneous isotropic media,
strength characteristics of which are de­
pendent on soil moisture. Limit equilibrium
condition of earthy medium (by Mohr's) is a
oondition of slump deformations. It allows
to calculate dimensions and shapes of slump Fig.1. a)The general shape of curvilinear
regions, soil moisture, necessary for slump, part of shear diagram.
and secure loading on the soil under foun­ b)The shape of the shear diagram in
dation. accordance of equation (1).
I. The Strength of Sands
beginning of coordinate system and ifn - in
For the given initial porosity of the end of the curve part; further it's
sand the angle of internal friction can't assumed the influence of normal pressure is
be considered constant but depends on not considerable if F >•Pa (Pa is not more
stress condition. The intrinsic curve to 3 - 4 kg/cm?) and the funotioh T = f(P) is
the ultimate ciroles (the shear diagram) as linear (the angular coeffloient is tqiPa)t
it had been proved by experiments is not a it can be expressed by the equation: 3 'u
straight line (Fig.1-a).
The approximate dependence T on P T=pt<^a + T 0 (1)
shewn schematically at fig.1-b may be cha­ The shape of the curve at the Initial
racterised as following: with P of 0 to Fa part of T=i(P)i* determined by the analy­
is a curve line passing the beginning of sis of volumetric sand deformations In the
coordinate system and with upward oonvexity. shear prooess.
The angle of internal friction in this part For loose sands(Pig.2)T with constant
will be evidently a decreasing function of Fs P increases with growth or shear deforma­
is an inclination tion, approaching some value T * ("Steady
angle of tangent to curve line in the Shear Strength”). Shear strength for dense

BERE Z A N T Z E V , M U S T A F A Y E V , S I D O R O V , K O V A L Y O V a n d A L I E V

■and increases Initially nor* Intensively, leads to the deoreasing of a £ with consi­
than for loose sand. derably I s b s intension. It agrees complete­
ly with the results of investigations of
different authors (for example Polshln D.S.,
1953, Sidorov H.N., 1959) and it shows
that with P ?-Pa theT=f(P) is close to
To express the function TT=f(P) in
the part with P< Pa a curve a £=<P^P) may
be approximated by the straight line with
a — a £-o — Kg P
Then, according to the equation (2) we'll
have z
T = pt^CX + (A 6o - K 2p) K 1P = P (t cjOi +A t o Ki ) - K P
3L = tcjiy = tcj.<x + a fc0K t- K p
1b a constant value for the given
Pig.2. The diagram of T in function of the If P-0, the angles io and u/ coin­
shear deformation a i cide, whence it follows,
It reaches maximum T='U*+6T and t ^ 0= t ^ 0 = tao( + a t 0 K t
further the shear strength decreases aspir­ 80
ing to the value close T* . It’s determined
that T * lineally depends on P and the
straight line passes the beginning of coor­ T = t ^ M o P - KPS (3)
dinate system with inclination angle OL t f - t ^ o ' K p (4)
which practically coincides to the angle of
natural slops. TT * in the mentioned inter­
val of pressures does not depend on initial
porosity of sand and OL does not depend on H ^ d P = ‘4 ' ^ " 2'K P (5)
normal pressure. The value a T does depend
on initial porosity of sand as well as on if P-Pa. t ( ^ = t C j 4 a = t ( ^ 0- 2 K p a
normal pressure, a TT can be expressed as a
function of normal pressure and volumetric The equation (I) for the'l=f(P) (if
deformation, as a function of increasing P^Pa) can be expressed as following
of value in ultimate stress state in compa­
rison to the initial one.
It can be supposed that the value a ’X’ Pt$4a+Kj£ (6)
is a linear function of product P to It's necessary to mark that comparing
difference between void ratio of sand be­ formula (I) and ( 6 ) the s q called "parame­
fore the shear (£ ) and it's critical value ter of linearity" T = K can't be con­
(t* ) (both under given normal pressure P). sider as an analogy of cohesion or the
shear strength of sand at P-0.
aT> A ^p K i , a 6 = 6 - t*
The systematically fixed in the tests
of dense sands, the non-passing of straight
T - T *+ a T = p t c ^a + a t Ki p ( 2) line through the beginning of coordinate
system has it's real physical sense and
£,* reduces more intensively with the can't be considered an experimental error.
increasing of normal pressures than £ ; so The parameters K-|, and of the
it's difference will be a decreasing func­ given equation can be determined by the
tion of P. By the experiments carried out additional analyses of the testing results
in the Leningrad Institute of Bailway Engi­ carried out to define critical porosity by
neers /Sidorov H.N., 1953/ and Dnepropet- known methods /Geotechnique's Problems
rovsky Inst, of Railway Bng. /geoteohnlques (1953)/, /Sidorov N.N.(1946)/.
Problems, 1953/ it was determined that the These investigations are rather diffi­
crltioal porosity of sand varies as a rule cult and need special devices. The follow­
more intensively at small pressures (up to ing simple approximate methods for practi­
1 kg/om2). The further increasing of cal aims oan be recomended:
pressure (up to 3-4- kg/otr) does not lead 1) The value L{a ls determined as usual­
to considerable difference of £ ‘ and, E . ly, by the tests on shear apparatus or hy­
Therefore a distinctly expressed curvilinear draulic triaxlal apparatus with P > 0,5 - 1
function T=ffP) at small pressures must be kg/cm2.
observed and tnat was proved by experiment. In additional series of tests (minimum 3)
It's logical to Identify the pressure, is carried out at normal pressures of 0,1
limiting the first interval to the to 0,5 kg/em^t These tests can be fulfilled
pressure P«, The further increasing of P with the help of vacuum triaxlal apparatus


/Sipidlm 7.P., Sidorov I.I. (1963)/.

The characteristics Lf0,K and Fa are T = (o ,6 2 4 P ) 1» ^
determined by a diagram t a y = |(P). The (7 f )
Inclined line as a result or the tests at Divergence in the results of calcu­
small pressures continues up to the cross­ lation T according to the mentioned equa­
ing the line tau = t a if^ Const. Abscissa tions does not exceed 2% (with 0,1 < P < 1
of the point or Intersection corresponds kg/on2).
to the pressure Pa (Pig.3). The limit stress analysis of Boil's
massifs with different boundary conditions,
suitable for some practical problems is
given below.
The limit strese state with non-linear
contour of intrinslo curve of limit stress
circles, accordingly to 7.7.Sokolovsky
/Sokolovsky 7.7., 1948/, is defined by the
following system of equations of limit

f ^ = t % ( e + l 0 5 £ i =

a s t ae Sinavv[XSLn(9-vfl-ytos(p-M0l 9X , »
3j?>” 2 |x\ CoS (0 + '
Pig.3. The determination of the shear 9S 96 _ SLnZvt&CSin(etvQ-VCos(etMf)1s x
diagreui equation's parameters by s a 'a o t " 2 | T | -C o S ( e - iy ) 9oc
the results of sample testing at
small pressures. where X and y are volumetric forces (in
case, if unit weight is the only volumet­
The cut off by an inclined line part ric foroe: X - 0, )f »-•£);
of the ordinate axis will be tg if0 and Q - angle of inclination of the main
the angular coefficient of the same line, stress 6 ], to the axis x
aB it follows from the equation (5) will - angle between the tangent to the
be 2K. slide line and the main stress 6 ^
2) It’s possible to use ordinary
tests with P ? 0,5 - 1 kg/cm2 and to define S= t<^2 y - 4* (9 )
parameters T o and Pa from the diagram 2 (m ~ i)
T = i (p) . The value K can be found by Oi. and - elements of sliding lines.
the use of T = K . This method can be Using in the equations (8) formulas
used with the inquiry data by D.S.Polshin which follow from (7 ) and (9):
and S. I.Sinelachikov included to the
Building Code /Building Code (1964)/. |T|= m t(^2^ m-iand. /- v ^______I
dS-f” a 1
For example, accordingly to the (m -i)co s 2 iy
Building Code: if l^a -38 0 and T o - 0,06 by numerical method step by step calcula­
kg/cm2 for fine dense sand at P ^ 1 kg/cm2, tion the solutions of some problems were
the equation (3) will be T - 0,90P - received /Sokolovsky 7.V., 1948/. The
0.006P2 if 0,90 -t<jif0= t^lfa+2la ^ results of these solutions are given below.
The limit stress state of soil's massifs
The equation (3) can be approximated by corresponds to the equation of the shear
different methods: logarithmic /Berezant- diagram (7;. The calculations were
zev 7.G., 1966/ or parabolic. A parabolic carried out in measureless values, to re­
curve with the equation.^ ceive the results for the definite dimen­
sions for coordinate system the measure­
. / P \TrT less values multiplied by 3d | and for
L = So ( K o 6 o ) (7) stresses if multiplied by .
may be applied (where 6 0=1 kg/cm2, m and
Ko - are measureless parameters 2 ) 1) The Ultimate Bearing Capacity to
to analyse different cases of limit stress the Soil under Foundation.
condition of soil massifs. The solution X/ ?
by V.V.Sokolovsky /Sokolovsky V.V., 1948/ The equal overload tou.= <^,= 0,10/fa acts
must be used. on the horizontal surface outside the foun­
Por example, the analysis of data dation, ft m 1 t/m^. The net of sliding
given by V.A.Yaroshenko /Yaroshenko V.A., lines is shown ill fig.4. The results of nu­
1964/ leads to the equation: merical method with use of Coulomb's law
(straight-line shear diagram) were taken
T = 0,76 P-0,12 P* Pa- 0,8 K^/cm2 (^30°) for comparison. The comparison of calcula­
This equation can be approximated by the tions results (the results for straight-
following parabolic curve -llne diagram axgiven by dotted line in
fig.4) shows that the initial epure ordl-

nate of the ultimate bearing capacity con­
sidering non-linear lav of shearing re­
sistance is 1,67 of the initial epure or­
dinate received with the nse of Coulomb's
This difference decreases with the
enlarging of the loading are; at a dis­
tance of 0,30 m it is 1 ,3.
2) The Stability of the Slone
rhe epure of the ultimate bearing
capacity for the slope with the inclina-

Fig. 6. '^-'he net of eliding lines and epure

of passive soil pressure on the
vertical retaining wall.
pressure inoreases when the non-linear
law is taken Into consideration; the ini­
tial ordinate is 1,4-3 of that calculated
by Coulomb's law; at adlatanoe of 0.5 m
the ratio of the first ordinate to the
second is 1 ,22.
b) Active pressure (fig.7)
Jig.4. The net of sliding lines and epure The ordinate of the active pressure
of ultimate pressure for the soil epure are smaller of the epure ordinate
under foundation. for the straight-forward shear diagram;
the first epure is 0,63 of the second at
tion angle 20° and surface with overload­ the surface point and 0,75 at the depth
ing q - 0,10 t/m2 has an initial part with of 0,21 m. The consideration of the non­
ordinate, which exceed the epure ordinate, linear law of shearing resistance
according to the Coulomb's law (fig.5);
the Initial ordinate Is 1,76 of that one.
At a distance of 0,30 m the first
ordinate is 1,51 of the second one. i f ., o t a


Flg.5. xhe net of sliding lines and epure S ^ 69 i— \o.o9Z

of ultimate pressure for the slope
with & - 20°.
Fig.7. The net of sliding lines and epure
3) The Pressure on the Retaining Wall of active soil pressure on the ver­
tical retaining wall.
A vertical wall at an angle of fric­
tion between soil and the wall V* ‘f "15° is more effective for small soil massifs.
and with overload on the surfaoe of the Therefore it's necessary to use the re­
soil (q - 0,10 t/m2 ) was calculated sults of such calculations in cases of
a) Passive pressure (fig.6) estimation of soil massifs stability by
the results of testing small models in
As it is expected, the passive
laboratory and field conditions. The con-


slderation of these results Is very Im­ Fig.8 . Graphio representation of the onset
portant to determine stability characteris­ of structurally-unstable equilibri­
tics of soil and pile resístanos by pene­ um of loessial soil in the course
tration /Berezantzev V.G., 1966 , of wetting.
Jaroshenko V.A. 1964/.
ohange in the course of wetting too, due
II. On the Strength of LosBslal Soils to increase in density and lateral soil
pressure coefficient. To every position
The subsidence of loessial soils is of the soil shearing strength straight
known to take place due to action of load line will correspond a oertain stress
which appears to be critical due to essen­ circle in a given point of the foundation.
tial reducing of strength characteristics However in the course of wetting the va­
of these soils by wetting. Therefore the riations in stress compared to those of
subsidence deformation should be consider- soil shearing strength will be negligible.
ecDaa a consequence of loess soil destruc­ Therefore at a given value of soil humidi­
tion due to variation of the soil physical ty of uoxpits strength data will reach
conditions, and foundation of these soils certain values of C n ,Vfn a* which the
should be designed based on their strength. 30il shearing strength straight line will
Consider the case when the foundation touch a corresponding stress circle at some
of loessial soil is loaded with a certain, point. In this case the soil will be in
distributed load which is considerably lo­ the state of threshold structurally-un-
wer than the initial critical load, corres­ stable equilibrium, after which the plas­
ponding to the end of consolidation phase tic deformation will follow, which should
and being absolutely safe for foundation. be regarded as subsidence deformation.
Evidently at this load in the given points Further increase of humidity in this point
of foundation the threshold equilibrium will lead to continuous increment of plas­
the state of soil will be not attained tic flow deformation. So, in contrast to a
for any contact surface, as according to common conception of the threshold equilib­
the Mohr's theory of strength, neither of rium state of soil, plastic nature or sub­
stress circles will touchthe straight sidence deformation is conditioned not by
line of the ultimate sheer strength of the increase of stresses in soil with its
soil. (Fig.8 ) strength unchanged, but by a considerable
If foundation in this stressed state decrease of values of these strength cha­
is wetted by continuous water supply, then, racteristics due to change In physical
wetting will affect, above all, the values state of environment.
of cohe»sike force (c) and of an angle of As a soil saturated with water in
internal friction (Lf ), as these soil accordance with the front of water distri­
characteristics are single-valued functions bution increasingly larger area of the
of humidity. With a continuous field of foundation filled will undergo plastic flow,
filtration flow, the values of C0 and li0 i.e. subsidence deformation. Apparently, in
in different points of the foundation will more stressed areas of the foundation subsi­
vary both in value and in time, and corres­ dence will take place at lower humidity
pondingly the straight line of shearing value, and therefore earlier than in less
strength for wetted soil, assuming a suc­ stressed areas. So, subsidence deformations
cession of positions, will approach the of loessial soils should be considered not
given stress circles. In this case a cer­ within the furst phase, as consolidation
tain part of the resultant stress, corres­ deformation, but within the next phase -
ponding to the soil gravity action, will that of progressing soil flowage. In this
case one may assume that plastic flow should
be preceded by equilibrium atate at the
border-line between elastic and plastic
behaviour of soil, while subsidenoe may be
considered as a state of structurally un­
stable soil equilibrium, this state being
spread all over the subsidence area.
On this basis, the condition of origina­
tion of subsidence deformations in loessial
foundations may be expressed as

^1+Sz(w) 61+62+[l+$(U))]s(i+ou)y260(w)(l')
where 6 1 , 6 3 , are the main stresses due
to external load at any point of the foun­
dation; 5 is a density of soil skeleton;
U) - weight humidity of soil (in fractions
of unity); (m),
t(u)),6 <fc(w)ctQ4\w), ^(ai)=tQif(u))- an angle of
internal friction, lateral pressure coeffi-


elsnt, tenacity pressure, and soil coeffi­ where: C0 >io>\0 “ the values of cohesive
cient of friction respectively, all depend­ force, coefficient of friction and lateral
ing on humidity. pressure coefficient, respectively, at na­
According to Sq.(1'), to study a bear­ tural humidity of soil; Cn , t n - the
ing capacity of loessial foundations one values of the same parameters at full
to establish regularities of varia­ water saturation of soil; uos is a natural
tions of an angle of internal friction, humidity; uon is a soil humidity at full
cohesive force and a lateral pressure saturation.
coefficient depending on humidity. For in­ Using regularities of variations of
vestigation of these regularities under design characteristics for loessial soils,
laboratory conditions special tests were established in teBts one can study, based
carried out on a shear tester and a stabi- on Eq. (1*), conditions for emergence of
lometer for a number of typical loessial areas of subsidence deformations and to de­
soils of Azerbaijan /lfustafayev A.A.,1967/. fine their outlines depending on stressed
Experimental results for three varieties state and humidity conditions of founda­
of loessial soils are shown in Fig.9. The tion. The procedure of determining the ar­
experiments show that in loessial soils eas of subsidence deformations is similar
cohesive force decreases considerably to determining of outlines of threshold
(over 90%) while an angle of internal fric­ stressed state in foundations of structurea
tion decreases considerably little (to In work /Mustafayev A.A.. 1967/ it has
40%) with the increase of humidity. The been established that if at natural soil
data obtained are in rather good agreement humidity gradual increase of even line-
with the results of our field experiments distributed load to 3 kg/sq.cm causes
on prolonged wetting of these soils /Hu- threshold equilibrium state in no point of
stafayev A.A., 1967/. The studies accord­ the foundation, then aa a result of wetting
ing to the scheme of compression test made of the foundation plastic deformation
(subsidence) of soil occurs at every stage
of the load in question (1,2 and 3kg/sq.cm).
In this case to every value of pressure
exerted on points of foundations corres­
ponds a certain humidity value at which
plastic state of soil, i.e. subsidence de­
formation, is possible. We called such hu­
midity of loessial soil "critical humidi­
ty" (1'). To obtain a formula of "critical
humidity" one has only to substitute ex­
perimental relationships (2') to £q.(1’)
and to solve resulting equation for soil
humidity. For a general case of foundation
loading by soil gravity and external load,
the formula of critical humidity has the
o- Minghecbaui
□ - KAZAh w Kp £_
A- r = U +V - vI3A
Kr (3 ')
where :
U =

3AC- feZ. B1 BC D
P= 9 A2 3 27 A 6À2 2. A
Fig.9. Variation of cohesive force, angle A,B,2 and D constants depend on the values
of internal friction and coeffici­ of strength characteristics at natural hu­
ent of lateral pressure of loessial midity ( Co j io j ) and full water satu­
soil depending on humidity. ration of soil ( C n ,in, ^ n ) aB well as
on the value of main stresses in points
on specially designed stabilometer showed under consideration and are defined by ex­
that lateral pressure coefficient in sub­ pressions:
sidence soils increases with humidity.
For the ranges of humidity variations
of practical value, dependence of cohesion,
coefficient of friction and lateral pres­
sure coefficient of loessial soils on hu­
midity may be approximated by linear func­

CCw) =Co‘ = io_

- Îu>n-u)o
a l i û ^ - i ~dr o H - a w ;1 * a° (u)n-u)0) f2»y =


values of typical pressure in the foun­

dations of buildings and structures. For
loessial foundations such is the "Initial
+ 6K)]^46lc(afe^/a-C°K-E,foK-0)25K26ic)+^bi\ pressure". Bvidently to the "Initial pres­
sure" will correspond the least value of
e =2 (6^6^ 6tc)[k^6, -af„(6^ 6^+61c)-Z af„^06tf the compressive stress acting in the sub­
sidence area and so the possible value of
M - 2 ac0-2 f y \ c) [K6lc+ai0( 6 ^ 6 ^ c)- expected soil humidity will be maximum at
-2Q-fo^0^ c+ Kj-0^ cj-8fcCo4cXC(^(06l£-4b^06lc + this point and at this stress. Let us de­
signate this value of "critical humidity"
+ 4.cek>K 61(f 2K50^061c > 0 q g as 00 KP . Then the bearing capacity of a
D =2 ( 6^ 6^ 6lc)[t0+^6lc+2C0y 0,5j-o (6L+6,,+6,CJ|+ loessial foundation may be estimated using
formula (5'), if tentatively to estimate
% 6 lc) [ 2 ^ 6 lc-2^ic-^-^6ic)Ho) + 4c* + values of the parameters involved in this
+ 4C05o\o6i,. formula-cohesive force, an angle of in­
Here 6^ , 6g*are main stresses at points ternal friction and density of soil at a
of foundations due to 0, load; 6 ic is a humidity of U)£p
vertical compressive stress due to soil Therefore, the formula of critical
gravity. load (51) for estimating the bearing ca­
It is known that for a foundation of pacity of loessial foundations may be re­
common non-loessial soils the safe pres- presented in the form:
aure is an initial critical, load or an
edge critical pressure /Tsytovich H.A., — ^ fr[y(^Kp)fr~c(UJKp)Ctyi(u)Kp)]
19b3/ determined by a known formula by K p ~ c t ^ K p ) ^ K p)- | ( 7 < )
B.P.Pueyrevsky /Pusyrevsky N.P., 1929/
p _ 3 T(Y H + C C m O
KP , <rr Tjri It is of interest to note that accor­
ct (5t) ding to /Mustafayev A.A., 1967/ the nume-
ricaSrVftsE/uTif, estimated from formula
At present it has been established (5'), practically coincide with correspon­
/Abelev y.M., 1959/ that subsidence of the ding values of the "initial pressure",
loessial soils occur only at a certain determined from formula (6').
"initial pressure", at and above which This method of estimating the bearing
structural soil strength is distorted by capacity of loessial foundations will evi­
wetting. In the work /Ifustafayev A.A., dently hold in cases when the soil subsi­
1966/ based on non-linear relationship dence from gravity is practically non-ex­
between relative subsidence of soils and istent (or has been removed before cons­
truction of the structure).
acting stresses, the following formula The above procedure for estimating of
for "initial pressure" was obtained bearing capacity will be demonstrated on
m a numerical example.
Suppose, we have to estimate the bear­
M i f ) (6 *) ing capacity of loessial soil in founda­
tion of continuous footing.
where L n is the least value of relative Thickness of a uniform loessial soil
deformation of loessial soil, at which it in the building foundation is 25 m. Subsi­
■ay be rated as subsidence; according to dence of the foundation by gravity is re­
the norms and rules of construction works moved by preliminary wetting. The founda­
(62-62) in ^0,01. (X. and in parameters tion plate width is 200 cm. while depth
for every kind of soil are estimated by of its foundation is 100 cm. The load on
straightening of non+linear relationship the foundation plate 1 kg/sq.cm.
l:« 6 on logarithmic grid from the test For soil foundation we have:
values for consolidating loads and corres­ S -1,4t/ou.m; m-1,8; Ot »0,012 sa.cm/kg,
ponding relative subsidences of soil spe­ Co-0,85 kg/sq.cm. C n - 0 , 0 5 kg/sq.cm;
cimens tested in an odometer.
If one reokons that subsidence defor­ =
L0o-0,10; ’ t 5 ; * 2 \ ;
t0 -0,4(7; t_-0,80. 0 " ° * 3 8 ;

mations accompany distortion of the pro- First of all using formula (6') we
portlmallty limit in loessial soils, then determine the value of the initial pres­
the "initial pressure", a predetermining sure for the given soil of foundation.
condition for these deformations may be
considered as safe for loessial founda­
Based on these considerations appli­
cability of formula (5') for estimating Then we construct an epure of depth dis­
the bearing capacity of loessial soils tribution of compressive stresses due to
■ay be shown. For this purpose the values external load (curvel, Fig.10) and due to
of strength characteristics should be de- soil gravity (straight line 2; and a re­
terained in compliance with the crltioal sulting epure of stress distribution due
humidities of soils; the latter values to joint action of loads (curve 3). The
should be estimated on the basis of the


depth of the subsidence zone is found

proceeding from the condition that com­ R E F E R E N C E S :
pressive total stress at this depth is
equal to the value of initial pressure. ABELEV Y.M. (1959), The slump and it's
For the given example the depth of subsi­ laws in macropore clay soils. The prob­
dence zone results at the distance of lems of construction on the loess soils.
164 cm from the foundation plate. At this Proceedings of the Research Inst, of
depth the main stresses along the asis Bases and Underground Str., N.37, Moscow
of foundation will be, according to the (in Russian).
corresponding formulas of the theory of
elasticity as follows (Florin V.A.,1959): BEREZANTZEV V.G. (1966), Determination of
6* = =0,5 kg/sq.cm; 6X - 6,^ *0,1 limit resistance of sand under the pile
kg/sq.cm. A by statical penetration, Foundations and
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