Natural Ventilation Systems To Enhance Sustainabil
Natural Ventilation Systems To Enhance Sustainabil
Natural Ventilation Systems To Enhance Sustainabil
1 Introduction
Energy consumption in EU due to buildings operation is 40% of the global energy
consumption, and its main fraction is due to HVAC systems operation with 60%. To
accomplish with EU regulations [1] and the Zero Energy Buildings [2] is required a drastic
reduction of this energy consumption for indoor conditioning. Different recent studies and
publications analyse natural ventilation systems potential to provide indoor air quality and
comfort conditions with minimum electric power consumption. As an example of the interest
of this subject, in last ten years more than ninety studies of natural ventilation systems are
recorded in Scopus.
Corresponding author: gmaitegil@gmail
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E3S Web of Conferences 22, 00053 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20172200053
In this paper is analysed the state of the art of natural ventilation systems applied to high
density occupied spaces with special focus on the educational sector, showing the potential
and applicability of these systems for energy savings under different classification criteria. It
is structured in four sections: firstly design and demand profiles in schools; then indoor
environmental quality (IEQ) is analysed; in third section actual situation is exposed and in
the last section main conclusions are presented.
Fig. 1. Typical school building plant distribution. a) left plant, b) right corridor windows.
b) Schools, in special in mild climates, have reduced heating requirements, due to the mild
weather and internal gains produced by high density occupation. Nevertheless, ventilation
requirements are intense and they are present along the whole school year. Typical heating
and ventilation patterns for a Mediterranean school are shown in figure 2.
Fig. 2. Mild climate school heating and ventilation patterns. a) Left. Heating profile estimation in
terms of heating days percentage by month and ventilation profile estimation in terms of percentage
of ventilation days per month. b) Right. Comparison between percent of days per month in which
heating and/or ventilation energy requirements for a school in mild climate.
E3S Web of Conferences 22, 00053 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20172200053
c) Schools operate half of the year days, around 175 days, with a summer break of 2 months
and a half in Spain, and Christmas and Easter holidays. In other countries, where the summer
break is shorter, the number of school days is similar. A typical occupation pattern of school
occupation in a school of Mediterranean region is presented in fig. 3 (left).
d) Classrooms present non-permanent occupation, due to breaks between lessons, and
internal displacements and changes of class into the school building. In figure 3 (right) is
shown the variation of occupation profile in classrooms in a Mediterranean school.
Fig. 3. A) Left. Typical pattern of school days distribution in Mediterranean region as function of the
number of days per month B) Right. Occupation rate in a classroom from Monday to Friday.
So, given that all these characteristics define the educational use, determining the way of
use and operation of their buildings, so they must be taken into account as basic aspects in
the design of buildings and their facilities. In this pathway is interesting CIBSE’s School
design group publication TM57:2015 Integrated school design [6], with specific
recommendations for school buildings.
E3S Web of Conferences 22, 00053 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20172200053
Almeida et al. in [24] in Portugal and. Trebilcock et al. in Chile follow the same line [25].
Furthermore Romana et al. in [7], validated Fanger’s approach in naturally ventilated Italian
classrooms and Dear et al. [26] in Australia studied adaptive thermal comfort in school
classrooms showing an acceptable summertime range of temperatures from 19.5 to 26.68°C.
Therefore, it is necessary to look for a balance between the energy usage to
achieve/maintain thermal comfort and the ventilation requirements to guarantee indoor air
quality [27]. Sometimes, both conditions are in conflict, with situations as is described in
different publications and works, as the ones studied by Wargocki and Wyon [28], Almeida
and Freitas [19] or Pereira [29]. For the case of a school building in mild climate, the analysis
of ventilation and heating requirements in terms of percent of days per month, figure 2, right,
evince that ventilation requirements along the full year for ventilation is around three times
global heating requirements.
E3S Web of Conferences 22, 00053 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20172200053
[30] how even installed these mechanical systems are not being used regularly. The use of
MVS in school buildings do not give the expected results in their lifetime due to lack of
resources for operation and maintenance and their minor contribution to IAQ.
However, current HVAC regulations in Spain [19] develops a detailed technical
framework for MVS to ensure indoor air quality in school buildings. Regulation allows
alternative HVAC systems to the mechanical ones but technical framework is not developed
yet. It indirectly favours MVS system installation and design against other options that have
to give additional steps for certify regulation accomplishment. This situation is similar in
other countries as Swiss, as is exposed in [43] or in Portugal, where there are research works
in order to improve ventilation energy consumption as Pereira in [29], but natural systems
are not considered.
In figure 4 are shown pictures of Mechanical Ventilation Systems in an Andalusian school
installed under this regulation. It supposes a relevant capital cost, additional oversized
electricity installations for it, including transformers, ducts integration in buildings and
maintenance of the whole set of direct and indirect installations.
E3S Web of Conferences 22, 00053 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20172200053
Thailand, Nitatwichit et al. in [56] studied natural ventilation as well as a cooling passive
Different natural ventilation strategies are studied, as Kotani et al present in [56] a review
of Cross-Ventilation research papers and stack effect is also studied in [47] with the design
of windcatchers for schools. Furthermore in Germany, Hellwig et al. [57] studied the
possibility of reactivating historic ventilation stacks. Similar devices were usual in 20 th
century schools in Andalusia, as is shown in figures 4. However technical design evolution
in buildings, evolution of regulatory framework, end user changes of habits, and the lack of
experimentation and an adequate knowledge framework supporting design (for this
application and climate) have displaced them, with no new building in the last 30 years until
2017 where new ones are under construction.
Fig. 5. Left) Cross ventilation in an Andalusian school. Right) Natural Ventilation system in an
Andalusian school constructed in 1985.
Considering that, as is seen in [58] air flow depends on window size and position, typical
windows design in schools, provides an adequate solution to propose the use of natural
ventilation, combining different strategies as cross ventilation and stack effect, as propose
Hellwig et al. in [57] reactivating historic ventilation stacks.
Andalusian Government, with more than 4500 schools, is developing a design program
in 2017, in which an experimental natural ventilation system in classrooms is under
installation in a set of new school buildings in order to prove and validate its operation, to
assess their performance, generate new knowledge about the application to schools and give
support to the future development of regional technical regulations.
ClimAct project, in the framework of the program Interreg-Sudoe, is in development
since June of 2016 to December of 2019. Within this project different strategies to
accomplish a transition to a low carbon economy in schools will be analysed. Under this
project focus, natural ventilation systems are going to be analysed in school buildings design
in Andalusia, Spain, to achieve this goal.
4 Conclusions
In this paper natural ventilation systems have been analysed as feasible option to improve the
sustainability of buildings in mild climate with special focus on schools. Main derived
conclusions applied to schools are:
1. Indoor Air Quality, required to assure the best performance in students and teachers, is
controlled with ventilation. Mechanical systems are widely extended using heat recovery
systems in order to achieve the efficiency of the HVAC system. In mild climates, requirement
of heating is usually lower than for ventilation, so HVAC with heat recovery system could
not be the optimal solution to enhance the efficiency of the building. These systems consume
electric power in the operation and the internal heat gains can make unnecessary to recover
E3S Web of Conferences 22, 00053 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20172200053
2. Natural Ventilation Systems are highlighted as a feasible and sustainable strategy to reduce
energy use in buildings. In addition, they can be used for passive cooling strategies with
significant energy savings.
3. A Natural Ventilation System present particularities to consider in their design:
- It must be present in first steps of design. They are affected by building location, type
of building and dominant winds.
-Window type and its position in the façade is key in the design. In schools, wide windows
and windows to corridors are an opportunity to be used in natural ventilation strategies.
In addition, cross ventilation and use of stacks can increase ventilation rates.
-There is a clear different thermal subjective perception of children compared with adults
standards, so different values should be considered in NVS for schools.
4. Although the interest of Natural Ventilation Systems in school buildings and in
Mediterranean and mild climate is collected in an increasing number of publications and
R&D works, further research in Mediterranean climate is required, in order to:
- Prove NVS as a strategy to achieve the goal of Zero Energy Buildings, both in schools
and other types of buildings.
- It is required further research and testing experiences, differentiated from the developed
in Northern countries. It would support the knowledge framework for design criteria and
regulatory framework for high density occupation spaces, as schools. Once generated this
basis, diffusion of the principles of natural ventilation operation, design constrains and
applicability limits and advantages among technical actors, promotors as well as
designers, engineers, etc., is a key activity.
- Commercial offer development is a challenge for a greater implantation, to look for, as
the example of UK where these systems are highly developed.
This study has been performed as part of the ClimACT project (SOE1/P3/P0429EU) within
the Interreg Sudoe Programme, funded by European Regional Development Funds. We
acknowledge Andalusian Government and APAE secondary schools by the support and
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E3S Web of Conferences 22, 00053 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20172200053