Thermal Analysis of Greenhouses
Thermal Analysis of Greenhouses
Thermal Analysis of Greenhouses
arid climate
Kamel Mesmoudi, Kheireddine Meguellati, Pierre-Emmanuel Bournet
Email: [email protected]
The greenhouse design as well as the cover material properties in particular may strongly impact the
greenhouse energy. To study the effect of these parameters, three typical unheated greenhouses equipped with
rows of canopy were considered. Experiments were launched to establish the boundary conditions and
validate the model. Two parametric studies were carried out: for the nocturnal period when the energy
performance of each type of greenhouse was investigated, and for the diurnal period, when the sun path was
simulated taking into account the type of the cover, its spectral optical and thermal properties. Results indicate
that for the nocturnal period, the ambient air temperature in the tunnel and vertical wall greenhouse was
relatively homogenous and warmer compared with the temperature distribution in the Venlo greenhouse. The
plastic greenhouse, especially the tunnel one had better performances concerning the homogenization of the
climate and the thermal energy storage. Concerning the diurnal period, and for both plastic greenhouses
equipped with fully opened side vents, the air located between the rows of canopy and ground surfaces
remained very slow, not exceeding 0.2 ms-1; for the Venlo glasshouse, the recirculation loop situated above
the crop improved the air mixing and induced a good homogenization. Results indicate that the cover material
with highest absorptivity, deteriorated the natural ventilation, increasing the air temperature by convection,
and reduced the available Photosynthetically Active Radiation.
Keywords: Greenhouse Design, Thermal Analysis, CFD Simulation, Radiation, Coupled Model.
scale models and CFD simulations. The principles of CFD, is semi-arid and the use of greenhouses for crop production is
the modeling approach and its adaptation to greenhouse rapidly increasing. However, the characterization of the
climate simulation were described, paying attention to energy balance of the greenhouses for this bioclimatic zone
ventilation efficiency inside greenhouses with respect to the still remains to be done and achieving favorable environment
greenhouse geometry, opening arrangements, wind speed and becomes essential in order to warranty the greenhouse
direction, addition of insect-proof or shading screens, and feasibility [16,17]. Indeed, maintaining ventilation
interactions with the crop. More recently Bartzanas [5] performance during the diurnal period and controlling the
presented a review on various CFD applications to improve heat release during the nocturnal period are the major factors
crop farming systems such as, soil tillage, sprayers, influencing both climate control and yield quality over much
harvesting, machinery, and greenhouses, they discussed the of the year. These aspects are major challenges still facing
possibilities of incorporating the CFD models in decision designers and growers. Nevertheless, few investigations of
support tools for precision farming. the performance of greenhouses in southern Mediterranean
Specific processes involved in greenhouses were also climates have been undertaken so far and the involved
analyzed into details in the literature. These processes include physical mechanisms remain poorly understood. Some
ventilation, interaction with the crop and radiative effects. progress was made in recent years since the energy balance
The effect of vent arrangements on the ventilation and energy and the behavior of the indoor microclimate has long become
transfer in a multi-span glasshouse was studied by [6], using a matter of concern in the studies conducted by [18, 19, 20,
a bi-band radiation model. The analysis of the humidity 21].
issues in greenhouse climate using the CFD tools at different Performance criteria based on very different approaches
scales: the leaf, the canopy and the greenhouse itself was also are difficult to compare and a common approach based
conducted by Bournet [7]. The effect of the crop is clearly on the same bioclimatic stage is required so that
particularly important for greenhouses, as side openings may greenhouses performance can be simulated and examined
be partly obstructed by the crop rows. Hernandez [8] studied with respect to their engineering design (both greenhouse
the effects of crop row orientation (perpendicular or parallel geometry and covering material). Under arid climate
to the wall equipped with side openings) on the ventilation conditions, few CFD works that predict and analyze the
and microclimate of a plastic multi span greenhouse. More microclimate of greenhouses exist [22]. In the present study
recently, based on a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) we will present a numerical analysis of the thermal
model and an experimental approach, Majdoubi [9] analyzed environment of greenhouses in Batna (6˚11' East, 35˚33'
the effect of crop row orientation on internal climate in a North). The region is localized at altitudes of 900-1000 m
large type greenhouse, and found the ventilation rate to be above sea level and characterized by high winter insulation,
heavily dependent on the orientation of the crop rows with varying from 10.5 to 14 hours/day between October and
respect to the dominant wind direction. The relationship March, and by cold and dry winters, with average minimal
between ventilation and the characteristics of a tomato crop temperatures between -5 ˚C and 2 ˚C during the night periods
growing inside was systematically studied by [10] in a of January to March, with low levels of moisture. The aim of
naturally ventilated tunnel greenhouse using the tracer gas the present study is to examine the influence of greenhouse
method. It appears however that most early studies ignored or configuration on the inside microclimate and energy
failed to consider the presence of the crop, and did not consumption for three different unheated greenhouses (tunnel,
provide detailed information about the way solar and Venlo and plastic vertical wall greenhouse) during two
atmospheric radiations were taken into account. periods (diurnal and nocturnal) focusing in particular on the
In recent years, the use of Computational Fluid Dynamics ventilation mechanism, the thermal behavior and the heat
made it possible to analyze the factors that determine losses. In this prospect a CFD model was used, and
greenhouse microclimate with respect to its structural experiments were launched to establish the boundary
specifications and used equipment [11, 12]. However, in conditions and validate the model.
those studies, radiation was not simulated directly through a
radiative transfer equation but its effect was indirectly
incorporated either through specific boundary conditions or 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS
through the addition of an extra source term in the energy
transport equation. More recently, Kim [13] included the 2.1 Experimental greenhouses
short wave length radiation in their simulations (diurnal
conditions) while Bournet [6] implemented a bi-band In order to estimate the ability of the model to correctly
radiation model distinguishing short and long wave length simulate the thermal characteristics of the microclimate of
contributions to take account of the diverse optical properties the tested greenhouses, production greenhouses were
of the glass within these different bands. Moreover, few equipped with sensors to provide input data for the model,
studies have addressed the question of the dynamics of solar and for its validation. The measurements were carried out in
radiation and temperature distribution as [14] did it for a three experimental N-S oriented greenhouses (tunnel, Venlo
tunnel greenhouse at a daily time scale. More recently [15] and plastic vertical wall greenhouse) located at the
presented numerical simulations of the climatic parameter agricultural research farm of the department of agronomy of
distribution of a ventilated tunnel greenhouse on the basis of the University of Batna1 (35.330 N., 6.110 E.) in the north
a 3D CFD approach using a bi-band discrete ordinates (DO) area of Eastern Algeria. The geometrical characteristics of
model, and calculating the sensible and latent heat transfers the greenhouses were as follows: for the tunnel and the
between leaves and the surrounding air by including the long plastic vertical wall greenhouses eaves height of 2.4m, ridge
wave and shortwave radiation fluxes in each crop control height of 3.4m, total width of 4 m, and total length of 8m
volume taking account of the sun position at each time step. (Figure 1), for the Venlo glasshouse, the greenhouse was a
In the southern Mediterranean basin, the bioclimatic stage standard 4 m width, 3.60 m high under the ridge and 3.27 m
high under the gutter (Figure 1, Figure 2). The glasshouse on a mast, 10 m away to the East of the greenhouse (Figure
was covered with a 4 mm thick horticultural glass and 1). External wind speed and direction were monitored by two
equipped with two opposite roof openings; the tunnel and cup anemometers (Model 100075, accuracy ±0.1m.s-1,
plastic vertical wall greenhouses were covered with a Climatronic Corporation) and a wind vane (Model 100076,
polyethylene sheet and were equipped with two continuous accuracy•±2°, Climatronic Corporation). The outside global
side openings (roll-up type) located at 0.6m from the ground solar radiation was measured with a pyranometer (SP lite,
and with a maximum opening of 0.9m. The greenhouses were Kipp & Zonen, Netherlands). The outside air temperature and
grown with a tomato crop, which reached a height of 1m humidity were also measured using platinum probes in
during the experiments. statically ventilated shelters (Model MP601A, accuracy•±
0.2%, Rotronic instrument crop) located at the same height as
Wind Direction the outside pyranometer. All the above mentioned
East West measurements were recorded every 2s and then averaged
over 30min periods, using a data logger system (Campbell
Scientific Micro logger, CR3000, USA).
(b) Measurements of the temperature and the humidity
distribution in the middle section of the greenhouse were also
conducted. The measurement locations were distributed
0.9 along a cross-section at the center of each greenhouse in the
0.6 same vertical plane. The temperature and relative humidity of
the interior air were recorded by means of a data logger
(OAKTON Logger Plus) using a remote sensing system. The
: Cup anemometer : Pyranometer temperatures of the solid surfaces (ground, underground and
: Platinum probe : Wind vane wall surfaces of the cover) were measured every 2 second
(a) Plastic tunnel greenhouse with roll-up type openings with thermocouples, and then averaged over 30 min periods.
The incoming solar radiation was measured with a
Wind Direction
pyranometer (SP lite, Kipp & Zonen, Netherlands) placed
East West inside the greenhouse at the center and 1.5m above the
ground. The cover surface temperatures of the greenhouse
were measured at six positions distributed along the
greenhouse sides and roof using stick on thermocouples
secured to the cover with transparent adhesive tape. The
storage and the processing of data were carried out with the
0.9 Micro Lab plus Software. Figure 2 shows the sketch of the
0.6 Venlo type experimental greenhouse and the location of the
sensors. The beach of Measurements and the accuracy of all
the sensors used are specified in Table A in Appendix
(b) Plastic vertical wall greenhouse with roll-up type
0.4 0.2
Wind Direction
East West 0.9
1.5 0.2
0.9 0.9
1.80 1.80
(c) Venlo glass greenhouse with pivoting roof door type
openings 4
the model was run in order to compare the numerical results computational domain. The standard k-ε model assuming
with the experimental data. Although 2D simulations do not isotropic turbulence was adopted to describe turbulent
represent precisely the reality inside the greenhouse, it could transport as it proved to be a good compromise for a realistic
be a computationally beneficial assumption for the description of turbulence and computational efficiency as
investigation of the transport phenomena especially at the reported by several studies of greenhouse microclimate. This
middle section of a long structure with open side vents along model is a semi-empirical model based on additional
the whole length. In addition, 2D modeling also makes it transport equations for the turbulent kinetic energy (k) and its
possible to save significant computing time for model dissipation rate (ε). The complete set of the equations of the
simulation development, meshing and convergence process. k-ε model can be found in [24] and their commonly used set
of parameters (empirically determined) are: Cμ= 0.09, Cε1 =
2.3.1 Grid definition and numerical procedure 1.44, Cε2 = 1.96, σκ=1, and σε = 1.3 (Fluent, 1998).
The calculation domain was restricted to the greenhouse
itself, in the middle plan of the greenhouses ensuring fast Radiative sub model (RTE Radiative Transfer Equation).
calculation. The grid was selected after several attempts in The discrete ordinates method has received significant
order to reduce the CPU time needed for convergence and to attention due to its good compromise between accuracy,
ensure the independency of the numerical results from the computational economy and flexibility [25, 26]. Up until now
grid. The grid was an unstructured, quadrilateral mesh with a however, most CFD studies did not include both the
higher density in critical portions of the flow subject to interchange of short and long wavelength radiation between
strong gradients. After several trials with different densities, the sky and the greenhouse cladding and only indirectly
the calculations were based on a 70 by 90 cell grid (Figure 3). introduce the effect of radiative transfers in the model. In
The area of calculation includes the canopy, the soil, and the order to simulate the effect of solar incident radiation on the
inner walls of the greenhouses. Different regions with greenhouse cover, the discrete ordinate DO model was used.
adapted meshes were considered and no mesh was applied to In this model it was assumed that radiation energy was
the outer space surrounding the greenhouse. The inner space ‘convected’ simultaneously in all directions through the
was meshed using an unstructured grid with sizes varying medium at its own speed. The DO model available in Fluent
from 0.2m in the center of the greenhouse to 0.06 m near the makes it possible to solve the Radiative Transfer Equation
greenhouse cover. The crop rows, considered as a porous (RTE) in semi-transparent media. It can be used to assess
medium, were meshed using a structured, cubic, 0.18 m grid non-gray radiation using a gray-band model. So it is adequate
and the soil mesh under the greenhouse consisted of three for participating media with a spectral absorption coefficient
layers (0.01 m, 0.15 m and 1.44 m) with 0.005 m, 0.03 m and αλ that varies in a stepwise fashion across the spectral bands.
0.2 m structured meshes. The discrete ordinates radiation model solves the RTE for a
finite number of discrete solid angles, each associated with a
Porosities (Tomato croppies) vector direction s in the global Cartesian system (x, y, z). It
transforms the RTE equation into a transport equation for the
luminance in the spatial coordinates (x, y, z). The DO model
solves as many transport equations as there are s directions.
r r
The RTE for spectral intensity I r , s is written as:
r r
dI r , s r r T 4
s I r , s
Figure 3. Geometry of the whole calculation domain and ds
greenhouse mesh details s r r r r
I r , s . s , s ' d
4 0
2.3.2 Governing equations
The CFD method allows the explicit calculation of the
average velocity vector field of a flow by numerically solving where in Eq. (2) Iλ is the radiation intensity for wavelength λ
r r
the corresponding transport equations. The two-dimensional (, r the position vector, s the radiation direction
conservation equations describing the transport phenomena vector, αλ the spectral absorption coefficient (m-1), λ the
for steady flows are of the general form: wavelength (m-1), σ the Stefan-Boltzmann constant
(σ=5.672x10-8 W.m-2.K-4), σs the scattering coefficient (m-1),
U V Φ the phase function, and Ω the solid angle. We assumed the
2 S (1) refraction index, the scattering coefficient and phase function
x y to be independent of the wavelength. The angular space 4π at
any spatial location was discretized into Nθ x Nφ solid angles
In equation (1), ϕ represents the concentration of the of extent ωi, called control angles. The angles θ and φ are the
transported quantity in a dimensionless form, namely the polar and azimuthal angles, and are measured with respect to
momentum (velocity components) and the mass and energy. the global Cartesian system (x, y, z). In our case a 3x3
U, and V and are the components of velocity vector; is the pixilation was used. Although in this equation the refraction
diffusion coefficient; and Sϕ is the source term. The index is considered to be constant, in the calculation of black
governing equations were discretized following the body emission as well as in the calculation of boundary
procedure described by Patankar [23] using the finite volume conditions imposed by semi-transparent walls the band length
technique which consists in integrating the governing depended values of refractive index were used (provided in
equations over a control volume. The Boussinesq model was Table 1 and Table 2). The RTE equation was integrated over
r r
activated to take account of the buoyancy effects in the each wavelength. Then the total intensity I r , s in each
r r
direction and position r , s was computed using equation 2.3.3 Boundary conditions
(3): Boundary conditions for each variable ϕ (transport
variable) must be specified for each boundary surface of the
r r r r
I r , s I x r , s x (3) domain. In particular, ϕ values for the upper boundary and
x the leeward lateral boundaries were determined with the
assumption of a null gradient of ϕ. For the other boundaries,
Where, the summation is undertaken over the wavelength ϕ was determined either directly from experimental data
bands. The RTE equation is coupled with the energy equation bases or deduced from specific models. The left opening was
through a volumetric source term given by the following supposed to face the East and the wind direction: the wind
equation (4) [27]: was normal to the ridge and a parabolic wind profile was
imposed at the opening of the greenhouse with a given
qr 4
velocity profile and temperature 300 K, which is considered
0 r r r
Sr 4 I r I 0 r , s d (4) to be the temperature of the ambient air around the
xi 0 greenhouse. This profile was determined from the
measurements of the wind speed at each ventilation opening
With Sr is the radiation source term (J), qr the radiative of the greenhouse. Figure 4 illustrates the corresponding
flux (W), xi the component in i- direction (m), and I 0 is the imposed profile fitted by a parabolic law. At the inlet section,
black body intensity given by the Planck function (W.m-2). a fully developed turbulent profile was also considered. At
the outlet section (leeward right opening), a constant pressure
Table 1. Optical properties of the cover for the three (P=Patm) was imposed. Finally, the boundary conditions
greenhouse geometries prescribed a wall type boundary condition along the floor and
wall and the cover was considered as a finite thickness wall
Glass Polyethylene film
consisting of semi-transparent materials.
Cover type & Thickness
(hortical glass) (low density)
(mm) 1,6
4 0.1 Opening height of the ventilator y
UV 0.05 0.37
Absorptivity PAR 0.1 0.09 1,4
(α) NIR 0.2 0.05
UV 1.65 1.72 1,2
2.3.4 Numerical procedure 3.1 Validation of the model
A second-order upwind discretization scheme was used for
momentum and turbulence transport equation. The In order to check on the validity of the performance of the
convergence criterion for all variables was 10-6. CFD model, the validation of the present work was
undertaken on the basis on experimental field surveys
2.4 Parametric studies conducted in the Venlo geometry greenhouse covered with
horticultural glass. Figure 5 shows the air temperature
Two parametric studies were carried out: diurnal and profiles for this glasshouse along the middle axis of the
nocturnal conditions, in order to investigate the effect of greenhouse at 2m from the inlet flow vent opening both for
greenhouse geometry, as well as the effect of two different the diurnal period Figure 5a, and for the nocturnal period
cover materials with different optical characteristics, on the Figure 5b.
thermal behavior, heat losses, and temperature patterns of the
tested greenhouses. For the first parametric study, i.e. the 4
diurnal period, a typical day of the spring season in the 3,5
region of Batna was chosen for simulation sand calculations
Greenouse Hight (m)
2,5 Numerical
The measurements were carried out on a, sunny springs 2
days (march 10th to April 1st 2015) at solar noon for the first 1,5
When observing Figure 5b, we denote globally a good Modifying the optical properties of the covering material
correlation between predicted and measured air temperature. impacted the amount of solar energy entering the greenhouse,
Contrary to the diurnal case, the air temperature profile was causing variability in the flow pattern for each type of
relatively homogeneous except in areas close to the ground greenhouse and for each studied cover material described in
and roof where high temperature gradients were reported. Table 2. Two recirculation loops appeared above and below
These gradients were mainly induced by heat exchanges the inlet, trapping small amounts of fluid. The optical
along the ground and roof. properties of the cover determined not only the size but even
the existence of the upper corner recirculation for the plastic
3.1.1 Diurnal period greenhouses (tunnel and straight wall greenhouse) as can be
Flow field. CFD results concerning the first parametric seen in Fig. 8a and Fig. 8b. In these greenhouses, the main
study: i.e. the diurnal period for a clear day of the spring stream flew above the plants and the smallest one inside the
season are shown in Figures 6-10 for all considered crop with lower speed. The differences of the streamlines
geometries. The computed contours of the air velocities, contours between both plastic greenhouses are restricted to
stream function, air temperature, and PAR radiation profiles the upper domain close to the inlet. Thus the dependence of
at specific sections are provided. From the results, it comes the upper corner recirculation on the cover material and on
out that the main mechanism governing heat transfers is the greenhouse geometry is clear and its size was probably
convection associated with the entering air stream except in determined by the combination of both effects (the tunnel one
areas close to the cover and in the corners of the greenhouse was smaller than the vertical wall greenhouse one). This
where incident solar radiation and heat storage mainly impact recirculation plays a significant role in the total flow pattern
the temperature. As shown in Fig 6a, Fig.6b and Fig. 6c the and temperature distribution inside the greenhouse since it
computed contours of the air velocities for all cases showed divides the domain into two distinguished areas. The
that the flow was dominated by a strong convective airflow recirculation formed at the bottom corner near the entrance
through the windward opening. The internal flow had the seemed however to be independent of radiation. The air
same direction as the wind direction and was damped by situated between the rows of canopy was hardly affected by
plants (porosity). Due to the obstacle created by the crop, the the main entering stream, with velocities in this region not
flow separated into two unequal streams. Results thus exceeding 0.2 ms-1. The flow decelerated as a consequence of
indicate that the wind direction clearly influenced the air the viscous and inertial resistances. Above the height of the
velocity inside the greenhouse and hence its ventilation rates. ventilator (i.e. at 1.6 m), the air velocities progressively
reduced. The computed contours of the air velocities obtained
2.02 e+00
1.92 e+00
for these cases were characterized by a weak air current near
1.82 e+00
1.71 e+00 the ground, and a recirculation loop with slower speed near
1.65 e+00
1.55 e+00 the roof and flowing counter current with respect to the
1.45 e+00
1.35 e+00
1.25 e+00
outside wind. This recirculation loop improved the air mixing
1.15 e+00
1.05 e+00
but most of the air left the greenhouse volume without a good
9.06 e-01
8.07 e-01
7.06 e-01
6.06 e-01 Contrary to the plastic greenhouses, for the Venlo
5.05 e-01
4.04 e-01 greenhouse, no air recirculation close to the roof was
3.03 e-01
2.02 e-01
1.02 e-01
predicted but a large loop was simulated at the bottom,
9.03 e-04 trapping large amounts of fluid. The existence of this
(a) Tunnel plastic greenhouse recirculation was mainly governed by the geometry and the
2.02 e+00
1.92 e+00
1.82 e+00
vent location effects. In addition, the air flow near the roof
1.71 e+00
1.65 e+00
was mainly driven by the convective flow through the vent,
1.55 e+00
1.45 e+00 reaching maximum values within the range [1.4; 1.7 ms-1].
1.35 e+00
1.25 e+00 Fig.7a, Fig.7b and Fig.7c provide the horizontal u-velocity
1.15 e+00
1.05 e+00
9.06 e-01
profiles at different locations inside the greenhouses at a
8.07 e-01
7.06 e-01
distance of 2m, 4m and 6m respectively from the inlet for the
6.06 e-01
5.05 e-01
plastic greenhouses and at 0.25m, 2m, and 3m for the Venlo
4.04 e-01
3.03 e-01 glasshouse (the Venlo greenhouse is relatively small
2.02 e-01
1.02 e-01 compared with the plastic ones). Close to the ground the
9.03 e-04
(b) Straight wall plastic greenhouse velocity profiles were similar for all cases and characterized
1.68 e+00 by low velocities caused by the resistance of tomato plants
1.66 e+00
1.44 e+00
1.32 e+00
combined with shear along the floor. Large peak appeared
1.19 e+00
1.07 e+00
over the plants where the flow accelerated. The peak position
9.49 e-01
8.27 e-01
moved up according to the distance from the inlet, while its
7.05 e-01
5.80 e-01 magnitude decreased, following the spreading of the jet as it
4.60 e-01
3.57 e-01 mixed with the ambient air. For the plastic greenhouses (Fig.
2.15 e-01
9.25 e-02
-3.00 e-02
7a and Fig.7b), close to the roof, negative values of u-
-1.52 e-01
-2.75 e-01
velocity were predicted, corresponding to area backflow. A
-3.97 e-01
-5.20 e-01 difference in the profiles was observed for the straight wall
-6.42 e-01
-7.85 e-01 greenhouse in the upper part of the domain close to the vent
(c) Venlo glasshouse height: the mean negative air velocity in this region had
values within the range [-0.6; -0.1] ms-1 for the straight wall
Figure 6. Computed contours of the air velocity (ms-1) at the greenhouse, and within the range [-0.4; -0.01] ms-1 for the
middle of the greenhouses tunnel greenhouse), showing the dependence of the flow
(especially in terms of velocity magnitude) on the greenhouse 1.90 e+00
1.76 e+00
design. 1.66 e+00
1.56 e+00
1.46 e+00
1.37 e+00
1.27 e+00
1.17 e+00
1.07 e+00
9.76 e-01
8.78 e-01
7.81 e-01
6.83 e-01
5.85 e-01
4.88 e-01
3.90 e-01
2.93 e-01
1.95 e-01
9.76 e-02
0.00 e+00
For the plastic greenhouses, the main temperature the greenhouse where the temperature was mainly affected
gradients were predicted in the upper corner near the inlet, by the flow ventilation. In this area the temperature was close
since in this region the total heat transfer was stronger. The to the temperature of the entering stream. A core flow
rest of the domain presented similar patterns for the appeared at the center where the temperature of the air
examined case. For the vertical wall greenhouse covered with remains droughty homogenous. The recirculation region in
a material characterized by a high absorptivity (plastic the canopy zone was fully developed on contrary to the two
cover), the roof temperature reached a relatively high other designs, resulting in a temperature rise.
equilibrium temperature, causing heating by convection of
the nearby air. The temperature of the back flow air trapped
in this recirculation zone increased as this dead zone favored
the accumulation of heat provided by the incoming
transmitted radiation. The same behavior was also depicted in
Fig.10a and Fig.10b showing the temperature profiles at
predefined positions.
of incident solar PAR. In both cases, the maximum PAR forces and air movements. The highest velocities were also
intensity reached roughly the same value, proving the good predicted along the vertical medium axis (ascendant stream
functional performance of the tunnel design of the movement) and near the walls (descendant stream
greenhouse roof, compared with the straight wall greenhouse movement) for each of tested geometry.
design for which a lower percentage of the incoming PAR Temperature variation. Fig.13a, Fig.13b and Fig.13c show
radiation reached the crop. Conversely, the Venlo greenhouse the air temperature distributions for the three greenhouse
was covered with glass with a higher transmittance and designs. For all cases, the predicted air temperature inside the
therefore made it possible higher amounts of PAR to greenhouse reached the max values near the ground and in
penetrate inside the shelter (meaning a higher PAR reached the ascending streams at the center of greenhouses (290-288
the crop). K). The lowest values were obtained near the walls (287-285
K). Simulations also reveal that for the plastic greenhouses
3.1.2 Nocturnal period (and especially for the tunnel greenhouse), the ambient air
temperature distribution was relatively homogenous and
1.84 e-01
1.75 e-01 higher compared with the temperature distribution inside the
1.65 e-01
1.56 e-01 Venlo greenhouse. The average air temperature inside the
1.47 e-01
1.38 e-01
1.29 e-01
tunnel greenhouse was 290 K (standard deviation ±0.45), it
1.20 e-01
1.10 e-01
was 288 K (±0.5) in the vertical wall greenhouse and 287 K
1.01 e-01
9.21 e-02 (±1.32) in the Venlo glasshouse. The tunnel greenhouse
8.29 e-02
7.37 e-02 geometry disclosed the best air mixing during this period (at
6.45 e-02
5.54 e-02 night), probably caused and facilitated by the curvature of the
4.62 e-02
3.70 e-02
2.79 e-02
roof of the greenhouse. Air temperature was almost
1.87 e-02
9.51 e-03
uniformly distributed in the Venlo and vertical wall
3.33 e-04
greenhouses but it was 2 K less than the interior tunnel air
(a) Tunnel plastic greenhouse temperature.
1.84 e-01
1.75 e-01
1.65 e-01
1.56 e-01 2.91 e+02
1.47 e-01 2.91 e+02
1.38 e-01
1.29 e-01 2.90 e+02
1.20 e-01 2.90 e+02
1.10 e-01
1.01 e-01 2.90 e+02
9.21 e-02 2.90 e+02
8.29 e-02
7.37 e-02 2.89 e+02
6.45 e-02 2.89 e+02
5.54 e-02
4.62 e-02 2.89 e+02
3.70 e-02 2.88 e+02
2.79 e-02
1.87 e-02 2.88 e+02
9.51 e-03 2.88 e+02
3.33 e-04
2.88 e+02
(b) Straight wall plastic greenhouse 2.87 e+02
1.84 e-01 2.87 e+02
1.75 e-01
1.65 e-01
1.56 e-01
(a) Tunnel plastic greenhouse
1.47 e-01
1.38 e-01
1.29 e-01 2.91 e+02
1.20 e-01 2.91 e+02
1.10 e-01
1.01 e-01 2.90 e+02
9.21 e-02 2.90 e+02
8.29 e-02
7.37 e-02 2.90 e+02
6.45 e-02 2.90 e+02
5.54 e-02
4.62 e-02 2.89 e+02
3.70 e-02 2.89 e+02
2.79 e-02
1.87 e-02 2.89 e+02
9.51 e-03 2.88 e+02
3.33 e-04
2.88 e+02
(c) Venlo glasshouse 2.88 e+02
2.88 e+02
2.87 e+02
Figure 12. Computed contours of air velocity (ms ) at the 2.87 e+02
The ascendance of the air in the center of the greenhouse in 2.88 e+02
2.88 e+02
that case was mainly driven by the convection induced by the 2.88 e+02
heat stored inside the ground during daytime (Fig.12a, 2.88 e+02
2.87 e+02
Fig.12b and Fig.12c) and released at night. Low values of air 2.87 e+02
velocities were predicted in the vicinity of the canopy rows (c) Venlo glasshouse
(0.03 - 0.01 ms-1). Velocity collapsed inside the crop as a
consequence of the viscous and inertial resistances. It reached Figure 13. Computed contours of air temperature (K) at the
maximum values (0.19 - 0.15 ms-1) near the soil under the middle of the greenhouses
canopy where the temperature gradients enhanced buoyancy
1.64 e-01
1.53 e-01
greenhouses equipped with fully opened side vents, the air
1.43 e-01
1.33 e-01
located between the rows of canopy, and near the roof,
1.23 e-01
1.12 e-01
remained very slow, not exceeding 0.2 m s-1. For the Venlo
1.02 e-01
9.20 e-02
greenhouse, the recirculation loop situated above the crop
8.18 e-02
7.16 e-02
improved the air mixing and appeared to induce a good
6.13 e-02
5.11 e-02
homogenization compared with the plastic greenhouse
4.09 e-02 geometry. The flow recirculation, showed the importance of
3.07 e-02
2.04 e-02 internal temperature gradients, although forced convection
1.02 e-02
0.00 e+00 which resulted from natural ventilation was dominant.
(a) Tunnel plastic greenhouse Consequently the Venlo greenhouse had the best
1.64 e-01 performance in terms of ventilation, particularly in the area
1.53 e-01
1.43 e-01 covered by the crop (0.4-0.6 ms-1) compared with the plastic
1.33 e-01
1.23 e-01 greenhouse for which air velocities less than 0.3 ms-1 were
1.12 e-01
1.02 e-01 predicted. The Venlo greenhouse also maintained a relatively
9.20 e-02
8.18 e-02 low difference of temperature with the outside air (6-7 K)
7.16 e-02
6.13 e-02 compared with the plastic greenhouse (8-10 K). In the Venlo
5.11 e-02
4.09 e-02 glasshouse, the canopy located in the middle of the
3.07 e-02
2.04 e-02
greenhouse also received higher amounts of PAR compared
1.02 e-02
0.00 e+00
with plants located in the vicinity of the walls. Such
(b) Straight wall plastic greenhouse heterogeneity in the PAR distribution may lead to an
1.25 e-01 important variability in the crop activity, thus impacting the
1.20 e-01
1.16 e-01 crop growth and development.
1.12 e-01
1.08 e-01
1.04 e-01
Concerning the nocturnal case, the ambient air temperature
9.97 e-02
9.55 e-02
in the tunnel and vertical wall greenhouse was relatively
9.14 e-02
8.72 e-02 homogenous and higher compared with the temperature
8.31 e-02
7.89 e-02 distribution in the Venlo glasshouse. The air temperature at
7.48 e-02
7.06 e-02
6.64 e-02
the center of the tunnel greenhouse was 290 K, while it was
6.23 e-02
5.81 e-02
288 K and 287 K in the vertical wall and Venlo glasshouse
5.40 e-02
4.98 e-02
respectively. It can be concluded that for the nocturnal
4.57 e-02
4.15 e-02 period, the plastic greenhouse, especially the tunnel one had
3.74 e-02
3.32 e-02 better performances concerning the climate homogenization
2.49 e-02
1.66 e-02
1.25 e-02
and the thermal energy storage.
0.00 e+00 This study paves the way for future investigations on the
(c) Venlo glasshouse impact of greenhouse design and choice of the covering
material on greenhouse climate in semi-arid areas It also
Figure 13. Computed contours of stream function (m2s-1) at stresses the need to properly include thermal transfers as well
the middle of the greenhouses as radiative transfers in the modeling approach in order to
accurately predict canopy radiation absorption,
photosynthesis and transpiration in the next developments of
4. CONCLUSIONS the numerical tool.
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DOI: 10.1006/jaer.1997.0187 λ depends on wavelength
φ transported quantity like: U, V, T, C, k, ϵ
Iλ Spectral radiation intensity,
𝐼𝜆0 Black body intensity given by the Planck function, Table A. Beach of measurements and the accuracy of all the
W.m-2 sensors used in experiments
P pressure, Pa
Pr Prandtl number [Dimensionless] Measuring Manufacturer's
Sensor Uncertainty
range Name
qr Radiative flux, W Thermocouple 0°C to
Re Reynolds number [Dimensionless] Cu-Cs 100°C
±0.1 °C TC Online
S Surface, m2 0.8% to OAKTON Logger
Air humidity ±2%
R2 Correlation coefficient [Dimensionless] 100% Plus
Sr Radiation source term, J Air -39°C to
Sϕ Dimensionless source term temperature 60°C Plus
PAR silicon Kipp & Zonen,
T Temperature, K cell
0 Wm-2 to
±20 Wm-2 Cambell
U Axial component of velocity vector, ms-1 200 Wm-2
Scientific Ltd
V Radial component of velocity vector, ms-1 Model 100075,
Cup 0 ms-1 to
xi Space component in i- direction, m ±0.1ms-1 Climatronic
anemometers 60 ms-1
H Convectif heat transfer coeficient, Wm-2k-1 Corporation
Model 100076,
wind vane 0˚ to 360˚ •±2° Climatronic
Greek symbols
-30°C to
λ Spectral absorption coefficient, m-1 platinum 80°C ±0.1 °C
Model MP601A,
Dimensionless diffusion coefficient probes 0.8% to ±0.2 %
instrument crop
Θ Polar angle, rd 100%
Λ Wavelength, m Anemometer 0.01 ms-1 Cambell Scientific
±0.03 ms-1
Ρ Density, kg.m-3 with hot wire to 1 ms-1 Ltd
Kipp & Zonen,
Σ Stefan-Boltzmann constant, σ =5.672 10-8 W.m-2K-4 10Wm-2 to
Pyranometer ±20 Wm-2 Cambell
σs Scattering coefficient, m-1 500Wm-2
Scientific Ltd
Φ Azimuthal angle, rd
ϕ Dimensionless concentration of the transported