Gopalkrishna 1992 - DNA Extraction
Gopalkrishna 1992 - DNA Extraction
Gopalkrishna 1992 - DNA Extraction
VIRMET 01272
Correspondence to: B.C. Das, Division of Molecular Oncology, Institute of Cytology and Preventive
Oncology (ICMR), Maulana Azad Medical College Campus, New Delhi I10 002, India.
Cervical scrapes from ten women visiting the Gynaecological OPD clinic at
Lok Nayak Jaiprakash Narayan Hospital, New Delhi, with different grades of
dysplasia and cancer, were collected in 5 ml PBS (phosphate-buffered saline)
and stored at -70°C until analysis. Scrapes were taken from each patient by
scraping the ectocervix or the surface of the portio with a wooden spatula.
After preparing a smear on a slide for the conventional PAP staining required
for cytopathological diagnosis, the remaining materials, along with the spatula,
were transferred to bottles containing PBS.
The adequacy of the materials was confirmed by counting the cells before
dividing into individual tests. All specimens contained more than 1-3 x lo5
cells. After vortexing, only 2 ml was processed for DNA extraction while the
remaining 3 ml was used for FISH.
DNA extraction
The method involves mainly two steps: washing in Tris-Triton buffer (TTB)
and proteinase K digestion in Tris-EDTA buffer (TEB).
2 ml PBS solution containing scraped cervical cells were taken in a 2.2-ml.
Eppendorf tube and microfuged for 2 min. The cell pellet was washed once in 1
ml cold PBS and twice in 1 ml chilled TTB containing 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH
S.O), 10 mM MgC12, 300 mM sucrose and 0.8% Triton X100. The pellet was
collected by microfuging for 2 min. The pellet was rewashed in 0.5 ml cold TE
buffer containing 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0), 10 mM EDTA and 10 mM NaCI.
Additional washings were given if the detergent used was not removed
completely. Finally the pellet was resuspended in 200 ul TE buffer
supplemented with 1.25 mg/ml proteinase K (Boehringer Mannheim, Cat.
No. P.161519, Germany) and incubated at 65°C water bath for 2.5 h. The tubes
were vigorously shaken every 15-20 min to allow uniform lysis of the pellet and
efficient extraction of DNA. When the solution became transparent it was
assumed that the extraction was completed. The whole procedure was carried
out in a single Eppendorf tube and took only 3 h. Following determination of
the DNA concentration by gel electrophoresis (see Fig. 1) the DNA was
directly used for restriction digestion and Southern blotting. This DNA if
required, could be processed for further purification by the phenol-chloroform
method or precipitated by adding an equal volume (200 ~1) of distilled water, l/
10 vol. of chilled 3 M sodium acetate (pH 5.0) and 2.5 vol. of absolute ethanol.
80 ul of DNA (6-7 ug from each specimen was denatured at 65°C for 30 min.
The extract was chilled immediately on ice and then blotted onto nitrocellulose
membrane using a dot blot apparatus Minifold I of Schleicher and Schuell
(Germany). After baking at 80°C for 1 h the membrane was hybridized under
stringent conditions using 32P-labelled HPV 6 + 11 and 16 + 18 DNA probes
The remaining 3 ml PBS solution containing scraped cervical cells were used
in FISH. The cells were filtered directly on to cellulose nitrate filter (Sartorius
type 11307, pore size 0.2 urn, Germany) using a pressure filtration unit of
Schleicher and Schuell. After denaturing and neutralizing for 5 min each, the
filters were dried and baked at 80°C for 1 h. Prehybridization was for 24 h at
42°C in prehybrid mix containing 50% formamide, 5 x SSC, 0.02 Denhardt
solution, 0.5 ug/ml tRNA and 50 mM trisodium phosphate Na3P04.
Hybridization was performed under stringent conditions (T, - 20°C) and
without SDS using 32P-labelled HPV probes. One half of each filter was
hybridized with HPV 6 + 11 DNA while the other half with HPV 16 + 18
probes. Following stringent washings at 68°C the Iilters were exposed to X-ray
film for 7 days.
The amplification of HPV DNA sequences was carried out using HPV-16-
specific primers using the method of Saiki et al. (1988) with some
modifications. The primers used were:
These two oligo primers allow amplification of the conserved upstream
regulatory region (URR) of HPV 16 between nucleotides 7765 and 75. The
oligos were synthesized in an Applied Biosystems DNA synthesizer (model
381A, U.S.A.) and purified by NAP-10 columns (Pharmacia, U.S.A.).
Briefly, the method involves 50 ~1 of the reaction mix in a 0.5-ml Eppendorf
tube containing 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.3) 1.5 mM MgC12, 50 mM KCl, and 75
ug/ml BSA with deoxyribonucleotides at final concentrations of 200 uM each
and primers at 1 uM and 2.5 U Taq DNA polymerase (Perkin Elmer Cetus,
U.S.A.), (Chien et al., 1976; Erlich et al., 1988). The reaction mixture was
overlayered with 50 ul of mineral oil (Cetus) and the amplifications were
carried out in a DNA Thermal Cycler (Perkin Elmer Cetus). About 0.5 ug of
cellular DNA was denatured at 94°C for 5 min, annealed at 55°C for 1 min
followed by extension for 2 min at 72°C. These steps were repeated for 35
additional cycles with denaturation at 94°C for 1 min only. In the last cycle the
extension at 72°C was carried out for 7 min. 15 to 20 ul of amplified product
was run in 3% Nusieve-agarose gel (2% Nusieve and 1% agarose) stained with
ethidium bromide and photographed under a UV transilluminator.
kb Xl 23456
Fig. I. Ethidium-bromide-stained agarose gel electrophoresis picture showing quantity as well as quality of
DNA extracted. Each lane contained IO pl of DNA solution.
a b
kb 16 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 JO kb
9.5 - - 2.8
6.6 -
- 1.9
4.3 -
- 1.6
2.3 -
2.0 - - 1.0
1.3 -
- 0.5
Fig. 2. Southern blot analysis of DNA from cervical scrapes digested with (a) BarnHI and (b) PstI and
hybridized with 72P-labelled HPV 16 DNA. Lanes I, 2, 6, 7 and IO are showing a single 8-kb band. The
characteristic PstI fragments for HPV 16 are seen in (b).
yield of DNA is more than 95%, which is significantly higher than what is
normally recovered from the conventional phenol-chloroform method of
extraction. This was confirmed by simultaneous extraction of DNA from the
Fig. 3. Filter-in-situ hybridization (FISH) analysis of IO cervical scrape samples with Z2P-labelled HPV
l6+ 18 DNA probe. Sample numbers I and 6 are positive (serial Nos. 9 and IO in Table I).
bp ox174 1 2 3 4 5
Fig. 4. Amplification of HPV 16 oligo primers in polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using 5 pl of extracted
DNA. 20 PI PCR products are showing amplification of214-bp product (arrow) after 3% Nusieve-agarose gel
electrophoresis, ethidium bromide staining and UV illumination. Lanes 3,4 and 5 are positive for HPV 16.
same amount of scraped cervical cells by both the methods and comparison of
DNA concentrations with a number of known DNA samples (data not shown).
Since further purification of DNA was not carried out to eliminate enzyme
digestion products, neither was spectrophotometric analysis. The DNAs
extracted by the present method were found to be sufficiently clean and pure
as they were readily digested by restriction enzymes. One to five units of
restriction enzymes per microgram of DNA was sufficient and no additional
amount of enzyme was required for complete digestion. Fig. 2a shows an 8-kb
band of HPV 16 in 5 of 10 DNA samples (lanes 1, 2, 6, 7, 10) after digestion
with a single-cut enzyme BarnHI. Bands in lanes 6 and 7 are very light and not
clearly visible because of the low copy number of the virus. The DNA of
sample 1 which was again cleaved with a multicut enzyme, PstI, and shows
characteristic PstI restriction fragments (arrows) for HPV 16 is presented in
Fig. 2b. The DNA showed good amplification of HPV 16 DNA sequences in
the polymerase chain reaction (see Fig. 4).
The results obtained by Southern blot, dot blot and filter in-situ
hybridization are shown in Table 1. Out of 10 samples, 5 (50%) were found
positive by Southern (see Fig. 2, a and b) and 4 (40%) by dot blot hybridization
(figures not shown) while only 2 (20%) were positive by FISH (Fig. 3). In the
PCR test, 7 (70%) cases were positive, which also included 5 Southern blot
positive samples. Fig. 4 shows PCR results from 5 specimens of which 3 were
clearly positive for HPV 16 DNA sequences. The expected size of the amplified
product is 214 bp which can easily be seen in Fig. 4.
Detection of human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA sequences in cervical scrapes by four different molecular biology techniques
Serial Case Cytodiagnosis Filter in situ Southern blot Dot blot PCR
No. No.
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