Wind Turbine Drivetrain Condition Monitoring Durin
Wind Turbine Drivetrain Condition Monitoring Durin
Wind Turbine Drivetrain Condition Monitoring Durin
Wind Turbine Drivetrain Condition Monitoring During GRC Phase 1 and Phase 2
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9 authors, including:
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Technical Report
October 2011
This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States government.
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Cover Photos: (left to right) PIX 16416, PIX 17423, PIX 16560, PIX 17613, PIX 17436, PIX 17721
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The National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s contributions to this report were funded by the
Wind and Water Power Program, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy of the U.S.
Department of Energy, under contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231. The authors are solely
responsible for any omission or errors contained herein. NREL wishes to acknowledge and thank
the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy and its staff who have supported this
work from its inception. Specifically, NREL would like to thank Mark Higgins and Michael
Derby for their support and guidance. NREL also appreciates the support from the drivetrain
condition monitoring research partners.
Wind turbines have historically had reliability issues, which subsequently increase the overall
cost of energy. The majority of these issues are caused by faults in the drivetrain, led by the main
gearbox. These issues are widespread, existing across all turbine sizes and manufacturers. One
means to mitigate the detrimental effect of reliability issues is through condition monitoring.
Condition monitoring is a method to assess a system’s health; enabling proactive maintenance
planning, reducing downtime, reducing operations and maintenance costs and, to some extent,
increasing safety. In this report, vibration, acoustic emission (specifically stress wave), electrical
signature, oil cleanliness, oil debris, and oil sample analysis condition monitoring techniques
were investigated for two identical 750 kW wind turbine gearboxes, in both a dynamometer test
cell and field installation. The two test gearboxes are referred to as Gearboxes 1 and 2 in this
report. The strengths and weaknesses of the different techniques were assessed. The feasibility of
using oil cleanliness monitoring to determine the length of the run-in procedure was investigated
on both gearboxes. Both demonstrated that, to make the run-in process sufficient, longer run-in
durations at each torque level may be needed as compared to the current standard run-in
procedure of prescribed durations at each torque level. Without fully completing the run-in,
surface roughness remains excessive leading to increased contact stresses when the gearbox is
placed into service and potentially leading to premature failures. Gearbox 1 was installed in a
turbine at the Ponnequin Wind Farm and, after 300 hours of operation, it experienced two oil loss
events and excessive temperatures that caused damage to some of its internal components. The
gearbox was subsequently removed and inspected. Since the damage to the teeth was not severe,
gearbox 1 also was installed and retested in the National Wind Technology Center's (NWTC)
dynamometer before it was disassembled. Gearbox 2 was tested only in the dynamometer and
was undamaged. The results were compared between gearboxes for each monitoring technique
and the technique itself was evaluated for its detection capability. Vibration, acoustic emission,
and oil debris monitoring all demonstrated the capability of distinguishing between the healthy
and damaged gearbox components. It was possible to identify which stage of the gearbox was
damaged, but not exactly which component was damaged for some gears and bearings inside the
gearbox. Electrical signature analysis did not show any indication of the gear teeth damage, most
likely because the damage to the teeth was not severe. To detect dominant failure modes in a
gearbox, a combination of vibration or acoustic emission and oil debris monitoring techniques is
recommended. Each technique is sensitive to sensor location and even orientation, and
maintenance alerts are specific to each component and damaged part.
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements...................................................................................................... iii
Abstract......................................................................................................................... iv
Table of Contents .......................................................................................................... v
List of Tables ............................................................................................................... vii
Acronym List .............................................................................................................. viii
Introduction ................................................................................................................... 1
The Gearbox Reliability Collaborative (GRC).............................................................. 3
Condition Monitoring (CM) .......................................................................................... 3
GRC CM Partnerships and Documents ...................................................................... 4
GRC CM Phase 1 and Phase 2 .................................................................................. 4
Drivetrain CM Approach and Rationale ....................................................................... 5
CM Systems Investigated ............................................................................................. 8
SKF WindCon ............................................................................................................. 8
SwanTech SwanWind ................................................................................................. 8
Kittiwake Online Sensor Suite and Particle Content Sensor ....................................... 8
Macom TechAlert 10 ................................................................................................... 9
GasTOPS MetalScan 3000 ......................................................................................... 9
Hydac CSM 1220 ........................................................................................................ 9
SKF Baker EXP 4000 ............................................................................................... 10
Eaton Motor CM System ........................................................................................... 10
NREL Customized Vibration-based CM System ....................................................... 10
Tests and CM System Configurations ....................................................................... 12
Test Articles .............................................................................................................. 12
Tests Conducted ....................................................................................................... 16
CM System Configurations ....................................................................................... 19
Test Results and Discussions ................................................................................... 25
Vibration Analysis ..................................................................................................... 25
Stress Wave Analysis ............................................................................................... 28
Oil Monitoring ............................................................................................................ 29
Oil Cleanliness Level Monitoring ............................................................................... 30
Oil Debris Monitoring ................................................................................................ 31
Oil Condition Monitoring ............................................................................................ 35
Oil Sample Analysis .................................................................................................. 36
Electrical Signature Analysis ..................................................................................... 37
Summary of Results .................................................................................................. 37
Challenges in Wind Turbine Drivetrain CM and Future R&D Areas ........................ 39
Challenges to Implementation of Wind Turbine Drivetrain CM ................................. 39
Future R&D areas in Wind Turbine Drivetrain CM .................................................... 41
Conclusions ................................................................................................................. 42
References ................................................................................................................... 43
Appendix A – Project Partners ................................................................................... 46
Appendix B – Other Activities .................................................................................... 47
Workshop .................................................................................................................. 47
Round Robin Project ................................................................................................. 47
Appendix C – Publications and Presentations ......................................................... 48
List of Figures
Figure 1. Downtime caused by turbine subsystems ........................................................................ 1
Figure 2. Annual failure frequency of turbine subsystems ............................................................. 2
Figure 3. Typical utility-scale wind turbine drivetrain ................................................................. 12
Figure 4. Exploded view of the GRC test gearbox ....................................................................... 13
Figure 5. GRC gearbox layout and bearing nomenclatureTest Platforms .................................... 13
Figure 6. Diagram of NREL 2.5-MW dynamometer test facility ................................................. 14
Figure 7. NREL dynamometer test stand with the test article installed. PIX #16913. ................ 15
Figure 8. GRC test turbine at Xcel Energy's Ponnequin wind farm. PIX #19257....................... 16
Figure 9. CM system configuration in Phase 2 Gearbox 1 Dynamometer Retest ....................... 20
Figure 10. NREL customized vibration-based CM system sensor locations................................ 21
Figure 11. Accelerometer installation on NREL's customized vibration-based CM system........ 22
Figure 12. Lubrication system schematics for Phase 2 Gearbox 1 Dynamometer Retest ............ 23
Figure 13. Gearbox 1 high speed stage (taken in field after second oil loss event). PIX #19600. 25
Figure 14. Gearbox 1 high speed stage gear damage (during Gearbox 1 disassembly). PIX
#19599........................................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 15. Results from a vibration-based CM system (healthy gearbox) ................................... 27
Figure 16. Results from a vibration-based CM system (damaged gearbox)................................. 27
Figure 17. Stress Wave Amplitude Histogram (healthy gearbox) ................................................ 28
Figure 18. Stress Wave Amplitude Histogram (damaged gearbox) ............................................. 29
Figure 19. Oil cleanliness level (run-in) ....................................................................................... 31
Figure 20. Cumulative particle counts obtained by sensor K1 (run-in) ........................................ 32
Figure 21. Cumulative particle counts obtained by sensor K2 (run-in) ........................................ 32
Figure 22. Cumulative particle counts obtained by sensor K3 (run-in) ........................................ 33
Figure 23. Cumulative particle counts obtained by sensor K1 (damaged gearbox) ..................... 33
Figure 24. Ferrous particle counts by sensor K2 categorized into five size bins (run-in) ............ 34
Figure 25. Ferrous particle counts by sensor K3 categorized into five size bins (run-in) ............ 34
Figure 26. Oil condition sensor readings (field test)..................................................................... 35
Figure 27. Oil condition sensor readings (dynamometer retest) ................................................... 36
Figure 28. Oil sample analysis (run-in) ........................................................................................ 37
List of Tables
Table 1. Advantages and limitations of lubricant and vibration CM techniques............................ 5
Table 2. GRC CM-related testing ................................................................................................. 17
Table 3. CM system implementation at different stages of the GRC tests ................................... 19
Table 4. Sensor notations and descriptions ................................................................................... 21
Acronym List
Acronym Definition
AE acoustic emission
CBM condition-based maintenance
CM condition monitoring
COE cost of energy
CRB cylindrical roller bearing
DAS data acquisition system
DOE Department Of Energy
fcCRB full complement cylindrical roller bearing
FFT Fast Fourier Transform
GRC Gearbox Reliability Collaborative
GMF gear meshing frequency
HS high speed
HSS high-speed shaft
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ISS intermediate-speed shaft
LSS low-speed shaft
NREL National Renewable Energy Laboratory
O&M operation and maintenance
PLC planet carrier
R&D research and development
RPM revolutions per minute
SCADA supervisory control and data acquisition
SEE spectral emitted energy
SEM scanning electron microscope
SRB spherical roller bearing
TRB tapered roller bearing
Wind energy is currently the fastest growing energy source among various renewable energy
options in the world [1]. By the end of 2010, the global cumulative installed wind power had
reached more than 197 gigawatts (GW) [2]. However, the industry still experiences premature
turbine component failures. A summary of the downtime of turbine components is plotted in
Figure 1. The data represent about 27,000 turbines, ranging from 500 kW to 5 MW, for both
onshore and offshore applications [3]. Three elements that comprise the wind turbine drivetrain -
the gearbox, generator, and main shaft/bearing – together cause the majority of the total turbine
downtime. The gearbox is the leading contributor to total turbine downtime.
Figure 2 illustrates the annual failure frequency of turbine subsystems based on the 2009 Wind
Stats Newsletter data. The top three most frequently failed subsystems are electric systems, the
gearbox, and the generator. The highest rate, at approximately 27%, is equivalent to about 0.6
failures for each turbine subsystem annually, based on data reported by Reliawind [4].
When crane cost is taken into consideration, maintenance events for the gearbox, generator,
rotor, and main shaft/bearing are the most costly. Among the aforementioned subsystems, the
gearbox stands out as causing the most downtime as shown in Figure 1, failing second most
frequently, as shown in Figure 2, and costing the most to maintain throughout a turbine’s 20
years of design life [5]. Therefore, if only one subsystem can be targeted for a reliability
improvement, the gearbox is the obvious choice. Other subsystems are typically easier and
cheaper to fix, although they may fail more frequently.
To meet this need, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory-led Gearbox Reliability
Collaborative (GRC) project was established. Simply put, the GRC is a consortium that engages
key representatives in the wind turbine gearbox supply chain, including turbine owners,
operators, gearbox manufacturers, bearing manufacturers, lubrication companies, and wind
turbine manufacturers. Its goal is to improve gearbox reliability and increase turbine uptime. To
achieve these, the GRC takes a multi-track approach [8], which includes modeling and analysis,
dynamometer testing, field testing, condition monitoring, and developing a gearbox failure
database [6]. This report focuses on condition monitoring, which will be discussed in detail.
There are many reasons to conduct drivetrain CM research within the GRC. Today, as when the
GRC was started in 2007, wind plant owner/operators primarily practice reactive or time
interval-based maintenance. A paradigm shift to condition-based maintenance (CBM), enabled
by various CM techniques, can help wind plant owner/operators reduce their O&M cost, which is
an important piece in the overall energy cost for wind power. In addition, CM can capture the
condition of individual turbines and supplement improved gearbox design practices. Lastly, the
GRC's dynamometer and field tests provide the opportunity to investigate the strengths and
limitations of different CM techniques and recommend CM practices to the industry. Because it
is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, the GRC has the unique capability to establish
public domain CM datasets
GRC CM Partnerships and Documents
Since the inception of this research, the number of GRC CM partners has grown to 27
organizations. Appendix A lists all of the members who wish to be acknowledged in this report.
Eleven of these 27 partners contributed to the work reported here, and they typically loaned CM
equipment or provided CM services for this research. Various CM equipment provided by the
partners represents a range of CM techniques. The 16 partners listed in Appendix B are involved
in the wind turbine gearbox condition monitoring round robin project, which will be discussed in
a report to be issued in the spring of 2012. Three partners, C.C. Jensen, Lubrizol, and Castrol,
will not be mentioned in the latter stage of this report as they are not CM equipment suppliers or
service providers. C.C. Jensen contributed some lubricant conditioning systems, while Lubrizol
and Castrol supported the research with lubrication oil and technical advice on lubricant testing.
Findings obtained through the CM research have been reported at various papers at conferences,
in presentations at workshops, and in NREL technical reports. As of September 2011, about 15
presentations, papers, or reports have been published and are listed in Appendix C.
Drivetrain CM Approach and Rationale
A wind turbine is a complex system with various subsystems that can fail in dramatically
different modes. Accordingly, drivetrain CM takes an integrated approach because no single
technique can provide a comprehensive and reliable solution to cover all possible wind turbine
failure modes. For example, lubricant CM (such as oil debris particle counts) will not detect a
machine imbalance, misalignment, shaft cracks, and resonances that are detectable by vibration
CM. Conversely, vibration CM will not detect water or particles in the lubricant offered by
lubricant CM. Several advantages and limitations of lubricant CM and vibration CM are listed in
Table 1 [14].
The offline filter loop oil condition monitoring is specifically referred to the measurement of oil
total ferrous debris, oil quality and oil moisture. As the GRC tests progressed, inline filter loop
(or main loop) oil debris monitoring and electrical signature-based techniques were added.
By combining AE and vibration CM, the measurable dynamic frequency range can be extended
to above 20 kHz. Vibration can typically be measured in terms of displacement by proximity
probes, or in terms of acceleration, by accelerometers. The proximity probe was not considered,
as it is typically used for shaft displacement measurements. The wind turbine main shaft is not a
commonly failed component in the drivetrain and is not included in this research. In addition, AE
or stress wave monitoring has the potential to detect abnormal lubricant film thickness [15]. The
main considerations in adding oil debris and condition monitoring, and offsite oil sample
analysis techniques is to combine the early active machine wear detection capability of oil
monitoring techniques with AE and vibration CM’s crack location ability [16]. The combination
of the three techniques may provide the earliest possible detection of component failure or
structural deterioration.
There were two options to set up the CM systems for the three adopted techniques: 1) have
NREL customize the needed sensors, data acquisition systems (DAS), and signal processing
algorithms; or 2) choose a commercial package under each CM technique and have NREL do a
minimal amount of DAS customization and signal processing algorithm development. The
second option was chosen because it required less time to implement and allowed the GRC to
meet its planned gearbox test schedule.
There are several commercial packages available for each CM technique. To decide which
package to use for this CM project, the GRC used the following criteria: 1) use only one CM
system for each technique. (There is no plan to evaluate different CM packages under the GRC.);
2) choose the best possible package (in terms of performance) among interested CM system
suppliers; and 3) research previous wind industry experience with each particular package.
Based on these criteria and through study and communication with interested CM package
suppliers, the systems selected to start the drivetrain CM project include: SKF WindCon for
vibration; Swantech SWANwind for AE; and Kittiwake Online Sensor Suite, Macom TechAlert
10, and Hydac CSM 1220 for oil. (The reasons for this are explained below.) All but the Hydac
package, which was bought by NREL as laboratory test equipment, are on loan to NREL for
conducting drivetrain CM research. For oil sample analysis, Herguth Laboratories Inc. agreed to
become a project partner and support the CM research.
Although the selection of multiple lubricant CM packages appears contradictory to the criterion,
each package provides a different aspect of information on the monitored lubricant and their
results do not overlap. Specifically, the Kittiwake Online Sensor Suite is a compact unit capable
of measuring three lubricant parameters: total ferrous debris in ppm, relative humidity in
percentage, and oil quality (changes in the level of contaminants such as soot, oxidation
products, glycol, and water) on a customized scale. The outputs provided by this suite will be
referred to as offline oil condition monitoring results in this report. The Macom TechAlert 10
counts oil debris, both ferrous and non-ferrous, particles and divides each particle type into five
bins. The minimum detectable ferrous particle size is 50 µm and non-ferrous particle size is 150
µm. The Hydac CSM 1220 was purchased by NREL as a laboratory unit to measure the lubricant
cleanliness level according to ISO 4406:1999 [17]. This level basically reflects the amount of
particles in the following three size bins: >4 µm, >6 µm, and >14 µm for 1 ml of monitored
lubricant. Making sure the lubricant is clean to the ISO standard before it is put into a gearbox is
very critical for achieving the turbine’s expected performance and extending its service life.
As the GRC tests progressed, inline (or main loop) oil debris monitoring was added. The reason
was to compare its performance with the offline oil debris monitoring technique. In the context
of this report, the inline filter loop refers to part of the lubrication system that has a full flow of
lubrication oil. It operates when the turbine is operating and provides an ample oil supply to
many or all bearings and gears in the gearbox. The inline filter loop also provides filtering
suitable for removal of moderate to large particles (>10 µm) during turbine operation when most
of these particles are generated. It is frequently used for oil cooling. On the other hand, the
offline filter loop refers to part of the lubrication system that has a small portion of the full oil
flow. The offline filter loop operates continuously. It provides filtering of small particles (>3
µm). By following the criteria established at the beginning of the GRC tests, the inline lubricant
CM was implemented using MetalScan 3000 series oil debris monitoring sensors provided by
GasTOPS, Inc.
Electrical signature-based techniques also were added as the GRC tests progressed.
Considerations for studying electrical signature-based techniques include: 1) whether these
measurements can detect damage in the gearbox or in the main bearing along the drivetrain in
geared wind turbines; and 2) whether these measurements are effective in assessing the health of
the generator in direct drive wind turbines. However, electrical signature-based CM partners
were difficult to find due to the dominant use of vibration CM, AE, and lubricant CM by the
wind industry since the monitoring of motors are the primary targets. In the end, the electrical
signature-based CM systems chosen were the Motor Dynamic Analyzer platform provided by
SKF Baker Instrument and a motor CM system provided by Eaton. The reason to investigate two
systems is that the SKF motor dynamic analyzer has been commercialized and has a lot of
experience in motor testing, though not much experience in generators. The Eaton system is a
prototype designed to identify potential gearbox and generator damage. However, neither of
these two is well established for wind turbine drivetrain CM. It is clear that electrical signature-
based CM techniques are not as widely adopted by the wind industry as other monitoring
The integrated approach adopted in this research is in line with typical industry practices [14],
that is, it combines vibration or stress wave monitoring with lubricant CM. It also adds other
monitoring techniques. Although the integration of these additional techniques may not gain
popularity in commercial applications due to increased costs, it allows the GRC to investigate
different CM techniques that are potentially beneficial to future wind industry field applications.
CM Systems Investigated
Based on the different types of CM techniques and systems chosen in the previous section, a
detailed description of these CM systems is presented in the next section.
SKF WindCon
The SKF WindCon [18] package is one of the vibration-based CM techniques. It typically has
eight accelerometers of different sensitivities mounted onto the main components of the turbine
drivetrain. It has a data acquisition unit in the turbine nacelle. For the dynamometer test, the data
acquisition unit is located in the NREL Dynamometer Test Facility high bay. The SKF package
also includes a software platform hosted on a local (in the tower base of the turbine or the
dynamometer test facility control room) or remote computer (the SKF data server is in Sweden).
The data analysis and view analysis results occur within the software, which streams raw and
processed data to a database.
The main function of the SKF package is to monitor health conditions of the main drivetrain
components (i.e., main bearing, gearbox, and generator) based on measured acceleration data.
For the GRC tests, one IMx-W (the data acquisition unit) and eight accelerometers are used in
the dynamometer test of the first gearbox. These will later be moved to the field test. One IMx-S
and another eight accelerometers are used in the other dynamometer tests. The IMx-S is an
earlier version of the IMx-W. Functionally, these two units are similar. The use of two different
packages was determined by their availability from SKF at the time each test was conducted. All
of the tests were monitored through the SKF @ptitude Observer software package.
SwanTech SwanWind
The SwanTech SWANwind [19] package represents an AE-based CM technique. Similar to the
SKF CM system, the SwanTech package typically includes five SwanSensors mounted onto the
main components of the turbine drivetrain, one SwanGuard located in the nacelle, (or, in the
NREL Dynamometer Test Facility high bay), and one SwanServer located in the tower base, or
in the test facility control room.
The main function of the SwanTech package is to monitor the health condition of the main
drivetrain components, i.e., the main bearing, gearbox, and generator, based on measured stress
wave data. The GRC dynamometer and field tests each had two SwanTech packages. The reason
two packages were used was to evaluate whether data collected in a sequential or synchronized
manner made a difference in the drivetrain condition monitoring results. The sequential package
had five SwanSensors mounted onto the main drivetrain components, and another three
SwanSensors mounted onto the dynamometer gearbox and motor. The purpose of mounting
sensors on the dynamometer was to study the relationships and dynamic responses between the
dynamometer and the observed SwanSensor readings from each of the main drivetrain
products, glycol, and water) on a customized scale. As mentioned earlier, its outputs will be
referred to as offline oil condition monitoring results in this report. Another unit from Kittiwake
was the particle content sensor [21], which was used to count oil debris, both ferrous and
nonferrous, particles and divide each particle type into five bins. The minimum detectable
ferrous particle size is 40 µm and the minimum nonferrous particle size is 135 µm. The data
collected by the sensor suite and particle content sensor are wirelessly transmitted through a
cellular modem to a server located in the United Kingdom and can be viewed through a web
For the GRC tests, one sensor suite was used in the dynamometer test of the first gearbox and
later transmitted to the field test. The other sensor suite and particle content sensor were used in
the other dynamometer tests. The main function of the Kittiwake sensor suite was to monitor the
change in lubricant condition in terms of total ferrous debris, relative humidity level, and oil
quality. The particle content sensor was added in the dynamometer tests to investigate the
influences of the sensor mounting location on oil debris counting results.
Macom TechAlert 10
The Macom package was another tool used for the lubricant CM solution. It is composed of one
TechAlert 10 [22] particle counting sensor and one software package for recording and storing
the collected data. Similar to the Kittiwake particle content sensor, the Macom TechAlert 10
count oil debris, both ferrous and nonferrous particles, and divides each type of particle into five
bins. The minimum detectable ferrous particle size is 50 µm and the minimum nonferrous
particle size is 150 µm. The TechAlert 10 sensor also can be integrated with the SKF WindCon
or SwanTech SWANWind package.
The main function of the TechAlert 10 was to monitor oil debris particle counts. For the GRC
tests, one TechAlert 10 was used in the dynamometer test of the first gearbox, which was later
moved for use in the field test. It was the only oil debris monitoring package tested on the first
gearbox. Another TechAlert 10 was used in the other dynamometer tests.
>14 µm in 1-milliliter of monitored lubricant. Its purpose is to first ensure that the lubricant is
clean before it is put into the gearbox and then, to evaluate whether the ISO cleanliness level is
useful for controlling and monitoring wind turbine gearbox run-in.
For the dynamometer test, the SKF Dynamic Analyzer was located in the NREL Dynamometer
Test Facility high bay. For the field test, it was located at the turbine tower base. The entire
package includes one EXP4000, including the portable data acquisition unit and its integrated
laptop, one EP1000, including the interface box between the current transducers and the
analyzer, and three current transducers.
For the dynamometer test, the Eaton Motor Condition Monitoring System was located in the
NREL Dynamometer Test Facility high bay. The entire package included one data acquisition
box, one laptop, and three LEM LT 2005-S current transducers.
For the dynamometer test, the NREL CM System was located in the NREL Dynamometer Test
Facility high bay. The DAS software interface, hosted on a desktop computer, was located in the
NREL Dynamometer Test Facility control room.
Tests and CM System Configurations
The aforementioned CM systems were evaluated in various GRC tests. This section provides a
brief description of the test gearboxes, test platforms, tests conducted, and CM system
Test Articles
To make the GRC research more valuable to the industry, a 750-kW rated gearbox was selected
and redesigned to be representative of MW-sized fleet turbines. A 750-kW rating was chosen,
because it is large enough to represent common wind turbines currently in use, yet small enough
that it would be reasonably inexpensive to procure, modify, and test in the NREL 2.5 MW
dynamometer. Two procured test gearboxes were identical aside from manufacturing variance.
More details on the test gearboxes can be found in [6], and briefly described below.
The drivetrain of a typical utility-scale wind turbine is illustrated in Figure 3. The test gearbox
was installed in a 3-point suspension drivetrain configuration, which is a typical configuration
for MW class turbines. One suspension point is at the main bearing and the other two points are
on the gearbox torque arm supports.
The test gearbox uses three stages to obtain an overall gear ratio of 1:81.491. As shown in Figure
4 , it is composed of one low-speed planetary stage and two parallel shaft stages. The planetary
stage accommodates three planet gears. The annulus gear of this stage also serves as part of the
gearbox housing. The sun gear is set in a floating configuration, which improves the load
distribution among the planets. To accommodate the floating sun arrangement, the low-speed
shaft is hollow and has an internal spline that transfers the torsional loads to the parallel shaft
stages. The low-speed planetary gears have a helix angle of approximately 7.5 degrees, and the
intermediate speed and high speed gear sets have a helix angle of 14 degrees.
Figure 5 shows a schematic of the internal components of the test gearbox, with nomenclature
used to describe them. Other than gears, several types of bearings are employed in the test
gearbox, according to the loading conditions and gearbox life requirements. The planet carrier
(PLC) is supported by two full-complement cylindrical roller bearings (fcCRB). Each planet gear
is supported by two identical cylindrical roller bearings (CRB). Each parallel shaft (i.e., low,
intermediate, and high speed) in the gearbox is supported by a CRB on the upwind (rotor) side of
the assembly, and by two back-to-back mounted, tapered roller bearings (TRB) on the downwind
(generator) side. Lubrication oil is another important component in the test gearbox, although it
is not shown in either Figure 4 or Figure 5. The main functions of lubricant are to [26]: 1)
provide a lubricating film to reduce friction and wear between moving parts; 2) cooling to
dissipate heat away from the critical parts of the equipment; 3) cleaning and suspending
products, such as carbon, sludge and varnish, to facilitate smooth operation of equipment; and 4)
protection to prevent metal damage due to oxidation and corrosion.
Gear Pinion
There are two test platforms used in the GRC. One is the NREL 2.5 MW dynamometer test
facility, where all dynamometer tests are conducted. The other is a field turbine located at Xcel
Energy’s Ponnequin wind farm.
The NREL 2.5-MW dynamometer test facility was developed to conduct performance and
reliability tests on wind turbine drivetrain prototypes and commercial machines [27, 28]. The
facility is capable of providing static, highly accelerated life and model-in-the-loop tests. The
prime movers of the dynamometer are a 2.5-MW induction motor, a three-stage epicyclical
reducer, and a variable-frequency drive, with full regeneration capacity. The rated torque
provided by the dynamometer to a test article can be up to 1.4 meganewton meters (MNm), with
speeds varying from 0 rpm to 16.7 rpm. Non-torque loading actuators, rated up to 440
kilonewtons (kN) for radial load and 156kN for thrust load, also can be utilized in the
dynamometer to apply thrust, bending, and shear loads similar to those typically generated by a
wind turbine rotor. Figure 6 provides a diagram of the test facility. Figure 7 is a photo of the test
implementation, with the test article installed.
Figure 7. NREL dynamometer test stand with the test article installed. PIX #16913.
The GRC test turbine (Figure 8) is a three bladed, up-wind, stall controlled turbine, with a rated
power of 750kW. The generator has two sets of poles, which allow it to operate at two speeds.
The turbine rotor operates at 22.4 rpm (1,810 rpm on the HSS) and 14.9 rpm (1,208 rpm on the
HSS). The turbine has "pitchable" tip brakes and a high-speed shaft brake. For a normal
shutdown, the tip brakes deploy first. Once the rotor has been slowed down enough, the high-
speed shaft brake engages. For an emergency stop, tip brakes and high-speed shaft brakes are
applied at the same time. For the transition from low speed to high speed, the turbine drops off-
line, the rotor speeds up, and the turbine comes on line when the generator shaft reaches 1,800
rpm. For the transition from high speed to low speed windings, the turbine comes off-line and
deploys the tip brakes to slow the rotor. Once the rotor is below the synchronous speed, the tips
are returned to their un-deployed position and the rotor can accelerate again. The turbine comes
online when the generator shaft reaches 1,200 rpm.
Figure 8. GRC test turbine at Xcel Energy's Ponnequin wind farm. PIX #19257.
Tests Conducted
The two test gearboxes are referred to as Gearboxes 1 and 2 in this report. Since the beginning of
the GRC project, various tests have been conducted [6]. For ease of discussion in the subsequent
sections, those CM-related tests are listed in Table 2.
Table 2. GRC CM-related testing
When Where Objective Designation
Apr - Jul 2009 2.5-MW Controller shake down and Phase 1 Gearbox1
dynamometer run-in Dynamometer
Sep - Nov Ponnequin wind Collection of field data Phase 1 Gearbox
2009 farm 1 Field Test
Oct - Dec 2.5-MW Run in, static non- torque Phase 1 Gearbox
2009 dynamometer loading in limited 2 Dynamometer
directions Test
Jun - Aug 2.5-MW Static non-torque loading Phase 2 Gearbox
2010 dynamometer in any direction, dynamic 2 Dynamometer
non-torque loading and Test
dynamic torque
Expanded load cases
Sep 2010 2.5-MW Compare as-built and Phase 2 Gearbox
dynamometer damaged behavior 1 Dynamometer
Compare gearbox 1 and 2 Retest
Collect condition
monitoring data on
damaged gearbox
During the Phase 1 Gearbox 1 Dynamometer Test, both gearboxes were run in the NREL 2.5-
MW dynamometer. The run-in was performed before any other operation to carefully condition
the surfaces of the gear teeth. Several CM systems were used during the run-in to determine
appropriate load level durations (see the results and discussions section). Since this was the first
operation for each instrumented gearbox, it also was used for extensive signal checking and to
establish base-line data for comparison of gearboxes 1 and 2 under identical controlled
conditions. Gearbox 1 was run-in during Phase 1 testing by following a prescribed series of
operating torque values. Each torque level was held until the level of wear particles in the lube
oil system stabilized. Preheated run-in oil (lube oil lacking anti-wear additives) was used to
accelerate the run-in process.
During the Phase 1 Gearbox 1 Field Test, the gearbox was installed on July 16, 2009, in the test
turbine at Ponnequin Wind Farm. The turbine was put in unattended operation on September 14,
and the testing was stopped on October 5, 2009. During that period, more than 300 hours of data
were recorded. During testing operations, the wind turbine faulted several times due to high-
speed bearing temperatures exceeding 90º C. There also were two incidents of significant oil
loss. An inspection on October 6, 2009, revealed that the high-speed stage gear teeth showed
signs of significant overheating. It was determined that testing should be suspended to avoid the
potential for catastrophic gearbox failure. Subsequently the gearbox was removed from the
turbine and shipped back to NREL.
During the Phase 1 Gearbox 2 Dynamometer Test, the gearbox was run-in using similarly
prescribed torque points used during the Phase 1 Gearbox 1 Dynamometer Test. Additional oil
particle sensors were added to the CM system. Dyechem was not used during the run-in to
prevent false wear particle readings. Non-torque load testing was performed to provide input data
for modeling efforts. The test series consisted of a range of non-torque loads applied at fixed
azimuths. Test article torque was varied for each case. The static non-torque load system was
used due to lengthy component lead times on the dynamic non-torque system.
During the Phase 2 Gearbox 2 Dynamometer Test, a series of tests was conducted, including a
generator misalignment test, a non-torque loading test, and a static and cyclic thrust test. In
addition, based on the torque time history obtained from the Phase 1 Gearbox 1 Field Test, the
field torque time series was reproduced in the dynamometer and tested. By manipulating the
trunnion mounts in a certain way, a carrier bearing clearance removal and fixed trunnion blocks
test also were conducted.
During the Phase 2 Gearbox 1 Dynamometer Retest, the damaged gearbox that was removed
from the Ponnequin Wind Farm was retested in the NREL 2.5-MW dynamometer. NREL's
customized, vibration-based CM system was added to capture the vibration signature resulting
from damage that occurred during the field testing. After conducting a limited set of CM tests in
the NREL dynamometer, the gearbox was sent to a repair shop for disassembly and inspection.
CM System Configurations
At the different stages of the GRC tests, various CM systems were deployed. Table 3 gives a
brief summary of the CM system configurations at different stages of the GRC tests. For more
details on these packages, please check the CM Systems Investigated section.
WindCon X X X X X
Dynamic Motor
SwanTech SWANwind X X X X X
Online Sensor
Particle Content
Macom TechAlert10 X X X X X
Motor Condition
Eaton Monitoring X X
CM System
For tests conducted in the dynamometer, the major change in the CM system configuration was
the addition of new packages. The CM system configuration for Phase 2 Gearbox 1
Dynamometer Retest is illustrated in Figure 9, where the different types of monitoring
techniques that these packages represent are indicated. It is worth noting that both inline and
offline particle counts are referred to as oil debris monitoring; offline oil condition measurement
refers to total ferrous debris, oil quality and moisture.
Figure 9. CM system configuration in Phase 2 Gearbox 1 Dynamometer Retest
Due to intellectual property constraints, detailed sensor locations for the commercial Stress
Wave and Vibration-based monitoring systems cannot be disclosed. As a result, the setup used in
NREL's customized vibration-based CM system is illustrated in Figure 10. It illustrates most of
the typical accelerometer mounting locations for vibration-based CM systems seen in the wind
industry today. The sensor notations are given in Table 4 and their physical installations are
illustrated in Figure 11. It is worth noting that a typical commercial CM system uses only a
portion of the 12 sensors listed in Table 4. One typical configuration consists of eight
accelerometers: two on the main bearing, including one in the radial direction (AN1), and the
other in the axial direction (AN2); four on the gearbox, including one for the planetary section in
the radial direction (AN3 or AN4) and one for each stage of the gearbox, i.e. LSS (AN5), ISS
(AN6), and HSS (AN7), all in the radial direction; and two on the generator, including one on the
drive end (AN11) and the other on the non-drive end (AN12), both in the radial direction. The
other typical configuration also consists of eight accelerometers and differs from the first by
replacing AN5 through 7 with AN8 through 10.
For real-time lubricant CM systems, where sensors are installed in both inline and offline filter
loops, it is necessary to have a clear schematic of the filtration system to better understand their
results. Figure 12 illustrates the schematics for the filtration system used during the Phase 2
Gearbox 1 Dynamometer Retest, including the real-time lubricant CM sensors K1 to K3 (model
information removed to avoid disclosing specific sensor suppliers), ISO cleanliness level
Figure 10. NREL customized vibration-based CM system sensor locations
AN1, AN2, AN3, and AN4 (From left to right, PIX #19589, 19590, 19588, 19587)
AN5, AN6, AN7, and AN8 (From left to right, PIX #19591, 19592, 19594, 19593)
AN9, AN10, AN11, and AN12 (From left to right, PIX #19595, 19598, 19597, 19596)
Figure 12. Lubrication system schematics for Phase 2 Gearbox 1 Dynamometer Retest
For the Phase 1 Gearbox 1 Field Test, it should be noted that only the commercial Stress Wave,
Vibration-based CM system, sensor K2, and sensors for measuring wear (total ferrous) debris, oil
quality, and moisture were deployed. Also, the filtration system schematic is different from what
is shown in Figure 12, as the inline filter loop was from the field test turbine. The offline
filtration loop is similar to what is shown in Figure 12.
Test Results and Discussions
CM data was collected during both phases of testing. This section presents some of these
diagnostic results, according to various investigated CM techniques. As the majority of the
results to be presented were obtained during the Phase 2 Gearbox 1 Dynamometer Retest, the
damage incurred by Gearbox 1 is highlighted here. Figure 13. shows a picture of the high speed
stage taken while the gearbox was in the field after the second oil loss. Figure 14, which was
obtained during its later disassembly, illustrates the high speed stage gear damage. The main
cause for such damage was the two oil loss events experienced by the test gearbox in the field, as
mentioned previously.
Figure 13. Gearbox 1 high speed stage (taken in field after second oil loss event). PIX #19600.
Figure 14. Gearbox 1 high speed stage gear damage (during Gearbox 1 disassembly). PIX #19599.
The test results are presented with a focus on the diagnosis of the damage to test Gearbox 1
compared to the healthy Gearbox 2.
Vibration Analysis
One key element in various commercial vibration-based CM systems is data analysis algorithms.
The commonly used algorithms can be classified into two categories: time and frequency
domains. For time domain techniques, the monitored parameters may include peak, root mean
square (RMS), crest factor (i.e., the ratio between the amplitude and RMS within a defined time
window), peak-to-peak interval, mean, standard deviation, skew, and kurtosis [29, 30]. For
frequency domain techniques, the common practices are standard fast Fourier transform (or
spectrum), order analysis, envelope analysis (or amplitude demodulation), and side band analysis
[29]. The time domain parameters are normally used to monitor the trend of overall vibration
level over time, at a specific measurement location. Time interval-based or vibration level-based
triggering mechanisms can be set up based on the time domain parameter that reflects overall
vibration trending. Once triggered, a discrete frequency analysis snapshot can be taken. Based on
these snapshots, detailed examinations of gearbox health can be conducted. Also, the amplitude
of characteristic frequencies for gears (e.g., meshing frequency) and bearings (e.g., ball passing
frequency) can be trended over time to detect potential failures [13].
Figure 15 and Figure 16 show sample results obtained by the investigated vibration-based CM
system from the GRC tests [31]. Figure 15 results were obtained during the Phase 1 Gearbox 2
Dynamometer Test. Figure 16 results were obtained during the Phase 2 Gearbox 1 Dynamometer
Retest. They are spectra of vibration data collected by one accelerometer mounted to the
Intermediate Speed Shaft on the back cover of the test gearbox. Figure 15 shows measurements
from the healthy gearbox, while Figure 16 shows data collected from the damaged gearbox. For
both figures, the horizontal axis shows frequency in counts per minute (60 cpm = 1 Hz) and the
vertical axis shows acceleration in g (1 g=9.8 m/s^2). The fundamental high speed stage gear
meshing frequency (GMF) of 39,600 cpm or 660 Hz, and its second harmonic are labeled in the
figures. When comparing the figures, the damaged gearbox clearly has more frequency
components and elevated amplitude for GMF sidebands. For illustration purposes, the ten
sideband frequencies (five below and five above) of the second harmonic in the high speed stage
GMF are labeled in Figure 16. The spectrum pattern illustrated in Figure 16 typically represents
abnormal gear set behaviors. When the sideband frequencies are around 39,600 cpm, it is clear
that the problem occurs during the high speed stage. In addition, the amplitude of the
fundamental high speed stage GMF increased from 0.0325 g in the healthy gearbox to 0.0875 g
in the damaged gearbox. Such an increase in GMF amplitude is another indication of abnormal
gear set behavior. Even without a detailed calculation, it is obvious that the energy contained in
the frequency spikes from the damaged gearbox is much higher than that of the healthy gearbox.
This is a result of both increased amplitude of those frequencies already contained in the healthy
gearbox and the additional energy caused by new frequency components in the damaged
gearbox. Based on these findings, it is reasonable to conclude that the vibration-based
monitoring technique can successfully diagnose such gear set damage.
Figure 15. Results from a vibration-based CM system (healthy gearbox)
Stress Wave Analysis
Another popular CM technique used by the wind industry is called stress wave analysis [32]. It
uses specially designed stress wave sensors to pick up the stress waves (acoustic emissions)
generated by the frictional and strike events in a monitored structure. Most of the vibration
analysis algorithms mentioned earlier also are applicable to the analysis of stress wave time
series. One unique result provided by the stress wave technique is called a stress wave amplitude
histogram, which is discussed below.
Figure 17 and 18 show the results obtained by the AE-based CM technique (specifically, stress
wave). The stress wave sensor was mounted axially in the middle of the three shaft ends on the
back of the test gearbox. The sensor output is conditioned to generate a stress wave pulse train,
which represents a time history of individual shock and friction events that have occurred in the
monitored machine [15, 32]. By first finding the peak amplitude of each of the pulses in the
stress wave pulse train, and then distributing these peaks into voltage bins that correspond to the
value of each reading, the resultant diagram—called a Stress Wave Amplitude Histogram [32]—
is generated. Two are shown in Figure 17 and Figure 18. In healthy machines, the distribution
should be a narrow bell shape located at the lower end of the voltage scale, as illustrated in
Figure 17. In abnormal machines, the distribution should be much broader and shifted to the
right on the amplitude scale, as illustrated in Figure 18. Figure 17 was obtained during the Phase
1 Gearbox 2 Dynamometer Test and Figure 18 was obtained during the Phase 2 Gearbox 1
Dynamometer Retest. Figure 17 implies that the monitored gear sets were healthy and Figure 18
implies that the monitored gear sets were problematic. To identify whether the damaged gear set
is at high speed, or at the intermediate speed stage, it is necessary to obtain some frequency
domain information. Because spectra of stress wave time series are expected to be similar to
those obtained from the vibration-based technique, they are not presented.
Figure 18. Stress Wave Amplitude Histogram (damaged gearbox)
Oil Monitoring
Oil monitoring is typically applied to the wind turbine gearbox, as it is the only oil-lubricated
component in the drivetrain. The objective of oil monitoring is to detect oil contamination and
degradation [33]. Oil contamination can be caused by dirt, wear debris, water, and the use of the
wrong oil. Degradation can result from depletion of additives, oxidation, and base stock
breakdown. Oil monitoring can help detect lubricant, gear, and bearing failures and is an
important factor in achieving maximum service life for wind turbine gearboxes [26]. In this
report, oil monitoring techniques are divided into: oil cleanliness, oil debris monitoring, oil
condition monitoring, and offline oil sample analysis. The oil cleanliness level test counts
particles down to 4 µm. The oil debris monitoring sensors count particles down to the tens of µm
level. These sensors can provide cumulative particle counts, as well as ferrous and nonferrous
particles in different size bins. The oil condition monitoring sensors, on the other hand, measure
total ferrous debris, oil moisture, and changes in oil quality caused by the contamination level,
the acidic level, and the water content. Oil sample analysis first involves taking an oil sample
from the gearbox lubrication system and then sending the sample to a dedicated laboratory for
analysis. An analyst at the oil analysis laboratory reviews the results and provides
recommendations to the owner/operator of the test turbine. The main reasons to include oil
sample analysis, in addition to the oil cleanliness level, debris and condition monitoring are [33]
The typical parameters sought in an oil sample analysis include [34] particle counts, water
content, total acid number, viscosity, and particle element identification. The recommended
interval for oil analysis, as stated by wind turbine manufacturers, is typically one sample every
six months. However, if the oil cleanliness, debris, or condition sensors reveal abnormal
conditions, it is better to conduct a spot oil sample analyses, which may help in identifying
component failures in progress. The results obtained during various stages of the GRC tests by
these four oil monitoring techniques are presented below.
Oil cleanliness level results similar to Figure 19 also were obtained during the Phase 1 Gearbox 2
Dynamometer Test, when the test gearbox was run-in. Test data from both test gearboxes
indicate that the cleanliness readings did, in fact, fall off at the 1+ hour range, depending on load
and temperature. The industry has recognized that using cleanliness is a better approach than the
time-at-load level since it verifies that run-in has actually occurred, and these results are good
evidence to support that assumption.
Figure 19. Oil cleanliness level (run-in)
Figure 20-22 show results obtained during the Phase 1 Gearbox 2 Dynamometer Test, when the
test gearbox was being run-in. The counts represent the total number of particles, ferrous or
nonferrous, with a size greater than a certain size, varying from 35 µm to 300 µm depending on
the sensor being used, and detected by the sensors throughout the entire test period. Test dates
are plotted on the horizontal axis and the vertical axis plots cumulative particle counts detected
by sensors K1 to K3. We observed that the total counts, at the end of the test, varied among the
three sensors. The implication is that the sensor outputs are affected by measurement locations.
However, their trends are similar. Note that sensor K1 is located in the inline filter loop and
sensors K2 and K3 are located in the offline filter loop.
Figure 22. Cumulative particle counts obtained by sensor K3 (run-in)
Figure 23 shows the oil debris particle counts obtained during the Phase 2 Gearbox 1
Dynamometer Retest by sensor K1. The horizontal axis shows the date and the vertical axis lists
the cumulative particle counts. Within three calendar days, the counts were increased from 0 to
about 680. More specifically, the particle generation rate reached about 70 particles per hour on
September 16. In comparison, about 11 particles were generated over a period of four hours from
a healthy gearbox [35]. It is, therefore, reasonable to conclude that under similar environmental
conditions, such as oil temperature, shaft rotational speed, and driven torque, a damaged gearbox
has higher particle-generation rates than a healthy gearbox. It is worth noting that the lubricant
used in this test is different from the oil used during the run-in, which does not have anti-wear
additives. However, due to the lack of frequency information from the oil debris monitoring
technique, it is difficult to tell where the damage occurred.
9/15 9/16 Date 9/17 9/18
Figure 24 and 25 show the ferrous particle counts obtained from sensors K2 and K3 during the
Phase 1 Gearbox 2 Dynamometer Test, when the test gearbox was being run-in. The horizontal
axis of each figure is the date and the vertical axis shows particle counts. Each plot has five
curves, which represent five different size bins. Assuming the test gearbox at the run-in stage
was healthy, even large particles (greater than 100 µm) are generated. It is, therefore, not correct
to claim large particles are only generated when the monitored gearbox has damaged internal
components. On the other hand, since the counts within each size bin also vary, this demonstrates
that the location of the sensor influences the readings.
Figure 24. Ferrous particle counts by sensor K2 categorized into five size bins (run-in)
Figure 25. Ferrous particle counts by sensor K3 categorized into five size bins (run-in)
Oil Condition Monitoring
The third sub set of oil monitoring results was obtained from the oil condition monitoring
sensors, specifically total ferrous debris, oil quality, and moisture. The measurement was made
in the offline filter loop. Figure 26 shows the results obtained during the Phase 1 Gearbox 1 Field
Test. Figure 27 shows the results obtained during the Phase 2 Gearbox 1 Dynamometer Retest.
The horizontal axis for both figures is the test date. The units for four monitored variables are:
Figure 26 shows that total ferrous debris has several spikes, which may be an indication of
possible gearbox damage. The moisture was decreasing, which was reasonable since oil loss
should have led to elevated oil temperature making the oil drier. However, wind speed
information is needed to confirm whether the two temperature channels match the turbine
operational conditions. Assuming a match, the data has demonstrated the complex dynamics that
wind turbines may experience in the field.
In Figure 27, the total ferrous debris channel also showed several spikes, which may be
considered an indication of possible gearbox damage. It should be pointed out that the amplitude
of these spikes increased as the test progressed. The reason is that both the testing load and shaft
rotational speed were intermittently increased from the first to the last day of the test. The
moisture level did not change much, which might be due to the short testing period. These much
cleaner curves, with respect to those shown in Figure 26, demonstrate that the test conditions in
the dynamometer were less dynamic, since they were purposely controlled.
morphology make it possible to infer failure modes and can help in root cause analysis
determinations [36].
Summary of Results
The various results presented demonstrate that:
• The spectrum analysis of the vibration signal (or stress waves) can distinguish between
healthy and damaged gearboxes, and, to a certain extent, pinpoint the location of damaged
gearbox components. The diagnosis can determine which stage of the monitored gearbox has
damage, but it may not be able to specify which bearing or gear, since several bearings or
gears may have the same characteristic fault frequencies.
• The stress wave amplitude histogram appears to be effective for detecting gearbox abnormal
health conditions.
• Oil cleanliness level can be used to control and monitor wind turbine gearbox run-in. The
typical run-in interval observed in the GRC tests was in the 1+ hour range for each load level.
• Oil debris particle counting is effective for monitoring gearbox component damage, but is not
effective for pinpointing damage location.
o Readings are affected by sensor mounting locations.
o Similar particle counting trends can be obtained between the inline filter (main) and the
offline filter (kidney or side stream) loops.
• A damaged gearbox releases particles at increased rates.
• Oil condition monitoring results, specifically moisture, total ferrous debris, and oil quality,
indicate that oil total ferrous debris appears indicative of gearbox component damage. More
data is required to evaluate the measurements of oil moisture and quality.
• Periodic oil sample analysis may help pinpoint a failed component and support root cause
• Electrical signature-based techniques so far have not distinguished between the healthy and
damaged gearboxes.
Challenges in Wind Turbine Drivetrain CM and Future R&D Areas
Based on the drivetrain CM research conducted so far under the GRC, it is clear that there is
room to improve typical O&M practices adopted by wind plant owner/operators. CM is one
enabling technique for such improvements to help reduce O&M costs and, subsequently, the
COE for the wind industry. When turbines are installed offshore, the improvements in CM
techniques used broadly in O&M practices will become even more important.
Among the various CM techniques investigated in this research, vibration or stress wave analysis
and oil monitoring CM techniques have been successfully applied, and are increasingly
deployed, in the wind industry. However, there are still challenges facing these monitoring
techniques, which must be addressed. The first challenge for wind turbine CM, as a whole, is the
justification of cost benefits. Relative to other traditional power generation industries where CM
is widely adopted, the revenue stream from each wind turbine may be an order of magnitude
Some recommendations for best practices to address these challenges are:
• New sensing technologies, such as Spectral Emitted Energy (SEE) sensors [38]
• New diagnostic algorithms, such as the synthesized synchronous sampling method [39].
For oil monitoring, consideration must be given to the many factors affecting oil debris,
condition sensor readings, and oil sample analyses [40]. Some of these factors also can be
considered as challenges. For oil debris and condition monitoring, the challenge is to correctly
interpret the sensor readings (e.g., oil quality and moisture), as operational conditions have
significant impacts. These include temperature changes that occur from stop to start in day-to-
day turbine operations and also cross-seasonal operations. To mitigate this challenge, speed and
temperature information can be integrated when interpreting the oil debris and condition
monitoring sensor readings [40]. For oil sample analysis, there is no single standard for all wind
turbines [40]. Different turbine manufacturers, or lubrication oil suppliers, may require a unique
set of analyses to obtain credible results. Other challenges include:
Future R&D areas in Wind Turbine Drivetrain CM
Although the CM technologies face various challenges in wind turbine applications, they are still
valuable and beneficial to the entire wind industry.
Below are opportunities for improvements identified for advancing wind turbine CM:
• Determine the most cost-effective measurement or monitoring strategy
• Improve the accuracy and reliability of diagnostic decisions, including severity level
• Automate the “expert” in data interpretation to make actionable recommendations automatic
• Develop reliable and accurate prognostics techniques.
• Improved use of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system data, which is
normally only stored at 10-minute intervals
• Performance monitoring, usage monitoring, and load estimation [41] to help prognostics
• Fleet-wide condition monitoring and asset management [5]
• Root cause analysis to help improve the turbine operation, control strategy, and component
When turbines are installed offshore, the scope of CM must be expanded from the baseline
onshore turbine studied here to include additional subsystems, such as undersea transmission
lines. The influences of water on turbine component health need to be examined. The load
estimation becomes more complex, as both wave and wind influences are involved. As a result,
novel sensing or sensor integration strategies may need to be developed [42]. Maintenance
strategies also may need to be enhanced by integrating them with improved forecasting [42].
A fixed duration at-load approach has been traditionally used for conducting the run-in tests of
wind turbine gearboxes. The GRC run-in tests have shown that ISO cleanliness measurements
should be used to monitor and control the run-in of wind turbine gearboxes. The ISO cleanliness
levels, especially the readings from the 14 µm bin, increased with the start up of the run-in at a
certain load level and the readings gradually leveled off at a longer duration than standard run-in
procedures. This data can be used to determine when to stop the run-in at each load level,
thereby achieving a complete run-in of the gearbox. If the run-in is not fully completed, surface
roughness remains excessive and contact stresses are increased when the gearbox is placed into
service. Increased contact stresses can result in premature failures of the gearbox.
Wind plant owner/operators may be under the misconception that one CM system can detect
more problems in wind turbines than is possible. The GRC tests have demonstrated that different
monitoring techniques can reveal different details of the drivetrain components. As a result, an
integrated approach is recommended for the best possible results.
Both damaged and healthy gearboxes were tested in controlled dynamometer tests and vibration,
acoustic emission, electrical signature analysis, and oil monitoring data were acquired. The
damage to the gearbox consisted of severe scuffing to the high speed stage gear and pinion. The
data from each technique was evaluated in order to determine if the damaged gearbox could be
clearly distinguished from the healthy gearbox.
Vibration, acoustic emission, and oil debris monitoring all demonstrated the capability of
distinguishing between the healthy and damaged gearbox components. Electrical signature
analysis did not show any indication of the gear teeth damage, most likely because the damage to
the gear teeth was not severe enough to significantly affect the generator currents.
For oil debris monitoring, different vendors have different claims on the effectiveness of
mounted sensors, in either the inline or offline filtration loops. The GRC test results indicate that
the wear debris count appears effective for monitoring the gearbox, but measurements are
affected by sensor mounting locations. If the sensor mounting location is appropriate, similar
trends in wear debris counts, between the offline filter loop and the inline filter loop, can be
To the authors’ knowledge, there are limited results for wind turbine CM testing that are publicly
available to the industry. This research is one of the first attempts to provide this information and
the research results demonstrate the value of a project being funded by a U.S. government
agency and the benefits of collaboration with industry partners.
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32. D. Board, Stress Wave Analysis Provides Early Detection of Lubrication Problems, 2003,
Machinery Lubrication. [Online]
33. S. Sheng, Investigation of Oil Conditioning, Real-time Monitoring and Oil Sample Analysis
for Wind Turbine Gearboxes, 2011, AWEA Project Performance and Reliability Workshop,
January 12–13, 2011, San Diego, CA.
34. D. Troyer and J. Fitch, Oil Analysis Basics, 2001, Noria Corporation, Tulsa, OK.
35. Dempsey, P. and S. Sheng. 2011. “Investigation of Data Fusion Applied to Health
Monitoring of Wind Turbine Drivetrain Components,” presented at the 2011 Wind Power
Conference, May 22-25.
36. Sheng, S.; Herguth, W.; Drake, T. (2011). “Investigation of Image-Based Particle Shape and
Size Analysis Techniques for Wind Turbine Gearbox Lubricants.” Presented Society of
Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) 66th Annual Meeting and Exhibition,
Atlanta, GA, May 15-19, 2011. NREL Report No. AB-5000-51073. Golden, CO: NREL.
37. J. Tranter, Vibration Analysis of Wind Turbines, ReliabilityWeb, [Online]
38. Smulders, Challenges of Condition Monitoring for Wind Turbines and Successful
Techniques, 2009, Wind Turbine Condition Monitoring Workshop, October 8–9, 2009,
Broomfield, CO.
39. H. Luo , R. Hedeen, D. Hallman, D. Richter, and M. Sirak, 2009, Synchronous Sampling in
Wind Turbine Gearbox Condition Monitoring, 2009, Wind Turbine Condition Monitoring
Workshop, October 8–9, 2009, Broomfield, CO.
40. D. Clark, What to expect from oil sensors and sampling, 2010, Wind Power Engineering.
41. S. Butterfield, Vision for Advanced Wind Plant Health Monitoring: Beyond Gearboxes,
2009, Wind Turbine Condition Monitoring Workshop, October 8–9, 2009, Broomfield, CO.
42. W. Musial, Offshore Wind O&M Challenges, 2009, Wind Turbine Condition Monitoring
Workshop, October 8–9, 2009, Broomfield, CO.
Appendix A – Project Partners
Brüel & Kjær Vibro A/S
Castrol Industrial North America Inc.
CC Jensen Inc.
Colorado School of Mines
Eaton Corp.
GE Bently Nevada
Herguth Laboratories, Inc.
Impact Technologies
IVC Technologies
Kittiwake Americas
The Lubrizol Corporation
Macom Condition Monitoring
National Instruments
NRG Systems Inc.
Purdue University
Schenck Corporation
Sentient Corporations
SKF Baker Instrument
STC Consultants (SKF)
Scientech (formerly SwanTech)
University of Cincinnati
University of Connecticut
University of Iowa
University of New South Wales in Australia
Wichita State University
Appendix B – Other Activities
In response to the industry’s growing interest in CM, NREL held a wind turbine condition
monitoring workshop on October 8-9, 2009, in Broomfield, CO. The workshop covered a broad
range of topics: economic benefits, current CM practices, drivetrain monitoring, lubricant
conditioning and monitoring, structural health monitoring, research and development efforts, and
CM practices in other industries. Thirty-three experts in the field of CM were invited to moderate
and present at the workshop, which was attended by 225 people. An overview paper (Sheng &
Veers 2011) was written based on selected presentations given at the workshop. To better serve
the industry, NREL plans to host a CM workshop every other year.
Appendix C – Publications and Presentations
Sheng, S. (2011). “Investigation of Various Condition Monitoring Techniques Based on a
Damaged Wind Turbine Gearbox.” Eighth International Workshop on Structural Health
Monitoring 2011. Stanford, CA, USA, September 13-15, 2011.
Sheng, S. (2011). “Wind Turbine Drivetrain Condition Monitoring.” Keynote Speech Presented
at Pennsylvania State University Ben Franklin Center of Excellence in Structural Health
Monitoring Annual Meeting, University Park, PA, August 4, 2011.
Dempsey, P.; Sheng, S. (2011). Investigation of Data Fusion Applied to Health Monitoring of
Wind Turbine Drivetrain Components. Report No. PR-5000-51467. Golden, CO: NREL.
Sheng, S.; Herguth, W.; Drake, T. (2011). “Investigation of Image-Based Particle Shape and Size
Analysis Techniques for Wind Turbine Gearbox Lubricants.” Presented Society of Tribologists
and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) 66th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Atlanta, GA, May 15-
19, 2011. NREL Report No. AB-5000-51073. Golden, CO: NREL.
Sheng, S. (2011). “GRC Condition Monitoring Overview and Some Preliminary Results.”
Presented at GRC All Member Meeting, Golden, CO, February 16-17, 2011.
Sheng, S. (2011). “Investigation of Oil Conditioning, Real-time Monitoring and Oil Sample
Analysis for Wind Turbine Gearboxes.” The American Wind Energy Association (AWEA)
Project Performance and Reliability Workshop. San Diego, CA, USA, January 12-13, 2011.
Report No. PR-5000-50301. Golden, CO: NREL.
Sheng, S. (2010). “Investigation of Oil Conditioning and Monitoring Techniques for Wind
Turbine Gearboxes.” The Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) 65th Annual
Meeting and Exhibition. Las Vegas, NV, USA, May 16-20, 2010.
Sheng, S. (2010). “GRC Condition Monitoring Overview and Preliminary Results from Oil
Condition Monitoring.” Presented at GRC All Member Meeting, Golden, CO, February 2-3,
Sheng, S.; Butterfield, S.; Oyague, F. (2009). “Investigation of Various Wind Turbine Drivetrain
Condition Monitoring Techniques.” Presented at the 7th International Workshop on Structural
Health Monitoring 2009, Stanford, CA, September 9-11, 2009. NREL Report No. CP-500-
46160. Golden, CO: NREL.
Butterfield, S.; Sheng, S.; Oyague, F. (2009). “Wind Energy's New Role in Supplying the
World's Energy: What Role Will Structural Health Monitoring Play?” Presented at the 7th
International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring 2009. Stanford, CA, September 9-11.
NREL Report No. CP-500-46180.
Sheng, S. (2009). “GRC Condition Monitoring.” Presented at GRC All Member Meeting,
Golden, CO, January 22, 2009.