2Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, PERI Institute of Technology, Mannivakkam, Chennai, India
ABSTRACT-Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being
integrated into thermal management systems that use phase AI algorithms can analyze historical temperature data to
change materials (PCMs) to enhance energy efficiency and predict thermal loads and optimize PCM usage. By forecasting
temperature control. AI can analyze large datasets from changes in temperature and load requirements, systems can
thermal management systems, identifying patterns and adjust PCM deployment to maintain optimal conditions.
correlations that traditional methods might miss. Machine Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being applied to
enhance the thermal management of phase change materials
learning algorithms can predict how PCMs will behave under
(PCMs), particularly in applications like energy storage,
different conditions, optimizing their performance for thermal regulation in buildings, and electronics cooling.
applications like building energy management, thermal energy Combine AI with Internet of Things (IoT) devices for
storage, and electronics cooling. AI models can simulate the enhanced data collection and control, enabling smarter thermal
thermal behavior of PCMs in real time. This allows for management solutions. Leverage cloud-based platforms to
dynamic adjustments to thermal systems, ensuring optimal analyze large datasets from distributed PCM systems,
temperatures are maintained and preventing overheating or providing insights that inform better design and operational
excessive cooling. By utilizing AI-driven algorithms, strategies. Dashboards and visualization tools powered by AI
researchers can optimize the formulation of PCMs, enhancing to help the users easily interpret data and make informed
their thermal properties such as melting and solidification decisions regarding thermal management strategies.
temperatures. This can lead to improved energy efficiency in 1.1 Role of Artificial Intelligence
various applications. AI can be used to monitor the health of
Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays a pivotal role in enhancing
thermal management systems utilizing PCMs. By analyzing the thermal storage performance of Phase Change Materials
operational data, AI can predict failures or inefficiencies, (PCMs) by optimizing design, improving efficiency, and
allowing for timely maintenance and reducing downtime. AI enabling innovative applications.
can assist in energy demand forecasting, helping to manage
AI models, particularly machine learning algorithms, predict
the use of PCMs in systems like solar thermal energy storage.
key thermal properties such as latent heat, thermal
Predictive analytics can optimize charging and discharging conductivity, melting/freezing temperatures, and heat transfer
cycles based on expected energy consumption patterns. AI can rates, enabling the selection of the most efficient PCMs. It
enhance control strategies for systems using PCMs, enabling facilitates the identification of new PCM formulations with
more responsive and adaptive management based on real-time enhanced properties by analyzing molecular structures and
conditions and forecasts. This ensures maximum efficiency simulating thermal behavior.
and performance of thermal management systems. AI can AI models evaluate the impact of additives like nano particles
work alongside Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to gather or expanded graphite on PCM thermal conductivity.
real-time data from various sensors in thermal management Optimization algorithms identify the ideal composition and
systems. This integration allows for more sophisticated distribution of additives to enhance heat transfer. AI simulates
predictive analytics and decision-making. and predicts the melting and freezing behavior of PCMs under
varying conditions to ensure consistent energy storage and
Keywords - Artificial Intelligence, Thermal Management, release.
PCM, Thermal Storage, Energy Efficiency, Optimisation of
PCM AI systems optimize heat absorption and release rates to
ensure maximum energy utilization. It identifies the shortest
charging/discharging times required for specific applications, and his team [3] have incorporated the PCM within the device
improving overall system efficiency. AI significantly enhances layer to lower the thermal resistance between the PCM and the
PCM thermal storage performance by improving material heat source in an electronic device. Combining machine
properties, optimizing system design, and ensuring efficient learning and parametric approaches improves the geometry
energy utilization. This synergy between AI and PCMs and material properties of the embedded PCM regions.
enables advanced energy storage solutions, contributing to
Olabi et al. [4] undertook a study that presents the
sustainable energy systems and innovative thermal
classifications, functions, and effective design of energy
management applications. It detects anomalies in thermal
systems in many applications using different artificial
performance, such as reduced heat storage capacity or
intelligence approaches. Recent developments in using
irregular phase transitions, enabling timely maintenance. AI
artificial intelligence to forecast and regulate the operation of
models predict PCM aging and degradation due to repeated
energy systems with thermal energy storage facilities are
thermal cycling, guiding material replacement schedules.
covered in this paper. These technologies' performance is
AI tools simulate PCM behavior under real-world operating carefully examined to demonstrate its observable accuracy in
conditions, allowing for performance prediction without achieving various goals. New concepts for the use of artificial
extensive physical testing. AI predicts the long-term intelligence in TESS are provided by the recommendations
performance of PCM-based systems, including degradation, and areas for future study. Accurate melting time estimations
thermal cycling effects, and energy loss. are essential for the effective design of Thermal Energy
Storage systems based on cylindrically encapsulated Phase
AI optimizes the design of thermal energy storage systems by
Change Materials [5]. The melting time of a cylindrically
determining the best configurations for PCM placement,
encapsulated PCM is correlated with the energy stored in the
encapsulation, and insulation. It identifies the most efficient
system. The article presents the prediction model for the
methods for integrating PCMs into systems like building
overall melting time of PCM that is cylindrically enclosed.
materials, solar panels, or HVAC systems. AI-based control
When compared to the correlation equation suggested in the
systems dynamically manage the charging and discharging
literature, the model created using the Multilayer Perceptron
cycles of PCMs to maximize energy efficiency and prevent
(MLP) approach performed better.
overheating or under cooling.
Phase Change Materials (PCMs) are substances that absorb or
Phase change materials have gained significant attention in
release a significant amount of latent heat when they undergo
thermal energy storage and management applications during
a phase transition, typically from solid to liquid or vice versa.
the phase transition process. Understanding the PCM's
Due to their ability to store and release thermal energy, PCMs
condition is critical to the thermal management system's
are widely used in applications such as thermal energy
lifetime. Using surface temperature history, Venkata Sai
storage, temperature regulation in buildings, electronics
Anooj et al. [1] suggested a machine learning-based diagnostic
cooling, and renewable energy systems.
method for a thermal management system that predicts the
liquid fraction. Numerical simulations are used to generate the Selecting the right PCM for a specific application involves
data. The study demonstrates that machine learning methods considering factors like melting temperature, thermal
can be used to overcome heat transfer issues. conductivity, heat storage capacity, cost, environmental
impact, and long-term stability. Artificial Intelligence (AI) can
According to Shuli Liu et al. [2], the literature includes both
play a critical role in streamlining the selection process by
theoretical and experimental articles that describe how AI
analyzing vast amounts of data and optimizing the choice of
techniques are integrated into TES systems using PCM. They
PCM based on specific criteria.
also compare the benefits and drawbacks of AI prediction
models and optimization algorithms with other common AI can be used to gather and preprocess large datasets from
technologies currently used in the LHS field. The limits of existing research, experiments, and databases that include
previous research have been summarized and possible information on the properties of various PCMs. This data may
directions for improving artificial intelligence performance include melting point, heat capacity, thermal conductivity,
have been proposed. Based on the functional features of cost, environmental impact, and more.
artificial intelligence in PCM energy storage, the monitoring
AI-based optimization techniques, such as Genetic Algorithms
research that is now underway can be divided into two
(GA), or Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), can be employed
categories: prediction and optimization. Meghavin Bhatasana
to find the best PCM for specific conditions or constraints.
These methods use a set of criteria (e.g., temperature range, properties and phase transition behaviors of PCMs based on
phase change enthalpy, cycle stability) and optimize the historical data.
selection process based on simulations or real-world
Digital Twins is used to create virtual models of PCM systems
to simulate and predict thermal behavior under various
AI models, such as Support Vector Machines (SVM), Random scenarios using AI-based simulations. AI technology is used to
Forests, and Deep Learning, can predict the behavior of PCMs run simulations that predict outcomes under different
based on historical data. These models can simulate the PCM's conditions, facilitating better decision-making.
behavior under different conditions, making it possible to
evaluate how materials will perform before physical testing. 4. OPTIMIZATION OF PCM FORMULATIONS
Regression techniques can predict the latent heat capacity,
thermal conductivity, or other properties of new or untested AI models, particularly machine learning (ML) algorithms,
PCM formulations based on existing datasets. can predict critical properties like latent heat, melting/freezing
points, and thermal conductivity from molecular structures.
3.1 Steps Involved in PCM Selection Using AI AI-driven algorithms analyze large material databases to
identify potential PCM candidates, accelerating the discovery
Data Collection: Gather data on various PCMs, including
their physical and thermodynamic properties. This data can process. This also reduces the need for extensive laboratory
testing by identifying optimal combinations of base materials
come from experimental measurements, simulations, or
and additives. Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays a
transformative role in the formulation of Phase Change
Data Preprocessing: Clean and standardize the data to Materials (PCMs) by optimizing their development, enhancing
ensure consistency and usability. This step might involve efficiency, and enabling innovative applications. AI can
handling missing values, outliers, or converting data into a significantly streamline and enhance the optimization of PCM
uniform format. formulations through several methodologies.
Feature Engineering: Identify the most relevant features AI techniques like regression analysis, support vector
for PCM selection, such as thermal conductivity, melting machines, or neural networks can analyze historical data on
point, cycle stability, and cost. various PCM formulations to predict their thermal properties,
such as melting point, latent heat, and thermal conductivity.
Model Development: Develop machine learning models AI can incorporate results from laboratory experiments,
or optimization algorithms to predict or recommend the helping refine models and guide formulation choices.
best PCM based on the defined application criteria.
Genetic Algorithms can be used to explore a wide range of
Model Training and Testing: Train the model on PCM combinations, simulating the process of natural selection
historical data and validate its accuracy using test datasets to evolve the best formulations over generations.
or cross-validation techniques.
Bayesian Optimization is useful for optimizing expensive-to-
Decision Support: Use the trained AI model to evaluate functions. This technique can effectively identify the
recommend the best PCM for a given application based on best PCM formulations with fewer experimental trials.
input parameters. The model can also provide insights into
trade-offs or uncertainties in the selection process. The optimization of phase change material (PCM)
formulations using artificial intelligence (AI) is a promising
Continuous Improvement: Refine the AI model over time area that enhances thermal management systems.
as new data becomes available, improving the
recommendations with each iteration. 4.1 Importance of PCM Optimization
AI technology is utilized to analyze the thermal performance 1. Enhanced Thermal Performance: Optimizing PCM
of different PCMs, helping to identify the best materials for formulations can lead to improved thermal storage
specific applications based on desired thermal characteristics. capacity, faster heat transfer rates, and better cycling
Apply techniques like genetic algorithms or particle swarm stability.
optimization to balance multiple factors (e.g., cost, thermal 2. Cost Efficiency: Finding the most cost-effective
conductivity, melting point). Employ Machine Learning combinations of materials can reduce overall system
Models and algorithms such as neural networks, decision costs while maintaining performance.
trees, or support vector machines to model the thermal
Electronics Cooling: PCMs optimized for electronic where f(T) is the liquid fraction.
devices to manage heat dissipation effectively, Stefan Problem
extending device life.
Governs phase boundary movement explicitly:
Renewable Energy Storage: Improved PCM
formulations for thermal energy storage systems in ρL = k.
solar thermal applications.
5.1. Numerical Methods
4.4 Future Directions
Phase Change Materials are commonly used for thermal
Hybrid PCMs: Research into combining multiple energy storage applications, and dynamic modeling of their
materials to enhance performance characteristics, thermal behavior is crucial for predicting their performance.
leveraging AI for formulation optimization. Several numerical methods are used to solve the heat transfer
equations governing the behavior of PCMs. Here, discuss the
Smart Materials: Development of PCMs that can
three primary numerical methods such as Finite Difference
adapt their properties in response to environmental
Method, Finite Volume Method, and Finite Element Method.
changes, with AI facilitating real-time optimization.
Finite Difference Method (FDM) is useful for modeling heat
Integration with IoT: Utilizing data from smart
conduction and phase change processes within a PCM. It can
sensors to continuously optimize PCM formulations
discretize both the spatial domain (e.g., the material's spatial
based on real-time thermal performance data.
grid) and the temporal domain (e.g., time steps). The heat
transfer equations (including those accounting for the latent
heat during phase change) are discretized using finite
differences, approximating derivatives at each grid point in dynamics, and other physical properties. Several tools and
time and space. software packages are commonly used in this context for
various aspects of modeling and simulation. Here are a few
Example: For 1D PCM slab, the temperature field T (x, t) can
notable ones:
be discretised as:
MATLAB/Simulink: PCM modeling in MATLAB can be
=α done by developing differential equations to describe heat
∆ ∆
transfer and phase change processes. Simulink offers block
where α is the thermal diffusivity, and ∆x and ∆t are the diagrams to create dynamic models of thermal systems,
spatial and temporal sizes. including energy storage and conversion in PCMs. MATLAB
Finite Volume Method (FVM) is particularly suited for can be used for optimization, control system design, and
problems where conservation laws (such as energy) are solving complex thermodynamic models. Tools like the
critical. Since energy is conserved during phase change Simscape and Simscape Thermal libraries can be used to
processes, FVM can directly apply the first law of model heat transfer and phase change in systems involving
thermodynamics to ensure that energy is properly accounted PCMs.
for at each control volume. By dividing the PCM domain into ANSYS Fluent is used for simulating heat transfer and fluid
smaller volumes, FVM ensures that heat is transferred flow in systems where PCMs are used (e.g., in thermal storage
effectively during both solid and liquid phases and across the or heat exchangers). Modeling the phase change behavior of
solid-liquid interface. Latent heat during phase change can be PCMs through enthalpy methods or the fixed grid method,
modeled within each control volume by considering the phase where the latent heat of fusion is taken into account. Fluent
change enthalpy. can simulate the effects of natural convection during the
Example: In the 1D case, the energy balance for each control melting/freezing of PCMs in a variety of geometries.
volume could be expressed as COMSOL Multiphysics: PCM simulations using COMSOL
can be done by solving heat transfer and phase change
𝜌𝑐 𝑇𝑑𝑉 + 𝑞. 𝑛 𝑑𝐴 = QSource
equations, considering the latent heat and thermodynamic
where ρ is the density, cp is the specific heat and q is the heat properties of the material. Provides built-in modules for heat
flux across the control volume boundaries. transfer (conductive, convective, radiative) and structural
mechanics, which can be applied to PCM models, particularly
Finite Element Method (FEM) is particularly suited for in the context of thermal storage systems or heat
solving heat transfer problems in complex geometries where exchangers.PCM can be modeled using the enthalpy method
other methods like FDM and FVM may struggle. It can handle or fixed grid methods for phase change simulation. It can
irregular boundaries, heterogeneous materials, and variable solve dynamic heat conduction problems involving both solid
properties. FEM can be extended to model phase change and liquid phases in complex geometries. Integration with
processes by using enthalpy-based formulations, which other physics such as fluid flow or electrical heating can be
incorporate latent heat during phase change. The phase change modeled.
boundary can be tracked using advanced techniques such as
moving boundary methods or volume-of-fluid methods. OpenFOAM can model phase change processes in PCMs by
solving governing equations for heat transfer (conduction,
Example in the 2D domain, the heat equation with phase convection) and tracking the phase boundaries. It supports
change can be solved using FEM by approximating the multiphase flow models, which can simulate the liquid and
temperature field T (x,y,t) and the latent heat term using solid phases of PCMs, along with heat transfer during phase
interpolation functions: change. Can be coupled with other solvers for thermal storage
or system modeling.
v . 𝜑dV + dv (-k∇T. ∇𝜑 𝑑𝐴) = Qlatent
TRNSYS (Transient System Simulation Tool) is a simulation
where 𝜑 is the test function, k is the thermal conductivity, and software used for modeling energy systems and thermal
Qlatent represents the latent heat source term. behavior. It's particularly useful for building energy modeling
and thermal systems involving phase change materials.
5.2. Tools and Software TRNSYS can model the thermal performance of PCMs in
energy storage systems, including solar thermal systems,
Dynamic modeling of Phase Change Materials (PCM)
HVAC systems, or any application requiring dynamic thermal
involves simulating how the material transitions between solid
and liquid phases, while also accounting for heat transfer, fluid
© 2024, JOIREM || Page 5
Journal Publication of International Research for Engineering and Management (JOIREM)
Volume: 10 Issue: 12 | Dec-2024
management. It can simulate the dynamic behavior of PCMs 3. Electronics Cooling: Model Transient Heat Dissipation
with accurate time-dependent thermal properties. Using PCM
Fluent-based Solutions or Custom Code (e.g., using Python,
C++, or Fortran) can be written to simulate PCM behavior, Application: As electronic devices generate significant
including the dynamic modeling of heat transfer and phase heat, especially in high-performance computing, PCM-
change. PCM models can be custom-built using numerical based thermal management can stabilize device
methods (finite difference, finite element) to solve heat temperatures by absorbing heat during peak load and
conduction and phase change equations. These models can be releasing it when the device cools down.
tailored specifically to a particular PCM or system Modeling Considerations: Modeling transient heat
configuration. dissipation involves simulating the thermal load profile,
phase-change behavior of the PCM, and its impact on
5.3. Applications in Modeling device temperature fluctuations. Advanced simulations
The broad utility of Phase Change Materials (PCMs) can predict how the material will perform in real-world
across a variety of industries are listed below, where they can conditions and help design cooling solutions for
help to optimize thermal management, improve energy electronics such as processors or batteries.
efficiency, and enhance system performance.
4. Electric Vehicles: Managing Battery Temperatures to
1. Energy Storage: Simulate PCM Integration into Improve Performance and Longevity
Thermal Storage Systems (e.g., Solar or HVAC)
Application: PCMs can store excess thermal energy Application: In electric vehicles (EVs), temperature
from renewable sources like solar during peak sunlight control of the battery pack is crucial for maintaining
hours and release it when needed, thereby helping efficiency and extending battery life. PCMs can help
balance supply and demand. In HVAC systems, PCMs stabilize battery temperature by absorbing excess heat
can store thermal energy during off-peak times and during charging or heavy use and releasing it when
release it during peak heating/cooling demand. temperatures drop.
Modeling Considerations: Computational models can Modeling Considerations: Models must account for the
simulate the thermal charging and discharging cycles of dynamic temperature fluctuations within the battery
PCMs, including heat transfer, phase transitions, and during charging/discharging cycles and how the PCM
system integration. Simulation tools can predict can absorb or release thermal energy. Integrating PCM
performance under varying environmental conditions, systems with battery management systems (BMS) can be
enabling the design of more efficient thermal storage modeled to optimize temperature regulation and overall
systems. performance.
Application: PCMs can be integrated into building Application: Many industrial processes, such as
materials (walls, ceilings, roofs) to absorb heat during injection molding, metal casting, and pharmaceutical
the day and release it at night, helping to maintain manufacturing, require precise temperature control.
comfortable indoor temperatures and reduce reliance on PCMs can help maintain stable temperatures, reducing
HVAC systems. energy costs and improving product quality by
minimizing temperature variation during processes.
Modeling Considerations: Simulation of heat flux,
thermal conductivity, and phase-change kinetics is Modeling Considerations: Models need to simulate the
essential to understand how the PCM material responds thermal dynamics of the process and integrate PCM
to fluctuating ambient temperatures. The energy behavior to ensure it remains within optimal temperature
performance of PCM-enhanced building elements can be ranges. This can involve transient simulations of
modeled under various climate conditions to optimize temperature profiles, phase transitions, and heat transfer
their use for energy savings. in complex manufacturing environments.
6. Hybrid Systems: Combining PCMs with Other Thermal 5.4. Challenges and Advancements
Storage Technologies and AI for Enhanced Performance
Complex Boundary Dynamics: Phase boundaries
Application: Hybrid thermal storage systems that are non-linear and require sophisticated algorithms.
combine PCMs with other technologies (e.g., sensible
heat storage, thermal batteries) and artificial intelligence Material Behavior: Modeling real-world
(AI) for optimization are becoming increasingly popular. imperfections in PCM, such as sub cooling or
AI can predict temperature trends, adjust storage hysteresis.
strategies, and optimize PCM performance for varying Coupled Processes: PCM systems often involve
conditions. coupled heat transfer, fluid dynamics, and structural
Modeling Considerations: Hybrid systems require dynamics.
integrated models that consider both the thermodynamic Optimization: Dynamic modeling aids in material
behavior of PCMs and the operational aspects of selection, geometry design, and thermal performance
complementary technologies. AI models can be trained improvement.
on real-world data to predict optimal PCM activation
times, charging/discharging cycles, and hybrid system 6. PREDICTIVE MAINTENANCE
configurations. Predictive maintenance using artificial intelligence (AI) in the
7. Advanced Materials: Exploring New PCMs with Better thermal management of phase change materials (PCMs) is a
Thermal Properties and AI for Material Discovery transformative approach that enhances system reliability and
Application: Research into new PCMs with improved
thermal properties, such as higher latent heat or better 6.1 Importance of Predictive Maintenance
thermal conductivity, is ongoing. AI can be used to Minimized Downtime: Predictive maintenance helps
discover and optimize new materials by analyzing large prevent unexpected failures, reducing system downtime
datasets and predicting properties based on chemical and associated costs.
Extended Lifespan: Regularly monitoring and
Modeling Considerations: Advanced simulations are maintaining PCMs and their systems can extend their
needed to predict the thermal behavior of new materials, operational lifespan.
including their phase transition temperatures, heat
storage capacities, and long-term stability. AI-based Cost Savings: By anticipating maintenance needs,
material discovery models can combine experimental organizations can reduce maintenance costs and optimize
data and computational tools to propose new PCMs with resource allocation.
enhanced thermal performance. 6.2 Role of AI in Predictive Maintenance
8. Integration with Renewable Energy: Using AI to AI can enhance predictive maintenance strategies through
Optimize PCM Systems in Solar Thermal Applications several key functions:
and Other Renewable Energy Sources
1. Data Collection and Integration
Application: Solar thermal systems can use PCMs to
store heat for later use, balancing the intermittent nature Sensor Networks: Use of IoT devices to gather real-
of solar energy. AI can optimize PCM system time data on temperature, phase changes, and
performance by predicting solar intensity, thermal operational conditions of PCMs.
storage needs, and system response based on weather
Historical Data Analysis: Collecting and analyzing
forecasts and energy demand.
historical performance data to identify patterns
Modeling Considerations: AI and machine learning related to PCM degradation or failure.
models can predict when and how much thermal energy
2. Machine Learning Models
should be stored in the PCM and when it should be
released. Simulations of solar thermal collectors, thermal Anomaly Detection: AI algorithms can identify
storage tanks, and heat exchangers with integrated PCMs unusual patterns in data that may indicate potential
can help optimize system design and operation for failures, allowing for early intervention.
maximum energy savings.
Failure Prediction: Machine learning models can Electric Vehicles: Monitoring the performance of
predict when a PCM or thermal management system PCMs in battery thermal management systems to
is likely to fail based on input data, such as prevent overheating and optimize battery life.
temperature fluctuations and load conditions.
3. Condition Monitoring
Artificial intelligence (AI) plays a significant role in
Real-Time Monitoring: AI systems can enhancing the thermal management of phase change materials
continuously analyze data from sensors to assess the (PCMs) and improving energy forecasting. AI can facilitate
health of PCMs and associated systems. the integration of PCMs into larger thermal management
Threshold Alerts: Setting thresholds for critical systems, optimizing the interactions between PCMs, heat
parameters (e.g., temperature, pressure) enables exchangers, and HVAC systems to minimize energy
proactive maintenance alerts. consumption. Energy forecasting and management through AI
is an exciting and transformative field, particularly in the
6.3 Optimization of Maintenance Schedules context of utilizing Phase Change Materials (PCMs) for
energy storage. Here's how AI enhances each aspect:
Dynamic Scheduling: AI can optimize maintenance
schedules based on real-time data and predictive Demand Prediction: AI algorithms can be trained on
analytics, ensuring maintenance is performed at the historical data, identifying trends in energy consumption and
most effective times. integrating real-time variables like weather, holidays, or
economic activity. This predictive capability can accurately
Resource Allocation: AI can help allocate forecast energy demand, which helps in adjusting the charging
maintenance resources more efficiently by predicting and discharging cycles of PCMs. By anticipating demand
the likelihood of failures in different parts of a fluctuations, energy providers can optimize storage and
system. distribution, ensuring efficiency and minimizing energy loss.
6.4. Implementation Steps Renewable Energy Integration: AI enhances the
management of renewable energy sources like solar and wind,
1. Data Infrastructure: Establish a robust data
which can be intermittent and difficult to predict. By
infrastructure to collect and store relevant data from
forecasting energy generation from these sources based on
PCM systems and environmental conditions.
weather patterns, AI can optimize the storage of excess energy
2. Model Development: Use historical and real-time in PCMs during high production periods and release it when
data to train machine learning models focused on generation is low. This alignment between energy production
predicting failures and maintenance needs. and consumption ensures a more reliable and sustainable
energy grid.
3. Integration with Maintenance Systems: Integrate
AI predictive models with existing maintenance Load Balancing: Predictive analytics is key in anticipating
management systems to automate alerts and periods of high energy demand, such as during heat waves or
scheduling. cold snaps. By knowing when energy spikes are likely, AI
systems can manage the deployment of PCMs effectively.
4. Continuous Learning: Implement a feedback loop
This helps in reducing the strain on the grid and alleviating the
where the AI model is continually updated with new
need for additional energy generation, which might be costly
data, improving its accuracy over time.
or environmentally harmful.
6.5. Applications
Energy Management Systems: AI-powered energy
Building Energy Management Systems: Predictive management systems can automate and optimize the use of
maintenance can ensure that PCM-based thermal stored thermal energy in PCMs. By continuously monitoring
management systems operate efficiently, optimizing energy usage, weather conditions, and grid requirements, these
energy consumption in buildings. systems can manage the charging/discharging of PCMs to
ensure that energy is used efficiently. This leads to cost
Industrial Applications: In processes where PCMs reductions, enhanced energy security, and improved overall
are used for temperature regulation, predictive system efficiency by prioritizing the use of stored energy over
maintenance can minimize disruptions and enhance peak grid usage.
AI can create digital twins of thermal systems using PCM, Big Data Integration: IoT generates vast amounts of
allowing for real-time simulation and optimization of control data. AI can analyze this data to uncover trends,
strategies under various scenarios. Techniques like genetic improve forecasts, and refine control strategies for
algorithms or reinforcement learning can be applied to find better thermal management.
optimal control policies for managing PCM-based systems. Adaptive Learning: AI can learn from historical
AI can work alongside Internet of Things (IoT) technologies data and adjust PCM management strategies
to gather real-time data from various sensors in thermal accordingly, improving efficiency and responsiveness
management systems. This integration allows for more over time.
sophisticated predictive analytics and decision-making. 5. Energy Optimization
Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) with the Internet of
Things (IoT) in the thermal management of phase change Demand Response: AI can integrate with IoT
materials (PCMs) offers significant advancements in systems to manage energy loads effectively, using
efficiency, monitoring, and control. Here’s how this PCMs to store energy during low-demand periods
integration can be realized: and release it during peak times.
1. Smart Sensor Networks Dynamic Pricing Models: By analyzing energy
consumption patterns, AI can help optimize the use
Real-time Data Collection: IoT devices equipped with of PCMs based on real-time energy pricing,
sensors can continuously monitor temperature, maximizing cost savings.
humidity, and energy usage related to PCMs. This data
is crucial for AI algorithms to analyze and make 6. User Engagement and Feedback
informed decisions.
User Interfaces: IoT devices can provide users with
Edge Computing: Some processing can be done on real-time data and insights about the performance of
the edge (near the data source) to reduce latency, PCMs, enhancing user engagement and enabling
allowing for quicker responses to changes in the informed decisions about energy usage.
thermal environment.
Customizable Alerts: Users can receive alerts based
2. Enhanced Monitoring and Control on AI analysis, informing them of critical changes in
Remote Monitoring: AI can analyze data from IoT system performance or opportunities for energy
sensors to provide insights into PCM performance savings.
7. System Integration and Interoperability predictive capabilities, real-time data processing, and
self-learning mechanisms, AI can optimize the use of
Seamless Integration: AI can facilitate the PCMs in various applications, leading to better energy
integration of PCMs with other smart building management and improved system performance.
technologies, such as HVAC systems and renewable
The integration of AI and IoT in the thermal
energy sources, creating a holistic energy
management of PCMs provides a powerful framework
management system.
for enhancing efficiency, responsiveness, and overall
Interoperability: IoT protocols and standards can performance. By leveraging real-time data, predictive
ensure that various devices and systems communicate analytics, and automated control systems, this synergy
effectively, allowing AI to optimize the entire can lead to smarter energy management solutions in
thermal management ecosystem. various applications, from buildings to industrial
9. CONCLUSION PCMs have the potential to revolutionize energy
The combination of AI and PCMs presents significant management across many sectors. The success of these
opportunities for advancing thermal management applications depends heavily on accurate modeling to
technologies. By leveraging predictive analytics, real-time predict performance, optimize integration, and ensure
monitoring, and optimization strategies, AI can enhance the efficiency in real-world conditions. Advanced
effectiveness of PCMs, leading to improved energy efficiency simulation tools, combined with AI for optimization
and sustainability in various applications, from building and material discovery, will continue to unlock new
systems to automotive and electronics cooling. opportunities for PCM-based solutions in a variety of
AI can help identify the most suitable PCMs based on
specific application requirements (e.g., melting point, REFERENCES
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and energy forecasting holds the potential to Al Radi, Khaled Obaideen, Mohammad li Abdelkareem,
significantly enhance energy efficiency and Application of artificial intelligence for prediction,
sustainability. By leveraging data-driven insights and optimization, and control of thermal energy storage
predictive capabilities, AI can optimize the systems, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress,
performance of thermal energy systems, leading to Volume 39, Issue 1, 2023, 101730.
smarter energy solutions for a variety of applications. 5. Burak İzgi, Machine learning predictions and optimization
AI significantly enhances control systems for the for thermal energy storage in cylindrical encapsulated
thermal management of PCMs by enabling smarter, phase change material, International Journal of Energy
more adaptive, and efficient operations. By leveraging Studies, 2024, pp.199-218.