Chapter 2 - Animal Farm
Chapter 2 - Animal Farm
Chapter 2 - Animal Farm
Animal farm
Write different types ● Organise and develop the ideas with coherence and cohesiveness.
of texts in English as
a foreign language. ● Use suitable grammatical structures to express the ideas in the
written way.
● Reflect and evaluate the form, the content and the context of the
written text.
Chapter 1: Synopsis
Old Major dies in his sleep-in early March. The pigs are recognised as being the
cleverest animals particularly Snowball, Napoleon and Squealer. Snowball is a lively,
appealing pig, Napoleon is quieter and thought to be more of a thinker and Squealer is
a brilliant talker. We also meet Moses, the tame raven, who says he knows the
existence of a place called Sugar candy Mountain (heaven).
The revolution happened more quickly than expected. One night Jones the farmer got
drunk in the Red Lion and forgot to feed the animals. One cow broke into the store
shed and all the animals started to help themselves. When Jones and four of his
farmhands started whipping the animals to get them under control, they turned and
butted and kicked, driving Jones off his farm. His wife packed her bags quickly and
followed. The animals destroy everything that reminds them of human domination.
They celebrate and the pigs, who have learned to read and write, paint the 7
commandments on the wall of the barn. The pigs manage to milk the cows, who are
rather uncomfortable by this time, and Napoleon guards it while they all go off to survey
their farm. When they return the milk has disappeared.
I. Before reading
Write some positive and negative aspects of having a farm run by animals who
are all equal. Do you see any problems that may occur? Write down six negative
and positive points in the table.
11th Grade
Positive aspects of running a farm Negative aspects of running a farm
1 Elimination of human exploitation and Lack of specialized skills or
mistreatment knowledge in certain animals may
hinder efficiency
2 Opportunity for animals to govern Decision-making process may
themselves and make decisions become chaotic without clear
3 Increased motivation and morale among Lack of external oversight or
the animals due to shared ownership and regulation may lead to abuse of
responsibility power among the animals
4 innovation and adaptation to new Challenges in dealing with external
challenges threats or predators without human
5 Potential for fair distribution of labor and Risk of internal conflicts or power
resources among all animals struggles among different animal
6 Sense of equality among the animals Difficulty in enforcing rules and
maintaining order without a central
1. What effect did Major’s speech have on the more intelligent animals?
A. They began to write more songs.
B. They looked at life in a very different way.
C. They decided to stop working.
11th Grade
12. What does Orwell mean when he says Squealer can “turn black into white”?
A. Squealer is a good painter.
B. Squealer is good at magic.
C. Squealer is good at speaking.
N° Questions: Answers:
Why is it difficult for the pigs to Because some animals do not fully
convince the animals of the understand the abstract ideas behind
principles of Animalism? ideology and are more concerned with
immediate needs such as food and security
What are some of the animals’ Concerns about the fair distribution of food
objections to Animalism? and work, fear of the possibility of being
15 treated worse than before the revolution,
and the difficulty of understanding and
following the commandments of Animalism
16 What did the animals remember The animals remember their victory and the
the morning after the Rebellion? expulsion of the humans from the farm and
How did they react? are excited and somehow empowered by
11th Grade
IV. Characters
Identify the character from the quote or description.
17. “Can you not understand that liberty is worth more than ribbons?”
Name of the character: Snowball
18. He was a spy and a tale-bearer, but he was also a clever talker.
Name of the character: Squealer
20. Are the Seven Commandments sufficient to maintain order on the farm?
Answer: They may maintain order on the farm at first, but may not be sufficient on their
own. As circumstances change and new challenges arise, it may be necessary to add
rules to the farm
11th Grade
Answer: Yes, as some commandments are too vague or open to interpretation, leading
to confusion or conflict between animals
Metacognition questions:
1. Which IB learner profile attributes did I employ today? Highlight the answer.
N Questions Yes No
1 Did I focus and get my work done?
2 Did I speak clearly and loudly for everyone to hear and listen to
others’ opinions?
3 Did I cooperate with my partners and the teacher?
11th Grade