Variation in Physico Chemical Organolept
Variation in Physico Chemical Organolept
Variation in Physico Chemical Organolept
Pineapple is a commercial tropical fruit ranking sixth in global fruit production. Seasonal market gluts result in huge
postharvest losses in all pineapple-growing nations. To reduce postharvest losses of fruits, viable, cost-effective and
market-oriented value-added products are needed urgently. The present study was carried out to determine the
suitability of two commercial varieties, Kew and Mauritius, for the development of intermediate moisture (IM) fruits
and to evaluate product quality during storage. Pineapple slices were steam blanched for 2 min, followed by
immersion in osmotic solution containing sucrose and sorbitol (fruit: solution ratio of 1:4), in combination with
0.5% ascorbic acid and 0.25% potassium metabisulfite, for 6 h and were subsequently dehydrated in a tray drier at
50 °C until the moisture content of the product attained equilibrium. The initial moisture contents of IM Kew and
Mauritius pineapple slices were 26.53 and 21.65 g/100 g, respectively, while the water activity ranged between 0.671
and 0.666. The L* and b* values showed a decreasing trend, while a* value increased throughout storage,
irrespective of variety and storage conditions. The initial TSS of IM pineapple from both varieties was 72 0 Brix,
which declined during storage. Though titratable acidity of the product decreased during storage, the decline was
insignificant. The total carotenoids of the product from Mauritius was significantly higher (0.809 mg 100 g− 1)
compared to the one from Kew (0.215 mg 100 g− 1). Total phenolics contents in IM slices showed an increasing
trend during storage, irrespective of varieties and storage conditions. IM pineapple slices from the variety Mauritius
had significantly higher flavonoids (40.50 mg) than the product from Kew (30.0 mg 100 g− 1). DPPH radical
scavenging activity was highest (3.0 μl ml− 1) in IM slices from the variety Mauritius as compared to those from Kew
(5.0 μl ml− 1). IM pineapple from Mauritius recorded higher organoleptic scores throughout storage. Fungi were not
detected in any of the samples throughout the storage period while the population of bacteria and yeast was
Keywords: Intermediate moisture (IM), Pineapple, Physico-chemical, Organoleptic, Microbial
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Gomez et al. Food Production, Processing and Nutrition (2022) 4:5 Page 2 of 11
The south Indian State of Kerala is one of the leading peeled fruit were removed. The hard core of the fruit was
pineapple producing regions, owing to its predominantly removed using a stainless steel pineapple corer. These
warm, humid tropical climate. The variety ‘Mauritius’ fruits were then sliced into rings of 2.0 cm thickness,
occupies more than 90% of the area under cultivation. followed by steam blanching for 2 min. The blanched
The varieties ‘Kew’ and ‘MD-2’ are also grown on a lim- slices were subsequently cooled in fresh tap water for 10
ited scale. Since pineapple is grown round the year in min, followed by immersion in osmotic solution contain-
the State, bumper production leading to market gluts is ing sucrose and sorbitol in 1: 1 ratio (fruit: solution ratio
a recurring phenomenon. This result in heavy post har- of 1: 4), in combination with 0.5% ascorbic acid and 0.25%
vest losses and many a time, farmers resort to distress potassium metabisulphite, for 6 h. This treatment was
sales and thus being deprived of remunerative price for found ideal for production of intermediate moisture pine-
their produce. Therefore, interventions in the form of apple from a previous experiment by the same re-
novel and market oriented processed products of pine- searchers, involving six different osmotic agents viz.
apple are need of the hour, which would enable farmers sucrose, sucrose+sorbitol, sucrose+ sodium chloride, glu-
and entrepreneurs to utilize the crop effectively after cose syrup, palm sugar and honey. Evaluation of pineapple
harvest and thus help in the reduction of post harvest varieties and osmotic agents in the development of inter-
losses to a great extent. mediate moisture fruit revealed that the combination of
Intermediate Moisture Fruits (IMF) have a water activity sucrose and sorbitol in 1: 1 ratio, along with 0.5% ascorbic
ranging between 0.65–0.90 and moisture content of 15– acid and 0.25% potassium metabisulfite resulted in better
40 g/100 g, which is a result of a slight thermal treatment, physic-chemical properties and higher organoleptic scores.
pH reduction, as well as the addition of humectants and Therefore, this treatment combination was selected as the
preservatives, all placed in the context of hurdle technol- ideal pre-treatment for developing intermediate moisture
ogy for the preservation of food (FAO 2003). Compared slices from pineapple. The fruit slices were then drained
to conventionally dehydrated fruits and vegetables, inter- off the osmotic solution followed by adsorption of excess
mediate moisture products are superior in terms of solution with a bloating paper, and were subsequently
colour, flavour and texture, which make them more ap- dehydrated at 50 °C in a tray dryer developed by the
pealing to consumers. Shelf-stable intermediate moisture National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Tech-
(IM) carrot shreds were developed based on ‘hurdle tech- nology (CSIR), Kerala. The moisture content was con-
nology’ (HT), which included the combination of factors stantly monitored until the product attained equilibrium
like drying by two methods- Infrared drying (IR)/ Tray between its moisture content and the drying air humidity,
drying (TD) to reduce water activity [aw] to 0.6, pre- wherein the weight became constant. The intermediate
treatments and packaging (Chaturvedi et al. 2013). Inter- moisture fruit slices thus developed were packed in poly-
mediate moisture (IM) papaya cubes were developed ethylene laminated aluminium pouches, followed by stor-
using a novel combination technology including osmotic age under ambient (32 ± 2 °C, 85–90% RH) and
dehydration, blanching and infrared drying. These cubes refrigerated (5 ± 1 °C, 85% RH). Qualitative changes in the
were further hygienized by exposing to gamma radiation product were evaluated at monthly intervals for a period
dose of 2 kGy. The final processed product could be of 3 months.
stored up to 60 days at ambient temperature, whereas, the
unprocessed freshly cut samples spoiled within 2 days. Physico-chemical, organoleptic and microbial quality
(Mishra et al. 2015). Pineapple being a perishable fruit, the characteristics
present study was conducted to develop intermediate The moisture content of fresh and IM fruit samples was de-
moisture (IM) fruit slices and to evaluate the physic- termined by an infra-red moisture analyser (Hallmark
chemical, organoleptic and microbial quality of the prod- Mechatronics, Model-Sartorius, MA 150C, Germany). Water
uct, keeping in mind the huge post harvest losses occur- activity of fresh and IM pineapple was measured by filling
ring in the fruit in developing countries with tropical the sample cup to about half of its capacity and values were
climate. obtained directly from a digital output (Aqua lab, Model- Pre
40,412, Decagon Devices, USA). Colour values were deter-
Materials and methods mined by reflectance measurement, with a Minolta CM-
Preparation of intermediate moisture pineapple slices 3600D spectrophotometer (Konica Minolta Sensing, Inc.,
Pineapple varieties ‘Mauritius’ and ‘Kew’ were selected for Osaka Japan). D 65 lamp was used as reference light source
the study. The fruits were wiped with a clean, wet cloth to (Hajare et al., 2006). The colour values L,* a* and b* were
remove the adhering dirt and dust on the rind. The fruits analysed using JAYPAK 4808 software (Quality Control Sys-
were then peeled using a sharp stainless steel knife, after tem, Version1.2). Total soluble solids (TSS) were assessed
removal of the crown. Peeled fruits were washed in fresh with a digital refractometer (ATAGO, PAL 1 & 2, Japan).
tap water and subsequently, eyes on the surface of the Determination total carotenoids was done as per the method
Gomez et al. Food Production, Processing and Nutrition (2022) 4:5 Page 3 of 11
of Ranganna (1997). Extraction of total carotenoids was done were evaluated at monthly intervals for 3 months, as ex-
with acetone and petroleum ether, using a separating funnel plained below.
with 3% acetone in petroleum ether as blank. Anhydrous so-
dium sulphate was added during extraction to absorb excess Moisture content
water. The optical density values were measured at 452 nm Shelf life of food is negatively correlated to its moisture
(UV-Visible 1800 spectrophotometer, Shimadzu, Kyoto, content. Higher moisture content in foods favours mi-
Japan). Total flavonoids were determined as per the method crobial growth, leading to faster spoilage. Intermediate
suggested by Chang et al. (2002). Ethanol extract of the sam- moisture fruits are considered to have a moisture con-
ple was mixed with 1.5 mL of methanol, 0.1 mL of 10% alu- tent in the range of 15 to 40 g/ 100 g. Initial moisture
minium chloride, 0.1 mL of 1 M potassium acetate and 2.8 contents of intermediate moisture pineapple from the
mL of distilled water, kept at room temperature for 30 min. varieties Kew and Mauritius were 26.53 and 21.65 g/
Absorbance of the reaction mixture was measured at 415 100 g, respectively (Table 1). A declining trend in mois-
nm. Estimation of total phenolics contents was carried out ture content of the product was observed throughout
with Folin-Ciocalteau reagent (Asami et al. 2003). 5 mL of the storage period in both the varieties, irrespective of
sample extract solution in 80% ethanol (1 mL) was added the storage condition. However, IM slices held at low
with 0.3 mL of Folin-Ciocalteau reagent. After 6 min, 10 mL temperature retained higher moisture content than those
of 7% sodium carbonate solution was added and mixed well, under ambient conditions. IM slices from the variety
left for 2 h. A blue coloured complex was formed when phe- Kew had higher moisture than the samples from
nols reacted with phosphomolybdic acid in alkaline medium. Mauritius. After 3 months of storage, IM slices from the
The absorbance readings were taken at 740 nm on a UV- varieties Kew and Mauritius retained 23.03 and 19.81 g/
visible spectrophotometer (UV-Visible 1800 spectrophotom- 100 g moisture, while those held under refrigerated stor-
eter, Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan). The quantification of total age had 24.82 and 20.96 g/100 g, respectively. Loss of
phenolics contents was done using a calibration curve pre- moisture during storage may be due to evaporation of
pared with a gallic acid standard. The results were expressed water in the form of vapour from the product and this
as g gallic acid equivalent (GAE) per 100 g of sample. The accounts for higher moisture loss in the product stored
free radical scavenging activity of samples was determined under ambient conditions. Similar findings were re-
based on the DPPH method (Braca et al. 2001). The sample ported by Panwar et al. (2013) in intermediate moisture
extract was added with 1.3 mL DPPH solution diluted in aonla fruit segments. Decline in moisture content of
methanol and the absorbance was measured at 517 nm. The intermediate moisture papaya developed by hurdle tech-
radical scavenging percentage was calculated by the formula, nology was also reported by Shrivastava and Gowda
per cent inhibition = (Control-Sample)/ Control) × 100. The (2016). However, the finding contradicts the one re-
sample concentration providing 50% inhibition (Inhibitory ported by Atri et al. (2016) who reported an increasing
concentration- IC50) was calculated from formula given trend in moisture content of intermediate moisture pa-
above. Gallic acid was used as standard. paya products. Influence of variety and storage
Intermediate moisture pineapple was evaluated by 25 non- temperature had significant effect on moisture content
trained panelists for appearance, colour, flavour, taste, aroma, in intermediate moisture pineapple slices in the present
texture and overall acceptability on a nine point hedonic study. Enclosure of IM pineapple slices in polyethylene
scale (Lawless and Heymann 2003). Kruskal-Wallis test was laminated aluminium pouches may have retarded loss of
done to determine the significant difference between treat- moisture through evaporation from the product.
ments. Microbial load in the product was determined as per
the procedure suggested by Agarwal and Hasija (1986). The Water activity
experiment was repeated twice and five replicates were taken Spoilage of food is greatly influenced by its water activ-
for testing each quality parameter. The data was expressed ity. Water activity is the vapour pressure of water in the
on the basis of Mean and Standard Deviation (SD). A two- food sample to that of pure water. A lower aw value is
way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted using an indication of longer shelf life of foods. IM pineapple
Completely Randomised Design (CRD) to arrive at the influ- slices did not vary significantly in their water activity
ence of varieties and storage conditions on the shelf life and values. The initial aw values of the product from Kew
physico-chemical, organoleptic and microbial quality of and Mauritius were 0.671 and 0.666, respectively (Table
intermediate moisture slices. 1). Water activity values did not show any significant
trend during storage in both the varieties. However,
samples stored under ambient conditions had higher
Results and discussion water activity compared to the refrigerated product.
Changes in physic-chemical, organoleptic and microbial Water activity of the product after 3 months of ambient
properties of intermediate moisture pineapple slices storage was 0.659 and 0.769, while those under
Gomez et al. Food Production, Processing and Nutrition (2022) 4:5 Page 4 of 11
Table 1 Moisture (g/100 g), water activity (aw), colour values (L*, a*, b*) of intermediate moisture pineapple slices during storage
MOISTURE (g/100 g) WATER ACTIVITY (aw) L* value a* value b* value
A* L* A* L* A* L* A* L* A* L* A* L* A* L* A* L* A* L* A* L*
INITIAL 26.56 26.56 21.67 21.67 0.671 0.671 0.666 0.666 47.42 47.42 43.12 43.12 3.84 3.84 3.89 3.89 24.34 24.34 17.26 17.26
1MAS 25.06 25.56 21.16 21.54 0.670 0.640 0.650 0.780 44.72 45.65 40.85 41.43 4.36 3.81 2.92 3.92 23.99 24.16 16.19 17.18
2MAS 24.89 25.12 20.88 21.28 0.760 0.690 0.680 0.650 41.69 44.55 36.48 40.55 4.36 3.81 2.99 4.01 23.99 24.34 14.26 17.02
3MAS 23.06 24.84 19.84 20.98 0.659 0.654 0.769 0.655 36.38 41.67 29.74 36.80 6.29 3.53 3.05 4.11 16.45 19.80 12.14 15.30
SE (± d) 0.014 0.001 0.014 0.013 0.014
SE (± m) 0.01 0.001 0.01 0.01 0.01
CD (0.05) 0.03 0.003 0.03 0.029 0.03
(A X B XC)
A* Ambient, L* Low temperature
refrigerated conditions had 0.654 and 0.655 in the var- varieties and storage conditions. The increase in a* value
ieties Kew and Mauritius, respectively. Significant effect might be due to the concentration of carotenoids and
on water activity was noticed in intermediate moisture flavonoids in the fruit tissue as a result of water loss dur-
pineapple slices due to the varietal characteristics, com- ing osmosis, followed by dehydration. Further, the Mail-
bined with storage temperature. The findings reveal that larad reaction that occurs between reducing sugars and
water activity of IM pineapple slices are not linked to amino groups during dehydration may have resulted in
the moisture content of the product. Similar findings browning of the product, which may have contributed to
were reported in osmo-dried cantaloupe by Naknaen increase in a* value. However, combination of sucrose
et al. (2016) which had aw values in the range of 0.60 to and sorbitol as osmotic agents, incorporated with antiox-
0.65, who also reported that products with similar mois- idants ascorbic acid and potassium metabisulphite,
ture content could have different water activity. Water might have reduced the intensity of browning. This find-
activity ranging from 0.4 to 0.7 was recorded in inter- ing is in conformity with the one reported by Naknaen
mediate moisture muskmelon chunks by Ahmad Din et al. (2016) in osmo-dried cantaloupe wherein the use
et al. (2019). of sorbitol in osmotic solution could reduce brown
colour with higher L* value and lower a* value in the
Colour measurement product, compared to the control sample. Similar find-
Measurement of colour values would give an indication ings were also reported by Chauhan et al. (2011) in os-
of the extent of browning or darkening of the product. motically dehydrated apple slices.
Moreover, colour of any food item has a direct bearing
on consumer preference. L* (lightness), a* (redness) and Total soluble solids
b* (yellowness) values are measured in foods in order to TSS of fresh as well as processed fruits have an important
understand the deterioration in quality of the product. role in consumer acceptability. More than 80% of TSS is
In case of IM pineapple, higher L* and b* values with a constituted by sugars, along with water soluble vitamins,
corresponding lower a* value indicates better colour re- minerals and organic acids forming the rest of the constit-
tention in the product. IM slices from Kew had higher uents. Higher TSS is directly related to sweetness in fruit
L* and b* values compared to the product from products which is preferred by majority of consumers.
Mauritius, whereas a* value was higher in the product The initial TSS of IM pineapple slices developed from
from Mauritius. Colour values varied significantly as a both Kew and Mauritius was 72.0 0Brix. (Table 2). Sorb-
result of interaction between varietal characteristics and itol, being lower in molecular weight than sucrose, its use
storage temperature. Colour characteristics of IM slices along with sucrose may have resulted in solid gain in IM
for L*, a* and b* from the variety Kew were 47.42, 3.84 slices. Similar findings were reported by Naknaen et al.
and 24.34, respectively whereas the values were 43.12, (2016) in osmo-dried cantaloupe. Higher sugar concentra-
3.89 and 17.26 in the product from Mauritius (Table 1). tion (60 0 B) and dehydration temperature (60°C) resulted
This difference in colour values in the initially developed in increased water loss from the produce and solid gain in
product could be due to the difference in the pulp osmosed guava slices (Sagar and Kumar 2010). TSS of IM
colour of the variety, wherein the variety Kew had lighter pineapple showed a slight decline during storage, which
yellow colour while it was deeper in Mauritius. The L* was not significant. TSS content of IM pineapple between
and b* values showed a decreasing trend while the a* varieties was not significant. However, the interactive ef-
value increased throughout storage, irrespective of fect of pineapple varieties and storage temperature had
Gomez et al. Food Production, Processing and Nutrition (2022) 4:5 Page 5 of 11
Table 2 TSS (0Brix), Acidity (g/100 g) and microbial quality of intermediate moisture pineapple slices during storage
TSS (0Brix) ACIDITY (g/100 g) BACTERIA(10−5 cfu/g)a FUNGI(10−3 cfu/g)a YEAST(10−4 cfu/g)a
A* L* A* L* A* L* A* L* A* L* A* L* A* L* A* L* A* L* A* L*
INITIAL 72.00 72.00 72.00 72.00 1.600 1.600 1.600 1.600 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND
1MAS 71.20 71.00 71.10 72.00 1.580 1.600 1.180 1.200 ND ND 1 ND ND ND ND ND 11 ND ND ND
2MAS 71.00 71.00 71.05 71.50 1.110 1.150 1.000 1.130 1 1 ND 1 ND ND ND ND 13 ND ND ND
3MAS 70.00 70.80 71.00 71.50 0.896 1.025 1.020 1.100 2.5 3 2 2 ND ND ND ND 15 2.6 ND ND
SE (± d) 0.132 0.157 0.923 0.000 4.038
SE (± m) 0.094 0.111 0.653 0.000 2.855
CD (0.05) 0.281 NS NS NS NS
(A X B XC)
values are logarithmic transformed values
A* Ambient, L* Low temperature
ND Not detected
Fig. 1 a Total carotenoids (mg 100 g− 1) in IM pineapple slices during storage. b Total phenolic contents (mg 100 g− 1) in IM pineapple slices
during storage. c Total flavonoids (mg 100 g− 1) in IM pineapple slices during storage. d DPPH radical scavenging activity (IC50 μl ml− 1) of IM
pineapple slices during storage
Many fruits are good sources of phenolic compounds phenolic compounds as a result of dehydration. Signifi-
and are thought to have wide range of health protective cantly higher total polyphenols were observed by Nyan-
properties. IM slices from Mauritius had higher total gena et al. (2019) in dried mango slices of varieties
phenolics contents (220 mg) compared to the slices from Apple and Ngowe compared to fresh fruits.
Kew (150 mg/ 100 g) (Fig. 1b.). Retention of phenols was
significantly higher in the refrigerated product compared Total flavonoids
to the ones held under ambient conditions. Varietal Flavonoids, a derivative of phenols, contribute significantly
characteristics and storage temperature had significant to the antioxidant properties of fruits and fruit products.
effect on retention of total phenolics content in inter- Further, they also impart attractive colour to fruits. They
mediate moisture slices. Significantly higher total pheno- are also believed to have free radical scavenging activity
lics contents in IM slices from Mauritius can be due to and thus play a vital role in protecting human health. IM
the differences in chemical constitution between the var- pineapple slices from the variety Mauritius had signifi-
ieties. Total phenolics contents in IM slices showed an cantly higher flavonoids (40.50 mg) than the product from
increasing trend during storage, irrespective of varieties Kew (30.0 mg 100 g− 1) (Fig. 1c.). This variation in total fla-
and storage condition. Ascorbic acid and potassium vonoid content may be due to the inherent varietal char-
metabisulphite in the osmotic solution may have enabled acteristic between the two varieties studied. The effect of
the infusion of phenols into the fruit tissue and might varieties and storage temperature on the total flavonoids
have retarded the subsequent degradation of polyphe- content of intermediate moisture pineapple slices was sig-
nols during dehydration. Increase in total phenolics con- nificant. The total phenolics and content of total flavo-
tent (TPC) was reported by Lutz et al. (2015) in noids in the methanolic extracts of pineapple variety
dehydrated tomato and green apple. Migration of phen- ‘Calendar’ were 51.1 ± 0.2 mg g− 1 and 55.2 ± 0.2 mg quer-
olic compounds into the fruit under special circum- cetin/g, respectively (Hossain and Rahman 2011). Flavon-
stances was reported by Kucner et al. (2012). oid content of IM pineapple slices showed an upward
Furthermore, formation of Maillard reaction products trend during the first 2 months of storage, followed by a
might have resulted in the development of novel decline towards the end of storage. Samples held under
Gomez et al. Food Production, Processing and Nutrition (2022) 4:5 Page 7 of 11
refrigerated storage retained significantly higher flavonoids radical scavenging activity in passion fruit genotypes
compared to the product stored under ambient condi- possessing high levels of phenolic compounds was re-
tions. IM pineapple slices from Kew and Mauritius kept ported by Charan et al. (2018). Polyphenol compounds
under refrigerated storage had 36.0 and 70.0 mg 100 g− 1, found in cantaloupe are a type of antioxidant and in
respectively whereas the product under ambient storage addition, the Maillard reaction products might be also
retained 34.0 and 58.0 70.0 mg 100 g− 1, after 3 months of responsible for its powerful antioxidant capacity
storage. Higher retention of flavonoids may be due to the (Naknaen et al. 2016). Most dehydrated fruits and vege-
combined effect of ascorbic acid and potassium metabisul- tables had increased oxygen radical absorbance capacity
phite, two powerful antioxidant compounds incorporated (ORAC), ranging from 9.5% (carrot) to 52.9% (egg plant)
into the humectants, which might have resulted in the in- as reported by Lutz et al. (2015).
fusion of flavonoids into IM pineapple slices. Nyangena
et al. (2019) also reported that dried slices of Apple and Organoleptic quality
Ngowe varieties of mango contained higher amount of fla- Organoleptic properties of fresh and processed food sam-
vonoids compared to fresh ones. ples are the most important quality criteria that determine
consumer preference. The flavour of fresh and processed
2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical-scavenging fruit products are mainly determined by the taste and
activity aroma. High organoleptic scores, along with better nutri-
Antioxidant activity of food items is tested by their abil- tional attributes make the product highly preferred by
ity to scavenge free radical compounds. DPPH radical consumers, particularly the health conscious ones. IM
scavenging activity was highest (3.0 μl ml− 1) in IM slices slices developed from the variety Mauritius had higher
from the variety Mauritius as compared to those from overall acceptability (8.0) compared to those from Kew
Kew (5.0 μl ml− 1) (Fig. 1d.). The same trend continued (7.6) (Tables 3 and 4). However the variation in organo-
throughout storage. A lower IC50 value is an indication leptic attributes was insignificant, immediately after devel-
of greater radical scavenging activity. After 3 months of opment of the product. Higher overall acceptability was
storage, significantly lower IC50 values of 3.62 μl ml− 1 recorded in the product from Mauritius throughout stor-
and 7.46 μl ml− 1 were recorded in slices prepared from age, compared to the one from Kew. This might be due to
Mauritius held under refrigerated and ambient condi- the ideal sugar-acid blend in the variety Mauritius. After 3
tions, whereas those from Kew under the same storage months of storage, significant difference was observed
conditions recorded 10.14 μl ml− 1 and 14.78 μl ml− 1, re- with respect to appearance, colour and overall acceptabil-
spectively. Incorporation of ascorbic acid and potassium ity. Further, IM slices from Mauritius and Kew held in re-
metabisulphite, two potent antioxidant compounds to frigerated storage had higher overall acceptability (8.0 and
the osmotic solution might have helped in better reten- 7.8, respectively) compared to the product under ambient
tion of other natural antioxidant compounds naturally conditions (7.4 and 7.2). However, IM slices from both
found in pineapple fruits. Formation of concentrated varieties were found acceptable by the panelists through-
layer of sugar at the periphery of samples during osmotic out the storage period, which proves that development of
dehydration may act as a barrier to the soluble compo- IM slices from pineapple using combination of preserva-
nents transfer, resulting in a higher retention of it on the tion methods (hurdle technology) is a viable technique to
final product (Naknaen et al. 2016). However, they also maintain quality of the product. Varietal difference and
found a decline in radical scavenging activity with in- variation in storage temperature had significant effect on
crease in the proportion of sorbitol in osmotic solutions the overall acceptability of intermediate moisture pine-
in dehydrated cantaloupe. Type of variety and storage apple slices. Further, addition of sorbitol to sucrose might
temperature influenced the DPPH radical scavenging have made the product softer, easily chewable and flavour-
activity of intermediate moisture pineapple slices signifi- ful. An increase in the amount of sorbitol in the sucrose-
cantly. Samples held under refrigerated storage exhibited sorbitol mixture caused a decrease in the hardness of
significantly higher DPPH scavenging activity compared osmo-dried cantaloupe (Naknaen et al. 2016). Significant
to the ones stored under ambient conditions. Higher free reduction in hardness was reported in sorbitol treated os-
radical scavenging potential of the product from the var- motically dehydrated apple slices (Chauhan et al. 2011).
iety Mauritius may be due to its varietal characteristics
of higher contents of total phenolics, carotenoids and Microbial quality
flavonoids, compared to those in Kew. Retention of Microbiological safety of food is paramount to the con-
higher radical scavenging capacity of IM slices held in sumers’ health and therefore, its compromise results in
refrigerated storage might be due to the higher levels of serious health issues like food borne illnesses. Food
antioxidant compounds as a result of slower rates of bio- borne microbes, particularly the spore formers are more
chemical reactions at low temperature. Higher DPPH dangerous compared to the non-spore forming
Gomez et al. Food Production, Processing and Nutrition
Table 3 A Organoleptic quality of intermediate moisture pineapple slices during storage
Organoleptic quality (Initial) Organoleptic quality (1MAS)
Treatments Appearance Colour Flavour Texture Odour Taste After Overall Appearance Colour Flavour Texture Odour Taste After Overall
taste acceptability taste acceptability
K*- A* 7.6 7.6 7.5 7.8 7.3 7.8 7.6 7.6 7.3 7.7 7.5 7.6 7.0 7.6 7.5 7.6
(2022) 4:5
(18.6) (15.9) (19.2) (20.3) (18.3) (17.9) (17.9) (13.8) (18.1) (24.6) (18.2) (19) (14.2) (14.2) (17.7) (16.9)
K* - L* 7.6 7.6 7.5 7.8 7.3 7.8 7.6 7.6 7.3 7.9 7.5 7.5 7.3 7.7 7.5 7.7
(18.6) (15.9) (19.2) (20.3) (18.3) (17.9) (17.9) (13.8) (17.4) (26.5) (18.6) (18.9) (15.6) (15.6) (21.4) (18.3)
MS* - A* 7.9 8.3 7.7 7.9 7.7 8.2 8.0 8.0 7.2 7.2 7.6 7.8 7.3 8.0 7.7 7.8
(22.4) (25.1) (21.8) (20.7) (22.7) (23.1) (23.1) (19.1) (15.8) (15.8) (20.7) (20.9) (20.1) (20.1) (20.1) (20.7)
MS*- L* 7.9 8.3 7.7 7.9 7.7 8.2 (8.0) 8.0 7.9 7.2 7.9 7.9 7.6 8.2 7.7 8.2
(22.4) (25.1) (21.8) (20.7) (22.7) (23.1) 23.1 (19.1) (22.6) (15.0) (24.3) (23.1) (23.8) (23.8) (22.8) (26.1)
KW value 1.193 7.27 0.556 0.151 1.522 2.760 2.760 3.170 2.304 9.370 2.036 1.440 5.520 5.521 1.216 4.390
χ2 = 7.815 (4,0.05)
K* Kew, MS* Mauritius, A* Ambient, L* Low temperature
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Gomez et al. Food Production, Processing and Nutrition
Table 4 B Organoleptic quality of intermediate moisture pineapple slices during storage
Organoleptic quality (2MAS) Organoleptic quality (3 MAS)
Treatments Appearance Colour Flavour Texture Odour Taste After Overall Appearance Colour Flavour Texture Odour Taste After Overall
taste acceptability taste acceptability
K*- A* 7.8 7.7 7.6 7.4 6.8 7.4 7.0 7.4 7.2 7.1 7.8 7.2 6.8 7.2 7.1 7.2
(2022) 4:5
(24.8) (23.4) (20.3) (19.5) (17.6) (17.4) (14.7) (14.7) (15.9) (14.6) (21.2) (19.0) (17.4) (15.4) (19.0) (13.8)
K* - L* 8.0 7.8 7.6 7.6 7.0 7.6 7.4 7.8 8.3 8.4 7.9 7.7 7.2 7.6 7.8 7.8
(26.0) (25.8) (20.5) (22.9) (20.0) (18.9) (20.9) (20.9) (29.8) (30.1) (22.9) (23.7) (21.5) (22.1) (25.2) (23.1)
MS* - A* 7.5 7.5 7.4 7.4 7.0 7.6 7.2 7.8 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.0 6.9 7.4 7.0 7.4
(17.7) (19.6) (17.4) (20.3) (19.5) (20.2) (21.9) (21.9) (16.8) (18.1) (17.2) (16.9) (17.9) (19.6) (17.0) (18.6)
MS*- L* 7.6 7.5 7.8 7.8 7.4 8.0 7.6 8.0 7.5 7.5 7.7 7.5 7.4 7.8 7.4 8.0
(21.3) (21.1) (23.8) (27.1) (24.8) (25.5) (24.5) (24.5) (19.4) (19.2) (20.5) (22.3) (25.1) (24.9) (20.6) (26.5)
KW value 3.39 1.77 1.73 2.79 2.23 3.19 4.79 4.59 10.28 10.85 1.46 2.25 3.14 4.12 2.99 8.13
χ2 = 7.815 (4,0.05)
K* Kew, MS* Mauritius, A* Ambient, L* Low temperature
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