Application of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points System (HACCP) During Packaging of Date Fruits
Application of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points System (HACCP) During Packaging of Date Fruits
Application of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points System (HACCP) During Packaging of Date Fruits
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4 authors, including:
Ahmed Al-Hassan
Qassim University
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Meri-Rastilantie 3 B, FI-00980 Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment Vol.16 (1): 12-19. 2018
Helsinki, Finland
e-mail: [email protected]
The aim of this study was application HACCP system during packaging steps of date fruit in one of date fruit packaging establishment in Qassim
region. Hazard analysis of raw materials, raw date fruits and packaging materials in addition to during different production steps, receiving fumigation,
washing, sorting, drying, sorting and packaging, established with different control measures could be used for prevent, eliminate and reduce these
hazards to an acceptable level. A simple HACCP plan was planned during packaging date fruits, receiving raw materials, fumigation, washing and
drying and date fruits packaging steps were identified as CCPs of production packaged date fruits. Critical limits, corrective actions and monitoring
procedures for each identified CCP were established, verification procedures in addition to record keeping were also discussed.
Key words: Control measures, date packaging, GMPs, hazard, HACCP, SSOPs
Date palm is a multi-purpose tree, being highly regarded as a mature firm (Bisir or Khalal), full ripe (Rutab) and dry (Tamar or
national heritage in many countries. It provides food, shelter, timber Tamr). In the same time, time of harvest is based on the date
products and all parts of the palm can be used. Because of these fruit’s appearance and texture (related to moisture and sugar
qualities, and its tolerance to harsh environmental desert conditions, content). Proper timing of harvest reduces incidence and severity
areas under cultivation have increased tremendously in recent of cracking or splitting of dates, excessive dehydration, insect
years 1. Due to the high nutritional value, productivity and long infestation, and attack by microorganisms 5. However, a significant
yield-life of date palm (100 years), it was referred to as the “tree of portion of dates are wasted in date producing countries (e.g.
life” in the Bible 2. The production of date in Saudi Arabia as the 3rd 30% loss of total production) due to its inferior quality, damage,
world producer of date was 1,065,032 t in 2013 3 representing about and undersized fruit of unattractive appearance 6. During the last
13.21% of the total world production of date fruits (~8.06 million 30 years, significant ‘modernization’ changes have occurred in
tons). Many of 1,500 varieties of date palm are cultivated in some date harvesting, packing, processing and marketing 7. In
limited regions of the world. In Saudi Arabia, there are more than conventional date processing, dry or soft dates are eaten as whole
400 date palm varieties, of which only about 40 varieties with an fruit, seeded and stuffed, or chopped and used in a great variety
economic value, spread in 7 Saudi provinces characterized by fitting of ways: as ingredients in cereals, puddings, breads, cakes,
climate for the growth and fruiting of the date palm. Riyadh, Qassim, cookies, ice cream, and confectionaries. The pitting may be done
eastern province, and Medina are the most famous production by crushing and sieving the fruit or, more sophisticatedly, by
areas in SA. Sukkary, Saquee, Ekhlass, Ajwa, Barhee, Anbara, piercing the seed out of the whole fruit. The calyces may also be
Safawi, Rothana, Rashodya, and Khedry are the most economic mechanically removed. Surplus dates are processed into cubes,
well-known cultivars in SA 4. Although most of the dates produced paste, spread, powder (date sugar), jam, jelly, juice, syrup, vinegar
in the Kingdom are used directly for human consumption with or alcohol. Discolored and filtered date juice yields a clear invert
little or no further processing. However, the quantities of properly sugar solution 8. The different potential sources of contamination
processed dates are growing rapidly due to governmental support date fruit during pre and post harvest were soil, irrigation water,
and subsidies to date production and processing. Dates are animal manure, inadequately composted manure, wild and
harvested and marketed generally at three stages of development: domestic animals, inadequate field worker hygiene, harvesting
Table 1. Hazard analysis of raw materials and different preparation steps of packaged date fruits.
Preparation step Control measures
Biological Chemical Physical
Insects, pathogenic
Mycotoxins, Different Certified suppliers, complains with
Receiving raw date bacteria, spore
pesticides residues impurities and raw materials specifications and
fruit forming bacteria and
and heavy metals. foreign materials. good manufacturing practices.
yeast and mold.
Different Certified suppliers, complains with
Packaging materials Non. Chemical toxins. impurities and raw materials specifications and
foreign materials. good manufacturing practices.
Good manufacturing practices,
sanitation standard operating
Insects, pathogenic procedures and fumigation
Residues of
bacteria, spore conditions such as time,
Fumigation fumigation Non.
forming bacteria and temperature and concentration of
yeast and mold. methyl bromide and final residues
of fumigation material in final
Potable water should be used in
Different washing date fruits, good
Chemical toxins
Washing with water Pathogenic bacteria. impurities and manufacturing practices and
and heavy metals
foreign materials. sanitation standard operating
Good manufacturing procedures,
Sorting date fruits Pathogenic bacteria. Non. Foreign materials. sanitation standard operating
procedures and personal hygiene.
Pathogenic bacteria, Maintains of drying conditions
spore forming (e.g. drying temperature and
Drying Non impurities and
bacteria and yeast velocity of air) and good
foreign materials.
and mold. manufacturing practices.
Good manufacturing procedures,
Sorting date fruits Pathogenic bacteria. Non. Foreign materials. sanitation standard operating
procedures and personal hygiene.
Different Good manufacturing practices,
Date fruits
Non Non impurities and sanitation standard operating
foreign materials. procedures and metal detector.
Storage Non. Non. Non. Non.
Table 3. Microbiological analysis of date fruits sample before and after drying.
Microbiological test log cfu/g
Date fruit samples
Total bacterial count Yeast and mold count Coliform group S. aureus
Raw date fruits 3.70 2.85 0.60 1.60
Packaged date fruits 1.55 0.48 <1 <1
<1: viable colony was not detected at detection limit < 101 cfu/g.