Teacher Transfers Schedules

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From To
A. Sridevaseua, l.A.S., The Prl. Sccrctary to Government,
(-lommissioner, School Education (S.E) Department.
felangana, Hyderabad. Government of Telangana,
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Telangana State
Secretariat, Hyderabad.
Lr' Rc' No' 565/Trans/Ser'IV-2/2022' Dt'oB '06'2024'
Sub: School Education - Telangana Teacher Promotions &Transfers Request to
permit to take up Teacher Transfers & Promotion Counselling - Submission of
report - Reg.
Ref: 1. This office Lr. Rc. No. 565lTranslSer.lY-212022, Dt. 25.01.2023
addressed to Government.
2. G.O Ms. No. 05 S.E (Ser.II) Dept., Dt. 25.01 .2023.
3. This office Proc. Rc. No. 565/Trans/Ser.IV/2022, Dt. 25.01 .2023.
4. This office Proc. Rc. No. 565/Trans/Ser.IV/2022,Dt.26.01.2023.
5. Orders of the Hon'ble High Court Dt.06.02.2023 in I.A. No. 112023 in
W.P No. 236212023 and batch cases.
6. This office Lr. No. 565lTranslSer.IY-2/2022,Dt. 07.02.2023 addressed to
7. G.O Ms. No. 09 S.E (Ser.II) Dept., Dt.07.02.2023.
8. Orders of the Hon'ble High Court dt. 30.08.2023 in I.A No. 2 of 2023 in
W.P No. 2856 of 2023 and I.A No.s 4, 6 and 8 of 2023 in W.P No. 3962
9. This office Lr. No. 565lTranslSer.lY-212022,Dt.31.08.2023 addressed to
10. Govt. Memo. No. 565/Ser.Il.All2023, Dt. 01.09.2023.
11. This office Proc. Rc. No. 565/Trans/Ser.IV/2022, Dt. 01 .09.2023.
12. This office Lr. No. 565lTranslSer.IY-212022,Dt. 12.09.2023 addressed to
13. G.O.Ms.No.26 S.E (Ser.II) Dept, Dated:13.09.2023.
14. Orders Dt. 06.10.2023 of the Hon'ble High Court in I.A No.s 1 of 2024
2023 inW.P No. 28043 of 2023 filed by Sri. S. Gopi Krishna, SA (Phy.
Sci.) and (04) others of Rangareddy district'
15. Orders Dt. 11.03.2024 of the Hon'ble High Court in I.A No.s & 4 of
2024 and 3 of 2023 in W.P No. 2573 | of 2023 filed by Sri. B. Madhukar
Reddy e, Q7) others.
16. Orders Dt.11.03.2024 of the Hon'ble High Court in I.A No. 1 of 2024 in
W.P No. T2410 of '20'24 filed by Sri. S. Rajeshwar Rao & (150) others.
17. Orders dt. 15.11.2023 in W.P No. 29334 of 2023 filed by Sri. M. Ravi &
(09) others of Khammam District.
18. Orders dt, 15.03.2024 in CC No. 134 0f 2024 in W.P No. 29334 0f 2023
filed by Sri. M. Ravi & (09) others of Khammam District.
19. This office Lr. No. 565lTranslSer.IY-212022,Dt.22.05.2024 addressed to
the Government.
20. This offrce Lr. No. 565lTranslSer.IY-212022,Dt.27.05.2024 addressed to
the Government
In continuation to this office letter aclclressecl to the Government in the references l gth

and 20th cited, I wish to submit that, the transfers / promotions of the Head Masters Gr.-II
(Gazetted), School Assistants, SGTs and their equivalent categories working in Govemment

Schools, ZPP and MPP Schools was commenced in the State on 03.09.2023. But, due to
various court cases, the whole process could not be completed. The details of Promotions &
Transfers effected to Head Masters Gr.-II (Gazetted) and teachers working in Govemment
Schools, ZPP andMPP Schools so far, are submitted as follows:

o Total transfers affected:

Head Masters Gr.-II (Gazettefl) 1788 :
School Assistant & equivalent cadres: 10684
(Multi Zone- I & U Govt. managemcnt &
Multi Zone-l (MPP IZPP) management)
Total transfers affected 12472 z
o (1250) Promotions have been affected for the post of Head Master Gr.-II
(Gazetted) in Multi Zone-l under Govt. & (MPP I ZPP) management and in Multi
Zone-ll under Govt. Management only.

The promotions to the post of Head Masters Gr.-II (Gazetted) under (MPP I ZPP)
management in Multi Zone-Il were not taken up due to the Stay Orders issued by the Hon'ble
High Court in W.P No. 25'l'.17 of 2023 and W.P No. 25731 of 2023 regarding preparation of
seniority list. Further, Sri. ThatiGangadas, SGT and (64) others have filed W.P No. 26915 of
2023 before the Hon'ble High Court the Hon'ble High Court have passed Interim Orders dt.
27 .09.2023 with a direction to affect the promotions to the post of School Assistant, strictly in
accordance with NCTE regulations, pending further orders of the Hon'ble High Court.

Further, I submit that, Sri. B. Narsimha Rao and (17) other SGTs have filed W.P No.
3495 of 2023 before the Hon'ble High Court and accordingly the Hon'ble High Court have
made interim orders dt.20.09,2023 with a direction to the authorities to prepare the list of
candidates who possess a minimum of intermediate and D.Ed., for promotion to the post of
Head Master of Primary School (LFL).

Further, I submit that, Sri. C. Jagadeesh and other Language Pandits have filed W.P
No. 10903 of 2024 before the Hon'ble High Court and the Hon'ble High Court have passed

interim orders dt. 01.05.2024 with a direction to affect the promotions to the post of School
Assistant without insisting for passing of TET as and when promotion takes place.

Further, I submit that, Sri. S. Rajeshwar Rao & 150 others have filed W.P No. 12410 of
2024 inthe Hon'ble High Court and accordingly, the Hon'ble High Court have made interim
orders dt.02.05.2024 .uvlrth a direction to consider the petitioners for promotion to the post of
School Assistants in their respective subjects without insisting for passing of Teacher
Eligibility Test (TET) Examination, as and when promotions take place.

Further, I submit that, (8630) posts of Language Pandits Gr.-II were upgraded as
School Assistant (Languages) and (1849) posts of Physical Education Teachers were
upgraded as School Assistant (Phy. Edn.), duly suppressing (392) surplus vacant posts of
Secondary Grade Teachers. But, due to court cases, the promotions to these posts were not
taken up, A Writ Appeal No. 11612024 was filed against the orders of the Hon'ble High
Court dt. 23.09.2023 in W.P No.s 393412019, 800412021 and 10061 of 2017 & batch cases
was filed. The Writ Appeal was allowed and the orders of the Hon'ble Single Judge dt.
23.09.2023 in W.P No.s 393412019, 800412021 and 10061 of 2017 & batch cases was set
aside. Now, as per the orders of the Divisional Bench of the Hon'ble High Court in WA No.
11612024, promotions can be taken up.

Further, I submit that, the Hon'ble Court after hearing have passed the following
interim orders dt. 11.03.2024 in I.A No.s I &, 4 of 2024 and 3 of 2023 in W.P No. 2573 1 of
2023 fied by Sri. B. Madhukar Reddy &, (07) others:

"21. According to learned Government Pleader, the seniority lists of the

Schools Assistants at District level were prepared for Ranga Reddy District and 12
other districts, which comes under Multi Zone-II. Thereafter, an integrated seniority
list, dated 26.09.2023, was prepared in accordance with Rules 33 and 34 of the
Telangana State and Subordinate Service Rules and also a list of eligible candidates in
Multi Zone-Il was prepared in the ratio of 1:3 on 26.09.2023, in accordance with Rule
6 of the Telangana State and Subordinate Service Rules. The said list was uploaded
on the official website of the Director of School Education, Telangana, Hyderabad
(https: //schooledu.telangana.gov.in),and sufficient time was provided until
04.10.2023 for the concerned parties to submit their objections, if any. However, no
objections were received from any candidates including the petitioners herein.
Therefore, the respondents have finalized the said seniority list in accordance with the
Rules, to effect promotions to the post of Gazetted Head Master Grade-Il. Here, it is
pertinent to note that since there are limited vacancies available for the post of
Gazetted Head Master Grade-II in Multi Zone-ll, the respondents have taken the cut-
off date of appointment for promotions, as 24.01.2002 only. Hence, the candidates
who were appointed prior to the said date i.e., 24.01.2002, are only eligible for
promotion to the post of Gazetted Head Master Grade-II. Admittedly, the petitioners
herein were appointed in the cadre of School Assistants after 2002 only. Therefore,
they are not eligible for promotion to post of Gazetted Head Master Grade-II.

22. Admittedly, out of the eight petitioners who filed the main writ petition,
petitioner Nos.2, 3, 4 and 6 have withdrawn the petition vide order dated 1 1 .$.2A24
in I.A.No.4 of 2023 in W.P.No.2573l of 2023.Further, it is relevant to note that
learned counsel appearing for the petitioners has raised many other issues in the writ
petition, which require further adjudication and the same may be adjudicated during
final hearing of the main writ petition.

23.|n view of the aforesaid discussion, these interlocutory applications are

disposed of and the interim orders passed by this Court on 14.09.2023 and20.09.2023
are hereby modified with a direction to the official respondent Nos.l to 3 to proceed
with the promotions to the post of Gazetted Head Master Grade-II in Multi zone-Il, on
the basis of the seniority list dated 26.09.2023, as per their schedule issued
inRc.No.565/Trans/Ser.lY12022 dated 01.09.2023. Further, to protect the interests of
the remaining four petitioners i.e., petitioner Nos.1,5,7atd 8, as an interim measure,
the respondents are directed to keep four posts of Gazetted Head Master Grade-II
vacant, in Multi Zone-L[."

Further, sti. s. c"pi Krirhnu, SA (Phy. i"i.l una (04) others of Ranga
Reddy district have approached the Hon'ble High Court and filed W.P No. 28043 of 2O23
with a prayer to not to transfer them without affecting promotions and also to send back the
School Assistants / S.G.Teachers transferred to Ranga Reddy district in excess to quota Rule.
In this regard, the Hon'ble High Court has passed the following interim orders dt.06.t0.2O23
in W.P No.s 28066 of 2023,28068 of 2023 and28043 of 2023:

"Having regard to the submissions made and in the facts and circumstances of
the case, the respondents are direc:ti,.d not to effect transfers to the cadre of
School Assistants/S.G.Teachers in Ranga Reddy District till the seniority lists
are finalized after duly sending back the School Assistants/S.G.Teachers
transferred to Ranga Reddy District in excess to quota-rota Rule, till
19.I0.2023 "

Further, I submit that, Sri. S. Rajeshwar Rao & 150 others have filed W.P No. 12410 of
2024 inthe Hon'ble High Court and accordingly, the Hon'ble High Court have made interim
orders dt.02.05.2024with a direction to consider the petitioners for promotion to the post of
School Assistants in their respective subjects without insisting for passing of Teacher

Eligibility Test (TET) Examination, as and when promotions take place.

The details of the number of promotions to be taken up are submitted as follows:

sl. No. of promotions to be

Name of the post
No. taken up
1 Head Master Gr.-II 763
2 School Assistants 5123
J Primary School Head Master 2t30
Completing the promotions to the Upgraded posts of
4 Language Pandits and PETs as School Assistant 10479
(Languages) and School Assistant (Phy. Edn.)
Total 1849s
Further. I submit that. keeping in view of the large cadre strength of the teachers
working in the State in Government and Local Body managements, the Teacher Transfers
and Promotions were earlier taken up through Online mode, so as to ensure that the postings

issued to the teachers in the transfer / promotion counseling are accurate and error free,
without any human intervention and also in an efficient and transparent manner.
Since all the aforesaid court cases are now cleared, except W.P.No.28043 of 2023 and
batch cases in respect of Ranga Reddy district only, since the court has directed not to effect
transfers to the cadre of School Assistant / SGTs in Ranga Reddy District till the seniority list
are frnalized after duly sending back the School Assistant / SGTs transferred to Ranga Reddy
District in excess to quota-rule, I request the Government kindly to permit to take up the
exercise of Transfers & Promotion Counselling to the Head Masters Gr.-II (Gazetted) and
teachers working in the State except Rangareddy district in accordance with rules through
online mode, as per the directions of the Hon'ble High Court, in the following Schedule, to
be issued separately for Multi Zone-I and Multi Zone-ll:
Action to No. of
Sl.No. Activity be taken days
by required
.Display of provisional seniority list for promotions to
the posts of School Assistants & equivalent cadres
from the posts of SGTs & equivalent cadres in Multi
oDisplay of vacancies of School Assistants (Existing &
Arising) after transfers of School Assistants for RJD /
1 promotions for the post of School Assistants in Multi 2 to
Zone-I. 09.06.2024
.Display of provisional seniority lists with entitlement
points for transfers of SGTs and submission of
objections on seniority list for transfers to DEOs.
oDisplay of provisional vacancies of SGTs and
equivalent cadres for transfers.
oSubmission of objections to the DEO on the seniority
list for promotions to the posts of School Assistants &
equivalent cadres from the posts of SGTs & equivalent
cadres in online portal in Multi Zone-L Individuals
2 2 to
oRedressal of objections / grievances by DEOs for / DEO
promotions to the posts of School Assistants &
equivalent cadres from the posts of SGTs & equivalent
cadres in online portal in Multi Zone-I.
.Display of final seniority list for promotions to the
posts of School Assistants & equivalent cadres from DEO &
J 1 12.06.2024
the posts of SGTs & equivalent cadres in online portal Individuals
in Multi Zone-I.
rExcrcising wcb options in onlinc portal for promotions
to the post of School Assistants& equivalent cadres
from the post of SGTs& equivalent cadres. 13.06.2024
4 rlssue of promotion orders to the SGTs as School Individuals 4 to
Assistants and equivalent cadres in all subjects of 16.06.2024
Government lZ.P.Management, at District level, in
Multi Zone-[.
.Display of vacancies of SGTs and equivalent cadres
(Existing & Arising) for transfers.
5 oRedressal of objections/grievances by DEOs on the 1 17.06.2024
seniority list with entitlement points for transfers of
oDisplay of final seniority list and exercising of web
options and edit by SGTs and equivalent cadre for DEO &
6 J to
transfer counselling of SGTs & equivalent cadres in Individuals
online portal in Multi Zone-L.
olssue of Transfer orders for SGTs and equivalent 21.06.2024
7 cadres of Z.P Management and Government DEO 2 to
Manaqement in Multi Zone-I. 22.06.2024
Total No of days 15

Action to No. of
Sl.No. Activity be taken days
by required
oDisplay of provisional seniority list at O/o RID IDEO
and in website for promotions of School Assi.stants as
Head Masters Gr.-II (Gazetted) (ZP management) in
1 Multi Zone-ll.
oDisplay of provisional seniority lists (with entitlement
points) for transfers of School Assistants and
1 08.06.2024
equivalent cadres in Multi Zone-Il.
rSubmission of objections to be submitted to RJDs
through DEOs on seniority list for promotions of
2 School Assistants as Head Masters Gr.-II (Gazetted) Individuals
(ZP management) in Multi Zone-II with proof in
online portal.
rRedressal of objections/grievances by RJDs on
a seniority list for promotions of School Assistants as 09.06.2024
Head Masters Gr.-II (Gazetted) (ZP management) in
Multi Zone-II.
oDisplay of final seniority list and exercising web
options in website for promotions of School Assistants
(Multi Zone-Il) (ZP management) and issuing of
Promotion orders for SAs as Head Masters of ZP RID / 1o.06.2024
4 management in Multi Zone-ll, DEO & to
rDisplay of provisional seniority list for promotions to Individuals 11.06.2024
the posts of School Assistants & equivalent cadres
from the posts of SGTs & equivalent cadres in Multi
.Display of vacancies of School Assistants of ZPlGovt 12.06.2024
5 after promotions of School Assistants as Head Masters DEO 2 to
Gr.-II in Multi Zone-II (ZP Manasement). 13.06.2024
oSubmission of objections on seniority list for transfers
to DEOs of Schools Assistants& equivalent cadres in
Multi Zone-Il in online portal.
oSubmission of objections to the DEO on the seniority Individuals 1 14.06.2024
list for promotions to the posts of School Assistants &
equivalent cadres from the posts of SGTs & equivalent
cadres in online portal in Multi Zone-II.
oRedressal of objections/grievances by DEOs for
transfers of Schools Assistants & equivalent cadres
8 and for promotions to the posts of School Assistants & DEO 1 15.06.2024
equivalent cadres from the posts of SGTs & equivalent
cadres in online portal in Multi Zone-II.
.Display of final seniority list and exercising web
options and edit by School Assistants for transfers
counselling tn ZPIGo:,t in Multi Zone-Il, except those
covered by Court Cases. DEO & a
9 J to
oDisplay of final seniority list for promotions to the Individuals
posts of School Assistants & equivalent cadres from
the posts of SGTs & equivalent cadres in online portal
in Multi Zone-II.
.lssue of transfer orders for School Assistants &.
equivalent cadres in all subjects of Government, Z.P DEO
10 I
I 19.06.2024
management at District level in Multi Zone-ll except
those districts covered by Court Cases.
oDisplay of vacancies of School Assistants (Existing &
Arising) after transfers of School Assistants for DEO
11 1 20.06.2024
promotions for the post of School Assistants in Multi
Zone-II, except those covered by court cases
.Display of final seniority list and exercising web
options in online portal for promotions of SGTs as
School Assistants. 21.06.2024
12 olssue of promotion orders to the SGTs as School 4 to
Assistants and equivalent cadres in all subjects of 24.06.2024
Government IZ.P. Management, except those covered
by court case, at District level, in Multi Zone-II.
rDisplay of vacancies of SGTs and equivalettt cadres
(Existing & Arising) for transfers.
rDisplay of provisional seniority iists with entitlement
points for transfers of SGTs and submission of DEO & l 25.06.2024
objections on seniority list for transfers to DEOs. Individuals
rRedressal of objections/grievances by DEOs on the
seniority list with entitlement points for transfers of
rDisplay of final seniority list and exercising of web
options by SGTs and equivalent cadre for transfer
counselling of SGTs & equivalent cadres in online 26.06.2024
portal in Multi Zone.Il, except those covered by Court DEO &
L4 J to
Cases. Individuals
rEdit option for SGTs and equivalent cadres for transfer
counselling of SGTs &, equivalent cadres. for
rectification of the errory,llg4y; for options exffs
rlssue of Transfer orders for SGTs and equivalent 29.06.2024
cadres of Z.P Management and Government DEO 2 to
Management in Multi Zone-ll, except those covered 30.06.2024
bv Court Cases.
Total No of davs 23

Yours Faithfully,

School Education

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