1997 Ashraf

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Geol. Bull. Univ. Peshawar, Vo1.30, pp. 311-323, 1997.


Institute of Geology, Azad Jaminu and Kashinir University, Muzafarabad, Azad Kashmir.

ABSTRACT: No detailed tectonic and structuval studies were carried out in the western
most extremity of the Kohistan area. People have been concentrating mostly along
Indus canyon and Swat valley for geotectonic, structural, petrological and
geochronological studies. Present investigation is the first study to thoi-oughly work out
tectonic reinterpretation constraints of the western most Kohistan conzplex particularly in
Timargara quadrangle and adjoining areu of Warai consixting of 673 sq. km. The
concept of underplatingfor the einplacement of nzajov plutonic co~nplexesis advocated in
this urea as well, as wus also found out in Swat and lndzls canyons, i.e., the Balambat
norite and Tiinargara gabbronorite which are different from Chilax complex nzagina type
underplated the Dir tholeiitic ainphibolites. Time plutonic rock types are nzore evolved
than those of main Chilas complex. The latter underplated Dassu Inetaplutonic complex
of Kainila amphibolites.

The Kainila ainphibolites are further subdivided into Kamila group metaplutonic
calc-alkaline amphibolites and Dir n~etavokanictholeiitic ainphibolites or precisely as
Kainila ainphibolites and Dir ainphibolites which are advocated to be adopted due to
their dzflerent provenances.

INTRODUCTION fia~nework of the western most Kohistan

Complex in the Dir district. However the work
A detailed geological and tectonic of Butt et al. (!980), Butt(l983) and Chaudhry
investigation of 673 sq. kin of Ti~nargara-La1 et al. (1984) have some relevance to the present
Qila-Wari area of Dir district was envisaged on work and is further evaluated and presented by
the context, that no such work was taken in reinterpreting.
hand after the one presented by Chaudhry et al.
(1974a,b, 1983, 1984). Recently some work The norite, gabbronorite, diorite and
was initiated by Shah et al. (1994), Shah and ampl~ibolitesof the area have been renamed as
Hamidullah (1994) and Jan and Tahirkheli Balambat norite, Timargra gabbronorite,
(1990) on the magmatisin and mineralogical Panjkora diorite, being not related to Chilas
constraints of northern inetavolcanics and Tora magma type. The Dir amphibolites consisting
Tigga inafic-u1trainafics in the surrounding of inetavolcanics and inetasediments are
areas but that was not related to the tectonic separated from Karnila arnphibolites being
metaplutonic calk-alkaline in nature and plate colIision resulting in the formation of
underplated the Dir amphibolite in Babusar island arc. Later on the Island arc was sutured
area. to the north with the Eurasian continents and to
the south with the India. The sequence of rocks
Present study shows that Dir amphibolite is consisting of this island arc system is now
a separate entity from Kamila amphibolites located between two major thrusts, the Main
and Balarnbat norite is a different ma,Uama Mantle Thrust (MMT) in the south and the
type and not related to Chilas magma rather is Main Karakora~nThrust (MKT) in the north
derived from independent source. (Fig. 1).

The project area is located between Chaudhly et al. (1983, 1984) proposed
longitudes 71 45' to 72 2'E and latitude 34 another tectonic model for north western
45' to 35 O'N of toposheet No 38 N/13 and 43 Himalayas in contrast to Tahirkheli which was
B/l of the Survey of Pakistan. based on situation of the rock types as they
actually existed on the ground using
TECTONIC FRAMEWORK petrotectonic approach. According M these
workers the ICshistan area between Indiaw'and
Plate tectonic models for the collision of the Eurasian plates is not a single island arc
Indian and Eurasian plates have been proposed sequence but comprises at least two and
by a number of geoscientists. Dewey and Bird possibly three island arc sequences and
(1 970), Crowford (1 974), Powell and associated trenches. The extensive amphibolite
Conaghan, (1973)' Gansser (1 974) etc. Most of complex is separate and does not represents the
the proposed models deal with the rock lower part of a single Kohistan Island Arc
relationships in the eastern and central sequence, but comprises at least three
Himalayas, whereas the western Hinlalayas distinctive belts, two belts of obducted
were neglected by most of the workers. melanges with a central belt consisting of
However, Tahirkheli et al. (1979) and Powell possibly trapped portion of the Tethys oceanic
(1979), discussed tectonic events in the north crust. Finally southward subduction of the
western Himalayas. Tahirkheli et al. (1979) Tetllyan lithosphere is postulated under the
Indian plate in contrast to north directed
postulated the Kohistan sequence (36,000 ~ r n ~
subduction of the Indian plate.
of amphibolites, metagabbros, and associated
volcanics) as the oceanic crust of an ancient
calc-alkaline island arc, which was obducted on Coward et al. (1986) suggested the
the Paleozoic cover of India and Asia during Kohistan Island Arc was essentially a crustal
suturing. pop-up with southward-upright and northward-
verging structures developed above a thick
Tahirkheli et al. (1979) also discussed ductile decoupling zone (the Indus suture). This
tectonic events in the north western Himalayas pop-up formed by a two stage process, closure
according to which the nortl~wardsmovement of northern suture followed by the closure of
of India leads to an initial oceanic-oceanic the southern suture.
The concept of underplating for the existing metamorphosed complex, the Moho
emplacement of major plutonic complexes in stepped downward to the ultramafic-mafic
Kohistan Island Arc was introduced by Ashraf cumulate contact of the newest intrusion. and
and Loucks (unpublished report, 1990). the entire stack underwent dynamic
According to them the stacked complexes (i.e. metamorphism before the emplacement of the
Dasu complex, Kayal complex-Chilas complex, next complex in the series (Ashraf and Locrcks
Patan complex and Jijal complex) represent unpublished, 1990) and Miller et al. (199 I ).
successive episodes of crustal underplating by
dense magma that stalled at or near Moho and Butt et al. (1980) describe plutonic rocks
fractionated ultramafic and mafic cumulates of the project area as the Tothys C ~ L I S ~ .
until residual liquids acquired enough consisting of volcanics, norites to noritic
buoyancy to resume ascent to higher level gabbros and diorites. Chaudt~ryet al. ( 1 984
magma chambers that produced the diorite also reported blocks, patches and sills of
sheets and batholithic plutons. As each of the hornblendites, containing pesidotitcs or d~~riites.
layered intrusion was emplaced along the as core and eclogites which occurs as exotic
ultrarnafic-mafic curnulate boundary of the pre- screens within amphibolites.



Fig. 1. Geological map of Kohistan Island Arc Complex showing occurrence ol' lixnila
Amphibolite Belt in Indus and Swat Valleys and Dir Amphibolite in Timargara (~ncditied
after S. Hamidullah, 1992).
During this study the rock associations part of Dir arnphibolites, their concentration
present north of Main Mantle Thrust zone decreases northwards, however, huge roof
were remapped; structural, petrographical as pendants of carbonates were observed in
well as geochemical analyses were made. The Panjkora diorite which comprises the central
field evidences as well as structural, part of the mapped area. The pillow lavas and
petrographical and geochemical evidences basaltic flows are in the form of thick layers in
show that the northern and southern Dir southern Dir amphibolites, while in northern
amphibolites are not much different on the Dir amphibolites the meta-volcanic stuff is
basis of their original unrnetamorpl~osed relatively less and thin bedded as compared to
material. They can be correlated on the basis of metasedimentary stuff. It is also assumed that
their primary igneous structures, the upper sequence of rocks from southern Dir
metasedimentary stuff and crystal rich amphibolites were probably eroded after
volcaniclastic pyroclastic materials (which is uplifting followed by collision. In the further
found present in both rock units i.e. at Burhani north towards Dir city the volcanic stuff
and . at Shamozai near MMT). In northern decreases to thin stringers of andesitic to
exposure of Dir amphibolites the ratio of rhyolitic composition.
metasedimentary stuff is relatively higher
which increase northwards out of project area The amphibolites sequence was intruded
with thick sequence of quartzite, volcanics, by calc-alkaline rocks of the composition of
impure pelites and impure carbonates. The norites, diorites, tonalites, trondhjemite,
northern and southern amphibolites are part of adamellites, granites, apliteslpegmatites,
a single ocean floor in which the younger quartz porphyries, etc. Most of these intrusive
Balambat norites, Timargra gabbronorites, rocks 'shows agmatitic contact with the
Panjkora diorites and more evolved rocks amphibolites which served as a roof.
either intruded or underplated. Roof pendants
of amphibolites occur in plutonic bodies in the Field and petrographic evidences show a
fonn of small fragments and even large bodies, complete differentiation trend of the magma
as against the idea postulated as xenolith and from noritel gabbronorite (basic) at the base,
screens (Chaudhry et al., 1974a). diorite (intermediate) at the centre and
adainellite, trondhjernites, granites, porphyries,
The southern part of Dir amphibolite aplites & peginatites at the top roof portion.
contains abundant lava flows with pillow
structures with thin interbeds of argillaceous THE MAIN MANTLE THRUST
and arenaceous materials along with carbonates
which possibly were deposited near MOR as The Main Mantle Thrust (MMT)/Indus Suture
was evident by the presence of ophiolitic klippe Zone demarcates a tectonic contact between the
near Dargai-Malakand (Awan 1989). Those Indian continental plate and Kohistan Island
volcanoclastic and metasediments later on Arc. The collision of India with Kohistan block
metamorphosed to arnphibolites facies while has exposed a variety of rock types which were
moving down the outer slope of the hot MOR obducted from different structural levels of
onto the ocean floor. The metamorphism to oceanic crust of Kohistan and continental
epidote-amph ibolite facies and amphibolite basement of India, due to difference in the
facies depended on the prevailing Lemperature intensity of uplift along the suture.
along the slope of the ridge. It is evident that
the thickness as well as concentration of In the Indus Kohistan region the Indus
metasediment is relatively thinner in southern Suture Zone has been folded occasionally
part of Dir amphibolites and thicker in northern around the Nanga Parbat gneisses and is
part. Carbonates are more abundant in southern referred to as Main Mantle Thrust Zone
(Tahirkheli and Jan, 1979). The rocks of Jijal The Indus Suture zone extends from
complex are the only mantle rock proved by Ladakh to northern Pakistan (where it is mostly
Ashraf and Loucks (unpublished, 1990) and referred to as Main Mantle Thrust) and eastern
Miller et al. (1991) in the Kohistan (see also Afghanistan (Tahirkheli et al., 1979; Gansser,
Jan et al., 1980; Jan and Howie, I981 and 1981 and Chaudhry et al., 1983). The Main
Bard, 1983 for another interpretation). The Mantle Thrust Zone contains several groups of
Jijal complex is exposed there in contact with rocks, mostly it is expressed as a schistosity
the Besham basement complex. In Shanglapar parallel, but intensely deformed tectonic
Swat district and Shin Qamar (Baig1989) contact between Dir amphibolites, amphibolites
Kohistan district blues schist melanges are of Karnila belt and pardorthogneisses of Indian
prominent feature along the Main Mantle plate. Ophiolitic, layered ultramafics, blue
Thrust. schist and greenschist melanges are also
exposed at different places along the suture
In the project area a 150-200m thick zone (Ashraf 1997, Ashraf et al., 1989; Kazmi
greenschist melange zone is exposed along the et al., 1984). In Dir area the Main Mantle
Main Mantle Thrust which is sandwiched Thrust is well marked and highlighted by
between the pardortho gneisses of Indian plate Shamozai greenschist melange, which is
and southern part of Dir amphibolite.It is exposed as a tectonic slice between the
possible that this greenschist melange zone paralortho gneisses of the Indian plate and
might be host for blue schist (trench southern part of Dir amphibolites.
environment) which is yet to be discovered.
Melange Zones
Here we will restrict to call these ocean The melanges of different tectonic affinity were
floor rocks as Dir amphibolites of juxtaposed along MMT during progressive
volcanosedimentary origin. They are not suture development as a result of late
comparable to Kamila amphibolite of Jan Cretaceous to Eocene closure of the Neotethys
(1988) exposed along KKH near Patan to ocean between the Indian plate and Kohistan
Kamila having plutonic origin ( Loucks et al., Island Arc terrain. These melanges are exposed
1992). The Dir ainphibolites are possibly all along the Main Mantle Thrust.
completely eroded from area atong KKH while
some relicts are in the Babusar area. Various types of fault bounded melange
units are present in Swat; these are the Mingora
TECTONICS OF THE AREA COMPARED and Shangla blueschist melanges (Kazmi et al.,
TO THE REGIONAL TECTONICS 1984). In Allai-Kohistan area there are Baleja
ophiolitic melange, Shin-Qamar blueschist
The collision of Indian plate with Kohistan melange and Matai greenschist melange (Baig
block has formed most of the structures. The 1989). 'In Bajaur Agency is Titobai ophiolitic
intensity of deformation, uplift and melange (Hussain et al., 1989).
metamorphism is different at different places
along the suture, zone therefore different rocks During our field remapping program a
present at different structural levels are greenschist melange was mapped along the
exposed, most of the cover rocks were eroded Main Mantle Thrust in Dir district which is
giving c complex 4eological _picture. The herein called the Shamozai melange. Although
- -

modification produced due to collision should it is o s y 7 5 0 t ~ Z U O o m t h E k a3otIT

~ fhi
also be kept in mind while reconstructing the long strip as exposed in the project area, yet it
tectonic history of the area, and while has great significance in the tectonic history of
correlating the rock units exposed at different the area. The melange zone consists of
places in Kohistan Island Arc. phyllites, carbonates and metacherts along with
talc carbonate and exotic blocks of ultramafic during the building of the arc. The uplifting and
rocks. erosion in Dir area are not so intense as
compared to Indus canyon area due to which
The Shamozai melange could be correlated the metamorphosed ocean floor rocks are
with the Matai greenschist melange, Charbagh exposed mostly. The top most portion of the
greenschist melange of Swat district and with oceanic crust was most probably eroded.
the Titobai ophiolitic melanges of Bajaur However, the upper portion of ocean floor
agency present in the vicinity of the project which contains dominantly metasedimentary
area. Some unconfirmed reports of emerald stuff is exposed in the north of the area and was
mineralization in this area were made by locals. regarded as northern Dir para amphibolites by
Chaudhry et al. (1974b). These amphibolites
Amphibolites were under plated by norites, gabbronorites,
The amphibolite facies rocks exposed north of diorites, tonalites, trondhjemites and acid minor
Main Mantle Thrust are regarded as the Kamila bodies which were most probably emplaced in
amphibolite belt (Tahirkheli and Jan, 1979; a single episode of magmatic activity forming a
Coward et al., 1986, Jan et al., 1988). It has completely differentiated products. The
been suggested that the origin of Kamila ultramafics are mostly found in Dir
ainphibolites was either oceanic crust on which amphibolites as exotic blocks. The ultramafics
the arc was built (Bard et a]., 1980) or a highIy are also present on the surface of
deformed sequence of arc type plutons and norites/gabbronorites as roof pendants along
volcanics (Coward et al., 1986). Along the with minor to insignificant amphibolitic stuff.
Indus valley the main part of the amphibolite
belt that separates the JijaI complex to the Intrusive Sequence
south and the Chilas complex in the north, is The plutonic sequences at the northern contact
termed as Karnila shear zone, which is 38 km of southern amphibolite belt was regarded
wide at Kamila but narrows eastwards to only equivalent to Chilas complex which croped out
3.5km (Searle et al., 199 1). The Kamila shear across much of the southern central Kohistan
zone is regarded as Dassu, Kayal and Patan and comprised a very thick (>lo kin) mafic
complexes by Loucks et al. (1992). The Dassu ultramafic stratiform plutonic complex
complex is polymetamorphosed isoclinally dominated by norite, two pyroxene gabbros and
folded banded amphibolite gneisses that grade diorite (Chaudhry et al., 1984, Jan 1979; Jan
from metatonalites at its top downwards to and Howie 1980; Coward et al., 1986 and Khan
melanocratic garnet amphibol ites at its base et al., 1989). These workers extend the Chilas
some 5 to 6 krn down section. Khan et al. complex to Dir from Indus valley (Fig. 1).
(1997) believe Kamila amphibolite belt as a
composite mass dominated by amphibolite The petrographical and geochemical
facies metaplutonic and metavolcainc rocks. studies of intrusive sequences show that they
Where they have not tried to separate the are mostly (Balambat) norite and (Panjkora)
former from latter in the fieId as being diorite and minor associate as (Timargara)
underplated. gabbronorite and also support that these rocks
are not similar to the rocks of Chilas Complex.
In Dir area the amphibolite facies rocks The only difference is that Dir plutonic
present north of Main Mantle Thrust were sequences are mostly norite with minor
regarded as southern Dir amphibolites by associates of gabbronorite and are more
Chaudhry et al. (1974b). We regard these rocks evolved rocks (as tonalites, tronjhemites,
as a metamorphosed volcano-sedimentary adamallites, granites, peginatites/aplites and
rocks of ocean floor (of tholeiitic affinity) quartz porpheries) and are present more near to
which serves as a roof to the magmatic activity the roof i.e, below the oceanic crust (Dir
amphibolite) of the Neotethys and is not a Wehrlite exposed near Manial were
Chilas magma type which is dominantly previously referred to as exotic blocks of
gabbronorite with layered ultramafic associates eclogite by Chaudhry et al. (1 983) but from our
(Ashraf, 1997 and Khan et al., 1989). The field and petrographic observation it is clear
oceanic crust under which all the plutons were that these bodies are not exotic blocks of
formed does extend to Swatllndus water-shed eclogite rather these were part of oceanic crust
as much deformed rocks are thinning out and which are now in the form of amphibolites and
ultimately being eliminated in the lndus valley were emplaced on ocean floor during its
around KKH, which is rather the deepest part development at MOR.
of Kohistan Island Arc exposing the
metaplutons (i.e. Dassu amphibolites, & Kayal ii) Wehrlites and Websterites in Plutonic
amphibolites and patan amphibolites) and Jijal ' Sequence
& Chilas complexes (Loucks et al., 1992). Two bodies of wehrlites are exposed in granites
near Manial. A small unmappable body is
Another important feature about the present in adarnellite and a body of wehrlite is
plutonic sequence is that the above mentioned exposed near Shidas. The above mentioned
workers believe that the rocks of Chilas bodies of wehrlites mostly trends NS. These
complex were crystallized from a single magma bodies were also seemed to be emplaced during
chamber. However, we believe that the origin the formation of oceanic crust.
of magma for Chilas complex may be of same
type but it was feeded from different magma The exposure of these bodies in plutonic
chambers which were fonned due to rocks is questionable and appear to be non-
development of Kohistan Island Arc. The cumulus. The field relations and the trend of
Balainbat norite/Tiniargara gabbronorite these rocks show that they might be part of the
magma types was still different. roof or roof pendant of the oceanic crust under
which these plutonic rocks were underplated.
OF ULTRAMAFIC ROCKS A small unmappable body of websterite
was observed in Panjkora diorite near Gurgu.
The ultrainafic rocks present in the area are of Sheared phyllite bands were observed at the
three types regarding to there origin and style contact with diorite which proved that it might
of emplacement. also be the part of the roof of oceanic crust.
Also its trend is siinilar to the body of
i) Wehrlite and Pyroxenite Bodies in corundum bearing pyroxenite at Ursak.
These includes wehrlites exposed in the iii) Hornblendites
northern part of Dir ainphibcilite near Mania1 5 Three types of hornblendites occur in the Dir
km northwest of La1 Qila. The wehrlite and area both types are exposed in the amphibolites
corundum bearing pyroxenite exposed at Ursak and in plutonic rocks.
3 km southeast of Timargara in southern part of
Dir amphibolite. First type of hornblendite (small and
unmappable bodies) were probably produced
These bodies were probably emplaced in due to corltact metamorphism and
oceanic crust during its development at MOR metasomatisrn of amphibolites and roof
(which is now in the form of amphibolites). pendants of amphibolites in plutonic rocks.
These bodies were later altered and These type of hornblendite bodies are exposed
metamorphosed and their original chemical with tonalites near Khongi and in amphibolites
composition was changed due to near Kuz Nagari The presence of similar type
inetasoinatisin. of small bodies of hornblendites were also
evident near the agmatitic structures formed at recorded by fission track data of the rocks
the contact of plutonic bodies with along the Main Mantle Thrust (Zeitler et al.,
amphibolites. 1982).

The second type of hornblendites are The gneisses exposed on the southern side
intruded in amphibolites near Watangai Darra of Main Mantle Thrust represent the basement
and near Dobera, with norite near Jabagai and rocks of Indian mass and are exposed due to
Barmalakand, on diorite near Lajbok Darra and high uplift produced as a result of collision.
on tonalite near Bandagai. These hornblendites The Indian basement rocks have recorded
were probably fractionated fiom the hydrous several episodes of orogeny yet the effect of
magma produced due to the partial melting of Indian-Asian collision occurred during
the oceanic crust and fractionation left out after Himalayan orogeny had transposed over the
the crystallization of major basic plutons of previous orogenic defonnational records
Dir. These rest magmaic fluids ascended to evident by the prominent gneissic foliation in
higher levels being buoyant and deposited as the rocks unit which is nearly parallel to the
hornblendite bodies near the roof rocks (Le. Main Mantle Thrust.
amphibolites), (Ashraf & Loucks, 1990
unpublished work). The greenschist melange in the mapped
area (i.e. Shamozai greenschist melange) along
The third type of hornblendite bodies are the Main Mantle Thrust is being reported for
those occuring near Tora Tigga and Rabat the first time by us, which consists of blocks of
Khwar. These are zoned bodies with wehrlite metasediments and blocks of ultramafic
and dunite in the core and which are metamorphosed to greenschist facies (chloride
subsequently extensively hornblenditized by grade) evident by the petrographical studies of
aqueous Mg-Ca-silicate solutions forming large various rocks units. The structural and
mantle of varying thickness (Jan & Tahirkheli, metamorphic history of this petrotectonic unit
1990 and Ashraf & Loucks, 1990). These is very complex, no fossil record or
bodies appear to have developed as ophiolite geochronological data is available which could
sequence and emplaced in the ocean floor. be helphl in dating the time of emplacement
of this petrotectonic unit. It is in the form of
DISCUSSION lenses of rocks that have caught up in between
Indian basement rocks and amphibolites of
The three petrotectonic units (i.e. Indian mass, Kohistan Island Arc. The presence of tension
Shamozai melange and Kohistan Island Arc) gashes in carbonate blocks which were filled by
juxtaposed along the Main Mantle Thrust after quartz veins, evident some strike slip
collision. The timing of collision in the western movement along the Main Mantle Thrust which
Himalayas is poorly constrained, Paleocene might have occurred along the suture zone. The
time is recommended by a group of workers presence of minor scale drag folds in phyllites
(Baig et al., 1984) which is evident by the also support the strike slip sense of movement.
presence of Paleocene unconformity in the
north western Himalayas, Eocene timing is The amphibolites of Kohistan Island Arc
suggested by another group of workers were basically a metamorphosed ocean floor
(Coward et al., 1986). Timing of 40 Ma under which the arc was build. These rocks
(Priabonian i.e. Late Eocene) for collision of were deformed by at least two phases of
India and Asia is suggested by Molnar & folding. The first phase of isoclinal or
Tapponier. (1975) and Klootwijk & recumbent folding has developed S I foIiation in
Radhaltrishamurty (1 98 1). The last movement metavolcanics and So/S, bedding cleavage in
along Main Mantle Thrust is 15 Ma as pillow lavas and metasedimentary layers within
nletabasites and metasediments respectively. rocks were folded in response to crust
This S, foliation is basically the axial planner shortening happened due to collision of
cleavage of earlier formed isoclinal or Kohistan block with Eurasian continent. In the
recumbent fold. The isoclinal phase of folding second stage when the Indian continent
in amphibolites were also suggested by Coward collided with Kohistan blocks these folds
et al. (1982 b). In the second phase the became tight into northward dipping southward
amphibolites were again folded into north verging isoclinal folds.
wards dipping south wards verging structures
which are tight in the southern part of Dir
amphibolites and generally opens northwards. The influence of deformation produced in
The earlier phase of isoclinal or recumbent the southern extremity of southern part of Dir
folding was probably subduction related (i.e. amphibolites can be easily judged by the
subduction of Kohistan under Asian continent). regional trend of these rocks aIong the Main
The metamorphism of these rocks might have Mantle Thrust. The frequency distribution of
probably happened in this phases of the poles of S 1 and SdS, foliation in southern
deformation. The second phase of folding Dir amphibolites (Fig.2 &3) show that most of
seems to be collision related it might have the data lie in the SE quadrant showing that the
occurred in two stages. In the first stage the dip of rocks is mostly N W.

Fig. 2. Lower hemisphere equal area projection to the poles of So/SIand SI foliations in southern
part of Dir amphibolites trend EW and dip northwards.
Fig. 3. Frequency distribution of the poles of So/S1 and S, foliation in southern part of Dir
amphibolites showing that most of the southern part of Dir amphibolites trend EW and
dip northwards (i.e. parallel to M.M.T).

The rocks of Kohistan Island Arc have along these shear zones (ie. Panjkora shear
been subjected to a third phase of deformation zone and Wach Khwar shear zone) both in the
which might has been produced due to the field and in the petrographic study. Retrograde
crustal adjustments (i.e. crustal shortening due metamorphic overprint is also evident in
to continuous northward drag of Indian plate arnphibolites near MMT.
which still moves 4 cmlyear) after collision
(Powell, 1979). This phase is evident by the
presence of shear zone (i.e. Panjkora shear The plutonic rocks of Kohistan Island Arc
zone and Wach Khwar shear zone) in both are also effected by the collision and is evident
amphibolites and plutonic rocks. Most of the by the strong straining effect in quartz which
shear zones in amphibolites were observed as shows the effect of post. emplacement
phyllite bands which ofken serves as best deformations. The fold axis in Balambat norite
ductile material during such sort of and Panjkora diorite are also parallel to each
deformational activities. The retrograde other and are seemed to be influenced by the
metamorphism to chlorite grade was observed collision.
CONCLUSIONS Acknowledgments: The authors are grateful to
MIS Raja Sarfraz Ali , Haleem Khan, Sami H.
The Dir amphibolites (metavolcano- Zadi, Irnran Asghar, and Ishaque Ali for their
metasedimentary rocks) are not related at help during field investigations. Financial
all with Kamila type locality amphibolites. grant for an initial work in 1990 by NSF(USA)
The former represent ocean floor materials through Dr. R.R. Loucks and lately by AJK
with supply source Dargai MOR. It is University in 1995 is highly appreciated.
therefore recommended to adopt Dir Discussion with Dr. M.S. Baig of AJKU was
amphibolite as separate. usefbl.

The Kamila amphibolitesl Kamila shear REFERENCES

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1989. Serpentinization of cumulate
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