Rocks: Lecture 3 Rocks and The Rock Cycle Dr. Shwan Omar
Rocks: Lecture 3 Rocks and The Rock Cycle Dr. Shwan Omar
Rocks: Lecture 3 Rocks and The Rock Cycle Dr. Shwan Omar
Shwan Omar
A naturally occurring aggregate of one or more minerals (e.g., granite), or a body of non-crystalline
material (e.g., obsidian glass), or of solid organic material (e.g., coal).
Rock Cycle
A sequence of events involving the formation, alteration, destruction, and reformation of rocks as a
result of magmatism, weathering, erosion, deposition, lithification and metamorphism. It reflects the
interactions between the plate tectonic and climate systems.
The rock cycle is a set of processes that converts one rock type into another.
The rock cycle is driven by tectonic processes.
Plate collisions cause mountain ranges and volcanoes to grow. These are then weathered and
eroded, producing sedimentary rocks.
The rock cycle reflects the interaction of climate and plate tectonics.
Igneous and metamorphic rocks are created at active plate boundaries.
Erosion of mountains produces new sedimentary rocks.
Lecture 3 Rocks and the Rock Cycle Dr. Shwan Omar
Minerals in rocks
Rock Properties
Rock properties are controlled by:
1. Mineralogy
2. Texture
* size and shapes of constituent minerals.
* arrangement of the grains (minerals) in the rock.
Comparing Rocks
Same textures
Lecture 3 Rocks and the Rock Cycle Dr. Shwan Omar
3. Metamorphic Rocks: any rock in which original minerals are altered during exposure to
different temperatures, pressures and/or fluids (precursor may be sedimentary, igneous or
Igneous Rocks
• Igneous rocks form by crystallization from a magma
• Magma – is a mass of melted rock that originates deep in the crust or upper mantle
• The rate of magma cooling defines the type of igneous rock that results – fine grained extrusive, or
coarse-grained intrusive.
Lecture 3 Rocks and the Rock Cycle Dr. Shwan Omar
Is molten rock material below the earth surface. Magma at the surface is lava.
Types of Magma:
Chemical composition of magma is controlled by the abundance of elements in the Earth. Since oxygen
is so abundant, chemical analyses are usually given in terms of oxides. SiO2 is the most abundant
1. Mafic or Basaltic
2. Intermediate or Andesitic
3. Felsic or Rhyolitic
Igneous rocks type and properties according to Magma type
Lecture 3 Rocks and the Rock Cycle Dr. Shwan Omar
Lecture 3 Rocks and the Rock Cycle Dr. Shwan Omar
It shows how mafic, intermediate, and felsic magmas could derive from an original parent mafic
• Discontinuous branch
• Continuous branch
Lava: Molten rock that has flowed out onto the Earth’s surface
(i.e. magma when reaches the Earth’s surface is called lava).
Lava flows: sheets or mounds of lava that flow out onto the ground
surface or sea floor in molten form and then solidify
Lecture 3 Rocks and the Rock Cycle Dr. Shwan Omar