(I) (Ii) (Iii) : For To

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No.1 1 01 4/31 12017 -BC-l

Government of lndia
Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
(Department of Social Justice and Empowerment)

Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi

Dated the 18th September, 20'18

The Secretaries/Principal Secretaries
OBC Wellare Department
All State GovernmenVUT Administration

Subject: Revised Guidelines for "Revision and Continuation of the Centrally

Sponsored Scheme of "Post-Matric Scholarship for the students
belonging to Other Backward Classes for studies in lndia" w.e.f.
September, 20"18 * reg,


I am directed to enclose herewith both versions (i.e. Hindi and English)

of the 'Revised Guidelines' of Post-Matric Scholarship Scheme for the students
belonging to .Other Backward Classes for studies in lndia. The followinq marin
amendments have been made in the revised guidelines:

(i) Annual parental income have been revised from Hs, 1,00 iakh to
Rs. 1.50 lakh.
(ii) 30% of funds earmarked for girl students and 5% for students with
(iii) The concept of Committed Liability will not apply to States/UTs
from FY 2018-19 and funds will be released to States/UTs based
on Notional Allocation. StateslUTs are liable to make provisions for
funds over and above Central Assistance to cover all eligible
students from their own Budget.

2. Ttris issues witlr the approval of the competent authority.

Encl: A copy of both versions ol Bevised Guidelines

Yours sincerely,

f l,rors
Under Secretary to the Government of lndia
Tele: All-23A71374
Email: kumar.ss @ nic.i!
Centrally $ponsorecl $cheme of ,

Post-Ivlatrtc Scholarship for OBC Stuclents for

sturlying in India
{Iievised w,r:.1. Seprembcr 2018)

$--c.! e rn.s.,ertid elrsqs.i


The objcctive of the scheme rs

lo pro\ricie fina,cied assista-rrqe to trrc oBC studei:iis
slndying at post-matriculation or
post-seconclary $tage to enabie them
education, to complelc their


'l'ltcsc scholarships
sirrlI be availablc ibr stuciies in inclia only and
(joverrrmc'nt r:r will be awal-ciecl l_rv the
state/UnroLr Te''itory to wrrich the appiicant
pcnnanently seilled, actualry ,:;**;: ;-


i' 'l'hc scliola'rship': lv'iil

be open to h-rclian nationals- belonging
thc centr'r Govt./statc Govr./ U.l. Ach::, /uaulltirIrB r-() og(ls, irr"i *i)rir:.. :.,,
ro r.,,'J\,s,
ii' 'l'hese scirolarships lr"ill .;
be girar. for.thc srucly cif ,-rl rcu,gnricr,l p's,i.'ri.lrirr:r"i1,,.i,,,r,
courses pursr'ted in recogoirecl institr.rff;;";-;;;cifier.l
irlf,f."*t--t"onciarv i. 1;,.ri,,
iii' only those cancliclates who belong to
oBCs so specifiecl in rerlation Lo the srarerLr"l.
to which the applicant actually"6eto'gs, i*. pi.*"nently settlccl ,,,.,ri"r,illl']1,,);,1
passcd lhe NlatriculiLrion ,r,' Fiigh".
I't':cr''gt'tizcd LIni'crsit.,i' or 13oarcl
r".u,,ri*,y-u. *r'ry hrghcr extrrni.irrion .r ,:r
olticr:onillr,1' nc.ri,,.n,i,u will i"r,: cligibie,
lv' ciir:clid*les t'vlr,'t, iri'icr'.1r,ssirrg onc stage
slntge ol educatiori in cliffereni
of ecrucati,n,
-rrt", a'e stuclyr'g i, the siir:ri:
subject Lg, r, s". LA or B,corn. aftcr lJ.A. rir
M'A' in i:i subject afier M.A in anotrier.s*blect
v' slr;clents w{>, *itt rro, be eligible.
ftelhaving comple tt,cl ttrei, ectLrcaii,:,-ral cai-*r,r i'r ,,c
lrne, c.g,, LLB.atrcr 8,I.i 8."fuA *iir 1:r.r:lLs:;i,.,ri,,,
nor be erigtlie,-'-'
st'r-tcle'la stuclying l" xrcL*n of
'i elass of tlre Mr-rltipurpose High school
the uigrrJr s"'"orr,lury schrc;l courses or. .he, l.ll
will nr:t u. for it being a coritiir.i;Lii
school collrse' I-lowever, in cises,
rvhere tentir class"tigirrt"examination of such coLrrse s is
treated as equivalent to
join other courses, such Matriculation *a rt"J*rris wiro after passing renrh ciass
stuclents will be treatecl
be e ligible for tire awarcl nr o"uoi**;i;_. " a post-mairic stuclents a*ci ,.r,rll
\r L*LULT as
vil' strtclents pursr-ting po",-groJ.t*te
coLlrscs in rncclicinc rvill bi: *iigiirl,, ,.i.,.,
:rre t10r eillorve cl to practice cluring
the perioci of their c0,fse.
ri a,,.
"'iii. Stuclcnts rvho, *it.. frifi"l"o, passing
cxaminarions in Artsl Screice/Coinmerc_ the Undcr Gracluatelirost-Cjraciir.rit
'lechnicnl cer.tiiicate/dipto*o/a.gr*" :ri" Jrry re cognizucl prui.essir;niii or
otherrvise eligible' No stibsequ"nt
cours.:s wili be aiaraeo ictrotarsnips il
oror"rp 'A ancl no furthcr ,,hrrrg.'
f"il.,.e will be concioned except for courses in
ix. in the cou;se .,*tl rr" allowecl the rea.ft.cr.
Sttlclcnts who pr"rrsuc their stiic.l,es
thr.or-r gll
lirr"''lli'lri:'clirrtl':Lti'st'lliutlt r;l n()]r-l('rLin{-lrrl;lc cLr"r(r:.il]onclcrrr.:c ,jlrrrscs ..i.ill ir,.. ..,:i::,r:r
r'ec. "r'rte terrn correspr-r*rlencc lnclr_r11r:s
'listan'; a::cl contitrr-irnl, uciircalron. lJcsirles reirnbnrsemcnt of non-reiLnriirblt,
sLtr:lt st'r:clerr ts rvill alsr-r bc cligible 1..,:,
for :ur a-nnual u *truwctllUc
allowa'ce ot of K,s
Rs. qau I - lr.r.
books, as appricable.
lir.:h*ii.r.rships shoulcl bc reslrictecl upto two l:oys of the seurc lr.l,r'cnt:;lguarciri-rrr,
'l'his restriction wi1l, however, noL
apply to girls.
ri1 scholnrship holcler under this Scheme will not hold any othr::r
scl'rolars):rip/;tipencl. If awa:'ded eny other scholarship/stipcnd, thc s.itucierrts c;rn
ext:rcisr: his/her option fr:r either ol the ty;o schol;lrships/strpencls;, w,hii--hcvcr Ls
n:ot'e bctrelicial to hira/her arrd shor-ricl inforrn the aweirding authority through the
I-ie;ici of the L'rs1.itr-rtian ai:or:t the option rnade. No scholarship will be paicl lo the
sl.ucients lrncler lhis Scheme from the date he/she acce pts any other
scholarships/slilrencl. Thr: stucler"rt can however, accept free loclgng or a gral'rl or
irt.l lroc tnonelary heip frour tire State Government or arry other source {br the
lrltrclias,-r t.rf Itoolts, c<luipnrer-rt or fe-lr nieeting the expense$ on boarcl and Iociging, rn
r-r-drlil.ir:rn to tl-rr:: schrlilrship ilnlollr-rt plaicl unclr.:r tl-re sche mc,
Sr,holilrship iroirlcrs rvho a.rc rccci.,,ini{ coac}ring in any ol the pre-cxamineitir:n
tr a,it:itrg centers r,vith linir-r:cial assistance from thc Central Oovernmcntl Stalc
(]overnmenl '"vill not be eligible for stipend under the coaching schemes for the
chLralion of the coaching progra;nlne,
Iimployccl strtclenls whose income combine d with the income of lhcrr
prrerrlslguarclians does not cxceeci Rs. 1.50 lakh per arlnum shall be eligible lor
pr.rsl.-malrtc scholarsh'ip to thr: r:xlcrr( ol rcimblrrscmcnl of all conrl:rrlsorily pa-vablr:
n r;n, y'siil11gia.bl c I'ce.
Urtemployecl students whosc parents/guarclials incc;me 1'rorn all soLtrccs cLrrjs rto,
cxcecd lts. 1,50 laldr per atlnLrm will bc enlitiecl for the schoiarshil: unclcl Lirr:

Note 1: So long as either of the parents (or husbancl in tire case of married unemployed
Siri;t"'"tdi::trts) are a1ivc, only incoure of the pa"cnls/husl:ancl, as thc casu nltry l.:c, ironr all
sirlll'(rrs I'L;,rs io l:e iill<en irrto accoi.rnl and rtl n': oihet'rnr-.rnbers even thor"r11l.r tircy rna,y bc
i:rtrt:it'ig. ltr thc iot'Ln of incorni: clcclaralion, illcotlrc is lr: be cleclarecl on this l"lasis. Otrly ir"r
1}ir: t.iise r,vhere botlr the parents or husband in the case of married but unemptoyed girl
:;irtr,lr-rtt have riied, the income ol the guardian wiro is supporting the student in hislher
r;luiltls h;r.s lc be taken into consideration. Sucl'i stucients whose parent's incornc rs
irilitr:lcil clltc Lo deatl"r of onc ol e arnrng parenls ancl resultallly comes within the incomc
{,..illng prescribed under lhe schemc, shall beconre eligible fol schoiars}rip, subjr:ct to thcir
luliiiIng ol"]rer conciitions oi eligibility, from the month in which such cieath ta.kes plerce,
l'hc irpplici,itions for the scholarship from such students can be considered even after
l;11::;c of last dil.te of receipt of applications, on conrpassionate grounds.

Notc 2: Hr-luse Rent Allowance receivecl by (he parents of a stndettl be exr:rnpterl lrorn lirr:
contputalion ol 'incomc if the same has bccn pennitted to be cxcmpted tbr purprlsc ,:l'

Note 3: Income Certificate is required to be taken once only, i.e. at the time of admission
nl cnurses, which ale continuirrg lclr more than one year.


i'lrl .,'.rluc oi schol.a:'sirip will inclucle Mainterrance Ailowance, Reaclet' Chzuges lor blind
strrrt:nrs, reimbursement ol compulsory non'refundable fee, Str"rcly Tour Cha:'ges/llresis
tr'ping/1:rinlrng charges ancl book aitowance fcrr students pursuing correspondence
i o'i.r i:;r.r, llrr c,)r:rpl(:le clulalion r:f the colrrse as ircr clel:ails givcn belo',v:-
i) Maintenance

i{Rs, Per Month} Rate

iof lfaintenance
Coursc of (1) lAllorvance

lI{ostelie rs Day

iil ancl prist orlrcrr-l.rtc rc,,,cl euursus

irlr,l-i. arrd post Ducror,.i ,"**,rr.L rreruciir-rg rvl .phir,,
lr:rcii*n a'ncr orh.e r recog";;;l-^ i. ir,{edi<:r'c (Alropar}.,ic,
Engincering, Teclrnot"ry,"pi;;;ing, .rystc's o. i:re ciicincsl,
Fashior: Technolory]' agri.i ri..", Architectllre,
'- Design,
Allied , Sciences, ftrr,*g.il.r.i, Business t;;;;.;; &
Administration,..Comp"t., 5"i"i"./Applications. Fiiarce/
{ii) commcrciar piloL *.;,,r;---;;i;;,,"
fr,rn Goi ins;rirr_rr.rs
(inciilcli.g hc.licopter pitot--",..,a,r.,tti.r,[ir.,r.^',raling)
iivlri:rinrr_rrn 2q. siots p". ,,,,,,r,r,; * 50 35U
rnilii:tcnance In aclclition to
all.owarce, ;ul **uu"a,of Rs,S,0OOJ_
p", nyng I

3:y/llll,:l,Ti:l1*_?rb l,y:"*lr r," pericr by rhe state

cr-,vt./ Ur wirh rhe
iiiiJ l)osl clracluate Dipl;*- ;;;;;
rpp;;r;i;f';. ;il;"ffi:, :1,il,ir],.,u

in various bra,ches of
.. tlmanagement & medicinu,
,.t. /I
C W.A. /C,S lt.e .]r A etc,
{\'l .\1. lrlril,, Irh.D. ar:d post-Docloral pr.ogrammes
ctc.J (D. Lrtt., D.Sc.
(vi) L.L,M.

ii) Graduate/post/Graciuate cour.$es

Diplorna, Certillcate in leacling to Degree,
a-reas like pharmacy
{8. Pharma), Nursing (B Nursing), LLB, BF.S,
other" para_
medial branche s like ,.iuUitiruUr,. diagnostics
l-iotel Management &
it.t,'I-rItll, ^Com.munication,
t.11,._,-Yr,-s l'rar.ul/'1'or.trisr:.i,i I,lr:s1:itality
1n tr:rior 510 33s
3,::i::::", ].Il'1,,"
& Diererics, commerciar Art,
Services (e.g. I3anlting, Insurance,
rq:\Lr,.vrr etc.) rrlr
uLu./ f0r which
wnlch entremce i
ttfeUtce qttalilication
orralifiratian is
minimurn, l
sr'. sccr:ncrary (ror2), ' 'e r'rrrlrrrrLr'rr'r

.il1 l'ost (irarlllate courses nol co,rereci uncler Group A c.g.

MA7lvI.Sc. I M.Coml M,trci. / M.pharma etc.


All olhcr courses leading

to a gracluate ciegree tlot cover.ecl
Gror.rpi\ & U e.g, BA/B.Sc.lB.Corn etc. urtrdct. l'i0L, 210
(i ro up I)

AII post-rnatri(:ularion( lever non-clegre e courses lor *rrictr

entra:rce qunlification is High school
{class X), e.g. senior i26g ,t 60
riecondary certilicate (class XI and XII); both general and
vr:catior:al $tream, ITI courses, 3 year diploma courses i"
Polytrlchnics, etc. I


Notc : $cholars who are enlitlec! to free boarcling ancl/or loclging will be par-icl rn;rinicn;urcc
r:harrgcrs at l/3rd of hosteliers, rate.

ii) BgalblehAl:qes for b.llnd stude.qlr (Blind Scholars)

'l'he 'nii.cl schola-r.s wili l:e gi,rcn aciclit_ionai

amount as 'l?eaclers Chrrr"gcs' as mcnlirtncci

Group Reader Allotvance (Rs. P.m,)

Group A,B 175

Group C 130

Group D l

iii) Fe-eq

scholars will he paid enrolmentlregistration, tuition, gffie$, union, library, magaaine,

mcclical examination and such other fees cornpulsorily payable by the scholar to the
irlstitr"ttion nr 1.lniversit5,/Boarr1. Reh.rnclable cleposit-lil<c cauticln lnoney) se crlrity e1e posit,
tr.,iil, iirtwt:ver, be exciuctecl,

iv) S-lssy lgqrc

Study tour chn.rges upto a maximum of Rs, gAOl- per annum limitecl to the actual
t:rpendilure incurred by the student on trarsportation charges etc,, will be pa.id to thc
scholars $tuclying professional ancl technical courses, proviclecl that the heacl ol tht:
instittttion certilies that the str-rdy tour is essential lor thc schoiar for completlon ol"
his/her cclurse of sludy,

v| ?hests ?vpi$g_llflntlns charses

i'irrsis lyping/printing charges upto a maximum ol Rs. 1000 will be llaid tr: resear<;h
Ihr rt:comnlendation r:i the Hcad oi the lnstitutir:n.
:ri'i"ririlirs r:n

All ihe eligiblc olhcr Racl*r'*"cl clt'Lsses

cilnciidei(es r,vilr bc g,iveri schr:leushir)s
lire conditir:n oI eligibilil.y prescribecj )-Lrr),r(:.r ,rl
in piu.a ill ol this Scheme, rlanclrciltr:s bcloriEiirr
orle Slate, br"rt str-rclyi,g in zutother :r,
State, will be awarclccl sr:holuship
which tl"rey belong Emcl will b), tire St;11(:: ro
subrnit their applicatir:ns to the compctent
state' In the matter of exemption eruthorjtics ii: rlr,:
from t"- ;;
as strlrlying in their orvn State ,
";;. "rr*."rrns also, they will be rrearecr
i' 'l'hc awarcl once macle
will be tenable from the stage at which
completion ol cr:tlrse subject
to good co.clilct *.i .rga,l,.ri1y in
it is given ro tirr.
be rener'vccl fror:r yctu to atit:ncliir-rr:r.,, ii r,,,rrl
scholar secul'es pron:otion i*.. iitirr collrse i* ror a numbcr of.years. irrt,,
to the. next higher "u,-,t],",.,ing
class irrespecrive ol ihi: i;rcr ,",",hr:,.i,r::,
sLrch examir:atio.s are conciucla
ii rr,, a university or the Institr.rtio,,
ll 'u: oBc sclro,ku i- ;*;;;;; iro.ip
tirnc' ttre awarcl *ay u. r*".i.a, r'or a courue-ieriis i* the exeiminario, lbr rhe rlrsr
u""t.rJ*rJ'nrrr*.quent fairr;res in a,;, ci:r:;r;
bear his/h*' o*" expenses until
lilffi]ff;i;,Xi: he/she secures promt;rir:;r.i rr,, rir,,
lll ll a schola. is u*;rble to appear in the
annr..ral exarrrirrati,. ,r,.yirrg [o
o1l etccount of ally ,llrer ii.1 rc:,s ir"i it.i r..ri
unforeseeable event, the-awarcr rn,y
nexl acaciemic yeau on si-tbrnission l;e r-e*cw(:ir r,rr. rirr.
st'tflicie,t proof to the **tirrr"tio,, of n","iii.i".*rriiicarte ;rnci/or otirc' rerllrrr.cr.i
certifying that the scholar *rurJ of the r"i"-o ,r tn* rrr*iii.,iio,i'ur.t his,lircr
rv r"r.
llaccording to tl-re Regulation"-nr" p.r""a'r.Jr.l appeared in the exnminario,.
tlie next higrrer crilss even,r,,r"gr, ud.;.;.1;i;:tit.,,io,,., a srucrent is prr:moreci ro
r,e7st-,e *l;';;; have acrualy passecr in iurvrr
class ancl is rcquirecl to teil<e
i:r-'f sl-re r,rill lle c,titlccl "*u,n.,,i,',,uiinr',
orid.;i,,",i". cl*ss;tgain allcr srirrrr, Iir;r,,
,u.,,,i,,,lru',,hi;l for tir,: clt'ss'rr"r which
rhc sL.cle,t is othe^visc cligibie he/she is prr:rnorerri il,

1. fulaintenance chargcs shari

ricirrlissir:n' r'vhichevct' is lat"rl,
bc payablc from 1*r April ' or from t'e monrl-: tLr
cot,pieteci at the encl of lhe acnclen.,i"
io' thc mo'[h ir. ,iri i"r-, the exr*ni'all.. !.r]()
1,r,a, (i*clLtding ,r,rrir.,r"rrr,rrc:e rir-rr.irrg lrcl.ia'sr
P.o"'iclecl that tirc schoiar r""u.r"
r.*rt-rll.,t will be maclc rrom rhe r,ii*.."ltr"''r0,,, clay ol. lr rnc.rr-irlr, r.ri,:
folrowi,g trr. *"",r,, of adrnission,
lt. Itt case of renewai.oJ scholar;h;;;""^*.Trclecr
charges will be paicl from,ir" in the previou$ years, **irLer*,rrr,:r:
ru'rrs p*ic[ in the n.evious
*",!trr'foilowingih" *il*, up to which sciioiirr.:lr:,
year, if t]re-c,rurse of study is continu,.rr_rs.
'\ll sclrolar* *'" "'*pt"tecl to p.,r"t",,i**-.th* ,"r..*.*o,:y-t"ii'rroot.,;, statir-.nau.y
ol lhc mainlenaurce arllowan*" *uur*inrrecl . If it is repr.:r.tecl crri-r ., i,ijL
ct"tttr:err1c.d Institr.rtiotr lh.at
a scl_roleu.is rvitht_rut fext-bo<r1<s stettion.:ry
by thr: lri::iiii ,:r r:,
rnav be redur:ecl at rhe criscretio,r ctc., t.hc r.,i.rlr_,i,
:1,*ffi1;ja.ship ;i;i;;;authority san6ir;'i,.,i4 .i:i.
tv ilu sch.ltrrshitr r-rron,ey will be paicl
ro the selcctecl stuclents i:y the goverrrrneni
llrt' litatc/urritrir'l'erritLry's n,rr"ii-,i.t.*tion c:1.
il c p rocecl u rc I aid clo,"r.n "l;."*,t;;;;';; to which they be1:,g in accr:rciii.rruu ivi.;"ii
scholirrship ri'ill not i:e paici lor ;r;,s rega.rct,
thc perioci or i.ternship/ h,r-isenransSil:
irii..,irg ir, utn.r-""or.n" ir rhe sLLrclcr*ir:r:,tir.
x'i'11']3.s, coLlrse or tbr u p.".ir.J
rcce ipt t'if $ou1e re ,r:
rnuneration cluring trre inte-rlur.ip
ailrrr.vtr.ee,/stipend during
t1r. p.-",i"i ,.r.irrlng in other course,
periocl or $omtl
jlr:l,lli,li; rtrnds allocaf,ci ';;;i; ror girir;,.r.;;"-;.c1 s(/o ror sr,cle,rrs ,.,..,rr.:
vii. Depencling or1 avaiiability of funds, first preference in disbursement of scholar:ships
r.vorllclbe givdn to sludcnts of Governrnent institr-rtions eind then lo stuclents c.rf
Cior,('rrnrnenl aiclecl inslilr-rtir:ns anci thereafter disl.:nrsemenl- will be n:a.cle to thc
:iI l.i(1Llnls cll iini,riclr:ct Drivi,;tt: institutiorrs.


Irr orcicr-lo en$Lrrr: tinicly payrnent ol scholarship amor-int lr: lhe beneliciaries, lhe Stetle
(io\,'cirrnrcnt/U'l r:rdministrations are requested to arvoict cash paynrent ol schol arship
i,irnoi-rnt ancl ;lrs re c|lirecl lo issue inslrrlcliorrs to all concerned that payment ol
sclir"rl;,rrshii: shortlcl be macle to bencliciaries through their accoLlnts in post offices/banics,
lil3'i' uror,ic shur:lcl be loliowecl u-y the StateslUTs, Disbursement of Schol;u'sl"rip thror"igh
Aadhital seedcd banlc acconnts shnulcl be ensured by the States/UTs.


i, 'i'he scholarshil: is provide d on the basis ol satisleiclory progress rurcl concirtcl, of tirt'
scholals. U it is reporled by l-he Head of the lnstitnlion at any time tha[ ;r s;c]:olar
has, by reasons of his/her own act or default, faiied tr: mal<e satisfactory progress
or has Lcen gr"tilty ol miscr:nduct such as resorting to or participating in strikes,
rL'i".rrri;rlity rn attenclance rirtholrt the perrnission of the authorities concernccl e Ic.,
r-l-ir': iir-tlirorit-y sanctioning thc scholarships may either cancel thc scholar:;htp or'
:;tor,i (lt" ',r,lthl-roicl flirlircr lliryrn(lltr- ol sclrrlialshri: lor sucir pcriod as il rnal' tilriil< lil.
i1 ii a:ttrr.,lcltr is lblutd to hir\rir oirliiincci a schr.ilarrship 1:1, litlsc statemcnt ltis/hc:r
sr:l:r-rlalr,hilr rviii bc crlncclluci lorLhwilLr nnci llir arnt)ulr-rt of tire scitolar shil.l piriri wiii
l:c rcco,;err:d, at the cliscretion of the concerned State ()overnment,'l'he str"rcierrt
conccrnr:cl will be blacklisled and clebamed for seholarship under any schemes
['r'lre ,re r.
iii A :ichr:lrrrsirip ar,varclcd may be ca-ncelled if the scholzu' changes the subject of thc
cq)1.!rsc cl' stucly lor vrhicll the sr:holarship were originally awarclecl r:r chatrgcs tl'it:
rrLsiil.urion of slr-it1y, i.vi|hor:t pri,:r iipproveLl of the State Governtrict'rl.'lhc J-'lcacl oj'
lhe Instittrtion shall ipforrn such cases lo lhe scholzu'ancl stop pt'ry'rrl(,111 of l.ltt,
scholarr;hip money. The amount aiready paid may also be recoverecl at t.htr
cliscretion of the Sterte Covernment.
iv. :\ schr:lar is liabte to refund the scholarship amount at the discretiot-l ol the Stalc
Goverlrnelt, if cluring the course of the year, the studie s for which the scholarship
has been awar"ded, is discontinued by him/her,
'l'Lrc pr,:visions of tire scherne caln hc changecl at arty time at thc rtiscretiorr of llttr
(iovcrrrrncnl of Inclia.


.\11 lir'.: )iLirt-r: (iovr:i'rrrnerrls/U'l'i\clrnr-rs. rvill at:trrrr.tt-tcc in lhe t:ront.l'r ol ivlay-'Jr-tlrt:, tlrtr
,ir:iails gl rhc Schemr: a-1cl inviic applicaiiorrs by isstLing an advet'tisentent in tl're leaclrng
rtcrvspr-rltcrsi oi the Slate ancl through other media outtlts. A11 requresls lor applicatiorr
['e;ms;r-r<1 otlier palticulars shor-rlcl be aclclressecl to the concerned St.ate/U1'l-o which
sli.iili:r:ts actually belong. The applicant shoulcl submit the completed application to the
l:rcricrii:ect atur-hnrlty }:efore the last date prescribed for receipl of applicat.ir:Lrs.

i) An application for scholarship lo

lhe prescribecl ar.rthority shcr-rlct comprisr::
a, One copy ol the arpl:licatio, fr:r
applicalion form may-bc prcscribecl.sch.lau.ship
by _the prescribed lorin Is*1:;ir.il.
ar rcl'renewa_t, scholar.shipi. "or.".r'r',*.i-sl;ite Governn:rent/u.1. 1_rr,ri,errlr
b' o,e copy of the passpoii size photograph with
(fur fresh schotarihil:)' signatures of the stucienr rh.:rr:.n
or certificates/cliploma/clegree , in r.,:,i),.( ,i ,,1 ,,
: 3"}:",Xt;nTXr..::::,. "-'n
cl' A certificatc-(in
r1.c '

origin'rl) of caste sig*scl i:y a, authorize

the rank of Tehsilclar. d Rcve*rre olficer no. r:cir.,i.v
e' An income d-eclaration by the parents/guardia:rs,
sources by way of income certilicatiorl stating cefinile income from all
non-Jndicial Stamp paper. ?;;;loyer along wirh rhe aJrcravit on
I A rcccipt in acl<r:,ivlcctgtr:rc.rl- ol
' allilclrcrl to r"hc apl:lictttion clLrirvthe scholarshil: in
'rrl,the J:revior-rs yeilr on r-liq l,.",r.rrr
ct-rtlcetrrecl' if thc *pplical-]l wits the I,leacl c.il. rhc I*srrrr_rrorr
iri rr.ceipt oru".i.ur"rship ur-rcler this ljchcnle
1;r*ccclirrg .year, rri ri.i.

ii) [n case of online mocle of application, the procecltire

appiication is required to be fi1ted of apprication may vary as rrrrr
online and the documents needs to be uploacteci
website as notifiecl by the prescribecr o:r thc.
authority of the concernecl stalc/U,r.
iiij Appircatior"r completc i, erll resl:ecr shal1
be strbrnittecl ro the FIeacl ol.tl.i(-. ri,si:1rrr,:.,;,
being allellcled o'last attencleci
by ihe canciiclates a.ncl shall be adclresseci
speciiied for this pul'pose by to ;,i:r t;fi it:L,r
the state Gove.nment /Union Terriiory Administr;rrie,, ,.,r
student belongs in accordance with the
;l:,*.:'- instructions isstred by tl-rem frorr: rir:ie


I)r'le I'o bttcigetiuy cotrstr';r-int
a:rcl'funcls limitec.l'nature of the existing pMS-cBC
rt is not possible for the central scheme,
'l'lterelore' Government to meet the entire demand
a Notior-ral Allocation (NA) uncier the of the sterres1u1.s.
scheme is being con'eyecl at the begi.,-,inrr
oi'tirc ll,tr'ncialycar sincc 2008-09
io stares/U'l's having oBC population, i. proportirn
their tota'l popttleition &ls per census ro
a,cl they a.* b.i,-,g requestecl to send propr.s,ir;
the ,otional allocatio,, as per the procedure
"vitirin outrined below:-
i' At the beginning of the financial year,
notional allocation of funds ol statcs/IJ.ls
rvill be n:acle uy ttris Ministry, iio*
*r" overa-lr unr*o1 outlay of the scherne
l:asis of population of each stot.7ur,..".ruJlrlg . on r.irt:
itotes/urs havi,g ,r: norillerl tisi
Atunacha.l Prac.lesh, rr,r"erLt,.y,,, Mizor*r,,'Nagai"r,rl
;l.l.S,?ff"-$|' ru.il
ir' states/urs will sub-allocate their NA, clisrdct-wise and group-wise,
prolessional courses' such sub-allocation for ali nor:-
collrses' as inslitulions of prolessional -o.ria ,roi be *ecessary f,r professionai
cities/centres' I{orvever, the staie Governn:ent leno to be concentrareci in ma.lor-
selecti.n lor :rrvarci of sclmla:'slrip rr.ndr:r is expecteci to lay down criteria lor.
rron'pruI'essio*ir-r, io the exient <;r'avaii*bre
ir"ii ,rp, r,,l' r-,r.rr...,,.., r:.r:f,.1;'i j1;;;;il ",^: rt.j
l:l hr,.a",
Stlltcs l'ill ca-rtrtat'i< at least 25{}6 ol'.rhe-t.t"r barc:i ,;,';",:,;-"1 ;r;lir-,.r,,,,*
r't'Llrscs r'vhich i.clltcle class-XI
.ruti*y-.'rncler the scherrre for crr.,i:;,,)
*cl XII rurcl etll oti:er pr:st-rlatriculertion ler,e1 r',rr:
(leg''ee (:ollrses, cliploma coLtrscs
in polytechnics
ollcollrage ntot'e oBC sltlclctrts to join enLry-level etc. Such earmarl<ing
u'l:ich wor:rcr\ e,able rhcrn subseclr.ie.rly ro rake collrses of tertiary eclucalign
;;;;*;; i;;;;rrg ro rrighcr.
clr.ralifications. "p
iv' Central assistance given to a State/UT wor-rlcl have
to be first utilizecl to cov<:r.
rcucwnil cas.js. (i.e. str-rclents a1rea.cly awarclecl
yeals agrrinst Cent.ral Assistancl:i anct only
schoiarship. airr-r.f the prcviorrs
, thc balancc alrnount lcfi m,ry. lrc utili;r'ri
l() cOr/et" ncw cases,
v' 'l'he rrollssal ror central Assisteince
shoulcl be accompaniecl with thc cietails oi'
1:irysic;i1 anci financiar progress in the prescribecl perf,:rrna.
vi' As the total clema:rd of'th* stut"ulu'fs cannot u" coverecl
Assistance, the states/urs shall provicle remaining under the centra-l
i:ligii:hl ritr.rclcnls frorn the ir o,,..,n bucigct. scholarcrrip to the

'i'irc schcrlc is b9i1r implcrrrcnlecl

by the state Governments ancl unio, ,lerritory
Ariministrations, which receive centra-l assistance
cherne' The concepl ol committed Liability will
from Government of inclia under the
npprv to states/uTs from the year
2018-19 onwarcls' staleslurs are liable to make "CIp.o'ui.iorru for funcls over
(.icni.r'ul ,,\rsistance arnd above
lo cover ali eligible sturlents.


"lhe monitoring of tl:

and physical performance of the scheme r,,,rll be do'c
throu6h seeking delailecill*.ial
information fiom the agencies implementing the schcme and lor
lhr: physical aspects the agencies implementirig will be required to
ftrrnish eurarterly
Reports regzu'eling the number of bJne{rciaries receiving awarcl uncler
:-''il('trrr', L)uLli ciass-wisr: ancl genclc:r-wist.. On t.l"re the
financi;r1 sicil, detajls nl actLr;ij
t];<l:tndilurc tt:cutrecl durrng the lasl financieil yea.r ancl
expencliture proposecl lor 15g
l;re r('l1l llnlrnctid year will be submillecl by the agencies 'lhe ag,encics
iilplcrt:ctrling the scheme will also bc insistecl ,pon to"submit
lhe latest ar.rditecl accounts,

'l'hc fulrnistry of Social .Justice

& Empclwerrnent will get the scireme evalr:arle<J l.,y
cnlritsling a rcscarch stuely to reputed institutions/agcnc*ies, on the per.formapce
of tirc
lichcnrc in clillcrent pmts of the country, uncter this ftinistry's Scheme
of Research apc
I'rai n i:r g,

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