(I) (Ii) (Iii) : For To
(I) (Ii) (Iii) : For To
(I) (Ii) (Iii) : For To
The Secretaries/Principal Secretaries
OBC Wellare Department
All State GovernmenVUT Administration
(i) Annual parental income have been revised from Hs, 1,00 iakh to
Rs. 1.50 lakh.
(ii) 30% of funds earmarked for girl students and 5% for students with
(iii) The concept of Committed Liability will not apply to States/UTs
from FY 2018-19 and funds will be released to States/UTs based
on Notional Allocation. StateslUTs are liable to make provisions for
funds over and above Central Assistance to cover all eligible
students from their own Budget.
Yours sincerely,
f l,rors
Under Secretary to the Government of lndia
Tele: All-23A71374
Email: kumar.ss @ nic.i!
Centrally $ponsorecl $cheme of ,
'l'ltcsc scholarships
sirrlI be availablc ibr stuciies in inclia only and
(joverrrmc'nt r:r will be awal-ciecl l_rv the
state/UnroLr Te''itory to wrrich the appiicant
pcnnanently seilled, actualry ,:;**;: ;-
Note 1: So long as either of the parents (or husbancl in tire case of married unemployed
Siri;t"'"tdi::trts) are a1ivc, only incoure of the pa"cnls/husl:ancl, as thc casu nltry l.:c, ironr all
sirlll'(rrs I'L;,rs io l:e iill<en irrto accoi.rnl and rtl n': oihet'rnr-.rnbers even thor"r11l.r tircy rna,y bc
i:rtrt:it'ig. ltr thc iot'Ln of incorni: clcclaralion, illcotlrc is lr: be cleclarecl on this l"lasis. Otrly ir"r
1}ir: t.iise r,vhere botlr the parents or husband in the case of married but unemptoyed girl
:;irtr,lr-rtt have riied, the income ol the guardian wiro is supporting the student in hislher
r;luiltls h;r.s lc be taken into consideration. Sucl'i stucients whose parent's incornc rs
irilitr:lcil clltc Lo deatl"r of onc ol e arnrng parenls ancl resultallly comes within the incomc
{,..illng prescribed under lhe schemc, shall beconre eligible fol schoiars}rip, subjr:ct to thcir
luliiiIng ol"]rer conciitions oi eligibility, from the month in which such cieath ta.kes plerce,
l'hc irpplici,itions for the scholarship from such students can be considered even after
l;11::;c of last dil.te of receipt of applications, on conrpassionate grounds.
Notc 2: Hr-luse Rent Allowance receivecl by (he parents of a stndettl be exr:rnpterl lrorn lirr:
contputalion ol 'incomc if the same has bccn pennitted to be cxcmpted tbr purprlsc ,:l'
Note 3: Income Certificate is required to be taken once only, i.e. at the time of admission
nl cnurses, which ale continuirrg lclr more than one year.
i'lrl .,'.rluc oi schol.a:'sirip will inclucle Mainterrance Ailowance, Reaclet' Chzuges lor blind
strrrt:nrs, reimbursement ol compulsory non'refundable fee, Str"rcly Tour Cha:'ges/llresis
tr'ping/1:rinlrng charges ancl book aitowance fcrr students pursuing correspondence
i o'i.r i:;r.r, llrr c,)r:rpl(:le clulalion r:f the colrrse as ircr clel:ails givcn belo',v:-
i) Maintenance
lI{ostelie rs Day
in various bra,ches of
.. tlmanagement & medicinu,
,.t. /I
C W.A. /C,S lt.e .]r A etc,
{\'l .\1. lrlril,, Irh.D. ar:d post-Docloral pr.ogrammes
ctc.J (D. Lrtt., D.Sc.
(vi) L.L,M.
Notc : $cholars who are enlitlec! to free boarcling ancl/or loclging will be par-icl rn;rinicn;urcc
r:harrgcrs at l/3rd of hosteliers, rate.
Group C 130
Group D l
iii) Fe-eq
i'irrsis lyping/printing charges upto a maximum ol Rs. 1000 will be llaid tr: resear<;h
Ihr rt:comnlendation r:i the Hcad oi the lnstitutir:n.
:ri'i"ririlirs r:n
Irr orcicr-lo en$Lrrr: tinicly payrnent ol scholarship amor-int lr: lhe beneliciaries, lhe Stetle
(io\,'cirrnrcnt/U'l r:rdministrations are requested to arvoict cash paynrent ol schol arship
i,irnoi-rnt ancl ;lrs re c|lirecl lo issue inslrrlcliorrs to all concerned that payment ol
sclir"rl;,rrshii: shortlcl be macle to bencliciaries through their accoLlnts in post offices/banics,
lil3'i' uror,ic shur:lcl be loliowecl u-y the StateslUTs, Disbursement of Schol;u'sl"rip thror"igh
Aadhital seedcd banlc acconnts shnulcl be ensured by the States/UTs.
i, 'i'he scholarshil: is provide d on the basis ol satisleiclory progress rurcl concirtcl, of tirt'
scholals. U it is reporled by l-he Head of the lnstitnlion at any time tha[ ;r s;c]:olar
has, by reasons of his/her own act or default, faiied tr: mal<e satisfactory progress
or has Lcen gr"tilty ol miscr:nduct such as resorting to or participating in strikes,
rL'i".rrri;rlity rn attenclance rirtholrt the perrnission of the authorities concernccl e Ic.,
r-l-ir': iir-tlirorit-y sanctioning thc scholarships may either cancel thc scholar:;htp or'
:;tor,i (lt" ',r,lthl-roicl flirlircr lliryrn(lltr- ol sclrrlialshri: lor sucir pcriod as il rnal' tilriil< lil.
i1 ii a:ttrr.,lcltr is lblutd to hir\rir oirliiincci a schr.ilarrship 1:1, litlsc statemcnt ltis/hc:r
sr:l:r-rlalr,hilr rviii bc crlncclluci lorLhwilLr nnci llir arnt)ulr-rt of tire scitolar shil.l piriri wiii
l:c rcco,;err:d, at the cliscretion of the concerned State ()overnment,'l'he str"rcierrt
conccrnr:cl will be blacklisled and clebamed for seholarship under any schemes
['r'lre ,re r.
iii A :ichr:lrrrsirip ar,varclcd may be ca-ncelled if the scholzu' changes the subject of thc
cq)1.!rsc cl' stucly lor vrhicll the sr:holarship were originally awarclecl r:r chatrgcs tl'it:
rrLsiil.urion of slr-it1y, i.vi|hor:t pri,:r iipproveLl of the State Governtrict'rl.'lhc J-'lcacl oj'
lhe Instittrtion shall ipforrn such cases lo lhe scholzu'ancl stop pt'ry'rrl(,111 of l.ltt,
scholarr;hip money. The amount aiready paid may also be recoverecl at t.htr
cliscretion of the Sterte Covernment.
iv. :\ schr:lar is liabte to refund the scholarship amount at the discretiot-l ol the Stalc
Goverlrnelt, if cluring the course of the year, the studie s for which the scholarship
has been awar"ded, is discontinued by him/her,
'l'Lrc pr,:visions of tire scherne caln hc changecl at arty time at thc rtiscretiorr of llttr
(iovcrrrrncnl of Inclia.
.\11 lir'.: )iLirt-r: (iovr:i'rrrnerrls/U'l'i\clrnr-rs. rvill at:trrrr.tt-tcc in lhe t:ront.l'r ol ivlay-'Jr-tlrt:, tlrtr
,ir:iails gl rhc Schemr: a-1cl inviic applicaiiorrs by isstLing an advet'tisentent in tl're leaclrng
rtcrvspr-rltcrsi oi the Slate ancl through other media outtlts. A11 requresls lor applicatiorr
['e;ms;r-r<1 otlier palticulars shor-rlcl be aclclressecl to the concerned St.ate/U1'l-o which
sli.iili:r:ts actually belong. The applicant shoulcl submit the completed application to the
l:rcricrii:ect atur-hnrlty }:efore the last date prescribed for receipl of applicat.ir:Lrs.