\o. svt 712122frd-q .. /cllsE.'l'o provide tinancial assistance to meritorious stuclents tiom
P.lor lanlilies to meet a palt o1'their day-to-day expenses rvhile pursLring higher stuclies, Departltent
oi Iligher Eclucation, Govt. ol India have made provision tbi scholat.ships uncler Central Secl
Sclrcrtre of Scholarship fbr College and University stuclents for eligible CIiSE pass out sludents ir.r
.,\nnLral H.S Exatrrinalions 2023 in Science, Corrmerce and Hurranities Streanrs.
I hr' rale ol scholarship is Rs. I 2,000,/-pel annunr a1 Crilciuatiol) level tbr tllst three years of ColJegc and
I nirt'r'sitr" courses and Rs,20.000^per annLr,'n ilt Post-Graduation level. Str:dents pursLring prolessional
(,)Lrr5es. i11 case, where the duration ofcourse is tive (5) vears/lntegraled '20.00ct/-per
course will gct R-s.
ttrlllLrttt itt the 4rhand 5thyeat. Ho*ever. sludents pursLrine lechnical such as B.;l-ech. B.F.ngg. rvill
3ct schollrship up to graduatior lc\,el onl)' i.e. Rs. 1 2.000 p.a. fbr Lr. 2,rtr nr.rtl 3ir year. Rs. 20,000 in
Lite 1,r,.1,g31'. ^nd
\oic: llre latc of schol:rrship is Rs.llJ.000i-per annurr 1br first tltree ),cars ollic:lr/ renl.ral scholar.srr.l
\\ ith rcspect to acade,'ric r ear 2021-23. even il.the actLral release happens in F\, 2021_24.
PLIlsuing cotlrses at collegesl instil ution s recognizetl by All India Council fbr Technical Educatio6
rnd respective Regulatory Bodies concer.ned;
i,. \rli availing benetlt ofanr other sclioiarship schenres including State run scholarship scltetres/
Ir:e rr,aiver & reimbursemenl schente:
\ stUdents rvith gloss parenta l/lhur ill incorne Lrpto Rs. ,1.5 lalih per Annum are cligible fbr
seholarship under the schettre. Inconre ccfiificate rvill be reclLriled onl;, lirr the liesh applicalis:
\1. Strldent changing his/ her collcgci i,rstitute ol study r.r'ill be allorvecl to continLre/renew tlte
scholiirship provided the coLtrse ol stLrtly and tlte ilrstitLttion is having valid AISHE Code; lhe
.,\lSl lll code can be checl<ed in the por.tal hLt ps:r.ra ishe,uo r . inta ishcr,aishc{-.rxjo
r. i, Siutlents rvho missed to appl) lbr renewirl of application online on NSp will be allorved to apply
Iirr rctterval of scholarship f'crr subseeluent year on NSP. if he/she lirlfils eligibiliti conilitioir fbr
frnu\\ itl:
riii. Fol reneu,al of scholarship in each;,ex; of stLrdy, besicles getting at least 509,0 rnarks in tl-.
r\nnttirl Exatlination, lllaintenance ol- aCecruate attendance of at least 75%. will also be the critcr...
( omplaints against the student regard;ns any in disciplined or criminal
bclravior. including any
.,rriillai,ts of havirrg indulgeci in rageing. *.ill lead to fbrl'eiture olscholarship:
/ Contd"..2-l
ir. Benettciaries/ Appiicants uncier rhe ,"n.,r. ,11'Jluorly
online in the National Scholarships portai
{rv* * in) fbr the fieshl ,.r.*ut
,.t,oirrrt,lor. Fresh/Renewal applications sent
rl.r'r-e th ro tlrc Ministrr of fclucariorr
shall nor be u;..p,;;.- '
\rerno No. 99 tO /cHSE. Dr. 3a-7-AAAZ t
( opl lbrrvarded to thc Addl. Secretary
to Govt. in Scllool ard Mass E,lucation/ Adcll Secy to
l)ept ol' Higher Education Govt
inforrnation requcsr to uploarl this advertisemeni in thej"
rr ebsircr'SAMS portal/tw itter ,for
rarger ctrculatton among students pLrrsuing UG
and pG coLrrses.
\lenro No. /CHSE. ot. 20 -4-go23
( o,rr. t-11q,,r,1.6 tu the Registrlrts All Slate Uni\ersities in Oilisha. tbr inlbrmation.
rcquL'ilcd to notily it in their notice board for infbrmatiorr They
ot the stuclents.
,t-a l.t
\lenrL;No. > bt2
__/CIJSE. DL.36.q.lOZ3 I
\lcrrru \o. 5 zt 9 r. lar- nr 2i ,4 q *,-t
ri)r rhe sreater inreresl orthe srlrdents.
JCCfetar\ 1