Article - Stirland Province - Part 2 (FO10)

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29/9/08 ‘igGting Bacttes in Stirfand Like many of the provinces in the Empite chat are situated away ffom the large urban citystates lke Altdorf and MidJenheim, Strland is something of a backward, rural land. The people of Stsland are made up of farmers, poachers, wise folk and other earthy professions. There is Blso strong community of Halings In evidence, whichis explained by Stiland’s close proximity tothe Moot. Stislnd is poor; an indisputable fact that eles and rankles its proud people when they consider themselves alongside their neighbours in Talabecland and Averland ‘There are no cites to speak of, with Wurtbad the oaly major town of note. These facts tend to conspire to make Stirlanders openly reckless, with an eagerness to prove their worth alongside their wealthier counterparts, One of Strland’s principal neighbours is the dark and haunted province of Sylvania. At the time of the three Emperor's Sylvania was stil a state in its own right and it too had 4 powerful claimant who sought the throne Rumours persisted across its borders of dark deeds and fell creatures which engendered fear and suspicion in the Stirland folk. Fear of the things that crossed the borders at night, of the evil men under cloaks of shadow, slipped pax their vigilant River Patrol and into their villages and homes. Accounts are many of men driven mad for no reason, of dark cults daubing evil sigs im the wild and dark places, of children taken from their beds and never Seen again. Such a reputation draws the servants of Sigmar like 2 moth to a flame and the wild rural lands of Stand are often visited by Witch Hunters and Warrior Priests. It had also drawn the attention of the Count of Stirland, Demitri Jaeger, who watches the border astutely ready to defend it should the evil lurking there decide t0 One of Stirland’s few saving graces isthe great River Stir which runs along as border. Not only does # provide a mn ee = A — —_ an09_82-91 28/9/08 raul defence against enemies north in Talablecland, it is also an important ferry way. However, this river also runs through the cursed city, Mordheim and while i i long and deep, there are times when plague and worse things sull come washing up on its banks. Fighting bales in Stiland is similar to most provinces of the Empire. Stirland is largely fas, wild and rural There are a few lowlying hills and many modest setlements, small hamlets, dishevelled villages and isolated hovels ‘There are also many ruined places. OF particular note is the Blighted Towers, place recounted im dark fables, but ‘whose legend is saved for another chapter. Since its peoples are poor, loved ones succumbed to plague oF Some other malady are often buried away from the towns and villages, lest theie taint somehow return and $0 the ‘countryside fs pockmarked by crude stone cairns The River Aver and the River Stir both have tibutaries that lead into the province and these are often forded by erude bridges. All along the Stir itself there are’ stout ‘watehcowers, gareisoned by the River Pavol, the one rue military force in the area, Stland's standing army, such 38, itis, is made up mostly of local levies and multi Games in Stirland are played in exactly the same way 38 they are in Mordheim. Although the scenery here should bbe represented by barren plans, ils, rivers, vilages and isolated ruins ‘ather than a sprawling devastated cityscape, The Empire in Flames book has some excellent Scenarios and rules that are suited perfectly co a game set in Stisland and isa perfect accompaniment to ths setting Stirfan Garbands The mercenaries of Stirland are drawn mainly from the River Pattol. Whilst the province is not as wealthy as some thers, its mercenaries tend not to suller from this, thee ‘weapons and armour as readily available as any other of that profession. The common colours of Stirland are predominandy green and yellow: They favour traditional mous the crowned skull, eagle and sword ~are popular ‘The warriors of Stand, although few, are welltrained and disciplined, a5 Stiland warbands are weated in ‘exactly the same way as Reiklanders. Their River Patrol boast excellent archers and so their Marksmen add +1 t0 their BS, and the rash bravery of their leaders is an ‘example to all of the wariors in the warband, allowing them t0 use their Captain's Leadership within 12". The remainder of the watband is often made up of mila teoops, which are armed and equipped as well 25 any fother poor sellsword, with ramshackle armour and ageing weapons. coy ranos_42-91 7/10/04 (re eneanes SEMAN 1: The waterways of Surland are rife with piracy, smuggling land other even tess salubrious dealings. Often, ‘mercenaries are bred to garrison the many watebrowers at the Stirs banks, keeping a sharp eye for any ne'er do wells trying to cross into Stirland unbeeded. One of the watbands has been hired by 2 local Burgomeister to watch over part ofthe River Stir at one of ts many crossings. Another warband, laden with smuggled loot, i tying to cross unseen, ‘Terrain A river 6° wide runs across the table east to west, 18" in from the north table edge. There is a narrow bridge roughly halt way down it A watchtower or similar plece of terrain should be placed within 3" of the siver bank, around 3° away from the bridge, on the north side of che river. The rest of the terrain should be placed by che players in turn, Trees, small outbuildings, low walls and so ‘on are particularly suitable, although the only high ‘vantage point should be the watchtower. The bate takes place in an area roughly 4x 4 River Gate emer ewe Get Bp Both players roll a D6, The highest roll may choose ‘whether to be the atacker ofthe defender, unless one of the warbands i overty ‘evil! in te alignment Fossessed, Skaven, Undead, etc. This type of watband wall atways be the atacke in this scenario, unless both players have ‘en warhands, in which case roll ff as normal and devise some othe likely narrative for them fighting each fother (perhaps one warband has slain the tower garni ‘The defender deploys his entice warband fest within 18 of the north table edge on the north side ofthe river. They may setup in the watchtower if they wish, The attacker then sets up his warband within 8" ofthe south table edge Ale, opposite the defender Gpeciag nutes ‘Creeping in the dark: The attackers choose wisely to ‘conduct their said at night. Vision is reduced to 2D6x3 ‘which must be rolled separately for each model when they lncend to charge, shoot o cast spells at an enemy. Any — ents ranos_2-91 28/9/04 model beyond another model's vision Is considered hidden and so cannot be targeted. Any model with a lanterntorch of within 3° ofa lanternizorch may multiply ‘the amount they can see by 5 instead of 3. The watchtower ‘counts as a lanterntorch for this purpose. Any mode! ‘within 3° of a lantern can automatically be spotted, regardless of distance Sentry duty: The defenders are initially unaware of the atacker's presence. They can only move D6" each turn, until one of the atackers has been spotted or when one of the defenders is hi by shooting, magic or is charged in ‘lose combat. Until this happens each players must roll a 1 for every model in the defender’s warband. The player ‘that rolls the highest may move that mode! this tuen up to the amount rolled for its movement, although the atacker ray not move a model off the board oF into the ever. If the result i a draw then the defender may move his own ‘model. Whilst in sentry duty’ the defender may not shoot ‘or cast spells As soon as an atacker is spotted the entire ‘warband may mave and fight as normal. “The river: The river follows the rules given on page 14 of the Empire in Flames rulebook i counts as deep and, flows from castro west. Grarting tGe game “The attacker automatically goes ftst. ‘£ri¥ing tBe game “The game ends as soon a one warband fs is Rows tes, ‘wth that warband losing. The game wil end immediatly ifthe atacker gets 25% or more of his watband off the north edge (animal do nt count fr ths purpose), Note that because the defender «in a wellforuied postion they will only have to take a Rout text when 50% of the vwathand is out of action. xperience +41 Survives: If Hero or Henchman group suruves the battle chy gain +1 Experience “+1 Winning Leader: The leader of the winning warband, gins +1 extra Experience 4H Per Enemy Out of Action: Any Hero earns +1 Experience for each enemy he puts out of action (this also ‘counts for Outriders £00) 4H1 Escapes: Each Hero or Henchman group that manages (0 escape off the north board edge i the axcacking warband gains +1 Experience. Reward the defender wins they are paid D6x20 gold crowns + 5 ‘old crowns extra for each enemy they ake our of action. ne ali. < ‘Slt lies ‘I Fanos 42-91 29/9/08 Sp Page 90 reoenes Scenario 2: Gunt the Heretic nena The rural provinces of the Empire, like Stirland, are a haven for warlocks, necromancers and other foul ‘creatures. Too easily in the wild and untamed backwaters do dark deeds go unchecked and unchallenged. Such men are bunted though, by men of ‘courage and steel ~ those who would not sit idly while ‘evil was wrought One warhand has been hited co aid a Witch Hunter who has tracked down a nefarious Warlock of some local repute. However, the Warlock has alles of his own and the hunt for his head won't be as straightforward as was frst supposed. Terrain “There isa ruined cower in the centre of the board which represents the Warlock’s lair and the place to which the ‘Witch Hunter and his allies have tracked him, Other than ‘that players take it in turns to place a piece of scenery; a rocky outcrop, scrub of anything to represent the wild and distane outskirts of a town or village. The batle is fought over an area roughly 4x 4 Get Bp Each player rolls a D6. The highest roll may choose t0 fight for the Witch Hunter or the Warlock. If one warband Is overly ‘evil (se the previous scenario) then they will automatically fight for the Warlock, and if a watband is, ‘overtly ‘good’ eg, Witch Hunters, Dwars, ete (but not Sisters of Sigmar) then they will fight forthe Witch Hunter. (ote: if you want to Use Sisters of Sigmar in ths scenario, they will fight for the Warlock, having been duped and believing him to be some wandering hedge wizard, ‘wrongly accused. A fact they are all t00 familiar with). ‘The Warlock and up «© four members of the warband protecting him are set up fist inside or within 3" of che ruined tower. “The Witch Hunter and his allied wathand are then set up ‘within 8 of any table edge, Special rutes Witch Hunter: The Wich Hunter counts as a Wich Hunter Captain. He may use he Leader sil along with the watkand's leader fr the Leadership tests of healed wwathand. He has +1 Wound, +1 Atack and + Leadership, He wears ight armous and cares a sword, a torch (see Empire in Flames page 16) and a brace of pistols He has the skills Fearsome and Reset and also farties a Holy Relic and three vial of Blessed Water, Warlock: The Warlock counts as a Warlock hiced sword, He has #1 Wound and +1 Leadership. He carries a sword and staff and has a Tome of Magic and the poison Black Lotus (which is upon his sword). He has the skill Sorcery and knows the following three spells from the Lesser Magic lst: Fires of UZhul, Dread of Aramar and Silver Arrows of Atha, ‘The trap is sprung: The Warlock, knowing the Witch Hunter was on his teil, has lured him and his ales into 3 ‘uap. Starting withthe second cura roll a D6 a the start of ‘each ofthe Warlock player's turns. On a roll of 4+ the rest ‘of the wathand protecting him arrives from any table ‘edge. They may move onto the board as normal, but are tunable to charge that urn. On the third turn the reinforcements will arrive on a 3+, the fourth turn a 2+ and on the fith turn automatically. Rout tests: Asi isthe Witch Hunter's will that drives the allied warband, they must take an immediate Rout test if he i taken out of action, regardless of casualties. This is In addition to any normal Rout tests that need 0 be taken, ‘The Warlock’s warband are elfectively cornered in the tower and so will only have o take a Rout ces when 50% ‘of the warband have been taken out of action Grarting tGe game Each player rolls 4 D6 withthe player rolling the highest ‘choosing whether to go fies or second ‘£niing tBe game “The game ends as soon as one watband fs is Rout tes, vwth that warbund losing. The game wil end iumedatly if the Warlock i taken out of action with a win for the ‘Which Hunter's alled warband xperience +41 Survives: If Hero or Henchman group survives the battle dey gain +1 Experience +1 Winning Leader: The leader of the winning warband, gins +1 extra Experience 4H1 Per Enemy Out of Action: Any Hero earns +1 Experience for each enemy he puts out of ction (this also ‘counts for Outriders £00) Reward Ifthe Witch Hunter's warband win they gain Déx5 gold ‘crowns as payment and D3 vals of Blessed Water. If the Warlock’s watband win he concocts D3 doses of any poison or drug of their choice.

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