Winter King 01

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This Pulp Alley stand-alone scenario is designed for 1 to 4 players. You need
the Pulp Alley core rules to play this scenario — versus, co-op, or solo.

2-4 players may play against each other. Each player controls one Pulp Alley
league. All players are opponents and all other leagues are enemies.

Prior to set-up, two or more players may form a party.
♦ Members of the same party are friendly (not opponents or enemies).

To play this scenario solo, you need the Pulp Alley Solo Deck and a bot-league
to play against.

Special Thanks — Chris Abbey, Iain Lovecraft, & Bessy Phipps, W.M.D.
Art & Ilustration by — Iain Lovecraft —
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Published by Pulp Alley, a family company. Copyright Pulp Alley 2023. All rights reserved.



The King is dead, long live the King — The reasonably well liked King has
died unexpectedly and a far less popular successor is about to claim the
crown. However, rumours that the old King secretly had another child have
surfaced. Several interested parties, such as his old friends, powerful
nobles, foreign agents, and even the Queen’s own spies are desperately
seeking the hidden heir. Can you find the King’s missing child before it is
too late…?

Players — 1 to 4
Type — Versus, Co-op, or Solo
Plot Points — Special
Deployment Zones — Corners: 12”
Turn Limit — 8
Rewards — Special
Special Rules —
 Limited Visibility
 Polite Society
 Underhanded Tactics
 Rowdy Party
 Minor Plot Points
 The Heir

Personalities — In Pulp Alley, the term personality is used to describe

someone that is simply part of the story/scenario. It is important to
remember that personalities are not characters. Moreover, a personality
does not have a character profile, skills, abilities, and so on. Personalities
do not activate, cannot fight, and cannot be attacked. For example, in this
scenario, the plot points are personalities.

Scenario set-up

All players read the enƟre scenario before seƫng-up.

Leagues — Each player selects or creates three Level 3 characters to play as

their league for this scenario. You cannot select other characters, Associates,
or perks.
Resources — Associates and assets cannot be used in this scenario.
Events — Each player rolls for a Random Event (next page).
Terrain — This scenario takes place in and around the House of Pleasure or
similar establishment. As normal, the table size is 3’x3’. Take turns placing
rooms, furniture, gardens, courtyards, and so on.
Plot Points — The four minor plot points represent personalities that reveal
helpful informa on — Master Tordoff, Captain Wyman, Miss Issi, and Miss
Darlora. Take turns placing the four personali es (plot points) on the table.
As normal, plot points must be placed over 6” from the sides of the table
and other plot points. The major plot point (The Heir) is not placed during
set-up, but appears at the end of turn #4.
Director — High-die (d6) to determine star ng Director.
Deploy — Beginning with the Director, each player selects then deploys their
league (3 characters) within 12” of one corner of the table. One league per
corner. As normal, characters cannot
deploy within 6” of any plot point.
Perilous Area — Place a 6” (diameter)
perilous area in the center of the table
(see Angry Mourners).

Cards — Shuffle the ten yellow-backed

cards to form the Scenario stack. Note,
you may use the printed cards from
China Station #3 (House of Lau) with
this scenario.

Deck — Shuffle the Fortune (or Solo)

deck and place it near the table.

Start the acƟon!

random events
Random Events — During set-up each player rolls 1d10 on the table
below. This table is intended to be used with this scenario.
(Some results are adjusted for Solo games.)

d10 House of Lau — Random Events

Delayed: One of your characters, selected at random, is not

deployed until the start of turn #2.

Unprepared: You draw –1 Fortune card on turn #1. (Solo: Draw and
play a card for the first two characters on turn #1.)

Perilous: Place one additional perilous area (2” to 5” dia.) 1d8” from
the center of the table in a random direction.

Early Warning: Your Leader gains a +1 bonus to pass the first peril
they encounter.

Acquaintance: Place a wandering bystander 1d8” from the center

of the table in a random direction.

Well Prepared: You draw +1 Fortune card on turn #1. (Solo: Draw
and play a card for the first four characters on turn #1.)

Familiar Area: Shift your die-type up when rolling for starting

7 Director. (Solo: You may look at the top card on the deck before
deciding which side to activate first on turn #1.)

Friendly Local: You gain one random Level 1 Backup character for
this scenario — Brawler, Shooter, Animal, or Scout.

Well Informed: Your Leader gains a +1 bonus to pass the first plot
point challenge they encounter.

10 Fortuitous Start: You may select one even from this table.


Limited Visibility — Line of sight is limited to 12” for this scenario, due to low
light, hanging curtains, smoke, and so on.
Polite Society — Whenever the Heir (major plot point) is not on the table:
 Characters cannot attack or rush an enemy.
 Characters cannot move over 6”.
 Characters may employ Underhanded Tactics (see below).
Underhanded Tactics — As an action, a character may attempt to cow, taunt,
or trick an enemy within 3”. Selected by the active character, both characters
roll an opposed check with Might, Finesse, or Cunning.
 Results: The winner of this opposed check may move the loser 1d6”
in any direction. In addition, the loser must roll a 1d Health check,
and the winner becomes the Director. Otherwise, a tie has no results.
Rowdy Party — This 6” (dia.) perilous
area appears to be a mob of rowdy
mourners. They are angry about the old
King’s passing and quick to blame or
accuse anyone nearby. Maybe they
were paid to be here — as a distraction.

 Wandering: If the center of this

area is within 12” of the center
of the table, then they wander
1d8” in a random direction.
Otherwise, they move 1d8”
towards the center of the table.
Plot Points — The minor plot points represent personalities (Master Tordoff,
Captain Wyman, Miss Issi, and Miss Darlora) with helpful information. Each
uncontrolled minor plot point wanders 1d8” in a random direction at the end
of each turn. When you pass a minor plot point challenge, draw a random
card from the Scenario Stack instead of drawing a normal Reward.

The Heir (Major Plot Point) — When you draw a Friendly
Introduction card, if the Heir is
not on the table then place the
major plot point marker 1d8”
from the center of the table in
a random direction. Otherwise, if
the Heir is already on the table,
move the major plot point marker
1d8” in any direction.
 A character cannot attempt
the major plot point unless
they are currently holding a
Friendly Introduction ard (see
Scenario cards).

End of Scenario — At the end of 7 turns, castle guards arrive, and all leagues
must leave the area. All Fortune hands are discarded. All uncontrolled plot
points are abandoned and the scenario ends.
 Victor: The league holding the Heir wins the scenario, and earns +3
Reputation — Each league earns +1 Reputation for each minor plot point they
are holding at the end of the scenario.

League Rewards — Record the resources and experience points earned from
your reward cards, then return the reward cards to the stack.

Recuperate — You may choose to use the optional Harrowing Escape table.
Otherwise, all of your injured characters are assumed to fully recuperate and
are ready for action in the next scenario.

Reorganize — You may choose to reorganize your roster by removing

colleagues and associates from your roster. By removing colleagues and
associates, the slots may be used to select new colleagues and associates.
Any character that rolls for a Harrowing Escape cannot be removed from your
roster until after the next scenario is played.

Character Development — You may use your league’s Experience Points

to select new abilities for your colleagues (see Experience).

Mistaken IdenƟty A Familiar Face
Move this plot point 1d8” in a Move this plot point 1d8” in a
random direc on. random direc on.
Immediately return this card to Immediately return this card to
the Scenario stack or a ach this the Scenario stack or a ach this
card to your character for the card to your character for the
remainder of the scenario. remainder of the scenario.
The character holding this card: The character holding this card:
+1 Might and -1 Finesse +1 Finesse and -1 Cunning

This is not a Reward This is not a Reward

Pulp Alley © 2019 SoM03 #01 Pulp Alley © 2019 SoM03 #02

Wrong Foot Forward Big Spender

Move this plot point 1d8” in a Immediately move the Rowdy
random direc on. Party up to 1d8” in any direc on.
Immediately return this card to A ach this card to your character.
the Scenario stack or a ach this The character holding this card:
card to your character for the
remainder of the scenario. AcƟon: Move the Rowdy Party up
to 1d8” in any direc on and then
The character holding this card: return this card to the Scenario
+1 Cunning and -1 Might stack.

This is not a Reward This is not a Reward

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Trouble Maker Losing Hand
Immediately move one character All players must immediately
up to 3” in any direc on. A ach discard one Fortune card. A ach
this card to your character. this card to your character.
The character holding this card: The character holding this card:
AcƟon: Place a 3” (dia.) perilous AcƟon: Draw two cards and then
area anywhere on the table and return this card to the Scenario
then return this card to the stack.
Scenario stack. This area remains
in play un l the end of the game.

This is not a Reward This is not a Reward

Pulp Alley © 2019 SoM03 #05 Pulp Alley © 2019 SoM03 #06

Friendly IntroducƟon Friendly IntroducƟon

Scenario Reward: Remove the Scenario Reward: Remove the
plot point marker from the table plot point marker from the table
and a ach this reward to your and a ach this reward to your
character. The character holding character. The character holding
this card receives: this card receives:
+1 Cunning Once per turn, you may
discard to gain a +1 bonus to
Might, Finesse, or Cunning

League Reward: +1 Backup League Reward: +1 Tips


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Friendly IntroducƟon Friendly IntroducƟon
Scenario Reward: Remove the Scenario Reward: Remove the
plot point marker from the table plot point marker from the table
and a ach this reward to your and a ach this reward to your
character. The character holding character. The character holding
this card receives: this card receives:
+1 Might +1 Finesse

League Reward: +1 Backup League Reward: +1 Contacts


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