Financial Benefits Postal Employees

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Financial Benefits Postal Employees

Factor Analysis

Correlation Matrix

Var1 Var2 Var3 Var4 Var5

Var1 1.000 -.828 .420 .460 -.051

Var2 -.828 1.000 -.848 -.256 .351

Correlation Var3 .420 -.848 1.000 -.027 -.653

Var4 .460 -.256 -.027 1.000 .072

Var5 -.051 .351 -.653 .072 1.000

Covariance Matrixa,b

a. Determinant = .
b. This matrix is
not positive


Raw Rescaled

Initial Extraction Initial Extraction

Var1 2236.143 1357.643 1.000 .607

Var2 8358.286 8279.005 1.000 .991
Var3 4439.619 3540.590 1.000 .797
Var4 5.810 .265 1.000 .046
Var5 186.905 34.513 1.000 .185

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Total Variance Explained

Component Initial Eigenvaluesa Extraction Sums of Squared


Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance

1 13212.017 86.768 86.768 13212.017 86.768

2 1883.089 12.367 99.135

Raw 3 126.440 .830 99.966

4 5.216 .034 100.000

5 -4.945E-013 -3.248E-015 100.000

1 13212.017 86.768 86.768 2.625 52.508

2 1883.089 12.367 99.135

Rescaled 3 126.440 .830 99.966

4 5.216 .034 100.000

5 -4.945E-013 -3.248E-015 100.000

Total Variance Explained

Component Extraction Sums of Squared Loadingsa

Cumulative %

1 86.768

Raw 3

1 52.508

Rescaled 3

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

a. When analyzing a covariance matrix, the initial eigenvalues are the same across the raw and rescaled solution.
Component Matrixa

Raw Rescaled

Component Component

1 1

Var2 -90.989 -.995

Var3 59.503 .893
Var1 36.846 .779
Var5 -5.875 -.430
Var4 .515 .214

Extraction Method: Principal Component

a. 1 components extracted.
Reproduced Covariances

Var1 Var2 Var3 Var4 Var5

Var1 1357.643 -3352.601 2192.455 18.967 -216.464

Var2 -3352.601 8279.005a -5414.108 -46.839 534.542

Reproduced Covariance Var3 2192.455 -5414.108 3540.590 30.630 -349.567

Var4 18.967 -46.839 30.630 .265a -3.024

Var5 -216.464 534.542 -349.567 -3.024 34.513a

Var1 -224.971 -870.216 33.509 183.178

Var2 -224.971 251.156 -9.566 -95.899

Residual Var3 -870.216 251.156 -34.892 -245.076

Var4 33.509 -9.566 -34.892 5.405

Var5 183.178 -95.899 -245.076 5.405

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

a. Reproduced communalities
b. Residuals are computed between observed and reproduced covariances.


a. Only one
component was
extracted. The
solution cannot
be rotated.

Component Score
Coefficient Matrixa


Var1 .132
Var2 -.630
Var3 .300
Var4 .000
Var5 -.006

Extraction Method:
Principal Component
Rotation Method:
Varimax with Kaiser
Component Scores.a
a. Coefficients are

Component Score
Covariance Matrix

Component 1

1 1.000

Extraction Method: Principal

Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax
with Kaiser Normalization.
Component Scores.

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