BP C1 Tests Unit3
BP C1 Tests Unit3
BP C1 Tests Unit3
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Listening LinguaSkill Business Advanced
C1 Business Higher Listening Part 2
6 Read the following article about the launch of a
5 [BP_C1_Test_03_02.mp3] You will hear seven new business. Choose the correct option
people talking about investments they have according to the text.
made. Match the extracts to the type of business
or product. You will hear the recording twice. Goldman Sachs plans to launch stocks-and-shares
A Mobile phones
Goldman Sachs is poised to enter the UK retail
B Health clubs investment market for the first time with a stocks-and-
shares Individual Savings Account (ISA) that will pit
C Books for children the Wall Street investment bank against the likes of
Hargreaves Lansdown and AJ Bell.
D Renewable energy
E Construction
The bank’s plan to offer the tax-free investment
F Oil production accounts, which have been hugely popular in the UK
since they were first introduced in the late 1990s,
G Mobile computing marks the latest expansion of Goldman’s consumer
bank, Marcus. Marcus, which was launched in the
H Gaming US in 2016, began offering savings accounts in the
UK last year.
I Cosmetics
J Food production
Goldman’s push into consumer banking is central to
1 …………. efforts to lift revenues and diversify its source of
funding. By offering industry-leading interest rates,
2 ………….
Marcus has rapidly raised more than $50 billion in
3 ………….
retail deposits, including $12 billion in the UK. Most
4 ………….
of the money is used to fund the investment banking
5 …………. activities on which Goldman built its reputation. In the
6 …………. UK, however, banks that hold more than £25 billion –
7 …………. about $31 billion – in customer deposits for a
sustained period are required to legally separate their
retail and investment banking operations.
b Goldman Sachs has never offered an ISA before. 7 Why is Marcus approaching the deposit threshold?
c Goldman Sachs will have competition in the UK a It is generating too much in customer fees.
retail investment market.
b It ‘ringfences’ its revenues.
a does not operate in the UK. b is a step too far for their company.
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