SFG 2023 Level 2 Test 51 QP CSAT EngHindi

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SFG 2023 | LEVEL 2 | Test 51 |

Direction for the following six (6) items: economic relations are also characterized by a
Read the following five passages and answer high degree of resilience and adaptability, as
the items that follow the passages. Your countries seek to navigate and respond to the
answers to these items should be based on the challenges and opportunities of globalization
passages only: and regional integration. This resilience is
reflected in the growing diversity and
Passage-1 sophistication of South-South economic
Time and space are not things-in-themselves, cooperation, which encompasses a range of
but rather the very forms of our intuition, sectors and modalities, including trade,
within which all objects of experience investment, finance, technology transfer, and
necessarily appear. Time and space are knowledge sharing. However, the realization
therefore a priori conditions of all possible of the full potential of South-South economic
experience, and are independent of any cooperation is contingent on the development
particular objects that may be presented to us. of more effective institutional frameworks and
They are also universally and necessarily valid mechanisms for managing and regulating
since they are the necessary conditions of all these relations, as well as on the promotion of
possible judgments about objects. While we greater inclusivity, transparency, and
cannot know things in themselves, we can accountability in decision-making processes.
know that they must necessarily conform to This requires a deeper understanding of the
the a priori forms of our intuition and that all underlying power dynamics and interests at
knowledge of objects is therefore dependent play, as well as a commitment to promoting a
on the structure of our own minds. more equitable and sustainable form of
economic development that benefits all
Q.1) What is the most logical corollary of the members of the Global South.
above-given passage?
a) Knowledge of objects is inherently Q.2) Consider the following assumptions:
objective and independent of human 1. South-South cooperation is able to
intuition. withstand various dynamic challenges.
b) Time and space are fundamental aspects of 2. South-South economic relations are always
the external world, separate from our positive and beneficial for all countries
perception. involved.
c) Our understanding of objects is limited by Which of the above-given assumptions is/are
the a priori forms of our intuition and the valid?
structure of our minds. a) 1 only
d) We can gain direct knowledge of things in b) 2 only
themselves without considering the role of c) Both 1 and 2
our intuition. d) Neither 1 nor 2

Passage-2 Q.3) South-South economic cooperation can

South-South economic relations are be improved by:
characterized by a complex interplay of power 1. Removing the balance of power in the
asymmetries, institutional constraints, and international system
diverse interests and values, which shape the 2. Including more members in the decision-
patterns and outcomes of cooperation and making process
competition among developing countries. 3. Signing Free Trade Agreements with
These dynamics are influenced by a range of developed countries
global and domestic factors, including the Which of the above given statements is/are
changing balance of power in the international correct?
system, the emergence of new economic a) 1 only
actors and institutions, and the diversity of b) 2 only
political, social, and cultural contexts in the c) 1 and 2 only
Global South. At the same time, South-South d) 1 and 3 only

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SFG 2023 | LEVEL 2 | Test 51 |

Passage-3 rulers, democracy confers legitimacy to a

The problem of the theory of distinction is to political order that had not previously existed.
account for the fact that the social world, and
particularly the cultural universe, presents Q.5) What is the most logical and rational
itself as a hierarchically organized system of inference that can be drawn from the passage?
distinctive signs, invested with properties of
a) Trust between citizens and their
difference and with a relation of opposition
government is solely dependent on the
between the poles that they mark. The cultural
effectiveness of the state.
arbitrariness of the distinctions which inform
the social structures of perception and b) Democracy is a necessary condition for
appreciation is not a reason for denying their political legitimacy.
efficacy; on the contrary, it is precise because c) Political legitimacy can be enhanced
the classification principles that inform the through democratization.
distribution of cultural capital are arbitrary d) Trust between citizens and their
that they can function as a basis of government is primarily based on the
domination, by securing recognition and state's honesty.
submission, and as a means of symbolic
violence, by legitimating and naturalizing the Passage-5
social order.
The press has always been a reflection of the
national mood, and as the mood becomes
Q.4) What is the key idea of the author as given
increasingly apocalyptic, the press looks for
in the above passage?
ways to exploit that anxiety while
a) The efficacy of social hierarchies depends
on the inherent differences between simultaneously reinforcing it. The result is that
individuals. we have created a news media that is
b) Cultural distinctions and hierarchies are sensation-driven, shallow, and prone to
arbitrary, which allows them to serve as a exaggeration, a media that focuses on
basis for domination. celebrity gossip, scandals, and melodrama,
c) The cultural universe is inherently rather than the critical issues of our time. In
egalitarian, but social structures impose such a media environment, it is no surprise
artificial distinctions. that we are unable to have meaningful
d) Social structures of perception and discussions about the challenges facing our
appreciation are based on meritocracy and
society. Instead, we are bombarded with
natural differences.
trivialities, false controversies, and outright
lies, leaving us ill-informed, distracted, and
unable to make informed decisions about the
The state, in modern liberal democracy, is no
future of our nation.
longer an enemy to be contained but an
instrument to be used. This implies a degree of
trust between citizens and their government Q.6) Consider the following assumptions:
that does not exist in many parts of the world 1. A sensation-driven media hinders
today. The problem of trust, however, is not meaningful discussions.
just a matter of a government’s being 2. The public is entirely passive and uncritical
perceived as honest or effective; it is also a in its consumption of news.
matter of that government being perceived as Which of the above given assumptions is/are
legitimate. Legitimacy is a function of the valid as per the given passage?
rightfulness of the political order itself, not
a) 1 only
just the effectiveness of the state. This is why
b) 2 only
democratization can have such a profound
c) Both 1 and 2
impact on political legitimacy. By allowing
d) Neither 1 nor 2
citizens to participate in the selection of their

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SFG 2023 | LEVEL 2 | Test 51 |

Q.7) Vikas walks 10 km towards south and then a) Both Conclusion I and II follow
turns to the right. After walking 5 km he turns b) Neither Conclusion I nor II follow
to the left and walks 5 km. Now in which c) Only Conclusion I follows
direction is he from the starting place? d) Only Conclusion II follows
a) West
b) North-East Direction for the following eight (8) items:
c) South West Read the following six passages and answer
d) North West the items that follow the passages. Your
answers to these items should be based on the
Q.8) In the following question, select the passages only:
missing number from the given series,
34, 69, 140, 283, ?, 1145 Passage-1
a) 430 There’s a new chapter in the saga of over-
b) 525 enthusiastic researchers trying to make the
c) 320 Matrix a reality. Scientists at Kyoto University
d) 570 are training an AI-powered robot to laugh.
This is, of course, a difficult project — one that
Q.9) Six persons Aman, Danish, Soniya, Sujit, could take decades to become a true success.
Ranjan and Yashika are sitting around a Yet, if a machine can mimic the myriad ways in
circular table (facing away from the centre). which human beings laugh, it may finally be
Danish sits fourth to the right of Soniya. able to cross the Uncanny Valley — that eerie
Yahsika sits to the immediate right of Soniya. feeling of uneasiness when an AI-enabled
Two persons sit between Aman and Ranjan. If creature can copy human behaviour, but
Ranjan is an immediate neighbour of Yashika somehow feels unnatural and alien in
then who sits to the immediate left of Aman? interactions. The questions which arise from
a) Ranjan this desire to play God’s understudy. First, can
b) Sujit the changing contextual nuances of what
c) Danish makes people chuckle, giggle and guffaw be
d) Soniya programmed? And is it worth the effort?

Q.10) Find out the value of ? in the given Q.12) Which one of the following statements
matrix. best reflects the most critical inference that
58 116 29 can be made from the passage given above?
66 132 33 a) The scientists at Kyoto University are
94 188 ? attempting to create an AI-powered robot
a) 54 that can mimic human laughter, a project
b) 47 that may take decades to achieve.
c) 52 b) The ability for an AI-powered robot to
d) 39 accurately replicate human laughter may
help it to overcome the Uncanny Valley and
Q.11) Consider the following statements and appear more natural in interactions.
conclusions: c) It is uncertain whether or not the
Statements: contextual nuances of human laughter can
1. Some strawberries are bananas. be programmed into an AI-powered robot,
2. All bananas are avocados. and whether the effort involved in doing so
3. Some avocados are grapes. is worthwhile.
d) The pursuit of creating an AI-powered
robot that can laugh like a human may raise
I. Some grapes are bananas.
ethical concerns about the desire to play
II. Some avocados are strawberries.
God and the worthiness of such an
Select the correct answer using the code given

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SFG 2023 | LEVEL 2 | Test 51 |

Passage-2 Q.14) What is the most logical corollary of the

Repetition and difference are the twin above-given passage?
concepts that underlie all of existence, a) Television programs provide valuable
shaping and reshaping reality at every insights and wisdom from experts who are
moment. Repetition creates patterns and more knowledgeable than the average
structures, while difference introduces citizen.
variation and unpredictability. Together, they b) The emotional reactions of TV personalities
create a dynamic system in which the past is are what make the content truly
constantly being transformed by the present educational.
and the future. But this system is not without c) Television programs are an ineffective
its dangers. Repetition can lead to stagnation source of learning due to the lack of
and inertia, while difference can bring chaos diversity in topics.
and disorder. The challenge, then, is to find d) The majority of TV programs are focused
the right balance between repetition and on entertainment rather than education.
difference, to use them in a way that allows for
growth and creativity without sacrificing Passage-4
stability and continuity. To meet the challenging situation of widening
economic and social disparity, inclusive
Q.13) What is the most crucial inference that growth is the best tool, but it is a dream
can be drawn from the passage? without improvement in agricultural growth,
a) Repetition and difference are inherently employment generation, poverty reduction,
contradictory concepts that cannot and involvement of the social sector (health,
coexist. education, and women empowerment). We
b) Repetition is superior to difference for must learn from China in this regard. Elements
maintaining a stable reality. of the successful experience of the Chinese
c) The optimal balance between repetition such as, high and labour-releasing agricultural
and difference is necessary for growth and growth, favourable income distribution
creativity, through broad-based agricultural growth,
d) Existence is a static system dominated by availability of infrastructure, higher levels of
repetition and difference. literacy and skills, inducements for the
location of enterprises in rural areas, and easy
Passage-3 access to credit and inputs for the poor
Each TV program was like a small world that section of society, are extremely relevant for
would spin around once or twice, then stop. developing countries. Women empowerment
And there was always a person, ideally a good- through replacing the “Life-Cycle Approach”
looking one, who would enter and begin to of the girl child, which has a prime objective of
speak. And it was our job as citizens to listen marriage and motherhood, by a “Capability
to that person, as they were wiser and better Approach” – as propagated by Amartya Sen,
than we were, and had devoted their entire where the girl child's contributions both in
lives to thinking about things that we had economic and social terms are given due
spent only a few seconds. And so, we listened, recognition. All Acts and Schemes related to
and we learned, and we were made wiser by the girl child, therefore, need to be thoroughly
the people on the TV, who were so good at reviewed to raise the status of the girl child as
their jobs that sometimes they would cry, and an asset rather than burden, for example,
sometimes they would even laugh, but mostly conditional cash and non-cash transfer
they would just talk, and talk, and talk. scheme, and so on.

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SFG 2023 | LEVEL 2 | Test 51 |

Q.15) Based on the above passage, following b) We can never truly know the nature of
assumptions have been made: reality beyond its appearance to us, as it
1. Life-Cycle approach has failed to ensure exists independently of our perception.
women empowerment in India. c) Appearance is always a reasonable
2. Promoting farming techniques which reflection of reality.
require less labour is an effective way for d) Our knowledge of reality beyond its
increasing agricultural productivity. appearance to us is limited.
3. Promoting stakeholder mentality through
Self-Help groups is an important approach Passage-6
to ensure inclusive growth. The jolting cry of a cockerel, the comforting
Which of the above assumptions is/are valid? smell of manure and the rumbling of tractors
a) 1 and 2 only — the idyllic sensory landscape of rural France
b) 2 only has been the source of much civil strife in
c) 2 and 3 only recent years. An increasing number of city
d) 1, 2 and 3 slickers have vacation homes in rural areas, to
enjoy peace and serenity. As it turns out, rural
Passage-5 life is full of activity, and at least in France, not
Many moments in our daily life are imbued amenable to change for the comfort of
with Kantian philosophy. Sitting at the bar, strangers. There have been several complaints
drinking a beer, thinking about the bartender about the noise and smells from animals and
who just carded you, are all perfect churches in the last few years. Maurice, the
illustrations of Immanuel Kant’s rooster, became a symbol for this conflict
‘transcendental idealism’. For example, the when his neighbours went to court against his
bartender examining the correlation between owners in 2019, chagrined at being woken up
you and your driver’s license photo was by the cockerel’s cry at dawn. French
wondering if the appearances laid before her – legislators have finally put the matter to rest
concerning both you and your ID – are an by passing a law to protect the countryside’s
informative portrayal of reality. In other “sensory heritage”.
words, does either the appearance of you To be fair, there is something gnawing about
being over twenty-one, or your ID saying that being woken up when it’s still dark outside by
you are, genuinely reflect whether you are the shrill crowing of a rooster. But the
actually over twenty-one? In The Critique of entitlement to comforts the wealthy thought
Pure Reason (1781), Kant was challenged with a money can buy at their weekend chalets, are
similar question: ‘Is appearance a reasonable at odds with the choices of empowered rural
reflection of reality?’ He asked this on the way residents. Unlike the luxury stores at the
to answering the further question, ‘Can we Champs-Élysées, rural France has refused to
know what things are like beyond their serve the interests of tourists. France — both
appearance to us, that is, in and of culturally and economically — is still strongly
themselves?’ Kant is famous for concluding agricultural. The campaign for the law was
‘No’ – that despite what we might think, based on the principle that the countryside is
there’s very little we can know about what more than a scenic landscape, and living there
reality is like in and of itself, either from its means accepting that fact. Their “sensory
appearance to us, or from any other source. heritage” safeguarded, French country folk
must not get complacent. Soundscapes are
Q.16) Which one of the following statements fragile things, as Indians are well aware. A
best reflects the most critical inference that loudspeaker and an upcoming election can
can be made from the passage given above? drown out the sounds of a homestead a lot
a) Our sensory experiences don’t provide us faster than the complaints of bratty
with a direct and accurate representation neighbours. But in the meanwhile, at least, the
of reality as it is. Maurices of France are free to make a morning

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SFG 2023 | LEVEL 2 | Test 51 |

Q.17) Which of the following statements best 5. Prohibiting the use of loudspeakers during
reflects the central idea of the passage on elections.
protecting rural France's heritage? Which of the assumptions given above are
a) The increasing number of vacation homes valid?
in rural France has resulted in conflicts a) 1, 2 and 3 only
over noise and smells, particularly b) 2, 3 and 5 only
regarding animals and churches. c) 2, 3 and 4 only
Legislation has been passed to protect the d) 1, 2, 3 and 5 only
"sensory heritage" of the countryside.
b) Rural life in France is full of activity and not Q.20) In a parking area, the total number of
amenable to change for the comfort of city wheels of all the trucks (six-wheelers) and cars
dwellers with vacation homes. Legislation (four- wheelers) is 50 more than four times
has been passed to protect the "sensory the number of parked vehicles. The number of
heritage" of the countryside. trucks parked is:
c) The passing of the law to protect the a) 15
sensory heritage of rural France is a b) 20
positive development that reflects the need c) 25
for balance between the needs of different d) 30
groups of people.
d) The campaign for legislation to protect Q.21) A contractor is hired to complete a
rural France's "sensory heritage" was based construction project in 50 days engaging 50
on the recognition that the countryside is men at work. After working for 25 days, he
more than just a scenic landscape and that
realizes that he has completed only 1/3rd of
living there requires accepting its sensory
the work. How many total number of workers
he needs to complete the given work on time?
a) 100 workers
Q.18) Which of the following assumptions best
b) 75 workers
justifies the reason for rural France's
continued protection of its sensory heritage? c) 50 workers
a) To ensure that tourism does not d) 150 workers
compromise the natural environment.
b) To preserve the longstanding agricultural Q.22) A retailer sells a product for Rs. 320,
way of life in these areas. making a profit of 25% on the cost price. If the
c) Protecting sensory heritage is a crucial cost price of the product is increased by 20%,
responsibility of both the French people what should be the new selling price to
and government. maintain the same profit margin?
d) The sounds and smells of rural life are a) Rs. 400
integral to French culture and history. b) Rs. 384
c)Rs. 432
Q.19) Based on the passage following
d) Rs. 307.2
assumptions have been made about the
possible features of the legislation protecting
Q.23) The speed of a motorboat is 30 km/h. It
sensory heritage:
1. Limiting the number of tourists in rural starts from Mumbai at 6:00 am and reaches
areas. Goa at 8:00 am. Same day, it starts from Goa
2. Prevent legal action against farmers for the at 12:00 pm and reaches Mumbai at 4:00 pm.
noises and smells of their animals. Find the speed of stream.
3. Promoting the cultural and economic value a) 8.5 Km/h
of rural landscapes. b) 12 Km/h
4. Giving priority to the needs of rural c) 10 Km/h
residents over city dwellers. d) 11.5 Km/h

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SFG 2023 | LEVEL 2 | Test 51 |

Q.24) What is the value of X in the sequence? facing towards the centre. Q is sitting between
9, 17, 48, 187, 928, X, V and S. W is third to the left of Q and second
a) 1298 to the right of P. R is sitting between P and V.
b) 5559 Q and T are not sitting opposite to each other.
c) 6814 Which of the statements based on the above
d) 7661 paragraph is correct?
a) U is sitting third to the left of S
Q.25) What is the smallest positive integer b) T sits adjacent to R
greater than 500 that when divided by any one c) Q is sitting left of W.
of the numbers 7, 14, 21, 28, or 35 leaves a d) T and U sitting opposite to each other.
remainder of 4?
a) 644 Direction for the following seven (7) items:
b) 984 Read the following six passages and answer
c) 844 the items that follow the passages. Your
d) 1034 answers to these items should be based on the
passages only:
Q.26) 12 men and 16 boys can do a piece of
work in 5 days while 13 men and 24 boys finish Passage-1
it in 4 days. 5 men and 10 boys will finish it in? The British administration in India was
a) 10 days characterized by a complex interplay of power
b) 12 days relations, institutional structures, and cultural
c) 15 days assumptions that shaped the patterns and
d) 9 days outcomes of colonial rule. The colonial project
was premised on a dual logic of difference and
Q.27) A clock is set right at 10:00 am. The clock superiority, which sought to justify and
gains 10 min in a day. What will be the true legitimize the imposition of British authority
time when the watch indicates 3:00 pm the over Indian society. This logic was expressed
next day? in a range of discursive practices, including
a) 12 min past 2 pm the construction of racial hierarchies, the
b) 45 min past 2 pm cultivation of Orientalist knowledge, and the
c) 48 min past 2 pm promotion of missionary activity. At the same
d) 30 min past 2 pm time, colonial rule was also marked by a
degree of ambivalence and contestation, as
Q.28) The average speed of a train in the different groups and individuals sought to
onward journey is 25% more than that of the navigate and negotiate the constraints and
return journey. The train halts for one hour on opportunities of the colonial context. The
reaching the destination. The total time taken legacy of British rule in India continues to be
for the complete to and fro journey is 17h
contested and debated, with some arguing
covering a distance of 800 km. The speed of
that it represented a form of economic and
the train in the onward journey, is:
social modernization, while others point to the
a) 45 km/h
devastating impact of colonialism on Indian
b) 47.06 km/h
society, culture, and politics. It is imperative to
c) 50.00 km/h
consider a range of historical and theoretical
d) 56.25 km/h
perspectives, and to recognize the diverse
voices and experiences of those who lived
Q.29) Eight friends, namely P, Q, R, S, T, U, V
under British rule.
and W are sitting around a circular table

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Q.30) Consider the following assumptions: cardiovascular problems and can even lead to
1. The impact of British rule in India is premature death.
conclusive and clear to the scholars of Moreover, plastic pollution is another growing
history. environmental issue. The increased use of
2. The British rule in India was based on the single-use plastics like straws, bags, and water
logic of segregation and elitism. bottles has led to plastic pollution in our
Which of the above-given assumptions is/are oceans and on land. Plastic waste is harmful to
valid? marine life and can even enter the food chain,
a) 1 only posing a threat to human health.
b) 2 only
c) Both 1 and 2 Q.32) Which one of the following statements
d) Neither 1 nor 2 best reflects the central idea of the passage
given above?
Q.31) What is the most logical, rational, and a) The overuse of non-renewable sources of
crucial inference of the above given passage? energy has led to environmental issues
a) British rule in India was uniformly such as global warming
oppressive and universally resisted. b) The environmental issues related to Global
b) The imposition of British authority in India Warming includes melting of glaciers,
was exclusively based on economic increase in insects diversity, and sea level
interests. rise.
c) The legacy of British rule in India is c) Deforestation is one of the reason for
complex and multifaceted. Global Warming
d) British colonial rule had no lasting impact d) Plastic pollution is the most critical
on Indian society, culture, and politics. environmental issue caused by the
increased use of single-use plastics like
Passage-2 straws, bags, and water bottles.
The increasing demand for energy has
resulted in the overuse of non-renewable Passage-3
sources of energy, which has led to a host of The martyrs, who laid down their lives for the
environmental issues. One of the most critical freedom of the country, had a lofty vision of
environmental issues is global warming, which the future. They owe the nation to be free
is primarily caused by the release of from all the slavery and bondage. They wanted
greenhouse gasses like carbon dioxide into the the India in which all the communities would
atmosphere. The burning of fossil fuels like live in perfect harmony and in which there
coal, oil, and gas is one of the main would be no high class and no low class of
contributors to this problem. The rise in global people, the curse of untouchability having
temperatures has led to a variety of been wiped out completely. Women would
consequences such as melting of glaciers and enjoy equal rights with men and contribute
ice caps, sea-level rise, and more frequent and their fullest to the making of a great nation.
severe weather events like hurricanes and Such a vision was in keeping with the ancient
droughts. glory of the country owed for its splendid
Another significant environmental issue is air achievements in literature art and culture. We
pollution, which is caused by the release of must now revitalise this ancient culture of
harmful pollutants into the air. The ours with tolerance as its masthead. If we
combustion of fossil fuels for energy forget to take pride in our noble heritage, we
generation is one of the major sources of air shall have to face severe indictment in the
pollution. Exposure to high levels of air court of history which is a ruthless judge and
pollution can cause respiratory and seldom spares the erring people.

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Q.33) Which of the following inferences can be be made aware of the importance of girls
made from the passage? or females in the society. Laws should be
1. Martyr wanted that there should be stricter to punish the guilty of aborting the
reservation in the jobs for the backward female child.
2. Martyr wanted that there should be perfect Passage-5
communal love and peace in the country. India has experienced a decline in its apparel
Select the correct answer using the code given and textile exports in recent years, which has
below: raised concerns about the competitiveness of
a) 1 only the sector. According to industry experts,
b) 2 only factors such as a lack of modernization in
c) Both 1 and 2 production processes, high input costs, and a
d) Neither 1 nor 2 lack of access to modern technology have
contributed to this decline. Additionally, the
Passage-4 COVID-19 pandemic has further exacerbated
Gender discrimination: The bias against the situation, with disruptions in global supply
females in India is grounded in cultural, chains and a decline in demand for non-
economic and religious roots. Sons are essential goods. To reverse this trend, there is
expected to work in the fields, provide greater a need for the Indian government to
Income and look after parents in old age. In implement policy measures that encourage
this way, sons are looked upon as a type of investment in modernizing production
insurance. In addition, in a patriarchal society, processes, promoting innovation, and
sons are responsible for preservation of the improving access to technology. Furthermore,
family name. Also, as per Hindu belief, lighting there is a need to strengthen trade ties with
the funeral pyre by a son is considered key markets and diversify export destinations
necessary for salvation of the spirit. This to reduce dependence on a single market. The
strong preference for sons which results in a textile and apparel sector has the potential to
life-endangering deprivation of daughters, is
contribute significantly to India's economic
not considered abhorrent culturally and
growth and job creation, and it is essential to
socially. In North India, girls currently
address the challenges it currently faces to
constitute about 60% of the unwanted births
unlock this potential.
and the elimination of unwanted fertility in
this manner has the potential to raise the sex
Q.35) Based on the passage above following
ratio at birth to 130 boys per 100 girls.
assumptions have been made :
1. There is a dearth of contemporary
Q.34) Which among the following is the most
technology in the textile sector.
logical corollary to the above passage?
2. Textile export has declined due to non
a) In India, only sons can work in the fields
competitiveness of this sector.
and provide greater income and look after
3. Conventional production process is the
parents in old age.
reason for decline in overall export.
b) Deep rooted bias towards sons has resulted
4. Textiles or apparel are non essential goods.
in abortion and female foeticide in India.
Which of the above are valid assumptions?
c) Daughters should be educated and allowed
a) 1 and 2 only
to do jobs in order to end discrimination.
b) 1 and 4 only
d) The strong preference for sons resulting in
c) 2 and 3 only
criminal discrimination against daughters
d) 2, 3 and 4 only
should be condemned and people should

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Page 19

SFG 2023 | LEVEL 2 | Test 51 |

Passage-6 three minutes and Rs 20 for each additional

Counterinsurgency in North East India is a minute after the first three minutes.
complex and challenging phenomenon that Consider the two statements are given
has defied easy solutions for decades. These followed by a Question:
groups have engaged in a range of violent Statement-1 : The child paid less than Rs 416.
activities, including bombings, assassinations, Statement-2: The child paid more than Rs335.
extortion, and kidnappings, that have Question: Did the child enjoy the toy train ride
destabilized the region and created a climate for more than 15 minutes?
of fear and uncertainty. The Which one of the following is correct in
counterinsurgency operations in North East respect of Statement and Question?
India have been characterized by a range of a) Statement-1 alone is sufficient to answer
challenges, including terrain, ethnic and the Question.
linguistic diversity, porous borders, and b) Statement-2 alone is sufficient to answer
limited resources. The rugged and forested the Question.
terrain of the region has made it difficult for c) Either Statement-1 alone or Statement-2
security forces to track down and apprehend alone is sufficient to answer the Question.
insurgent groups as they are inept to deal with d) Neither Statement-1 alone nor Statement-2
it. Moreover, the ethnic and linguistic diversity alone is sufficient to answer the Question.
of the region has made it challenging for
security forces to build trust with local Q.38) A company’s net worth is Rs 525,000.
communities and gather intelligence. The The three shareholders Ram, Shyam and
counterinsurgency operations have also been Mohan have their share in this in the ratio of
complicated by the porous borders of the (1/15):(1/21):(1/35). How much was the share of
region, which allow insurgent groups to seek the person who received the highest amount?
sanctuary in neighboring countries such as a) 175,000
Myanmar, Bangladesh, and Bhutan. This has b) 245,000
made it difficult for security forces to c) 105,000
completely eliminate the insurgent threat in d) 132,500
the region.
Q.39) Consider the following statements and
Q.36) Based on the passage following conclusions, and choose the correct option:
assumptions have been made : Statements:
1. Training in Jungle war tactics is needed to 1. If a person owns a car, they must have a
defeat the insurgents. driver's license.
2. Homogeneity in language and ethnicity is 2. If a person has a driver's license, they must
pre requisite to gain trust. be at least 18 years old.
3. Myanmar, Bangladesh and Bhutan provide 3. Rajesh owns a car.
safe sanctuary to insurgents. Conclusions:
4. Insurgents use violence to threaten the I. Rajesh is at least 18 years old.
government. II. Rajesh does not have a driver's license.
Which of the above are valid assumptions? III. Rajesh has a driver's license.
a) 1 and 2 only Select the correct answer using the code given
b) 3 and 4 only below:
c) 1, 2 and 4 only a) Only conclusion I follows.
d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 b) Only conclusion II follows.
c) Conclusions I and III follow.
Q.37) A child goes to Disneyland for a toy train d) None of the conclusions follow.
ride. The cost of the ride was Rs 75 for the first

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Page 21

SFG 2023 | LEVEL 2 | Test 51 |

Q.40) Nine cricket fans are watching a match

in a stadium. Seated in one row, they are J, K,
L, M, N, O, P, Q and R. L is at the right of M and
at third place at the right of N.K is at one end
of the row. Q is seated adjacent to both O and
P. O is at the third place at the left of K. J is
right next to left of O.
Which of the following statement is correct?
a) N is two seats away from J.
b) M is at one extreme end.
c) R and P are neighbors.
d) There is one person between L and O.

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Road, Patna, Bihar 800001 | Hyderabad - 1st & 2nd Floor, SM Plaza, RTC X Rd, Indira Park Road, Jawahar Nagar, Hyderabad, Telangana 500020
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