ECOS Error Codes

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System Description
GMK 3055

Error Codes

Valid as of ECOS Version 00.00.01

Thomas Heidrich, Matthias Macht, Michael Gerdes

TK4, 12.11.2002
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Table of Contents
1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................... 1
1.1 LIST OF DEVICES ........................................................................................................... 2
1.2 LIST OF GROUPS ............................................................................................................ 3
2 LIST OF COMPONENTS.............................................................................................. 5
2.1 DIGITAL INPUTS (GROUP NUMBER 1) ............................................................................ 5
2.1.1 Digital Inputs of ESX 0..3 ........................................................................................ 5 Errors............................................................................................................................. 6
2.1.2 Digital Inputs of IO Boards 0..4 .............................................................................. 6 Errors............................................................................................................................. 8
2.2 ANALOGUE INPUTS (GROUP NUMBER 2) ........................................................................ 8
2.2.1 Analogue Inputs of ESX 0..3 .................................................................................... 8 Errors............................................................................................................................. 9
2.2.2 Analogue Inputs of IO Boards 0..4 .......................................................................... 9 Errors........................................................................................................................... 10
2.3 OUTPUTS (GROUP NUMBER 3)..................................................................................... 10
2.3.1 Outputs of ESX 0..3................................................................................................ 10 Errors........................................................................................................................... 11
2.3.2 Outputs of IO Boards 0..4 ...................................................................................... 12 Errors........................................................................................................................... 13
2.4 FAKE'S (GROUP NUMBER 4)....................................................................................... 14
2.4.1 FAKE’s of ESX 0..4................................................................................................ 14 Errors........................................................................................................................... 15
2.5 CONTROL LEVER ERRORS............................................................................................ 16
2.6 ECOS ERRORS (DEVICE NUMBER 25)......................................................................... 17
2.6.1 Change-over Contact Group (Group Number 12)................................................. 17
2.6.2 Locking System Group (Group Number 16) .......................................................... 17 regarding Error Message 25.16.3.n...................................................................... 19
2.6.3 Carrier Group (Group Nummer 17) ...................................................................... 20
2.6.4 System Monitoring Group (Group Number 18)..................................................... 21
2.6.5 Main Hoist Group (Group Number 20) ................................................................. 22
2.6.6 Auxiliary Hoist Group (Group Number 21)........................................................... 22
2.6.7 Derricking Gear Group (Group Number 22) ........................................................ 22
2.6.8 Telescoping Gear Group (Group Number 23)....................................................... 23
2.6.9 Slewing Gear Group (Group Number 24) ............................................................. 23
2.6.10........................................................................... CAN Bus Error (Group Number 6) 24
3 ASSIGNMENT OF THE ESX ..................................................................................... 31
System Description GMK 3050 Go To > Page 1
Error Codes

1 General Description
The ECOS offers the possibility of electrically monitoring the sensors, actuators and equipment
connected to the system. The error message produced by ECOS consists of four figure displays,
which can be any value between 0 and 255. A new error message is indicated by a flashing warning
triangle and can be displayed via the function key [?].The number code is constructed as follows:


Error number


Group number

Device number

The allocation of device and group is the same for all error messages. Index and error number can be
used as an extended error message for certain devices. In this case, no figure appears in the display
for the index and/or no figure appears for the error number.
System Description GMK 3050 Go To > Page 2
Error Codes

1.1 List of Devices

Device No. Device Fig. Device No. Device Fig.

1 ESX 0 17 Left control lever

2 ESX 1 18 Right control lever

3 ESX 2 19 RCI

4 ESX 3 20 Precision length sensor

9 IO 0 21 Display

10 IO 1 22 MMI 1

11 IO 2 23 MMI 2

12 IO 3 24 Inclination sensor

13 IO 4 25 ECOS
System Description GMK 3050 Go To > Page 3
Error Codes

1.2 List of Groups

Group No. Group Fig. Notes

1 Digital input see Chapter 2.1, page 5

2 Analogue input see Chapter 2.2, page 8

3 Output see Chapter 2.3, page 10

4 FAKE see Chapter 2.4.1, page 14

5 Sequences not currently being used

6 CAN bus see Chapter 2.6.10, page 24

7 Virtual ground not currently being used

8 Vcc permanent not currently being used

9 Vcc clock pulse not currently being used

10 Vcc 8.5V not currently being used

11 Total current not currently being used

see Chapter 2.5, page 16

12 Change-over contact
see Chapter 2.6.1, page 17

13 Stepping switch not currently being used

14 Axis X see Chapter 2.5, page 16

System Description GMK 3050 Go To > Page 4
Error Codes

15 Axis Y see Chapter 2.5, page 16

16 Pinning system see Chapter 2.6.2, page 17

17 Carrier see Chapter 2.6.3, page 20

18 System monitoring see Chapter 1, page 21

19 Jib Not appliacble

20 Main hoist see Chapter 2.6.5, page 22

21 Auxiliary hoist see Chapter 2.6.6, page 22

22 Derricking gear see Chapter 2.6.7, page 22

23 Telescoping gear see Chapter 2.6.8, page 23

24 Slewing gear see Chapter 2.6.9, page 23

System Description GMK 3050 Go To > Page 5
Error Codes

2 List of Components

2.1 Digital Inputs (Group Number 1)

2.1.1 Digital Inputs of ESX 0..3

Device Number
1 2 3 4


1 IN3504 S2301P NC

2 A1101/7 S2302P S4211

3 A1201/7 NC S1102

4 IN3503 NC S3702/24/34

5 A1101/3 S2111P S3702/44

6 A1101/4 S2112P S4204

7 A1201/3 S2201N S4205

8 A1201/4 S2202N S4804

9 S1101P S2203N J3502-16

10 S1102P S2204N S1202

11 S1201P S2205N S2102

12 S1202P S2206N S2112

13 S2101P S2207N S2404

14 S2102P S2208N S2304

System Description GMK 3050 Go To > Page 6
Error Codes

15 NC S2201P/1 S3710

16 NC S2201P/2 J3501-16 Possible Errors

Error No. Fig. Error Description

2 Cable break

3 Short circuit to Vcc

4 Short circuit to ground

ADC value does not suit

digital level

10 Undefined status

11 Initialising software

2.1.2 Digital Inputs of IO Boards 0..4

Device Number
9 10 11 12 13


1 S2323 S3709N

2 A2320/7 S3710N

3 A2320/5 NC

4 S0202P NC

5 S2308T NC

6 S2303P NC
System Description GMK 3050 Go To > Page 7
Error Codes

7 NC S3706N

8 NC S3708N

9 --out-- S2110N

10 --out-- S2111N

11 --out-- S2112N

12 --out-- S2113N

13 S2311N S2114N

14 S2312N S2115N

15 NC S2116N

16 NC S2117N








System Description GMK 3050 Go To > Page 8
Error Codes Possible Errors

Error No. Fig. Error Description

2 Cable break

3 Short circuit to Vcc

4 Short circuit to ground

2.2 Analogue Inputs (Group number 2)

2.2.1 Analogue Inputs of ESX 0..3

Device Number
1 2 3 4


1 IN3503a IN2302P S0106/1

2 IN2401 IN2103P S0106/7

3 IN3709 IN2140P S3401/1

4 NC NC S3401/7

5 NC NC IN2301

6 IN3501P NC R4201


identity identity identity
identity identity identity
System Description GMK 3050 Go To > Page 9
Error Codes Possible Errors

Error No. Fig. Error Description

3 Short circuit to Vcc

Below minimum
threshold value

Above maximum
threshold value

13 Function call software

2.2.2 Analogue Inputs of IO Boards 0..4

Device Number
9 10 11 12 13











10 NC NC
System Description GMK 3050 Go To > Page 10
Error Codes

11 NC NC

12 NC NC Possible Errors

Error No. Fig. Error Description

Below minimum Note:

7 Due to a software error in ECOS Version 2.0.0 the display
threshold value may erroneously show error no. 4!

Above minimum
threshold value

2.3 Outputs (Group Number 3)

2.3.1 Outputs of ESX 0..3

Device Number
1 2 3 4


1 OUT1100 OUT2300 B3401

2 OUT1200 Y2308 J3501-13

3 OUT2100 Y2105 J3502-13

4 OUT2110 Y2115 OUT3401

Y2133 /
5 Y3403 B3702

6 Y3501 Y2304 H2404

7 Y1104 Y2307 H1102

8 Y1105 Y2104 H1202

System Description GMK 3050 Go To > Page 11
Error Codes

9 Y1204 K2112 H4204

10 Y1205 M0101 H4205

Y2141 /
11 K3510 H4806

12 K3511 Y2142 H3501

13 K1101 K2301 H2304

14 K1102 K2302 H2102

15 K1201 K2101 H2103

16 K1202 K2102 NC

17 K0102 K2111 H3502

18 U0-VCC perm U1-VCC perm U2-VCC perm Possible Errors

Error No. Fig. Error Description

2 Cable break

3 Short circuit to Vcc

4 Short circuit to ground

System Description GMK 3050 Go To > Page 12
Error Codes

2.3.2 Outputs of IO Boards 0..4

Device Number
9 10 11 12 13


7 NC

8 NC

9 Y2311A

10 Y2312A

11 Y2311B

12 Y2312B




System Description GMK 3050 Go To > Page 13
Error Codes

17 Y3401 Y2130

18 Y3402 Y2131

19 Y2402 NC

20 Y2401 NC

21 Y2201 NC

22 Y2202 NC

23 Y2203 NC

24 Y2204 NC Possible Errors

Error No. Fig. Error Description

2 Cable break

3 Short circuit to Vcc

4 Short circuit to ground

System Description GMK 3050 Go To > Page 14
Error Codes

2.4 FAKE's (Group Number 4)

2.4.1 FAKE’s of ESX 0..4

FAKE: Output which is used as an input

Device Number
1 2 3 4






System Description GMK 3050 Go To > Page 15
Error Codes




18 Possible Errors

Error No. Fig. Error Description

2 Cable break

3 Short circuit to Vcc

4 Short circuit to ground

System Description GMK 3050 Go To > Page 16
Error Codes

2.5 Control Lever Errors

Device Group Index Error Description
No. Fig. No. Fig. No. Fig.
Malfunction of the CAN bus connection to
17 6 0 0 control lever.
Error in the electronics. Both axes failed,
17 18 0 1 replace control lever.
Both directional contacts switched
17 12 0 14 Rocker switch not functioning
Redundant system failed. Control lever can
17 14 0 1 continue to be used. If the error occurs at each
restart, replace control lever.
Axis failed. If the error occurs at each restart,
17 14 0 2 replace control lever.
Redundant system failed. Control lever can
17 15 0 1 continue to be used. If the error occurs at each
restart, replace control lever.
Axis failed. If the error occurs at each restart
17 15 0 2 replace control lever.
Malfunction of the CAN bus connection to
18 6 0 0 control lever.
Error in the electronics. Both axes failed,
18 18 0 1 control lever must be replaced.
Both directional contacts switched
18 12 0 14 Rocker switch not functioning
Redundant system failed. Control lever can
18 14 0 1 continue to be used. If the error occurs at each
restart, replace control lever.
Axis failed. If the error occurs at each restart,
18 14 0 2 replace control lever.
Redundant system failed. Control lever can
18 15 0 1 continue to be used. If the error occurs at each
restart, replace control lever.
Axis failed. If the error occurs at each restart,
18 15 0 2 replace control lever.
System Description GMK 3050 Go To > Page 17
Error Codes

2.6 ECOS Errors (Device Number 25)

2.6.1 Change-over Contact Group (Group Number 12)

Device Group Index Error Description

No. Fig. No. Fig. No. Fig.
Both directional contacts switched
25 12 0 14 (Tilt cab)
Both directional contacts switched
25 12 1 14 (Increase speed)

2.6.2 Locking System Group (Group Number 16)

Device Group Index Error Description

No. Fig.
Error of the EKS length sensor for the telescoping cylinder length
- The redundant length control (comparison of ECOS length with
25 16 0 0 EKS length) is no longer operating, resulting in losses in the
system safety of the telescoping system
Error in comparing the ECOS length with the EKS length
- The difference in the two lengths has exceeded the tolerance
threshold (set by service software), i.e. one of the two length
sensors is emitting an invalid value
25 16 1 4 - Semi- and fully automatic operation are no longer functioning;
the locking system can only be operated in emergency operation
- During emergency operation the current length of the ECOS
length sensor and the EKS length sensor are displayed; a decision
has to be made as to which length information is correct
Error in controlling the telescoping cylinder movement
- It was established that the current direction of movement of the
telescoping cylinder contradicts the telescoping system’s
25 16 1 5 operating status (e.g. retracting direction of movement and
extending operating status)
- Semi- and fully automatic operation are no longer functioning;
the locking system can only be operated in emergency operation
Error in controlling the telescope status
- The telescope status is inconclusive in itself (e.g. more than one
telescope section unlocked)
25 16 2 1 - All the functions of the telescoping system are blocked; a valid
telescope status must first be input or a change made to
emergency operation
Error in controlling the telescope status
- The position of the telescoping cylinder in connection with the
telescope status contradicts the locking system’s operating status
25 16 2 2 (is only evaluated in TLSL operating status)
- All the functions of the telescoping system are blocked; a valid
telescope status must first be input or a change made to
emergency operation
Error in controlling the telescope status
- The current telescope status contradicts the locking system’s
current operating status (e.g. TLSU operating status, however
25 16 2 3 according to telescope status no telescope section is unlocked)
- All the functions of the telescoping system are blocked; a valid
telescope status must first be input or a change made to
emergency operation
System Description GMK 3050 Go To > Page 18
Error Codes

Error in controlling the telescope status

- The proximity switches’ signals for detecting the position of the
telescoping cylinder (S2116N, S2117N, S3709N, S3710N)
contradict the locking system’s current operating status (e.g.
25 16 2 4 TLSU operating status, however none of the proximity switches
has switched)
- All the functions of the telescoping system are blocked; a valid
telescope status must first be input or a change made to
emergency operation
Error in controlling the telescope status
- The proximity switches’ signals for detecting the position of the
telescoping cylinder (S2116N, S2117N, S3709N, S3710N)
contradict the telescope status and the position of the telescoping
cylinder (this error is only evaluated in operating status TUSL;
25 16 2 5 proximity switches have switched but the telescoping cylinder is
not within a foot section)
- All the functions of the telescoping system are blocked; a valid
telescope status must first be input or a change made to
emergency operation
Error in detecting the locking status
- The evaluation of the proximity switches’ signals for detecting
the locking status (S2110N – S2115N) produces an invalid status
- Semi- and fully automatic operation are no longer functioning;
25 16 3 n the locking system can only be operated in emergency operation
- The error number 'n' indicates which proximity switches (S2110N
- S2115N) were switched at the time the error occurred
- See explanations regarding this in chapter
Error in the unlocking mechanism
- The wrong pins were released during an unlocking request (e.g.
request for the telescoping cylinder to be unlocked, but the
telescope section was unlocked)
25 16 4 0 - Presumed error: valve Y2130 for switching over unlocking
between telescoping cylinder and telescope section is sticking.
- Semi- and fully automatic operation are no longer functioning;
the locking system can only be operated in emergency operation
Error of proximity switches S3709N and S3710N
- Both proximity switches S2116N and S2117N have switched, but
neither of the proximity switches S3709N and S3710N have
- Possible mechanical error: the telescoping cylinder moved to the
right so that the proximity switches on the left-hand side of the
25 16 5 0 telescoping cylinder have lost contact to the trigger plates.
- There might be function restrictions of the telescoping system.
The recognition of the foot sections might fail. It may be that the
telescoping cylinder cannot be locked to a telescope section any
more. In this case, the telescoping system can only be operated in
emergency operation.
Error of proximity switches S2116N and S2117N
- Both proximity switches S3709N and S3710N have switched, but
neither of the proximity switches S2116N and S2117N have
- Possible mechanical error: the telescoping cylinder moved to the
left so that the proximity switches on the right-hand side of the
25 16 5 1 cylinder have lost contact to the trigger plates.
- There might be function restrictions of the telescoping system.
The recognition of the foot sections might fail. It may be that the
telescoping cylinder cannot be locked to a telescope section any
more. In this case, the telescoping system can only be operated in
emergency operation.
System Description GMK 3050 Go To > Page 19
Error Codes

Error of the proximity switch S2116N, S2117N, S3709N or S3710N

- The error code number 'n' determines the respective proximity
switch to which the error message relates:
n = 0 → S2116N
n = 1 → S2117N
25 16 6 n n = 2 → S3709N
n = 3 → S3710N
- The proximity switch remains switched all the time although the
telescoping cylinder is not within a foot section of a telescope
section Explanations regarding Error Message 25.16.3.n

Error message 25.16.3.n (device = ECOS, group = locking system) denotes an error during the detection of the
current locking status. The evaluation of the signals of proximity switches S2110N to S2115N produces an
invalid condition. The error number of this error message (designated here by 'n') reflects the switched
condition of these proximity switches at the time the error occurred.

Determining the switched conditions of the proximity switches from the error number 'n':

The proximity switches have various weightings, which are as follows:

S2114N (Tele cyl. lock. left) → Weighting = 1

S2115N (Tele cyl. lock right) → Weighting = 2
S2112N (Tele cyl. unlock. left) → Weighting = 4
S2113N (Tele cyl. unlock right) → Weighting = 8
S2111N (Boom section locked) → Weighting = 16
S2110N (Boom section unlocked) → Weighting = 32

In order to now determine the proximity switches’ switched conditions from the error number 'n', the
error number 'n' is split up into the sum of the proximity switches’ weightings. If the sum includes a
weighting, this means that the proximity switch belonging to this weighting was switched at the time the
error occurred. All proximity switches, the weightings of which are not included in the sum, were not

Error message =
→ Error number n = 33
→ 33 = 32 + 1, the error number n = 33 includes weightings 32 and 1
→ at the time the error occurred only proximity switches S2110N and S2114N were switched
System Description GMK 3050 Go To > Page 20
Error Codes

2.6.3 Carrier Group (Group Nummer 17)

Device Group Index Error Description

No. Fig.
Potentiometer axle 4: value too low
25 17 0 0
Potentiometer axle 4: value too high
25 17 0 1
Potentiometer axle 5: value too low
25 17 0 2
Potentiometer axle 5: value too high
25 17 0 3
Potentiometer steering rod: value too low
25 17 0 4
Potentiometer steering rod: value too high
25 17 0 5
Both switches steering to left/to right are set
25 17 0 6
Unexpected locking of an axle in separate steering mode
25 17 0 7
Actual angle of axle 4 and axle 5 do not correspond to each other
25 17 0 8
Error during input signals in the case of the outrigger
- Signals of the inputs: Hydraulics fast/slow at ESX do not
25 17 1 0 correspond to the activated keys at outrigger control unit
- Check both signal lines and replace if necessary
System Description GMK 3050 Go To > Page 21
Error Codes

2.6.4 System Monitoring Group (Group Number 18)

Valid for devices No. 1 to 4 or No. 9 to 13

to to

Device Group Index Error Description

Error in the control system’s start phase
1..4 18 0 1 • The earth connection to the housing of the relevant ESX is not OK
• The housing’s earthing should be checked.
Error in the control system’s start phase
1..4 18 0 2 • One of the outputs of the relevant ESX has a connection to the
supply voltage.
Error in the control system’s start phase
• The initiating current of the output VCC perm. is greater than 3
1..4 18 0 4 amperes.
• A component at the Vcc perm. connection is causing a short circuit
Operating error
• The total of all of the VCC perm. output current was greater than
1..4 18 0 6 10
• A component at the Vcc perm. connection is causing a short circuit
Operating error
1..4 18 0 7 • The total of all the output currents was greater than 28 amperes.
Operating error
• The 8.5V output voltage is outside the tolerance.
1..4 18 0 8 • A component at the 8.5V connection is causing a short circuit, or
the control system is defective.
Operating error
1..4 18 0 9 • Slave has detected a failure of the CAN masters.
• The CAN bus connection should be checked.
Operating error
1..4 18 0 10 • The control system’s output drivers are not supplied with voltage.
• Check fuses and supply voltage.
Error during access to the EEProm
9..13 18 1 0 • Board is to be replaced, if error message occurs with increased
No voltage supply via plug X9.1 of IO board
9..13 18 1 1 • Check wiring to IO board and also fuse on the IO board
No voltage supply via plug X9.2 of IO board
9..13 18 1 2 • Check wiring to IO board and also fuse on the IO board
System Description GMK 3050 Go To > Page 22
Error Codes

2.6.5 Main Hoist Group (Group Number 20)

Device Group Index Error Description

No. Fig. No. Fig.
Control pressure LS detected for positive and negative
25 20 2 0 direction of movement

In the positive direction of movement control pressure LS

25 20 2 1 was detected for negative direction of movement

In the negative direction of movement control pressure LS

25 20 2 2 was detected for positive direction of movement

In the STOP condition control pressure LS was detected for

25 20 2 3 positive direction of movement

In the STOP condition control pressure LS was detected for

25 20 2 4 negative direction of movement

2.6.6 Auxiliary Hoist Group (Group Number 21)

Device Group Index Error Description

No. Fig. No. Fig.
Control pressure LS detected for positive and negative
25 21 2 0 direction of movement

In the positive direction of movement control pressure LS

25 21 2 1 was detected for negative direction of movement

In the negative direction of movement control pressure LS

25 21 2 2 was detected for positive direction of movement

In the STOP condition control pressure LS was detected for

25 21 2 3 positive direction of movement

In the STOP condition control pressure LS was detected for

25 21 2 4 negative direction of movement

2.6.7 Derricking Gear Group (Group Number 22)

Device Group Index Error Description

No. Fig. No. Fig.
Control pressure LS detected for positive and negative
25 22 2 0 direction of movement

In the positive direction of movement control pressure LS

25 22 2 1 was detected for negative direction of movement

In the negative direction of movement control pressure LS

25 22 2 2 was detected for positive direction of movement

In the STOP condition control pressure LS was detected for

25 22 2 3 positive direction of movement

In the STOP condition control pressure LS was detected for

25 22 2 4 negative direction of movement
System Description GMK 3050 Go To > Page 23
Error Codes

2.6.8 Telescoping Gear Group (Group Number 23)

Device Group Index Error Description

No. Fig. No. Fig.
Control pressure LS detected for positive and negative
25 23 2 0 direction of movement

In the positive direction of movement control pressure LS

25 23 2 1 was detected for negative direction of movement

In the negative direction of movement control pressure LS

25 23 2 2 was detected for positive direction of movement

In the STOP condition control pressure LS was detected for

25 23 2 3 positive direction of movement

In the STOP condition control pressure LS was detected for

25 23 2 4 negative direction of movement

2.6.9 Slewing Gear Group (Group Number 24)

Device Group Index Error Description

No. Fig. No. Fig.
Control pressure LS detected for positive and negative
25 24 2 0 direction of movement

In the positive direction of movement control pressure LS

25 24 2 1 was detected for negative direction of movement

In the negative direction of movement control pressure LS

25 24 2 2 was detected for positive direction of movement

In the STOP condition control pressure LS was detected for

25 24 2 3 positive direction of movement

In the STOP condition control pressure LS was detected for

25 24 2 4 negative direction of movement
System Description GMK 3050 Go To > Page 24
Error Codes

2.6.10 CAN Bus Error (Group Number 6)

Device Group Index Error Description

No. Fig. No. Fig.
The CAN bus connection from ESX 2 to ESX 0 was lost
within the process phase
1 6 0 0 - The superstructure can no longer be operated from the cab
The handset emergency operation is to be used to de-rig
the crane
The CAN bus connection from ESX 2 to ESX 0 was lost
within the configuration phase
1 6 1 0 - The superstructure can no longer be operated from the cab
The handset emergency operation is to be used to de-rig
the crane
Error within the configuration phase:
ESX 0 is a control system from another type of crane
- The connection to ESX 0 is lost
1 6 1 1 - The superstructure can no longer be operated from the cab
The handset emergency operation is to be used to de-rig
the crane
Error within the configuration phase:
ESX 0 has the wrong version of software
- The connection to ESX 0 is lost
1 6 1 2 - The superstructure can no longer be operated from the cab
The handset emergency operation is to be used to de-rig
the crane
Error within the configuration phase:
ESX 0 has a serial number, however the EEPROM data is not
1 6 1 3 - The connection to ESX 0 is lost
- The superstructure can no longer be operated from the cab
The handset emergency operation is to be used to de-rig
the crane
Error within the configuration phase:
ESX 0 has an incorrect serial number
- The connection to ESX 0 is lost
1 6 1 4 - The superstructure can no longer be operated from the cab
The handset emergency operation is to be used to de-rig
the crane
Error within the configuration phase:
The CAN bus connection from ESX 3 to ESX 0 was lost
during the transition of ESX 0 to the STOP mode
1 6 1 5 - The superstructure can no longer be operated from the cab
The handset emergency operation is to be used to de-rig
the crane
Error within the configuration phase:
The configuration data from ESX 0 could not be fully
1 6 1 6 - The superstructure can no longer be operated from the cab
The handset emergency operation is to be used to de-rig
the crane
The CAN bus connection from ESX 2 to ESX 0 was lost
during the transition from the configuration phase to the
process phase
1 6 2 0 - The superstructure can no longer be operated from the cab
The handset emergency operation is to be used to de-rig
the crane
System Description GMK 3050 Go To > Page 25
Error Codes

Device Group Index Error Description

No. Fig. No. Fig.
The CAN bus connection from ESX 0 to ESX 1 was lost
within the process phase
- The sensors and valves connected to this ESX are no
2 6 0 0 longer available to the ECOS
- Functional restrictions are imposed on the drive units, the
sensors or valves of which are connected to this ESX
The CAN bus connection from ESX 0 to ESX 1 was lost
within the configuration phase
- The sensors and valves connected to this ESX are no
2 6 1 0 longer available to the ECOS
- Functional restrictions are imposed on the drive units, the
sensors or valves of which are connected to this ESX
Error within the configuration phase:
ESX 1 is a control system from another type of crane
- The connection to ESX 1 is lost
2 6 1 1 - The sensors and valves connected to this ESX are no
longer available to the ECOS
- Functional restrictions are imposed on the drive units, the
sensors or valves of which are connected to this ESX
Error within the configuration phase:
ESX 1 has the wrong version of software
- The connection to ESX 1 is lost
2 6 1 2 - The sensors and valves connected to this ESX are no
longer available to the ECOS
- Functional restrictions are imposed on the drive units, the
sensors or valves of which are connected to this ESX
Error within the configuration phase:
ESX 1 has a serial number, however the EEPROM data is not
- The connection to ESX 1 is lost
2 6 1 3 - The sensors and valves connected to this ESX are no
longer available to the ECOS
- Functional restrictions are imposed on the drive units, the
sensors or valves of which are connected to this ESX
Error within the configuration phase:
ESX 1 has an incorrect serial number
- The connection to ESX 1 is lost
2 6 1 4 - The sensors and valves connected to this ESX are no
longer available to the ECOS
- Functional restrictions are imposed on the drive units, the
sensors or valves of which are connected to this ESX
Error within the configuration phase:
The CAN bus connection from ESX 0 to ESX 1 was lost
during the transition of ESX 1 to the STOP mode
2 6 1 5 - The sensors and valves connected to this ESX are no
longer available to the ECOS
- Functional restrictions are imposed on the drive units, the
sensors or valves of which are connected to this ESX
Error within the configuration phase:
The configuration data from ESX 1 could not be fully
- The connection to ESX 1 is lost
2 6 1 6 - The sensors and valves connected to this ESX are no
longer available to the ECOS
- Functional restrictions are imposed on the drive units, the
sensors or valves of which are connected to this ESX
System Description GMK 3050 Go To > Page 26
Error Codes

The CAN bus connection from ESX 0 to ESX 1 was lost

during the transition from the configuration phase to the
process phase
2 6 2 0 - The sensors and valves connected to this ESX are no
longer available to the ECOS
- Functional restrictions are imposed on the drive units, the
sensors or valves of which are connected to this ESX

Device Group Index Error Description

No. Fig. No. Fig.
The CAN bus connection from ESX 0 to ESX 2 was lost
within the process phase
- The sensors and valves connected to this ESX are no
3 6 0 0 longer available to the ECOS
- Functional restrictions are imposed on the drive units, the
sensors or valves of which are connected to this ESX
The CAN bus connection from ESX 0 to ESX 2 was lost
within the configuration phase
- The sensors and valves connected to this ESX are no
3 6 1 0 longer available to the ECOS
- Functional restrictions are imposed on the drive units, the
sensors or valves of which are connected to this ESX
Error within the configuration phase:
ESX 2 is a control system from another type of crane
- The connection to ESX 2 is lost
3 6 1 1 - The sensors and valves connected to this ESX are no
longer available to the ECOS
- Functional restrictions are imposed on the drive units, the
sensors or valves of which are connected to this ESX
Error within the configuration phase:
ESX 2 has the wrong version of software
- The connection to ESX 2 is lost
3 6 1 2 - The sensors and valves connected to this ESX are no
longer available to the ECOS
- Functional restrictions are imposed on the drive units, the
sensors or valves of which are connected to this ESX
Error within the configuration phase:
ESX 2 has a serial number, however the EEPROM data is not
- The connection to ESX 2 is lost
3 6 1 3 - The sensors and valves connected to this ESX are no
longer available to the ECOS
- Functional restrictions are imposed on the drive units, the
sensors or valves of which are connected to this ESX
Error within the configuration phase:
ESX 2 has an incorrect serial number
- The connection to ESX 2 is lost
3 6 1 4 - The sensors and valves connected to this ESX are no
longer available to the ECOS
- Functional restrictions are imposed on the drive units, the
sensors or valves of which are connected to this ESX
Error within the configuration phase:
The CAN bus connection from ESX 0 to ESX 2 was lost
during the transition of ESX 2 to the STOP mode
3 6 1 5 - The sensors and valves connected to this ESX are no
longer available to the ECOS
- Functional restrictions are imposed on the drive units, the
sensors or valves of which are connected to this ESX
System Description GMK 3050 Go To > Page 27
Error Codes

Error within the configuration phase:

The configuration data from ESX 2 could not be fully
- The connection to ESX 2 is lost
3 6 1 6 - The sensors and valves connected to this ESX are no
longer available to the ECOS
- Functional restrictions are imposed on the drive units, the
sensors or valves of which are connected to this ESX
The CAN bus connection from ESX 0 to ESX 2 was lost
during the transition from the configuration phase to the
process phase
3 6 2 0 - The sensors and valves connected to this ESX are no
longer available to the ECOS
- Functional restrictions are imposed on the drive units, the
sensors or valves of which are connected to this ESX

Device Group Index Error Description

No. Fig. No. Fig.
The CAN bus connection from ESX 2 to ESX 3 was lost
within the process phase
5 6 0 0 - The carrier can no longer be operated from the
superstructure cab
The CAN bus connection from ESX 2 to ESX 3 was lost
within the configuration phase
5 6 1 0 - The carrier can no longer be operated from the
superstructure cab
Error within the configuration phase:
ESX 3 is a control system from another type of crane
5 6 1 1 - The connection to ESX 3 is lost
- The carrier can no longer be operated from the
superstructure cab
Error within the configuration phase:
ESX 4 has the wrong version of software
5 6 1 2 - The connection to ESX 3 is lost
- The carrier can no longer be operated from the
superstructure cab
Error within the configuration phase:
ESX 3 has a serial number, however the EEPROM data is not
5 6 1 3 - The connection to ESX 3 is lost
- The carrier can no longer be operated from the
superstructure cab
Error within the configuration phase:
ESX 3 has an incorrect serial number
5 6 1 4 - The connection to ESX 3 is lost
- The carrier can no longer be operated from the
superstructure cab
Error within the configuration phase:
The CAN bus connection from ESX 2 to ESX 3 was lost
5 6 1 5 during the transition of ESX 3 to the STOP mode
- The carrier can no longer be operated from the
superstructure cab
Error within the configuration phase:
The configuration data from ESX 3 could not be fully
5 6 1 6 received.
- The carrier can no longer be operated from the
superstructure cab
System Description GMK 3050 Go To > Page 28
Error Codes

The CAN bus connection from ESX 2 to ESX 3 was lost

during the transition from the configuration phase to the
5 6 2 0 process phase
- The carrier can no longer be operated from the
superstructure cab

Device Group Index Error Description

No. Fig. No. Fig.
The CAN bus connection from ESX 3 to IO 0 was lost within
the process phase
- The sensors and valves connected to this IO are no longer
9 6 0 0 available to the ECOS
- Functional restrictions are imposed on the drive units, the
sensors or valves of which are connected to this IO
The CAN bus connection from ESX 3 to IO 0 was lost within
the configuration phase
- The sensors and valves connected to this IO are no longer
9 6 1 0 available to the ECOS
- Functional restrictions are imposed on the drive units, the
sensors or valves of which are connected to this IO
The CAN bus connection from ESX 3 to IO 0 was lost during
the transition from the configuration phase to the process
9 6 2 0 - The sensors and valves connected to this IO are no longer
available to the ECOS
- Functional restrictions are imposed on the drive units, the
sensors or valves of which are connected to this IO

Device Group Index Error Description

No. Fig. No. Fig.
The CAN bus connection from ESX 3 to IO 1 was lost within
the process phase
- The sensors and valves connected to this IO are no longer
10 6 0 0 available to the ECOS
- Functional restrictions are imposed on the drive units, the
sensors or valves of which are connected to this IO
The CAN bus connection from ESX 3 to IO 1 was lost within
the configuration phase
- The sensors and valves connected to this IO are no longer
10 6 1 0 available to the ECOS
- Functional restrictions are imposed on the drive units, the
sensors or valves of which are connected to this IO
The CAN bus connection from ESX 3 to IO 1 was lost during
the transition from the configuration phase to the process
10 6 2 0 - The sensors and valves connected to this IO are no longer
available to the ECOS
- Functional restrictions are imposed on the drive units, the
sensors or valves of which are connected to this IO
System Description GMK 3050 Go To > Page 29
Error Codes

Device Group Index Error Description

No. Fig. No. Fig.
The CAN bus connection from ESX 3 to IO 2 was lost within
the process phase
- The sensors and valves connected to this IO are no longer
11 6 0 0 available to the ECOS
- Functional restrictions are imposed on the drive units, the
sensors or valves of which are connected to this IO
The CAN bus connection from ESX 3 to IO 2 was lost within
the configuration phase
- The sensors and valves connected to this IO are no longer
11 6 1 0 available to the ECOS
- Functional restrictions are imposed on the drive units, the
sensors or valves of which are connected to this IO
The CAN bus connection from ESX 3 to IO 2 was lost during
the transition from the configuration phase to the process
11 6 2 0 - The sensors and valves connected to this IO are no longer
available to the ECOS
- Functional restrictions are imposed on the drive units, the
sensors or valves of which are connected to this IO

Device Group Index Error Description

No. Fig. No. Fig.
The CAN bus connection from ESX 4 to IO 3 was lost within
the process phase
12 6 0 0

The CAN bus connection from ESX 4 to IO 3 was lost within

the configuration phase
12 6 1 0

The CAN bus connection from ESX 4 to IO 3 was lost during

the transition from the configuration phase to the process
12 6 2 0 phase

Device Group Index Error Description

No. Fig. No. Fig.
The CAN bus connection from ESX 0 to IO 4 was lost within
the process phase
13 6 0 0

The CAN bus connection from ESX 0 to IO 4 was lost within

the configuration phase
13 6 1 0

The CAN bus connection from ESX 0 to IO 4 was lost during

the transition from the configuration phase to the process
13 6 2 0 phase
System Description GMK 3050 Go To > Page 30
Error Codes

Device Group Index Error Description

No. Fig. No. Fig.
The CAN bus connection from ESX 2 and ESX 0 to EKS was
19 6 0 0

The CAN bus connection from ESX 1 to the precision length

sensor was lost
20 6 0 0

The CAN bus connection from ESX 3 to MMI 1 was lost

22 6 0 0
The CAN bus connection from ESX 3 to MMI 2 was lost
23 6 0 0
The CAN bus connection from ESX 3 to the inclination
sensor was lost
24 6 0 0

The CAN bus connection from ESX 2 to the left control lever
17 6 0 0 was lost

The CAN bus connection from ESX 2 to the right control

18 6 0 0 lever was lost
System Description GMK 3050 Go To > Page 31
Error Codes

3 Assignment of the ESX

Pin Designation Pin Designation
27 1. CAN bus, dominant higher, W+ 38 Digital speed input 9

26 1. CAN bus, dominant lower, W- 16 Digital speed input 10

33 2. CAN bus, dominant lower, W- 39 Digital speed input 11

53 2. CAN bus, dominant higher, W+ 17 Digital speed input 12

23 8.5 V output 40 Digital speed input 13

6 Analogue input 1 18 Digital speed input 14

29 Analogue input 2 41 Digital speed input 15

7 Analogue input 3 19 Digital speed input 16

30 Analogue input 4 46 Digital/PWM output 1, (4 A with current measurement)

8 Analogue input 5 47 Digital/PWM output 2, (4 A with current measurement)

31 Analogue input 6 48 Digital/PWM output 3, (4 A with current measurement)

9 Analogue input 7 49 Digital/PWM output 4, (4 A with current measurement)

32 Analogue input 8 64 Digital/PWM output 5, (4 A with current measurement)

42 Digital/PWM output 13, (4 A) 61 Digital/PWM output 6, (4 A)

20 Digital/PWM output 14, (4 A) 62 Digital/PWM output 7, (4 A)

43 Digital/PWM output 15, (4 A) 63 Digital/PWM output 8, (4 A)

21 Digital/PWM output 16, (4 A) 24 Digital/PWM output 9, (2,5 A)

44 Digital/PWM output 17, (4 A) 2 Digital/PWM output 10, (2,5 A)

22 Digital/PWM output 18, (4 A) 25 Digital/PWM output 11, (2,5 A)

45 NC 3 Digital/PWM output 12, (2,5 A)

11 NC 1 Ground, analogue

50 NC 55 Ground electrics, digital

51 NC 65 Ground for Babyboard 1

52 NC 66 Ground for Babyboard 1

10 NC 67 NC

28 D+ input 68 NC

34 Digital speed input 1 4 serial interface, RxD

12 Digital speed input 2 5 serial interface, TxD

35 Digital speed input 3 56 Voltage supply 12 V (24 V), UB

13 Digital speed input 4 57 Voltage supply 12 V (24 V), UB

36 Digital speed input 5 58 Voltage supply 12 V (24 V), UB

14 Digital speed input 6 59 Voltage supply 12 V (24 V), UB

37 Digital speed input 7 60 Voltage supply 12 V (24 V), UB

15 Digital speed input 8 54 Voltage supply 12 V (24 V), UE

System Description GMK 3050 Go To > Page 32
Error Codes

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