New and Renewable Energy (NRE) Wing of Assam Power Distribution Company Limited (APDCL) will
implement an aggregate of 7 MW Grid-Connected Roof Top Solar PV Power Plants for Social and
Institutional Buildings in Assam under CFA Scheme of MNRE, Govt. of India through RESCO Model. As
part of demand aggregation / consumer outreach initiative, APDCL is conducting workshops in different
parts of Assam for increasing awareness among consumers about commercial benefits of installing
rooftop solar projects in social and institutional sectors under RESCO model.
Under RESCO (Renewable Energy Service Company) model, the building owner is not required to do
upfront investment in rooftop solar asset. All the Operation and Maintenance cost will be borne by
RESCO at no extra cost. The Consumers will have to sign a power purchase agreement (PPA) with the
RESCO at pre-determined tariff discovered through competitive bidding process.
Apart from reduced electricity bills, consumers will be benefitted due to zero upfront investments,
hassle-free regulatory approvals and single window clearance for fast approvals. Key benefits can be
depicted as below:
*Billing under EXIM Metering shall be applicable following the mandate of Assam Solar Energy Policy,
1. Solar developer selection will be done through a competitive bidding process to be conducted
by APDCL ensuring low price discovery and selection of quality solar developers
2. Central financial assistance will be provided to solar developers which will result in lower tariff
for consumers
3. Selected developers will be required to maintain minimum guaranteed performance. In case
they fail to do so, subsequent penalty will be levied on them.
4. Data room , which consists of consist of coordinates of rooftop site, indicative Solar PV array
layout, estimated Solar PV Plant capacity based on available roof area, considering shadow
analysis, gap between rows and building code requirement for wind loading, Estimated Annual
energy generation report based on local climatic data, and Monthly Electricity bills been
provided to developers. This will result in better price discovery for RESCO projects.
All interested consumers of APDCL under Institutional and Social Sectors registered under the Societies
Registration Act, 1860 or Indian Trust Act, 1882 may send the filled-up application form and consent
letter as per the attached format below to [email protected].
3. Sector of Usability: [Please TICK (√) the OPTION wherever applicable]
⃝ School ⃝ College ⃝ University ⃝ Hospital ⃝ Training Institute
⃝ Trust ⃝ Others (Please Specify)
4. Name of Applicant
Email ID
6. Details of Sector/ establishment intending to install Grid Connected Rooftop Solar Power Plant
PIN Mobile/Landline No
Email ID
7. Does the applicant have electricity connection in his/Organization’s name (If Yes, attach recent electricity bill) ⃝ Yes ⃝ No
8. Sanctioned load KW Existing supply ⃝ Single Phase ⃝ Three Phase
9. Contract demand KVA Voltage of Supply ⃝ 230 V ⃝ 440 V ⃝ 11 KV ⃝ 33 KV
10. Existing Metering arrangement for electricity payment ⃝ Prepaid ⃝ Post-paid
11. Has the consumer any arrear dues to be cleared ⃝ Yes ⃝ No
C) PROPOSED PROJECT DETAILS [Please TICK (√) the OPTION wherever applicable]
18. Latitude & Longitude of the Proposed Project Site [Please use 6 decimal places]
19. Proof of payment against up-to-date Electricity Bill (with self-attested copy) ⃝ Yes ⃝ No
20. Proof of registration under Societies Registration Act, 1860/Indian Trust Act/Relevant State Acts applicable for Institutional/Social ⃝ Yes ⃝No
sector applicants
21. Consent letter from the authority of proposed Rooftop plant ⃝ Yes ⃝ No
Certified that:
1. The above stated information are true to the best of my knowledge.
2. I agree to convert my pre-paid connection to post-paid connection, at the time of synchronization of solar
rooftop system with the APDCL’s grid (Applicable for pre-paid consumers only)
The Chief General Manager (PP&D)
Assam Power Distribution Company Limited (APDCL)
6th Floor, Bijulee Bhawan, Paltanbazar
Guwahati – 1
Sub: Request for installation of Grid Connected Rooftop Solar Power Plant in EXIM metering
within our premises under the prevailing subsidy scheme of MNRE through APDCL
Further, the above authorized person namely Mr./Ms __________________(Name with Contact
Number) is also nominated as the contact person on our behalf for any matter relating to the
Installation, Operation and Inspection of Solar Rooftop PV system.
(With Stamp & Date)