Pointless, Useless, Not Worth: Vocabulary Something
Pointless, Useless, Not Worth: Vocabulary Something
Pointless, Useless, Not Worth: Vocabulary Something
Vocabulary Unit 4
honaa New Language
complaint /kam pleint/ (n.):
something that you say or write when
about something (mnuu, you are not
use (adv.):
pointless, useless, not worth doing,
especially because it is not likely to
3.stick (v.):be unable to move
4.delay (n.):the act of delaying;
5. fee (n.):a fixed sum
charged, as by
an institution or by law, for a privilege (ad)
nonaa Conversation
6.. overbook
(v.):to sell more tickets than you have available (esaunnnin
8. subway (n.): an
underground urban railroad, usually operated by electricty lanluliau)
9.overbook (v.):to sell more tickets than you have available (nouununnmani
10.unacceptable (adj.):wrong and harmful, especially by not reaching usual or accepted
standards of behavior, morals, etc. (Tiliianananeousula
11.inconvenience / In.ken vi.ni.ens/ (n.):an annoying problem or situation, especially one
that forces you to make an extra effort to do something (amulai
nonaaa Grammar
12. employee (n.): a person who works for another in return for financial or other
compensation (anmd)
13.announce (v.): to make known publicly or officially; proclaim; give notice of (uaema)
14..accommodation* (n.): a place where people can live, stay, or work
nonaaa Reading
16. satisfaction / saet.Is faek.Jen/ (n.):the pleasure that you feel when you do get
something that (anuwaln, malnuswelo
you want
17.approval /9' pru:.val/ (n.):a formal or official statement that something is acceptable (ms
25. downright / daUn.rait/ (adv.):completely or extremely: used for emphasizing how bad
or something is laeaurss, Denialou)
26.. subscriber /sob' skral.ber/ (n.):people who pay to recelve the service ld-uvama)
27. Insist (v.):to assert or demand firmly orpersistently (@uéru)
28.inform (v.):to give information to: tell (unslinanu)
29. procedure (n.): a manner of proceeding; a way of performing or effecting something
30. waste (v.):to use, consume, spend, or expend thoughtlessly or carelessly (qrydeluloe
/spel/ (n.):words to;
around; nearly
or actions that are
intended to make magic things
happen (lon
entire /In'taler/ (adj.): whole;
6. court /ko:t/ complete Insnug)
7. take inha large bulding, such as a mansion, standing in . courtyard (manun)
8. expedition citenge felli, T vend3/ 1phrv.ito hurt or atiack someona n rokiord inst
.ek.spa dif.an/ (n.):a long journey
organized for a particular
especially to a dangerous or
distant place
core /k0:r/ (n.):the central portion of
the earth, having a radius of
about 2100 mi. (3379
of iron and nickel
Im) and belleved to be composed mainly
in a
molten state (unulan)
prehistoric /,pri.hi' stDr. Ik/ ladi;: of, relating to, or belonging to the era before
history Inouaundinnaos
nanaaal Conversation
11. aging /'el.d311)/ ladj.): growing old (tm)
12. battle / baet.al (n.): an encounter between opposing
forces (nacien)
13. marlin / ma:.lin/ (n.): any of several large marine fishes of the genera Makaira and
uhich have an elongated spearlike upper jaw and are
hangay Listening
16. scared to death /skeed/ /tu:/ /de0/ *
(adj.): extremely frightened or nervous about
something (unlontonancata)
17.break into* (phrv.): to enter the house to
steal some valuable things (elverntnul
18.curlosty* /,kjUa.ri'Ds.e.ti/ (n.):a strong feeling of wanting to find out about something
19.peep into* /pi.p/ / In.tu:/ (phrv.): to look into something quickly and secretly, usually
from a place where you think you cannot be seen (lowdolgn
21. affirmative /3'f3:.me.tiv/ (n.):a word or statement of agreement or assent, such as the
word yes (meudu)
emphasize /'em.fa.sal2/ (v.): to give emphasis to; stress (litu)
23. occur /3 k3:r/ (v.): to take place; come about (iñadu)
24. while
/wail/ (conj.): during the time that something is happening iluvmuen
25. nervous / n3:.ves/ (adj. :easily agilated or distressed; high-strung or jumpy
26. snail /snell/ (n.): any of numerous aquatic or terrestrial gastropod mollusks that
typically have a spirally coiled shell, retractile foot. and distinct head (noe
28. gather /gaed.er/ (v.):to collect from different places; assemble (ifu, musnu)
29. grasshopper / gra:s.hDp.3r/ (n.): an insect with long back legs that jumps high into the
air and makes a high, vibrating sound (Gnou)
30. stalk /sto:k/ (n.): a stem or main axis of a herbaceous plant (angu, inu)
31. wheat /witt/ (n.): the grain of any of these grasses, ground to produce flour
used in breads, pasta, and other foods (immal
32. starve /stav/ (v.): to suffer or die from extreme or prolonged lack of
food legonna, ageenn)
33. survive /se valv/ (v.)to remain alive or in existence (Toqbn, onaJoe
wo rd s
Ransaa Listening
growth of tropical vegetation
(n.): land covered with a dense
toward, intends injury to, opposes
who feels hatred
22. mitt /mit/ (n.): a type of glove that extends over the hand but only
partially covers the fingers Inuiouuu adnoemunuuacualus
23. razor /'rel.23r/ (n.): a sharp-edged cutting instrument used especially for shaving or
cutting hair, especially from the face or legs (dalnu)
24. shave /felv/ (v.): to remove the beard or other body hair from, with a razor or shaver
25. obey /30 bel/ (v.): to carry out or fulfill the command, order, or instruction of (eeymy,
26.precaution (n.): a measure care taken beforehand against possible danger (m7
31 tourist bureaus (n.): an office of a company which has its headquarters in another town
or country (munnunoulnenantuinnounn melanch
32. destination (n.): the place where someone or something is going loanineuanemns)
33.unpleasant (adj.): not pleasant or agreeable (ilalifununwolo)
34.legal (adj.): according to the law Innie mungmunel
35.crime (n.): an act committed in violation of law where the consequence of conviction by
a court is punishment, especially where the punishment is a
serious one such as imprisonment (onnynaa)
36.itinerary (n.): an outline of one's trip including places to visit and arrival and departure
dates and times (wumaloums)
keys, etc.(n7211h91910)
39.wallet (n.): a flat pocket-sized folding case, usually made of leather, for holding paper