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Dear Sir/Madam,
I am a Masters student at Tangaza University College, a constituent college of the
Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA). I am carrying out a study on THE INFLUENCE
have been chosen as one of the participants in this study. I request that you provide the requested
information through the questionnaire. Your responses will be treated confidentially.
Thank you.
Yours Sincerely,
Sr. Mary Wangui Njugia
I have read and understood the provided information. I have been given the opportunity to ask
any questions concerning the research, and they have been promptly and satisfactorily answered.
I also understand that I am free to withdraw at any time. Therefore, I voluntarily give my consent
to participate in this study.
You can contact Sr. Mary Wangui Njugia at [email protected] in the event that you have
any questions regarding the way the research has been conducted or concerning the person
conducting the research.
Dear Parent/Guardian:
I am a Masters student at Tangaza University College, a constituent college of the
Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA). I am carrying out a study on THE INFLUENCE
With the approval of the school principal, I am conducting an investigation into how the
administrative practices of principals influence students' discipline. Students will be requested to
complete questionnaires within the school premises, which will assess the impact of principals'
administrative practices on students' discipline.
Once the questionnaire has been submitted, it becomes anonymous. The questionnaires
do not include any identifying information about your child or others. There are no questions that
require the naming of individual children. The researcher will neither use your child’s name nor
any other identifying information in oral or written reports.
Please sign below to grant your child consent to participate in the brief questionnaire, and ensure
that your child returns this form to the school.
Name of student
Male 1 Female 2
f % f %
53 49.5 54 50.5
2. Kindly indicate your age bracket: 20- 29 (1), 30- 39 ( 2), 40 – 49 ( 3), 50 - 59 ( 4 ).
f % f % f % f %
2 1.9 58 54.2 40 37.4 7 6.5
3. Please indicate your Educational level? Bachelors’ degree ( 1 ), Masters’ degree( 2 ), Doctoral degree
(3 ), any other Specify...................................................................................................
f % f % f %
94 87.9 12 11.2 1 0.9
4. Please indicate your working experience? 1-6 (1), 7-12 (2 ), 12-17 ( 3 ), 18 - 23 ( 4 ), 24 above
years (5 ).
1-6 7-12 12-17 18 - 23
f % f % f % f %
14 13.1 79 73.8 10 9.3 4 3.7
Number Statement SA A UD D SD
Q5 The principal of our f % f % f % f % f %
school is supportive 10 9.3 77 72. 7 6.5 8 7.5 5 4.7
of guidance and 0
Q6 The support of 89 83. 7 6.5 4 3.7 6 5.6 1 0.9
Guidance and 2
counseling in our
school enhances the
discipline of
Q7 Guidance and 1 0.9 42 39. 4 44. 12 11.2 4 3.7
counseling helps to 3 8 9
direct students to
Q8 Guidance and 71 66. 21 19. 4 3.7 7 6.5 4 3.7
counseling help 4 6
students acquire
Q9 The principal 4 3.7 4 3.7 3 33. 23 21.5 40 37.
encourages students 6 6 4
to seek guidance and
Q10 The principal 11 10. 68 63. 7 6.5 9 8.4 12 11.
encourages the use 3 6 2
of corporal
punishment other
than guidance and
counseling to solve
cases of indiscipline
in our school.
2. What are some of the supportive practices your principal puts in place to enhance guidance
and counseling in your school.
3. Explain how guidance and counseling shapes the discipline of students in your school.
4. Please rate your degree of agreement with each statement by ticking (✓) in the box next
to the statement that expresses your answer. Use the scale: Strongly Agree (SA), Agree
(A), Undecided (UD), Disagree (D), and Strongly Disagree (SD).
Num Statement SA A UD D SD
Q13 The principal's f % f % f % f % f %
communication with 33 30.8 70 65.4 1 0.9 3 2.8 0 0.1
parents regarding
student discipline
issues in our school
enhances students'
Q14 Our principal 20 18.7 39 36.4 10 9.3 33 30.8 5 4.7
encourages the
partnership of the
school with parents,
which enables the
building of mutual
responsibility for
students’ discipline.
Q15 The involvement of 11 10.3 72 67.3 4 3.7 5 4.7 15 14.0
parents in the school
improves students’
Q16 The principal invites 23 21.5 52 48.6 1 0.9 4 3.7 27 25.2
parents to school
meetings regarding
the discipline of
Q17 Our principal 20 18.7 73 68.2 1 0.9 2 1.9 11 10.3
collaborates with
parents in setting
and enforcing
discipline policies.
Q18 Our principal has a 1 0.9 56 52.3 39 36.4 10 9.3 1 0.9
positive attitude
towards parental
involvement in
shaping the students'
Q19 Students whose 9 8.4 80 74.8 3 2.8 4 3.7 11 10.3
parents are
cooperative with the
school are normally
6. How do principals collaborate with parents in setting and enforcing discipline policies?
7. How does collaboration between principals and parents impact student discipline
Num Statement SA A UD D SD
Q20 Our principal ensures f % f % f % f % f %
students’ grievances 8 7.5 14 13.1 2 1.9 4 3.7 79 73.8
are respected in
disciplinary decision-
making processes.
11. Describe how the provisions of school resources by the principal influences students
Male 1 Female 2
f % f %
167 53.9 143 46.1
Num Statement SA A UD D SD
Q33 Our principal is f % f % f % f % f %
supportive of guidance 3 1.0 78 25.2 169 54.5 49 15.8 11 3.5
and counseling.
Q34 Guidance and 1 0.3 43 13.9 237 76.5 26 8.4 3 1.0
counseling enables us
to be disciplined
Q35 The principals’ support 160 51.6 52 16.8 84 27.1 13 4.2 1 0.3
of guidance and
counseling in our
school help us acquire
self-directed behaviors.
Q36 The principal 2 0.6 43 13.9 30 9.7 161 51.9 74 23.9
encourages us to seek
guidance and
Q37 Our principal 197 63.5 39 12.6 48 15.5 23 7.4 3 1.0
encourages corporal
punishment to be used
more than guidance and
counseling to solve
cases of indiscipline in
our school.
Q38 Our principal assigns 199 64.2 37 11.9 48 15.5 23 7.4 3 1.0
teachers to act as our
3. Outline some of the supportive practices your principal puts in place to enhance guidance
and counseling in your school.
4. Explain how guidance and counseling helps you to be disciplined.
5. Please rate your degree of agreement with each statement by ticking (✓) in the box next
to the statement that expresses your answer. Use the scale: Strongly Agree (SA), Agree
(A), Undecided (UD), Disagree (D), and Strongly Disagree (SD).
Num Statement SA A UD D SD
Q39 Involvement of f % f % f % f % f %
parents in the school 194 62.6 42 13.5 48 15.5 23 7.4 3 1.0
improves our
Q40 Parents are invited to 2 0.6 18 5.8 73 23.5 111 35.8 106 34.2
attend meeting
regarding our
Q41 Our principal asks our 59 19.0 174 56.1 35 11.3 24 7.7 18 5.8
parents to pay
attention to our
Q42 Students whose 189 61.0 37 11.9 53 17.1 28 9.0 3 1.0
parents are
cooperative with the
school are normally
Q43 Our parents discuss 128 41.3 108 34.8 34 11.0 13 4.2 27 8.7
the discipline of
students with teachers.
7. Explain how the principal's involvement of your parents in the school helped improve
your discipline.
Making on Discipline
8. Please rate your degree of agreement with each statement concerning the influence of
students’ involvement in decision making on discipline. Tick (✓) in the box next to the
statement that expresses your best response. Use the scale: Strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A),
Num Statement SA A UD D SD
Q44 Our principal ensures our f % f % f % f % f %
voices are respected in 132 42.6 123 39.7 1 0.3 13 4.2 41 13.2
disciplinary decision-
making processes.
Q45 Our principal ensures that 22 7.1 27 8.7 1 0.3 23 77.1 21 6.8
we are part of the decision- 9
making process at our
Q46 We are not involved in the 107 34.5 184 59.4 1 0.3 7 2.3 11 3.5
policies that enhance
Q47 Student leaders help enforce 26 8.4 63 20.3 1 0.3 5 1.6 215 69.4
discipline in our school.
Q48 Involving students in 111 35.8 180 58.1 1 0.3 7 2.3 11 3.5
matters that affect us
improves their cooperation
and discipline.
Q49 We are involved in planning 6 1.9 40 12.9 158 51.0 82 26.5 24 7.7
school activities such as
seminars and conferences
that enhance discipline
among them.
Q50 The principal ensures that 87 28.1 198 63.9 3 1.0 9 2.9 13 4.2
we are informed about
school rules and regulations
that govern their discipline.
9. Describe how your involvement in decision making improves discipline in your school.
10. Please rate your degree of agreement with each statement. Tick (✓) in the box next to the
statement that expresses your best response. Use the scale: Strongly Agree (SA), Agree
Num Statement SA A UD D SD
Q51 The environment provided f % f % f % f % f %
in our school enhances 59 19.0 53 17.1 4 1.3 6 1.9 188 60.6
Q52 Our principal employs 1 0.3 6 1.9 32 10.3 2 83. 11 3.5
effective personnel, such as 6 9
counselors, who help to 0
shape our discipline
Q53 Resources such as 1 0.3 13 4.2 58 18.7 2 0.6 236 76.1
classrooms are adequate
enough to facilitate smooth
learning and discipline.
Q54 Through the availability of 193 62.3 93 30.0 1 0.3 7 2.3 16 5.2
school facilities such as
playing fields, we are likely
to be engaged and
Q55 Our school has a library and 25 8.1 24 7.7 15 4.8 2 65. 44 14.2
relevant books. 0 2
Q56 Adequate classrooms and 225 72.6 15 4.8 33 10.6 6 1.9 31 10.0
laboratories have an impact
on our discipline.
Q57 My school has a laboratory 1 0.3 13 4.2 58 18.7 2 0.6 236 76.1
with apparatus and
Q58 A school with adequate 1 0.3 16 5.2 58 18.7 2 0.6 233 75.2
sports grounds and facilities
is likely to promote a
positive climate that
enhances students’
11. Describe how the provisions of school resources by the principal influences students
1. Can you tell me more about your educational background and how it has prepared you
for this role?
2. How long have you served as a deputy principal? Could you describe your key
responsibilities and achievements during your tenure as a deputy principal?
3. Can you provide specific examples of successful guidance and counseling interventions
that have positively impacted student discipline?
4. Can you describe some of the supportive practices your principal has put in place to
enhance guidance and counseling in your school? How have these practices contributed
to the overall well-being of students and their behavior?
5. Can you elaborate on the extent of parental involvement and the types of activities or
initiatives they participate in?
6. Are there any notable instances where principal-led parental involvement has resulted in
improved student discipline? Are there specific strategies or approaches you use to ensure
effective collaboration with parents in this regard?
7. Have you observed changes in student behavior or attitudes as a result of their
involvement in decision-making?
8. Are there specific instances where student input has led to more effective disciplinary
measures or a better school environment?
9. Explain how your school ensures the effective provision of resources.
10. Are there examples of resource allocation that have had a direct impact on maintaining or
improving student discipline?