Radiation Thermometry
Radiation Thermometry
Radiation Thermometry
Received XX Month XXXX; revised XX Month, XXXX; accepted XX Month XXXX; posted XX Month XXXX (Doc. ID XXXXX); published XX Month XXXX
In metal smelting, precise temperature control is of vital address the uncertainty caused by emissivity variations [5].
importance for reaction rates, efficiency, and product Brightness methods are greatly influenced by background thermal
quality. Traditional methods such as thermocouples have radiation and medium absorption, while colorimetric methods are
inherent limitations, but multispectral radiation stringent in the selection of two temperature measurement bands.
thermometry (MRT) offers high resolution and reliability. Multispectral radiation thermometry technology, achieving
This paper proposes a multispectral radiation temperature inversion independent of target emissivity, has
thermometry platform featuring wireless data experienced rapid advancement [6-10]. Researchers have
transmission, which enables remote data transfer and proposed algorithms that assume emissivity models as a means to
precise temperature measurements. The platform was overcome the challenge of unknown emissivity [11-16]. These
meticulously calibrated and six common emissivity models typically include wavelength emissivity models [17] or
models were inverted with high accuracy. The results of temperature emissivity models [18]. While assuming emissivity
temperature measurements conducted at a copper models resolves the issue of temperature determination in the
smelting site demonstrated an excellent degree of presence of unknown emissivity, their applicability is often limited
agreement with those obtained using disposable to specific materials within specific environments. To address the
thermocouples. The platform has the potential to be limitations of assuming emissivity models, researchers have
applied in harsh environments, offering a novel approach explored methods for processing multispectral radiation
to temperature measurement in metal smelting thermometry data without assuming specific emissivity models.
processes. These methods include the use of multi-wavelength emissivity
constraint algorithms [19], generalized inverse matrix with an
external penalty function [20], and direct processing algorithms
In metal smelting, temperature serves as a pivotal parameter for [21]. While these methods are effective to some extent, they are
controlling reaction rates, enhancing production efficiency, and sensitive to deviations between assumed and actual emissivity
ensuring product quality [1]. Accurate temperature measurement models. Other methods based on similarity between measured and
within the smelting furnace enables precise process control, crucial blackbody spectral radiance intensity [22] or moving narrowband
for improving production efficiency, safeguarding product quality, spectral windows [23] have limitations in terms of proximity to the
and ensuring production safety [2]. object's true temperature range and real-time temperature
Currently, widely employed temperature measurement measurement. In recent years, neural network technology has
methods in metal smelting processes include thermocouple provided a new direction for processing multispectral radiation
thermometry and radiation thermometry [3, 4]. The advantage of thermometry data. However, these methods often require a large
thermocouple thermometry lies in its simple structure and number of data samples and long training times [24]. Research on
measurement of the true temperature of the object. However, it temperature measurement algorithms has enhanced the
suffers from poor dynamic response, limited temperature applicability and accuracy of multispectral radiation thermometry.
measurement range, high consumption, and inability to measure However, devices used for spectral measurement and temperature
temperature variations in real-time during the smelting process. inversion typically have large volumes, posing significant challenges
Radiation thermometry is characterized by high resolution, for practical application in metal smelting sites.
sensitivity, reliability, short response time, unlimited temperature This paper presents a multispectral radiation thermometry
measurement, non-contact, and non-destructive measurement platform based on wireless data transmission, which separates
advantages, holding a significant position in the field of temperature spectral measurement from data processing. This enhances the
measurement in metal smelting. However, currently prevalent applicability of the platform in metal smelting sites. The
brightness and colorimetric pyrometers fail to fundamentally temperature measurement platform was meticulously calibrated,
and temperature validation experiments were conducted in the earlier publication [25]. The computer computes the average
laboratory. Finally, the device was applied for temperature temperature inversion and ultimately outputs the inferred
measurement at a copper smelting site to verify its applicability and temperature of the target.
measurement accuracy. As the output of the fiber optic spectrometer is voltage-related
The schematic diagram of the multispectral radiation electrical signal data, calibration of the spectrometer is necessary
temperature measurement platform is shown in Fig. 1. The prior to temperature inversion of the data obtained. This calibration
platform comprises four main components: an optical signal process involves converting the output electrical signal data to a
acquisition module, a multispectral signal transmission module, an data type related to the radiant energy of the object under
ATK-ESP8266 WiFi transmission module, and the TLink cloud measurement. The calibration of the spectrometer necessitates the
platform. The optical signal acquisition module is responsible for utilization of a multi-temperature calibration method proposed in
capturing the thermal radiation signal of the measured object and our previous study [26].
converting it into electrical signals. The multispectral signal In order to employ the multi-temperature calibration method, it
transmission module is responsible for exporting the data collected is necessary to measure the spectral signals of the blackbody
by the fiber optic spectrometer. The ATK-ESP8266 WiFi furnace at multiple temperature points. As a case in point, we may
transmission module uploads the collected multispectral data to the cite the selection of the British ISOTECH high-temperature
TLink cloud platform, where it is imported into the data processing blackbody furnace, model R970. The blackbody furnace has an
equipment. effective emissivity exceeding 0.995 over a temperature range of
423 K to 1473 K. The temperature of the blackbody furnace is set by
a controller, while an independent indicator displays the actual
radiation temperature. The sensor of this independent indicator is
installed inside the blackbody chamber, which has a diameter of 20
mm and a depth of 65 mm. At temperature intervals of 50 K, ranging
from 873 K to 1173 K, the blackbody radiation signals were
measured, and subsequently, the spectral response curve and
background radiation curve of the MRT platform were calculated
using the multi-temperature calibration theory, as depicted in
Figure 2. Prior to the occurrence of temperature inversion, it is of
the utmost importance to convert the electrical signal data
outputted by the fiber optic spectrometer into radiation energy
Fig. 1. The schematic diagram of the MRT platform. signals associated with the target under measurement, based on the
aforementioned calibration results.
The sample is subjected to heating via a silicon carbide heating
element. This is encapsulated in a cylindrical cavity constructed
from glass fiber insulation material. The furnace surface is covered
with a high-temperature and high thermal conductivity alumina
ceramic plate, while the outer layer is covered with ceramic fiber
insulation material. The sample is placed on the alumina ceramic
plate, and heating is applied through heat transfer. The heating
system employs a high-precision proportional-integral-derivative
(PID) controller for temperature control, and the sample
temperature is monitored using an S-type thermocouple. The
maximum temperature of the furnace can reach 1473 K.
The optical signal acquisition module comprises an optical
system and a fiber optic spectrometer. The radiation emitted by the
target is initially focused by the concave mirror onto the right-angle
mirror, and then converged by the right-angle mirror into the fiber
optic port. Finally, the radiation is transmitted through the optical
fiber to the fiber optic spectrometer for measurement. The fiber
optic spectrometer employed in this setup is the NIR25S from Idea
Optics. The system incorporates a high-speed linear array InGaAs
detector as the optoelectronic sensor and integrates a step filter to Fig. 2. The response function and background radiation of the MRT
eliminate higher-order diffraction, enabling the acquisition of
radiation signals in the spectral range of 0.9-2.5 μm. The spectral In order to assess the time response characteristics and
radiation data of the target, measured by the fiber optic temperature inversion performance of the MRT platform,
spectrometer, is uploaded to the TLink cloud platform through the simulations were initially conducted employing six emissivity
data transmission and data transmitting modules. A remote models. Utilizing the Planck formula, spectral radiance values were
computer downloads the data in real-time and feeds it back to the computed for various temperatures based on these emissivity
data processing system for temperature inversion. The functions, as depicted in Figure 3. Subsequently, the calculated
temperature inversion method utilized in the temperature spectral data was transmitted to the Tlink cloud platform as a signal,
measurement platform adheres to the approach detailed in our where a remote computer downloaded the data and executed
temperature inversion for the six model materials utilizing a data wavelengths, considering factors such as measurement accuracy
processing method reliant on Euclidean distance optimization. This requirements and operational efficiency. Furthermore, while a
comprehensive analysis enabled an evaluation of the platform's greater number of wavelengths may enhance accuracy, it may also
capabilities across different emissivity scenarios, thereby introduce greater complexity in equipment setup and data
contributing to a deeper understanding of its performance under processing. Therefore, a comprehensive evaluation of various
various conditions. factors is necessary in practical temperature measurement
applications. This nuanced understanding aids in optimizing
temperature measurement processes to meet specific industrial
requirements effectively.
To validate the performance of a multispectral temperature
measurement platform under real-world conditions, a copper
smelting facility in China was selected as the testing ground. During
the experiments, the platform's front-end equipment was precisely
aligned with the liquid metal surface within an industrial copper
smelting crucible to capture real-time spectral data of the molten
copper. Continuous flushing of protective gas over the
measurement area was employed to mitigate oxidation of the
molten copper, ensuring data fidelity. Subsequently, temperature
spectral data were retrieved and processed at the backend with
minimal latency, facilitating near real-time temperature assessment.
Additionally, periodic measurements using industrial-grade
disposable thermocouples were performed to corroborate the
accuracy of the collected data. A comparative analysis between the
temperature platform's readings and those obtained from the
thermocouples, as depicted in Figure 5, was conducted. A
meticulous experimental design and thorough data analysis were
employed to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the
multispectral temperature measurement platform's efficacy in
industrial copper smelting environments. This endeavor not only
underscores the platform's potential in industrial applications but
also highlights avenues for further enhancement and optimization.