Iv - English Q3, W3

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PREPARED BY: Subject Teacher/Master Teacher I Learning Area: ENGLISH
Checked and noted by: Principal I
Teaching Dates & Time: FEBRUARY 19- 23, 2024 (Week 3) Quarter: THIRD


A. Content Standards Demonstrates a command of Demonstrates a command of Demonstrates a command of the Demonstrates a command of CATCH UP FRIDAY
the conventions of standard the conventions of standard conventions of standard English the conventions of standard
English grammar and usage English grammar and usage grammar and usage when writing English grammar and usage
when writing or speaking when writing or speaking or speaking when writing or speaking
B. Performance Standards Speaks and writes using good Speaks and writes using good Speaks and writes using good Speaks and writes using good
command of the conventions of command of the conventions of command of the conventions of command of the conventions
standard standard standard of standard
C. Learning Competencies/ Distinguish between general and Distinguish between general and Distinguish between general and Distinguish between general
Objectives specific statements specific statements specific statements and specific statements
( Write the Lode for

II. CONTENT General and Specific Statements General and Specific Statements General and Specific Statements General and Specific
( Subject Matter) Statements


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials Modules Modules Modules Modules Modules
from Learning Resource
LR portal
B. Other Learning Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations,
Resources pictures pictures pictures pictures
A. Reviewing previous Lesson Complete the directions below Read the following sentences Read the following sentences Write the word general if the Summative Test/Weekly Progress
or presenting new lesson by filling in the blanks with the below. Distinguish the GENERAL below. Distinguish the GENERAL statement is general and Check
correct signal words. and SPECIFIC statements and SPECIFIC statements specific if the statement is
between each given pair of between each given pair of specific.
SETTING THE TABLE sentences. sentences. Again, write your __________________1. Nature
1. _________, lay a placemat on ___________1. Our body needs answers on the answer sheet. is a man’s treasure.
the table. enough water. ___________1. Orchids are __________________ 2. Mrs.
2. _________, put a plate in the ___________2. We need to flowering plants with fragrant Medina baked this sweet cake.
middle of the placemat. drink 8 glasses of water daily to blooms that come in different __________________ 3. The
3. _________, lay a napkin to keep our body hydrated. colors. students do their exercises
the left of the plate and place a ___________3. There are simple ___________2. Waling-waling very well.
fork on the napkin. chores that we can do like which is best known for its large __________________ 4. Cats
4. _________, place a knife and washing the dishes, setting the and colorful petals is considered and dogs are my best friends at
a spoon on the right side of the table, and sweeping the floor. as the “Queen of Philippine home.
plate. ___________4. Helping with the Orchids”. __________________ 5.
household chores can make our ___________3. About 70% of the Humans are responsible to
parents happy. Earth’s surface is covered with take care nature.
___________5. We have to buy water while the remaining 30% is __________________ 6.
groceries at the supermarket. made up of mountains, valleys, Sampaguita is the Philippines’s
___________6. Mother made a and plains. national flower.
grocery list which includes ___________4. Planets have their __________________ 7.
sugar, milk, bread, eggs, special characteristics and Teachers lead their learners
cleaning materials, and features that make them into a successful future.
toiletries. different from others. __________________ 8. The
___________7. We can use the world begins to cry because of
Table of Contents, Index or the irresponsible people.
Appendix to find the page __________________ 9. My
number of the information we science teacher taught us how
need. to be patient in chemistry class.
___________8. Books have __________________ 10. A
parts that help us easily locate Grade 4 pupil from Mambog
the information we are looking Elementary School won an
for. award in literature.
___________9. Trees were
uprooted; houses were ruined;
roads and bridges were
__________10. The typhoon
caused a lot of damage.
B. Establishing a purpose for There are times when we do not Read the passage below and Indicate which picture describes Read the short story below
the lesson easily understand the ideas answer the questions that each sentence. then fill up the graphic
presented to us. However, with follow. 1. There is a bouquet of flowers organizer that follows.
the help of examples and arranged on top of the table.
explanations, things become Insect Bodies
clearer and we learn something Victoria Smith
Every insect’s body has three
2. The children are using the parts.
pedestrian lane in crossing the Yes, every insect’s body has
road. three parts
Every insect has a head,
A thorax and abdomen,
Every insect’s body has three
3. I saw a kite flying above the Every insect’s body has six legs.
tree. Yes, every insect’s body has six
It has three legs on its side
And it walks on them with
4. There was a cat sleeping Every insect’s body has six legs.
under the table.

5. The children are very excited

to see their new teacher.

C. Presenting examples/ Read the conversation between There are many habits that Study the example below. Complete the Venn Diagram.
instances of the new Jana and Carlo who are in Grade we can do in order to keep our Main idea: Land Transportation
lesson. 4. body safe from various diseases. Related Words:
Washing our hands regularly bicycle
keeps the germs and bad tricycle
bacteria from spoiling the food motorcycle
that we eat. Eating colorful
fruits and leafy greens boosts Complete the table below. Give
our immune system. Exercising the main idea of the following set
Philippine Festivals
regularly strengthens our bones of words.
by: Ma. Francia N. Bulacan
and muscles. Doing these
activities frequently keeps our
Carlo: I once read from a book
body strong and healthy and
that the Filipino people are very
away from various kinds of
fond of festivals and
Planet, for example is more
Jana: You are right. Everything is
general than the words
colorful and exciting.
1. What is the passage all Mercury, Earth and Mars. There
Carlo: Yes, but I have a little
about? are many words that can be
2. What are the habits that we classified as planets other than
Jana: Tell me. I might be able to
can do to keep our body safe example above like Venus and
from various diseases? Jupiter. Therefore,
Carlo: Uhm, how do we prove The first sentence in the the examples given are the
that Filipinos love festivals? paragraph is the general specific ideas or related words of
Jana: Oh, that is easy. We could statement. The succeeding the Planet.
give examples. sentences which enumerates
The Panagbenga Festival in the habits that one can do to
Baguio City is celebrated in keep the body safe from various
February. People from far and diseases are the specific
near visit the place to see the statements. These specific
parade of floats that are statements provide further
decorated with fragrant and information about the first
multi-colored flowers. sentence in the paragraph.
Carlo: Oh! I remember one, too.
The Pampanga’s Hot Air Balloon
Festival is also a fun and colorful
activity. It happens yearly
between January and February
at the Clark Freeport Zone.
Jana: See, we could even give
Carlo: Yes, but lunch break is
almost over. Let us go back to
class now. Thank you, Jana.
Jana: You are welcome! Let’s go!

1. What did Carlo read from a

2. What was Carlo’s problem?
3. How did Jana prove that
Filipinos love festivals?
4. List down the examples given
by Carlo and Jana to prove that
Filipinos love festivals.
5. Do you also agree that
Filipinos love festivals based on
the conversation of the two
pupils? Why or why not?
D. Discussing new concepts Let us go back to your answers General statements cover a Study the table below: A General Statement is usually
and practicing new skills. for Question Numbers 1 and 4. broad group of ideas and it the topic sentence or the main
#1 Read and analyze the two needs supporting statements in idea of the paragraph while a
groups of sentences. order to fully understand it. Specific Statement is the
General Statements are supporting information for the
Column A commonly the topic sentence of topic sentence or main idea.
The Filipino people are very a paragraph. It tells us what the
fond of festivals and passage is mostly about. Example:
celebrations. General Statement
Specific Statements, on the An insect has body parts.
Column B other hand, are the supporting Specific Statements:
The Panagbenga Festival in statements for the topic O Every insect has a head,
Baguio City is celebrated in sentence. It provides definite thorax and abdomen
February. People from far and information to support the topic O Every insect’s body has six
near visit the place to see the sentence. legs.
parade of floats that are O It has three legs on its side
decorated with fragrant and
multi-colored flowers.
The Pampanga’s Hot Air Balloon
Festival is also a fun and colorful
activity. It happens yearly
between January and February
at the Clark Freeport Zone.

1. In which column do you find General Statement is a sentence

the main or big idea? that defines or declares some
2. In which column are the large and broad information. It
details, explanations, does not describe one particular
illustrations, event. It is usually express as
and examples found? the general idea of a piece of
Column A is where you found
the main or big idea while Specific Statement refers to the
Column B is where the exact and precise description. It
explanation, illustration, and provides evidence to further
examples are found. define the general idea or
general statement. Being able to
recognize whether a statement is
specific or general is a key
to understand how sentences
operate in the given statement.
E. Discussing new concepts The Filipino people are very fond
and practicing new skills of festivals and celebrations.
#2. This statement expresses a big
idea which presents a topic that
still needs additional or
supporting information. It
covers a broad aspect or
characteristic of the Filipinos
that has to be explained more
with details so that the reader
can fully understand it. This is an
example of a GENERAL

The Panagbenga Festival in

Baguio City is celebrated in
February. People from far and
near visit the place to see the
parade of floats that are
decorated with fragrant and
multi-colored flowers. The
Pampanga’s Hot Air Balloon
Festival is also a fun and colorful
activity. It happens yearly
between January and February
at the Clark Freeport Zone.
These statements contain
special features and
characteristics as well as
supporting details to the general
statement given above. They
provide explanations,
illustrations, descriptions and
evidences by citing examples
which prove that Filipino people
love or enjoy festivals. These are
F. Developing Mastery Distinguish the specific Analyze each sentence below Name the general idea of the Read the story, then identify
(Lead to Formative statement in Column B that and identify the general following sets of words. the general statement and
Assessment 3) supports or gives evidence to statement and the specific specific statements. Write your
the general statement in statement. answer in the provided space
Column A. A. General Statement below.
B. Specific Statement
General Statements __________1. Lucban, Quezon In the Big City
1. There are lots of books which is considered as the Summer Many children in the city go to
can help us gather new Capital of Quezon school. They ride on buses or
information and learn more. Province because of its cool and jeepneys. Some ride in cars or
2. Computers can provide the gentle breeze even during the taxis.
information you need in just a summer months of April and Along the way, the children see
few clicks. May. many people. They see many
3. Wearing footwear allows us __________2. Our hometown is houses and tall buildings. They
to walk on rough surfaces rich in historical landmarks. feel uncomfortable because
without getting hurt. __________3. There are many the weather is warm. They
4. Bags are used to carry things delicacies in our town which the hear the loud sound of the
in a neat and orderly way. tourists love very much. vehicles around. Oh! How noisy
5. Desserts or something sweet __________4. Since pineapples it is in the big city.
must always be on the table for grow all-yearlong in Tagaytay
special occasions in the City, the people celebrates the 1. ___________________
Philippines. “Pilipinyahan Summer Festival” Specific Statements:
during May to promote their 2. ______________________
Specific Statements most appealing agricultural 3. ______________________
a. Rubber shoes which are product. 4. ______________________
designed to reduce the chance __________5. Being hailed as 5. ______________________
of slipping are the best option the “Native Goodies Capital of
for hiking and running activities. the Philippines”, one will find
b. School backpacks can carry various kakanin finds in every
almost anything, from books to corner of the town of Cainta, Identify which is general
lunch boxes. Rizal. statement. Write the letter of the
c. Leche Flan or Crème Caramel correct answer on the blank.
is best-loved because of its rich, __________ 1. a. Reading
milky texture. adventure books is very
d. Visiting websites such as Time interesting.
for Kids, National Geographic, b. Reading books strengthens
The Kidz Page, and more make your brain.
learning fun and exciting. __________ 2. A. A woman is a
e. Encyclopedia, dictionary, beautiful creation of God.
thesaurus, atlas, and almanac b. Mary as a woman has strong
are resource materials that we personality.
can use in our studies. __________ 3. a. There are
different kinds of turtle in the
b. Tortoise, is another kind of
turtle that live on land.
__________ 4. a. Fruits are
b. Banana fruits gives us energy.
__________ 5. a. Wearing face
mask protects us from virus.
b. Practicing proper hygiene can
protect us from virus
G. Finding practical Read and analyze the given Read the passage below and Put a check mark in the blank if Using any resource material,
application of concepts statements below. distinguish the general the statement given is general such as books or the internet,
and skills in daily living Answer the questions with Yes statement and the specific statement and X if find a short paragraph, and be
or No. Write them on your statements by completing the it is specific statement. able to distinguish the general
answer sheet. outline below. Do it in your _______ 1. and specific statements in it.
1. Fruits provide the nutrients notebook. Face mask is used to protect us Note that two or more specific
you need to be healthy. from viruses. statements can exist in a
Is this a general statement? _______ 2. paragraph since they provide
2. Mangoes are rich in Vitamins Families stay at home during supporting details to the
A, E, and C; also, they are high in Community Quarantine for their general statement.
fiber and contain folate, iron, safety. Here is how you are going to
and zinc. _______ 3. do it. Follow the example
Is this a specific statement? My sister Ruby keeps reminding below:
3. School buildings and facilities me to wash my hands.
serve different purposes. Our region is rich in _______ 4. Title of the Paragraph: About
Is this a general statement? cultural heritage. Cavite, People are helping each other to Birds
4. The library is a place where being known as the “Land of fight Covid-19 pandemic. Source (Where I Got It): Birds
we can study and borrow books. the Brave”, is home for a _______ 5. Social distancing was Pictures and Facts,
Is this a specific statement? large number of National implemented to our town. https://www.nationalgeograph
5. Most ethnic groups in the Heroes. Laguna is known for ic.com/animals/birds/
Philippines choose to preserve its rich cuisine, woodcrafts, General Statement:
their culture. and embroidery. Batangas is Everything about the anatomy
Is this a specific statement? well-remembered for the of a bird reflects its ability to
6. The Igorots, who live in the aromatic kapeng barako and fly.
Cordillera region of Luzon, kept its beautiful beach Specific Statements:
their traditional religion and way destinations. Rizal has art 1. The wings, for example, are
of life. galleries and delectable shaped to create lift.
Is this a general statement? delicacies. The Province of 2. The leading edge is thicker
Quezon has its colorful and than the back edge, and they
fun festivals as well as are covered in feathers that
various coconut by- narrow to a point.

General Statement:
Specific Statements:
H. Making Generalizations Distinguish general statement Distinguish general statement Distinguish general statement How can you distinguish a
and Abstraction about the from specific statement? from specific statement? from specific statement? general statement from
Lesson. Give examples of each Give examples of each Give examples of each specific statements?
statement. statement. statement.
I. Evaluating Learning Read the following sentences Categorize the following Analyze each sentence below and A. Encircle the letter of the
below. Distinguish General and statements as to whether it is a distinguish if it is a general correct answer.
Specific statements between general statement or a specific statement or a specific 1. It is a statement that is
each given pair of sentences. statement. Write it in its statement. Write GS if the usually expressed with broad
Write the answers on your appropriate column. sentence is a general information.
answer sheet. 1. Our province is known for its statement and SS if the sentence a. general statement
1. Dogs can be very playful coconut plantations and rice is a specific statement. b. sentence
sometimes. farms. __________1. A healthy diet c. specific statement
2. Once, I found out that my dog 2. Lucban Longganisa is a pork must be a habit for children. d. supporting details
created a big hole in one of my sausage originated in Lucban, __________2. Eating nutritious 2. Specific
socks. Quezon that has a distinctive food, drinking enough water, and Statement________________.
3. They have chubby cheeks, taste of garlic and oregano. maintaining strong bones and a. defines large information in
tiny chins, and they smile a lot 3. Buko pie, a Filipino-style muscles by exercising are habits the statement.
too. coconut pie made of fresh and that keep us from getting sick. b. identifies the sentence in a
4. Babies are the cutest things creamy coconut filling wrapped __________3. Physical activities paragraph that contains the
ever. in flaky crust, is a favorite like invasion games boost main idea.
5. We learn a lot in school. pasalubong item commonly children’s speed and agility. c. explains the concluding
6. Our knowledge and skills in bought from the province of __________4. Playing games has sentences.
the different subjects are Laguna. a lot of benefits to children. d. refers to exact and precise
developed in the school; it is 4. The only freshwater sardine is __________5. Playing allows information.
also there that our values are found in the Philippines. children to exercise their 3. Which of the following is the
formed and enhanced. 5. Cavite is known for a large creativity, develop their general statement example?
7. Gardening can be a fun number of National Heroes. Imagination, and learn new a. Narra tree is the national
activity for all members of the things. tree of the Philippines.
family. b. Trees have many uses.
8. The children can learn about c. Trees have different parts.
how plants grow and how to d. Trees are everywhere to
Directions: Read the passage
take care of them. find.
9. Floods, earthquakes, and and distinguish the general 4. Which is the specific
statement and its specific
typhoons can destroy even the statement?
statements by completing the
biggest buildings. a. A rose is a woody flowering
graphic organizer below.
10. Natural disasters cause harm plant.
to properties and even to b. Rose is a symbol of love.
humans. c. Rose has many uses.
d. Some roses have strong,
pleasant scent and have
prickles on their stems.
5. In which of the following is
an example of a general
a. Ampalaya leaves are used
for medicine.
b. Guava leaves are used to
heal wounds.
c. Plants are very useful.
d. Some plants are used to
beautify the ambiance
Sardinella tawilis is a
freshwater sardine found B. Directions. Read the story,
only in the Philippines. It is then identify the general
the only member of the statement and specific
genus Sardinella known to statement. Write your answer
exist entirely in fresh water. in the provided space below.
In the local language, they
are known in Filipino as In the Barrio
tawilis. Sardinella tawilis is a In a simple barrio, many
small fish reaching up to 15 children walk to school. They
cm and weighing less than 30 often pass by rice fields and
g. They have a single, rivers. On the way they see
triangular dorsal fin and a many things. There are
forked caudal fin. They different trees and plants
possess long, slender gill around. They enjoy the fresh
rakers in their mouths. air. They love to listen to the
Retrieved from sounds of animals especially
https://kids.kiddle.co/Sardin the songs of the birds. Oh! How
ella_tawilis simple it is in the simple barrio.

General Statement:
Specific Statements:
J. Additional Activities for 1. Think of a general statement Write an example of General and Construct a five sentence parag
The Coconut Palm Tree is called
Application or related to any topic that “Tree of Life” for its versatility
Specific statement about “Covid- raph containing a general
Remediation interests you. and numerous uses. The 19”. statement you like and specific
2. In two to three sentences, different parts of the tree can statements to support the
provide specific statements that be used to provide for the General Statement topic.
support or provide evidences to human life. The coconut meat
the general statement you have can be ground and mixed with Specific Statement
water to make coconut milk
which is used in cooking. Other
than the coconut kernels and

producing ropes, mats,

baskets, brushes, and

General Statement:
Specific Statements:
V. REMARKS ___ The Lesson was successfully ___ The Lesson was successfully ___ The Lesson was successfully ___ The Lesson was
done. done. done. successfully done.
___ The lesson was not carried ___ The lesson was not carried ___ The lesson was not carried ___ The lesson was not carried
due to; due to; due to; due to;
___ a. suspension of class ___ a. suspension of class ___ a. suspension of class ___ a. suspension of class
___ b. special non-working ___ b. special non-working ___ b. special non-working ___ b. special non-working
holiday holiday holiday holiday
___ c. emergency meeting ___ c. emergency meeting ___ c. emergency meeting ___ c. emergency meeting
___ d. the pupils need more ___ d. the pupils need more ___ d. the pupils need more ___ d. the pupils need more
mastery mastery mastery mastery
VI. REFLECTION _____% of the pupils got 80% _____% of the pupils got 80% _____% of the pupils got 80% _____% of the pupils got 80%
mastery mastery mastery mastery
A. No. of learners earned ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require
80%in the evaluation. additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for
remediation remediation remediation remediation
B. No. of learners who ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No
required additional activities ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught
for remediation who scored the lesson the lesson the lesson up the lesson
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require
work? No. of learners who additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for
have caught up with the remediation remediation remediation remediation
D. No. of learner who Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well:
continue to require ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration
remediation ___ Games ___ Games ___ Games ___ Games
___ Power PointPresentation ___ Power PointPresentation ___ Power PointPresentation ___ Power PointPresentation
___ Answering preliminary ___ Answering preliminary ___ Answering preliminary ___ Answering preliminary
activities/exercises activities/exercises activities/exercises activities/exercises
___ Discussion ___ Discussion ___ Discussion ___ Discussion
___ Case Method ___ Case Method ___ Case Method ___ Case Method
___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS)
___ Rereading of ___ Rereading of ___ Rereading of ___ Rereading of
Paragraphs/Poems/Stories Paragraphs/Poems/Stories Paragraphs/Poems/Stories Paragraphs/Poems/Stories
___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction
___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Role Playing/Drama
___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method
___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method
Why? Why? Why? Why?
___ Complete Ims ___ Complete Ims ___ Complete Ims ___ Complete Ims
___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials
___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn
___ Group member’s ___ Group member’s ___ Group member’s ___ Group member’s
Cooperation in doing their Cooperation in doing their Cooperation in doing their tasks Cooperation in doing their
tasks tasks tasks
E. Which of my teaching __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils
strategies worked well? Why __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude
did these work? __ Colorful Ims __ Colorful Ims __ Colorful Ims __ Colorful Ims
__ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology
Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD)
__ Science/ Computer Internet __ Science/ Computer Internet __ Science/ Computer Internet __ Science/ Computer Internet
Lab Lab Lab Lab
__ Additional Clerical works __ Additional Clerical works __ Additional Clerical works __ Additional Clerical works
__Reading Readiness __Reading Readiness __Reading Readiness __Reading Readiness
__Lack of Interest of pupils __Lack of Interest of pupils __Lack of Interest of pupils __Lack of Interest of pupils
F. What difficulties did I Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations:
encounter which my __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos
principal or supervisor can __ Making use big books from __ Making use big books from __ Making use big books from __ Making use big books from
help me solve? views of the locality views of the locality views of the locality views of the locality
__ Recycling of plastics to be __ Recycling of plastics to be __ Recycling of plastics to be __ Recycling of plastics to be
used as Instructional Materials used as Instructional Materials used as Instructional Materials used as Instructional Materials
__ local poetical composition __ local poetical composition __ local poetical composition __ local poetical composition
__Flashcards __Flashcards __Flashcards __Flashcards
G. What innovation or ___Lesson carried. Move on to ___Lesson carried. Move on to ___Lesson carried. Move on to ___Lesson carried. Move on to
localized materials did I the next objective. the next objective. the next objective. the next objective.
used/discover which I wish ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried.
to share with other

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