Site Req. LC 59 Closing Estimate Sse Re
Site Req. LC 59 Closing Estimate Sse Re
Site Req. LC 59 Closing Estimate Sse Re
620072/2021/O/o SR.DSTE/JP/NWR
Jaipur Division
SSE/Sig/Rewari Office
Rewari Jn., JP Div.
Mob.- 8295188119, 8003494070
Date: 13.10.2021
JP Division
Sub:- Proposal for Closing of LC 59 in connection with ROB work between RE – NNU station.
Ref. :- File no. - 602139/2021/O/o SR.DSTE/JP/NWR received on date 12.10.2021.
Respected Sir,
In reference to closing of LC-59 in ROB work, there will be modification/alteration in signaling
system. Existing dimensions already sent. Proposal for the alteration and modification is as follows.
1. Supply of Yellow Retro reflective sheet for LC Boom prismatic grade reflective sheets of size 305 5 Sets
x 290 mm one set consist 18 pieces.
Inspection: Consignee
Inspection Charges: None.
Payment Terms: 100% on Supply
2. Digging of 1.0 mtr deep and 0.3 mtr wide trenches in all type of soils, including soft rock as per 1000
approved cable route plan and back filling the trench after laying of cables. It includes clearing of CUM
roots of trees and bushes and temporary obstructions on the selected cable route, ramming of soil
and planting of cable marker at every 50 mtrs and at every locations where direction of trench
changes. The item includes covering of laid cables by sieved soil upto 5 cm before covering by
bricks. Where digging of 1.0 mtr depth is not possible or depth is reduced/increased as per
instructions given by engineer incharge then payment will be decreased/increased proportionately
to the depth of trench. This item includes supply of galvanized cable markers as per
Drg.No.CSTE/NWR/SOR/15 .Note: Cable trenching between Station Limit (i.e. from Distant to
Distant Signals) should be done at distance of 3.0 mtrs(minimum) from centre line of track and
Outside Station Limit, cable trenching will be done at distance of 5.5 mtrs(minimum) from centre
line of track. If above mentioned minimum distances are not available at site then trenching will be
done by contractor as per instructions issued by site engineer.
3. Laying of S&T Cables of various cores/ pairs/ quads in trenches/ GI pipes/ RCC pipes/ DWC 6 KM
pipes/ Trunking. This also includes laying of cables in track crossings & roadcrossings. Item
includes provision of labels of coloured plastic adhesive tapes or any other identifiable material on
each cable to give the cable number at each GantryPost/hectometer post.(Cables will be meggered
before and after its laying by contractor under supervision of Railway Representative and he will
submit the meggering report ofeach testing). Length of the cable laid includes the length of the
cable coiled for termination purposes.
Inspection: Consignee
Inspection Charges: None.
Payment Terms: 100% after Execution
4. Horizontal direction drilling/boring without damage of surface road /track using Auger 200 Mtr.
Machine(HDD machine). The bore shall be upto 200 mm dia& shall be done at thedepth of
minimum 1200 mm from the ground level. The ground level shall be considered ignoring the bank
height of the bank of the road. The length of the bore shall beminimum 4 Mtrs long. This include
insertion of different dia DWC-HDPE pipe/ GI pipes coupling etc. as per direction of Engineer In
Note:- Pipe Supply is not covered under this item. Contactor shall provide all material required for
boring and adequate nos. of labours for proper laying of cables into the bore.
Cable shall be laid cautiously so that it should not get damage due to rough handling & pressure on
Inspection: Consignee
Inspection Charges: None.
Payment Terms: 100% after Execution
620072/2021/O/o SR.DSTE/JP/NWR
5. Termination of Outdoor Cables (Main Cables /tail cables) at both ends in location boxes, cable 600
termination rack in relay room, station building, generator room etc. The itemincludes dressing of Cond.
cables and wires with dressing threads as per standard practice. All material required for this item
will be supplied by contractor. The outdoor cable shall beterminated in Relay Room, DG Room,
ASM Room etc under supervision and instructions issued by Engr. incharge of the work.
Inspection: Consignee
Inspection Charges: None
Payment Terms: 100% after execution
6. Supply and fixing of hylum strips for Single(Half) Apparatus Case. The item includes supply and 16 Nos
fixing of M-6 terminals/fuse blocks/ ND type HRC fuses on each strip.
7. Supply of Apparatus Case half (Medium) NE Rly Type as per Drg. No. CSTE/6088 fitted with two 08 Nos
nos of E Type lock (ward No will be specified by Engineer-in Charge) as
per RDSO Drg. No. SA 3376 and Key to Drg. No. 3377 as per RDSO drawing No. RDSO/S-
Note: This item includes the supply of 2 Nos E Type Lock fitted on both doors, along with two
Inspection: (i) RITES if value of item in work more than 5 lakhs or as per extant policy
(ii) Consignee subject to procurement from RECOMMENDED LIST OF FIRMS FOR
MECHANICAL SIGNALLING ITEMS if value of whole item in work less than 5 lakhs
or as per extant policy
Inspection Charges:(i) Borne by Railways
(ii) None
Payment Terms: 100% after Supply.
8. Installation of Apparatus Cases Half (Medium) with 'E' type lock on CC foundation. This includes 08 Nos
filling of location foundations with river bed sand and plastering on top of
the sand. Supply of 'E' Type lock has been covered in supply of Apparatus case separately. It
covers fixing of Location lamp holder , switch and lamp etc.
Inspection: Consignee
Inspection Charges: None
Payment Terms: 100% after installation
9. Excavation and Casting of Apparatus Case foundation in ratio 1:3:6 with contractor's own 08 Nos
materials including cement and galvanized anchor bolts of standard size. The required
scaffolding Fermaetc for Casting of foundation will have to be brought by the contractor at his own
cost.The item also includes additional masonry work as well as earthwork if
required on bank where there will be possibilities of foundation sinked, fallen or tilted.
Half (Medium) Case Apparatus case / SS location box as per Drg No CSTE/5074
10. Supply of Main signal LED (integrated) Yellow 4 Nos
11. Supply of Main signal LED (integrated) Green 2 Nos
12. Supply and placing of one layer of 'B' class bricks spreading on cables laid. Minimum dimension 3000
of bricks to be 200 mm X 100 mm X 70 mm Lengthwise ( up to 2 cables). Mtr.
13. Casting of CC Foundation for Signal Post in the ratio of 1:3:6 as per 04 Nos
Drg.No.CSTE/NWR/SOR/21A using standard size of foundation/galvanized holding down bolts
required for erection of colour light signal post.
14. Supply of Signalling Cable 24 Core 1.5 Sq. mm Conductor size 6 Km
15. Supply of Signalling Cable 12 Core 1.5 Sq. mm Conductor size 1 Km
16. Cement concrete work for miscellaneous items in ratio 1:3:6. Item includes excavation, ramming 1 CUM
of CC by using vibrator, curing and plastering with cement and sand mixture (aggregate will not
exceed beyond 3.8 cm).
17. Supply of Fuse Base kit kat type bakalite type 50 Nos
18. Supply of HRC Fuse link type 2Amp. 10 Nos
19. Supply of HRC Fuse link type 4Amp. 10 Nos
20. Supply of Non Metallic (FRP) colour light signal housing multi unit type for railway signaling 02 Nos
suitable for RE area TWO Aspects. Complete without lenses, lamps and signal
transformer as per RDSO DRG. No. SA 23001/A/M Adv. Alt- S and as per SPEC. No.
RDSO/SPN/194/2006 (Rev 2.0) or latest and FRP material as per RDSO SPEC. No.
RDSO/SPN/151/1997 or latest.
Inspection: (i)RDSO/RITES if value of item in work more than 5 lakhs
(ii) Consignee subject to procurement from RDSO approved vendors if value of whole item in
work less than 5 lakhs as per extant instructions by Railway Board.
Inspection Charges: (i)Borne by Railways (ii) None
Payment Terms: 100% on Supply
620072/2021/O/o SR.DSTE/JP/NWR
21. Erection of CLS Post with base and signal unit on top or on OFF set Bracket, fixing of front and 04 Nos
back staging, ladder and guards, signal name plates / boards if any with contractor's own brackets
and fixing materials. This also includes erection of auxiliary signals like calling on, shunt signal if
any. The work shall be done as per instructions ofRly engineer at site. It also includes provision &
fixing of maintenance platform as per design given by Engineer -In-Charge at site. The Item
includes cutting of Signal post if required by Site In charge.