Fermi Level in Semiconductors

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5 : Fermi Level in Extrinsic Semiconductors

(A) n-type semiconductors
In this case the number of electrons
· is much b higher
'dththan · of hoIes1n1L
tth the number .
semiconductor at ordinary temperatures. It can e sai a e upper side of th "'
band structure is heavier in free charge carrier. So the Fermi level shifts from the'.lntri .
leveIE, to EFn as seen in Fig. 3.12 (a). · - · . 'lie

i Electron
[ ]
[ C.B.
Eo ----------- --------------·
--------------· -----------

[ V.B.

(a) n-type
l Hole
[- ' V.B.

· - (b) p-type ·-_

I fig. 3.12: Energy band structures of n- and p-type semiconductors

(B) p-type semiconductors l

In p-type semiconductors at an ordinary temperature the number of holes is much

greater than the number of electrons. . .
Hence, the Fermi level shifts from Epi to Epp towards the valence band as seen in
Fig. 3.12 (b). .
lV• '

3, 4'7 .' variation of Fermi Level with Temperature and Impurity Concentration
variation of Fermi Level with Temperature
(i) In n-type semiconductors

At OK, the Fermi level Epn lies between the conduction band and the donor
As temperature increases more and more electrons shift to the conduction band
leaving behind equal number of holes in the valence band. These electron-
hole pairs are intrinsic carriers.
With the increase in temperature the intrinsic carriers dominate the donors.
To maintain the balance of the carrier density on both sides the Fermi level Ep0
gradually shifts downwards.
Finally, at high temperatures, when the donor density is almost negligible Ep0 is very
close to EFi as shown in Fig. 3.13.
Engineering Physics - I _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~'L--------2ESem1conc:1
---::...:..::~~~:!_::!._ (3-16)
(ii) In P-type semiconductors '\
• As seen in Fig. 3.14 at OK the Fenni level Epp in a p-type semic0nd
between the acceptor level and the valence band. llct r Ii
With the increase in temperature more and more holes
·· are created•in th
band as equal number of electrons move to the conduction band. e Valen~
As temperature increases the intrinsic holes dominate . the acceptor holes
Hence, the number ofintrinsic carriers in the. conduction band and in theva1·
band become nearly equal at high temperature. en~
The : enni level Epp gradually shifts upwards to maintai.n the balance of came
density above and below it.
At high temperature when the acceptor density become insignificant
compared to the intrinsic density, EF is positioried very close to the intrins'.
Fermi level Bpi but little below it. Tliis is shown in Fig. 3.14.
Variation of Fermi Level with Impurity Concentration ·
• At low impurity concentrations the impurity atoms do not interact with each
other. Hence, the extrinsic carriers (donors and acceptors) have their own
discrete energy levels.
With the increase in impurity concentration the interaction of the impurity
atoms start and the Fermi level varies in the following way.

n-. . semiconductors
As the impurity atoms . _
. . interact th
ne1ghbounng atoms. ' e donor
This results in splitting of th
below the conduction band. e donor level and formation
With the increase in impurity
. concentrati th .
one stage 1t overlaps with the . on ew1dthofthebandmcreases.A't
conduction band.
As the donor band widens the c b' ·
.1 . 1or idden gap d In
Femu evel shifts upwards and fi ecreases. the the
Fig. 3.15. ma11y enters the conduction band as shown in


(a) Low doping level (b) Medium doping level (c) High doping level

Pig. 3.15 : Variation of Fermi level with carrier concentration inn type semiconductor

(ii) In p-type semiconductor

+ With the increase in the impurity concentration the impurity atoms interact. As
a result, the acceptor level splits into acceptor band which gradually widens
with doping level increment.
+ Finally, the acceptor level enters the valence band. In this process the Fenni
level shifts downwards and at high doping level it enters the valence band.
With the widening of the acceptor band the forbidden gap decreases as seen in
Fig. 3.16.
Engineering Physics - I (3-18) Semlconduct

C.B. C.B.


----~=======~ I~~-----
- EFp
V.B. V.B.
V.B. §
(a) Low doping level (b) Medium doping level (c} High doping level

Fig. 3 _16 : Variation of Fermi level with carrier concentration in p-type semiconductor

Ill Fermi Level Diagram of pn Junction Diode .

3.5.1 : Unbiased p-n Junction : Formation of the Depletion Region
The energy band structures of n and p type semiconductors are shown in Fi gs,
3.12 (a) and 3.12 (b) respectively.
_When, the p-njunction is formed at the initi~l _stage'..t~e--~~rmi levels on thep
and n sides are at different energy states. This 1s becaus~ of the fact that p side
has e;cess holes and n side has excess electrons as free carriers.
The diffusion through the junction ~tarts t? equalize the number of charge
carriers on both sides. As the conduction band of the ·n: side has high density of
carrier, electrons of the conduction band diffuse through the junction from the
n side to the p side. Similarly, holes of the valence band diffuse through the
junction from p side to n side.
As more electrons occupy the conduction band of p side the Fermi level EFp
starts moving upwards alongwith the entire p-type energy band structure.
Similarly, more holes entering the valence band of n-side make the Fermi level
Ep0 move downwards. The energy band structure also move downwards with
Ep0 • Finally, a stage comes when the charge density on both sides of the same
band is uniform. In this equilibrium condition the Fermi levels EFp and EFn
align with each other. ..
The conduction bands and the valence bands of both sides are positioned in
such a manner that a conduction hill of height - e VO and a valence hill ol
physics· 3· 19)
,I _ _ _ _ _ _ _(_ ....:....._ _ _ _ __ _ _Semiconductor
_____ Physics


height eVo are formed. These are the potential energies of the electrons and
holes respectively due to the potential barrier V0 •
The entire process is explained in three stages of Fig. 3.17.


p n Stage - I

• • .:
I ,

:e e e e e C.B .
EFp - - - - - - - 1
1- ------· E Fn Stage - II
OoOoO 0 0
0000 V.B.

•• • 1- ev,
• • • • C.B.

EFp -------t ~
I - - - - - - · EFn Stage - III
0 0 0 o: : e V0
0 0 0 0 o: I

0 0
Hole I
energy )I
Depletion 1 • : Electrons
region 0: Holes

Fig. 3.17 : Energy band diagram of an unbiased p-n junction : EFn and Epp are al\igned

3.5.2 : Forward Biased p-n Junction

• Forward biasing increases the electron density in the conduction band of the
n-side. As a result the Fermi level Ep11 moves upwards. Similarly, due to the
increase in the hole density in the valence band of the p side, the Fermi level
EFp moves downwards. The Fermi levels EFn and FFp are displaced relatively
by an amount eV equal to the potential energy due to the applied voltage, V
which causes the displacement.
Engineering Physics• I (3-20)
Sern1c 1ld
+ The height of the conduction hill reduces by the same amount eV \
e (VO - V). Similarly, the height o~ the ~alence _hill becom~s _ e (~:
This makes the charge flow through the Junction easier as seen in Fig. _1 _V),
3 8

p n



, - - - - - - - EFn



fig. 3.18 : Energy level diagram of a forward biased p-n junction : EFn - Epp • eV

3.5.3 : Reverse Biased p-n Junction

+ In this case the el~ctrons from ~e conduct~on ~and of p side are repelled~
the negative polanty of the apphed potential difference, V. So the electrons
diffuse through the junction and reach the conduction band of n-region.
+ As the conduction band of p-region gets excess population of electrons the
Penni level EFp moves upwards. Similarly, the valence band of n side receives
excess holes hence the Penni level EFn shifts downwards.
+ The relative displacement of the Penni levels EFp and EFn is equal to - eV
which is the potential energy due to the potential difference, V.
+ Equilibrium condition is achieved when the conduction hill of heig~1
- e (V0 +V) and the valence hill of height e (VO +V) are fonned.

'fhe increase in the height of the barrier region reduces th

the junction to the reverse current produced by the minori
fig, 3.19.

p n


EFp -------4 I I
C.B. .
V.B. :------- - EFn


Fig, 3.19: Energy band diagram of a reverse biased p-n junction: E1n - E1, • - eV

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