RFQ GDS 2022 112 Den 116786
RFQ GDS 2022 112 Den 116786
RFQ GDS 2022 112 Den 116786
Project: OSRO/AFG/112/DEN
16 May 2022
Dear Sir/Madame:
Please refer to below and fill-in, sign, stamp Appendixes I, II and III and upload at UNGM by 22:30
hours of the afternoon of 19 May 2022.
FAO herewith invites you to submit a Price Quote in United States Dollars (US$) [1] for:
In preparing your Quotation, you shall take into account the international status and humanitarian
goals of FAO by submitting your best commercial terms. You should also be aware that FAO enjoys
certain privileges and immunities which include exemption from payment of Value Added Tax
("VAT"), customs duties and importation restrictions.
country of residence must be specified in the offer, together with the reasons for such deviation
from standard payment terms; the Organization will not be in a position to consider the request
should this information be provided after the closing date of the tender.
5. Acceptance of FAO’s RFQ Requirements including Technical Specifications (Appendix
III). If your quotation is not compliant with any of these requirements, such non-compliance
must be clearly identified in your offer (and details provided in Appendix III: Submission
Letter). If no mention to this effect is contained in your offer, FAO will assume that all
requirements included in this Invitation to the quotation are accepted by the supplier. Suppliers
must in any case complete the technical specifications form.
6. Insurance and Freight Costs: To be arranged by supplier. The supplier will determine the
appropriate type and amount of insurance coverage to address its risks up to delivery at final
destination. FAO will pay only for the goods actually accepted at final destination after
inspection at unloading point(s) and deduction of actual damages and/or liquidated damages
for late delivery and/or quality deviations, if any.
7. Prices: Your unit prices, air/land/surface freight charges, insurance cost and total price shall
be quoted separately for delivery to the destination(s) specified above on DPU basis in
accordance with Incoterms 2010. FAO will pay only for the goods actually accepted at final
destination after inspection at unloading point(s) and deduction of actual damages and/or
liquidated damages for late delivery and/or quality deviations, if any.
8. PO Terms: Depending on the Incoterm basis on which FAO decides to procure the goods
DPU, the relevant contract (Purchase Order) will also be in compliance with those Incoterms.
Validity: RFQs must remain valid with firm and fixed prices for 60 days after Tender Closing
The award will be made on the basis of:
Detailed instructions on how to access FAO tender documents and submit your quotation through
UNGM are attached herewith and can be downloaded from your UNGM Tender Management page
by clicking on the “View Synopsis” button under the “Tender” tab.
If you encounter any difficulties using the UNGM system navigation and functionality please
contact UNGM by using the help button on the right hand side of their home web page:
https://www.ungm.org/ referencing the exact FAO RFQ number.
Please login to the UNGM website and upload all the documents requested in the RFQ Document
into the designated Placeholders (i.e. Technical, Commercial) within the indicated deadline.
It is the exclusive responsibility of the bidder to ensure that the files are uploaded before the tender
deadline. Offers received after the deadline will be considered invalid.
Please follow the instructions below to upload the electronic files to the UNGM portal:
NOTE: It is highly recommended that the size of the files does not exceed 5MB and that the format
of the files is “PDF”, unless otherwise requested.
IMPORTANT: Once all files are uploaded (and the requested Questionnaire(s) completed, (if required),
please remember to click on the red button “SUBMIT MY RETURN” to submit your offer. If the
submission is properly completed, you will be able to view and download a receipt under the
“HISTORY” tab.
In the event that your company is not interested in participating to this tender, the Organization would
appreciate your feedback. In this case, you are kindly requested to click on the “OPT OUT” button
displayed on your UNGM Tender Management page and indicate one or more of the following reason(s)
for non-participation:
• Requirements are outside our normal activities;
• There is Insufficient time to prepare a quotation;
• Present lack of resources to undertake more work;
• Quotation submitted by authorized dealer in destination country
• Participating as subcontractor to another lead bidder
• Other (please specify briefly).
Best regards,
Unit Each
Drum and Toner for Color Copier machine HP Color Laser Jet Flow MFP M880
Total quantity 23 Drum and 16 Toner
Drum and Toner for Color Copier machine HP Color Laser Jet Flow MFP M880 Total quantity
Important note:
A part of inspection procedures, FAO will check the serial number of the items specifically toner to identify genuine product.
FAO will request the winner bidder to sign and stamp on the toner after issuance of PO.
Please use additional sheets if necessary
1. You must duly complete all the empty spaces in the technical specification format to detail the specifications being offered.
2. Your quotation must include supporting documentation requested in this form.
If the quote is in a different currency than specified here, FAO will convert prices for the commercial evaluation to a single currency using the official UN exchange rate corresponding to the date of the offer.
NOTE regarding arithmetical errors and discrepancies:
• If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price that is obtained by multiplying the unit price and quantity, the unit price will prevail and the total price will be corrected, unless in the opinion
of evaluators, there is an obvious misplacement of the decimal point in the unit price, in which case the total price as quoted will govern and the unit price will be corrected.
• If there is an error in a total corresponding to the addition or subtraction of subtotals, the subtotals will prevail and the total will be corrected.
• In case of discrepancy between a word and figures, the amount in words will prevail, unless the amount expressed in words is related to an arithmetic error, in which case the amount in figures will prevail
subject to the note above.
(1) Does your quotation comply with the COMMERCIAL requirements of this tender in all respects?
If not, indicate the exceptions here below attaching additional pages as necessary:
Does your quotation comply with the TECHNICAL requirement of this tender in respect of 1.12 above – are
goods offered already in Afghanistan?
(2) If the answer to question above (2) is Yes, please ensure all required information and documentation
(Manufacturer’s name and origin of the manufacturer, manufacturing date and expiry date, Certificate
of Laboratory Analysis, Transport documents and Customs documents) is attached to your offer?
(3) If the answer to question above (2) is No and your Company plans to import goods from outside
Afghanistan, do you commit all required information and documentation (Manufacturer’s name and
origin of the manufacturer, manufacturing date and expiry date, Certificate of Laboratory Analysis,
Transport documents and Customs documents) will be furnished at the time of delivery?
In submitting your quotation, you confirm that you have read and understood the FAO General Terms and
Conditions for Goods (as per Appendix IV) and that you agree to abide by all of the terms contained therein. You
also agree to abide by the UN Supplier Code of Conduct. In addition, you confirm that you have considered all
aspects relevant to the eventual performance under the Purchase Order related to this specific quotation, if
awarded, and that you have obtained all necessary information and data as to risks, contingencies and other
circumstances which may influence or affect your quotation.
Please indicate whether your company is subject to any sanction or temporary suspension imposed by any
organization within the World Bank Group or any other multi-lateral development Bank or by any United Nations
agency or National Authority or economic integration organization.
IMPORTANT WARNING: Any aspects of your Offer that differ from the requirements established in this
solicitation document must be clearly stated in your Offer. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by FAO, the
requirements above are mandatory and will be the basis for evaluating your Offer regardless of any
statement to the contrary contained in the technical specifications or literature you may submit together
with your offer.
I confirm that I have read and accept the provisions on Conflict of Interest and Sanctionable Actions.
I certify that my firm has not and will not engage in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive, unethical or obstructive
practices during the selection process and throughout the negotiation and execution of any award.
I certify that my company is not associated with any individual or entity appearing on the 1267/1989 list of the UN
Security Council or with any individual or entity subject to any other sanctions or enforcement measures
promulgated by the UN Security Council.
I acknowledge that FAO reserves the right to only consider offers containing all the information and documents
requested. I confirm that the Offer submitted meets the stated requirements unless otherwise stated herein. I
further confirm that I understand that deviations may prevent the evaluation of my quotation. I confirm that all the
information provided in the Offer is accurate and complete.
…………………………………………..……………………Date ...........................................................