Shear Stress in Beam

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Shear Strength Analysis in beam.

fv =

As we can see the average web shear stress ,V/Aw does not differ very much from maximum web stress.This means
that the web carries much of the shear stress than the flange, and will completely yield long before the flanges begin
to yield. Thus yielding of the web represents one of the shear limit states.
Taking 60% of the tensile yield stress as the shear stresses, then
Vn = 0.60FyAwCv (507.2-1) where 0.60 fy is the yield stress of steel
Aw is the shear area of web
Cv – a modifier that account for buckling behavior of web
__ratio of critical web stress to shear yield stress
__ web shear coefficient
Vu <͇ ФVn (LRFD) Va <͇
Vu or Va ----applied shear force based on controlling combination
ФVn =design shear strength = allowable shear strength
ℎ 𝐸
1. For web of rolled I-shaped members with ≤2.24 √𝐹
𝑡𝑤 𝑦

Ф=1.00 (LRFD) Ω=1.50 (ASD) and Cv=1.0 (web shear coefficient)

2. For web of other doubly symmetric shapes and singly shapes and channels, except
round HSS, Cv is determined as follows;
Ф=0.90 (LRFD) Ω=1.67 (ASD)
ℎ 𝑘𝑣𝐸
2.a) for ≤1.10 √ 𝐹 : cv=1.0 (no web instability)
𝑡𝑤 𝑦
1.10 √ 𝐹
𝑘𝑣𝐸 ℎ 𝑘𝑣𝐸 𝑦
2.b) For 1.10 √𝐹 < ≤1.37 √𝐹 then cv = ℎ (inelastic web buckling)
𝑦 𝑡𝑤 𝑦
ℎ 𝑘𝑣𝐸 1.51𝐸𝑘𝑣
2.c) For >1.37 √ 𝐹 then cv = ℎ 2
(there is elastic buckling
𝑡𝑤 𝑦 ( ) 𝐹𝑦

Kv – web plate buckling coefficient

a.) For unstiffened web with h/tw < 260 , Kv=5
Except for the stem of Tee shapes where Kv= 1.2
b.) For stiffened webs:
5 260
Kv = 5 + ℎ2
where 5 when a/h>3.0 or a/h> ( ℎ )
𝑡𝑤 𝑡𝑤

a→ clear distance between traverse stiffeners

h→for rolled shape , the clear distance of flanges less than the fillet of
corner radii
→ for built-up welded section the clear distance between flanges.
→ bolted section , the distance between fastener lines.

1.) A simply supported beam shown is made of W 360 x 134 A36 steel ( Fy=250 MPa), that carries a uniform
dead load thru it span of 6 m. and a concentrated live load P at the midspan.

Properties of W 360 x 134

A= 17,100 mm2 Sx = 2340 x 103 mm3
d= 356 mm Sy = 818 x 103 mm3
bf = 368 mm ry = 94 mm
tf = 18 mm k = 32.96
tw = 11.2 mm Fy = 250 MPa

1. Determine the design shear strength of the beam for LRFD.

2. Determine the allowable shear strength of the beam for ASD.
3. Determine the safe concentrated service live load that the beam could support at its
midspan based on the design shear strength of the beam.
h=d-2k = 356 – 2(32.96 ) = 290.08 mm

ℎ 290.08 𝐸 200000
= = 25.9 2.24 √𝐹 = 2.24 √ = 63.36
𝑡𝑤 11.2 𝑦 250
ℎ 𝐸
Therefore < 2.24 √𝐹 use Ф=1.0 and Cv=1.0
𝑡𝑤 𝑦

Vn = 0.60FyAwCv Vn = 0.60(250) (356)(11.2)(1) = 598,080 N = 598.08 KN.

Vu = (1) (598.08) = 598.08 KN (LRFD)
Ω=1.50 (ASD) and Cv=1.0
Va = = 398.720 KN

1.2𝑤𝐷𝐿 𝐿 1.6 𝑃𝐿𝐿

Vu = +
2 2
1.2 (16)(6) 1.6 𝑃𝐿𝐿
598.08 = +
2 2

PLL = 675.60 KN
2.) A W 530 x 66 is used as a propped beam with a span of 6 m. and carries a uniform service load of 32 KN/m,
including its own weight . The beam used is A572 with Fy = 450 MPa.
Properties of W 530 x 66
A= 8,390 mm2 Sx = 1,340 x 103 mm3
d= 526 mm Sy = 104 x 103 mm3
bf = 165 mm ry = 32 mm
tf = 18 mm k = 30.94
tw = 8.89 mm Fy = 450 MPa

3.) Determine the design shear strength of the beam for LRFD.
4.) Determine the allowable shear strength of the beam for ASD.
5.) Determine the safe uniform service live load, in KN/m that the beam could support based
on the design shear strength of the beam.

h=d-2k = 526 – 2(30.94 ) = 464.12 mm
ℎ 464.12 𝐸 200000
= = 52.21 2.24 √𝐹 = 2.24 √ = 47.22
𝑡𝑤 8.89 𝑦 450
ℎ 𝐸
Therefore < 2.24 √𝐹
𝑡𝑤 𝑦

𝑘𝑣𝐸 (5)(200,000)
Check: 1.10 √ = : 1.10 √ = 51.85
𝐹𝑦 450

𝑘𝑣𝐸 (5)(200,000)
and 1.37 √ 𝐹 = 1.37 √ = 64.58
𝑦 450

𝑘𝑣𝐸 ℎ 𝑘𝑣𝐸
therefore 1.10 √ 𝐹 < 𝑡 ≤1.37 √ 𝐹 (inelastic buckling)
𝑦 𝑤 𝑦
then Cv = 52.21 = 0.993 , Ф=0.90 (LRFD) Ω=1.67 (ASD)

Vn = 0.60FyAwCv Vn = 0.60(450) (526)(8.89)(0.993) = 1,253,719.9,348 N = 1,253.73 KN.

Vu = (0.90) (1,253.73) = 1,128.35KN (LRFD)
Ω=1.67 (ASD) and Cv=0.993
Va = 1.67
= 750.74 KN

Solving for uniformly distributed live load:

Vu = (1.2wDL +1.6 wLL)L
1,128.35KN = (1.2(32) +1.6 wLL)(6)

wLL = 164 KN/m

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