2023 TMUN International Conference - ENG - 0720

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Date November 2 – November 3, 2023

Venue Hu, Shui-Wang International Conference Hall, Comprehensive Medical

Building (Rear Building), Taipei Medical University

Organized by College of Nursing, Taipei Medical University

Asia-Pacific Association for Medical Informatics

Sponsored by National Science and Technology Council

In collaboration Department of Nursing, Taipei Medical University Hospital

with Department of Nursing, Taipei Medical University-Wan Fang Hospital
Department of Nursing, Taipei Medical University Shuang Ho Hospital
2023 TMU—APAMI Joint International Conference: Metaverse
and Smart Technologies for Innovations in Medical/Nursing Education
and Practice
With the advancements in communication technology and the maturation of software and
hardware, the concept of the metaverse, centered around virtual characters and virtual
environments, has gained public attention. According to interpretations in the field of
healthcare education and medical care, the metaverse refers to a transcendent reality beyond
the physical universe, utilizing technology to create a new interdisciplinary care model.
Immersive experiences through the integration of virtual and physical elements, analysis and
application of big data, artificial intelligence, and emerging technologies have become the
major trends and tendencies in the future of healthcare education and medical care. The
upcoming "2023 TMU—APAMI Joint International Conference: Metaverse and Smart
Technologies for Innovations in Medical/Nursing Education and Practice" (hereinafter referred
to as the conference) will focus on the metaverse and smart technologies. It invites research
scholars, technology educators, and clinical care experts from around the world to gather and
explore and share insights from different professional perspectives, discussing the integration
of artificial intelligence into healthcare education/care, precision medical care through big data,
and the application of virtual and gaming technologies in innovative interdisciplinary
healthcare education/care.

一、 Venue:Hu, Shui-Wang International Conference Hall, Comprehensive Medical

Building (Rear Building), Taipei Medical University

二、Date: November 02 - November 03

三、Organizers: College of Nursing, Taipei Medical University

Asia-Pacific Association for Medical Informatics

四、Supervising Authority: National Science and Technology Council

五、Co-organizers: Department of Nursing, Taipei Medical University Hospital

Department of Nursing, Taipei Medical University-Wan Fang
第1頁/共 5 頁
Department of Nursing, Taipei Medical University Shuang Ho Hospital

六、Participants: Faculty and graduate students from domestic and international universities
in the field of healthcare, healthcare professionals from medical institutions
and various types of long-term care service units, as well as clinical and
practical personnel related to healthcare.

七、Registration deadline is from June 15th, 2023 to October 20th, 2023.

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八、Call for Submission Information
1. Submission Deadline: August 15, 2023

2. Notification of Accepttance/Rejection:September 1, 2023

3. Type of the Abstract: Original、Review、case report, meta-analysis and Evidence-

based nursing

4. Call for Submission Topics

- Application and innovation of health promotion intelligent technologies
- Application and innovation of intelligent technologies in clinical nursing care
- Application and innovation of intelligent technologies in community nursing care
- Application and innovation of intelligent technologies in elderly and long-term care
- Application and innovation of evidence-based intelligent technologies in healthcare
- Application and innovation of intelligent technologies in nursing Education
- Application and innovation of intelligent technologies in nursing environments
- Information health applications and management
5. General Submission Guideline:

(1) Abstract can only be submitted in English.

(2) Abstract can only be submitted online.
(3) The abstracts accepted for presentation will be on a e-poster, and all presenters will be
issued the Certificate of Poster Presentation of the sessions.
(4) In cases when there is more than one author, it is advised that the precise roles of the
collaborators and the matters of authorship and publication be agreed upon the submission
of the collaborative work.
(5) The corresponding author must finish the registration for this conference.

Abstract format:

■ Text is limited to 300 words (not including the title and the author information).

■No images, tables, graphs, citations or endnotes are permitted in the abstract.

■ Structured abstract should cover following contents:

(a) Title
(b) Purpose
第3頁/共 5 頁
(c) Methods
(d) Results
(e) Implications for practice
(f) Key words: 3-5 keywords

6. Excellent Nursing Poster Presentation Award:

The organizer will invite experts to score by respective topics. The winners will be
announced and awarded in the conference.

7. Abstract Submission
URL: https://forms.gle/7XgbQtYe2s8XK3WT6
Please upload your abstract for paper submission. The abstract should include the title,
author's name, affiliated institution, and abstract content. The abstract content should
encompass the research motivation, objectives, methods, significant findings, or expected
outcomes (excluding the title and author's information). The abstract should be limited to
300 words.
九、Registration Method:
1. This conference only accepts online registration. Please visit our school's academic events
website to complete the registration form. URL:https://forms.gle/AYV5LvobFd4h3vbC6

2. Please submit payment proof via fax (02-2377-2842) or email to [email protected].

To avoid any omissions or unclear information, please contact Ms. Huang at extension
6339 (phone number: 02-2736-1661) for confirmation.

十、Payment Method:
1. Registration Fee:
(1) General participants:NTD 1000/1-day conference,NTD 1500/2-day
(2) Staff of TMU affiliated hospitals:NTD 800/1-day conference, NTD 1200/2-
day conference

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(3) TMU faculty & Students:Free;If you submit the abstract after July 31, you
will be charged NTD 500 for submission.
Bank Account:
(1) Account Name: Taipei Medical University Foundation
(2) Bank Branch: Taishin Bank Jianbei Branch
(3) Bank Code: 8120687
(4) Bank Account Number: 870526 + the last 8 digits of your mobile phone
number, totaling 14 digits.
2. Please make the payment within 3 days of registration and provide the following
information: "Name of the remitter, last 5 digits of the account number, and date of
remittance." If payment is not received within 3 days of registration, the registration will
be canceled and the eligibility will be revoked.

十一、This seminar will issue a certificate of participation, which can be used to earn
continuing education credits for registered nurses/specialist nurses.

十二、We encourage you to make use of public transportation. Our university provides free
shuttle buses from Taipei City Hall Station and Liuzhangli Station. We welcome you to
take advantage of this service. Additionally, in response to environmental regulations,
this seminar will not provide disposable cups. Please remember to bring your own
reusable cup and utensils for the event.

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2023/11/2 (W4)
Time Speakers Topic Chair

08:45~09:00 Registration

09:00~09:10 Opening Remarks Dean Pei-Shan Tsai

Gojiro Nakagami
Pressure injury management based on
Professor, Department of
data science: artificial intelligence Dean Pei-Shan Tsai
09:10~10:00 Comprehensive Health Sciences,
application of real world data
the University of Tokyo

Chien-Yeh Hsu
Chairman and Distinguished
Professor, Department of Smart Healthcare-Artificial Intelligence
Director Min-Huey Chung
10:00~10:50 Information Management, and Big Data Applications
National Taipei University of
Nursing and Health Sciences

10:50~11:10 Panel Discussion/ Coffee break

Gwo-Jen Hwang
Chair Professor, Graduate
Applications and Research Issues of
Institute of digital Learning and Vice Superintendent Teh-Ying
Metaverse and Intelligent Technologies in
11:10~12:00 Education, National Taiwan Chou
University of Science and

Lunch Symposium
Research Experience Sharing

Yu-Chuan Li
Distinguished Professor,
AI for the Future in Healthcare with Vice Superintendent Chun-Jen
Graduate Institute of Biomedical
13:00~13:50 ChatGPT Huang
Informatics, Taipei Medical

Haoran Xie
Associate Professor, Department Bibliometric and natural language Dean Kuei-Ru Chou
13:50~14:40 of Computing and Decision processing techniques for medical Office of Global Engagement
Sciences, Lingnan University literature analysis

14:40~15:00 Coffee break

Huei-Ling Chiu
Associate Professor, College of Technology in early detection and
Director Kee- Hsin Chen
15:00~15:50 Nursing, Taipei Medical prevention of cognitive decline

15:50~16:20 Panel Discussion

第6頁/共 5 頁
2023/11/3 (W5)
Time Speakers Topic Chair

08:45~09:10 Registration

Gojiro Nakagami
Professor, Department of Bioengineering nursing research for
Vice Dean Hsiao-Yean Chiu
09:10~10:00 Comprehensive Health Sciences, targeting hard-to-heal wounds
the University of Tokyo

Haoran Xie
Associate Professor, Department Medical applications in the era of Chair Professor Gwo-Jen
10:00~10:50 of Computing and Decision artificial intelligence Hwang
Sciences, Lingnan University

10:50~11:10 Panel Discussion/ Coffee break

Heng-Hsin Tung
Department Chair and Innovative Integration of chatGPT and
Vice Superintendent Chin-
Distinguished Professor, College Virtual human for medical/nursing
11:10-12:00 Hwa Chen
of Nursing, National Yang Ming education
Chiao Tung University

Lunch Symposium
Teaching Experience Sharing

Shao-Chen Chang
Assistant Professor, Department Metaverse changes in life: formal
Vice Dean Tsai-Wei Huang
13:00~13:50 of Information Communication, education and medical education
Yuan Ze University

Hsin-Yen Yen
Associate Professor, School of
Virtual reality natural experiences for
Gerontology and Long-Term Director Chueh-Ho Lin
13:50~14:40 mental health restoration
Care, College of Nursing, Taipei
Medical University

14:40~15:00 Coffee break

Christopher Gordon
Digital sleep health technologies:
Associate Professor, Director Megan F. Liu
15:00~15:50 Consumer to clinical therapies
Department of Health Science,
Macquarie University

15:50~16:20 Panel Discussion

16:20~16:30 Closing Ceremony

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