Security and Privacy in Metaverse-5
Security and Privacy in Metaverse-5
Security and Privacy in Metaverse-5
11 661
3 authors, including:
Yan Huang Yi Li
Kennesaw State University Kennesaw State University
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
All content following this page was uploaded by Yan Huang on 17 November 2022.
Metaverse describes a new shape of cyberspace and has become a hot-trending word since 2021. There are
many explanations about what Meterverse is and attempts to provide a formal standard or definition of Metaverse.
However, these definitions could hardly reach universal acceptance. Rather than providing a formal definition of
the Metaverse, we list the four must-have characteristics of the Metaverse: Socialization, Immersive Interaction,
Real World-building, and Expandability. These characteristics carve the Metaverse into a novel, fantastic digital
world but also make it suffer from all security/privacy risks, such as personal information leakage, eavesdropping,
unauthorized access, phishing, data injection, broken authentication, insecure design, and more. This paper first
introduces the four characteristics, then the current progress and typical applications of the Metaverse are surveyed
and categorized into four economic sectors. Based on the four characteristics and the findings of the current
progress, the security and privacy issues in the Metaverse are investigated. We then identify and discuss more
potential critical security and privacy issues that can be caused by combining the four characteristics. Lastly, the
paper also raises some other concerns regarding society and humanity.
essential roles in training pilots. Unanticipated events, perspective-taking of public healthcare awareness eas-
weather changes, terrain, and airspace information can ier. Empathy training can strengthen the social net-
all be simulated with multiple variations for pilots to work and improve social support for suffering patients
practice skills in safe environments. The technologies and families. Pilot studies have reported positive feed-
are also used in assisting aircraft maintenance and en- back using VR to cultivate empathy for older peo-
gineer training. Remote and virtual assistance can im- ple [19], nausea and vomiting management [90], visual
prove work efficiency. Furthermore, airlines are invest- deficit [7], and Parkinson’s Disease [63].
ing in bringing in VR headsets to enhance the inflight Virtual assistants based on AI [49] also started to
experience of their passengers [4]. serve in daily lives. From innovative IoT tools to hu-
In the second sector, real-world building and immer- manoids, from completely virtual companions to vir-
sive interactions are realized by virtual planning, de- tual idols and virtual customer service, with the help
sign, engineering, and management. Applications can of deep learning, big data, and AI, are replacing some
be expanded to other sectors, such as educational train- actual human labor or assistants. Media, movies, en-
ing and remote management, thus also further enhanc- tertainment tools, games, financial markets, tours, and
ing socialization. more, are embracing new technologies and attempting
The tertiary sector involves services. Services include to provide more customized services dedicated to their
but are not limited to retail businesses, transportation target audience.
and distribution, restaurants, tourism, insurance, bank- In the tertiary sector, real-world building and immer-
ing, healthcare, and legal services. The following para- sive interactions are delivered through assistant services
graphs list typical Metaverse applications and current provided by robots or virtual agents that connect related
progress in this sector. fields. Added remote or virtual services further enhance
Digital twins have gone a long way to provide more the socialization characteristic in this sector. Applica-
immersive interactions in displays, tours, and art pre- tions can be expanded to different aspects within the
sentations. With the support of scanning cameras and sector or other sectors.
3D reconstruction, VR can replicate existing master- The quaternary sector includes intellectual activities
pieces, galleries, and museums with incredible resolu- and pursuits. Most businesses in this sector are engaged
tion, and bring the site to a remote user. One can stay in research and development, information technology,
at home and enjoy the virtual visits, with the ability to education, and consulting services. The following para-
skip tour lines, 360 degrees of appreciation, and even graphs list typical Metaverse applications and current
possible interactions without causing any damage to the progress in this sector.
original items. On the other hand, onsite visits often in- The most generic applications of Metaverse, espe-
tegrate AR technology with geographic markers to en- cially services and solutions, would be education and
able virtual prompts of related information, audio tours, remote office solutions. 3D reconstructions and simu-
and possible interactions with the objects, eliminating lations can be used to convey knowledge to teach any
the extra physical signs that are limited by space restric- user in the world. From lower skills such as vocabu-
tion and aesthetics concerns. These applications can be lary and concept teaching to higher-order thinking skills
further extended with social attributes such as a virtual such as cognition and leadership, immersive technolo-
guestbook that allows visitors from different time di- gies can provide various help in the specific knowl-
mensions to communicate, as well as trivia quizzes with edge hierarchies. Complicated scenarios that are hard
a leaderboard to enable competition and better retention to elaborate in real life can be created virtually under
of knowledge after a virtual visit. carefully designed system constraints, to provide a re-
IoT and immersive technologies have made modern peatable and interactive experience for users to achieve
healthcare ever smarter. They provide assistance not their learning goals. On the other hand, the remote
only for clinical diagnosis, treatment and research [99], office can bring people together when necessary with-
but also for prevention for onset and relapse [91], re- out limitations on physical distance and travel expenses.
habilitation [83], and medical education [59]. Further- The current telecommunication or video calls may have
more, not just benefiting people’s health, but the em- provided essential solutions during the COVID-19 pan-
bodiment and immersiveness of immersive technolo- demic, but only being able to see facial expressions and
gies, and the remote distribution of IoT have made hear voices are hardly natural office experiences. The
Yan Huang et al.: Security and Privacy in Metaverse: A Comprehensive Survey 5
Table 1 Metaverse Applications, Security and Privacy Issues and Solutions Comparison
the least necessary privileges [80]. Man-in-the-middle The private or sensitive information of users can be
attacks eavesdrop on or alter the communication be- leaked from public information from a secure social net-
tween user and server and may intercept/modify data work platform. Social network sites ask users to cre-
packets, thus compromising confidentiality, integrity, ate a profile that contains sensitive information [20].
and availability of the system [12]. The most effective Users are willing to share their other activities to en-
way to prevent this attack is by utilizing strong authen- joy the services provided by the platform, such as shop-
tication and cryptographic protocols [11, 51]. Authen- ping services from the business platform and friends-
tication algorithms can be applied to preserve the data making services on Facebook, etc [20]. A malicious
integrity in communication channels [23], while cryp- party can collect sensitive information of social network
tographic protocols can be used to achieve data avail- users from their online profiles and public information.
ability [43]. Meanwhile, attack detection algorithms In [77], the researcher found that privacy in publishing
are necessary to monitor the system and prevent fur- social network data is being used by unexpected people
ther attacks if detected [14]. Cross Site Scripting such as social network providers, analysts, adversaries,
(XSS) attacks inject external malicious JavaScript code etc. Meanwhile, the social network platform provider
into websites. Attackers can inject malicious JavaScript may trade the collected users’ profile and activity in-
code directly into the client website or into a store lo- formation in the data market [16, 18, 70], thus increas-
cation where it will be requested by the client web- ing the unpredictable risk of privacy leakage. Analysts
site [30]. Metaverse with embedded web pages is ven- can collect users’ information from public data or pur-
erable to this type of attack. A web proxy with XXS chase from the social network provider. These data can
detection algorithms can be used to mitigate possi- be used to mine purposely for marketing and advertis-
ble cross-site scripting attempts [54]. Recently, deep ing [64, 92]. Adversaries can utilize personal informa-
learning model utilization improved the XXS detection tion to send phishing or scam messages. These mes-
accuracy and effectiveness [34]. From the software sages with real personal information dramatically in-
engineering aspect, the Open Web Application Secu- crease the success rate of phishing or scam, thus causing
rity Project (OWASP) published XSS Prevention Cheat severe troubles to social network users [38]. Recently,
Sheet [71] to guide software engineers in preventing Generative adversarial networks (GAN) have been em-
XXS attacks in web application development. ployed to generate fake voices, images, or videos that
3.1.2 Privacy issues and Solutions hear/look real based on the public voice, image, or
Privacy leakage happens almost every where in social video data. These almost real fake data have caused
networks, even in a well-maintained, secure platform. more critical fraud and crime than ever before [52, 67].
Yan Huang et al.: Security and Privacy in Metaverse: A Comprehensive Survey 7
The best way to protect users’ privacy is to cut the data 3.2 Immersive Interaction Related Security and
exposure on the clients’ side. K-anonymity [89] and L- Privacy Issues and Solutions
diversity [66] are algorithms to hide users’ real data in
a set of fake data, thus preventing users’ real data be The immersive interaction involves many devices,
detected. Differential privacy [31] is a statistical disclo- such as wearable devices, headsets, base stations, and
sure control algorithm that can disturb each user’s real controllers, with massive data exchange. Data serializa-
data but still can have a relatively accurate statistical re- tion and deserialization are essential to exchange (send
sult from a group of people. To prevent GAN based and receive) data. However, attackers may be able to in-
attacks, anti-GAN algorithms [21, 88] are invented to ject hostile serialized data into the communication and
add noise to users’ different types of data to prevent make it the initial entry point to a complex system. This
fake data generation. The noise is invisible to people kind of attack is called Insecure Deserialization which
but will lead the GAN to generate fake data that are dif- is one of the top 10 security risks [96]. For exam-
ferent from the real data. ple, [75] shows a deserialization vulnerability in the An-
Users’ confidential information may also be leaked droid system that allows for arbitrary code execution in
from data breaches. There are more than 9000 data the context of many apps and services and elevates the
breaches since 2005 that led to the loss of 11.5 billion privileges of malicious applications. There are multiple
individual records that made a significant financial and methods to avoid insecure deserialization attacks: the
technical impact [39, 41]. In [22], Chen et al. proposed data serialization should be encrypted and monitored;
possible solutions to prevent and detect data breaches the data sources should always be authenticated; a fire-
in the platform. Based on their analysis, we suggest wall can be utilized in a computing-capable device [75].
the following defending strategies. Basic security pro- The deserialization vulnerability can be analyzed with
tection mechanisms are always needed and should be static scan [57]. Further improvement and enhancement
enhanced, including firewall, antivirus, authentication, can be executed based on the analysis report.
and access control. Besides, data leak prevention and Communication among all these devices and re-
detection techniques are necessary for platforms. These mote/cloud services gives users an immersive experi-
techniques can be categorized into content-based ap- ence. These devices are also embedded with many sen-
proaches and context-based approaches. Content-based sors that can collect more sensitive information, such as
approaches [82, 86] are mostly rule-based algorithms fingerprints, locations, and facial identities [46,47,101].
that detect data fingerprints that are added to or exist A security breach can cause more critical risks to users
in stored data. A data leak is detected if a known fin- of these devices because many biometrics (e. g. fin-
gerprint is detected in external space. Context-based gerprint and facial identity) are unique and will not
approaches [68, 85, 85] use machine learning and data change throughout the life span of users. As a result,
mining-based algorithms to detect abnormal access pat- rigorous protection should be applied to each device
terns to internal data or to detect the watermark in the and communication. An efficient end-to-end authenti-
unauthorized data. Context-based and content-based cation protocol was proposed [50] to secure the infor-
approaches are strongly encouraged to be performed si- mation collected from wearable health monitoring sen-
multaneously to keep monitoring the security status of sors based on quadratic residues. For wearable devices
data [26]. with limited computational capability and battery, some
Sometimes, platforms can also leak information from lightweight authentication protocols can be applied.
inadvertent data publication or improper security or Das et al. [29] invented a scheme that allows users to
privacy protection configuration. For example, Net- mutually authenticate their wearable devices and the
flix published an anonymized dataset for a $1 million mobile terminal and establish a session key among these
prize recommendation competition [13]. However, the devices for secure communication between the wear-
anonymized dataset was used to infer users’ sensitive able device and the mobile terminal. Two-factor [94]
information by linking with other datasets. To avoid or three-factor [81] authentication methods are widely
this kind of risk, platforms should employ high-level used to enhance security protection.
security and privacy protection mechanisms with proper While biometrics-based authentication such as using
configurations. The platform should always include ex- voice [25], fingerprint [24], and face [103] is popular
perts to evaluate the impacts before any data release. nowadays because of their convenience, these methods
8 Big Data Mining and Analytics, 9020047 2022, x(x): xxx-xxx
may also cause the risk of leaking users’ biometrics. usually built among applications to compose a single
Pagnin et al. [72] discussed the possibility and impact multi-functional Metaverse, as in mobile devices. How-
of biometrics leakage in authentication systems. The ever, these communication channels allow one app to
best practice is to keep all biometrics in the local de- read the system component’s status and the other app’s
vice and never send them out. As Apple did for their outgoing information, which may create a back door
touchID, the fingerprint will be stored and encrypted in for third-party tracking/cross-app tracking [79]. As a
the local chip instead of their remote server [9]. Their result, users’ privacy can be leaked from third-party
devices will compare the authenticating fingerprint with tracking/cross-app tracking.
stored fingerprint records. The only output from the au- The first step of the solution would be to prevent
thentication system is TRUE or FALSE. Thus, even if third-party tracking/cross-app tracking is to block un-
the device or remote service provider is hacked, the fin- necessary tracking channels in the system. Both Apple
gerprints are still safe. and Google have built strict cross-app tracking authen-
tication in their iOS and Android mobile system [55].
3.3 Real World-Building Related Security and Pri-
Users get to decide which app can have the right to
vacy Issues and Solutions
track other apps. Even with this, users may make mis-
The world-building environment simulates the real takes in decisions or even simply click the wrong button
world. Each user has character settings in the world- and give away the control. On the other hand, seam-
building environment with complete information on ev- lessly interconnected devices in the Metaverse via Blue-
ery aspect, including hobbies, interests, friendships, and tooth and other communication protocols promise un-
expertise. The complete information of a user can build limited room for third-party tracking/cross-app track-
a user profile that reveals significant meta relations [65]. ing [17,56]. To further improve the solution, third-party
The user profiles, together with the knowledge graph, tracking/cross-app tracking analysis tools and detection
are typically used for recommendation systems [44,61]. algorithms should be applied [87]. Considering that
However, massive users’ privacy is at risk of being the computational power of devices is usually limited
leaked from user profiling. Some privacy protection in the early metaverse era, especially with mobile and
mechanisms should be applied to protect users’ privacy other portable devices, a lightweight detection mech-
while maintaining the world-building environment and anism can be utilized to detect and block third-party
accurate recommendation system. Hasan et al. [42] dis- tracking/cross-app tracking by using a blocklist to block
cussed user profiling with big data techniques, the as- known threat requests and some machine learning mod-
sociated privacy challenges, and the approaches to pre- els to detect and block malicious activities from a third
serving user privacy. Li et al. proposed a graph-based party [27].
framework for privacy preservation [62]. In their work,
a graph was built for dataset representation, background 4 Possible Security and Privacy Issues and
knowledge specification, anonymity operation design, Solutions in Metaverse
and attack inferring analysis. This framework can ac-
commodate various datasets of the world-building en- Metaverse simulates the real world with many exten-
vironment. In [100], the authors added information sions. The economy is one must-have factor to sup-
perturbation mechanisms with differential privacy into port all the activities in Metaverse. Some traditional
the recommendation system and created an encryption companies, including restaurants such as McDonald’s
paradigm to enforce privacy protection. and retailers such as Nike, are preparing for the Meta-
verse to become a space where one can go shopping,
3.4 Expandability Related Security and Privacy Is-
play games, meet friends, attend concerts, work and
sues and Solutions
generally build a virtual life [53]. In preparing for
Metaverse extends the real-world building environment these activities, digital assets, such as digital arts, vir-
by adding more functions. For example, users can have tual goods, and services, have gained their investment
“in-person” meetings in a VR room, shop in a virtual value in Metaverse and become important in the virtual
mall, or operate surgery remotely. These functionali- economy. Blockchain [76] technology, cryptocurrency,
ties are added to the Metaverse system through many and NFT play a vital role in supporting and securing
different applications. Communication channels are the virtual economy in Metaverse, by certificating the
Yan Huang et al.: Security and Privacy in Metaverse: A Comprehensive Survey 9
unique identity (recorded in the blockchain) of virtual other security problem in DT. Data poisoning attacks
assets that can be owned and traded [8]. Normal cur- pollute DT learning by tampering with the training data
rency may still be functioning in Metaverse, but the tra- or labels, thus decreasing the model’s utility. If the at-
ditional centralized payment system has many problems tacker dominates the training process, it can manipulate
people want to avoid in the new digital world, such as the training result. In [73], the authors proposed a rein-
unreliability system, credit fraud, and privacy leakage. forcement learning (RL)-based intelligent central server
Cryptocurrency is a digital currency that is based on with the capability of recognizing heterogeneity or data
blockchain [33]. Thus, it does not rely on any central poison attack in the FL training process. When minor-
platform. Users can have an anonymized, secure pay- ity clients or data poison attacks are detected, the central
ment experience based on cryptocurrency. Cryptocur- server will remove their updates to keep the best perfor-
rency and NFT also have their drawbacks, such as legal mance of the trained model.
issues and collusion between majority entities. These In the complicated environment of the Metaverse,
issues are expected to be resolved or mitigated with phishing also gets more sophisticated. Users create their
technology improvement. avatars and deal with other users’ avatars representing
World-building is one of the necessary characteris- actual humans. Pictures or 3D models are used to build
tics of the Metaverse. The real world simulation has the avatars based on their real or preferred appearance.
been practiced for more than 50 years. Recently, a new These avatars can be easily copied and used in phishing,
technology, Digital Twin (DT), has the ability to present which will not be similar to traditional phishing emails.
an up-to-date environment in operation that includes the It could be an avatar acting like users’ friends or family
environment’s condition and relevant historical data. To in a virtual space like Meta Worlds Horizon. A form
be more sepecific, a DT system is a digital representa- of deep learning technique may be maliciously used to
tion of a physical asset, environment, or system that was imitate appearances, actions, and voices to deceive, thus
initially developed to automatically aggregate, analyze, getting credential information, digital assets, and NFTs
and visualize complex information through continu- from targeted users. Moreover, cybercriminals can copy
ous interactions with the real world [93]. The world- known digital marketplaces and create fake replication
building utilizes DT to model not only the physical to trap users into spending money. Fake replications can
world but also the behavior and performance of physi- be exactly the same as the official virtual space, which
cal entities in the digital world. That is to say, DT keeps makes businesses dangerous in Metaverse, especially
querying massive of data from the environment or ob- for Metaverse newcomers.
ject it represents. These data are stored and processed in For better comparison, all the discussed existing and
DT to decide the overall quality and utility of the DT. In possible security and privacy issues and solutions in
other words, if we want to derive a DT that has no dif- Metaverse are listed in Table 1.
ference from the environment or object it represents, the
environment or object should be transparent to DT and 5 Other Related Issues in Metaverse
have no privacy. Federated Learning (FL) can serve as a
solution for privacy protection because clients only up- In addition to the issues discussed in the previous
load training parameters to the DT instead of raw data. sections in more technological terms, possible mental
Pang et al. proposed a framework that fused city DT and physical health concerns, safety issues, and societal
with FL to achieve a novel collaborative paradigm that problems raised by Metaverse cannot be overlooked.
allows multiple city DTs to share the local strategy and Similar cases have been identified in the Second Life
status quickly [74]. In their work, an FL central server [60] a few years earlier as the common issue of simula-
serves as a global DT and gains the correlations between tion and multi-player gaming platforms. Some of them
various response plans and infection trends. Communi- can happen or even worsen in the upcoming Metaverse,
cation during DT training among all the twins needs to since it consists of not only one gaming platform but an
be protected. Xiong et al. investigate the security vul- entire ecosystem.
nerabilities of the existing neural communication sys- The constant transition between the virtual world and
tem and develop a new defense mechanism to facilitate reality and their mixtures can cause both physical and
secure two-way communication [98]. mental problems. Because of the limitation of the cur-
Besides privacy issues, data poison attack [45] is an- rent immersive technologies, the hardware causes fa-
10 Big Data Mining and Analytics, 9020047 2022, x(x): xxx-xxx
tigue and motion sickness in a relatively short period of Since the Metaverse is open to everyone, legit or
time, typically after two or three hours of usage. This malicious, the “Darkverse” is expected to flourish too,
can cause longer reaction time, cognitive fatigue, con- as long as malicious users master the necessary tech-
centration decrease, avoidance of deep thinking, or even niques. The darkverse is similar to the dark web, ex-
loss of interest in real life. Similar to internet addic- cept it exists inside the Metaverse. Illegal or criminal
tion, too much exposure to Metaverse could also cause activities will be more challenging to be detected and
cybersyndrome [69]. Physical disorders can be expe- intercepted by law enforcement agencies because of the
rienced, including weight gain or loss, neck or back pseudo-physical presence of the users and non-so-easy-
pain, dry and red eyes, and other physical discomforts. to-break tokens.
Balance disorders, failure in hand-eye coordination, vi- The Second Life was infamous once because of vir-
sion impairment, and spatial miscalculation can also tual grope and sexual harassment. Despite how ad-
happen. Mentally, social disorders could happen, such vanced and wholesome the Metaverse may seem, the
as neglecting friends and family, sociophobia, or even same problems could still happen. On Meta’s Horizon
depression, because of the gap in self-expectation and Worlds, where a maximum of 20 avatars can hang out
real-life position. together and build within the virtual space, women are
In addition to the previous section mentioned privacy already complaining about sexual harassment [1]. Bet-
and security issues, social engineering attacks [84] will ter mechanisms and safety solutions will be needed to
emerge more since more social communications are car- regulate or prohibit the digital twin version of miscon-
ried out in the digitized Metaverse. Social engineering duct and toxic behaviors.
often intentionally uses psychological manipulation to Other issues include technical difficulties and possi-
trick users. Human feelings, such as curiosity or fear, ble impact on the current economic activities. For ex-
are made into traps to tempt victims. Baiting, Scare- ample, customizable avatars, either humanoids or com-
ware, Pretexting, Phishing, and Spear phishing are com- pletely virtual, will still fall into the tricky “uncanny
monly seen methods used by social engineering attack- valley” [35] just like the Second Life [10]. Mori states
ers. Social security numbers, health records, passwords, that “as a robot is becoming more vivid, the emotional
or even virtual identity, will be harvested if the Meta- response from a human being to the robot will be-
verse residents have no precautions or awareness. come increasingly positive and empathic, until a point
In a larger societal scale, identity crisis can happen is reached beyond which the response quickly becomes
to people, especially teenagers who do not have mature that of strong repulsion” [3]. Many researchers have
cognition yet. The digital twin of the person or virtual investigated the situation but only to find it hard to re-
avatar may create a mismatch between their real iden- solve. This brings up even more challenges in the field
tity and the virtual world, both in appearance and inter- since immersiveness will provide more presence and,
nal mental status. Too much virtual involvement may thus, cause stronger repulsion if it falls into the uncanny
blur the boundary of both worlds, and malicious ideol- valley. A careful balancing of human-like features in
ogy may be easily instilled, such as bias, discrimination, the design of virtual avatars or androids cannot be un-
violence, and even viral propaganda. derestimated.
Customizable avatars and more data computing pow- Last but not least, there are plenty of new words be-
ered AI will easily cause “information cocoons” or ing coined along with “Metaverse”, such as “Metasoci-
so-called “echo room effect” and thus shallow cogni- ety”, “Metaeconomics”, “Metamanagement”, “Metaen-
tion [37]. Intelligent recommendations, big data anal- terprise”, “Metacity”, and so on [95]. The job market
ysis, adaptation engines, and IoT personalized digital may face a crisis and transition once more; some current
assistants will isolate individuals, especially younger and traditional profitable jobs may be replaced. New
generations, who habitually rely on smart devices and products and services, job profiles, and business models
their recommendations. What the individual receives will be needed to adapt to the challenges and impacts.
is no longer comprehensive knowledge but fragmented
and biased information source. It is threatening to the 6 Conclusions
culture that the younger generations are vulnerable to
the influence of the Metaverse, resulting in losing deep In this paper, we have identified the four core char-
thinking and critical thinking skills. acteristics that help define and summarize the current
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Yan Huang et al.: Security and Privacy in Metaverse: A Comprehensive Survey 15
Yan Huang is currently an Assistant Pro- Zhipeng Cai received his Ph.D. and M.S.
fessor in the Department of Software En- degrees in the Department of Computing
gineering Game Development at Kenne- Science at the University of Alberta and a
saw State University (KSU). Dr. Huang re- B.S. degree from Beijing Institute of Tech-
ceived his Ph.D. degree in the Department nology. Dr. Cai is currently an Assistant
of Computing Science at Georgia State Professor in the Department of Computer
University. He is broadly interested in pri- Science at Georgia State University. His re-
vacy and security, with particular emphasis search agenda focuses on networking, pri-
on deep learning aided privacy protection solutions and cyberse- vacy, and big data. He has published more than 50 journal pa-
curity challenges in the IoT environment. pers, including more than 20 IEEE/ACM Transactions papers,
such as in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineer-
Yi (Joy) Li received her Ph.D. and M.S. ing, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing,
degree in Computer Science from the Uni- IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, and IEEE Transactions
versity of Louisville, KY in 2018. She on Mobile Computing. Dr. Cai is the recipient of an NSF CA-
is currently an assistant professor of Com- REER Award. He is an editor/guest editor for Algorithmica,
puter Game Design and Development in Theoretical Computer Science, Journal of Combinatorial Opti-
the Department of Software Engineering mization, and IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biol-
and Game Development at Kennesaw State ogy and Bioinformatics. He is a senior member of the IEEE.
University. Her research interests focus on
affective gaming, eXtended reality (XR), and human-computer
interaction. She has extensive experience in gamification for ed-
ucation, and makes an effort in applying gaming tools in health-
care, such as training for empathy or intervention on mental dis-