Lelia Shawl
Lelia Shawl
Lelia Shawl
Lelia Shawl
Lelia shawl is light and lacy, the perfect summer shawl for any occasion. There are two versions of the shawl that
differ only in color, but give it a totally different look.
If you’re girly and romantic, you will probably choose to make the beige version with contrasting color edge, and if
you’re the person who loves conspicuous and modern design, then the salmon pink version with colorful bobbles is
for you. You can dive into your creativity and make your own version, of course, because the design is quite simple
and allows for many modifications. What else can I say? Whatever version you decide to make enjoy the ride!
1 © Dragana Savkov Bajic for Dada’s place 2020. All rights reserved.
Lelia Shawl by Dada’s place
Version A Version B
beige with lilac border one-colored with colorful bobbles
Yarn: Yarn:
Anna 16 by Yumco, 100% cotton, 100 g/530 m (3.53 Hakelgarn by Yumco, 100% cotton, 100 g/530 m, color
Oz/579 yds) color beige, or any super fine, light fingering salmon pink, or any super fine, light fingering yarn or
yarn or crochet thread for doilies. crochet thread for doilies.
You’ll need 2 skeins, or approximately 185 gr. You’ll need 2 skeins of the main color and several grams of
lime green, peach, turquoise and purple.
Hakelgarn by Yumco, 100% cotton, 100 g/530 m, color
lilac CC1 – lime green
CC2 – peach
You’ll need approximately 40 g. CC3 – turquoise
CC4 - purple
2 © Dragana Savkov Bajic for Dada’s place 2020. All rights reserved.
Lelia Shawl by Dada’s place
Chain stitch (ch): Yarn over, pull yarn through loop on hook. st/sts – stitch/stitches
sp/sps – space/spaces
Slip stitch (sl st): Insert hook into stitch, yarn over and draw yarn through
stitch and through loop on your hook. sc – single crochet
dc – double crochet
Single crochet (sc): Insert hook into stitch, yarn over, pull up a loop, yarn over,
and pull yarn through both loops on hook. tr – treble crochet
Double crochet (dc): Yarn over, insert hook into stitch, pull up a loop (three bobble – 6tr bobble stitch
loops on hook), [yarn over, pull yarn through two loops] twice.
yo – yarn over
Treble crochet (tr): Yarn over twice, insert hook into stitch, pull up a loop RS – right side
(four loops on hook), [yarn over, pull yarn through two loops] three times.
WS – wrong side
6tr Bobble stitch (bobble): [Yarn over twice, insert hook into stitch, pull up a
beg – beginning
loop, (yarn over, pull yarn through two loops) twice] 6 times, yarn over and
draw yarn through all 7 loops on hook. PM – place marker
RM – remove marker
MC – main color
CC – contrasting color
70 cm (27”)
● Ch-7 at the beginning of row counts as tr + ch-3
after blocking
● Bobble stitch refers to 6 treble crochet bobble stitch.
3 © Dragana Savkov Bajic for Dada’s place 2020. All rights reserved.
Lelia Shawl by Dada’s place
Row 1: Working in a magic ring ch-5 (counts as dc + ch-2), 1 ch-3, 2 tr) in ch-3 sp, **ch-1, skip 1 st, tr in next st; repeat
dc, ch-3, 1 dc, ch-2, 1 dc. Close the ring. Turn. from ** to last 2 sts, ch-1, skip 1 st, 2 tr in last st. Turn.
4 sts in total 27 sts per side
Row 2: Ch-7 (counts as tr + ch-3 here and throughout), tr in Row 12: ch-4, tr in same st, 2 tr in next st, *tr in ch-1 sp, tr
same st, skip ch sp, (tr, ch-3, tr) in next dc, (tr, ch-3, tr) in in next tr; repeat from * to last st before corner, tr in next
ch-3 space, place stitch marker in ch-3 sp to indicate the tr, (2 tr, ch-3, 2 tr) in ch-3 sp, 1 tr, **tr in next tr, tr in ch-1
corner (PM henceforward), (tr, ch-3, tr) in next dc, (tr, ch-3, sp; repeat from ** to last 2 sts, 2 tr in next tr, 2 tr in fourth
tr) in third ch of ch-5. Turn. 10 sts in total ch of beg ch-4. Turn. 55 sts per side
Row 3: Ch-7, tr in same st, [skip ch sp, tr in next tr, ch-3, tr Row 13: Ch-7, tr in same st, *skip 3 sts, (tr, ch-3, tr) in next
in next tr] twice, remove marker (RM henceforward) (tr, st; repeat from * to last 2 sts before corner, skip next 2 sts,
ch-3, tr) in ch-3 sp, PM, tr in next tr, ch-3, tr in next tr, skip (tr, ch-3, tr) in ch-3 sp, PM, skip 2 sts, (tr, ch-3, tr) in next st,
ch sp, tr in next tr, ch-3, tr in next tr, (tr, ch-3, tr) in forth ch **skip 3 sts, (tr, ch-3, tr) in next st; repeat from ** to last 4
of ch-7. Turn. 7 sts per side sts, skip 3 sts, (tr, ch-3, tr) in top of beg ch-4. Turn.
29 sts per side
Row 4: Ch-7, tr in same st, *skip ch sp, tr in next tr, ch-3, tr
in next tr; repeat from * to corner, RM, (tr, ch-3, tr) in ch-3 Row 14: As Row 4. Turn. 31 sts per side
sp, PM, **tr in next tr, ch-3, tr in next tr, skip ch sp; repeat
from ** to beg ch-7, (tr, ch-3, tr) in forth ch of ch-7. Turn. Row 15: As Row 4. Turn. 33 sts per side
9 sts per side
Row 16: As Row 4. Turn. 35 sts per side
Rows 5: As Row 4. Turn. 11 sts per side
Row 17: Ch-4, tr in same st, *3 tr in ch-3 sp, tr in next 2 tr;
Rows 6: As Row 4. Turn. 13 sts per side repeat from * to corner, RM, (2 tr, ch-3, 2 tr) in ch-3 sp,
**tr in next 2 tr, 3 tr in ch-3 sp; repeat from ** to last
Rows 7: As Row 4. Turn. 15 sts per side 2 tr, tr in next 2 tr, 3 tr in beg ch-7 sp, 2 tr in forth ch of
Rows 8: As Row 4. Turn. 17 sts per side ch-7. Turn. 89 sts per side
Row 9: Ch-4 (counts as tr), 2 tr in same st, *3 tr in ch-3 sp, Row 18 (WS) Version B: add CC2 at beg of row: Ch-1, 2 sc
tr in next 2 sts; repeat from * to corner, RM, (2 tr, ch-3, 2 in same st, 2 sc in next st, 1 sc, 1 bobble, *9 sc, 1 bobble;
tr) in ch-3 sp, **tr in next 2 sts, 3 tr in ch-3 sp; repeat from repeat from * to last 5 sts before corner, 5 sc, (1 sc, ch-3, 1
** to last 2 tr, tr in next 2 sts, 3 tr in ch-7 sp, 3 tr in forth ch sc) in ch-3 sp, 5 sc, 1 bobble, **9 sc, 1 bobble; repeat from
of ch-7. Turn. 45 sts per side ** to last 3 sts, 1 sc, 2 sc in next tr, 2 sc in top of beg ch-4.
Version B: fasten off CC2. Turn. 92 sts per side
Row 10 (WS) Version B: add CC1 at beg of row: Ch-1
(doesn’t count as st here and throughout), 2 sc in same st,
Row 19: As Row 11. Turn. 49 sts per side
2 sc in next st, 7 sc, 1 bobble, *9 sc, 1 bobble; repeat from
* to last 5 sts before corner, 5 sc, (1 sc, ch-3, 1 sc) in ch-3
Row 20: As Row 12. Turn. 99 sts per side
sp, 5 sc, 1 bobble, **9 sc, 1 bobble; repeat from ** to last 9
sts, 7 sc, 2 sc in next st, 2 sc in top of beg ch-4. Version B:
Row 21: As Row 13. Turn. 51 sts per side
fasten off CC1. Turn. 48 sts per side
Row 22: As Row 4. Turn. 53 sts per side
Row 11: Ch-4, tr in same st, *ch-1, skip 1 st, tr in next st;
repeat from * to last st before corner, ch-1, skip 1 st, (2 tr,
4 © Dragana Savkov Bajic for Dada’s place 2020. All rights reserved.
Lelia Shawl by Dada’s place
Row 26 (WS) Version B: add CC3 at beg of row: As Row 10. Row 43: Ch-5 (counts as tr + ch-1), tr in next tr, *ch-1, skip
Version B: fasten off CC3. Turn. 148 sts per side 1 st, tr in next st; repeat from * to last st before corner, ch-
1, skip 1 st, (2 tr, ch-3, 1 tr) in ch-3 sp, *ch-1, skip 1 st, tr in
Row 27: As Row 11. Turn. 77 sts per side next st; repeat from * to last st, ch-1, tr in last st. Turn.
153 sts per side
Row 28: As Row 12. Turn. 155 sts per side
- Row 44: Ch-4, tr in same st, * tr in ch-1 sp, tr in next tr;
Row 29: As Row 13. Turn. 79 sts per side repeat from * to last st before corner, 1 tr, (2 tr, ch-3, 2 tr)
in ch-3 sp, 2 tr, *tr in ch-1 sp, tr in next tr; repeat from * to
Row 30: As Row 4. Turn. 81 sts per side beg ch-5, tr in ch sp, 2 tr in forth chain of ch-5. Turn.
307 sts per side
Row 31: As Row 4. Turn. 83 sts per side
Row 45: As Row 13. Turn. 155 sts per side
Row 32: As Row 4. Turn. 85 sts per side
Row 46: As Row 4. Turn. 157 sts per side
Row 33: As Row 17. Turn. 214 sts per side
Row 47: As Row 4. Turn. 159 sts per side
Row 34 (WS) Version B: add CC4 at beg of row: Ch-1, 2 sc Row 48: As Row 4. Version A: change to CC color in last st
in same st, 7 sc, 1 bobble, *9 sc, 1 bobble; repeat from * to when you have 2 loops on hook. Turn.
last 5 sts before corner, 5 sc, (1 sc, ch-3, 1 sc) in ch-3 sp, 5 161 sts per side
sc, 1 bobble, *9 sc, 1 bobble; repeat from * to last 8 sts, 7
sc, 2 sc in top of beg ch-4. Version B: fasten off CC4. Turn. Row 49: As Row 17. Turn. 404 sts per side
216 sts per side
Row 50 (WS) Version B: add CC2 at beg of row: As Row 34.
Row 35: As Row 11. Turn. 111 sts per side Version B: fasten off CC2. Turn. 406 sts per side
Row 36: As Row 12. Turn. 223 sts per side Row 51: Ch-4, tr in same st, 2 tr in next st, tr to corner, (2
tr, ch-3, 2 tr) in ch-3 sp, tr to last 2 sts, 2 tr in next 2 sts.
Row 37: As Row 13. Turn. 113 sts per side Turn. 410 sts per side
Row 52: Ch-4, 2 tr in same st, *ch-2, skip 4 sts, (tr, ch-1, tr)
Row 38: As Row 4. Turn. 115 sts per side
in next st, ch-2, skip 4 sts, 3 tr in next st; repeat from * to
last 9 sts before corner, ch-2, skip 4 sts, (tr, ch-1, tr) in next
Row 39: As Row 4. Turn. 117 sts per side
st, ch-3, skip 4 sts, 5 tr in ch-3 sp, ch-3, skip 4 sts, (tr, ch-1,
tr) in next st, **ch-2, skip 4 sts, 3 tr in next st, ch-2, skip 4
Row 40: As Row 4. Turn. 119 sts per side
sts, (tr, ch-1, tr) in next st; repeat from ** to last 5 sts, ch-2,
skip 4 sts, 3 tr in top of beg ch-4. Turn. 415 sts in total
Row 41: As Row 17. Turn. 299 sts per side
5 © Dragana Savkov Bajic for Dada’s place 2020. All rights reserved.
Lelia Shawl by Dada’s place
Row 53: Ch-4, tr in same st, 3 tr in next st, 2 tr in next st, Row 55: In this row you should evenly distribute sc along
ch-3, skip ch-2 sp, skip next tr, sc in ch-1 sp, *ch-3, skip the upper edge. Ch-1, make 4 sc around each ch-4 and
next tr, skip ch-2 sp, 2 tr in next tr, 3 tr in next tr, 2 tr in around post of each tr, 1 sc around post of each sc to the
next tr, ch-3, skip ch-2 sp, skip next tr, sc in ch-1 sp; repeat middle of the shawl, work 3 sc around ch-3 and around
from * to corner, ch-3, skip next tr, skip ch-3 sp, 2 tr in next post of dc, 1 sc in the middle (magic ring), continue
2 sts, 3 tr in next st, 2 tr in next 2 sts, ch-3, skip ch-3 sp, skip working 4 sc around each ch-4 and around post of each tr,
next tr, sc in ch-1 sp, ** ch-3, skip next tr, skip ch-2 sp, 2 tr 1 sc around post of each sc to end. If you crochet more
in next tr, 3 tr in next tr, 2 tr in next tr, ch-3, skip ch-2 sp, loosely you may need to make 5 sc around ch-4 and around
skip next tr, sc in ch-1 sp; repeat from ** to last 4 tr, skip posts of each tr. It’s important that the edge is not too
next tr, skip ch-2 sp, 2 tr in next tr, 3 tr in next tr, 2 tr in top tight, because we’re going to stretch it to some extent in
of beg ch-4. Turn. 667 sts in total the blocking process.
Row 54 (WS): Ch-1, sc in same st, 2 sc, 1 bobble, 3 sc, Take this into consideration while working this row.
*ch-5, skip ch-3 sp, skip sc, skip ch-3 sp, sc in next 3 tr, 1 When you reach the end don’t cut the yarn. Turn.
bobble, sc in next 3 tr; repeat from * to corner, ch-6, skip
ch-3 sp, skip sc, skip ch-3 sp, sc in next tr, [1 bobble, 3 sc] Row 56: Make sl st in each sc to end. Fasten off.
twice, 1 bobble, 1 sc, ch-6, **skip ch-3 sp, skip sc, skip ch-3
sp, sc in next 3 tr, 1 bobble, sc in next 3 tr, ch-5; repeat Block the shawl.
from ** to end, omitting ch-5 in last repeat and making last
sc in top of beg ch-4.
Version A: change to MC in last st. Version B: don’t cut the
yarn but turn your work to the left and continue working
along the longest side of the shawl. (See chart 9).
585 sts in total
Row 1: Start with a magic Make dc in the ring, then ch-3, dc in the ring; make ch-2, dc in the ring.
ring. Make ch-5 in ring.
(counts as dc + ch-2)
6 © Dragana Savkov Bajic for Dada’s place 2020. All rights reserved.
Lelia Shawl by Dada’s place
skip ch-2 sp
Pull the yarn tail and close Row 2: Turn the work Make tr in the same stitch. Skip ch-2 space, make tr in
the ring. (4 sts) around and make ch-7. the next tr, ch-3, tr in the
(counts as tr + ch-3) same stitch;
beginning ch-5
then make (tr, ch-3, tr) in place a stitch marker into make (tr, ch-3, tr) in in the make (tr, ch-3, tr) in the
ch-3 space, ch-3 space to mark the next tr, third chain of the beginning
corner, ch-5;
Row 3: turn and make [skip ch-3 space, tr in the remove the stitch marker and make (tr, ch-3, tr) in
ch-7, then tr in the same next tr, ch-3, tr in the next from the corner, ch-3 space,
stitch, tr] twice,
7 © Dragana Savkov Bajic for Dada’s place 2020. All rights reserved.
Lelia Shawl by Dada’s place
Bobble st is made on the now we’re going to make [yarn over, draw the yarn make another
wrong side, and it appears an “incomplete” tr, so through two loops] twice, “incomplete” tr in the same
on the right side. To begin, insert your hook into the then stop. You should have stitch (three loops on the
yarn over twice, next stitch, pull up a loop 2 loops on the hook; hook),
(4 loops on hook),
make 4 more “incomplete” yarn over and draw the To form the bobble stitch, This is how the bobble
tr into the same stitch yarn through all 7 loops on make sc into the next stitch. stitch looks on the right
(6 tr in total and 7 loops on your hook. side.
the hook),
8 © Dragana Savkov Bajic for Dada’s place 2020. All rights reserved.
Lelia Shawl by Dada’s place
We’re going to add the take the contrasting color insert your hook into the yarn over, pull up a loop,
new color at the beginning and put it on your work next st so the contrasting
of the row; make ch-1, then along the upper edge, yarn is above the hook and
sc in the same st; between the loop on your
hook and two loops you’ve
just put your hook into,
and draw the yarn through work 1 sc in each stitch until the last stitch before Transfer the main color in
both loops on the hook; carrying the contrasting the bobble. Insert the hook front of the work,
yarn between the stitches, into the stitch, yarn over,
pull up a loop,
take the contrasting yarn, and pull the yarn through Yarn over twice, insert the yarn over and draw the
while you keep the main both loops on the hook. hook into the next stitch yarn through two loops
color in front of the work, Now you’re prepared to and pull up a loop (4 loops (3 loops on the hook),
yarn over, make the bobble stitch on the hook),
with the contrasting yarn.
9 © Dragana Savkov Bajic for Dada’s place 2020. All rights reserved.
Lelia Shawl by Dada’s place
yarn over and draw the yarn Make another make 4 more “incomplete” yarn over and pull the yarn
through two loops, then stop “incomplete” tr into the tr in the same stitch through all 7 loops.
(2 loops on the hook). This is an same stitch, (6 stitches in total and 7
“incomplete” tr. loops on the hook),
To form a bobble stitch we yarn over, pull up a loop, yarn over and draw the Turn around your work and
need to make sc in the next main yarn through both look at the bobble you’ve just
stitch; switch to main color, loops on your hook. The made. It’s pretty. Isn’t it?
insert your hook in the next bobble appears on the right
stitch keeping the side.
contrasting yarn above your
10 © Dragana Savkov Bajic for Dada’s place 2020. All rights reserved.
Lelia Shawl by Dada’s place
Chart 1:
Rows 1 - 5
Chart 2:
(middle section)
11 © Dragana Savkov Bajic for Dada’s place 2020. All rights reserved.
Lelia Shawl by Dada’s place
12 © Dragana Savkov Bajic for Dada’s place 2020. All rights reserved.
Lelia Shawl by Dada’s place
13 © Dragana Savkov Bajic for Dada’s place 2020. All rights reserved.
Lelia Shawl by Dada’s place
14 © Dragana Savkov Bajic for Dada’s place 2020. All rights reserved.
Lelia Shawl by Dada’s place
15 © Dragana Savkov Bajic for Dada’s place 2020. All rights reserved.
Lelia Shawl by Dada’s place
Chart 8:
Rows 45 – 54
(middle section)
Crochet Symbols
slip stitch – sl st
direction of crocheting
chain stitch – ch st
single crochet - sc
double crochet - dc
treble crochet - tr
16 © Dragana Savkov Bajic for Dada’s place 2020. All rights reserved.
Lelia Shawl by Dada’s place
This pattern is for personal use only. Do not claim the pattern as your own. The pattern (or parts of
it) cannot be resold, shared, published, altered, translated or posted anywhere over the internet or
offline! You can sell the finished product for this pattern. Please give credit to me as the pattern
designer and if you sell them online, please provide a link to my shop, or to my website: Dada’s place
17 © Dragana Savkov Bajic for Dada’s place 2020. All rights reserved.