Learning: Department of Ed Uc Ation
Learning: Department of Ed Uc Ation
Learning: Department of Ed Uc Ation
Learning Module
Embroidery is the ornamentation of textiles and other materials with needlework for
personal use and decoration not only at home but for offices as well. The term embroidery is an
English word derived from the old French embroiders meaning edge and border.
Embroidery was introduced into the Orient by the Netherlanders in the 15th century. It was bought
by the Spaniards into the Philippines where it has made a wonderful growth, and work done it
rivals the best work done in Switzerland, a country noted for its exquisite embroidery .
Embroidery reached its highest development during the middle ages. The nuns in the
convents were the first to make articles with embroidery work during their leisure time. Since
then, it became so popular that women started to enjoy it, creating designs of their own. In the
beginning embroideries were done by hand. But since the advent of technology and the invention
of the sewing machine, people are now engaged in the machine embroidery.
Today, because of the fast growth of the industry, elegance of designs and fineness of
workmanship, Filipinos export articles with embroidery work. Embroidery work is best achieved if
correct tools and materials are used. Tools refer to small or handy devices/instruments used in
sewing while materials or supplies are those that are consumed in finishing a project.
Below are the tools and materials use in Embroidery its uses and maintenance.
Gauge – use to measure short distance
Embroidery Needle- a short pieces of steel with a fine point at one end and a
little opening or eye at the other. The kind of embroidery work to do and the kind of thread to
use are two things to be considered in choosing your needle.
Needles should always have a fine tip so that they can easily move in and out of the
fabric. Do not use a needle which is bent, without a point or rusty. This will affect the regularity
and neatness of work. Protect your needles by storing them in a needle case. to sharpen
needles or make pins last longer by rubbing them with an abrasive material such as sandpaper
or heavy wool.
Thread – is available in various types. They differ in terms of texture, fiber content, number of
strands and colors. Threads are usually coded in numbers and color names. They can be
bought in skeins, balls or spools. The color of the thread should suit the color and texture of the
design and the fabric to be embroiders.
1. Back stitch- the most often used to outline a design. This stitch also
forms the base line for other embroidery stitches
3. Chain stitch- one of the more popular stitches used for outlining. When worked in close
rows, chain stitches make good stitches for filling the design area.
4. Cross-stitch- stitched formed by two crossing arms and may be
used for outlining, as borders or to fill in an entire area.
6. Fish Bone- a kind of filling stitch which is ideal for making leaves
or feathers. It requires us to divide the pattern into two and each
side is filled alternately giving it a plaited effect in the centre, thus
ideal to make leaves or feathers.
9. Lazy daisy chain stitch- also called detached chain stitch, this stitch is work in a circle to
resemble the petals of a flower.
11. Running stitch- considered being the easiest stitch for outlining.
12. Satin stitch- a solid filling stitch that is used to cover a design area with long, straight
stitches worked very close together
13. Split- done using quite thick threads, such as wool. It was used as
an outlining stitch or as a filling stitch.
14. Seed- also known as rice grain stitch. Stitch uses simple straight
stitches in a single direction to fill in patterns. It has shorter stitches
above the fabric and longer stitches on the reverse side. They
remind of strawberry seeds, probably, which inspired its name.
15. Stem Stitch- basically an outline stitch, this stitch is usually used
for flower stems, and outlines. It can only be used as filling, rows of
Stem stitch worked closely together within a shape until it is filled
Self - Check 1.1 Direction: Describe briefly the use/s of the following
tools. Write your answer on your notebook.
1. Tape measure
2. Hoop
3. Needle threader
4. Pounce
5. Chenille
6. Tracing paper
7. Sewing box
8. Bag
9. Gauge
10. Embroidery scissor
Direction: Identify the kind of embroidery stitches that is being describe. Write your answer on
your notebook.
1. The simplest stitch and quickest to do. Used as outline or as a filling to make texture. The
stitches are of equal length with equal spaces between them.
2. Also known as detached chain stitch and it resemble the petals of a flower when work in
3. A kind of filling stitch which is ideal for making leaves or feathers.
4. A decorative stitch and can be experimented with threads for various colors over borders.
5. A popular stitch among embroiderers that can be used to create the eyes on an
embroidered face or the center of a flower.
Direction: There are twelve (12) different stitches that can be found in the puzzle. Identify at least
ten (10) of them.
1. _________________________________ 6. _________________________________
2. _________________________________ 7. _________________________________
3. _________________________________ 8. _________________________________
4. _________________________________ 9. _________________________________